Curvature of the spine (checking). Tenderness at your fingertips or how to reboot a relationship Checking the rectus abdominis muscle

According to statistics, from 65 to 96 percent of people have experienced severe spinal pain at least once. More than 40 percent - regularly. In most cases, they are caused by degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine - osteochondrosis.

Have you wondered "Why is a person taller in the morning?"For some, such growth fluctuations reach 6 cm. This occurs because during the night the intervertebral discs, without experiencing pressure, “rested” and moved the vertebrae apart.

You need to train your spine flexibility very carefully. This complex biomechanical organ is easily damaged by too intense exercise.

But the spine contains many vital centers of our body.

Scoliosis — This is a curvature of the spine to the right or left relative to its axis. The most common scoliosis is the thoracic and lumbar regions spine.

Scoliosis - This is an asymmetry of the body, not only the curvature of the spine, but also the protruding shoulder blade or ribs on one side (right or left).

This asymmetry is especially noticeable when a person leans forward with his arms hanging freely.

IMPORTANT!!! In no case should you confuse scoliosis with kyphosis (stooping) - these are completely different postural disorders. Although in fairness it must be said that sometimes kyphosis (stoop) is aggravated by scoliosis. This combination is called kyphoscoliosis.

But in general, kyphosis and scoliosis are different conditions and should be considered separately.

Scoliosis most often begins and rapidly progresses in adolescence, especially during the period when a teenager quickly grows in height. That is, from the ages of 10 to 17 years.

The causes of scoliosis remain a mystery to doctors: in 80% of cases they are declared idiopathic, which translated from Greek means scoliosis of “unknown cause.”

Idiopathic scoliosis Most often (although not always) it develops in sedentary children leading a sedentary lifestyle, due to improper sitting at school at a desk or at home at the computer, or due to improper positioning of the child at the table while doing homework.

Moreover, most often, only one circumstance, one wrong habit, is decisive - the habit of putting your shoulder forward!

Let me explain. When a child constantly leans too low towards a notebook or keyboard, and at the same time has the habit of putting forward the shoulder of the hand with which he writes or controls the computer mouse, he involuntarily warps his spine and turns his body towards the extended hand. Over time, the back muscles and spine adapt to this incorrect position, and scoliosis develops.

The remaining 20% ​​of scoliosis occurs:

Due to joint hypermobility syndrome;

Due to congenital deformities of the vertebrae; due to congenital torticollis; due to rickets;

Due to congenital or acquired leg length differences (if the difference in length between the right and left legs exceeds 2-4 cm);

Due to diseases of the neuromuscular system; for example, scoliosis often develops in children with cerebral palsy (CP), as well as in children who have had polio or tick-borne encephalitis; scoliosis often occurs in people with syringomyelia or central (spastic) paralysis;

Due to metabolic disorders in the bones;

After injuries and amputations due to accidents or operations;

Very rarely - in children after heart surgery.

Fictional causes of scoliosis.

Theory #1(distributed by sellers of various insoles): Scoliosis is a consequence of flat feet. This is absolute nonsense! Flat feet cannot lead to scoliosis - a sideways curvature of the spine. We might still (with great difficulty) believe that flat feet lead to stooping - although this is also nonsense. But how can flat feet lead to curvature of the spine?!

In fact, in this idea there is a substitution of cause and effect. In children who are physically poorly developed, have sluggish posture, or suffer from hypermobility syndrome, parallel to the development of scoliosis or kyphosis, flat feet often occur (since the cause of flat feet is still the same - weakness of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus). That is, the development of scoliosis and flat feet often has one common cause, but these two diseases do not directly affect each other!

Theory #2(distributed by half-educated chiropractors): scoliosis is a consequence of osteochondrosis. Also complete nonsense! Think about it: osteochondrosis is an age-related restructuring of the spine, usually in people over 40 years old. Scoliosis most often begins at a young age. So how can scoliosis occur due to osteochondrosis?

Theory #3(distributed by some large clinics that operate on herniated discs): Scoliosis occurs due to a herniated disc. Here again we are talking about the substitution of concepts.

Indeed, sometimes when a disc herniation occurs, a painful spasm of the back muscles and distortion of the body occurs. In fact, it is very similar to scoliosis. But this is, so to speak, temporary scoliosis.

Let's remove the pain and spasm - and it will disappear overnight, without a trace. That is, a disc herniation will not lead to persistent scoliosis, or scoliotic disease. Although, if it is not treated at all and you live with pain for 10-15 years, something similar to scoliosis, of course, can arise. But in this case, it seems to us that long-term pain will be a much bigger problem in itself than a curvature of the spine!

Theory #4(distributed by sellers of dietary supplements containing calcium): scoliosis is a consequence of osteoporosis, and supposedly for the treatment of scoliosis you need to take calcium. Another stupidity.

After all Osteoporosis is an age-related disease, a disease of older people(with extremely rare exceptions). This means that osteoporosis cannot be the cause of scoliosis that began in adolescence. Perhaps illiterate supplement sellers confuse osteoporosis with rickets, which also involves bone deficiency.

But rickets does not cause osteoporosis very often, and rickets is treated not with calcium, but with drugs containing vitamin D.

Test for correct posture

To determine correct posture, you should first examine the upright subject from behind and from the side.

When viewed from behind, pay attention to the shoulder blades - the shoulder blades should be located symmetrically, at the same distance from the spine, and pressed against the body. The gluteal folds should also be symmetrical. And the waist triangles should also be symmetrical.

To see and appreciate waist triangles, we ask the subject to lower his arms freely and relaxed. As a result, a triangular-shaped space is formed between the arms hanging down and the contour of the waist - this is the waist triangle.

Now we compare the sizes of the resulting triangles - on the right and left sides of the body. If the sizes do not match, then the waist triangles are asymmetrical.

If the triangles of the waist, shoulder blades and buttock folds are located asymmetrically, this usually indicates some degree of scoliosis - curvature of the spine. However, slight asymmetry is noticeable in most people - There are practically no perfectly symmetrical people, as you know.

Now let's examine the subject from the side. In a properly developed adult rib cage should be slightly raised, the stomach tucked, the legs straightened, the physiological curves of the spine smooth and moderately pronounced.

With old age, the curves of the spine usually become less pronounced and flatten. But in about 1/3 of people, on the contrary, there is an increase in thoracic kyphosis, the spine becomes severely stooped; a senile hump may even form. This usually happens with osteoporosis - an age-related decrease in bone density.

When viewed in an inclined position we ask the subject lean forward and try to touch the floor with your hands. Normally, a harmoniously built person should, bending down, touch the floor with his fingertips without much difficulty, without bending his knees.

If, leaning forward and not bending the knees, a person not only touches the floor with his fingers, but easily places his entire palms on the floor, this usually indicates hypermobility of the joints and spine. Or that a person spends too much time and attention on stretching exercises - which is not always good.

And on the contrary, if, leaning forward and not bending his knees, a person fingertips do not reach the floor more than 10-15 centimeters, this indicates the other extreme - poor physical shape, chronic spasm of the muscles of the legs and lower back; perhaps even Scheuermann's disease (if poor flexibility is combined with a noticeable stoop).

Distance more than 30-40 centimeters, if we are talking about a person under 45 years old, requires special attention! In combination with constant back pain and noticeably reduced flexibility of the spine, this may indicate that a person has Forestier's disease or ankylosing spondylitis. Or about a severe form of Scheuermann's disease.

Having determined the distance between the floor and your fingertips, We examine the back of the subject, who continues to stand in an inclined position.

When bending forward, we can easily detect the curvature of one or another part of the spine (if any) to the right or left. You can also easily notice if one shoulder blade protrudes clearly more than the second. All these are signs of scoliosis.

Even when leaning forward pelvic distortion can be easily detected - when the wing ilium on one side it is located higher than on the other. Such a distortion indicates either a significant shortening of one leg, or, again, scoliosis.

The final stage is inspection at the wall. At this stage, we ask the subject to stand with his back to the wall, freely lower his arms down, and press his heels, buttocks, and the back of his head against the wall (in addition to his back). In this case, the feet should be closed together; it is not advisable to spread the legs.

For a properly built person, performing such a test will not cause any difficulties.

But a person who is accustomed to slouching, and especially a person suffering from Scheuermann's disease, will find it quite difficult to press the back of his head against the wall without tearing either his heels or buttocks from the wall.

It will be even harder for him if, in addition, we ask him to press his shoulders against the wall. For a person with a stooped posture, this will be an extremely difficult task! And it is precisely the fact that it is difficult for a person to press his shoulders and the back of his head against the wall that will indicate to us the habit of constantly slouching, or the presence of excessive kyphosis, or Scheuermann-Mau disease.

At the very end of the inspection, pay attention to the fact that what distance remains when performing this test between the subject’s lower back and the wall. Normally, a palm should hardly squeeze between the lower back and the wall (naturally, pressed flat against the wall, and not with the edge of the palm).

If the distance is too large, that is, the palm passes very easily, and there is still a gap, this indicates excessive lordosis of the lower back - with Scheuermann's disease or with a flat-concave back.

Original post and comments at

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To stay healthy, it is not enough to only be developed, strong muscles and endurance. The whole body must be flexible, and not everyone can boast of this.

Today website shares with you exercises to test and develop flexibility.

1. Ankle mobility

Stand in a lunge position with both legs bent at right angles. thumb standing leg in front, 10–12 cm from the wall. Lean forward and try to touch the wall with the knee of this leg. Check the other leg as well. You passed the test if the knees of both feet touched the wall without the heel leaving the floor.

Take a bodybar or a strong stick, stand in a lunge (right leg forward). Place the stick on the floor in front of the middle toe of your right foot and hold it vertically. Move your body forward and try to push your knee along right side from the stick without lifting your heels from the floor. Do 10 repetitions on each leg.

2. Pelvic tilt

Sit on the edge of the bench, then lie on your back, clasping your knees with your hands and pressing them to your chest. Now slowly lower one leg as low as possible without allowing the knee of the other leg to lift away from your chest. Check the other leg as well. It is very good if the knee joints of both legs were able to drop below the level of the bench.

Get on one knee in a long lunge position, place your right leg forward and rest your palms on your knee right leg, lean back a little. Try to lower your pelvis as far forward and down as possible. You will feel a stretch in the upper third of your back leg thigh. To enhance the stretch, try additionally contracting your left buttock and hold in this position for 5 seconds, then relax. Perform 5 repetitions on each leg.

3. Elasticity of the hamstring muscles

Stand straight with your feet together, gently lean forward and try to touch your toes with your fingertips. You have passed the test if you can touch your toes without bending your knees or rounding your back too much.

Take a stick in your hands and place it behind your back in a vertical position. It should touch three points: the back of the head, the point between the shoulder blades and the sacrum. Place your feet hip-width apart and straighten your legs. Keeping the stick in contact with all three points, slowly lean forward as far as you can without bending your legs. Stay in this position for 2 seconds and straighten up. Repeat 10 times.

4. Mobility of the shoulder joints

Stand with your back to the wall, press your shoulders, back of your head and buttocks against it, feet hip-width apart, heels 20 cm from the wall. Now raise your arms straight up and touch the wall with your thumbs. This should happen without arching in the lower back and without tearing any of the three points off the wall.

With your back to the wall, place tennis ball between the wall and the right shoulder blade. While pressing on the ball, look for painful spots on your back in the area of ​​your right armpit. Once you find such a point, stop and, while maintaining pressure on the ball, slowly lift and lower right hand 3 times in a row. Perform the exercise for a minute, then move the ball to the left shoulder blade and repeat.

5. Checking the rectus abdominis muscle

Raising the torso from a supine position, legs bent at the hips and knee joints, feet are fixed. Muscle in in great shape, if you can rise from the starting position.

Baranova M.T Homework on the Russian language for grade 6: Educational and practical guide - M.: “Prosveshchenie”, 2000. - 126 p.
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2) ring, upper room, catch, cow.
131. See "Etymological Dictionary".
132. There are such words in this poem, for example: bell, monotonous, tiresome, thundering, heard, dear, revelry, happy.
133. Topic: “My apartment.”
1. Corridor: wardrobe in full, large mirror, mat, hanger.
2. Room: polished parquet floor; the dial of a wall clock, a shelf for books, a calendar, a picture in a gilded frame; stripes of solar light on the ceiling; three-fold window, tulle curtains on a metal cornice, citrus sprouts in pots on the window sill; a coffee table on three legs, a large dining table, beautiful upholstered chairs.
134. In an old northern hut.
High porch. From the maple vestibule through a low door we enter a spacious room.
There are linden benches along the streets, and a third of the room is occupied by a brick oven. An embroidered linen towel hangs next to her. Everything in the house came from the hands of the owner and the mistress. They decorated each one with bright paintings, embroidery or wood carvings. On the table there is a carved wooden duck salt shaker and wonderful ladles.
Until this day, the art of the Russian people is alive and well.
135. In the office of Russian language and literature.
1. Entering the office. Door.
2. At the threshold of the cabin:
a) left wall;
b) right wall;
c) windows opposite;
d) floor and ceiling.
3. Furniture in the office:
a) desks;
b) teaches at the table;
c) cabinets and cabinets.
4. Why is this room needed?
Not a wide corridor, little light; wooden door, light brown film, plastic sign; light and spacious, dark green board with doors, tables and posters to the right of the board, portraits of classical writers, quotes from books, wide windows, long yellowish curtains, high white ceiling, linoleum in yellow-green tones; comfortable light desks, chairs, a brown window table, cabinets on the right wall, cabinets in the corners; st ogy inte e.
136. Essay (see materials from the previous exercise).
137. 1) The hook touches the bottom. Touch the tap carefully. Cause pain by touch.
2) The oar touched the water. Our boats touched. The branch touched his face. Boats - boats [l] - acc., sound, tv. [o] - vowel, beat. [t] - agree., deaf., tv. [k] - agree, deaf, soft. [and] - vowel, unvoiced. 5 points, 5 stars
138. 1) (direct meaning) I touch the wall with my hand. Touch the floor with your fingers. The ball touches the net. Touching the tongue to the teeth. 2) (translated) The director touched upon the issue of discipline. The author of the brochure touches on the topic of developing willpower. 3) (translated) This doesn't concern you. The decision of the teachers' council will affect all students of the gymnasium.
I. About education - noun. Topics (what?) about education.
II. Upbringing; nat., inanimate., cf. r., on -i; only units h., p.p.
III. Topics (what?) in education.
Ball - ball-cha
[m] - agree, sound, soft.
[and] - vowel, unvoiced.
[h] - agree, deaf, soft.
[a] - vowel, beat.
4 points, 4 stars
139. 1) “Touch, plant, put, soaked (hair), Luck. 2) Oblique (6o?o), irrigate (dew), loophole (hole), luxurious
(luxury), Ko5it (Kostit),
140. Burn, burn out, burn out, burn up, sunbathe, flare up. Burn to the ground, sunbathe in the sun, flare up in the wind.
141. Burn out, burn out, burn out, burn out, burn out. Get burned by smoke, burn on the stove.
142. 1) Heated up, Touches, lie down.
2) This concerns, I came, my friend didn’t like her, she was at the TV, her friend’s father [stayed until the end, decided to go to bed.
143. 1) Addendum, rely, assume, offer, application, lay down, adjective;
2) grown up, grow together, age, growth, sprout, grow, grown:
3) gathering, tearing off, propping up, erasing, collecting, dying, freezing, spreading;
4) touch, touch, touch, touch, touch;
5) burn out, burn out, burn out, burn out, burn out, burn out, burn out.
144. Burn out, burn out, burn out, burn out; contact; grow, grow together, grow; wipe, wash, wipe.
If you do laundry in the bathroom, you need to wipe the floor afterwards. I noticed late that the potatoes were burnt.
145. Enclose, spread out, attach, impose; burn, flare up, burn, soot; touch; prop up, spread out, pin down, push; grew up, grew, grew, growth.
Place on plates, impose a fine, touch the railing, growth on the trunk.
146. Grow, thickets, sprout (exc.), branch (exc.); put aside, adjective, lay down, application; burn, burn out, tan, burnt out; tear out, freeze, lay down, set fire to.
147. The main idea: even in the smallest flower or drop of dew, the beauty of all of Russia is visible.
Lightning, look.
0 - A E - I
From suffix A From root consonant From stress From suffix A
-lag-lozh--kos-kas- -rast-rasch-ros- -gor-gar- -zor-zar- -ber-bir-, -per-pir-, -der-dir-, --ter-tir -, -mer-world-, -steel-steel, -burn-zhig-, -shine-shine-
Offer, apply, touch, touch Plant, grown, sprouted; sprout, branch (excl.) To sunbathe, sunburn, burn; dawn, zorka, from dawn, zoryushka Take away, put away, spread out, sparkle

Usually, when you can’t reach your feet with your fingers, you always make excuses based on the characteristics of your body. But it's not nature's fault that you obviously don't have the best physical fitness. You can't touch your feet because of the image everyday life, but this can be fixed.

The hamstrings are one of the main causes of this problem, but the hip flexors, mid and lower back, and ankles also play a key role.

When leaning forward perfectly upper part The body should bend towards the legs, similar to how a flip phone closes (remember?). Both parts of the body - upper and lower - should remain straight, and the bend should occur at the level of the hips. The ability to bend correctly is affected by the muscles of the back and lower leg.

Because we sit much more than we should, our hip flexors become accustomed to contracting involuntarily. They influence the functioning of the back and lower back, intervertebral and hip joints. Therefore, when the hip flexors become chronically shortened, they move the body out of optimal position, resulting in poor posture.

Think of tendons as rubber bands. They should lengthen and then return to their original position. But if you continually stretch the band beyond what it was designed for (as happens with your hamstrings when your pelvis and lower back are tilted forward), it will begin to deteriorate and tear. You feel the same thing when you bend over. It feels as if soft tissue is being torn because the muscle fascia is being stretched beyond its normal range.

Tight hip flexors also hinder the muscles abdominals and buttocks help to reach your feet with your fingers. If these muscles are not working properly, the hamstrings will become even tighter, which will not only make it harder for the body to resist gravity, but will also hinder the ability of the hip flexors to work.

Let's figure out how to develop your hip flexors, achieve better spinal mobility and balance inner surface hips. You should do these exercises twice a week to finally reach your feet with your hands.

So what to do

We invite you to watch a video tutorial from