What exercises to do on the uneven bars. Training programs for parallel bars

Some people are very biased towards training on the uneven bars, calling lovers of these harsh, but simple as a stick, equipment “horizontal bar men”. This probably happens because not everyone can show off their skills on the uneven bars.

In fact, parallel bars are one of the most ingenious human creations. There are parallel bars in almost every yard, and if not, then you can equip them at home and calmly swing and improve your body without paying for going to the gym. Of course, not all muscle groups can be pumped up on the uneven bars (definitely not the legs), but everything above the waist acquires a natural stethema-like beauty and power. Of course, if you do not exclude other equipment and proper nutrition.

Here are 6 must-have exercises on the parallel bars, after which you will not be afraid of anything in life.

1. Push-ups

This requires dexterity and training, otherwise already at the initial stage you can beautifully slide off the horizontal bar right on your face native land. But it’s worth a try, because nothing trains the triceps like this exercise.

1. So, you need to take an emphasis position on the uneven bars with straight arms.
2. Slowly, without unnecessary fuss, bend your elbows, lowering yourself until you are level with the elbow joint.
3. Then, just as slowly, without jerking, return to starting position.

The main thing is that while performing this exercise, press your elbows to your body and tilt your body slightly back. Do not work with weights under any circumstances, otherwise there is a high risk of injuring the ligaments. In any case, never do this in the first two approaches.

2. Diagonal push-ups

In this exercise you need to slightly swap your legs and arms. Simply put, it must be performed strictly upside down.

1. So, place your palms on the ground slightly wider than your shoulders, and place your straight legs on the bars: one leg on one bar, the other on the other.
2. Make sure that the body is in a single line with the legs. There is no need to raise your pelvis and bend your knees. Even if you stand diagonally to the floor, there is nothing wrong with that.
3. It’s very simple - bend your elbows, bringing your face as close as possible to the floor.
4. Return to straight arms and repeat all over again.

You can perform exactly the same diagonal push-ups. In this case, for each repetition the emphasis is placed first on one edge and then on the other. The emphasis point forms a sort of straight line with the leg, keep this in mind.

3. Hanging crunches

Another exercise that needs to be done upside down. Who said crunches can't be done on parallel bars? Stop communicating with this person, because he is your enemy. The main thing is to do everything efficiently and without risk to life.

1. Throw your legs onto one bar of the parallel bars and hook them onto the second so that one bar passes under your knees, and the second above your ankles.
2. Hands behind your head, elbows to the sides. Pull your chest towards the bar.

Remember not to do this exercise for too long, otherwise you will get a stroke. The exercise itself is noticeably more difficult than usual, because it affects not only the work of the muscles, but also your position. Everything seems more complicated upside down.

4. Lifting straight lines with a turn

An exercise in the style of “two birds with one stone.” It's the same for you here good load on the arms and abs. However, we must warn you that performing this exercise is much harder than it might seem at first glance.

1. Stand on straight arms, bringing your legs slightly bent at the knees slightly forward.
2. Smoothly raise your legs above the bars. The slower the better.
3. Now, without lowering your legs, turn first to the right and then to the left.
4. After this, return to the starting position, lowering your legs down. Then repeat.

5. Jumping on hands

The exercise is as simple as it may seem. Nothing supernatural, just jumping on your hands. However, before doing this, make sure that the shell will not fall apart under you.

1. Stand on straight arms.
2. Trying to help yourself with your legs and not bend your elbows too much, jump on your hands as high as possible.
3. If you are doing an exercise on long street bars, you can “jump” along the length of the bar from one end to the other.

Try not to do the exercise on your last breath, because it is very easy to injure yourself while doing it.

6. Back push-ups

The same, but the load falls on the back muscles. Very effective exercise for those who want to level up evenly.

1. Stand with straight arms on the bars, turning your back to the bars.
2. In the starting position, your arms should be slightly bent at the elbows.
3. Bend your arms and lower yourself as low as possible, trying to touch the limit of your strength.
4. Return to starting position and repeat.

On uneven bars, as in any intensive work with an apparatus, the hands especially suffer. If you work especially hard, you can grind your hands into dust, leading to hanging bloody scabs and calluses that can embarrass Satan himself. That's why normal people always wear gloves.
With fingers, without fingers, blue, red - you choose, but if you want good ones, take them

There is no better exercise than dips for those who want to increase the volume of their triceps and increase their endurance. shoulder girdle and create a beautiful muscle relief in this area. Conventional exercises of this kind - push-ups from a bench, the floor and even on your fists - as they say, were not even close! However, “not all yoghurts are equally healthy” and not every push-up can give you the desired muscles. There are some tricks and secrets here.

Load distribution

What muscles work during dips?

  • First of all, these are already mentioned triceps located on back surface shoulder Their task is to extend the bent arm, so no matter how you change your grip, no matter what width of bars you choose, you can be sure that this part of your body will be thoroughly worked out. We can say that the triceps carry out the entire exercise.
  • Large breasts. Actually, 50-60 years ago, any bodybuilder, when asked what muscles “pump up” the uneven bars, would answer: pectoral. And I would be partly right. Depending on various nuances, which we will talk about a little later, pectoral muscles can take on more or less of the load, slightly unloading the triceps. The fact that the parallel bars involve the pectoral muscle, located in the lower part of the chest, in the working process deserves special mention. Using it in other types of push-ups is problematic.
  • Back and abs. Lifting and vertical holding own weight is impossible without the active participation of stabilizer muscles, so they won’t be able to fool around while the triceps and deltoids are working hard.

The main emphasis is on the shoulders and pectoral muscles

You can increase the benefits of dips by bending your knees and crossing your ankles. This way you will also force the muscles of the thighs and buttocks to work.


In addition to muscles, ligaments will be involved in the training shoulder joints, which cost nothing to damage if you are a beginner or too hasty athlete. That's why…

  • Firstly, do not do the exercise “from below”, trying to pull yourself up on the bars - this is a big mistake. Push-ups begin from the top point, jumping onto the bars and placing emphasis on straightened arms.
  • Secondly, try to keep the body as stable as possible. The grip is straight, the shoulders are pulled back and virtually motionless, the chin is pressed to the chest.
  • Thirdly, do not even think about approaching the apparatus with any, even the slightest, injuries to your shoulder, elbow or wrist. All joints must be in in great shape! For the same reason, there is no need to start training virtually from scratch, tearing your veins, trying to catch up with the professionals in the shortest possible time. Below you will find a simple and effective training scheme that will tell you how to increase the number of dips on the uneven bars without harm to your health.

Never start training without properly warming up your shoulder girdle.

Classic technique of performing the exercise

Correct technique execution will protect you from injury

Jump onto the bars and take your starting position. Arms are straight, palms facing the body, legs bent and crossed.

Slowly, without sudden movements, begin to bend your elbows, trying to lower yourself so low that your shoulders are parallel to the floor and your chest is at the level of your hands.

Just as smoothly return to the starting position, straightening your elbows almost completely, but without unnecessary zeal - this can injure the joint.

“Descent” should occur on inhalation, ascent on exhalation.

Subtleties of training

On paper, everything looks simple - jump up, do push-ups. But once you get down to business, you will immediately have a lot of questions, from the width of the bars to where to put your elbows.

Before you get to aerobatics, you'll have to learn the basics

  • First of all, watch your body position. Do you want to increase the load on your pectoral muscles? Lean your body forward more. Triceps? Take an almost vertical position. The key word here is “almost”! By staying in a strict vertical position, you will sooner or later injure your shoulder ligaments.
  • You can force the pectoral muscles to work in another way, simply by spreading your elbows to the sides. If you try to keep them as close to the body as possible, the triceps will have to pull the main load.
  • A complete parallel bar push-up program must include exercises with implements of different widths. The farther the bars are placed from each other, the more the pectoral muscles and pectoral deltoids will have to be involved in the work. The narrower it is, the better you will work your shoulders. Well, for beginners it’s better to choose the middle position - this way you won’t have to push yourself to the limit, and the risk of injury will be reduced.

Training program

Remember when we promised you a program to gradually increase the number of push-ups? Here it is:

Slowly but surely - for results!

At first, do not chase numerical results. You need to master the technique and learn to feel confident on the apparatus, and whether you do 5 approaches or 2 does not matter. Once you have completed this task, hang a chart of dips on the uneven bars in a visible place and start chasing the number. You have a whole 15 weeks ahead to step by step, without unnecessary haste and stress, to get from a modest 13 push-ups per workout to, scary to say, 80!

Well, when you start doing sets of 18-20 repetitions jokingly, it’s time to train with weights.

If the bars are just part of your extensive workout, start your session with them, immediately after warming up. Otherwise, you may simply not have enough strength to perform all the approaches efficiently.

What if your triceps are still in their infancy and are not able to lift body weight? How to replace dips?

  • Do push-ups with a narrow and wide grip.
  • Perform bent-over dumbbell swings.
  • Do a reverse bench press incline bench(head down).
  • Once you reach the bars, perform partial push-ups without lowering your body down to the limit.
  • Use a graviton (gravitron) with partial knee support. Or with the help of a partner.

Great help for beginners

Those whose muscles no longer respond to regular workouts with a pleasant, aching pain that proves that you gave it your all, should choose a more complicated dip routine.

  • Negative repetition. Its essence lies in the fact that you perform half the exercise: smoothly, lower down from the starting position, and then return to starting position using leg support.
  • Forced set. Perform 5 sets of 5 reps with your usual weights. Reduce it, perform 5 more approaches. And finally the final 5 - with minimal weight. And note, there is no rest in a forced set!
  • Partial set. And again, “half-hearted” exercises, which consist in the fact that you do not reach the end in any direction. At first, you lower yourself only to half the possible depth, and then when you rise, you do not fully extend your arms.

Important! For beginners, forced and partial sets are dangerous, so don't try to do them yourself. Damage joints and ligaments.

The most common mistakes

Weighted push-ups are not for beginners!

All the good things that dips provide - muscle growth, wide shoulder rotation, killer relief - can be offset by injuries that an inexperienced athlete can inflict on himself during training. This is not to mention the fact that there is little benefit from an incorrectly performed exercise. Therefore, let’s spend a few minutes on common mistakes when working with parallel bars. As you know, a wise man learns from the mistakes made by others!

It will be a mistake...

  • ...start training without properly warming up your muscles by warming up;
  • ...bend your back, raise, lower and bring your shoulders forward;
  • ...perform the exercise in jerks;
  • ...exhale on the descent and inhale on the ascent;
  • ...relax your shoulders and sag when you are at the lowest point;
  • ...use weights before you can perform the standard 3-5 approaches without strain;
  • ...choose bars that are too wide apart for training - let them be slightly wider than shoulder width, at least at first;
  • …hurry. Speed ​​here is both unnecessary and harmful: it prevents the muscles from feeling the load.

And finally, watch the video “Push-ups. Correct execution technique" prepared by the manager of the High Energy fitness club Valery Andreev. And then - to the gym, build up your shoulders!

Training on the horizontal bar and uneven bars is one of the most accessible and favorite among professional athletes and connoisseurs of active, healthy image life. With the help of these equipment you can give your muscles the required level of load, pump up your triceps, chest, biceps, back, hips, and legs.

Thanks to regular classes According to the program for training on the horizontal bar and uneven bars, excess fat reserves will be lost, your mood will improve, and your physique will look like the figure of a real athlete. And the opportunity to exercise on the horizontal bar and parallel bars for free and at any time has turned training into an excellent alternative to the gym.

To the inexperienced, it may seem that you can only do pull-ups on the horizontal bar, and do push-ups on the parallel bars machine. But in practice, everything is more exciting, because you can do a wide variety of exercises on these equipment. And load as separate groups muscles and the whole body.

To begin with need to master grips, which are also used on the horizontal bar and uneven bars.

The main types of grips on the horizontal bar include:

  • Direct(palms pointing away from you);
  • Reverse th (palms turned to face);
  • Mixed(a combination of direct and reverse at the same time).
  • Parallel(must be done simultaneously, on two projectiles located close to each other, palms facing inward);
  • Wide(distance between hands is 0.5-0.8 meters);
  • Average(hands shoulder-width apart);
  • Narrow(at the closest possible distance from each other).

When pulling yourself up with a wide grip, it is important to load your back muscles. With a narrow and medium grip, the muscles in the chest and arms are actively used.

Exercising on a thick crossbar increases the difficulty of the exercise and increases the expenditure of effort and energy.

Practice all year round- buy equipment for your home:

Rules for training on horizontal bars and uneven bars

Before starting the training program on parallel bars and the horizontal bar, it is important to do a good warm-up for the whole body. You can go for a run and stretch your muscles. Each exercise must be performed carefully and smoothly, correctly. This will reduce the likelihood of injury and increase the effectiveness of your workout.

Avoid sudden movements, they can cause harm.

At first you need to train 3-4 times a week and alternate exercises on the uneven bars and horizontal bar with cardio exercises. Two workouts should be “deload” to give the body the necessary rest and time to recover.

Exercises for muscle growth

To improve body contours, it is necessary to combine training on the uneven bars and horizontal bar with lifting the barbell in the bench press. When you can do the exercises easily, you can increase the load by adding weight to the barbell. To do this, add a couple of kilograms, put weights on your belt and legs.

To build muscle well, you need to train regularly and according to a schedule.

To create a training program on the horizontal bar and parallel bars, decide how many times a week you will train. If you exercise 4 times a week, the first and second days of training should be intense mi. Dedicate the third day to rest. And then do it all over again.

First day


  • from the floor with a medium grip;
  • feet on the bench medium grip;
  • wide grip off the floor, feet on a high bench;
  • on uneven bars.

Hanging on the bar: straight legs raised to the head.

Second day


  • behind the head, wide grip;
  • wide grip to chest;
  • medium grip;
  • narrow grip;
  • parallel grip.

Hanging on the horizontal bar: straight legs rise to the head.

Repeat exercises as much as possible physical fitness. When the body's capabilities increase, you can repeat the load more, and the number of approaches needs to be increased for each exercise.

Four-time workout on the horizontal bar and parallel bars differs from the two-time one, because there's no break in it A. The first two days you need to work out 1 circle of the program, then repeat the circle. After which need a break for one day(for recovery).

Exercises for relief

For body definition, a specific system is suitable, designed for 4 workouts per week. Two days of training, a break of one day and again training for two days in a row. Then you can rest for two days. Every time you need to increase the number of repetitions and approaches.

First day

  • pull-ups: wide grip, wide grip behind the head;
  • push-ups: on parallel bars, wide grip from the floor;
  • hanging: raise straight legs to the head;
  • press on uneven bars.

Second day

  • push-ups from the floor, medium grip, and then from the floor, feet on the bench;
  • lying on your back, raising both legs at the same time;
  • twisting on the horizontal bar;
  • hang on the bar, raise your legs to your head.

Third day

  • pull-ups: on the bar, reverse grip;
  • palms to face, narrow grip.
  • push-ups: on parallel bars, from the floor with a medium grip.
  • hanging on the horizontal bar, raising your knees and then on the uneven bars, raising straight legs.

Fourth day

  • push-ups: from the floor and from the floor, feet on the bench;
  • hanging with legs raised to a right angle;
  • press on the floor;
  • horizontal bar: twisting.

How to do push-ups correctly?

Parallel bars are an excellent exercise machine for the chest, arms and shoulders. And performing a dip program will involve abs, back and legs. True, the level of load depends on the technique of performing the exercises.

When starting to master the horizontal bar and parallel bars exercise machines, it is important keep balance and not “dangle”. Otherwise, you risk getting sprains and injuries. Standing along the bars, push off the ground with your feet, then grab the bars with your straight arms. Stay straight. Jump off smoothly. You need to reach the uneven bars using your arms and shoulders.

It is important to do push-ups correctly. Bend your knees (to a right angle), then cross them (as shown in the photo above). This will add stability. Bend slightly forward, and as you exhale, bend your elbows to a right angle. Do not spread your arms to the sides; your elbows should be pressed as close to your body as possible.

As you exhale, straighten up. If you feel warmth in your triceps, you're doing everything right..

To work the pectoral muscles, go lower. But the angle at the elbow should be about 30 degrees. At first, it is better to refuse such a complication. And when the body finds it easy to do the initial version of the exercise, move on to the more complicated version.

The break between approaches should be up to 2 minutes.

Parallel bars training program

From the first day of classes, the uneven bars training program will help you. You need to follow the program for three months. Then you can add new exercises, use horizontal bars and parallel bars for the press, or complicate already familiar exercises.

Week no.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Approach 110 15 20 25 30 35 40 40 45 45 50 50 55 60 60 65 65 70 70 70
Approach 25 15 20 25 30 30 35 40 40 45 45 50 50 55 60 60 60 60 65 65
Approach 35 10 15 20 25 20 30 30 30 30 30 35 35 40 45 45 45 45 50 50
Approach 43 5 15 15 18 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 25 30 35 35 35 35 40
Approach 52 5 10 12 12 15 15 15 15 18 18 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 25 25
Total25 50 80 97 115 125 140 145 150 163 168 180 185 195 210 220 220 225 235 240

Training program on the horizontal bar

A training program on the horizontal bar and uneven bars will allow you to quickly gain an athletic physique. Within 2-3 weeks the first positive changes will be noticeable.

To get the most benefits, be sure to give your body rest. Even if it seems like your body will do without a break, give yourself a day off. And to receive best result take advantage of the horizontal bar training program and uneven bars. It will help you easily get into the right rhythm. As a result, you will achieve excellent success.

Week no.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Approach 16 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 16 16 17 18 18 19
Approach 25 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12
Approach 35 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11
Approach 44 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10
Approach 53 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10
Total23 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 60

The program on the horizontal bar and uneven bars is simple. Even if your level is low physical training, you can master the exercises in a couple of weeks. At first, the muscles will hurt a lot, so it is better to avoid heavy loads. But in a month daily exercise you will confidently practice the training program on the horizontal bar and uneven bars.

Circuit training of pull-ups and push-ups
We scoured the entire Internet and did the almost impossible - we found the recommended training program for those who are just starting to train on horizontal bars and uneven bars:

Pull-ups narrow grip(top or bottom) - 1-3 sets of 5-10 reps
Dips - 1-3 sets of 10 reps
Diamond push-ups - 1-3 sets of 10-15 reps
Squats (feet together) - 1-3 sets of 20 reps

Workout with emphasis on the pectoral muscles

Elevated Leg Push-Ups - 4 sets of MAX reps with 2 minutes rest
Back push-ups from a bench
Regular push-ups - 4 sets of MAX reps with 2 minutes rest
Bench push-ups - 4 sets of MAX reps with 2 minutes rest
Calf raises - 4 sets of MAX reps with 1 minute rest

P.S. Yes, the last exercise in his program is calf raises, we were not mistaken.

Training program for everything muscle groups(FULL BODY)

The author of this program is Chris Carlsson, who gained fame through his Calisthenics & Weight Training channel. He combined all the main basic exercises into one scheme:

Australian pull-ups (bar pulled to chest level) - 3-5 sets of 15-20 reps
Push-ups - 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps
Squats - 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps
Lunges - 2-3 sets of 10 reps (each leg!)
Calf raises - 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions (alternately) or 10 in a row for each
Peak push-ups - 2-3 sets of 10 reps
High Australian pull-ups (the bar is pulled to shoulder level) - 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps
Hanging knee crunches or chest raises - 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps
Plank - 3-5 approaches to the maximum

Rest between sets and exercises - from 30 seconds to 3 minutes depending on your level, select in such a way as to complete all exercises in good quality, but it would be hard.

Circuit training on the horizontal bar

A circuit consisting entirely of basic exercises, from the legendary Czech street athlete - . All exercises are performed in a circle without rest between them.

First round:

5 pull-ups neutral grip

20 push-ups

Second round:

5 wide grip pull-ups
10 leg raises to the bar
15 diamond push-ups
10 jump squats

Rest before the next round - 4 minutes.

Third circle:

5 pull-ups with a shoulder-width grip
13 leg raises in support on the uneven bars (to the side, in front of you, to the side, in front of you, etc.)
20 push-ups with broad setting hands
10 jump squats

Rest before the next round - 4 minutes.

Fourth circle:

5 pull-ups with underhand grip
10 leg raises in front of you on parallel bars
20 push-ups
10 jump squats

Back training on horizontal bars

Basic training

Conor McGregor double, Kazakhstani turnstile man Islam Badurgov, from time to time pleases her fans with the publication of good training programs for beginners. We decided to present one of them in this article:

Overhand grip pull-ups - 4 sets of 5-10 reps
Neutral grip pull-ups - 4 sets of 5-10 reps
Dips - 4 sets of 5-10 reps
Diamond push-ups - 5-10 times
Push-ups with narrow setting hands - 5-10 times
Push-ups with hands shoulder-width apart - 5-10 times
Push-ups with wide arms - 5-10 times

Evening weaving

Program from for everyone who comes home late after work and who has very little time to work out. Nothing fancy or complicated, just the basics - pull-ups on the bar and push-ups on the uneven bars (if your level doesn’t allow it yet, then push-ups from the floor).

The name of the program exactly reflects its content - in the evening you will need to do 100 repetitions (100 on the horizontal bar and 100 on the uneven bars) according to the scheme - 10 pull-ups, 10 dips, 1-3 minutes rest, repeat. Strength is in simplicity! And as your strength increases, try to reduce the rest time between sets to 1 minute.

None of the existing sports equipment provides as many opportunities as parallel bars in terms of developing the torso muscles. The development of all muscle groups is possible on this wonderful simulator. The main thing is to know the parallel bars exercises and their technique. correct execution. In this article, the reader will familiarize himself with existing exercises, find out which muscles are involved in them, and choose what suits him best.

First acquaintance with the projectile

Having figured out what exercises you can do on the uneven bars, you don’t need to rush to do them all at the same time from the first day. Such zeal will not only cause a painful shock to the muscles in the body, but can also lead to injury. On the first day of your training, you need to get acquainted with the apparatus, feel how the body behaves at the slightest angles of inclination. It’s easy to jump onto the bars, but not everyone can hold on to them. All these experiments must be carried out before training begins.

There is even a preparatory instruction for beginning gymnasts, written at the beginning of the last century, but still working today. Having jumped onto the uneven bars, holding yourself in a vertical position with straight arms, you must alternately straighten your hand and try to lift your arm a few centimeters up. In this case, the body weight shifts to the other hand. Having achieved what you want, return to the starting position.

Development of the pectoral muscles

Dips were quite popular in the 70s of the last century, at the dawn of bodybuilding. But from year to year they were forgotten, shifting the main focus of training to the bench press from the chest from a lying position. However, many professional trainers in sports clubs It is recommended to add exercises on uneven bars to the complex for the development of chest muscles. For beginners in general, this approach will be very useful, in which the barbell press from the chest is completely replaced with push-ups in a sports apparatus. The technique is quite simple.

  1. Take a hanging position on the uneven bars. The arms together with the body are perpendicular to the plane of the bars.
  2. Bend your legs at the knees and cross them with each other.
  3. Lean your body forward, lower your head so that you can see the floor below you.
  4. Bending your arms in elbow joint, lower yourself down so that your elbows are in line with your shoulder joint.
  5. Pause for a second and smooth movement return to the starting position.

A set of workouts for the pectoral muscles

In the first month of training, for all beginners, without exception, only exercises on the horizontal bar and uneven bars will be effective. After warming up all the muscles, it is recommended to start training with push-ups. You need to perform 3-4 approaches maximum number repetitions. Once also counts, but it is better if a partner or coach assists in performing the exercise by holding the athlete’s feet with their hands. It is necessary to lift them up.

Advanced athletes perform exercises on the uneven bars at the end of the workout, after all the presses and flyes. Five sets with a 30-second rest provide an excellent pump, maximizing the volume of the pectoral muscles. At some point, a novice athlete will notice that dips are too easy for him, especially after breaking the 20-repetition barrier. The race for quantity will not give results in the future; you need to increase the load. For this, there are special weights and chains that are put on the body in the area chest to maintain the correct tilt angle.

Hands are bazookas

It is not the biceps that takes up most of the arm in a relaxed position, but the triceps. But for some reason this muscle is completely ignored by beginners, but in vain. You can also increase the muscle mass of the triceps on the uneven bars; for this you need to perform the same push-ups as for the chest muscles, with a slight adjustment of the technique. There is no need to lean forward with your body. During the press, the body should be perpendicular to the bars as much as possible while performing the exercise on the bars. Which muscles actually work will become clear as a result of the first approach. If it’s not your arms that hurt, but your chest, then you need to keep your body even more straight and lower down shallowly. The triceps are easily damaged, so exercises on the parallel bars for its development are recommended to be performed at the end of the workout, when the muscles are well warmed up.

Good triceps workout

It is better for more advanced athletes to perform exercises on the parallel bars for triceps as a superset with an exercise for the biceps of the arms. The fact is that the triceps develop better when working in conjunction with an antagonist. And on the uneven bars, the muscle is fully involved in the work, and accordingly, the impact will be more effective. In fact, dips can replace any two exercises for the arm muscles.

Professionals recommend performing at least 12-15 repetitions on the triceps before moving on to hanging chains and other weights to increase the load. The fact is that the joints in the elbows are very easily injured, therefore, in addition to developing the muscles, the ligaments also need to be made to work. If you experience crunching or pain in the elbow joint, it is better to avoid doing the exercise.

No belly!

Exercises on the parallel bars for the press are also popular among beginners, especially if sports equipment Provides support for the back and elbows. If they are absent, there is no need to despair, because there are so many other, no less effective and easy ways to pump up your abdominal muscles.

The most simple exercise is raising the legs bent at the knees up. The hips should reach parallel to the floor, after which you can return to the starting position. It is not recommended to perform this exercise quickly, since swinging on the uneven bars can lead to a fall and, accordingly, to injury.

Having learned to lift your legs bent at the knees, you can move on to a more complex exercise - lifting your straightened legs. If this is difficult and there is pain in the hips, you can relax the emphasis in knee joint(30 degrees shin deflection is more than enough).

Controversial issue

Exercises on the horizontal bar and parallel bars for the abdominal muscles are almost identical, but disputes between athletes do not subside. It is believed that on the crossbar, due to stronger stretching of the muscles in the hanging position, the abs are better worked out. And the absence of bars on the sides allows you to increase the load by performing crowding. On the other hand, not every person is able to hold on to the horizontal bar in a hanging position on their hands, while also swinging during the exercise.

And without controversy, it is clear that it is easier to perform exercises on the uneven bars. Which muscles work in this case and under what load is the second question, the main thing is convenience. However, you don’t need to create a comfort zone for yourself. Having learned to perform 15-20 leg raises in one position, you need to move on to more complex exercises. Otherwise, the body will get used to it and will not respond to training.

In static exercises - all the strength

There are parallel bars exercises that are more effective if performed statically rather than dynamically. That is, do not wave your arms or legs, but, having taken one position, stay in it for a certain time. Such exercises include “Corner”. Having straightened your legs straight, you need to lift them up, bringing them to parallel with the floor. The angle between the body and legs should be 90 degrees (a right angle, hence the name of the exercise). In the first days of training, you should try to hold your legs for at least a few seconds. And then the time range needs to be gradually increased.

Also referred to as static gymnastic exercise"Plank on uneven bars." It is used on a full-size simulator, where it is possible to lie down on the parallel bars with the entire length of the body. Face down, legs extended straight, toes resting on the bars. Gently pushing your body up, straighten your arms at the elbows, keeping your back straight. In this position, in addition to push-ups, you can also stand statically. As with the “corner”, it only takes a few seconds for beginners to give up.

In conclusion

Having studied popular types exercises on the uneven bars, you can begin to implement the assigned tasks. At some point during training, a beginning athlete will feel that training on the uneven bars limits his capabilities. This is normal for any athlete. It marks an increase in his preparedness. To expand your range of exercises, you should take a closer look at exercises on the horizontal bar and a wonderful piece of equipment called a kettlebell. This “great three” of sports equipment raised many novice athletes into very famous masters of sports and world champions in different types sports.