Fitness center “Your Secrets. School of mental arithmetic “Academy of Geniuses Your secrets of Pritytsky 83

Today, not taking a preschooler to some early development school is bad form. Mothers who limit their child’s development to magpie-crows and the alphabet in pictures are hopelessly behind modern life.

And it’s true: today’s first-graders must read, know letters and count to ten, answer tricky questions from high school admissions committees, quickly get involved in the merciless and fast-paced school process and, in general, show such intellectual results as yesterday’s first-year students at prestigious universities never dreamed of. I tried to look at today’s features of choosing early childhood development schools through the eyes of an experienced mother.

Today’s educational package, which will always be offered to my child in a standard developmental center, will definitely include mathematics, writing, theater (choreography as an option), drawing and English.

And despite the fact that well-trained and undoubtedly professional teachers possess the necessary modern arsenal of methods and teaching techniques, it is difficult for us to get away from the classroom-lesson system and completely immerse yourself in innovative pedagogical European approaches. This is our tradition - and I must say, it has given and is giving very good results.

But I want, I want something new. Because we already know how to read and write (there are really a lot of good, effective teachers in private centers), theater and drawing are already boring, English is too simple, and the standard position of “teacher at the blackboard, child at the desk” requires some kind of development.

And then: for mom or dad to sit for five hours with a well-read newspaper in their hands on half a Sunday in the corridors of children's weekend schools - oh, what a luxury this is in the modern high-speed world! It’s time for the organizers of children’s education to start providing parents with useful leisure time!

Not so long ago, a new product appeared in the children's educational space - and it, in my opinion, best meets all the requirements set by parents.

Under the modest and so common sign for a metropolitan resident, “Fitness Center for Adults and Children,” we are working on an educational project that was completely unexpected for us, allowing mothers to become slim and beautiful, and children to become developed and healthy.

At first glance attracts attention an unusual range of services for development centers:

  • developmental program for children 1-7 years old “I myself!”;
  • “School of the back” for children from 13 to 17 years old;
  • children's fitness and acrobatics (from 4 to 6);
  • classes for mothers with babies from 4 to 15 months (basic massage, gymnastics in water).

As for mothers themselves:

  • there is Pilates here;
  • water aerobics;
  • ki-bo;
  • dance styles;
  • fitness for pregnant women;
  • lecture program “Let's prepare for the meeting” (this is also for future parents).

The assortment is an assortment, you can call anything in beautiful words. But the more I studied the content of children’s education at the center, the more I rejoiced: you have to live up to the expectations of responsible mothers! Let's start with the most impressive: “I am myself” program.

You can come there even earlier than a year - the instructors accept even little students who are unsure on their feet, with their and their mother’s strong desire. Moreover, up to 3 years old, children are allowed to study with their mothers. The children are divided by age into several groups - and each of them has its own set of activities (it’s hard to call them lessons).

The list of “items” is pleasantly surprising and encouraging: practical life, sensory, finger games, development phonemic hearing, logic, space education (basics of astronomy, physics, biology), children's fitness.

For a group getting ready for school, They already offer a standard set, but in individual packaging: English, music and dance, the development of speech and writing, mathematics and logic, and “cosmic knowledge”, which is still very impressive to me.

I’ll explain why I was so amazed by the presence of the basics of anatomy, physics, biology and astronomy in the developmental program. Such knowledge is not given in a comprehensive manner in any of the developmental schools - moreover, I cannot give it either, since these are not generally known things like the alphabet and counting. This is special knowledge that must be dosed and presented by specialists in order for the child to be ready in the future to perceive these special scientific systems.

All children's classes are conducted by experienced teachers of the center according to the Montessori system. The pedagogical method of this famous Italian has recently been in great demand and widespread in our country, however, most often it is only its elements or educational games. In “Your Secrets” this is the basis of learning.

Maria Montessori, the first female doctor in Italy and the most famous female teacher in the world, developed her famous method at the beginning of the twentieth century - she was the director of an institute studying developmental disorders in children, and as a teacher she achieved amazing results even with seemingly hopeless children .

Any child who falls into the hands of Montessori, for short time showed these excellent results individual development, that parents from all over Italy sought to receive at least a Montessori consultation, and in the happiest case, to raise him under her supervision.

What is the essence of Montessori pedagogy? The fact is that the child in it is recognized as a pioneer and researcher who himself sets the timing, pace, order and content of his learning. The role of adults is not to guide the baby, but to: a) not disturb him and b) help him.

This means that no one will dictate their own rules to your child - on the contrary, he will create ideal research conditions around himself.

In order for him to do this well, the center uses special equipment, appropriate simulators, educational tables, and Montessori games. Being among all this splendor in a state of controlled freedom, the child will begin to develop with great pleasure - on his own, without coercion or violence.

The result of applying Montessori pedagogy not only that the child gains knowledge - what is more important is that he learns to develop independently, develops research skills, gets a taste for knowledge and a love for experiments.

So, let's see how we can competently use all the opportunities created for us and our children in “Your Secrets”, using the example of me and my six- and nine-year-old beauties.

For the eldest I choose “School of the Back” - firstly, for a girl good posture I need it like air, secondly, my very unathletic daughter, when an adult hears the word “fitness,” sighs dreamily and becomes eager to go there even instead of school, and thirdly, the Montessori system will allow us to finally play sports without the usual in our clubs and sections harsh coaching treatment.

The youngest, of course, preparatory group the “I Myself” school, and children’s acrobatics - after all, she also needs her own fitness. Since the work of the center is designed taking into account the mothers and grandmothers loitering while waiting for their babies, I have the opportunity to choose something for myself: while my children are “fitting”, my mother will not waste half a day.

At the same time, adult Pilates classes are taking place - finally, I will be doing something healthy and enjoyable for the soul. For those who do not want to train at the same time as their children, everything has also been thought out: in the hall where parents are waiting, there is a coffee machine, glossy magazines, and (what an idea!) there are large screens installed on which your children’s activities are broadcast.



We offer you a wide range of activities:

◦Aerobics (Cross Fit, Interval Step and Training, Functional Training, Step 50 * 50, cardio/strength, tai bo, strength fitness).





Expectant mothers who want to support in great shape their body, will be able to attend special fitness classes for pregnant women under the guidance of experienced trainers, and for children we offer fitness classes and physical development groups.

Fitness center "Your Secrets" - Your secret of beauty and health!

Highly qualified club staff will conduct preliminary fitness testing and help determine the optimal class for you. All our instructors have higher specialized education, constantly improve their level at seminars, trainings, master classes in the Republic of Belarus and Russia, and take part in fitness conventions.

A full range of center services and professional, competent management are the main advantages that you will receive in our center. We will provide all the conditions for you to achieve excellence in sports. An additional advantage will be new interesting acquaintances and pleasant communication for you.

The center constantly operates 2 comfortable halls equipped with advanced equipment, a swimming pool and a sauna.

The fitness center is located in the Frunzensky district. The transport interchange near the club will allow you to get to the Kuntsevshchina metro station in one minute, and to the Minsk ring road in two.

The current subscription system will be economically beneficial for you, but there is also the possibility of paying for one-time classes. The cost of the subscription is calculated based on the duration of training and the regularity of visits to the fitness center. There is a constant and flexible system of individual discounts.

When choosing a fitness center in Minsk, be sure that “Your Secrets” - best option for you!

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Every parent interested in their child is looking for opportunities to help him study better at school, develop his ability to perceive and assimilate material and information, cope with academic workloads more efficiently and quickly, be comprehensively developed and believe in his capabilities and success. Children really need adult help.

Mental mathematics is one of the unique modern techniques, revealing the potential of children’s intelligence and thinking abilities.

Mental mathematics classes develop and train a whole range of child’s intellectual abilities. It will become easier for him to perceive and process the abundance of information that he has to deal with in school and in life. You will become more familiar with numbers, become more attentive, remember better, learn to count faster than a calculator, and more.

Why is this necessary?

After all, we want our children to complete their homework faster, and not sit at it all evening. So that they don’t have to cram for weeks on something that generally looks quite simple. So that they are less tired of studying and are successful in their hobbies. This is why you need to train!

The method of mental mathematics allows you to achieve amazing results in the speed of thinking due to the inclusion of both hemispheres of the brain in the thinking process at the same time, while usually the education system, concentrating on the cause-and-effect relationship, develops predominantly the left hemisphere, which is responsible for logic. Therefore, mental arithmetic perfectly complements what school education offers.

Our program also contains elements of techniques and exercises that train figurative memory (eidetics) and attention. While taking the “spy course,” the kids will master some mnemonics and eidotechniques, which will become an effective learning tool for them educational material at school and will be useful in life.