Dziuba personal life. Personal life of Artem Dzyuba: how a football player fought for his family

Kristina Dzyuba is the wife of a famous Russian football player, central forward of Zenit and the Russian national team.

Kristina was born and raised in Nizhny Novgorod. After graduating from school, she entered the local university. At the end of 2012, at a party with her friend, Christina meets her future husband.

At this time, Artem was already a fairly famous football player and played for Spartak. This year was not particularly productive for the football player; Artem spent almost all the games on the bench. And only after the dismissal of the Spanish coach Unai Emery, Artem was able to return to the main team of the club. The footballer's acquaintance with Christina helped him cope with failures in his career. At that time, she was dating Artem’s friend, but this did not stop the young man. He fell in love with the attractive brunette at first sight.

Immediately after meeting, he invited the girl and her friends to Moscow to celebrate the New Year, and Christina accepted the invitation. About the fact that the guy is pretty successful footballer the girl found out only when she introduced Artem to her family. Dad surprised Christina with information about her new lover. The couple’s relationship developed very quickly, and within a month of dating they got married.

At this time, Artem transferred to football club"Rostov". Along with family happiness, career success also returns to the football player. In his first game for his new team, Artem scores two goals and leads Rostov to victory. In the next match he scored a hat-trick and topped the list top scorers championship. A great end to the season was the gift given to Artem by his wife. Christina gave the footballer an heir, the boy was named Nikita.

In 2014, Artem returned to his native Spartak again. After playing the season, he receives an invitation to move to Zenit. After consulting with Christina, he accepts the invitation. In July 2015, Artem made his debut as a member of new team. Career success and moving to another city shook the relationship of the young family. On the eve of the footballer’s departure for a qualifying match in Montenegro, Artem was filmed kissing in a car with the famous TV presenter M. Orzul. After this, a real scandal broke out. Orzul divorced her husband, but Christina had the strength to forgive Artem. The footballer admitted that it was the biggest mistake of his life, and now he realized what he risked and what he could lose because of his fleeting hobby.

In recent weeks, every weekend we have published stories about the most beautiful wives and girlfriends of football players from various top championships - England, Germany, Spain, Italy. Now, on International Women’s Day, we decided to continue the series of materials with a story about the companions of football players Russian Premier League. Unlike previous selections, this time we did not limit ourselves to ten and compiled a list of the 20 most beautiful girls. We deliberately did not include the companions of legionnaires playing in the RFPL - this selection awaits you next weekend. Well, the current rating, we immediately note, is not a figment of one person’s imagination - the entire male part of the “Championship” editorial team took part in its compilation.

So here are our choices...

20. Alisa Kazmina, friend of Andrei Arshavin

Alisa is a native of St. Petersburg, graduated from the School of Journalism at St. Petersburg State University. Previously, Kazmina was involved in the modeling business, but has now retired. Several years ago, she was married to a successful businessman and lived in London, raising two children. For the sake of the girl, the Zenit midfielder left his common-law wife Yulia Baranovskaya and three children.

19. Daria Valitova, girlfriend of Alexander Kokorin

The current passion of the Dynamo Moscow striker is known primarily for his vocal abilities. She performs under the pseudonym Amelie, and her first producer was Vlad Topalov - for connoisseurs of the Russian stage, this says a lot. It’s curious that before meeting Kokorin, Daria also tried to start sports career, but she was able to work better with a microphone in her hand than with a tennis racket.

18. Milana Tyulpanova, girlfriend of Alexander Kerzhakov

Tired of the accusations of his common-law wife Ekaterina Safronova, the Zenit striker found solace in 21-year-old Milana Tyulpanova. She is the daughter of Vadim Tyulpanov, senator of the Federation Council from St. Petersburg. Previously, the pretty blonde was seriously interested in tennis and at one time received a second rank. However, Milana wants to become a journalist in the future. The girl recently graduated from the Faculty of International Journalism at St. Petersburg State University and is soon going to enroll in a master's program.

17. Ekaterina Malafeeva, wife of Vyacheslav Malafeev

Ekaterina was born on April 7, 1988 in the Novgorod region. She is 9 years younger than the Zenit goalkeeper. The girl is a member of the musical duo DJ Dolls, known for their frank performances in nightclubs. The couple met through a mutual friend at a party, and got married in 2012. Ekaterina had already given birth to Vyacheslav’s son Alex and calmly got along with Malafeev’s two children from his first marriage, becoming their second mother.

16. Marina Shishkina, wife of Roman Shishkin

The wife of the Lokomotiv defender is one of those who is not shy about pursuing her career. She graduated from school with a gold medal and received a diploma from MGIMO with a specialization in International Commercial Business. And I met Roman when he was still completely unknown and played for the reserve team of Moscow Spartak. The couple got married in 2009, and in 2012, Roman and Marina had a daughter, Margarita.

15. Irina Garmashova, wife of Renat Yanbaev

Renat and Irina met in 2011 in the most banal way - on a street in the center of Moscow, in the company of mutual friends. For a year and a half, the girl was Renat’s friend—a “guiding star,” teaching him how to place accents correctly. But after returning from a six-month business trip to Zenit, Yanbaev realized that it was difficult for him without a girlfriend. And in April 2014, Renat and Irina legalized their relationship.

14. Katerina Solomennaya, friend of Maxim Kanunnikov

The friend of the Rubin Kazan winger is from Chelyabinsk, but met Maxim in St. Petersburg. For a year and a half they were friends like brother and sister. When Kanunnikov came from training camp, the first thing he did was tell her all the stories. In St. Petersburg, Ekaterina was involved in real estate, but now she has left the business and lives with a football player in Kazan. Together with Maxim, she flew to the 2014 World Championships in Brazil, where she supported her lover.

13. Kristina Dzyuba, wife of Artyom Dzyuba

Artyom met Kristina before celebrating the New Year 2012 - and almost immediately realized that he had found the one and only. For the sake of the football player, the girl easily agreed to move from Nizhny Novgorod, where she was from, to Moscow, and gave birth to Artyom’s son Nikita.

12. Daria Glushakova, wife of Denis Glushakov

Daria Glushakova, like Denis, comes from the city of Millerovo Rostov region– they lived on the same street, they have known each other for a long time. The case of Denis and Daria is the same one when love was carried through the years. Daria is studying to become a dentist at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University. In September 2011, the couple had a daughter, Valeria.

11. Alana Mamaeva, wife of Pavel Mamaev

Wife of Krasnodar midfielder Pavel Mamaev - former model Alana. She and Pavel have been together since August 2013, and a year later the girl gave the footballer a daughter. In response to his birthday, he gave his wife thoroughbred stallion. It was decided to name the horse Zlatan. Since then, Alana has been constantly disappearing into training with her new four-legged friend. And in honor of her lover, she got a tattoo with Pavel’s initials.

10. Zarema Dzagoeva, wife of Alan Dzagoev

Alan Dzagoev's wife, Zarema, was born in Vladikavkaz, but after graduating from school she moved to Moscow, where she subsequently met her future husband. The girl nevertheless decided to connect her life with dancing, which she had been doing since childhood. Now Zarema performs, as already mentioned, in the Moscow Ossetian dance ensemble “Alania”. Alan and Zarema got married in 2012, after dating for several years.

9. Natalya Ignashevich, wife of Sergei Ignashevich

Sergei Ignashevich’s wife once played sports herself and ran a column on NTV-Plus dedicated to the wives of football players. An athlete, a journalist, a beauty, a mother of two children and the main person in the life of Sergei Ignashevich - where could it be better? Natalya just met the CSKA defender when she was doing material for the “Non-football stories” program. The couple has two children, Sergei has two more from his first marriage.

8. Inna Zhirkova, wife of Yuri Zhirkov

In 2012, Inna won the Mrs. Russia competition among married girls, but after an exposing film by journalist Boris Sobolev and pressure on her person, she refused the crown - in live state television. However, what does all these crowns mean if Yuri and Inna are happy together? They tied the knot on February 1, 2008, the same year the couple had their first child, Dmitry, and two years later their daughter Milana was born.

7. Ekaterina Gerun, wife of Igor Akinfeev

Igor Akinfeev’s wife, Ekaterina, is from Kyiv. She is a chemist by education, and by occupation she is a fashion model and an aspiring actress. She has already managed to star in several films, and also appeared in several videos, including with Sergei Lazarev. In 2014, Akinfeev and Ekaterina had a son.

6. Veronika Faizulina, wife of Viktor Faizulin

Victor Faizulin's wife Veronica met her future husband on vacation in Kislovodsk, when Faizulin was still playing in a Spartak Nalchik T-shirt. In 2009, the couple had their first child, Sevastian, and four years later, their daughter Mirra was born. Victor adores the heirs that Veronica gave him so much that he even got tattoos with their names.

5. Inna Rebko, wife of Alexey Rebko

Alexey Rebko's career has now stalled; he plays infrequently for Rostov, but looking at his wife Inna, he can calm down and think that life is good. Back in 2008, she posed for the first time for Playboy magazine, and a year later she was recognized as the sexiest girl according to the publication. The football player and the fashion model met through mutual friends, and three years later they got married.

4. Ksenia Grigorieva, wife of Maxim Grigoriev

Maxim and Ksenia met in 2011 in Rostov-on-Don, when the midfielder had just started playing in a Rostov T-shirt. When Maxim Grigoriev signed a contract with Lokomotiv, Ksenia moved with him to Moscow - and hardly regretted it. In September 2013, the couple got engaged.

3. Victoria Lopyreva, wife of Fedor Smolov

Perhaps the most media representative of our list, many people know about Lopyreva. A native of Rostov-on-Don, she has been in the modeling business since she was 16 years old, and gained serious fame by winning the Miss Russia competition in 2006. Then the name worked for Victoria - she moved to Moscow and began to appear on television. Football appeared in her life even earlier than Fyodor Smolov, when she began hosting the “Football Night” program. Lopyreva met the Ural striker at Yuri Zhirkov’s birthday, and the couple got married in 2013.

2. Diana Shchennikova, wife of Georgy Shchennikov

The CSKA defender chose a simple girl with whom he had been together since school. Diana is not involved in modeling and does not appear on covers, but she is raising a son and is happily married. Georgy and Diana got married in June 2013 - such a unique gift from Shchennikov to himself in honor of CSKA’s victory in the Russian Championship. And in July 2014, the couple had a son, Daniel.

1. Olga Berezutskaya, wife of Vasily Berezutsky

Olga is interesting in her own right, and not just as a football player’s wife. And also related to great sport. As a child she did rhythmic gymnastics, then synchronized swimming, and in this discipline she became the champion of Russia. Then she studied in the ballet “Todes”, became a finalist in the MTV show “Dance Floor Star”. And after that I ended up in the Vintage group. In general, it is not surprising that such a girl chose a professional athlete as her husband.

The name of the striker of the Russian national team appears during the championship days, it seems, more often than anyone else - and in a positive way. However, this was not always the case: Dziuba more than once found himself at the center of scandals due to his rash statements or actions. For example, in 2015, when, during preparations for the European Football Championship before qualifying match with Montenegro, the media published a video in which the married Dzyuba was in the company of TV presenter Marina Orzul in a completely unambiguous situation. The fact that the Russian forward was cheating on his wife quickly became known to the general public and seriously tarnished his reputation. Fortunately, Dziuba managed to save the marriage - he later said that what happened became a lesson for him.

“Perhaps it’s even good that this happened,” he said a year later in an interview with Sport Express. “I looked at everything differently.” I reconsidered my values. I realized that I could lose, that I shouldn’t even think about it.

I was very ashamed in front of my wife. And don't care about everything else.

The whole world is not that important. The main thing is that this person hears me. And she heard me. We managed to save everything."

Artem Dzyuba and his wife Kristina have been together since 2012. They met in the girl’s homeland in Nizhny Novgorod. The forward's best friend, a football player, tried to court Christina, but victory remained with Dziuba: a month after they met, the young people got married, and in 2013 their son Nikita was born. In 2016, after the scandal with Dzyuba’s betrayal, the football player became a father for the second time - the couple had a son, Maxim. Since then, the football player prefers not to talk about his personal life.

Sergei Ignashevich and his wife Natalya have been together since 2007. They met on the set of the program “Non-football stories” - Natalya came to interview Ignashevich, who was married at that time. However, the first marriage was already falling apart - as Natalya Ignashevich later said in an interview, the football player was already renting an apartment and living alone.

“One day he persuaded me to meet and hand over a disk with the program. I imagined it this way: I give the disk, drink a cup of tea, and we go about our business. But we talked for quite a long time,” Natalya shared. “I really liked Seryozha because he didn’t try to pretend to be anyone—he was very open and sincere. I value these qualities most of all in him: he never lies and doesn’t pretend to be anyone. What it is is what it is. And after that meeting, I began to treat him completely differently. I remember thinking about him all night, remembering what he said, and never falling asleep.

In the morning I realized that I also fell in love.

So we started dating and slowly getting used to each other.”

Now the couple is raising two children, Sergei and Timofey. Natalya, who is also close to sports, being an international class master in rhythmic gymnastics, attends every match of her husband and manages his affairs - among other things, she created Ignashevich’s official website from scratch.

Just a few years ago, Fyodor Smolov was one of the favorite heroes of Russian tabloids thanks to his wife, one of the main Russian beauties, TV presenter Victoria Lopyreva. Fedor and Victoria met at the football player’s birthday when the wife of the Russian national team player Inna invited them.

“I, of course, really liked Fedya,” Victoria Lopyreva later told the URA.Ru portal. “But I am a hostage to stereotypes, including the fact that all football players are infantile young people who are not in the mood for serious relationships, who only expect from life entertainment. That’s why I forbade my friend from giving Fedor my phone number when I found out that the day after the party he wanted to continue acquaintance. Who would have known that two years later we would be talking to you as husband and wife?”

Smolov and Lopyreva got married at the end of 2013 in the Maldives. The wedding was secret and unexpected even for the mothers of the bride and groom, whom the young people took with them on vacation. One evening the ladies were simply asked to dress smarter - and it turned out that they were invited to a wedding.

However, in 2015, the marriage of the beauty and the football player broke up, after which photos of them together disappeared from social networks. The TV presenter claimed: this happened due to the fact that Fedor Smolov was not ready for family life. The footballer himself did not agree with this: “I’m used to thinking that everything God does is for the better,” he told R-Sport. — Yes, the wording really surprised me. Well, what can I do? Not my words. I thought that for the three years that I loved a person, I deserve at least to avoid such remarks, but I could just report that we broke up and that’s it, without details.”

After breaking up with the winner of the Miss Russia 2003 title, Smolov dated other beauties, including a model and winner of the Miss Russia 2015 beauty contest. And a year ago, the footballer’s chosen one was a Rostovite, model and winner of the title “Miss Office”.

He is not only one of the most talented and gifted high hopes, but also the most controversial of Russian football players, whose name is associated with both magnificent goals and numerous scandals. Artem Dzyuba is a striker for Zenit St. Petersburg and the Russian football team, currently playing on loan for Arsenal Tula.

Brief biography of the athlete

Artem was born on August 22, 1988 in Moscow in the family of a policeman and a saleswoman. Like many of his peers in childhood, Dziuba loved to play football and had a certain talent in this game, thanks to which Alexander Yartsev drew the attention of him, who invited the eight-year-old schoolboy to the academy of the capital club Spartak.

At seventeen he was already included in adult team, starting to play for the reserve team. And here he achieved excellent results, for which he was soon transferred to the main team, and he played his first match in his new capacity against Ural.

In the photo - football player Artem Dzyuba

In the summer of 2006, the footballer played for the first time in the Russian Championship, taking part in a match with Saturn, in which he took the field, replacing Nikita Bazhenov.

Artem’s reward for the excellent results of the first season was the “Small Golden Boar” award, which is awarded by fans to the best young players.

In 2007, Artem Dzyuba became a regular player for Spartak, and this season demonstrated his best qualities, playing in twenty-seven matches and scoring five goals.

The club celebrated Dziuba’s achievements by assigning him the status silver medalist Championship. In 2009, Dzyuba, after an unpleasant scandal involving the theft of money from teammate Vladimir Bystrov, for which Artem was accused, moved to Tom on loan, and very quickly became one of the club’s leading players. During his time with this team, Dzyuba scored fifteen goals in thirty-five matches.

In 2010, he returned to Spartak and quickly became one of its leaders, scoring fourteen goals in the transition season of 2011-2012. However, after coach Unai Emery arrived at Spartak, the team sharply lost its position and dropped to the middle of the standings.

Dziuba, known for his scandalous antics, after Spartak’s loss to the capital’s Dynamo with a devastating score, called his coach “coach”.

But Artem Dzyuba had a conflict with the new Spartak coach Valery Karpin, who came to replace Emery, and he was sent on loan to Rostov, where he showed excellent results, after which Spartak decided to bring the player back, offering a new contract, which Artem decided to reject.

He played for this club for more than eight years, moving from time to time to other teams on loan, and after the end of the season he decided to move to Zenit, which offered him a contract, but the management of the “red and whites” did not let Dzyuba go until the end of his old contract .

Finally, in 2015, the footballer got the opportunity to play for Zenit, which officially introduced Artem Dzyuba as their new player, promising him a salary of 3.3 million euros.

At that time, the Tula Arsenal also showed interest in the promising footballer, but Spartak refused to let him go to Tula.

Dzyuba made his debut in the Russian national team in 2009, taking part in a youth team game. Two years later, he was again called up to the national team for a game with Greece, in which he played the first half. Artem has many achievements, both team and personal. He achieved the greatest while playing for Rostov and becoming the winner of the Russian Cup. Included St. Petersburg club Artem Dzyuba won the Super Cup.

In 2013, the football player was recognized as one of best players national Premier League, taking second place in the ranking in 2013.

Life off the field

The personal life of Artem Dzyuba, like his career, is full of extraordinary events. He met his future wife in Nizhny Novgorod, and continued communicating in Moscow, where Artem and his friends invited Christina to celebrate the New Year 2012.

They rented a cottage for the party, and very soon a close relationship began between Dzyuba and Christina, and a month later they went to the registry office.

The future wife of Artem Dzyuba was his girlfriend best friend, a student of Spartak Ivan Komissarov, but this did not stop either Dziuba or Kristina.

The girl didn’t even know that Artem had already had enough famous football player, and only when her father saw him did he tell his daughter who she had met, to which Christina responded in surprise that, in her opinion, all football players are arrogant and stupid, but Artem is not like that at all.

After the wedding, Christina transferred from a Nizhny Novgorod university to Moscow, and some time later, a joyful and important event occurred in Artem Dzyuba’s personal life - she gave birth to a son, Nikita.

Three years ago, the footballer’s family happiness almost collapsed - it became known that he had cheated on his wife with the famous TV presenter Maria Orzul, but Artem Dzyuba’s wife decided to forgive her unfaithful husband and save the family.

It is not known what arguments the footballer gave in his justification, but after this unpleasant incident, Christina and Artem remained together.

The wife of the famous Russian football player Artem Dzyuba, Kristina, strongly supported her lover during the 2018 FIFA World Cup. On July 7, the country's team played its last game. Their opponents were the team from Croatia. The players showed a great match, but were unable to win. Artem Dzyuba gave an interview to journalists afterwards. The guy was so upset that he couldn’t even hold back his tears.

Kristina Dzyuba is a housewife, raising children. The girl's age is unknown.

Kristina Dzyuba does not like to appear in public and give interviews to journalists, so there is practically no information about her. The girl's date of birth is unknown. She was born in Russian Federation in the city Nizhny Novgorod. This is where she spent her childhood.

After graduating from school, Christina decided to get a higher education. She applied to the university in the city of Nizhny Novgorod. Dzyuba studied diligently for 4 years. In her fifth year, she transferred to another university, which was located in Moscow. Her future husband helped her in this.

The love story of Christina and Artem Dzyuba

Kristina Dzyuba first met her future husband Artem at the end of 2011. At that time, the girl was in a relationship with Ivan Komisarov, who is also a football player. The guys were not just acquaintances, but even friends. However, love turned out to be stronger than friendship; after the New Year, Christina broke up with Ivan and started an affair with Artem. The girl very quickly fell in love with him.

Christina was never a football fan, so she had no idea that she was dating a star. The girl soon decided to introduce the young man to her parents. It was the young lady’s dad who told her about the guy. Upon learning that Artem was an athlete, Christina was upset. She never wanted to date a football player, but her feelings turned out to be stronger.

The young people had been dating for a month when information appeared on the Internet that they had legalized their relationship. The lovers did not comment on this information. Almost a year later, Artem gave an interview where he said that he and Christina live in a civil marriage, and for two years they do not yet plan to go to the registry office.

In mid-spring 2013, Christina gave her beloved a son, whom they decided to name Nikita. Artem supported the girl and was with her during childbirth.

Kristina Dzyuba was able to forgive her betrayal of her husband

Kristina and Artem lived happily and raised their son. However, in 2015 they had to test the family's strength. The football player had an affair with Maria Orzul, who is a popular presenter. The young people were unable to hide their relationship for a long time. Before leaving abroad, the guy decided to see his beloved. It was then that photographers noticed them. Pictures of the infidelity were all over the Internet.

Maria’s husband could not survive such a shame and immediately divorced her. Christina loved Artem very much and did not want to leave the child without a father, so she stepped over her pride and forgave the young man. Dzyuba admitted that the meeting with Orzul was a big mistake.

At the end of February 2016, a second heir appeared in the Dziuba family, who was named Maxim.

Artem loves his family very much and does everything for them. My sons have been interested in sports since childhood. Dziuba always consults with Christina, and never makes a decision without her about which club to play for.