Aim for more: why you need to look for a position “above” your current capabilities. Even the most hardened skeptics believe what their senses tell them, but the senses are easily deceived

This unique method of emergency development of Clairvoyance was obtained from one Himalayan yogi. It amazes with its simplicity, efficiency and genius. Although everyone has the right to choose the method that suits them best. Try everything, and over time you will feel which path is right for you...

Your eyes, namely rear end The eyelid is your own psychic monitor, on which you can see whatever you want. These could be events from the distant past or the upcoming future. They can apply both to you personally and to other people.

You can see other planets and travel in space.

Where to start?

Every day before going to bed, when you have already gone to bed, carefully examine the unclear marks, lines and bizarre shapes on the back of the eyelids. That is, with your eyes closed, you peer at what you see in front of you, on the back of your eyelids. By the same principle as when working with tools.

This exercise can be done at any time free time, the main thing is that you are in a calm state and not in a hurry.

Master the state of complete stillness!

When the body is completely motionless, the internal movement of energy begins. It flows to the brain and awakens the nerve centers responsible for paranormal perception.

For successful execution this exercise master a state of complete peace and stillness. To do this, in your free time, sit in a comfortable chair or lie down, with your back straight and without a pillow. Relax. Practice muscle control in your body. Do not allow yourself the slightest movement, even in the smallest part of your body. Keep each muscle completely still, let only your breathing work. Control everything else, but without unnecessary tension. You just have to be relaxed, calm and still. For the first time, try to sit for at least five minutes, then you can increase the time daily. For example, one minute every day. Remember that gradualism is the key to success in any endeavor.

Master the state of attentive observation!

So, let's start mastering the most important exercise. Sit down, enter a state of complete stillness, let breathing become the only movement. Relax and close your eyes. Carefully look at everything you see on the back of your eyelids. This is called hypnographic imagery. Look with your eyes closed as if you were sitting in a movie theater waiting to watch a movie, looking carefully at a blank screen.

In a couple of minutes, you will see vague outlines and unclear shapes, lines, stains and “clouds”. Track every movement or shape that appears before your eyes. Watch her very carefully, observing her changes, how and where she moves. Gradually you will enter a state of light hypnotic sleep, from which it is easy to escape with any sudden movement of the body. Look further, but without tension, your state should be contemplative. After about 15 minutes, if you do not fall asleep, you will begin to see clearer images and forms. Then even clearer outlines. Practice every day until you achieve a very clear picture.

The exercise is considered successful when you begin to see as if you were seeing in reality. At first you will see black and white images, then you can see color ones. While performing the exercise, you can concentrate on any object or event. You can ask questions to your subconscious and get answers. To achieve real results You need to practice this technique for a month, at least 15 minutes a day. After some time, you will develop the gift of clairvoyance so much that you will be able to see and enter this state, instantly receiving answers to all your questions.

Exercises for development

Vision of energy fields, night vision.

This is an exercise of Arab magicians. After completing this exercise, a clear and distinct vision in complete darkness arises of not only the energy fields of living beings and objects, but also souls, disembodied and so-called ghosts.

Sitting with a straight back in a lotus or half-lotus position (it all depends on the flexibility of the joints), you need to close your eyes and take air into your mouth. Close the ear openings with your thumbs, the index fingers on the outer edges of the eyes, place the third fingers on the inner edges of the eyes, cover the nasal openings with the fourth fingers, and place the little fingers on the corners of the lips. And so sitting, with a silla, blowing air through tightly closed lips. Then take a mouthful of air again, and blow out again with force. This exercise should be performed ten repetitions for twelve days. During the exercise, a buzzing effect may be created in the ears, as if a seashell were brought to the ears. And a bright orange glow in the eyes, as if they were looking at the sun.

After completing the full course of this exercise, a clear vision of the aura of all living and non-living objects will be established.

It will be impossible to play hide and seek with you.

Warning: As soon as the vision of energy manifests itself, you need to try to avoid your presence in cemeteries for as long as possible. The vision is not a pleasant one. There is no point in upsetting yourself.

Exercises for seeing the aura

Exercise 1

In the evening, before going to bed, lying in bed or simply being in any position convenient for you - but preferably in the twilight, extend your arm in front of you so that your hand is against the background of the ceiling. Spread your fingers and look in the direction of your hand, but try to ensure that your gaze does not fall on the fingers themselves, but passes through them and rests on the ceiling. Try to perceive the space directly in front of your fingertips.

Focus on this space and look motionless for a while. But look not at him, but through him - at the ceiling. After some time, you will notice some change in the space near your fingers. This change may be different for everyone. Someone will see something vaguely reminiscent of colorless rays coming from their fingers, someone will see whitish clumps of fog, for someone the space near their fingers will subtly change color, become darker or lighter...

Exercise 2

Hold your hand with your fingers spread 30-40 cm in front of you and 8-10 cm from the background material. If you now look at the background as if through your hand, you will be able to see a sparse bluish glow along the edges of the fingers and hand. It may look like a thin haze, forming a clear silhouette of the hand. These are the outlines energy body, roughly repeating the shape of the physical body and forming part of the aura.

Exercise 3

Ask a friend or partner to stand some distance away from you in front of a neutral, solid background, such as a wall with plain wallpaper. Fix your gaze on the person as a whole, and then relax and allow your eyes to “unfocus” as if you were looking directly through them. You may have to repeat the exercise several times before you see a hazy haze around the figure, reminiscent of the flickering of a force field in science fiction films. It's an aura.
If you try to focus your gaze on it, the glow will most likely disappear. Therefore, you need to learn to analyze the visual image while your vision is “out of focus.” Does size and shape change as you watch? Which color is dominant? Can you distinguish other colors?

Did you see the same white glow? If this is so, then you have already trodden the path to developing abilities, and you can experiment with other subjects. With proper training, you will be able to distinguish rainbow colors. Especially in the black picture. I recommend using this technique daily. When training for 5-10 minutes. per day there should be a result within a week. But if you feel a deterioration in your vision and in general physical condition, then you need to stop training for a while and return to it later.

With long training on ordinary pictures, the eye begins to perceive only the aura on a dark or light background. Here I offer a series of changing color pictures that will allow you to adapt your look.

Contraindications: headaches and eye fatigue may occur. To avoid this, I recommend training for no more than 5-15 minutes. After finishing watching, close your eyes, relax and get some rest.

Picture on how to adapt the eyes to different colors. Here, as in other cases, you need to look at the center with a defocused gaze.

This picture consists of only 2 frames. From my observations, I can say that an object that strongly contrasts with the background color allows you to see the aura most clearly.

This image consists of 4 contrasting colors. Of two complementary colors - green and red, and black and white. Image for training in seeing the aura of small objects.

This picture is intended for gradual perception of colors. The primary colors taken are blue, red, yellow, and green.

This image also allows you to “catch” your eye etheric body square. It is enough to look at the center of the square with a defocused gaze to see the result.


You need a sheet of blank paper and a pen.

Instructions for taking the test:
- read the questions one by one
- write down the answers immediately, about the first thing that comes to mind
- do not spend more than thirty seconds answering
- don’t be alarmed if the answers are repeated
- do not look at the answers before you finish the entire test...

So, armed with a pen and paper, get comfortable and start writing down your feelings.

1. You are standing on the seashore. Look at it carefully... Write down the sensations.
2. You are walking through the forest, looking at your feet. How do you feel?
3. You see seagulls flying. Describe your impressions.
4. Now a herd of horses is rushing in front of you. What are your feelings?
5. Imagine that a high wall suddenly grew in the middle of the desert. There is a tiny hole in it and through it you see that behind the wall there is a green oasis with water. Write down what you will do?
6. The same desert, but without any wall. You are a tired traveler. You are hot... Suddenly you saw a jug of water. What are your actions?
7. Deep forest. Evening is falling. You are lost in the forest. Suddenly they came out into a clearing where there was a small house and a light was burning in the window. What will you do?
8. You are caught in a thick fog. What are your actions?

This is all! Congratulations. Now look what old Freud “thinks” about this.

1. This is your attitude towards life in general. Your emotions and impressions are your picture of the world.
2. This description shows how you feel in your family.
3. Your attitude towards women.
4. Your attitude towards men.
5. This is an illustration of your life goal, how you go towards it, how you know how to solve important problems.
6. This is a description of your attitude towards choosing a sexual partner, your selectivity or...
7. Willingness to start a family.
8. Your attitude towards death.

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Even the most hardened skeptics believe what their senses tell them, but the senses are easily deceived.

An optical illusion is an impression of a visible object or phenomenon that does not correspond to reality, i.e. optical illusion. Translated from Latin, the word “illusion” means “error, delusion.” This suggests that illusions have long been interpreted as some kind of malfunction in the visual system. Many researchers have been studying the causes of their occurrence.

Some visual illusions have long had a scientific explanation, others still remain a mystery.

website continues to collect the coolest optical illusions. Be careful! Some illusions may cause tears, headache and disorientation in space.

Endless chocolate

If you cut a chocolate bar 5 by 5 and rearrange all the pieces in the order shown, then out of nowhere an extra piece of chocolate will appear. You can do the same with an ordinary chocolate bar and make sure that this is not computer graphics, but a real mystery.

Illusion of bars

Take a look at these bars. Depending on which end you are looking at, the two pieces of wood will either be next to each other, or one of them will be lying on top of the other.

Cube and two identical cups

Optical illusion created by Chris Westall. There is a cup on the table, next to which there is a cube with a small cup. However, upon closer examination, we can see that in fact the cube is drawn, and the cups are exactly the same size. A similar effect is noticeable only at a certain angle.

Illusion "Cafe Wall"

Take a close look at the image. At first glance, all the lines seem to be curved, but in fact they are parallel. The illusion was discovered by R. Gregory at the Wall Cafe in Bristol. This is where its name came from.

Illusion of the Leaning Tower of Pisa

Above you see two pictures of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. At first glance, the tower on the right appears to lean more than the tower on the left, but in fact both of these pictures are the same. The reason is that the visual system views the two images as part of a single scene. Therefore, it seems to us that both photographs are not symmetrical.

Disappearing circles

This illusion is called "Vanishing Circles". It consists of 12 lilac pink spots arranged in a circle with a black cross in the middle. Each spot disappears in a circle for about 0.1 seconds, and if you focus on the central cross, you can get the following effect:
1) at first it will seem that there is a green spot running around
2) then the purple spots will start to disappear

Black and white illusion

Look at the four dots in the center of the picture for thirty seconds, then move your gaze to the ceiling and blink. What did you see?


One of the basic rules is to write what you feel and what comes to mind first. It’s okay if you have the same answers to different questions. Don't read everything at once! Read the questions one by one - why rush, it won’t be so interesting if you look at the next question without writing down the answer to the previous one. Take a piece of paper and a pencil and quickly write your answers. There are 8 questions in total.

  1. Are you peering into the sea? (your first feeling, you can close your eyes)

  2. Are you walking through the forest and looking at your feet? (how do you feel, no more than 30-40 seconds for questions)

  3. Do you see the flight of seagulls? (how do you feel, if the answer is quick, okay, let’s move on)

  4. A herd of horses? (write the first thing that comes to mind, don’t think for long)

  5. In the desert, a wall with a small hole behind which is an oasis? (this question NEEDS YOUR ACTIONS, NOT THOUGHTS, what you will do)

  6. Tired in the desert, do you see a jug of water along the way? (what are you doing, not feelings, but actions, this is banal, but write it on a piece of paper)

  7. Lost in the forest, evening, saw a house with a window shining in it? (what are you going to do, write)

Are you in the fog? (ACTIONS, write how you behave, this is the finish line)

The answers have been recorded, now let’s move on to deciphering them. Below are transcripts from Sigmund Freud.

RESULTS:An interesting test by Sigmund Freud

  1. Your attitude to life, emotions, sensations.

  2. Your well-being in your family.

  3. Your attitude towards women.

  4. Your attitude towards men.

  5. Your main life strategy, goal. How do you solve your problems?

  6. Your sexual selectivity. Choosing a partner.

  7. Your readiness for marriage.

  8. Your attitude towards death.

Your eyes are a mental monitor!

Your eyes, namely the back of the eyelids, are your own psychic monitor, on which you can see whatever you want. These could be events from the distant past or the upcoming future. They can apply both to you personally and to other people.

Where to start developing clairvoyance?

Every day, before going to bed, when you are already in bed, carefully examine the unclear marks, lines and bizarre shapes on the back of the eyelids. That is, with your eyes closed, you peer at what you see in front of you, on the back of your eyelids. This exercise can be done at any time, the main thing is that you are in a calm state and not in a hurry.

Master the state of complete stillness!

When the body is completely motionless, the internal movement of energy begins. It flows to the brain and awakens the nerve centers responsible for paranormal perception.

To successfully complete this exercise, master a state of complete rest and immobility. To do this, sit in a comfortable chair or lie down, with your back straight and without a pillow. Relax.

How to learn muscle control?

Practice muscle control in your body. Do not allow yourself the slightest movement, even in the smallest areas of your body. Keep each muscle completely still, let only your breathing work. Control everything else, but without unnecessary tension. You just have to be relaxed, calm and still. For the first time, try to sit for at least five minutes, then every day, you can increase the time a little. Remember that gradualism is the key to success in any endeavor.

Initial technique for developing clairvoyance.

Sit down, enter a state of complete stillness, let breathing become the only movement.

Relax and close your eyes.

Carefully look at everything you see on the back of your eyelids. This is called hypnographic imagery.

Look with your eyes closed as if you were sitting in a movie theater waiting to watch a movie, looking carefully at a blank screen. In a couple of minutes, you will see vague outlines and unclear shapes, lines, stains and “clouds”.

Track every movement or shape that appears before your eyes.

Follow the form very carefully, observing its changes, how and where it moves.

Gradually you will enter a state of light hypnotic sleep, from which it is easy to escape with any sudden movement of the body.

Then even clearer outlines. Practice every day until you achieve a very clear picture.

The exercise is considered successful when you begin to see as if you were seeing in reality. You can ask questions to your subconscious and receive answers from them.