Lengthening leg muscles. How to lengthen your legs? Is this possible? Exercise plan for those who want to make their legs longer

This article is dedicated to all the short and short-legged people who dream of “growing” their legs “from their ears”. Girls, do you really think that with the help of hypnosis and various techniques offered by scammers on the Internet (for decent money, moreover), you can lengthen your legs?

I really hope this is not the case. Besides, do not rush to undergo leg lengthening surgery because:

  • - Firstly, it is very painful (ask those who have walked with the Ilizarov apparatus for medical reasons)
  • - Secondly, it takes a long time, because you will need at least six months for the operation itself and recovery
  • - Thirdly, this will require significant effort from you, including physiotherapeutic procedures, treatment and physical education
  • - Fourthly, very serious complications can arise
  • - And finally, it is very expensive and risky!

Exercises to lengthen your legs

I’ll say right away that I’m not a doctor, so I can’t advise everyone to do the exercises. You need to consult a doctor to find out if you can exercise, and only after that start exercising to lengthen your legs. For example, if there is varicose veins veins or impaired blood circulation, you should absolutely not put stress on your legs, including running, etc. I hope you will take this into account.

It is best to start the complex after jogging, and not just running along paths, but with alternating loads and speed. Jog, then at a fast pace - this will help warm up and prepare your legs for exercise.. Make sure your running shoes are appropriate, buy good running shoes, and never run in flip-flops or ballet flats.

As soon as you return from your run, immediately start doing exercises.


  • 1. You will need approximately 1kg weights to perform this exercise effectively. You can order weights online, buy them at a sports store, or come up with some homemade remedies.
  • Sit on a high chair so that your feet do not touch the floor. Use weights carefully so that they do not compress your shins too much and do not interfere with blood circulation. Now relax your muscles and sit in this pose for a while, thinking that your legs are already starting to grow

2. Walk on your toes. This is one of the safest and most effective leg lengthening exercises at home. Get up on your toes and walk around the apartment like this. Trying to keep your back straight and stretch your legs as high as possible

  • 2. Stretching. Stretching is the best leg exercise if you don't overdo it and do it correctly.

  • There are many exercises for good stretching, I will give just a couple of examples:
  • - Stand straight with your feet together and reach your palms towards the floor. Have you reached it? Now freeze in this pose for 30 seconds.
  • - The lotus pose is good for “stretching”
  • - Lunges with dumbbells are not only good for stretching, but will also help tighten your butt at home (the deeper the lunge, the better the result)

  • 3. Kicking will help lengthen your shins. In fact, the exercise is quite difficult - those will confirm this. Have you noticed that everyone who studies has enough long legs? You need to hit the punching bag with your feet, trying to hit the center. You can work out in the gym with a trainer or at home if you have a punching bag.
  • 4. Leg swings also help lengthen your legs. Do several sets of swings forward, backward, left and right
  • 5. Jumping rope for at least 30 minutes a day will help you achieve your goals faster.

These are the exercises. It happens that people go overboard in their desire to lengthen their legs. So, for example, they hang a weight on their legs and sleep with the weights, their legs hanging off the bed. What are they thinking about, I would like to know? Isn't it easier, after all, to choose clothes and shoes that will help you visually become taller? Be reasonable!

All girls want to seduce men with their long and tanned legs. But if it turns out that your legs are not “from the ears”, do not rush to get upset. There are a number of exercises that will help make your legs longer. Find out about 7 effective ways, which will soon help you become slimmer and help lengthen your legs a little, because you deserve it!

No. 1 Systematic jogging. Noticeably lengthens your legs - running. As you know, running is beneficial for all factors and the entire body. Therefore, you can go for a run in the park or stadium today. Jogging should be at least half an hour, maybe more. Running should be fast. When you get tired, you can go jogging. Important: you need to run regularly! If you lack motivation, then read: !
No. 2 Regular exercise. After running, you should do a set of exercises to lengthen your legs. Stretching exercises are basic, without them it is difficult to achieve results. Choose your exercises physical training and stretching. Below you will find several standard exercises. It is important to do all exercises immediately after running, while your muscles are warm. You can see some exercises in the YouTube video:

No. 3 “Butterfly” for long legs. There are several effective exercises, for example, the “butterfly”. You need to sit on the floor and bring your feet together. Now, clasping our legs with our hands, we wave them like the wings of a butterfly. Then we stop and try to lie down smoothly on our feet. You may feel muscle pain. We try to stretch our legs more widely. At this time, we lean our hands on the floor and try to smoothly lower ourselves down. To begin with, we bend over for 30 seconds. Each time you need to increase this time.
No. 4 Bends to stretch and lengthen the legs. Stand straight with your feet together. With straight legs, we bend over and stretch our hands to the floor. After touching the floor, you need to stand in this position for 30 seconds.
#5 Deep lunges with dumbbells. This great exercise not only for stretching, but also for the buttocks. You should do 10 repetitions in 2 sets. To learn other effective techniques for improving your legs and butt, use our !
No. 6 “Lazy” method. Even while sleeping, you can stretch your legs. To do this, your legs should hang off the bed, and it is better to place a soft pillow under your knees. It may be difficult to fall asleep in this position, but as they say, beauty requires sacrifice.
#7 Walk on your toes at home. This is one of the simplest and quite effective exercises for lengthening your legs. In this case, you need to try to stretch your legs up and keep your back straight and confident. You can also put a book on your head for better posture.
With the help of such simple exercises you can easily lengthen your legs, not by 10 cm, of course, but by a couple or three for sure. Also, be sure to find out so that your muscles remain toned. And below you can watch other videos from Youtube that will help you do all the exercises correctly and lengthen your legs, because it is really possible!

Tell us about your ways to lengthen your legs in the comments! Share our advice with your friends on social networks and put the stars below :)

Long legs are ideal female beauty and the secret dream of short ladies. But a short-legged man sometimes looks ridiculous.

What to do if nature left you no choice?

You will have to conquer this length on your own. We will tell you how to do this below.

Most often, teenagers notice shortcomings in themselves. After all, the period of growing up is a period of complexes, reassessment of values ​​and constant assertion of oneself. But doctors advise not to rush into self-criticism. After all, the process of growth of tubular bones stops by the age of 20-23. And it often happens that sixteen-year-old “short-legged” women turn into twenty-year-old chic ladies. The main thing is to eat right and do exercises in the morning. You will still have everything.

Bone growth is affected by a lack of vitamin D, so instead of reading online articles, it is better to go for a walk in the sun.

Surgery to help

Some severe genetic diseases are accompanied by short stature and short legs. In these cases, to eliminate discomfort and improve social adaptation, surgery is performed to increase the length of the bone. The technique was developed back in the last century and is used to treat complex fractures. A special device is installed on the lower leg, which performs slow traction on the bone. As a result, you can increase the length by 7-10 centimeters. This is a significant size for such patients.

However, surgical treatment takes a long time. The process of lengthening and restoration takes years. Therefore, such therapy is used quite rarely and only according to strict indications. Healthy people who are dissatisfied with their appearance are advised to undergo treatment with a psychotherapist rather than with a surgeon.

Unique method from the network

The Internet always gives advice. To enlarge legs, the network offers us a method of “formation and restoration of microcracks.” This method is quite simple: after an active physical warm-up (at least 1 hour), it is suggested to hang a weight on your feet. The subject remains with the load for another 1 hour, while performing stretching exercises - hanging on a horizontal bar, swinging. The load gradually increases.

According to this technique, during training, microcracks form in the bones, which are actively filled with bone tissue. The load allows the defects to expand and increase their volume. Therefore, during recovery, the length of the legs will gradually increase. According to Internet sources, with regular training (once a day), you can achieve a result of +2 centimeters in six months.

It is worth noting that there are no clinical trials of this technique. In terms of physical activity, this method will not be suitable for everyone. In addition, with chronic pathologies, such loads may be unbearable. The bone may undergo degeneration. Therefore, in case of any experiments on yourself, consult a specialist.


  1. We kneel down and stretch our arms up. Palms facing each other. We take a deep breath and, gradually exhaling, lean forward. Hands and forehead touch the floor; the pelvis is on the heels. We fix the pose for a few moments. We push off the floor with our palms and return to the starting position.

Such exercises are performed daily at least 6 times a day. In extreme poses, the muscles should be as tense as possible. This allows you to stretch your spine and strengthen your buttocks, which will visually lengthen your legs.

  1. The next exercise is performed standing. To do this, take a step forward with one foot. Raise your hands up and put them together, palms closed. While inhaling, the front leg bends at the knee, and the arms try to stretch upward as much as possible. As you exhale, we return to the starting position. This stretches not only the back muscles, but also the muscles back surface thighs and legs. Watch your muscle tension. Repeat the exercises regularly at least 6 times a day. Fig 6.
  2. Next, we will stretch the thigh muscles. The optimal exercise for this is “Butterfly”. We sit on the floor, our back is straight, our feet are connected to each other. The knees are ideally pressed to the floor. We begin to perform movements that imitate the flapping of wings. After this, we lie down on our lower limbs, trying to touch our feet with our faces. These exercises are effective for stretching the inner thigh muscles. They make the hips thinner and visually add length to the limbs.

The optimal way to stretch the muscles of the thigh and lower leg is twine, both transverse and longitudinal. Preparing for the splits takes months and years, but this complex helps to increase the longitudinal length of the muscles, and therefore serves our main goal.

  1. Get on your knees. Stretch one leg forward, toe straightened as much as possible. With both hands, try to reach your foot. Stay in a bent position for as long as possible.
  2. We spread our knees wide and lie down, resting our feet on the floor. The pelvis and back are raised above the surface and parallel to the floor. Support on spread knees and elbows. In this pose, perform several push-ups.
  3. Now we bend one leg at the knee, stretch the other back. We spring, feeling the tension of each muscle, after which we change limbs.
  4. We sit on the floor and stretch our hips and shins forward. Bend over as much as possible, trying to reach your face to your knees.

If you perform these exercises regularly and efficiently, you will not only do the splits, but also increase the size of your limbs. They will become slender, lengthen and attract attention.

Men are no worse

Women are more focused on their appearance. But what should men do if own body they are not satisfied. The answer is simple: swings, jumps, horizontal bar. These exercises stretch the muscles longitudinally and add length to the legs.

Regular swings are suitable for women's training. This can be forward, sideways, or circular movements. In this case, the limb does not bend. In case male workout Swings with a blow to the bag are suitable. Such exercises are practiced by fighters in Muay Thai and kickboxing. Your task is to make the most of your straight leg, lifting it higher and higher. The number of swings can reach 200-300 times, gradually increasing. Classes will help you get in shape, stretch your muscles and feel invincible. Jumping rope is also suitable. This high-energy workout strengthens the joints and muscles of the lower back. After the active phase, you can hang on the horizontal bar. Gravity will do the work for you.

If the exercises are regular and of high quality, in six months to a year you will grow up and your legs will become longer. Don't lose confidence in yourself. Good luck.

Each individual person is unique. Often individuals are held to certain rules and standards. Colorful magazines, watching the fashion show of slender tall models on the catwalk, even mannequins in stores, convince a person that the length of the legs is main criterion beauty. Selected shoes and clothing highlight the conviction by placing emphasis on the lower body. Especially the advantages of long lower limbs women are confident. But representatives of the stronger sex also believe that long legs and tall stature of men look attractive to women.

If nature has deprived you of such data, is it possible to increase the length of your legs? The first thing that comes to mind is the help of surgeons. A complex operation, difficult recovery and adaptation lie ahead. There is a known option to achieve the goal without surgical intervention, available to those who wish - daily physical activity, special exercises.

You will need to choose the right shoes for classes, the main component of success in your plan. The best option There will be spikes and running shoes. Unlike other types, running shoes are equipped with shock absorption and an insert in the heel area.

There are people who manage to wear ballet flats, slippers or sandals for running. Such shoes are absolutely not suitable. You could fall and get hurt.

Interval running

When running like this, to increase height, you need to change the speed of movement, alternating rapid running with jogging. After jogging, microcracks appear in the bone tissue and are filled with newly formed tissue. There is no need to give the body rest; immediately begin to perform actions, lengthening the line of the legs.

Exercises with weights

This type of load is considered the main one for “stretching” growth. Sit on a high chair or table, first putting weights on both ankles. Legs with a load hang down without touching the floor. Make sure the table or chair is stable. sit in accepted position It will take at least 30 minutes, if you have enough patience, an hour. You need to start the exercises with two kilograms of weight, gradually adding. It is important not to weigh more than five, but weights that are too light will be in vain.

Sports stores sell them ready-made, easy to make yourself. Sew stones into the pockets of the bag and use plastic bottles with water, sand. Order online. The main thing is that the weight on both ankles is shown to be the same. The changes will be uniform on both sides.

While the body has not cooled down after an intense run, we hang the weight on our legs and begin to hang out. Weights are not intended to compress the lower leg, interfering with normal blood circulation. It is recommended to move your knees slightly away from the edge of the chair, behind knee joint large vessels pass through. While sitting, lengthening and intensive healing of the formed microcracks in the bone tissue occurs. The damage is filled with new cells, the cracks heal, and new tissue forms. If after long run take a rest, do not continue training to increase the length of your legs, you will not notice any changes. The size will remain the same.

The training time is unlimited, it directly depends on patience. After starting exercise, a tingling and burning sensation is felt in the muscles. Strong painful sensations must be missing. If you perform “dangling” every day, your lower leg will stretch by 2-4 centimeters - not as little as it seems. It is recommended to do extension hangs with weights on the crossbar or horizontal bar. The spine and hip bones are stretched.

Many people believe that increasing the load with heavier weights will cause quick results. Erroneous judgment. Overextended muscles hurt a lot, causing aches and discomfort at the slightest movement. Bursted blood vessels discourage the desire to continue training without becoming longer. Practice without fanaticism.

Stretch marks

  1. Dynamic - swinging movements;
  2. Ballistic - bending, swinging;
  3. Static – holding a position for some time.

Exercises that involve stretching are considered challenging. Performance should not be accompanied by pain or discomfort. The load is added gradually. Breathing is even, you can’t hold it. Starting position- inhale, stretch - exhale. Such manipulations stretch muscles and tone joints.

An acceptable stretch is considered to be splits. It can be longitudinal or transverse. Performed on the floor. Well activates the work in the legs, promoting the growth process. It requires a long period of practice to perform thoughtfully. It’s not often that beginners manage to sit down completely. You need to carefully follow the recommendations of the trainers:

  1. Before performing exercises, you must warm up your muscles (biking, running, jumping, jumping rope, swimming).
  2. Don’t try to do it from the first lesson full split. This can cause injury!
  3. Contraindicated for people with orthopedic problems.

The new physical activity is not difficult. Cross your legs and sit in the lotus position for 20 minutes, try to relax, think about the desired result. During the day, using this method, you can do work in the house, in the garden, or sit in front of the TV screen for several hours. Visualization is considered a method of lengthening. Afterwards you need to stand up, straighten up, and lower yourself head down without bending your knees. Stand for 30 seconds. Straighten up. Repeat 20 times, perform “stomps”. Stomp each foot 200 times, stretching your toes forward as much as possible, take a break, and stomp again 200 times.

"Butterfly" - effective exercise. Sit on the floor, bring both feet together. Grasp your legs with your arms and start flapping them like the wings of a butterfly. Let go and gently lie down on your feet. It will be felt muscle pain. We strive to spread our legs as wide as possible. At the same time, we lean our hands on the floor, trying to lower ourselves. Hold for 30 seconds, increasing the duration of the incline each time.

Get on your knees, put your elbows and palms forward. Pull out right leg parallel to the floor, pull the heel back. The stretch is felt well.

Walking on your toes

Restore your breathing and stand on your toes with your back straight. Keep your chin parallel to the floor. You need to start walking, trying to stretch your fingertips as much as possible, with a “doe’s gait.” For best result To perform the exercise, place a book or tray on the top of your head.

The task is to hold the object on your head while walking, keeping your back straight. Persian beauties performed the exercise daily with grace and ease, carrying jugs of wine and trays of fruit on their heads.

Calf raise

Rise onto your toes and lower yourself smoothly. Performed 20-30 times, several approaches per day. Action stretches calf muscle in length.

Then make the task a little more difficult. Try to lean your back tightly against the wall, raise your arms up, trying to keep your posture as straight as possible. Stand on your toes, slowly lower onto your heels. Do the exercise 30 times. The movement is sliding and leisurely.


IN different sides we wave our feet. First forward - backward, then right - left. Stop, swing forward, hold it as high as possible, and slowly lower it. We make a similar movement with a delay back. We perform static extension swings.

Then we intensively kick the imaginary ball, stretching out the toe, alternating with an imaginary hanging bag, and also try to kick. It is permissible to use a real pillow or pear, adapting it conveniently. Such swings are called “karate swings” and have a beneficial effect on increasing height.

Exercises on the gymnastic wall

Grab the bar and hang. Knees are straight. Hang in a relaxed state for as long as you can stand it. Hanging on the gymnastic ladder is replaced by hanging on the horizontal bar. The principle of the exercise is the same. Then put one leg behind the crossbar, the second remains free outside. Lean forward, reaching for the toe of the opposite leg. It is better to start from the bottom crossbar, gradually reaching the higher ones. Having completed the task, remove the load and relax.

Not afraid of the difficulty of doing exercises for the sake of beauty, last stage growth occurs during sleep. Lie on the bed so that your shin hangs down in a free position. Place a small pillow comfortably under your knees. It is not easy to fall asleep in such a position, but beauty overcomes doubts.

Inversion table

Exercises to lengthen the legs are performed on a device called an inversion table. On the simulator they exercise upside down. The legs are fixed at the top. Stretching of bones and joints occurs due to the force of gravity. There is no need for weights on a table like this.

Try replacing the exercise machine with a horizontal bar. Movements are performed with weights. For example, the simplest technique for lengthening: hold the horizontal bar bar with your hands, the lower part of the body hangs in a free position. Start moving your hips, swaying, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Gradually increase speed, increase amplitude. The spine is capable of slightly crunching as a result of manipulation.

With the help of simple tricks it is possible to do without operations to increase height. There is no need to rush things and expect quick results. The first changes will come after 2-3 months of training. Patience and hardworking exercises to lengthen the leg line will make the desired reality come true. The main thing is to build a system of classes and do them regularly.

For a long time it was believed that the height and length of legs is a given from nature, which one has to put up with. However, modern scientific research amended this statement. And now to the question of how to lengthen your legs using physical exercise, you can answer quite reasonably.

A little about standards

Thin waist and long legs - here she is, a modern young lady. The expression “legs from shoulders”, although it sounds ironic, quite clearly expresses the cherished dream of any beauty. And it’s actually not that difficult to implement. It takes patience and regular exercise. As a result, after six months the length of the legs will increase by 2-3 cm. These numbers, of course, are not stunning, but visually such progress will be difficult not to notice. Moreover, the sooner you start training, the better, because after 25 years a person’s growth stops.

There are certain physical activities that help correct the length of the limbs. These are exercises that create microcracks in bone tissue and help the body fill them with new cells, which ensures lengthening of the legs. The training package must include:

  • jogging;
  • stretching;
  • swing your legs.

And don’t forget to take vitamin D: it is responsible for strong bones.

How to make your legs longer by doing regular exercises such as running? The secret to a good run is varying your pace. That is, after a fast run, switch to jogging. After this, those same microcracks are formed. And then it’s time to start tissue extensions.

  1. We sit on a chair and hang an equal weight on each leg. We start with the minimum - 2 kg, gradually moving to the maximum - 5 kg.
  2. We begin to “dangle” our legs (10-30 minutes) until a tingling pain appears.
  3. We hang on the bar for 2-3 minutes, concentrating on a positive result.

Now the complex for stretching:

  1. We do a “butterfly”: sitting, we connect our feet in front of us and swing our knees.
  2. Take a lotus position for a few minutes.
  3. We do the splits.
  4. We lean forward with straight legs, trying to reach the floor with our palms.
  5. Don't forget about lunges with dumbbells on your feet.
  6. We pull the heel while standing on our knees and elbows.

We also complement our complex with swings in different directions. To enhance the effect of the exercise, you can kick the punching bag.