Little killers: the most dangerous diet pills. Will Sasha Cherno be able to lose weight? Turbofit is a revolution in home weight loss that helps people lose weight without dieting or exercise

Losing weight has become a universal trend. Running in the morning and going to the gym is ignored only by the most inveterate lazy person who is not afraid of the censure of friends and acquaintances. There is no need to talk about proper nutrition: the Internet is replete with recipes for smoothies and cocktails, low-calorie snacks, healthy breakfasts and lunches, and light dinners. Celebrities race to post photos taken during training on social networks and talk about diets. Dom-2 magazine asked the slimmest girls of the project about how they manage to stay in shape and how difficult it is.

Ksenia Borodina admits that her weight loss and how she got into shape is not the story of one day, but hard, daily work.

“There are no diets that will make you thin in a week without health consequences. You need to constantly overcome your laziness, you need to eat healthy food,” says Ksenia.

Borodina recalls that when she first came to the project, she took “some terrible pills” because she seemed fat. Because of them, Ksenia’s metabolism was disrupted. “Under no circumstances, girls, don’t do this,” the star urges. “You need to lose weight systematically, like I did after giving birth.”

After Marusya was born, Borodina walked with a stroller for three to four hours. The TV presenter signed up for the gym after she finished breastfeeding. played a big role proper nutrition: vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, herbs. Ksenia also regularly did salon treatments.

// Photo: Instagram of Ella Sukhanova

Excess weight has never been a problem for Ella Sukhanova, since she played tennis from a young age. Now she also never stops devoting time to physical activity.

“If you want to be in shape, make sports an integral part of your life,” she advises.

The girl does not limit herself in food, does not go on diets, but does not eat fatty, fried, or sweet foods. If she wants something tasty, sweet, or high in calories, then she tries to eat it in the first half of the day.

// Photo: Instagram by Evgenia Guseva

Evgenia Guseva advises girls to be realistic: “If you want to lose weight,” she says, “go in for sports, don’t overeat at night.” Despite their busy work schedule, she and her husband Anton make time for the gym. Zhenya likes to swim, ride a bike, box, go to the hammam and sauna before bed.

Guseva calls for giving up fast food and eating sweets in reasonable quantities: “Watch what you put in your stomach.”

“In fact, in many ways I don’t allow myself to relax because I have an ideal husband with perfect body. This is a great incentive!” - Guseva summarizes.

// Photo: Instagram of Nelly Ermolaeva

Nelly Ermolaeva I am sure that you need to play sports to stay in shape. “Don’t go on diets, but stick to healthy eating", says the brunette. Must be done once every two weeks fasting days, when “you can drink everything, but not chew.” Nellie recommends working out three times a week and running around the park as often as possible.

Ermolaeva admits that she loves sweets very much and before the broadcast she needs to refresh herself with marmalade, but after that she always walks home.

“You need to love yourself, or maybe fall in love,” she advises.

// Photo: Instagram by Yulia Salibekova

Yulia Salibekova manages to be thin after two births. She makes no secret of being slim. She recommends not getting carried away with food, doing exercise and not being lazy. For Julia, a special complex was created by her husband Tigran.

“Limit portions so that your stomach doesn’t turn into a bucket,” advises Salibekova. Yulia's favorite food is meat. She prefers to eat boiled beef, chicken, and rabbit. The petite brunette avoids mayonnaise and sauces because they cause cellulite and dimples on her thighs.

She gave original advice to those who have not been able to lose weight for years: you need to hang photographs around the house where you are dissatisfied with yourself. “Watching your slimness and the admiring glances of others is a hundred times better than any cake,” Salibekova is convinced.

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On the longest-running reality show “Dom-2” in the entire existence of Russian television, this has never happened before, when conditions were created for some participant to become better, and besides, serious money was offered!

But according to the classics of the genre, there is always an exception to any rule. And so it happened. For some reason, the organizers decided that it was necessary to help, who already has enough privileges on reality shows.

And it doesn’t matter that she herself doesn’t really need it. And what’s more, she didn’t even ask for it.

But the organizers said - it’s necessary, so it’s necessary. And in order for her to sweeten these changes to improve her health and appearance, for her, Cherno, they created not just good ones, but in general, best conditions for this.

Expensive exercise equipment was brought especially for her into a now separate room, intended only for her. gym, provided a personal refrigerator with a regular supply of food, and they also bring in specialists from different fields for her: psychologists, nutritionists, cosmetologists, fitness trainers, stylists, and so on and so forth...

You should see how rudely and unceremoniously their ward treats these professionals! However, the flow of victims for Alexandra Cherno in the form of specialist consultants does not stop.

And most importantly, a serious cash prize has been awarded to encourage Cherno to lose weight. The amount is very significant - three hundred thousand rubles! Oops! Who else has ever been offered this before?

It is clear what goal the orgs initially pursued. The meaning of the idea is this - the poor, unhappy and notorious girl Cherno Project comes to the rescue and brings her out of depression and puts her in order. This is the happy ending planned according to the script! But the organizers of the reality show “Dom-2” did not take into account the attitude of the ward herself to everything that was happening.

She doesn't care!!! She didn’t care about all their efforts and all their plans in general. She is sick and very seriously not obese, but star fever! And the orgi, dancing on tiptoe all the time around her, only feed the fatty’s ambitions.

Well, remember how Sasha came to the project! A kind, nice and somewhat defenseless fat girl... How everyone liked her! And he loved her just like that.

Look what has happened to her now... Rude, impudent, snickering and always demanding increased attention. A person who does not respect anyone and has a consumerist attitude towards everything. Vile and dissolute..

The question of whether she will lose weight can be answered unequivocally - yes! Necessarily! After all, we all understand perfectly HOW she loses weight.

Weight loss medications have been featured on air more than once. IT IS THANKS TO THEM that Sasha is black and melting before our eyes. And all these staged trainings, where they simply highlight this or that specialist, definitely do not give results.

At least because Sasha Cherno, who has lost weight, does not exercise regularly, but only occasionally and only on camera. Don't take TV viewers for fools! Everyone understands what is happening to Cherno at the Dom-2 project at the moment.

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But, one way or another, she will lose weight and get her money FOR NOTHING! But whether she will remain in this body is, of course, an interesting question! With her laziness, it's safe to say that sooner or later she will return to her bodies.

But to her, Cherno, it doesn’t matter at all. Surprisingly, this girl loves herself any way! So it turns out that and Alexandra Cherno will receive the money, and gain his kilograms again. How could it be otherwise? After all, there is so much free sausage on the project!

By the way, it’s not a fact that the story with its reboot will not repeat itself later! It is quite possible that after some time new psychologists, fitness instructors, nutritionists will take on Alexandra for even more money...

You won’t buy them at your local pharmacy, much less see them advertised on TV. We have collected the most dangerous, in our opinion, diet pills, the use of which can lead to very sad consequences.

Thai tablets (“IBS”, “Bears”, “LiDa”)

“IBS, Mishki, LiDa are the most popular Thai drugs that can be bought in Russia. Distributors claim that the composition of the tablets is absolutely natural, and the result is achieved through local medicinal herbs that have a diuretic and laxative effect. However, is it possible to lose 10-15 kg per month using drugs based on harmless herbs? Manufacturers are silent about the most important component of the product, but the drug contains a real drug - fenfluramine, which in its effects resembles amphetamine. By taking these pills, you will not only lose weight, but also make yourself neurotic and depressed.


The mechanism of action of this drug is based on controlling the feeling of fullness in the stomach; it is used by doctors only in cases of extreme obesity in patients. For everyone else, sibutramine will provide not only weight loss, but also problems with the heart, blood vessels, intestines and kidneys.

Dinitrophenol(2,4-Dinitrophenol, DNP)

You should be especially careful with these tablets, because under the guise medicinal product the real poison is hidden. The main ingredient dinitrophenol is used in weed control! How this drug ended up on the same shelf as diet pills still remains a mystery. Now dinitrophenol (DNP) is banned in almost all countries of the world - the cause is irreversible side effects: skin damage, baldness, disorder digestive system. In addition, numerous cases of fatal overdose have been reported.

Brazilian tablets (“Emagrece Sim” and “Herbaslim”)

Among the dangerous drugs for weight loss are the Brazilian dietary supplements “Emagrece Sim” and “Herbaslim”. Those trying to say goodbye to the hated kilograms are not afraid of the huge list of ingredients, which is a mixture of antidepressants and stimulants. Among side effects: sudden mood swings, nervousness and even depression. Cases of severe personal changes have been recorded! Therefore, before you “buy” into bright packaging and loud words For quick results, first carefully study the composition.


In an attempt to maintain their slimness, girls are ready to resort to any means, no matter what consequences this leads to. Furosemide capsules really help maintain weight in the required form and even lose a couple of extra pounds, but the effect will be extremely short-lived. The fact is that this drug is prescribed to people suffering from edema, so the result is achieved only through the rapid removal of water from the body. For a healthy person who does not have problems with water retention in the body, this drug can only cause harm.


Fluoxetine or “flu”, as it is affectionately called by fans of the communities “Typical anorexic”, “40 kg”, “TA” and so on, is one of the most common drugs among those who want to quickly lose weight. According to the girls, these pills help them moderate their appetite and get rid of obsessive thoughts about food, which makes it easier to follow a diet. However, the use of this drug has serious consequences in the form of nervous breakdowns, a weakened psyche, decreased sexual desire, skin rashes, pain in muscles and joints.

Bomb 3

And another drug from the East - “Bomb 3”, which, as they say in the instructions, will give you the figure of your dreams in no time! This time the manufacturer claims that it is safe and healthy weight loss will occur due to excretion from the body excess liquid and stimulating metabolism. It would seem that everything is harmless - chew the pills and lose weight without harm to your health. However, with active use of this drug, calcium and magnesium are removed from the body, which leads to disturbances in the digestive system, vomiting, weakness and headaches. This is to blame for all sorts of dubious components in the composition of the product, which are not regulated by the manufacturer in any way.

Prepared by Ekaterina Egorova


Using my own experience as an example, I want to talk about solving a problem that worries millions modern women- about how to get rid of excess weight. It is unlikely that the beginning of my story will be unique. On the way to being slim at the age of 35, I went through a lot: a series of endless diets, random exercise, fasting days, therapeutic fasting and much more. The result of such irrepressible activity was always the same - the weight constantly returned with interest, as soon as I returned to my previous lifestyle. I already wanted to come to terms with this state of affairs, deciding that I was simply destined to be complete. However, quite unexpectedly, one miracle remedy came to the rescue, which I want to talk about in more detail, this is Reduslim - diet pills.

Sudden inspiration

One day, as usual, I was sitting in the kitchen and feeling sorry for myself, thinking about eating something like this to lose weight. I didn’t want vegetable salads, herbs and lean cereals at all, but I wanted potatoes with meat and a piece of cake for dessert. Ladies who periodically go on diets know very well that a period of severe food restriction is necessarily accompanied by mild or moderate depression. The only way out of this state is to eat something tasty. However, the problem is that after this depression will surge with renewed vigor, from the awareness of one’s own helplessness and weak character. In general, it turns out to be a vicious circle.
I was sitting and suffering, when suddenly the phone rang. This was an old friend whom we had not seen for 5 years and who lived in another city. It turned out that she came to stay with her mother for a few days, and really wanted to meet me. Naturally, I agreed. Two hours later I was already waiting for her in the cafe. When a slender, beautiful girl appeared at the door, vaguely reminiscent of my plump friend Lena, I was simply speechless. Naturally, questions began with passion. Lena did not resist for a long time and, laughing, told me her miraculous method: Reduslim - diet pills that cannot be bought at the pharmacy. The manufacturer sells them only through its official websites. Then I listened completely amazing story about how you can get rid of the hated kilograms without torturing your body with diets and exhausting workouts. Naturally, my immediate plans were to experience all this for myself.

What is Reduslim for weight loss?

The first thing I did after meeting with an old friend was to go online to find more information about Reduslim for weight loss. This was not difficult to do, since the product turned out to be quite popular. It's strange that I haven't heard of him before. In general, Reduslim is a biologically active food supplement, which suppresses appetite, thereby reducing the number of calories consumed, and also eliminates existing ones body fat. The product is available in the form of tablets with a light menthol color. With regular use, as stated in the instructions, you can without special effort become 10 kg lighter in just a few weeks. I immediately decided to try all this on myself, for which I immediately ordered pills.

Within a week I already had the drug. Before I started taking Reduslim tablets, I read numerous reviews about it on the Internet. I want to say that they inspired me very much, as many women had simply amazing results. To be honest, I still didn’t expect a special effect, and just wanted to get rid of at least 5-6 kg. As expected, on the first day of taking the drug, I weighed myself and also measured my figure parameters. Here they are:

    • my weight at that time was 87 kg
  • chest volume - 115 cm
  • waist size - 94 cm
  • hip volume - 112 cm

Numbers that have deprived me of sleep for a long time.

My experience with Reduslim - real results

So, I started taking the pills, still not quite believing that I would be able to significantly reduce weight. Previously, I studied the instructions, which stated that the drug is indicated for people with a body weight that is more than 10% higher than normal. By nature, I am a very meticulous person who likes to check everything, and therefore, I found a lot of information about Reduslim tablets, real results I was impressed by the reception. Also, you need to take Reduslim if you don’t like sports, eat fast food and are partial to sweets (I just love it). As for the composition of the tablets, it is completely natural and therefore safe for health.
I took Reduslim according to the indicated regimen, that is, 1 tablet during breakfast, and at the same time drank a lot of water (in total you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day). As for the diet, it has changed. I no longer craved sweets, food portions became much smaller, as my appetite decreased significantly. I noticed that my weight was decreasing in the second week of taking the pills. By the end of the month, all my clothes became too big for me. Exactly 4 weeks later I weighed myself and measured my figure. I was very impressed with the results:

  • weight - 76 kg (minus 11 kg)
  • chest volume - 106 cm (minus 9 cm)
  • waist size - 78 cm (minus 16 cm)
  • hip volume - 101 cm (minus 11 cm)

With a height of 177 cm, it all looked just great! Now I wear clothes 2 sizes smaller and look great. I also feel great, the lost kilograms do not come back. I will soon repeat taking Reduslim to lose a few more kilograms and consolidate the results. Although I am already satisfied with the effect of such weight loss. I wish the same to everyone, don’t miss your chance.

Review of Reduslim for weight loss and results sent by Polina Komarova, our regular reader of the women's online magazine site. We recommend buying Reduslim with a quality guarantee: HERE.