World Skateboarding Day. World Skateboarding Day in Russia

Man is an interesting creature. Sometimes he gets bored just living, satisfying his needs for food, shelter and communication. Many people lack risk, danger, adventure and they find a way to get thrills. For some, watching horror films is enough, while others engage in extreme sports: skydiving, climbing mountain peaks, rafting down rivers. In addition, there are many ways to trigger the release of adrenaline in the body through boarding: surfing, snowboarding, mountainboarding and, of course, skateboarding. The incredible popularity of skateboarding has led to the fact that fans of this extreme sport have a professional holiday.

Who's celebrating

International Skateboarding Day is a holiday for all skateboarding enthusiasts. The most popular board culture among young people. But even among the older generation there are many who like to ride and do a couple of impressive tricks. The solemn date is celebrated by extreme sports enthusiasts all over the world, organizing mass skating and competitions.

History of the holiday

As a sport, skateboarding has its origins in surfing. Wave surfers were looking for something that could replace surfing in the absence of a good wave or sea at all. As a result, they came up with the skateboard.

The first boards appeared in the 50s of the last century and had very limited functionality. But this did not stop skateboarding from gaining wild popularity among the population and developing into a powerful street movement. It appealed to brave and risky people who constantly came up with complex and spectacular tricks and thereby attracted new members to the skateboard community.

However, over time, the stunts became more and more dangerous, the number of broken arms and legs grew steadily, which led to the ban or restriction of this extreme sports in some countries. Many believed that boarding was harmful not only to skaters, but also to ordinary pedestrians. Skate stoppers and prohibition signs were installed everywhere. In protest, skateboarders changed the words on prohibiting signs to “No Skateboarding!” on “Go Skateboarding!”, which attracted public attention and contributed to the establishment of a professional holiday.

About skateboarding in Russia

Thanks to the Iron Curtain, skateboarding came to the USSR only in the 80s. The first domestic skateboards were called “Virazh” and were significantly different from their American counterparts. Soviet youth, having watched enough foreign films about skaters, ran to garages to construct homemade boards. The second boom of this extreme sport occurred in 1996, when abroad became accessible to Russian youth. The skateboarding movement is quite popular these days.

Once upon a time there were people in all countries who valued an active lifestyle. American representatives of this large cohort could not come to terms with the government’s ban on skateboards and their pilots on the streets of American cities.

An unexpectedly simple solution to the problem was found in 2004 by skateboarders on the West Coast of the United States: in one day they changed (in the English version) the first letter of all prohibiting posters. And a miracle happened. Instead of a ban (“No Skateboarding!”) there was a very promising call (“Go Skateboarding!”). Since then, June 21 is considered a holiday for admirers of this active recreation. Later, the International Association of Skateboard Companies even had to approve a professional holiday, about which there is a corresponding document that was given to the Washington Library for preservation. The holiday came to Russia only two years later and became one of the most beloved for fans of extreme sports.

Congratulations skateboarders
Have a joyful, glorious day.
Let it warm the rides
The sun is a gentle ray.

Let drive give you speed,
I wish you not to know about injuries.
No matter how life turns out,
Don't give up your favorite skateboard.

A real skateboarder
The twist dances on the mountain slopes.
Its steep turns
No one can repeat it.

In pursuit of adrenaline
He is looking for new springboards.
How brave do you have to be?
To love skateboarding!

Skateboarding is a sport for the strong-willed,
For those who are not afraid of death,
For those who love challenges,
And I’m used to working on myself.

For those who endure snow and wind,
From all sides that they blow,
For those who find steep mountains
They only bring pleasure.

For those who rush without looking back,
When the soul sinks into the heels;
Dispersing fear like smoke,
Adrenaline rushes through your veins!

Today I congratulate you,
Happy day of speed, movement, freedom,
Skateboarding gives you all this in full,
He is not afraid of the tricky weather.

And on this day you still have victories,
Smooth roads, bright impressions,
So that the green light is on everywhere,
So that it would be best mood!

We wish everyone good luck
And of course drive fast.
So that everything works out without injuries -
Happy skateboarders' day!

Let your knees be whole,
The arms are not broken.
And the skateboards go great
To catch up with the transport.

Don't take unnecessary risks
Perform tricks cool.
Have a fun, beautiful ride
After all, skateboarding is power!

Happy Skateboarding Day! May speed and freedom
They will be faithful companions in fate.
Light rain and other bad weather
Don't interfere with boarding!

You, as a skater, never experience boredom,
After all, your friendship with the board will last for centuries.
Only perform your tricks masterfully,
And may the sun shine on you in the clouds!

Happy Skateboarding Day! Let sport give you health,
There is a vast expanse for skiing,
And the board, like a good friend, does not let you down,
The sun dances with its rays for you,

Let nature please you with glorious weather
And today, and at any time of the year,
So that you and your friends can joyfully ride
And don’t be separated from the board any longer!

Board, wheels and road,
And the headwind hits you in the face.
How wonderful it is to be on a skateboard,
He will rush to the porch to his beloved.

Bruises, abrasions and fractures,
All this so that it doesn’t come again.
Let the road be without obstacles,
So that happiness finds you more easily.

Ride to your heart's content and try
All tricks are skill.
I wish that the ideas of your plans
They burst into life as if through a window.

Now I'm all skateboarders
Congratulations on this bright holiday,
New tricks and techniques
I wish you in difficult sports.

Open up with your skateboard
All abilities, talents.
Try it in your program
Artsy options.

Congratulations, skateboarders,
Happy holiday to you,
Let the drive excite you
May speed always beckon you.

I want to wish you extreme
Joy, beautiful starts,
I wish you to ride
With inspiration and passion.

Skateboarding has become one of the most common leisure activities. The sport has found fans among children, teenagers and adults. Riding on such a board and performing complex and spectacular tricks is placed in a special category. This type of sport is usually called extreme. Relatively recently, skaters all over the world received “their” date. It is proposed to celebrate International Skateboarding Day on June 21. It is known around the world as Go Skateboarding Day.

History of the holiday

International Skateboarding Day is the official date. According to established tradition, the celebration falls on June 21. The date was established by the International Association of Skateboard Companies. Since 2004, the event has been celebrated every summer. The idea of ​​​​establishing such a date belongs to specific activists from the United States. California skateboarders erected prohibitory signs that read “Go Skateboarding!” and “No Skateboarding!” On top of these skate stoppers, the hooligans began to show off their amazing skills with all their might.

The Association of Skateboarding Companies, which is international, supported the daredevils. The public organization managed to convey information about the need to establish such a date to representatives of the American Congress. Thanks to this, a corresponding document was signed in 2004, which is now stored in the Library of Congress in Washington.

In Russia, they learned about this date only in 2006, and for several years now, on June 21, the above-mentioned professional holiday has been celebrated in Kirov, Omsk, Moscow, Kazan, Arkhangelsk, St. Petersburg and other large cities. This celebration is celebrated with great pleasure by thousands of Russians of different ages (mostly young people), for whom skateboarding is not an empty word.

Recently, skaters have found their own official holiday: Go Skateboarding Day is celebrated all over the world!

Skateboarding, to put it simply, is riding a skateboard - a roller board consisting of thick plywood, which is mounted on small diameter wheels (rollers). A person who skateboards is called a skateboarder or skateboarder.

Today, skateboarding is popular all over the world, both among children and adults. Skateboarding, with the performance of various tricks, is even classified as extreme species sports

Logo International Day skateboarding

The holiday itself appeared in 2004. It was initiated by American skateboarders, who for the first time held such a day on the West Coast of the United States. And in the same year, the International Association of Skateboard Companies (IASC), which includes all the largest companies involved in the skateboard industry, from brands and magazines to global distributors, declared June 21 as Go Skateboarding Day. Since then, this holiday has been celebrated annually.

All over the world on this day, all skaters take to the streets to celebrate and skate! Also, in a number of countries and cities, competitions of various levels are timed to coincide with this day.

Interesting: The first prototype of today's skateboard appeared in the USA in 1958. The board was rectangular in shape and faintly resembled current models. Then Richard Stevenson came up with the idea of ​​attaching a “tail” to the board and bending it upward. In this form, the skateboard has survived to this day.

Where to go on the main holiday of skaters

If you think that every day is a holiday for skaters, and they don’t need special reasons for noisy fun, you are generally right. However, on June 21, lovers of these maneuverable boards flock into clans around the world and destroy curbs for a reason, but in honor world day skateboarding.

Photo: niffgurd @

Serial production of skateboards began in the 60s, Zephyrs were in full swing in America in the 70s, and even in the USSR, boards appeared before sex - in the 80s, but everyone only thought of establishing an international skateboarding day in 2004. For the last nine years, every June 21st, a wave of celebrations sweeps across the world, skate brands from all over the planet compete in originality, and riders storm spots in big cities. Our material contains several ways to usefully spend this day in Russia.

Emerica Go Skateboarding day

Boardshop Squat annually approaches World Skateboarding Day as thoroughly as possible: last year a wave of Osiris-mania swept across Russia, and this year they will be burning in the streets under the auspices of Emerica.

All participants in this version of the skate day will be treated to a big train around the city with contests at beloved architectural spots and prizes from the sponsor. Four-wheel fever will sweep through more than 20 cities of Russia - to find out the turnouts and passwords, it’s better to check the data from the official public page of Go Skateboardind Day 2014.

Freak ride on longboards

  • Where: Moscow, VDNKh, Fountain of Friendship of Peoples
  • When: June 21, 13:30

Longboard lovers could not afford to stay away from World Skateboard Day: the Long City Life community is organizing a freak ride around VDNKh on longboards. Let's be clear: the worse you look, the better. The owner of the

X3M Boardshop will be giving away a longboard for a weird costume, so dust off last year's Halloween outfit and go in search of adventure.

Skateboarding day at Puma Social Club

  • Where: Moscow, Gorky Park, Puma Social Club
  • When: June 21, 18:00

If you are suddenly not ready for large-scale events with a large number participants, go to a “house party” at Puma Social Club. To begin with, from 18:00 in the evening they will dance to fiery surf tunes from the band Hut,