How to pump up the outer head of the biceps: a short workout. Exercises for the outer thigh How to pump up the outer thigh

Powerful, developed, sculpted quadriceps can ensure you win a bodybuilding competition, setting you apart from total mass participants. Get the quad muscles you've always wanted with these exercises!

Transform your weak quads into powerful pillars!

Powerful, developed, sculpted quadriceps can ensure your victory in a bodybuilding competition, setting you apart from the crowd of participants. They distinguish a harmonious, proportional, aesthetically beautiful body from an apple-shaped body with a heavy top and thin legs.

Of course, we can't all have quadriceps like professional bodybuilders, but we can build large, powerful, proportional and defined muscles that will impress in any case.

Don't waste time now so that in the future you won't regret that you didn't train your quadriceps enough or didn't spend enough time on them. You can’t even imagine how many athletes wear their pants in the gym in the summer, only to hide the results of insufficient perseverance and discipline when pumping up their quadriceps thigh muscles.

Don't waste time now so that you won't regret in the future that you didn't train your quadriceps enough.

Quadriceps account for a very large volume muscle mass our body. Their training is very difficult and requires a lot of time and effort to build even a few grams of muscle. Intensely pumping your quadriceps muscles will develop your entire body with a natural surge of growth hormones and testosterone.

When performing, say, a squat, the body uses a huge number of muscles to lift the weight upward - quads, hamstrings, back, trapezius, shoulders all involved in moving and/or balancing the weight during the lift. It means general development muscles throughout the body, which contributes to an overall powerful appearance.

You have to ask yourself the question: Do I need this?

A little anatomy

The quadriceps are a large muscle group that consists of four heads on the front of the thigh. Let's take a quick look at these heads and their functions.

Rectus femoris muscle
Starts from ilium, occupies the middle part of the thigh, covering most of the three remaining heads.

External (lateral) vastus muscle hips
It starts from the femur, runs along the side (outer part) of the thigh and attaches to the kneecap.

Vastus medialis muscle
It also starts from the femur, runs along the medial side (inner part) of the thigh and attaches to the kneecap. This muscle is responsible for the teardrop shape of the thigh.

Vastus intermedius muscle
This muscle is located between the lateral and medial in the front of the femur and is attached to the kneecap.

All four heads of the quadriceps are responsible for extending the knee joint. In addition, the rectus femoris muscle, due to its location, also flexes the hip.

Pump up powerful quadriceps!

Now that you know about anatomy and movement mechanisms, let's figure out how to get sculpted, powerful quadriceps. The movements and exercises presented are designed to get maximum results every time you visit the gym. Remember to always use correct technique and don't raise it too much heavy weight so as not to risk your safety.

Squats with a barbell on your shoulders

The back squat (the so-called ancestor of all leg exercises) is the main exercise for developing impressive quadriceps.

Stand under the bar in a squat rack and place the barbell in a comfortable position with your upper back resting on your trapezius muscle. Grip the bar with both hands at your sides for stability. Now step out of your stance and place your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider.

Very important: bend your knees before starting the exercise. Don't bend your hips or back, or you'll end up leaning too far forward. Lower the weight until your hamstrings touch calf muscles or until you reach a comfortable range of motion (ROM). Lift the load up, using your hips first and then your knees. Do not straighten your legs completely at the top.

The range of movement is very individual. Using the full range of motion is practically perfect way performing any exercise, but in the case of squats, problems may arise regarding knee pain and back strain.

Following a proven rule, squat to a comfortable limit, then return to starting position. Don't skimp and take the task seriously. Squats are very difficult exercises, but the results are worth it.

To engage the inner parts (vastus medialis) a little more, try doing squats with your feet a little wider so that your toes point outward.

Front Squats

To perform front squats, stand with the barbell in front of you and position it in a bend. shoulder girdle on . Cross your forearms and secure the bar at your sides. Keep your head straight and your shoulders parallel to the floor. Remove the barbell, step out of the rack and place your feet shoulder-width apart.

Perform this exercise as if you were doing a squat with a barbell on your shoulders. You will find that you can keep your back a little straighter. The front squat develops the quads a little better than the traditional back squat, which requires stronger thighs.

If you're new to front squats and need extra stability, do them on a Smith machine for a while until you get the hang of handling the weight.

If you're tall and either lean forward too much or your heels leave the ground at the bottom, try placing two to four-and-a-half-pound weight plates under each heel for added stability. This technique can be used for both variations of squats.

Hack machine squats

To develop the outer part (lateral muscle) of the quadriceps, there is nothing better than squats in a hack machine. With a moderate weight installed, stand comfortably under the pads of the machine with your feet shoulder-width apart in the center of the foot plate. Lower yourself until you reach full range of motion, then return to the starting position.

Make sure you don't accelerate too much on the downstroke because this will put a lot of stress on your knees. Perform the exercise at a constant pace. And again, as with all leg muscle exercises, do not straighten your knees completely at the top point.

Some gyms do not have this machine, but you should not despair, because there is always a way out. Simply take a weighted barbell and hold it behind your calves (similar to deadlift, only with weights behind the buttocks).

Straighten your back, keep your head straight, and begin to lift yourself up with your leg muscles until you are standing completely straight. Without straightening your legs completely, lower the weight down to the starting position, but do not touch the floor.

This exercise requires strict technique and can only be performed with moderate weights that you can easily lift.

Leg press

Another great way to tone your leg muscles is the traditional 45-degree leg press. The advantage of this simulator is that it practically does not load lumbar region and focuses more on the hips.

Sit in the machine and make sure the seat is moved back enough to allow you to achieve a full range of motion. Place your feet in the center of the plate, shoulder-width apart. Lift the load up without fully extending your knees and remove the safety latches.

Lower the slab as much as possible, constantly monitoring your movements, and lift it back to its original position. Try not to perform half or partial repetitions - this will cheat yourself and not develop muscles.

If the leg press machine at your gym is constantly busy or simply isn't there, you may want to choose another option. Many gyms have additional machines for this muscle group, including selectable weight models and multi-function machines from Hammer Strength.

Leg extensions

For perfect isolation of the quadriceps muscles, the best option is an extension machine. Sit on the machine, place your legs behind its working shoulder and lean your back against the support cushion. Adjust the pad near your shin so that it fits exactly at the 90-degree angle of your foot and ankle.

At a medium pace, lift the weight and immediately squeeze the muscles at the top point, then return to the starting position. Try not to hold your weight up as this will put more stress on your knees, especially the patellar tendon.

To give your upper quadriceps a little workout, try the following extension. Perform the exercise as above, but this time tilt top part body forward so that at the top the angle between your torso and legs is 90 degrees or less. You will need to take a little less weight, but the results will exceed your expectations!


Lunges are a great exercise for toning your quadriceps. Thanks to them, the muscles look nicely rounded and toned. Although many say that lunges engage all the thigh muscles and equally develop the hamstrings and gluteal muscles, in this article we will focus our attention on how lunges can be used to train the quadriceps.

Place a relatively light barbell on your shoulders, as if you were doing squats with a barbell behind your shoulders. Step out of the squat rack and place one leg forward in front of you. Bend your other leg so that your knee is a few centimeters off the floor.

Don't touch your knee to the floor. Make sure your knee doesn't go past your toes, otherwise take a wider step. The second leg will remain behind at all times. After you have squatted, return to your original vertical position and place the leg you used to lunge with the other. Repeat the exercise, switching legs - this will count as one repetition.

A good alternative to lunges with a barbell are lunges on a Smith machine. Simply lunge with one leg and perform all repetitions in this position. You don't need to put your foot down after each rep; do all the reps on one leg first, then switch positions and repeat.

A favorite exercise for most athletes is walking lunges. They are performed in a spacious part of the hall; make sure you have about 10 meters of space to step.

The essence of walking lunges is very simple - you lunge, then put your other leg forward and do the next lunge with that leg. That is, in this exercise you are constantly moving forward.

Beautiful hips are the main component of the stunning figure that a person dreams of. Taking care of the beauty of this part of the body should begin with understanding the device. Thigh - segment lower limb, located between the hip joint and the knee. Let's look at the functions of the thigh muscles.

The muscles of the front of the thigh are responsible for many functions. Responsible for straightening the knee, turning the hip outward, abducting it to the side, moving closer to the stomach. The muscles on the back side are the biceps. The functions include maintaining bodily balance, straightening from a bend, and moving the hip back. The muscles of the inner thigh are called adductors and control the inward movement of the femur. The outer surface of the thigh is made up of the abductor and lateral muscles, visible as the beautiful roundness of the sides of the thighs.

Exercises aimed at the muscles of the outer thighs will help you create shapes that will attract admiring glances. With insufficient physical activity and an unbalanced diet, body fat, popularly called “ears”. You can get rid of it by doing exercises for the outer thigh.

The effectiveness of classes depends on regularity. It is recommended to train daily. If such a schedule is not possible, you should do the exercises three times a week, but you will have to wait longer for the results.

During exercise, it is important to look at the muscles that you want to bring to the desired state. If the load is placed primarily on them, the exercises are performed correctly. If the muscles of the front, back and inner thighs are of less interest than the outer surface of the thigh, the greatest tension is felt primarily on the muscles of the sides.

It's important to keep track of details. Whether the squat is deep enough, whether the heels touch the floor, whether it will be possible to raise the leg higher during the swing, whether the angle of lift is maintained correctly - the result and speed of achievement depend on the quality of the exercises.

A gradual increase in load is justified on time. If the exercise becomes easy, you need to raise the bar. Starting with ten swings, smoothly move to fifteen, twenty. Break into two sets of 20 reps. A gradual increase in load is useful for full training.

It can be done at home and at work, if there is a suitable place. To practice you will need a mat, dumbbells and a good mood.

Possible difficulties during exercises

Training for the beauty of your own legs is pleasant and easy. Small difficulties may arise that are not difficult to overcome. The main trouble that interferes with successful training is slight muscle pain. There is no need to be afraid; on the contrary, you should be happy. This means that the muscles grow and strengthen. The pain will soon pass and turn into a pleasant tension of a trained body, sweetly pleasing with the effectiveness of the effort expended.

Among the exercises on the outer surface of the thigh, there are activities that develop the muscles of the inner part. They are also capable of getting sick. To reduce such side effect, it is recommended to warm up before training. Running (in place), jumping, others aerobic exercise increases muscle temperature, preparing for training.

At first, you will perform “scissors” for a long time, do a large number of swings and lunges, and maintain the quality of movements. If the load specified in the described exercises is unbearable, it is better to do less, but do it well. Endurance comes with regular training.

When performing exercises aimed at a specified part of the body, one must not forget about the entire body. Are training different groups muscles, it is important to monitor your posture - it is supposed to be straight, and your stomach is supposed to be retracted. It is important to monitor your breathing and speed of movements. Don’t be partial, but don’t hesitate either. The speed corresponds to the degree of load sustained during the exercise phase.

To exercise daily, you need to set aside time for exercise. It is better if the training time becomes regular, for example in the morning. When planning your day, choose a time dedicated to exercise. Leave enough strength for training, correlate it with your diet.

An additional difficulty will be finding a place to exercise. The best option will become gym. Or you can perform the exercises in a place where you can lay out a mat and do wide lunges. It is advisable that the room is well ventilated.

The connection between exercise and nutrition

Get rid of fat deposits, pump up beautiful muscles will help proper nutrition. Limit starchy and sweet foods. Fruits, berries and juices will help replace your favorite buns. As a treat, it is permissible to eat, for example, nuts in moderation.

You should not eat immediately before exercise; you are allowed to eat an hour before exercise. Recommended protein nutrition: chicken breast, eggs, fish products. Such foods strengthen muscles. You should not eat immediately after training. Within an hour after exercise, the burned calories will be easily restored from eating.

Skip dinner during four hours before bed. During sleep, the body rests from the received load, and the food processing process slows down. Food is not digested and turns into fat deposits.

Secrets of self-discipline to achieve results

The beauty of the body directly depends on the inner mood. Make you overcome your own laziness and begin to achieve your cherished goal with diligence and intelligence. Self-discipline is needed by a person who is lazy and does not know when to stop.

So that the outer surface of the thigh quickly acquires perfect shapes, be aware of excessive strain interfering with exercise. Excess will lead to pain and will force you to forget about training for a while. It is important to correctly distribute the load and increase it gradually.

The need for internal discipline is greater for a person who does not want to overwork. Remember cases from life where you achieved what you wanted through an effort of will, and it turned out to be pleasant. For example, we learned to ride a bicycle. How much training was required to finally ride beautifully and freely! Then you learned to ride longer and became more resilient. Apply a similar mindset to achieving your own beauty.

It is important to believe in achieving the goal, in the success of the exercises. A reasonable distribution of forces, a focus on results, and the manifestation of will will help you achieve your goals.

There are so many pseudo-specialists around who, after 2 bench presses and 5 squats, are already starting to teach you the technique of pumping up your legs. Find out how to pump up your thighs correctly!

Understand, after walking around for a couple of months, you have not yet become so experienced athlete, to forget about technique and give advice on how to properly pump up a beginner’s thighs. You have to shed gallons of sweat in the gym, go through a path of victories and mistakes before you understand everything yourself. In the meantime, soak it up useful recommendations from our expert!

Strong, well-built quadriceps thigh muscles are a sure sign of a beautiful physical fitness. Huge, developed ones can become the highlight of the program and set you apart from the crowd of bodybuilders. Just imagine the contrast between a balanced, aesthetically proportional body with sculpted legs and a pot-bellied man on thin legs. That's why a lot of guys work out in the heat in their pants, hiding their shortcomings.

Most likely, you won’t just build up your thighs like professional bodybuilders, but you have the power to make your quadriceps dense, strong, with a clear definition, meeting all standards. Follow the correct technique and persevere, then you won't need years to get beautiful thighs.

Why pump up your hips?

The quadriceps make up a huge amount of muscle mass in the body. They force us to spend countless hours in the gym, shed liters of sweat, all in order to gain a few grams of muscle and still get toned thighs. And it's worth it: training the quadriceps muscles will allow muscles throughout the body to grow due to the natural production of growth hormone and testosterone.

Squats, for example, require the use of a huge number of muscles throughout the body to control the weight: quadriceps and hamstrings, back, trapezius, shoulders, etc. - all of which help move and/or stabilize the weight during the lift. As a result, all muscles will grow. This exercise will help properly pump up your thighs. You only have to ask yourself one question: Do I want this?

A quick anatomy lesson

If the answer to our question was yes and you really want to tone up your thighs, let's take a quick look at hip anatomy and function muscle groups, so that you can imagine how your body is working during your workout. The thigh consists of three muscle groups - anterior, medial and posterior.

The anterior thigh muscle group is the most popular among athletes as a target for pumping up. It consists of the quadriceps (and its four heads - rectus, medial, intermediate, lateral) and the longest of all human muscles - the sartorius.

Interesting fact!
The quadriceps is involved in the extension of the lower leg, and if it is paralyzed, the patient can walk normally on a level surface, but is unable to run and can only barely walk up steps.

The medial group of the thigh consists of three adductor muscles - long, short and large, as well as thin and pectineus.

The posterior thigh muscle group combines the semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles. Do you want to have powerful hamstrings? Try training from an expert on our website!

All quadriceps muscles support the knee joint. In addition, the rectus femoris muscle, due to its location, ensures flexion of the leg in hip joint. All this anatomical information must be remembered when performing leg exercises. For what? To understand how to properly pump up your hips and get results! Now let's get to work!

The best exercises for pumping up your thighs

Now that you've learned a little about hip muscle anatomy and function, let's dive into what makes a ripped quadriceps muscle. These exercises and training programs are designed to get the most out of every trip to the gym and quickly pump up your thighs. Remember to use technique and avoid lifting too much weight to avoid injury.

Barbell Squats

To properly and quickly pump up your thigh muscles, squat. It is on the back that is the main exercise in gaining muscle mass. Stand in a power rack under a barbell and place it comfortably on your upper back, on your trapezius muscle. For stability, grab the bar firmly with your hands and step away from the rack. Feet stand shoulder width apart or slightly wider.

Extremely important!
The movement begins with bending the knees. At the very beginning, do not bend your hips or back, otherwise you may fall forward. Lower yourself until your hips touch or until you reach a comfortable range of motion. Lift the weight back up through your hips first and then your knees. At the highest point, the knees do not fully straighten.

Totally up to you. Working through a full range of motion is ideal for any exercise, but squats can cause knee and back pain. Lower yourself as far as possible and then return to the starting position. The main thing is to constantly expand your comfort zone. The squat is a tough exercise, but the results are worth it - you'll pump up your thighs into perfect shape.

To pump up inner part quadriceps (vastus medialis), squat with more broad setting legs and feet turned out.

Deep squats with a barbell

To do this, stand under and place it on your chest opposite your deltoids. Cross your forearms—one on top of the other—and grab both hands. Keep your shoulders parallel to the floor and your head up. Take the weight and step back, feet shoulder-width apart. The movement is the same as in a regular squat with a barbell on your shoulders. But here the back is held a little straighter. These squats are aimed at pumping up the legs and especially the quadriceps muscles, unlike regular squats, which involve more of the hamstrings.

If you're new to the front squat, start with the Smith machine first and then move on to free weights as you get more comfortable.

If you are very tall and lean forward too much, or your heels come off the floor, place 2 or 4 kg weight plates under them for added stability. This applies to all squat variations.

Hack squats

To work more on the outer side of the thigh (vastus lateralis) there is nothing better. With a weight that is comfortable for you, stand in the machine under the supports, with your feet on the platform shoulder-width apart. Lower yourself as far as possible and then return to the starting position. Do not make fast movements, so as not to add stress to your knees, it is better to work at a constant speed. Legs do not straighten completely.

If you don't have a hack trainer?
Some halls don't, but don't despair, there is a way out. Simply place the barbell with the weight behind your calves (a type of deadlift, but with the weight behind your legs). The back is straight and the head is raised. Rise up until you are almost completely straight. The legs always remain slightly bent at the knees. Return to the starting position without the weight touching the floor. This thigh-toning exercise requires strict technique, so keep the weight light until you get the hang of it.

Leg press

Another great way to gain mass is at a 45 degree angle. Advantage: minimal load on the lower back, and maximum on the hips. Sit in the machine so that you can work through the full amplitude. Place your feet on the platform shoulder-width apart. Push the weight while keeping your knees slightly bent. Slowly lower the weight while controlling the movement. Go as low as possible and avoid half-range movements - you're just cheating yourself and not developing muscles. Proper execution is the key to ensuring that you are guaranteed to build powerful thighs.

Leg straightening on the machine

There is nothing better for isolated muscle work while pumping up the thighs. Sit on the simulator so that the axis around which movement occurs in the knee joint coincides with the axis of rotation of the load. The back is pressed tightly against the back. Place your ankles under the bolsters. Lift the weight at a moderate pace and squeeze your quadriceps at the top of the movement. Then lower and return to the starting position. Do not linger at the top so as not to create unnecessary stress on your knees and ligaments.

For a deeper pumping of the upper thighs, try this extension option. Perform the movement as above, but this time, lift your legs and lift your back off the seat so that your hips and torso are at 90 degrees or less. With this performance, take less weight, but believe me, the muscles will burn anyway!

Lunges with a barbell

– an excellent formative exercise. They give an attractive round shape and tie all the thigh muscles together. Despite the fact that lunges pump up the entire thigh, this article will only focus on the effect on the quadriceps.

Place a relatively light barbell on your shoulders as in a squat exercise. Step back from the power rack and step one foot forward. Bend your leg so that the knee of your back leg almost touches the floor. And remember: the knee should not go beyond the foot; if it does, take a larger step. As you come back up, push off with your working leg and return to the starting position with your feet together. Do the same with the other leg, this will count as one repetition.

A great alternative to lunges with a barbell is Smith machine lunges. Do the required number of repetitions with one leg, then the other. After each lunge, do not go back, but simply continue to squat with one leg. Then change.

Many instructors prefer walking lunges to pump up their legs and especially their hips. Make sure your gym has room for at least 30 lunges. Lunge with one leg. Pull up back leg return to the starting position and step further forward with the other leg.

Workout to build powerful thighs

Thigh workout

For more detailed work on the hips, use these training programs: for the inner and outer thighs.

If you want to tone your inner quadriceps, squat with a wider stance and feet turned out.

During training, imagine how the muscles of your legs are growing and how your hips are enlarged. Professional athletes claim that such visualization puts you in the right mood and helps you achieve exactly the result you dreamed of!

You've already done a great job, all you have to do is take a little leap and finish off your regular full-body workout with this thigh routine.

That's the whole secret of powerful legs and toned thighs - a super effective workout with correct technique! Monitor your body during each exercise and when you finish working in the gym, remember about healthy habits. Only comprehensive work on yourself will bring you the long-awaited result!

You can increase your strength by taking creatine, arginine, intra-workout, bcaa amino acids And pre-workout complexes. These sports nutrition products are specifically formulated to improve sports and fitness performance for men and women. Just add it to your diet and go ahead to conquer new heights!

Pumping your legs

Basic set

Extended set

Basic set

Basic set

Extended set

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4 tablets, between meals.

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1-2 capsules daily, preferably during meals.

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If necessary, you can add one serving before bedtime.

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1 capsule each.

Twinlab Men's Ultra Multi Daily vitamin and mineral complex developed specifically for men contains the necessary set of nutrients and special matrices to improve prostate function, as well as antioxidants and tonic components.

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1-2 measuring spoons are mixed with 200-250 grams of water or any other liquid.

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2 capsules before and after training.

It is often necessary to work a certain part of the body more intensely during training. For example, many people think about how to pump up external muscles thighs and forget about the inside. Let's take a more comprehensive look at thigh muscle exercises to find out whether you can train at home, what exercises are suitable for this, and when you will see results.

Exercises for the thigh muscles for the outer surface

Useful information for pumping up the outer thighs

  1. Why pump up the external muscles in the thigh area at all? First of all, this is necessary for the normal, harmonious development of the body. Many men prefer to pump only their arms or chest. As a result, the figure looks disproportionate due to the powerful top and flabby bottom. So, you need to think about how to pump up the outer muscles of the thighs and legs in general immediately after you decide to pump up your body.
  2. Why else is it worth doing exercises for the outer thigh muscles? This is also required to activate metabolic processes in the body, improve blood circulation and muscle growth throughout the body. So, be sure to spend time in this area.
  3. Let us give you one useful advice. Always start your workout by doing a warm-up. Ideally, it should take about 5-7 minutes, including light jogging, cycling, jumping rope, or simply vigorous movements of the arms and legs. By spending very little time, you will prepare your muscles for the load and protect yourself from injury during exercise.
  4. Where to study? You can pump up the outer thigh muscles both in the gym and at home. The effectiveness of training in any case will depend solely on your diligence. So, if you don’t have time to go to the gym, it’s okay if you study at home. Moreover, today it is completely unproblematic to purchase dumbbells, a mat and other equipment for training.

Exercise technique for outer surface hips

  1. First of all, pay attention to ordinary squats, which need to be performed without additional weights, and only then gradually increase the load. But, of course, experienced athletes can always use a barbell - this is very effective if we are talking about exercises for the external muscles in the thigh area. By the way, squats also develop the gluteal muscles, which is also important, not to mention improving the squatting technique itself. Perform 30-50 repetitions over two sets - this will be enough to pump up the thigh muscles.
  2. In case you are visiting gym, pay attention to the straightening (extension) of the legs on the machine. In general, it can be performed as a warm-up, but as the load increases, this exercise becomes extremely useful for the outer thigh. Be sure to adjust the machine to your height. The bolsters should rest against the ankle, and the angle between the shin and thigh should be either sharp or straight. Remember, the sharper the angle, the more difficult the exercise becomes. As you inhale, straighten your leg parallel to the floor and hold in this position for 1-2 seconds. As you exhale, slowly lower your leg. Please note that when performing exercises, the most important thing is not to work out of inertia. Make sure that it is the outer muscles in the hip area that are functioning.
  3. Pay attention to lunges with weights, which you can do even at home to pump up your thigh muscles. To do this you will need dumbbells or a barbell. Place your leg so that your thigh is parallel to the floor and the knee of your back leg touches the floor. We return to the starting position. These are lunges. During them, make sure that your chin is raised and your body is tense. And keep in mind that the narrower the step, the more the quadriceps work. You can perform 3-4 sets on each leg for 8-12 repetitions. Select the weight based on this load.

Video: exercises for the inner thigh

How to pump up your thighs from the inside

Remember that even if you work out hard in the gym, if you don’t pay attention to nutrition, you will not achieve results. What do you need to consider if you decide to pump up your inner thigh? Fat leaves the body evenly, and therefore it is very important to understand that if you are overweight, you will not achieve quick results. This is explained by the fact that, as a rule, with inner surface The hips are the last place to lose fat - this area is usually not very involved in everyday life, is difficult to train, but accumulates fat faster. So, pay attention not only to physical activity, but also for food. This will help speed up the process CORRECT weight loss.

For inner thigh exercises, men will need to eat more protein to healthy protein contributed to the growth of muscle mass, and fat was burned at this time. But you shouldn’t completely exclude fats and complex carbohydrates from your diet - it’s important for you to maintain hormone levels at the same level, as well as receive energy, which will later be spent during training. You can look up the intake rates for proteins, fats and carbohydrates on the Internet on specialized websites where there are calculators that can help you easily calculate how much you need to eat. If a man does not get enough protein, you can use protein shakes which are sold in stores sports nutrition. They should not replace a meal if you have the opportunity to eat, for example, an omelet or chicken breast, but protein shakes can and should be used as a supplement to your diet.

Technique for performing exercises for the inner thigh

Now let's talk about how to pump up the inner thighs and what exercises are suitable for this. Firstly, you can train at home or in the gym - the place practically does not matter. The main thing is your desire. Secondly, to increase the effectiveness of training, you will need to use weights. They can be dumbbells or a barbell. Beginners can perform exercises with a barbell and then gradually increase the load.

  1. Barbell squats are one of the most effective exercises for pumping up the inner thigh. To do this, place the barbell on your shoulders and place your feet shoulder-width apart. We begin to squat slowly and smoothly, reaching the point when your legs are at an angle of 90 degrees. You can't bend your back. We also do not recommend that you squat more than the specified value, since in this case the load on the muscles increases to the maximum. knee joints– you put pressure on them not only own weight, but also the weight of the barbell. Men should not perform the exercise with strain - work the muscles of the inner thigh smoothly.
  2. Lunge exercises are another way to quickly tone up your inner thighs. Take 1 dumbbell in each hand. We place one leg forward so that it is approximately in line with the back leg. Then we bend it slightly at the knee, squatting a little. We return to the starting position. These are lunges that will help you train your inner thighs. You can also bend your back leg slightly, bringing it to the floor, but not touching it.
  3. The following exercise for the thigh muscles can be performed even at home. Lie down on one side and bottom hand put it behind your head. We bend the lower leg and place our free hand where it is convenient. Next, we raise the upper leg to a height of about 45 degrees and return it to its original position. Remember that when you lower your leg back down, you should do it slowly and smoothly - this will allow the muscles in the hip area to be used as much as possible. Perform the exercise until you feel a slight numbness in the muscles of the inner thigh. Then work the other side in the same way.

Remember that regular training will definitely bring results!

Video: exercises for the outer thigh

People always mentioned mine pectoral muscles, when they discussed my physique. Since my chest was the best developed part of my body, you can say that I am an expert on the question of “how to build chest muscles.” Therefore, I would like to discuss with you a couple of methods for improving weak areas of the chest muscles. Many people believe that insufficiently voluminous pectoral muscles are their only drawback. It is very important to pay attention to other aspects. Let's look at some chest muscle imperfections.

How to pump up the outer part of the pectoral muscles

If your outer chest muscles are not well formed, they will lack that crucial fullness for which I was so famous. My favorite way to download outer part there were flyes with dumbbells that were aimed directly at this area. First, raise the dumbbells as low as possible without risking injury and stretch as much as possible. Secondly, when returning to the top position, try not to bring the dumbbells together, leave about 30 cm between them (the contact of the dumbbells in the top position eliminates the work of the outer part). Also, to pump up your chest muscles, do dips. This exercise is great for working the outer part. Go down as deep as possible and don't go all the way up.

When doing barbell bench presses, use as wide a grip as possible to load the outside. Again, touch the barbell to your chest and try not to straighten your arms fully at the top to maintain tension.

We pump the inner part of the pectoral muscles

Block crossovers are especially good on the inside because you keep tension in the muscles when your arms touch each other. In the lower position, it is very important to squeeze the chest muscles. This will create a distinct line down the middle.

You can also use dumbbell flyes and barbell bench presses to target the inner area. For flyes, make the dumbbells touch each other at the top position and tighten your pectoral muscles for 2-3 seconds. When pressing, just use narrow grip(shoulder-width apart or slightly less) and spread your elbows to the sides.

Strengthening the upper part of the pectoral muscles

You probably know that incline presses and flyes are great for building your upper chest. It would seem like ordinary exercises, but they can be made special. I did this by changing the angle of the bench with each set. I started at 15°, then moved up to 25°, then 35° and finally 50°. I very often performed two, sometimes three sets of each bench position. So no part of my upper area escaped the strain.

I also highly recommend incorporating heavy days into your routine to develop maximum upper chest size. For example, once a week I did super-heavy bench presses and flyes, no more than 5-6 reps per set. In addition, to pump up the chest muscles, I used extra load in my program - drop sets, forced repetitions, rest/pauses.