What are the ranks worth in sports tourism? Sports tourism

Bit requirements on sports tourism for 2001-2004.

Rank and rank in sports tourism assigned in two types of tourist- sports competitions:
- sports trekking competitions;
- Tourist all-around competitions.

1. Class requirements for sports trips

To fulfill the standards for the title of International Master of Sports of Russia (MSMK), the title of Master of Sports of Russia (MS), categories Candidate Master of Sports (CMS), I, II, III and youth, it is necessary to complete sports trips in accordance with Table 1.

Conditions for fulfilling rank requirements

1. Titles and categories are assigned for trips made in accordance with the “Rules for conducting competitions of tourist sports trips, travel and organization of sports tours. Traveler’s Code” and the “Unified All-Russian Sports Classification of Routes”, as well as other regulatory documents on sports tourism approved by the Tourist Committee -Sports Union of Russia (TSSR).

2. For the assignment of all of the above categories and titles (except for the title of MSMK), it is allowed to replace leadership with participation in hikes of higher categories of complexity (in accordance with Table 2).

3. To qualify for the category of Candidate Master of Sports and the title of Master of Sports, it is necessary to participate in the sports tourism championships of the corresponding regional or Russian level. The results of the championships are counted if at least 6 teams participated in the championship this species tourism. The correspondence of the place taken in the championships with the classification or title is given in Table 3.

4. Documents for a sports category or title are considered only after the previous category or title has been assigned.

5. Hikes made along the same route count towards a category or title if they were completed the first time as a participant, and the second time as a leader.

6. Hikes are counted towards the category or rank, regardless of what type of tourism they were carried out.

7. To fulfill the standard for the title of MSMK, men must have experience leading two hikes of category VI difficulty, and women - one. To qualify for the title of MSMK, a hike must participate in the Russian Championship with at least 6 participants in the hike class of the VI category of difficulty. In this case, you need to score at least 30 points in the Russian championships (1st place - 30 points, 2nd place - 20 and 3rd place - 10 points). If in a given year less than 6 hikes of the VI category of difficulty participated in the championship, then credit points for the MSMC are not assigned, and these hikes can participate in the championships during the period of validity of these category requirements. For participants of the hike who took a prize in class VI category. the number of qualifying trips to MS is reduced by one.

8. When applying for the title of MS and MSMK, it is necessary to submit to the TSSR: a) copies of original certificates of hikes above the third category of difficulty, which count toward the title; b) copies of championship protocols certified by route and qualification commissions (ICC) having the appropriate authority; c) reports on qualifying hikes completed as a leader or all reports on hikes of V-VI categories of difficulty completed as a participant (for a participant it is allowed to indicate their location if they are in the TSSR); d) representation of the subordinate applicant to the ICC.

9. The period for registration of ranks and titles should not exceed one year from the date of approval of the protocol of the competition in which the last qualifying campaign took part.

atr atr atr atr atr atr
MSMK (m) 1 2
MSMK (w) 1 1*
MS (m) 1 2
MS (w) 1 1
KMS 1 1
I 1 1 1
II 1 1
I junior
II junior
III junior

- abbreviations used in the tables: U-participant; R-leader * replacement is allowed for 2 trips of V class, completed as a leader. In this case, the rating of participation in the Championship is gained among hikes of V class.
DISCHARGESCategories of difficulty of sports hikes
atr atr atr atr atr atr
MS (m) 1 4
MS (w) 1 2
KMS 1 4
I 2 2
II 2
I junior
II junior
III junior
Complete one hike of III degree of difficulty
Complete one hike of level II difficulty
Complete one hike of level I difficulty
If you have experience leading hikes, a corresponding reduction in participation in hikes of higher categories of difficulty is allowed. Note:
** regional - regional, regional, republican, district.

2. Rank requirements for tourist all-around.

1. To obtain the title “Master of Sports of Russia” (MS), you must fulfill the requirements in accordance with Table 4.

2. Fulfillment of the requirements of sports categories of KMS, 1, 2, 3 and youth sports categories is carried out in accordance with Table 5.

3. The title of MS in tourist all-around is awarded upon fulfilling the requirements for the distance class and rank of competitions at international, all-Russian, zonal (interregional) competitions, as well as at the Russian championship among juniors as determined by the Sports Tourism Federation of the TSSR. The distance class must correspond to class 5 and is determined in accordance with the “Rules of Tourist All-Around Competitions”.
Note: It is allowed to meet the requirements of the standards at different competitions.

4. The standards for awarding the title of Master of Sports and the category of Candidate Master of Sports in tourist all-around are carried out at two different distances (technical and tactical-technical), one of which can be personal, and for I-III and I youth - III youth categories and competitions for people with limited life opportunities - are performed at one distance.

5. Titles and categories in tourist all-around competitions are awarded if at least 6 teams complete the distance in the competition (12 participants for individual competitions). If competition participants of the same age group are divided into subgroups based on sports qualifications or results, the MS category requirements are counted only to the highest group.

6. The rank of the competition is determined by the sum of the points of the first six places in these competitions. The rank is determined based on 4 people per team. If the team has a different number of participants, then to determine the team’s total points, the average score is determined and multiplied by 4. For personal competitions, the sum of the points of the first 12 participants is taken and multiplied by 2. The assessment of sports categories in points is given in Table 6. The rank of the competition is determined for each distances.

7. For people with disabilities, the title of MS and sports categories are performed at the same distance in accordance with the requirements for the distance class (Table 5), while the rank of the competition is not taken into account.

a) The results of teams that took 2nd place, and for individuals - 6th place should not be more than 120% of the result of the winner.
b) Individuals include participants performing individually and teams of two, teams of two, etc. according to their types of tourism.
Distance classCompetition rank% of the winner's result
KMSIIIIII-1junII juniorIII junior
ILess than 1- - - - 102 138
1 - - - - 114 142
2 - - - - 123 146
3 - - - 105 129 150
4 - - - 108 132 154
5 - - - 111 135 158
6 - - - 114 138 162
8 - - - 117 142 166
II10 - - 100 120 146 170
13 - - 102 123 150 174
16 - - 105 126 154 178
20 - - 108 129 158 182
25 - - 111 132 162 187
32 - - 114 135 166 192
III40 - 100 117 138 170 197
50 - 102 120 142 174 202
63 - 105 123 `46 178 207
80 - 108 126 150 182 218
100 - 111 129 154
IV125 100 114 132 158
160 102 117 135 162
200 105 120 138 166
250 108 123 142 170
320 111 126 146 174
400 114 129 150 178
500 117 132 154 182
630 120 135 158 186
V700 121 136 159
1000 126 142 166
1250 129 146 170
1600 133 150 174
2000 137 154 178

To fulfill the standards for the title of International Master of Sports of Russia (MSMK), Master of Sports of Russia (MS) and Candidate Master of Sports (CMS), as well as categories I, II, III, it is necessary to complete sports trips in accordance with

Conditions for fulfilling rank requirements

  1. Titles and ranks are awarded for hikes completed in accordance with the “Rules for Conducting Sports Tourist Hiking Competitions” and the “Unified All-Russian Sports Classification of Routes,” as well as other regulatory documents on sports tourism approved by the Tourist and Sports Union of Russia (TSSR).
  2. To assign all of the above categories and ranks (except for the title of MSMK), it is allowed to replace the leadership of trips of the I-III category of complexity (c.s.) with participation in one trip of the II-IV c.s. respectively. And leadership of campaigns of the IV-V class, participation in two campaigns of the V-VI class. accordingly (according to table 2).
  3. To qualify for the titles of Candidate Master of Sports and Master of Sports, it is necessary to participate in the sports tourism championships at the corresponding regional or Russian level. The results of the championships are counted if at least 6 teams in this type of tourism participated in them. The correspondence of the place taken in the championships and the classification or title is presented in Table 3.
    The requirement for compulsory participation in championships applies to hikes completed after 2000.
  4. Documents for a sports category or title are considered only after the previous category or title has been assigned.
  5. Hikes made along the same route count towards a category or title if they were completed the first time as a participant, and the second time as a leader.
  6. Hikes are counted towards the category or rank, regardless of what type of tourism they were carried out.
  7. To fulfill the standard for the title of MSMK, men must have experience in managing two joint ventures of the VI category of complexity, and women - one. To qualify for the title of MSMK, it is necessary that at least 6 teams participating in sports trips of the VI category participate in the Russian Championship. In this case, you need to score at least 30 points in the Russian championships (1st place - 30 points, 2nd place - 20 and 3rd place - 10 points). If in a given year less than 6 hikes of the VI category of difficulty took part in the championship, then credit points for the MSMC are not assigned, and these hikes participate in the next year’s championship (during the validity period of these rank requirements).
  8. When applying for the MS and MSMK titles, you must submit to the TSSR:
    a) copies of original certificates of campaigns that count towards the title;
    b) copies of championship protocols certified by route and qualification commissions (ICCs) having the appropriate authority;
    c) reports on qualifying hikes completed as a leader or all reports on hikes of V-VI categories of difficulty, completed as a participant.
  9. The period for registration of ranks and titles should not exceed one year from the date of approval of the protocol of the competition in which the last qualifying campaign took part.

Class requirements for sports tourism
for 2001-2004

(from 02/20/01)

Table 1: for managers (11 trips to MS)

ranks categories of difficulty of sports hikes
MSMK (m) 2p
MSMK (w) 1р*
MS (m) 2p
MS (w) 1r
KMS 1r
I 1r 1r
II 1r
III 1r
I junior
II junior
III junior
Complete one trip III class.
Complete one hike II class.
Complete one hike I class.

*- replacement with 2 x 5r is allowed

Complete one hike II class.
Complete one hike I class.

Sports tourism. Rank requirements and competition rules.

1. Class requirements in sports tourism and conditions for their implementation.

1. Class requirements in sports tourism and conditions for their implementation.

What principle are the rank requirements in sports tourism based on? As we noted earlier (see lecture 2), sports tourism is an amateur, non-Olympic sport and has an appropriate regulatory framework. In particular, the requirements for assigning sports categories and titles to tourists and the conditions for their implementation are specified in a special document - the Unified sports classification of the Republic of Belarus (ESC RB), which is reviewed and approved once in the Olympic cycle (once every four years). Sports tourism is a high-risk sport; Safe, accident-free overcoming of technically complex tourist routes requires athletes to have perfect mastery of tourist equipment and tactics, correct and timely assessment of objective and subjective dangers on the hiking route, and adequate physical and psychological preparedness. No “bare” knowledge of specialized literature can replace the practice of participating in sports trips, in each of which you are faced with overcoming new obstacles and using special techniques and tactics, evaluating yourself in different conditions external environment, build relationships with the team of hike participants, etc. In other words, by overcoming new, more and more complex hiking routes and solving corresponding sports problems, tourists improve in this sport. Such comprehensive improvement of an athlete-tourist is expressed by the concept of “accumulation tourist experience" It is possible, apparently, without fear of making a mistake, to put a sign of identity between the experience of a tourist and his sports qualifications, expressed in the form of sports categories and titles.

The principle of gradual, stepwise acquisition of special knowledge, skills and abilities; a gradual increase in the complexity of the tourist routes to be overcome is the basis for the safety of sports tourism activities. Therefore, the principle of consistent accumulation of personal tourist experience of athletes is the basis for the category requirements of the sport “sports tourism” and the “Rules for conducting sports tourist trips”, i.e. approved by regulatory documents. Sports qualification the higher the athlete’s experience - the greater the experience of his participation in hikes along classified routes, both as a leader and as a participant.

How is the principle of gradual accumulation of tourist experience “embedded” in the regulatory documents of sports tourism? Let us remind you that in accordance with the “Rules for conducting sports tourist trips”, sports tourist groups are formed on a voluntary basis from people united by common sports interests and who have sports and technical experience and a level of training corresponding to the complexity of the route declared for the passage and necessary for a successful and accident-free completion hike. In fact, only participants in hikes of the 1st and 2nd difficulty categories can be new to tourism. Participants of hikes of the 3rd - 5th difficulty categories must certainly have experience of hikes of the previous categories in the same type of sports tourism. The leader of a hike of a certain category of difficulty must have experience participating in a hike of this category of difficulty and experience leading a hike of the previous category of difficulty. To participate in campaigns of the 1st class. Participants who have reached 12 years of age are allowed, and 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grades are allowed to participate in the hikes. Persons who have reached the age of 14, 15, 17, 18, and 20 years old are admitted. To lead the campaign of the 1st cavalry regiment. Persons over 18 years of age are admitted. These “dry” points of the “Rules” reveal the principle of progressive improvement in the sport “sports tourism”.

It is also clearly “readable” in the rank requirements. The basis for assigning a sports category (title) is the athlete’s overcoming a certain number of classified routes of different difficulty categories, completed by the athlete as a participant or leader (read: accumulated tourist experience). Moreover, the “growth” of the rank is directly proportional to the increase in the complexity of the routes overcome in this type of tourism, and each subsequent rank is assigned after the previous one is assigned.

What standards are established by the ESK RB for obtaining certain categories and titles in the sport “sports tourism”?

The required number and categories of difficulty of sports hikes along classified routes for assigning certain sports categories are presented in Table 1.

Table 1.

Class requirements in sports tourism.



Men and women



U - the trip was made as a participant.

R - the trip was made as a leader.

To be awarded the title “Master of Sports” of the Republic of Belarus, men must complete two trips of the V class. as a group leader. The requirements also allow for the assignment of this title to make one trip of the V class. as a group leader and score 10 points at the championships of the Republic of Belarus and international competitions on sports tourism; or score 20 points at the championships of the Republic of Belarus and international competitions in sports tourism.

To be awarded the title “Master of Sports” of the Republic of Belarus, women must complete one hike of the V class. as a participant and two campaigns of the IV class. as a group leader. The requirements also allow for the assignment of this title to make one trip of the V class. as a participant, one trip IV class. as a leader and score 5 points at the championships of the Republic of Belarus and international competitions in sports tourism. It is allowed to score 10 points at the championships of the Republic of Belarus and international competitions in sports tourism (ESC RB for 2002-2005).

The principle of scoring points for awarding the title “Master of Sports of the Republic of Belarus” is presented in Table 2.

Points in the “Initial Score” column are assigned only for leading the trip (to the team captain). Additional points are awarded to both leaders (captains) and participants of hikes conducted as part of the competition. Points are awarded only if the number of points received by the team in the competition is at least 75% of the maximum possible amount of points for these competitions. In this case, the number of teams that have completed the approved routes must be at least four. In the case of three teams, points are awarded for second to fourth place.

Table 2.

The procedure for awarding points for the participation of athletes in the championships of the Republic of Belarus in sports tourism (III group of competitions).

What are the conditions for fulfilling the rank requirements? To assign categories and titles, hikes and routes in competitions that meet the requirements of the “Rules for conducting sports tourism trips” and the “Rules of competitions” for sports tourism are counted. After the successful completion of the hike and review of the necessary documents, the participants and leaders of the hike are issued certificates of completion of the sports hike. Certificates are issued by authorized expert commissions of the Federation of Sports Tourism (Belarusian Public Association of Sports Tourism). Credit points are also assigned on the basis of certificates of completion of the hike and on the basis of competition protocols.

The title “Master of Sports” is awarded for completed hikes and (or) points that were not included in the CMS category. At the same time, one leadership of the campaign Vk.s. (10 points in competitions) for men or one expedition leadership IV class. (5 points in competitions) for women must be completed (received) within 4 years prior to receiving the title. Rank requirements strictly delineate the roles of the participant and the leader of the campaign. It is clear that the amount of work done and the level of responsibility during the preparation and organization of the hike, directly during the hike and after its completion, is immeasurably higher for the leader of the hike than for the participants. Accordingly, the leader of the trip must also have the appropriate sports qualifications. The grade requirements strictly take this into account and stimulate the growth of sportsmanship. So, to be awarded the title “Master of Sports” you must have experience leading at least three expeditions along classified routes and (or) an appropriate number of hikes along technical routes. Without specified management experience sports group, even if the points accumulated for participation in competitions, the title “Master of Sports” is not awarded.

At the same time, not everyone can be a good leader, although they can be excellent athletes (possess tactical and technical skills; good physical fitness, etc.). The discharge requirements of the Republic of Belarus also take this feature into account. When assigning ranks from the second to the CMS, it is allowed to replace the leadership of hikes of I, II, III and IV categories of complexity with participation in hikes of III, IV, V and VI categories of complexity, respectively. Hikes made along the same route in this type of tourism are counted if they are made once as a participant, and another as a leader. As an example, here is a list of routes taken by teacher V.E. Podliskikh. and taken into account when assigning him the title of CCM in sports tourism (Table 3).

Table 3.

Participation of teacher V.E. Podlisskikh on hikes along classified routes (hikes are submitted to the BOOST expert commission for assignment of the category of CMS).


Responsibilities in the group

Hiking area

Belarus (Minsk region)

Belarus (Minsk region)

Belarus (Minsk region)

II, ski

Karelia (Russia)

II, ski

Arkhangelsk region (Russia)

III, ski

Southern Urals(Russia)

IV, ski

Kola Peninsula (Russia)

Subpolar Urals (Russia)

VI, ski

Polar Ural (Russia)

V, ski (technical route)

Kola Peninsula (Russia)

Kola Peninsula (Russia)

Polar Ural (Russia)

Belarus (Minsk region)

Designations used in the table: U – participant; R – leader.

In sports tourism, as follows from the material presented above, there is a situation quite unique for sports - it is possible to get sports categories and titles without participation in official competitions. This situation is dictated by the essence of sports tourism - the group independently develops a route, including the required set of classified sections, and overcomes it. At the same time, the routes themselves and the conditions for their passage different groups are different, which, in general, does not meet the requirements of sports competitions. The participants of the hike are more likely to “fight” with “natural” difficulties, showing the necessary skill and moral and volitional qualities, rather than with rivals from other sports teams. There is no doubt that this kind of struggle has a right to exist and can be encouraged by the assignment of sports categories.

What is the correspondence form of competitions in sports tourism? However, sport without competition is still nonsense. Therefore, in sports tourism, of course, competitions are held. First of all, let's look at competitions held in the so-called correspondence form (this form of competition was used in the USSR in 1981-1990 and is currently used in the Republic of Belarus). These competitions are held in a program of classified routes. At the same time, the sports group declares the route it has developed for participation in competitions. For example, to participate in the championship of the Republic of Belarus, the open championship Russian Federation groups declare technically difficult hiking routes of the fifth and sixth categories of difficulty. Accordingly, groups making hikes of lower difficulty categories can participate in regional and city championships.

The procedure for conducting such hikes and their compliance with a given category of difficulty is regulated by the “Rules for conducting sports tourist hikes.” The “Rules” determine that a hike entered into a competition must be carried out along a classified route with specified parameters for technical difficulty, length, and duration. At the same time, authorized expert tourist commissions have the right to assign the declared route to one or another category of difficulty, as well as evaluate the completed trip and determine the results. Expert commissions are created by the Belarusian Public Association of Sports Tourism and its regional and city organizations. They are formed from a number of competent experts with appropriate sports and tourism qualifications, experience in leading and participating in hikes in various tourist areas.

Participants in a hike entered into the competition follow a route they have developed. After the end of the hike, within the established time frame (no later than 3 months upon return from the hike area), the hike leader submits a report in the form established by the “Rules” to the authorized expert commission. The commission reviews the reporting materials of all teams participating in the competition and determines the winner and prize-winners.

· The area where the hike will take place (its climatic and geographic and other characteristics).

· The route developed by the team (its logicality, originality, sequence of included classified sections of different difficulty categories, compliance with the difficulty category of the hike, length, altitude characteristics, etc.).

· Technique for the team to overcome classified sections that determine the difficulty of the hike (technical parameters of obstacles, the technique used by the team and tactics to overcome them, the correctness of the ones used techniques and funds, etc.).

· Tactical decisions of the group when preparing the route and during its implementation (the logic of including radial sections on the route, distribution of food and equipment, organization of food, bivouacs, etc.).

· The degree to which the group fulfills the stated tasks (completeness and accuracy of the stated route, completion time).

After analyzing all the information presented (usually each criterion is given a point score), winners and runners-up are identified.

It is quite obvious that the correspondence form of competition has significant drawbacks. Groups make hikes of this category of difficulty in different areas, in different weather conditions, with classified sections of different content and complexity. It is very difficult, even for experienced experts, to objectively compare hikes of the same difficulty category, but carried out in different conditions. For example, in ski trip 6th category in the subarctic zone (for example, the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago) - technical difficulty is largely determined by the complexity of orientation, the complexity of the group’s life support in conditions of an autonomous expedition. And the complexity of such a hike as a whole is undoubtedly influenced by the “harsh” climatic conditions of its implementation. In a ski trip of the same category of difficulty in the mountains (for example, in the region of the Polar Urals, Chersky Ridge), the technical complexity is determined largely by the mountainous terrain itself - overcoming mountain slopes, passes, winter ascents to the peaks (also, however, “against the backdrop” of harsh climatic conditions). conditions). How to compare campaigns that are so different in content, tactical and technical solutions? Despite all the rich experience of experts, there is some subjectivity in the decision taken will be big enough.

To overcome these shortcomings of the correspondence form of competitions, an intramural form of competitions in sports tourism was proposed and rules for such competitions were developed (V.I. Ganopolsky, 2000). In-person competitions in accordance with the category requirements and the “Competition Rules” are held in the rank of the championship of the Republic of Belarus in all types of sports tourism. The championship is held among teams competing at the same time, in the same area; Teams are evaluated directly “on the spot” by competition judges. Competitions are held in areas where it is possible to carry out classified routes of at least V category of difficulty.

What are intramural sports tourism competitions? In-person competitions are carried out in the form of double-events - on sports And technical routes. Sports route represents 5-6 classified sections (CS) with a length from 0.5-0.7 to a full day's trek, characteristic of this type of tourism. The difficulty categories of sections correspond to IV-VI, while at least two sections must be of difficulty category V. The sports route is passed in stages: the group goes out to overcome the TC and returns to the base camp of the competition (in fact, over the course of several days the group makes several radial outings). The category of difficulty and assessment of each such stage is expressed in points (determined by expert judges). The sum of points expressing the technical complexity of the competition stage is determined both directly by the natural complexity of the obstacles (steepness of slopes, depth of snow cover, flow speed of a mountain river, etc.), and by those technical and tactical tasks that are determined by the judges and the conditions of the competition (according to the principle of assessing the stages of TBM that you already know).

The technical route is a hiking trip lasting 5-7 days and of appropriate length. The technical route includes at least 4-5 classified sections, including at least 2 sections of the 4th class. and at least one (no more than 2) – 5th class. The difficulty categories of the technical route (as well as the sports route) are determined by experts on the basis of the most complete information available about them. The results of the examination are approved by the decision of the main panel of judges (GCJ). Technical routes are developed by teams independently within the competition area and the list of classified sections approved by the State Jury. Thus, technical routes contain fewer CUs than are provided for the corresponding classified routes, as well as reduced parameters for the length of the route and the duration of the trip.

What is the advantage of full-time sports tourism competitions compared to correspondence? The advantage of technical route competitions over classified route competitions is the following. Technical routes are carried out by teams in the same area, at the same time, under approximately similar weather conditions. There is a common start, a common control time and a common finish place. Thus, in the case of correspondence competitions, teams are led by wrestling under the most similar conditions.

The routes of all teams must have at least one common control section, directly serviced by the judges. The judges can directly see the work of the teams and evaluate their tactical and technical preparation, not from photographs and descriptions. At the same time, the presence of a technical multi-day route fundamentally distinguishes intramural sports tourism competitions from TBM competitions. In this case, as when passing classified routes, participants must master all components of tourist equipment and tactics, and, most importantly, apply them in real conditions (for example, on various forms of relief); have excellent physical fitness and psychological stability.

How are the results of correspondence competitions in sports tourism determined? Competition results are determined separately for sports and technical routes. The sports route is evaluated by judges according to rules similar to the TPM rules. Each stage receives a certain score (total difficulty score, SPS), which consists of a technical difficulty score and a team speed score (difficulty score). These components of the ATP are approximately equal. After passing this stage (CS), the team receives points for its technique, minus the penalty points it scored. Points for the difficulty indicator are determined taking into account the time coefficient. The team that completes the stage in the shortest time receives all points for the difficulty of the stage. The scores of the remaining teams are calculated as the product of the difficulty indicator and the team’s time coefficient. In this case, the time coefficient is defined as the ratio of the best time shown when overcoming a given stage in competitions to the time of a given team.

The technical route assessment form is in absentia (see above). In this case, the teams must submit a report of the established form to the GSK no later than 10 days after returning from the expedition area. The highest score for the sports and technical routes determines the winner of the head-to-head competition.

How do experts evaluate the total difficulty of classified sections of a sports and technical route? Local and extended natural obstacles or their combination make up the classified sections of the sports and technical route and determine its category of difficulty. Experts determine the category of difficulty of a maneuver based on the complexity of movement along such a section, the need to organize insurance to overcome it without accidents, the complexity and number of technical means used; difficulties of orientation in this area, etc. We gave an example of an expert assessment of a local obstacle (pass) earlier (see the lecture on the concept of classified sections of the route).

When conducting an examination of the technical complexity and speed of overcoming obstacles, qualitative assessments (difficulty categories) are subject to codification - that is, evaluation coefficients (scores) are assigned to certain levels of obstacle difficulty. The range of technical difficulty and variety of classified sections increases disproportionately (progressively) with each successive level of difficulty. At the same time, the technical complexity of classified sections belonging to one category of difficulty may vary (one is slightly more difficult than the other). For a number of reasons, the Fibonacci sequence of numbers turned out to be acceptable for assessing such a disproportionately (progressively) increasing range of technical complexity and diversity of CG routes of head-to-head competitions.


Such a sequence (starting from the third digit, each subsequent member of the sequence is equal to the sum of the previous two) gives scores in points corresponding to the qualitative indicators of the difficulty of the control system:

(1) (3) (5) (8) (13) (21) (34) (55)

The Fibonacci sequence makes it possible to obtain estimates of CGs of a certain category of difficulty according to the “more or less” principle and, thereby, take into account differences in their nature and technical complexity. Thus, even for classified sections of the first three categories of difficulty, it is possible to take into account their differences in nature and technical complexity and express them in the form of an accurate score. Then, using the Fibonacci series, the CG assessment system is presented in the form of an “axial scale” of CG assessments of six categories of difficulty (scale of “standards”). At the same time, the numbers of the Fibonacci sequence themselves express the complexity of the “standard”, most characteristic KUs of a given category of complexity, and the interval of values ​​of natural numbers between the previous and subsequent numbers of the sequence expresses the variation in the complexity of KUs within a given category of difficulty. For example, the number 21 is an estimate of the “reference” KU in terms of complexity of the fifth category of difficulty. But in practice, the classified section declared in the route may be somewhat more difficult or somewhat “weaker” than the standard. Then expert judges give it scores ranging from 16 to 26 points.

Literature on the topic of the lecture.

1. Alekseev A.A. A guide to writing reports on hiking, travel and sports tours. – M. 2004

2. Unified sports classification of the Republic of Belarus (2001-2004). – Minsk: Publishing House “Four Quarters”, 2001. – 333 p.

3. Tourism and orienteering/ Textbook for institutes and technical schools of physical culture. - Author, V.I. Ganopolsky. M: FiS, 1987. - 240 p.

4. Sports tourism. Rules for conducting sports tourist trips. Mn., 2003.- 6 p.

5. Tourist-applied all-around events / Competition rules. – Mn.: Belprint, 1988. – 96 p.

6. Sports tourism. Competition rules. (The draft “Rules” developed by V.I. Ganopolsky). – 2000.

7. Fedotov Yu.N., Vostokov I.E. Sports and health tourism: Textbook/ Ed. Ed. Yu.N. Fedotova. – M.: Soviet sport, 2002. – 364 p.