Pump up your calves at home. How to quickly pump up your calves at home

Moderately pumped calves are beautiful. Women's legs those who know what sports are look very sexy and have pleasant contours, and men's ones are in harmony with a sculpted body. To obtain a satisfactory result, you must master basic knowledge about calf training and implement them.

Is it possible to pump up your calves at home?

The answer is yes. IN gym it will be faster, and you will be under the supervision of a trainer, but with proper theoretical preparation you can do it yourself. To get started, go through short excursion on anatomy. The calves are the superficial gastrocnemius muscle and the underlying soleus muscle. The latter provides 75% of the attractive volume and exhibits maximum power with the knee joint bent. The calf muscles (25% of volume) tense when a person stands.

This knowledge allows you to accurately answer the question of how to effectively pump up your calves: it is necessary to focus primarily on the internal soleus tissues, which become larger due to the constant flexion and extension of the legs. However, about calf muscles should not be forgotten either. Basic rules for successful training:

  • Do calf exercises no more than twice a week, taking into account the main load. If you are actively working your thigh muscles, reduce the physical impact on your calves.
  • Do not perform cardio exercises after strength training shins. So all your efforts will be useless. It is better to do aerobics at the beginning of classes, then your calves will properly warm up.
  • How to pump up your calf muscles? Do no more than 10-15 repetitions in one approach. Increase the load - add working weight.
  • Increase the number of approaches and reduce the rest between them.

Effective exercises for the calf muscles for girls

There are no obvious features of calf training for women - they can safely practice implementing men’s programs. How to pump up a girl's calves? Do the following exercises:

  1. Lifting on your toes. Lift your heels off the floor (or better yet, use a small stand) and lift them to their maximum height. Slowly lower your feet down. Number of approaches – 3-4.
  2. How to pump up your calves at home even faster? Do the first exercise with weights - pick up water bottles or small dumbbells.
  3. A more complicated version of the calf raise is to perform the task on each leg alternately.
  4. Rise high on your toes and walk around the room in small steps. Don't bend your knees.
  5. Walk up the stairs for 15-30 minutes. Preferably through a step and with weights.
  6. Jumping on the spot or with a skipping rope. How to pump up your calves with this exercise? You should stop when you feel a burning sensation in your shin.
  7. Jumping up from a sitting position. Do 3-4 sets of 8 reps.
  8. Squats with a load. Place your emphasis on your toes.
  9. Single leg squats. Holding onto the support, lower yourself down. Control the position of your body - do not wiggle it or lean to the sides to help yourself.
  10. Raising your toes from a sitting position. Sit on a chair, place a weight on your knees. Raise your toes as high as possible at a slow pace.

How to pump up a man's calves

The right technique will help you achieve excellent results. At home, men perform the above complex, but it will not replace high-quality training on exercise machines with a good weight load. How to quickly pump up your calves? A complex for the legs should be included in the general split scheme. Let's say you train your legs on Mondays and Thursdays and spend time on your calves at the end of the session (not at the beginning). Between this it is necessary to work out different groups muscles to ensure good physical fitness, look irresistible in reality and in photos.

Exercise options in the gym (performed on machines):

  • Calf raise. At the top point, pause for five seconds.
  • Toe press. It is necessary to push the moving platform up with your feet. Your body is in a lying or semi-lying position.
  • Seated calf raise, in a machine, with your knees bent (three different exercises). You will understand how to pump up your calves using these methods when you see the exercise machine. Only the position of the body and the nature of the load on the muscle tissue change.

Many girls focus on their buttocks during training and at the same time forget about the calf muscle. However, it is he who is able to give the legs additional slimness and make them even more attractive. This article will tell you how to pump up a girl’s calves.

Anatomy of the calf muscle

To achieve the desired result in fitness, you need to have a certain set of knowledge in various areas, for example, anatomy. Knowing the anatomy of all muscle groups, you can choose correct exercises that will bring excellent results.

The gastrocnemius muscle is located on the back of the lower leg, and its superficial layers consist of bundles of tendons. You must remember that the caviar has two sections - external and internal. The first of them has large sizes, and the second is located symmetrically under the outer one.

Both sections of the calf muscle limit the popliteal cavity, and at the bottom are attached to the middle of the lower leg, which smoothly passes into the Achilles tendon. This muscle performs two functions - it stabilizes the body during movement, and also ensures the movement of the foot back and forth. In addition to the gastrocnemius muscle itself, this group should also include the soleus and peroneus longus muscles.

How to pump up the calves of a girl's legs at the gym?

Knowing the anatomy of this muscle, it is necessary to create the right training plan. Let's say right away that the basic principles of bodybuilding apply to any muscle, regardless of its size and location on the body - training should be regular, and the loads should gradually increase.

In order for hypertrophy processes to be activated in the body, it is necessary to force the muscles to actively work, which will create sufficient stress. At the same time, we must not forget about the importance of rest, because muscles do not grow during training, but after it is completed. For calves, it is enough to pump them once or twice a week.

The leg muscles have high endurance and each new activity you do should be slightly harder than the previous one. This can be achieved by increasing the number of sets and repetitions, as well as increasing the working weight of sports equipment. You should also remember that in addition to training, you need to move more in everyday life. We recommend abandoning the elevator if there is one in the house and walking more. This will help you achieve your goals.

Now we will move on to consider those movements that will help you answer the question of how to pump up a girl’s calves. If you are a beginner fitness trainer, then at first work only with own weight bodies. In the future you will need weights.

Standing calf raises

The exercise can be performed on a step platform or on the ground. The legs should be at hip level. To remove stress from your joints, bend your knees slightly. In situations where you work on a step platform, in the lower final position the heel trajectories should fall below its level.

This allows for maximum involvement of the target muscle. Scientifically speaking, at the upper end point of the amplitude of movement, the muscles stretch to their maximum, and at the lower end, they contract accordingly. It is very important to perform the movement without pausing so that the muscle is in action throughout the entire set. Perform the movement until you feel a slight burning sensation in your calves, but at least ten repetitions. After this, rest for 30 to 45 minutes and do two or three more sets.

We also draw your attention to the fact that there are two more variants of this movement, the difference between which lies in the location of the foot. If you need to actively work the outer calves, then your toes should be turned inward at 45 degrees. The inner section works actively if you turn the socks at the same angle outward.

Seated calf raises

This exercise should be in your training program on par with the previous one. The technique for performing it is similar, but the differences are that you do not stand, but sit. At the same time knee joints must be bent at right angles. The movement must be performed in three or four sets.

How to stretch a girl's calf muscles?

Very often, beginning athletes do not pay enough attention to muscle stretching. By doing so, they make a mistake and slow down their progress. Now we will look at the most effective movements for stretching the calves.
  1. Alternate stretching with emphasis. Place your hands against the wall, while bending one leg at the knee joint. Place the second one back and push it back as far as possible. The toe of the working leg (which is set aside) should point straight forward. Press the heel of your back foot into the ground until the target muscle is stretched to its maximum. Hold this position for 10 or 20 seconds, then switch legs and repeat.
  2. Folding knife. Take a sitting position with your legs straight out in front of you. Bend your body forward, trying to rest it on your legs. In this case, you need to hold your feet or shins with your hands. Without bending your legs at the knee joints, begin to pull your heels towards you. You need to stay in this position for about 60 seconds.
  3. Downward facing dog. This is one of the yoga positions that allows you to perfectly stretch the calf muscles, as well as back surface hips. Take a position on all fours, then lift your tailbone as high as possible so that your legs are completely straightened, and press your heels into the ground. The position must be held for 40 seconds.

How to pump up your calves at home?

It should be immediately noted that the exercises described above can be performed at home. The halls have special simulators, which are used by athletes. To progress the load at home, you can use leg weights or dumbbells. Remember that the leg muscles take quite a long time to develop and you need to be patient.

In addition to this, I would like to give a few more useful tips, capable of helping everyone who wants to know how to pump up a girl’s calves:

  • Before the main part of the workout, be sure to warm up for 5-10 minutes to avoid injury.
  • Movements must be performed with maximum amplitude.
  • It is very important to progress the load so that the body does not get used to it.
  • You can do a cardio session first and then move on to strength training.
  • After each session, be sure to do stretching exercises for the muscles you worked.
Remember that even simple walking can bring enormous benefits and speed up your progress. Can also be used to solve this problem and jog. You need to run for a long time, but at a low pace. Now let’s talk about a few more effective exercises.
  1. Springs. Take a standing position with your feet level shoulder joints. From this position, begin to slowly rise on your toes. Keep the pace slow and try to get as high as possible. After reaching the highest position of the trajectory, lower yourself down at a similar pace, but do not lower your heels to the ground.
  2. Very simple, but extremely effective exercise, which can be used by anyone who wants to know how to pump up a girl’s calves. You need to move in small steps and make sure that your knee joints are straightened, as is your spinal column.
  3. Jumping with weights. As additional load You can use dumbbells or leg weights. You must first perform a squat and then quickly jump out of this position. Do three sets of 15 repetitions each.
  4. Walking on a step platform. This great way not only pump up the calf muscles, but also get rid of fat deposits. You already understand that in this case you will need a step platform. First, place one leg in the middle, and then the other. In a similar sequence, return to the starting position.
  5. Squatting. I would like to immediately warn beginners that this movement may be difficult for you. However, as you progress, you will be able to start doing it. Aim for 10 repetitions and then add one more each day. The legs are located at the level of the shoulder joints, and the spinal column is straightened. From this position, rise onto your toes, and then perform squats.
  6. Jump rope. This is an excellent piece of equipment for all girls who are going to train at home. Every day you should work with a skipping rope for 10 minutes. This apparatus not only helps pump up the leg muscles, but also produces an aerobic load on the body.
  7. Exercise with a chair. To perform seated calf raises at home, you will need a chair. Sit on its edge and keep your spinal column straight. As you perform the movement, be careful not to let your heels go all the way to the ground. If you use dumbbells as weights, place them on your knees.
We also recommend pausing for five counts in the uppermost position of the trajectory. This will allow you to immediately feel the calf muscles tightening. However, it is necessary to observe moderation in everything, because overload will slow down progress.

How to pump up your calves at home, see below:

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In 95% of people, the calf muscles are lagging muscle group. In order to correct the imbalance, increase the strength, volume and shape of the calf muscles, they should be given special attention. The harmonious development of the lower leg muscles, in addition to the aesthetic beauty of the proportions of your body, will also give functional strength throughout the lower body.

A Guide to Increasing Calf Muscle Volume

A detailed guide for girls on pumping up calves is written in a separate section, but today we’ll talk about how to pump up a man’s calves.

Anatomy of calves

In general, by the word “calves” many people mean the muscles of the lower leg. So that you don’t have any misunderstanding, let’s briefly go over the anatomy of these muscles.

Calf muscles– form a diamond-shaped appearance, those very “calves”. They have two bundles of muscles that pass into a single Achilles tendon. Contracts when you lift your heels with your legs fully extended.

Soleus muscle– forms 2/3 of the volume of the lower leg muscles. Didn't you know?! A gray cardinal who deserves special attention. Located deep under the calf. With proper development, it begins to push the calf outwards, increasing the volume of the entire back shins. Contracts when you raise your heels with your knees bent.

There are still a whole series small muscles, helping to maintain balance and position of the feet, but you should not pay special attention to them - they will one way or another participate in the main exercises for the calves.

Rules for training the calf muscles - how to make a man's calves grow

Rule #1. Full range of contraction/extension

First of all, to ensure full amplitude, make sure that there is always some kind of elevation under the toe. Do not perform calf exercises while standing on a flat surface - you will simply lose useful amplitude.

The greater the amplitude, the more work muscles will perform, the more prerequisites for muscle growth.

The full amplitude is:

  • Lower to the lowest point until the calf muscles are fully stretched. IMPORTANT do not go all the way down and do not take rest breaks at the bottom. Hanging on the tendons, you lose muscle tension, which means the work becomes easier for them and there are no prerequisites for growth. Find a middle ground.
  • Maximum contraction at the top point. Try to rise on your toes as high as possible and a little higher. A man can make his calves work by achieving a powerful contraction at the top point.

The second rule should help you master this principle.

Rule #2. Slow and smooth exercises

When doing calf exercises, focus on a slow pace, allowing time for the lifting and lowering phases. This will allow you to better control the movement. There is no need to jump on bars or exercise machines, “hammering” your lower leg muscles with partial amplitude - this will not work to pump up your calves.

Having achieved the maximum rise on your toes (and a little higher), hold this moment for a while. Don’t attach much importance to the time of such a pause at the top point, it just has to be - half a second/second is enough.

Record the peak contraction for each repetition of each exercise. This way you will force your calves to work to their full potential, stimulating them with load at the moment when they are fully contracted.

Rule #4. Correct Rep Range

Taking into account the practical experience of many athletes, the most successful range of repetitions for the lower leg muscles is from 10 to 15. Why not more? By exceeding 15 repetitions, you begin to work on slow muscle fibers. These fibers are responsible for endurance. They hypertrophy poorly, not giving volume and relief to your calves.

In addition, the number of slow fibers in the calves in most people far exceeds the number of fast fibers. muscle fibers. Because The calf muscles are not designed to perform heavy calf raises, but are used in walking and constantly, then they need endurance - this is precisely achieved by a large number of SMV (slow muscle fibers).

This principle especially applies to natural athletes, for whom a high-repetition training regimen practically does not work (achieving IM hypertrophy is not an easy task). Choose a reasonable heavy weight with which you can perform 10 to 15 repetitions while following the above rules perfectly.

Rule #5. Large amount of stress on the calves

When wondering how to pump up calves, a man has to look for working methods that will make his calves move. One of these is a high volume of training load.

Your calf workout should include at least 6-8 failure sets. The number of exercises can be one (recommended only for beginners at first - 1.2 months), two or more. IN EVERYONE approach, try to end it close to failure.

What you train, grows. As you train, so does it grow.

What is refusal in the correct understanding? This is when you cannot perform the next repetition with perfect technique on your own. Those. a failure approach is 10-15 repetitions, of which the last 2-3 are very difficult, but you perform them cleanly and beautifully (without jerking or cheating).

They love caviar extensive training– it takes a long time for them to get there).

Rule #6. Try to set aside a separate time to train your calves.

There may be three options here:

  • before squats at the beginning,
  • on any other day during upper body training,
  • separate time completely devoted to the calf muscles.

It is very difficult to follow all five rules above when doing calves at the end of a leg workout (hard, but not impossible). Firstly, basic and isolating exercises for the lower body tire the calves, and secondly, at the end of the workout, the central part also becomes tired nervous system, if you want, you don’t have the enthusiasm to train your calves well, efficiently and extensively.

More often this is expressed in the fact that people simply do not finish their work. The load on the calves is weak - there are few incentives for growth!

To pound your calves full program try taking them out at a separate time (not during leg training) and compare the results.

How to quickly pump up your calves – training program

The calf exercises themselves are not as important as following the six principles described above. I will say this, even with one exercise you can pump up your calves, moving their growth forward, but subject to all the rules.

In your workout, use only the most effective movements that force the lower leg muscles to work through their full range of motion. You can highlight separate exercise for training the soleus muscle - this will only be a plus.

The most effective calf exercises are:

  • (calf muscles)
  • Seated calf raises (soleus muscle),
  • toe press (again calf muscles, performed in a leg press machine),
  • “donkey” calf raises (we train the calf muscles with a partner),
  • calf raises while standing on one leg (again an exercise targeting the calf).

Combine the exercises that you like best - they all work. Once again: exercises alone will not help you pump up your calves if you do not follow the principles of training the lower leg muscles.

Example training program:

  • Warm-up
  • Standing calf raises
  • Seated calf raises 1-2 warm-up 4 working reps 10-15 reps
  • Hitch

Or another:

  • Warm-up
  • Toe press 1-2 warm-up 4 working reps 10-15 reps
  • Calf raises while standing on one leg 4 working 10-15 reps on each leg
  • "Donkey" calf raises 1 warm-up 4 working reps 10-15 reps
  • Hitch

Perform each approach in a refusal style (see above). The rest pause between sets should not be more than 1 minute. Despite the fact that calves can simply burn with fire from the load, they very quickly restore their performance.

Read other blog articles.

The problem of a modern person is that he devotes little time to physical activity, and therefore the question of how to pump up calves at home arises more and more often. Girls dream of wearing short skirts and tight dresses, but body imperfections in the form of cellulite and subcutaneous fat look unattractive. Measured, but at the same time active physical activity– the main assistant in the fight against figure imperfections.

Every girl's body has certain problem areas, and first of all, these are the legs. Subcutaneous fat likes to put off on the inside and outside hips, forming terrible ears that upset girls and women of any age. The main nightmare of girls is cellulite, because folds and sagging skin are not attractive, and men are not very attractive.

Among the main reasons why the leg muscles become flabby and the skin sags and takes on an unattractive appearance are:

  1. Significant weight loss. When a person loses weight quickly, the skin simply does not have time to acquire new dimensions.
  2. Age. Women over 30 experience loss of skin elasticity much more often;
  3. Poor nutrition. The human body does not receive the necessary vitamins and microelements in the required quantities, and at the same time, under the layer of the epidermis, it makes a reserve in the form of fatty deposits.
  4. Improper skin care. All kinds of scrubs and wraps, produced both in the salon and at home, are by no means a whim, but a necessity.
  5. Lack of physical activity. The main problem of modern man is his dislike of walking. Why walk to work and waste energy if you can quickly get there by car?
  6. Bad heredity.
  7. Disturbance of metabolic processes in the body.

Many experts argue that the cause of sagging skin on the legs should be sought in dysfunction of the endocrine system. Problems with hormones are diagnosed in every 3 girls who have undergone tests.

Important! It is worth remembering that against the background of endocrine disorders, physical activity will be ineffective, and that is why it is important to undergo treatment.

What is a warm-up and why is it needed?

Before you start doing exercises to lose weight in your calves, you need to do a 10-minute warm-up. Many girls neglect it not only because of the frantic modern pace of life, but also because they simply do not know what use it is.

Warm-up is necessary because the human body needs preparation in order to perform subsequent exercises more efficiently and correctly. In addition, unheated muscles are quite easy to injure. Lungs warm-up exercises help prepare the body for more serious stress and prevent injuries, recharge your batteries.

Warm-up is a kind of preparation stage, but at the same time it is an integral part of the lesson. It helps to increase the amplitude of stretching, heart rate, and develop flexibility.

The warm-up cycle is divided into several stages:

  • stretching;
  • leisurely muscle stretching;
  • running in place (the main task of which is to increase the heart rate and increase the athlete’s body temperature).

The warm-up routine makes a person sweat a little. Experienced athletes never neglect warming up because they know that it is very important. Such preparation helps you quickly integrate into the training process, improve your performance and, thereby, save time on performing the main complex.

Before starting training, the body needs to be prepared psychologically and physically. It is worth remembering that a complex that allows you to warm up will take no more than 10 minutes, and the basic exercises look something like this:

  • performing head rotations clockwise and counterclockwise;
  • basic body bends;
  • rotation of the hands and feet;
  • rubbing your palms until you feel warm;
  • swing your arms to the sides;
  • body turns;
  • swing your legs and arms in a lying and standing position.

The warm-up complex should not include strength exercises- this is a mistake. During the warm-up, the body should not experience stress.

How to pump up your legs - effective sets of exercises for calves

Toning up your calves quickly isn't difficult, but it does take some work. You need to perform exercises to pump up your calves at a comfortable pace; it is extremely important to combine the weight and dynamism of the exercises performed.

How can a girl quickly pump up her calves at home? It is the speed of obtaining the desired result that is primarily of interest to girls. It’s worth noting the following right away - there won’t be stunning results a week from the start of training, but muscle definition will become noticeable.

For reference! To perform the most effective exercises, special equipment in the form of exercise machines and sports equipment is not required.

The list of the most popular, simple, but nonetheless effective exercises is as follows:

  1. Spring. To perform the exercise, you should stand with a straight back and slowly rise on your toes, try to stretch as high as possible, then slowly lower yourself. You need to repeat the exercise 100 times. It is important not to let your heel touch the floor surface.
  2. Walking on your toes. It is an effective, but at the same time, simple exercise that allows you to build up your muscles. inner surface calves Your knees and back should be straight when walking.
  3. Walking up the stairs. For beginners, this should be a measured walk, and for advanced ones it should be replaced by running, while the leg should be tense.
  4. Jumping with a load. Dumbbells weighing no more than 1 kg are suitable as a load; you can also use liter bottles filled with sand. You should take the load in both hands and sit down, try to jump as high as possible. Beginners can land on the entire surface of the foot, and as you become more experienced, you should try to practice landing on your toes. You should perform 3 sets of 15-20 exercises each.
  5. Walking on a walking platform. To perform the exercise, you need to place your foot on the center of the platform, then quickly change it to the second one. The number of repetitions is 40, that is, 20 on each leg. The exercise is performed at a fairly fast pace and therefore it would not be surprising if a nice addition would be pumped up abs and the loss of extra pounds.
  6. Lifting on your feet starting position sitting and standing. In order to pump up the soleus muscle, just sit on a chair and put some weight on your knees. You need to lift your feet off the floor slowly until you feel a feeling of tension in the shin area. To perform the exercise in a standing position, you will need a thick book. You need to place your toe on its edge and try to lift yourself up, without lifting your heel from the floor. Stay in this position for 2-3 seconds, and then return to the starting position.
  7. For those who want to have a pumped-up ankle, the heel raise exercise will help. To perform it, you will also need a thick book, on which you need to stand with your heel, your toes should look down and touch the floor. From this position you need to rise as slowly as possible and try to stretch upward. When executing this exercise there is no need to make sudden jerks, the amplitude should be slow. Perform 40 times for each leg.
  8. Squatting with a load. A simple, yet quite effective exercise that beginners can perform without weights.

Some people find exercise easy, while others find it difficult. In any case, you should remember that discomfort in the muscles may appear, but if unbearable pain occurs, it is better to stop exercising.

Do you have weak calves and do you blame it on genetics? A targeted calf training program will give you a new look at this muscle group. Discover exercises that will help you tone your calves!

We all either love or hate the G word: Genetics. If genetics has gifted us in certain areas of the body, we consider ourselves simply lucky. But if we are faced with difficulties and difficult tasks, we begin to curse it and practically give up the idea of ​​pumping up the symmetrical and proportional body that we dream of every day.

Why are we great at pumping up some muscles and not at all able to pump up others?

Most often we are talking about calves. In all my years of training, I have met only a few athletes who were happy with the size of their calves. Most trainers simply don’t know what else to do to build muscle mass on the calves, and reduce all exercises for this group to a few approaches at the end of the workout.

I hope that this article will help at least a little for those who still dream of impressive calves. You may not be able to build massive muscles like bowling balls, but I truly believe that almost anyone can add significant size muscle mass on the calves and improve overall body proportions. You like to wear shorts in the summer... right?

Building muscle in a weak spot is very difficult task. You will need focus, discipline, determination and attention to detail. To target a weak spot (no matter what part of the body it is), you will need to change the frequency, volume, and technique of the exercises.

A few sets of calf raises at the end of a super-intense hamstrings and quads workout won't solve the problem. You need to radically reconsider your training program and your attitude towards business. Your success depends largely on the belief that you can achieve your goal. Without it, you are unlikely to succeed.

Treat the program and techniques presented in this article like an intense series of bench presses or squats. Using a full range of motion, stretching and contracting your muscles, and paying special attention to rest periods will help you achieve the results you need. Be patient, persistent and let's get started!

A few sets of calf raises at the end of a super-intense hamstrings and quads workout won't solve the problem.

A little anatomy

The musculature of the lower leg includes three main muscle groups. Let's look at each group and its function.

Gastrocnemius: This muscle with two heads (medial and lateral) originates behind the knee on the femur and is attached to the heel by the Achilles tendon. The heads are responsible for the famous diamond shape of the muscle that every trainer dreams of, and are most involved when exercises are performed with straight knees.

Soleus: This muscle is located under the gastrocnemius at the back of the lower leg. It is most involved when the knees are bent.

Anterior tibial: The muscle that gets the least attention is located in front of the shin and is responsible for dorsiflexion of the foot (extends the foot and lifts its edge). The importance of the tibialis anterior muscle is that it is partly responsible for balance as it relates to strength, muscle mass and injury prevention.

Let's pump up huge calves!

Now that you know about the anatomy and movement mechanisms, let's figure out how to get impressive calves. The movements and exercises presented are designed to get maximum results every time you visit the gym. Remember to always use correct technique and don't raise it too much heavy weight so as not to risk your safety.

Standing calf raises

Calf raises are a time-tested exercise for building overall muscle mass in the calves, especially in the calf area. To perform it, secure your shoulders under the pads of the machine and stand on the balls of your feet on the block below, with your feet approximately shoulder-width apart.

The legs should be completely straight except for a slight bend in the knees to take the stress off the joint. While performing the exercise, your knees should remain half-bent.

Slowly move down, lowering your heels towards the floor. When you reach full range of motion and feel a deep stretch in your calves, reverse the movement, lift up on the balls of your feet and squeeze the muscles as much as possible.

Important: As you rise onto the balls of your feet, don't strain your toes—let your feet do all the work. Also, avoid rocking at the bottom or making similar movements throughout the exercise. Many athletes perform this exercise exactly this way and get virtually no results from the effort expended. The result will only be achieved if you perform the exercise at a calm, even pace.

Advice: If your gym does not have a normal machine for performing calf raises with various weights, you can use other options. Try doing sit-ups on a Smith machine. Place a footrest under the loaded bar and perform the exercise as above. No stand? Use free plates or step.

Seated calf raises

Another great exercise for any calf training program is seated calf raises, which develop the soleus muscle. Thanks to this exercise, you can add width (when viewed from the front) and thickness (when viewed from the side) to your calves.

Secure your knees (not your hips) with the exercise pads and place your feet on the platform below, shoulder-width apart. As with the standing version of the exercise, use the full range of motion - you should feel the muscles stretch and squeeze your calves firmly at the top. Don't wiggle your legs!

Advice: If your gym doesn't have a machine for doing seated calf raises, try setting one up yourself. To do this, you can use either a Smith machine or a loaded barbell. For comfort, wrap a soft pad around the bar or place a thick, folded towel on your thighs while performing this exercise.

Place a stand, step or plate under the balls of your feet and secure your knees under the bar. When using a Smith machine, lift the bar and remove it from the rack (it's also a good idea to install safety pins just in case).
When working with free weights, have a partner place a loaded barbell across your thighs and keep your hands on it for balance and safety. Perform the exercise as above.

Calf raises on a leg press machine

One more thing great exercise for general muscle building - calf raises on a leg press machine. They are usually performed on a leg press machine with the back at a 45 degree angle and are an excellent solution when necessary simulators busy or absent.

The secret that distinguishes this option from the others discussed above is to maintain an angle in the hips as close as possible to 90 degrees. At correct execution The calf muscles will stretch incredibly.

Sit in the machine, place your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly - just like when doing this exercise in a standing position. Lower the weight to stretch the muscles, then slowly lift it up for an intense contraction.

Important: Many athletes load a lot of weight and do not complete the movements (the biggest mistake in calf training). Make sure there is enough weight, but not too much weight where you can only lift the slab halfway. Full stretch and full contraction is the only way to make the exercise effective.

In many ways they resemble the previous version. You may have seen videos of this exercise performed by Arnold or Franco during the Golden Era of bodybuilding.

You will need one or two brave friends to complete this exercise. Simply stand on a stand on the balls of your feet (as you would when performing simple standing raises), bend into a hip joints and place your hands on a Smith machine bench or bar. Your partner should climb on your back to add pressure. Perform with straight legs, full stretch and full muscle contraction.

Donkey calf raises

Single leg calf raises

One of the best ways One-leg calf raises, which are, however, very rarely used, are rightfully considered to build muscle mass on the calves. Very few people do these exercises, but if you do, you will significantly strengthen and pump up your lower legs.

Why? Because many athletes do not reach their full potential due to discrepancies in the strength and development of the muscles in their lower legs. Once this point is eliminated, you can move on and begin to build muscle mass on your calves evenly.

These exercises can be done with dumbbells or without a dumbbell in your hand (if you're a beginner, we recommend starting without a dumbbell to practice the movements). Find a stand and place one foot on it as you would for a standard standing sit-up (leg straight, knee slightly bent, back straight).

If you are using a dumbbell, hold it on the side of your working leg, grab a vertical rack for stability and perform the exercise with strict technique (fully stretch the muscles and lift up on the ball of your foot for a full contraction).

Advice: If you find yourself doing more reps on one leg than the other (which is very common), do a few extra reps with strength on your weaker leg. Help yourself a little with your hand without a dumbbell, slightly pulling yourself up on the rack you are holding on to. The muscle will work very intensely, and soon you will notice that the mass is growing evenly.

Heel raises

The exercise that everyone always forgets (or ignores) is heel raises. Primarily used by runners, it will not only add muscle mass to the front of the calf, but will also help strengthen the area, balancing both sides.

This, in turn, will improve your technique and reduce the risk of injury to all lower leg muscles, resulting in a more harmonious and proportionate body.

Simply place your heels on a support and lower your feet down to stretch the muscles. Rise up on your heels and bend your toes upward, pointing your toes toward the ceiling. You don't need weights for this exercise because you may realize that this is your new weak point. Try not to sway back and forth - strictly follow the technique and feel how the muscles work!

Training Plans

Perform one of the following programs 1-2 times per week with at least 4 days of rest between workouts for maximum results. You can alternate exercises and choose those that suit you best.

Note: Perform 1 or 2 warm-up sets of 15-20 reps on the first exercise. Rest only 45-60 seconds between sets (use a watch if necessary). Vary your calf exercise routine twice a week.