Naomi Campbell's body measurements now. The secrets of Naomi Campbell's perfect figure

Naomi Campbell is a British supermodel of Afro-Jamaican descent. Naomi also tried her hand as an actress and singer, which also won public recognition.

Naomi Campbell was born in May 1970 in Streatham, London. Naomi does not know who her father is. The parents divorced when the baby was not even six months old. At the insistence of her mother, Afro-Jamaican ballerina Valerie Morris, Naomi never met her father.

Valerie remarried when her daughter was a teenager. Either adolescence, or Naomi’s famous difficult character, became the cause of constant quarrels between her stepfather and stepdaughter. However, even at school the girl had difficult relationships with peers and teachers. Naomi Campbell later admitted that her “prickly” character was due to the breakdown of the relationship between her mother and father.

Throughout her childhood, Naomi remained in the care of a nanny. Valerie toured a lot. The daughter inherited her mother's flexibility and plasticity. At the age of 7, the young dancer appeared in one of the videos of the legendary “Is This Love?” And at 10, Campbell began attending ballet school, deciding to follow in her mother’s footsteps.

After her mother’s second marriage, the girl tried to come home later. After finishing her classes, she walked through the streets of London and her favorite park, Covent Garden. There, Beth Boldt, a scout from one of the Parisian modeling agencies, saw a tall and flexible mulatto woman who looked like a young black panther. A year later, in 1985, Naomi Campbell went to film in the capital of France. As a condition of the trip, the mother made the designer Azzedine Allaya look after her daughter. The British woman's casting for Elite was successful.

Modeling business

In 1986, Naomi Campbell appeared on the cover of the famous Elle magazine. But it was not only natural beauty, grace and suitable parameters (Naomi’s height is 175 cm, weight - 51 kg) that was the reason for the girl to appear on the cover of the cult publication. Circumstances so happened that Naomi had to replace another dark-skinned girl who did not come to the shooting. Thus, Campbell was the first black model to appear on the title page of the magazine. From that moment on, Naomi Campbell's modeling biography began.

Her exotic beauty was noticed, and the 16-year-old girl received many tempting offers. The face of a dark-skinned British woman now appeared on the covers of the French Vogue magazine and the English Time magazine.

Soon Naomi Campbell is the heroine of the shows of the most famous fashion houses. The exotic beauty is hired to demonstrate clothes from Versace, Valentino, Roberto Cavalli and Dolce & Gabbana. Because of its cat-like gait, it is called the “black panther.” In the 1990s, Naomi was at the peak of her popularity. It is one of the six most popular and expensive models in the world.

In 1995, the British model made her debut as a singer. One of her singles, titled "La, La, La Love Song", reached number one on the Japanese charts. The same year, Naomi Campbell's album Babywoman was released. The British model appeared in music videos of such famous artists as, and.

Since the late 80s, Campbell’s cinematic biography has also been developing. Her debut film was released in 1984. Critics are not enthusiastic about Naomi's performance, but directors willingly take her into their films, as it greatly increases their ratings and box office receipts.

In parallel with her modeling career, Naomi manages to act as a TV presenter of a reality show in which inexperienced students were turned into real fashion designers. The project was released in 2003 and received good ratings.

Famous cosmetic brands name their perfumes after the supermodel. The perfume masterpieces “Sunset”, “Cat Deluxe”, “Paradise Passion”, “Naomi Campbell”, “Naomi Campbell Mystery” and “Exult” are very successful.

Naomi Campbell also tried herself as a restaurateur. Together with, and Christy Turlington, she founded the Fashion Cafe chain of establishments. But after 3 years the restaurants went bankrupt and were closed.


The dark-skinned model, nicknamed the “black panther,” often demonstrates the character traits of this predator. Scandals involving Naomi Campbell occur frequently and are described in detail by the tabloids. Naomi's temper and instability bring her the dubious reputation of being the main brawler in world show business.

In 2007, the model’s frantic temper led her to anger management courses and 5 days of community service. So the court punished Campbell for beating the maid. But apparently, the punishment and courses didn’t really help, because the next year Naomi Campbell spat at a law enforcement officer at the airport. The policeman tried to calm down the raging star, whose luggage was lost. This incident led Naomi to further courses of psychotherapy and self-control.

Personal life

Naomi Campbell's personal life is extremely eventful. Her name is associated with many famous men. In the late 1980s, the model dated. There were rumors about her short affair with. Naomi Campbell had a longer affair with Spanish dancer Joaquin Cortez. After Cortez left Naomi, she was depressed for a long time. There were rumors of a suicide attempt. An affair with musician Adam Clayton helped the British model return to her former life. But this relationship did not lead to marriage.

Among Naomi Campbell's former lovers, Prince Albert is also named. After an affair with the latter, the model was convicted of drug addiction, from which she got rid of it for six months in a specialized clinic.

Naomi once admitted to reporters that she prefers older men. She is impressed by their wisdom, independence and “fatherly qualities.” This probably explains her marriages with Flavio Briatore, who gave his beloved a yacht.

A separate page in Naomi’s personal life is her affair with Russian oligarch, whom she met in Brazil. For Campbell's sake, Doronin even left his wife. And the British supermodel, for the sake of her Russian lover, was ready to convert to Orthodoxy in order to marry him in church.

In 2011, all the tabloids started talking about their engagement and that Naomi would soon have a Russian husband. But the wedding never happened. In 2012, it became known that Vyacheslav and Naomi, and in 2013, representatives of the model officially announced a breakup. Later it becomes known that Doronin “bought off” Naomi with an expensive mansion in the Moscow region, built in the shape of a yacht.

Naomi did not have children in any of these unions. But in an interview in 2017, the model said that she was ready to become a mother and had already thought about children more than once, but could not find a worthy candidate for the role of father.

Naomi Campbell now

Naomi Campbell does not hide the fact that she wears wigs, both on the catwalk and in everyday life. This is a necessary measure: the model’s hair is weak and brittle and is constantly falling out. Detractors attribute this to Campbell’s age, but the model explains her hair loss as the costs of her profession. Modeling and acting careers forced the girl to dye her hair in all sorts of colors, constantly use heat styling and extensions, which ruined her hair.

Today, wigs have become an integral attribute of Campbell and do not prevent the supermodel from continuing to participate in photo shoots. The supermodel wears wigs in everyday life and tries not to let the paparazzi photograph Naomi's natural hair. Fans have counted Naomi's dozens of wig models, which allow Campbell to change her image every day.

In 2016, the model amazed fans with her attractive appearance at the 73rd Venice Film Festival. Fans bombarded with photos of the model in “ Instagram” with compliments, claiming that time has no power over the black actress. Naomi Campbell's official Instagram account is popular; 4.2 million subscribers follow the new photos and videos of the model, of which there are just over a thousand on the page so far.

In January 2017, on The Wendy Williams Show, Campbell spoke for the first time about the attack and attempted murder in Paris. Naomi admitted that she was silent for so long because she was still scared by this incident.

In 2017, Naomi starred in a provocative photo shoot for Sorbet Magazine. The 46-year-old supermodel posed nude, proving that she can still challenge young rebels. Naked photos of Campbell caused a stir in the press and on the Internet, but the photo shoot received mostly positive reviews. Fans and critics recognized that the model's figure allows Naomi to be photographed naked even at that age.

In May 2017, Naomi attended the Cannes Film Festival, where the model initiated the Fashion For Relief charity fashion show. In addition to Campbell, they walked down the catwalk, and.


  • The Cosby Show
  • The Prince of Bel-Air
  • Cold as ice
  • Rhapsody of Miami
  • Undercover cops
  • Captive of Love
  • Karma

Not long ago, the model revealed that she had become a vegetarian. “I used to think that I would never be able to give up meat, but body detox courses inspired me to do this,” says Naomi.

The model has also admitted more than once that she cannot live a day without green juices from apples, vegetables and herbs.

With the help of artichokes, she reduces her cravings for sweets, ginger and red pepper accelerate the decomposition of fats, pineapple activates the burning of proteins, and a sprig of parsley eaten can briefly relieve hunger.


Naomi Campbell tried many sports, but eventually settled on two: Pilates and Gyrotonics. And if everything is more or less clear with the first, then it’s worth explaining about the second: Girotronic was invented by choreographer Julio Horva to train muscle elasticity. They are engaged in special simulators, similar to a loom. With the help of cables and various handles, you can perfectly develop muscles and flexibility of the body, Naomi also admits that this type of exercise allows her to stay in heels longer without feeling discomfort.


Naomi does not like to go on diets, but three times a year she resorts to detox practice: she eats nothing for ten days and drinks 2 liters of special lemonade: a mixture of lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and still water.


The dark-skinned model has repeatedly stated that she does not like to take care of her hair and does not know how, and entrusts this task to a specialist. She uses the services of Hollywood stylist Amoi Pitters, who does hair extensions for her, Donatella Versace and many other stars.

However, Naomi still has her own method for caring for her hair at home: once a week she applies olive oil to her curls. By the way, Australian model Miranda Kerr also does.


For beauty and radiance of the skin, Naomi exfoliates. For her body, she uses coffee, about which she often says: “Coffee is just a miracle weapon against cellulite.” She chooses a green variety from the Ivory Coast - it has more caffeine, which means it tightens the skin better.

The incredibly talented and stunning Black Panther of the modeling business was able to conquer all the influential people from the very first day of work in this industry. Naomi Campbell became the first black model to grace the covers of the world's best publications, namely Vogue and Time.

Naomi Campbell model

She is such a multifaceted and talented person that as of 2015, in addition to the modeling industry, she managed to successfully prove herself as an actress, singer, writer, presenter, businesswoman and even release her own perfume. By the way, the girl began her acting career much earlier than her modeling career, starring in one of Bob Marley’s videos in 1977. As of 2015, the model is seriously thinking about motherhood, moving her modeling career and the rest of show business to the background.


The unsurpassed supermodel was born on May 22, 1970 in the small town of Streatham, which is located in South London, England. Naomi Campbell grew up without a father, because he left his young wife and daughter immediately after her birth, because of this, the relationship with her mother was a little tense and even competitive.

Mom studied ballet and often disappeared on tour, leaving her little daughter in the care of her parents. At the time when Naomi was already going to school, her mother connected her life with a new man, but he never managed to find a common language with the girl, which is why scandals very often arose in the family.

Naomi often caused trouble not only at home, but also at school. If one of his classmates said the wrong thing or looked the wrong way, the Black Panther would release his claws. Due to misunderstandings with her stepfather, the girl school lessons I was in no hurry to go home, so I spent most of my time in the parks. However, it was one of these walks that changed the life of the young beauty.

Modeling career

  • Height– 175 cm;
  • Weight– 53 kg;
  • Options– 86-61-88 cm.

During another walk, a dark-skinned, attractive 15-year-old girl is noticed by one of the scouts of the Elite modeling agency, who invited her to participate in the casting. From that moment on, her photos began to appear on the pages of the world's best publications.

A few months later, Naomi Campbell needed to fly to Paris to take her first professional photos in her life. Naturally, she is also a strategist, so for a few days she decided to forget about all the family scandals and misunderstandings, so that her mother and stepfather would not be against a long trip.

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Just a year later, a photo of the beauty graced the cover of the popular glossy Elle, which she ended up on thanks to a happy coincidence. Initially, another model was supposed to appear on the title page of the magazine, but she did not come for the shoot, and Naomi Campbell simply turned out to be at the right time, in the right place.

After this event, the beauty’s unusual Afro-Jamaican appearance was able to conquer literally all influential people in the modeling business. Her photo appeared on the covers of such famous publications as Vogue (France and America) and Time.

The girl began to receive many lucrative offers from designers and since 1988 she has successfully paraded at the best shows in the world. In addition, naked Naomi Campbell has repeatedly graced the covers and spreads of world publications.

Film and television

After the modeling industry, the girl takes on show business. She worked on songs for a long time and already in 1995 she released her long-awaited album “Babywoman”. The new singer has the most fans in Japan. One of the songs occupied the first lines of local charts for a long time, and even in 2015 it is the favorite of many listeners.

The supermodel was often the main character in other people's videos. She can be found in the video of Michael Jackson, Culture Club, P Diddy, Jay-Z, Madonna, Usher, as well as in George Michael's work on the song Freedom-90, where she appeared with other famous supermodels of that era.

In addition, the model was able to try her hand at the film industry. It is worth noting that throughout her time she managed to appear in 31 films. She was on the same set with such famous personalities as Antonio Banderas and Sarah Jessica Parker, showing herself as a comedic and dramatic actor. And although many critics did not appreciate her acting talent, almost all the films with her participation were successful and brought the model considerable fees.

Video with Naomi Campbell

In 2003, Naomi Campbell was entrusted with hosting a show on one of the central television channels, in which she helped inexperienced young people turn into professional fashion designers. This project opened it with new side and introduced himself to everyone as a talented designer. The show was broadcast in two countries: the USA and England.

After 2 years, the model became the co-author of a short novel “Swan”, and also created an album of her professional photos called “Naomi by Naomi Campbell”. Among other things, the model managed to please her fans and simply connoisseurs of quality perfumes by releasing her own perfume. The best-selling fragrances were: “Sunset”, “Cat Deluxe”, “Naomi Campbell”, as well as “Exult” perfume.

Her perfumes are incredibly popular to this day in 2015, because she managed to create different scents suitable for any type of woman. Naomi Campbell herself constantly uses her perfume to complete any look, be it a social event or a walk with friends.

In 2009, D&G created the amazing perfume “3 L’IMPERATRICE”, the face of which was the unrivaled Naomi. It is worth noting that the superstar appeared completely naked in the advertising campaign, and these perfumes were able to conquer millions of women and girls around the world with their aroma.

In 2014, under the leadership of Naomi, started new project"The Face". Black Panther was not going to put up with the overwhelming success of his rival Tyra Banks, so he decided to create an analogue of the famous show “America’s Next Top Model”. However, immediately after the end of the first season, her project was closed by the TV channel due to low ratings.

Personal life

It is known that as of 2015, the model has never been married. Naomi herself does not consider herself frivolous, but the number of short-term novels, which can be counted in dozens, suggests otherwise. She dated boxer Mike Tysan, a member of U2 and Robert De Niro.

1 Numerous relationships with men continued until she met dancer Joaquin Cortez. It was with him that the model began her first serious relationship in her life. But one day the beauty found her lover in bed with another man, after which she wanted to commit suicide. To this day, 2015, Naomi recalls with particular pain the events experienced during this novel.

2 After an unsuccessful experience, the beauty began to give preference to more mature and experienced men. At that time, she began an affair with Flavio Briatore. However, this relationship was doomed.

3 In 2008, the superstar met a Russian businessman. Vladislav Doronin ended up at the beauty’s birthday party quite by accident, but it was this event that became fateful for them. From the very first meeting, Doronin was fascinated by the intoxicating beauty of the supermodel, which is why he immediately decided to achieve her at any cost.

From that moment on, they began an affair. At any social and charitable events, Campbell and Doronin always appeared exclusively together; their photos together adorned the pages of famous glossies. The couple seemed very happy, and Naomi's fans considered this union ideal. On one ordinary day, Vladislav Doronin proposed marriage to the model, and of course the beauty could not refuse, but everything was complicated by the businessman’s unresolved marriage.

In 2009, Doronin brought the model to his homeland - Moscow, where she began to devote a lot of time to charity, and in particular to cancer patients. While in Russia, Naomi did not sit at home, but continued to attend fashion shows and even managed to appear on several talk shows.

Doronin constantly pampered his beloved with all sorts of gifts, including the stunning Moscow apartments. However, already in 2013, the relationship ended not with a long-awaited wedding ceremony, but with an unexpected break. However, ex-couple continues to spend leisure time together. For example, the supermodel and Vladislav Doronin were spotted on one of the beaches, in the company of Leonardo DiCaprio and the businessman’s current girlfriend Luo Jilin.

After Doronin and Campbell broke up, the girl was seen in the company of actor Michael Fassbender, as evidenced by photographs taken by the paparazzi, but this turned out to be just another hobby.

As of 2015, Naomi Campbell intends to have a child, but due to her poor lifestyle, she will not be able to give birth to a healthy child on her own. Perhaps she will follow the example of numerous stars and adopt her first child. Therefore, it is possible that already in 2015 everyone will congratulate her on this happy event.

Naomi Campbell on Instagram: @iamnaomicampbell


The cult top model Naomi Campbell (erroneous versions: Naomi Cambel, Cambel, Campbell, Campbell, Camball) was born on May 22, 1970 in Streatham (England, South London).
The mother of the most recognizable black girl today was a ballerina with Afro-Jamaican roots, Valerie Campbell. When baby Naomi was only 2 months old, her father abandoned 18-year-old Valerie. At the insistence of his mother, the “black panther” never saw his nameless father in his life. When Naomi was a teenager, the future model's mother remarried, and Campbell had a “new” dad. However, Naomi did not like her stepfather and constantly argued with him.

Now supermodel Naomi Campbell admits that the breakup of her mother and father greatly influenced her character. That is why, as it seems to the girl, she is so stubborn, resilient and purposeful. Since childhood, the black beauty has been categorical. From the age of 10, she constantly proved that she was already old enough and doing everything right. This concerned not only the family, but also the school. A scandal in the educational institution was guaranteed if someone in Naomi’s class was not to her liking.

Throughout her childhood, Naomi Campbell was in the care of a nanny. The girl’s mother constantly toured. At the age of 10, Campbell began to learn the basics of ballet herself. And already at 7 she appeared in the video of the famous artist Bob Marley “Is This Love?”.

Walk of the Black Panther

To avoid unnecessary quarrels at home with her stepfather, the girl did not go home after school, but walked through the streets, parks and squares.
At the age of 15, Naomi had a meeting that changed her whole life. In one of the parks, Beth Boldt, an employee of the Elite agency, saw the girl, assessed her figure and invited her to a model casting. Naomi passed the test with dignity and became an agency model. The exotic beauty was immediately appreciated by advertisers and glossy publications.

In 1985, Campbell flew to Paris for her first photo shoot. The whole family accompanied the girl to France, in which agreement reigned for a moment. All scandals with my stepfather were forgotten. However, the calculating Naomi behaved calmly only so that her parents would not forbid her to fly to Paris. A year later, the girl appeared on the cover of the famous Elle magazine.

She got there by accident. A certain dark-skinned model was unable to come to the photo shoot and was replaced by Campbell. By the way, Naomi was the first black girl to appear on the cover of a famous publication. The exotic beauty of the girl attracted powerful of the world fashion and, starting in 1988, the model began to regularly participate in shows, as well as receive tempting offers. By the way, she also became the first black model whose photograph was published on the cover of TIME, French and English VOGUE.

Naomi Campbell began to constantly appear on the covers of a variety of publications, including erotic content. The girl became the heroine of shows of such famous fashion houses as Roberto Cavalli, Dolce & Gabbana, Valentino, Versace.

By the way, Naomi was given the nickname “Black Panther” not because of her skin color, but because of her flexible, soft, “cat-like” manner of walking along the catwalk.

Peak of popularity

In the early 90s, Naomi became one of the “Big Six” most popular models. Besides her, the honorary list included Christy Turlington, Linda Evangelista, Claudia Schiffer, Cindy Crawford and Kate Moss. In 1995, Naomi Campbell made her debut as a singer. The girl released the album “Babywoman”. In Japan, for example, her single “La, La, La Love Song” topped the charts.

Naomi can also be seen in many music videos. For example, in the videos of Culture Club, Michael Jackson, P Diddy, Jay-Z, Madonna and Usher. Campbell, along with her colleagues on the catwalk, starred in the famous video for the outrageous George Michael “Freedom-90”.

Naomi Campbell has also proven herself as an actress. Since 1984, the girl has starred in 31 films. She has worked with Antonio Banderas, Whoopi Goldberg, Sarah Jessica Parker, and John Malkovich. Critics questioned the model's acting talent, however, the films with her participation invariably brought good income.

In 2003, Naomi began hosting a reality show where inexperienced students were turned into fashion designers. Naomi Campbell co-authored the novel Swan in 1996. And besides this, she published an album of her photographs “Naomi by Naomi Campbell”. All proceeds from sales go to the Red Cross.

By the way, thanks to the light hand of “Black Panther,” five new perfume scents have appeared. “Sunset”, “Cat Deluxe”, “Paradise Passion”, “Naomi Campbell” and “Naomi Campbell Mystery”, as well as “Exult” are successful all over the world.


Naomi is famous for her eccentric character and is considered the main brawler in world show business due to her own temper. In 2007, the model completed 5 days of community service and took anger management courses. The court handed down this punishment because Campbell beat her maid. For her prank, the girl washed floors in the garages of garbage trucks.

By the way, this was not the only case when a girl splashes out her negative emotions on her assistants. In 2008, Naomi spat at a police officer who was trying to calm the star down at the airport where her luggage was lost. In the same year, the model underwent another course of psychotherapy on self-control.

Personal life of Naomi Campbell

Naomi's personal life is very busy. In the late 80s, she dated boxer Mike Tyson. There are rumors that she had an affair with Sylvester Stallone. In the 90s, the girl was the lover of dancer Joaquin Cortez. A young Spaniard broke the heart of a dark-skinned girl that she almost committed suicide and barely came out of depression.

The supermodel was the bride of U-2 bassist Adam Kleiten, however, the wedding did not come to fruition. Naomi Campbell had romantic relationships with actor Robert De Niro, musician Eric Clapton and even Prince Albert. At the same time, Naomi became addicted to drugs, for which she was treated for six months. In 2004, the girl dated rapper Usher, after which the “black panther” gave her heart to P Diddy. However, the last romance was very fleeting.

Naomi Campbell admits that she likes partners older than her. In them she values ​​“intelligence, education, spiritual and, above all, fatherly qualities.” In the mid-2000s, Campbell, to prove this, was married to the manager of the Formula 1 race, 52-year-old Flavio Bratoe (the man loved his star other half so much that he gave her his yacht). And before that, the girl was married to “a very young man” and to Robert de Niro.

Naomi Campbell on video

In 2008, Naomi and Russian businessman Vladislav Doronin began an affair that continues to this day. One of the richest people in Russia and co-owner of the Capital Group company met the model in Brazil, at a Vogue magazine party. The next meeting, which became decisive in the relationship, took place in Cannes at a private party between Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce.

“They danced and kissed tenderly. She said it was love at first sight. It’s immediately obvious that they are serious about this,” Naomi Campbell’s friends recall. After this meeting, “Black Panther and the Russian oligarch are constantly together. It is worth noting that the supermodel took the businessman away from the family. A man left his wife and daughter for the sake of a black beauty.

Performance with Naomi Campbell

They note that, together with Vladislav Doronin, the model settled down and stopped showing her violent temper. Now the model spends a lot of time in Moscow, plans to become the wife of a businessman and is even ready to convert to Orthodoxy for his sake.

Naomi Campbell was born on May 22, 1970 in London. The top model is of Chinese-Jamaican descent. Naomi's parents divorced when she was very young. This turning point in the girl’s life played a big role in shaping her character; she became more purposeful and stubborn. The future star was raised by her mother, who later remarried.

But the relationship between Naomi and her stepfather did not work out; usually their communication always ended in a scandal.

Even as a child, the girl showed everyone her obstinate character. Naomi had to constantly assert herself and prove to everyone that she was already an adult. Because of this, she had constant conflicts with teachers and classmates at school.

Star Trek Top Models

At the age of 15, Naomi had the most important meeting that turned her whole life upside down. In an English park near her school, she was spotted by Elite agency scout Beth Boldt. Already at the age of 16, she flew to her first filming in Paris.

Luck seemed to follow Naomi, so in 1986 Naomi Campbell had to replace a black model, and her photo appeared on the cover of Elle. Immediately after this, the fashion world paid attention to the black beauty. Proposals came one after another. She became the first black model to appear on the cover of Time magazine, as well as French and English Vogue. In the late 90s, Naomi became one of the most popular models in the world.

For her extraordinary plasticity and black skin color, she was nicknamed the Black Panther. In 1995, she debuted as a singer with her first album, Babywoman. The musicians for whom Naomi starred in videos number in the dozens.

Since 1984, she began acting in films and played with such stars as Antonio Banderas, Sarah Jessica Parker and John Malkovich. In total, Black Panther has 31 films. She released a book with her best photographs - Naomi by Naomi Campbell, launched a perfume line and became the host of a reality show.

Few of the most famous supermodels of the 90s continue their careers as actively as Naomi. Her fashion lovers regularly see leading designers (for example, Roberto Cavalli) at the show. She is still often invited to appear for various magazines and participate in interesting projects. One of them was a performance at the closing ceremony of the 2012 Olympics in London.

Naomi Campbell: height, weight

Model Naomi Campbell is 178 cm tall and weighs 50 kg.

Personal life of Naomi Campbell

The model called all her men husbands, although she could break up with them immediately after her statement. Which of the black panther's husbands was left behind? In the late 80s, Naomi had an affair with boxer Mike Tyson. After him, in the early 90s, the model dated Robert De Niro, and then for several months with Eric Clapton. In 1994, Naomi was engaged to U2 bassist Adam Clayton, but the couple did not stay together for long.

The model's first long-term relationship began with dancer Joaquin Cortez. But one day she caught him with a man, a pilot for Iberia airlines. Naomi suffered from severe depression and even tried to commit suicide. The beauty found solace in the arms of Formula 1 owner Flavio Briatore. The couple came together and then diverged, and in the end Naomi herself put an end to it, admitting that the man treated her like a trophy.

In 2002, Campbell fell in love with rapper P. Diddy, and then with hooligan Tomi Lee, Pamela Anderson's ex-husband.

In 2004, Naomi dated millionaire musician Usher Matteo Marzotto.

In 2008, before the start of a high-profile affair with Vlad Doronin, Naomi dated Brazilian billionaire Marcus Elios. In the spring of 2013, Naomi broke up with Doronin, who left the family for the sake of the model after 22 years of marriage. This decision, by the way, was not cheap for Doronin - he gave his ex $10 million for the divorce. But their five-year romance never ended. Naomi did not take root on Russian soil, and the trunk with the Dolce & Gabbana wedding dress remained unpacked.

In 2015, Naomi, having finally come to her senses after breaking up with Doronin, returned to her old ways. Having met Formula 1 racer Lewis Hamilton, the ex-fiancé of singer Nicole Scherzinger, Naomi quickly dragged him into her network.

In addition, Naomi has incredible success in show business thanks to her scandalous antics. She periodically receives complaints from service personnel, so in 2007 Naomi completed five days of community service and took a course in anger management.

But this did not help the model much, and already in 2008 she spat at a policeman who was trying to calm Naomi down during a rampage at the airport.

In April 2008, the model underwent another course of psychotherapy on self-control, let's see how long it will last her.

Photo by Naomi Campbell: GettyImages/