Horoscope characteristics of Pisces and Horse. Characteristics of fish born in the year of the horse

People who were born in the year of the Horse under the zodiac sign of Pisces have an extraordinary character. They have a good sense of humor, resourcefulness and a lively mind.

A person receives optimism from the fiery Horse, and spirituality and openness from the water sign Pisces. Under the influence of this combination of signs, many positive character traits develop. Therefore, such a person can be called kind, smart, cheerful and active.

This article will tell you in detail about the character of people born in the year of the Horse and under zodiac sign Fish. A characteristic of compatibility with other signs and a brief horoscope for 2019 will also be presented.

Women born under the sign of Pisces in the year of the horse: characteristics

Such girls do not know how to control their actions, as they often succumb to emotions, which prevents them from weighing the consequences. In most situations, the Horse-Pisces woman quickly lights up and does something under the influence of a momentary impulse. This behavior causes confusion among others. After the storm of emotions inside the girl subsides, she begins to analyze herself and her behavior, often coming to the conclusion that she did something wrong. However, such self-criticism and introspection do not guarantee that the girl will improve and behave more restrained next time.

Love and relationships

In order for such a girl to feel comfortable in a relationship, her partner must be emotionally stable. A bright, emotional and very active Horse-Pisces woman must be restrained by a calm and balanced man. Otherwise, creating a harmonious relationship will be much more difficult.

The Horse-Pisces girl behaves in relationships the same way as with others - she constantly wants to express her opinion and desires, without taking into account what her lover wants. Therefore, having met such a woman, a man should be prepared for “peculiar” behavior.


Such girls do not put their career first. It doesn’t really matter to them where they work, the main thing is that it brings in money. Often such women are not able to achieve professional heights, since it is difficult for them to concentrate on their career itself. However, if the girl’s interests, material benefits from work and good prospects come together in one direction, she will definitely achieve success.

Pisces-Horse Girl: compatibility

The most ideal option for creating favorable and harmonious relationships would be the union of such a woman with men born in the years of the Sheep, Monkey, Tiger, Dog, Dragon and Snake.

Unions of such a girl with the Rat will be unfavorable. In such relationships there will always be conflicts amid clashes of interests.

A man born under the sign of Pisces in the year of the Horse

Such a guy is active, passionate, incredibly cheerful, but at the same time very stubborn. The pleasant nature of the Pisces-Fire Horse man makes people gravitate towards him. He can find a common language with any person, and communication itself plays a big role in his life.

The Pisces-Horse man tries to do everything quickly and efficiently, and does not like to put things off. This guy is very generous and conflict-free. He will always come to the aid of friends and loved ones, even if they didn’t ask for it. The pleasant character of the Pisces-Fire Horse man makes people gravitate towards him, so he always has many friends and acquaintances.

The only thing he cannot stand is conflicts and quarrels. Such a man rarely manages to jump “above his head,” so it can be difficult for him to achieve any heights in life. Often the enthusiasm and phlegmatism that a guy gets from the sign of Pisces makes him look at the world through rose-colored glasses.

Love and relationships

His bright appearance and charming character attract a huge number of women to this man. He easily makes acquaintances and flirts with the fair sex. However, he can build fruitful relationships only with a small number of women. He may be in search of his one and only for a very long time. He needs an attentive, gentle and affectionate girl who can take care of him and warm him with her warmth.

When such a man finds the ideal that he pictured in his imagination, he becomes calmer and wiser. He never causes scandals and wants harmony to reign in his home. In general, this guy can be called a devoted family man who values ​​family happiness and is ready to build it.


The desire to gain complete financial independence and live a comfortable and beautiful life forces the Pisces-Horse man to devote a lot of time to work. He does not set any serious career goals for himself. But the pursuit of money can lead him precisely to the point where he will rise up the career ladder.

This man can achieve success in almost any field. The most important thing for him is communication. Therefore, professions such as sales manager, consultant or administrator may be suitable for him.


But unions between men and girls born in the year of the Horse and Ox will be unfavorable. Such ladies will not be able to appreciate the romance and complete dedication of a guy and will suppress him with their authority.

Horoscope for 2019

For people born under such signs, the next year will be fateful. The year foreshadows the implementation of planned plans, fantasies and dreams. Next year's patroness is the Yellow Pig. She is ready to support all the initiatives of Horses-Pisces, but on their part she wants to see hard work and determination. For people born under this combination of signs, 2019 will be promising in terms of financial well-being. Promotions are possible.

For a woman who was born in the year of the Horse, the horoscope foreshadows a possible change of residence and a career breakthrough. The year will be especially promising for those women who are engaged in intellectual activities. In addition, many Pisces-Horse girls are expecting a new addition to the family. The Year of the Pig is very generous with gifts, so this is the case when it is worth making a little effort and reaping the fruits of your labor.

For a guy born in the year of the Horse under the zodiac sign of Pisces, the next year will present an opportunity to show individuality and release potential. He may develop new interests and hobbies. In addition, the Year of the Pig portends that a man will have to make choices regarding his professional field of activity.

If a Pisces-Horse man is thinking about moving to a new place of work, then the Year of the Pig will be the most best time to complete this step. The year will be successful for guys who run their own business or just want to do it. The most important thing is not to take a wait-and-see attitude, but to act and not be lazy. IN love relationships these men will also be successful.


To summarize, it is worth noting that Pisces-Horses are not exactly ordinary people. They are open, sociable and active, but this does not always benefit them. This combination of signs lays out many traits in the character of these people, which sometimes contradict each other.

Sometimes spirituality and the desire to help prevail in them, but it happens that selfishness and pure prudence begin to rule them. Such sharp transitions are especially noticeable in Pisces-Horse women. Therefore, the most important advice for such people would be the following: you need to think more often about how others feel and treat them with respect.

The characteristics and compatibility of the Pisces-Horse man are very multifaceted, since representatives of this combination of signs have many different, sometimes contradictory, qualities.

These balanced and pleasant people can easily find a common language with any interlocutor.


Men born under the signs of Horse and Pisces have an unusual ability to see a situation from several sides at once. In many ways, this helps them better navigate and find the optimal solution in a short time. All their lives they strive for the ideal, so they can often go on a long and distant journey to gain new experience and knowledge. The characteristics of the Pisces-Horse man indicate that this man is a dreamer who constantly has his head in the clouds, however, it is difficult for him to muster the strength and will to make his dream come true.

Because of this, representatives of this combination of signs rarely achieve great success in their careers, and stable material wealth is rare for them. Meanwhile, it cannot be said that such a man is absolutely incapable of anything. He is a cheerful and purposeful person with talent. If desired, a Pisces-Horse representative can realize his potential in any field of activity. He is also endowed with a number of other positive character traits:

  • Positive;
  • Good sense of humor;
  • Creates a light and cheerful atmosphere around you;
  • Appreciates every day of his life.

The Pisces-Horse man is an absolutely non-conflict nature who will agree to anything to avoid a scandal or quarrel. Their irrepressible sense of humor and overflowing fountain of positivity make people around them feel comfortable and cheerful around them. The Pisces-Horse man enjoys life and appreciates every day of it, which can be the envy of representatives of other iconic symbioses. The sign of the Horse endowed such men with a bright temperament. They think more about themselves than about the people around them. Representatives of the Pisces and Horse sign tend to idealize a lot. Very often this leads to disappointment, but they are not upset and continue to search, constantly moving from place to place and not even thinking about the consequences of such a nomadic lifestyle.

Compatibility in love

In relationships with the opposite sex, the Pisces-Horse man is charming and pleasant. He's just bathing in female attention, but very rarely starts close relationships. The representative of Pisces and Horse has his own idea of ​​an ideal life partner, in whose search he is almost constantly, although his demands on his partner are not very high. Compatibility of a Pisces-Horse man becomes possible with a woman who can show him attention, love and care.

Not all representatives of this iconic combination strive to start a family, although they have the qualities most necessary for this - sensitivity, compassion and the ability to listen. Unlike many other Pisces-Horse men, they will not start a scandal over something insignificant. He prefers to solve all problems in his relationship with his significant other together, finding a way out of the situation that will suit both.

It is impossible not to note the loyalty and devotion of such a man to the one he loves. He will always help difficult situation and will give wise advice if necessary. A harmonious relationship between a Pisces-Horse man is possible with a woman who has a strong spirit and leadership qualities. If she can appreciate all the positive qualities of the Pisces-Horse and take a dominant position in the relationship, then this couple has every chance of creating a strong and happy union.

What a Pisces-Horse man needs to know

Representatives of this symbiosis of signs should never forget about their own needs and needs. If at some point he deviates from this, he will soon be overtaken by a feeling of dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction with his life. In addition, you don’t have to give up on your dream of traveling. But in order to learn new things, it is not at all necessary to spend colossal sums and go on a long tour: a trip to nearby cities will be quite optimal.

To better understand their surroundings and to know themselves, some people resort to the help of horoscopes. There is an opinion that the zodiac sign and year of birth influence the character, behavior and destiny of a person. In this article we will take a closer look at people of the Pisces sign, born in the year of the Horse.

General characteristics

People born under the sign ruled by the water element, and also in the year of the Horse, have a particularly gentle character. They are characterized by kindness, mutual understanding, and balance. Due to this, these individuals are easily liked regardless of the current situation in society or around them.

At the same time, representatives of this zodiac combination have a pronounced temperament, which cannot be ignored. They are wonderful leaders due to the fact that they are able to infect others with their thoughts and ideas.

With these positive qualities, Pisces born in the year of the Horse constantly attract the attention of the opposite sex.

This combination in the field of astrology is considered complex and even paradoxical in certain matters. Two opposing elements found in one person can endow him with completely different character traits.

Such people can easily become the life of the party thanks to their excellent sense of humor, cheerful mood and playful disposition. Some representatives often experience a strong need for bright positive sensations and emotions.

More information

It is worth noting that Pisces is considered a spiritual sign of the Zodiac. The moral component is very important for them; At the same time, the year of the Fire Horse has a strong influence on a person, awakening in him a charge of energy and an optimistic attitude.

Representatives of this astrological duet combine two different entities: water sign of the zodiac and fire year. Given this feature, Pisces Horses can have completely different professions and hobbies, which would seem difficult to combine.

People from this category want to be surrounded only by self-confident, developed, independent and successful individuals. Pisces born in the year of the Horse need such company in order to learn new things, get to know themselves and reach heights.

The combination of determination and energy helps them achieve their goals, provided they have a strong and sincere desire.

Men. Character traits

Representatives of the stronger sex belonging to the above combination of year and sign are considered dreamers. They often daydream, have their head in the clouds and are lost in their own thoughts. At the same time, reflections consume them so much that dreams remain dreams, and perseverance to turn them into reality is not enough.

Women, when choosing such a person as their companion, need to know certain features. Pisces-Horse men only rarely achieve great success in business. The same applies to material support. Some people believe that such people are completely unsuitable for running a serious business or accumulating large sums of money.

Despite the above information, men are no strangers to hard work and diligence. Thanks to their positive thinking and character traits, they can, if necessary, adapt to different situations.

Women. Character traits

Representatives of the fair half of humanity are considered wonderful wives, mothers and life partners. They combine tenderness, romance and fidelity. Women are so focused on marriage and family that they consider serving their husband and children their life purpose, forgetting about themselves and own desires.

Girls begin to plan their lives and think about the future from an early age. In their youth, they begin to dream of an ideal husband, a beautiful wedding ceremony and children. In her dreams, the young lady has everything planned out, from what her wedding dress will look like to the names of her future children. With the onset of adulthood, women are faced with the problem that their dreams are far from reality.

Girls born under the combination of this sign and year are particularly sensitive and romantic.

As a rule, such a worldview often does not correspond to reality, which causes many problems.

Romantic relationships

The male half of humanity with this astrological combination has a wonderful relationship. They manage to build personal relationships easily and naturally. Representatives of the stronger half behave like real gentlemen. They are courteous, polite and gallant. Girls cannot resist romance and charm.

In relationships, women are characterized by pronounced fragility, softness and insecurity. It is with these character traits that they attract the attention of confident and reliable men. To counterbalance this, representatives of the stronger half of humanity try to protect their chosen one, giving her confidence and guardianship.

From a young age, men notice that they are literally shrouded in attention from the opposite year. At this time, they develop a certain image of the ideal chosen one. Pisces-Horses can look for such a girl from year to year.

Married man

The representatives of this zodiac duo consider the main task in their lives to be the creation of a strong and happy family. At the beginning of their life's journey, men value freedom and independence, but when they meet the girl they love, their familiar world is turned upside down. For them, love, the development of personal relationships, and caring for a loved one come first.

It’s not difficult to get along with such a man in the same house. They are calm and rarely express their dissatisfaction towards their wife or beloved girl with whom they live under the same roof. Such people look for a middle ground, make concessions and compromises. You can always find a common language with them on any issue.

With the advent of children comes the highest happiness for them. They direct all their attention and strength in their direction. Children grow and develop in conditions of love, peace, understanding and support. For the sake of their loved ones, they put personal interests and various hobbies into the background. Even after a hard day at work, a husband will never leave his wife without due attention.

After the wedding, representatives of the stronger sex become confident masters of their home.

They work hard to furnish their home, bringing it to perfection, and work at a measured pace.

Women in marriage

Representatives of the fairer sex, combining the sign of Pisces and the year of the Horse, are considered ideal spouses. They successfully combine the roles of mothers, wives, lovers and reliable partners in family life. Combining passion, loyalty, temperament and reliability in one personality, they become a dream for almost every man.

They look for the same qualities in their chosen ones. The ideal husband for such a lady is a confident man who can be relied on in any situation. He must also be a loving father and a passionate lover.

In the process of building family relationships, women cannot completely hide their feelings and emotions. Sometimes feelings flare up very brightly and in order for the relationship between husband and wife to be harmonious, a man needs to be as calm, persistent and balanced as possible.

Having become a wife, women focus on taking care of their husband and their children, sometimes, often forgetting about themselves. They spend all their energy on home comfort, raising children and caring for their chosen one.

The intimate side of the issue

Pisces men born in the year of the Horse are considered incredibly sensitive and emotional lovers. They are characterized as attentive and caring partners who are able to simultaneously realize their desires in bed, and at the same time think about the needs of the girl. In some cases, lovers bring their partner's desires to the fore. Such men are ideally suited to an attentive lover who will give him the necessary attention, and not concentrate on her own desires and pleasure.

Girls born under the above astrological duet combine softness and tenderness along with passion and emotionality. The lady received the first characteristic from the water element, and the second from the year of the fiery Horse.

They need a partner who will appreciate the efforts of their mistress in bed and give her everything she needs.

Women at work

In the working world, for women, material well-being comes to the fore, followed by interest in work and climbing the career ladder. Many people regard work as a tool for their own provision and enjoyment of material goods, nothing more. If you manage to combine work with good earnings, then the Pisces-Horse will achieve great success in their position.

Man at work

As for career and finances, representatives of both sexes are very similar to each other. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity also do not set themselves the life goal of achieving high success in work, but if a man has a desire to establish financial security, this can become the reason for development and advancement in his career.

This combination gives people optimism, responsiveness, and a desire for harmony and order. Men born during this period are pleasant to talk to and have good manners. They skillfully combine best qualities, inherent in them according to the zodiac and eastern horoscope.

Personality Traits of Pisces of the Year of the Horse

Such people will not put their career on a pedestal; personal freedom and peace of mind are more valuable to them. However, Pisces-Horses are not without ambitions and are moderately purposeful. They act according to circumstances, determining along the way where it is better to show firmness and where to be flexible. Representatives of this type are suitable for a variety of professions; they are able to learn new things and bring what they start to its logical conclusion. The business sphere of life attracts them more with stability and predictability than with bustle or material values.

Character of the Horse-Men of the Pisces sign

Such people know how to joke well, have a lot of fun and put others in a positive mood. Periods of melancholy and melancholy in Pisces-Horses are rare; generally, they more or less calmly overcome various difficulties. They attract their interlocutors with attentiveness and warmth. Pisces-Horses are sometimes absent-minded and can forget about something important, inadvertently offending someone. In everyday life, they sometimes lack the composure that they demonstrate at work.

Personal life of Pisces-Horse Men

They are conservative, are supporters of long and serious relationships, and have a positive attitude towards marriage. Pisces-Horses pay attention to prudent and submissive women, with whom they can safely plan a future together. Pisces-Horses love to spend free time surrounded by family, they like the comfort of home. When communicating with them, you need to avoid raising your tone, as this unbalances them and provokes anger.

Gentleness, sociability and kindness are the brightest qualities of your character. You strive to maintain peaceful relations with everyone, willingly help friends and relatives, love children, and even mature age believe in mysticism and miracles.

You do not strive to show leadership qualities, you often go with the flow and rarely change circumstances in your favor. But it is these qualities that help you take your path in life and easily achieve success, even if you doubt yourself.

Pisces Horse Man in Love

You are very amorous, dreamy and romantic. Strive to see in everything positive aspects and understand the woman you like. It is your charm that helps you easily achieve success in love, but you may doubt yourself for a long time and hesitate to propose to the woman you love.

Pisces-Horse man in marriage

It’s easy with you in the family - you forgive insults, don’t offend anyone and don’t create scenes of jealousy. You never put pressure on anyone, giving the woman you love complete trust and freedom, strive to surround your loved ones with love and care, without imposing your attention.

Pisces-Horse man in bed

In bed, you strive to show tenderness, not passion, but at the same time, your intimate communication is not limited only to bed. You try to support your partner in everything, give her an unforgettable experience and rarely put an end to it first.

Pisces-Horse Man in Career

You extremely rarely strive for a career as such if the business is completely uninteresting to you. You don’t like to take on a leadership role, calculate your moves and your actions, you try to rely on chance and a successful combination of circumstances, but, despite everything, the lucky ticket to success goes to you. You perform best in activities that involve communication and people.

Pisces Man in the Year of the Wooden Horse (1904, 1954, 2014)

You are persistent, hardworking and strive for meaningful achievements. Family and love are of secondary importance to you, since most of all you strive for comfort and self-realization in your profession. In love, you can hesitate for a long time and hesitate to make a decision. IN family life you are prone to conflicts and betrayals, but women will never be bored with you.

Pisces man in the year of the fire horse (1906, 1966, 2026)

You are active, assertive and focused on getting excellent result. You do not like to wait, and are strong and passionate in achieving your goals. Your main life credo is to never retreat, to show strength, courage and bravery in any situation. You are lucky in your personal life, but you can easily ruin everything with your temper and jealousy.

Pisces Man in the Year of the Earth Horse (1918, 1978, 2038)

You are active, aimed at high goals, but romance without money does not play any role for you. No matter how much you like your job and profession, you will strive to earn as much as possible and choose a business that brings you profit. In love, you are romantic, but you will never give too much until you are sure that the relationship is serious.

Pisces Man in the Year of the Metal Horse (1930, 1990, 2050)

You are active, energetic and strive for the highest and most romantic goals. Routine and loneliness are unbearable for you, so you strive to achieve everything. best result, and please your loved ones with all the best. You can do a lot for the sake of your family, but sometimes you are prone to rash and frivolous actions.

Pisces Man in the Year of the Water Horse (1942, 2002, 2062)

You are dreamy and romantic, but you have the drive to achieve your goals and achieve success. You know how to overcome obstacles, you know well the strengths and weaknesses of both your competitor and your own. In relationships with women, you strive for victory at any cost and complete power.