Konstantin Barulin biography. Konstantin Aleksandrovich Barulin: biography

Birthday September 04, 1984

Russian hockey player, goalkeeper


  • A student of the Kazakh hockey school.
  • 2001-2002 and 2004-2005 First professional club- Gazovik (Tyumen).
  • 2002 Silver medalist at the World Junior Hockey Championship.
  • 2003 World Ice Hockey Champion youth teams.
  • 2003 Selected in the NHL draft by the St. Louis Blues (3rd round, 84th overall).
  • 2003-2004 - SKA St. Petersburg, SKA-2 St. Petersburg
  • 2005-2006 - Spartak Moscow
  • 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 - “Khimik” Voskresensk
  • 2007-2008 Winner of the first league tournament in the West division as part of the Khimik-2 team, Moscow region.
  • 2007 Bronze medalist at the 2007 World Hockey Championship.
  • 2008-2010 HC CSKA.
  • In 2010 he became a player at HC Atlant.
  • Most valuable player of the KHL playoffs in the 2010-2011 season.
  • Goalkeeper of the Russian national team at the World Cup in 2011. IN semi-final match with Finland, Finnish team player Mikael Granlund scored a lacrosse-style goal against Barulin. The media called this goal the best in the history of the World Cup. A week after the tournament, a postage stamp was issued in Finland depicting the moment of the goal.
  • Participant in the KHL All-Star Game (2009, 2011, 2012).
  • 2011 best goalkeeper Karjala Cup and the best goalkeeper of Russia according to the results of a survey of head coaches of KHL clubs


  • Since 2007, his wife, Natalya Barulina, has been the artistic director of the support group of the Atlant HC, Moscow region, and is a fitness trainer by training.
  • Son - Jan (named after the goalkeeper

Player of the Sochi hockey club, playing in the KHL.

Konstantin Barulin was born on September 4, 1984 in the city of Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan. Since childhood, the guy was very fond of playing sports, and therefore his parents sent the boy to hockey. At first, Barulin did not stand out from his peers, but this continued until young athlete played in the field. One day, the coach put Konstantin on goal and at that moment decided the fate of the young athlete. Kostya liked standing on the gate so much that Barulin connected his future life with this role.

Thanks to his rapid progress, the hockey player began to be considered one of the most talented in his generation. The goalkeeper spent his childhood and youth in Kazakhstan, but began playing hockey professionally in Russia. At the age of seventeen, the goalkeeper joins Tyumen Gazovik. From that moment the adult career of the young talent begins.

From 2001 to 2003, Konstantin Barulin played for his first professional team"Gasovik". In 2002, Barulin went to the World Championships for the junior team, where he took second place. Konstantin played three games at that tournament. In two matches he did not miss a goal. With his confident play, the young man attracted the attention of several big clubs. As a result, Barulin spent the 2004/2005 season in the St. Petersburg SKA. Konstantin did not become a stable starter and periodically played for the second team. In the end, he returned to Gazovik again, where he played the championship to the end. At that time, the athlete was only twenty years old, and the goalkeeper is still one of the most promising hockey players in the country.

The next season for the young goalkeeper began in the form of the capital's Spartak. Here Konstantin also did not stay long and already in 2006 he moved to Khimik Mytishchi. In this team, the athlete showed himself with the best side, and even won several trophies. Confident play as a member of Khimik led to the fact that in 2008 Barulin became a player in one of the most titled clubs in Russia - CSKA. Konstantin spent two good seasons with the army team and returned to Khimik in 2010.

In 2011, he became the main goalkeeper of the team at the world championship. The team took only fourth place. A year later, Russia won the World Championship, and Barulin played three games in which he missed six goals. 2012 became a special year for the athlete, because the goalkeeper joined AK Bars, where he again played two seasons for high level. He spent the 2014/15 season with Avangard from Omsk. In 2015, the goalkeeper moved to Sochi, where he plays to this day.

In 2015, the country's main team took second place at the World Championships. Konstantin played in only one match and missed three goals. In total, he played nineteen games for national teams (8 for youth and youth teams; 11 for the main team).

(slider Family of Konstantin Barulin)

Since 2007, his wife, Natalya Barulina, has been the artistic director of the support group of the Atlant HC, Moscow region, and is a fitness trainer by training.
Son - Jan (named after goalkeeper Jan Laszak)

Hockey in Russia has always been particularly popular among other sports. The Soviet players had no equal on the ice field; they made history Russian hockey as the most professional in the whole world. Today, hockey is just as popular, there are really talented players, with them you can still break through to the same pedestal that was once taken from us. Konstantin Barulin is a hockey player and the best goalkeeper of the national team in the last few years. We will talk about the life and career of this athlete in this article.

Barulin Konstantin Alexandrovich: biography before career

Where was Barulin born? In Karaganda! It was in this city that the bright ray of our current hockey was born. He was born on September 4, 1984.

The boy was interested in sports from childhood; he was a very mobile and active child. He also watched with interest on TV hockey matches. That is why the parents' choice fell on the hockey section.

Determining player status

For a long time, Konstantin Barulin did not show himself on the ice; he was not much different from ordinary players. One might have thought that this activity would remain a simple hobby for the guy, but the random choice of the coach determined the entire future fate of the hockey player.

During one of the training sessions, Konstantin Barulin, by decision of the coach, was placed in goal. This is where it started real game. It turns out that the guy was simply born to protect the hockey goal.

He quickly gained experience and had already chosen for himself future career. During the game sports school He showed good results, and therefore began to be considered the best player among his peers.

It's time to become a professional

Konstantin Barulin, whose biography as a hockey player began in Kazakhstan, moved to Russia in 2001 to play professional sports. His team was “Gazovik”, in which Konstantin played for two years. During this time, large clubs became interested in the young athlete and tried in every possible way to win him over to their side.

In 2002, Barulin won silver at the youth championship, and a year later won a gold medal at the world championship.

Short runs around the clubs

In 2003, Konstantin was lured to the St. Petersburg clubs SKA and SKA-2. He mainly played for the first team and, as needed, appeared on the ice with the second.

During the 2004 and 2005 seasons, he again had to defend the interests of Gazovik, but again he did not stay there for more than a season. The next club was Spartak, where Konstantin Barulin also played a season.

From 2006 to 2008, he defended the goal against pucks hitting it in the Voskresensk Khimik team.

As if by the way, in the 2007-2008 season he took to the ice as part of the second Khimik, where he again managed to win the Western Division First League tournament.

In the 2007 world hockey championship, Konstantin took bronze place in the Russian team.

Starting in 2008, Konstantin Barulin joined the army team (CSKA) for two seasons.

In 2010, his path ran towards Atlanta. A year after playing in this team, Konstantin was recognized as the most valuable hockey player.

Since 2009, Konstantin Barulin played in the all-star match of the Hockey Continental League for three seasons.

In 2012, he was taken to AK-Bars. For two seasons in a row, he has shown high skill and professionalism as part of this team. However, no one expects a bad game from him.

He spent the 2014 and 2015 seasons as part of the Omsk Avangard team. Just like in previous matches, Konstantin professionally kept the pucks away from the goal.

Since 2015, the hockey player has been playing for the Sochi team. Today it maintains its position as one of best players our country's national team.

What is so special about goalkeepers?

Good goalkeepers are a rarity; every team values ​​them in a special way.

If the goalkeeper shows good results, then it’s much calmer for the forward to go on the attack. He knows that there is an almost impenetrable wall behind him. If it happens that the defense allows the enemy too close to the goal, the goalkeeper remains a formidable guardian of victory. The fact that the puck hits his own goal depends only on him.

A goalkeeper must have unique vision and reaction. He must also be more than brave, because the flying top speed The washer can seriously injure unprotected areas.

Teams are constantly fighting among themselves for the right to have an excellent goalkeeper on their own territory.

Home support in the hands of the wife

Barulin Konstantin met his wife Natalya under difficult circumstances.

In 2004 he played for SKA. Their team decided to organize a competition for the title of "Miss SKA". We placed an advertisement in the newspaper about an upcoming competition.

Natalya was not interested in hockey, but for fun she decided to take part. She only managed to take third place, but Barulin himself drew attention to her! He invited the girl to meet and go for a walk.

Two weeks after they met, Barulin offered the girl his hand and a puck, oh, heart! Natalya was in no hurry to get married yet, but agreed.

They were to get married only a year and a half later, but they immediately bought and put on wedding rings.

Natalya herself began her career as a figure skater, but seriously injured her hand. Since it was not possible for her to perform herself, she became a coach in the Atlanta support group, in which her husband played.

There she had to be not only a coach, but also an angry mother who did not allow her girls to see the hockey players for a kilometer, as well as those to her team.

The couple have a son, Ian, whom Konstantin named after famous hockey player- Jan Lashaka.

Konstantin Barulin rushes home from training and matches, where a reliable rear of his wife and child awaits him.

Player of the Sochi hockey club, playing in the KHL.

Konstantin Barulin was born on September 4, 1984 in the city of Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan. Since childhood, the guy was very fond of playing sports, and therefore his parents sent the boy to hockey. At first, Barulin did not stand out from his peers, but this continued until the young athlete played “in the field.” One day, the coach put Konstantin on goal and at that moment decided the fate of the young athlete. Kostya liked standing on the gate so much that Barulin connected his future life with this role.

Thanks to his rapid progress, the hockey player began to be considered one of the most talented in his generation. The goalkeeper spent his childhood and youth in Kazakhstan, but began playing hockey professionally in Russia. At the age of seventeen, the goalkeeper joins Tyumen Gazovik. From that moment the adult career of the young talent begins.

From 2001 to 2003, Konstantin Barulin played for his first professional team, Gazovik. In 2002, Barulin went to the World Championships for the junior team, where he took second place. Konstantin played three games at that tournament. In two matches he did not miss a goal. With his confident play, the young man attracted the attention of several big clubs. As a result, Barulin spent the 2004/2005 season as part of St. Petersburg SKA. Konstantin did not become a stable starter and periodically played for the second team. In the end, he returned to Gazovik again, where he played the championship to the end. At that time, the athlete was only twenty years old, and the goalkeeper is still one of the most promising hockey players in the country.

The next season for the young goalkeeper began in the form of the capital's Spartak. Here Konstantin also did not stay long and already in 2006 he moved to Khimik Mytishchi. In this team, the athlete showed his best side, and even won several trophies. Confident play as a member of Khimik led to the fact that in 2008 Barulin became a player in one of the most titled clubs in Russia - CSKA. Konstantin spent two good seasons with the army team and returned to Khimik in 2010.

In 2011, he became the main goalkeeper of the team at the world championship. The team took only fourth place. A year later, Russia won the World Championship, and Barulin played three games in which he missed six goals. 2012 became special for the athlete, because the goalkeeper joined AK Bars, where he again played two seasons at a high level. He spent the 2014/15 season with Avangard from Omsk. In 2015, the goalkeeper moved to Sochi, where he plays to this day.

In 2015, the country's main team took second place at the World Championships. Konstantin played in only one match and missed three goals. In total, he played nineteen games for national teams (8 for youth and youth teams; 11 for the main team).

(slider Family of Konstantin Barulin)

Since 2007, his wife, Natalya Barulina, has been the artistic director of the support group of the Atlant HC, Moscow region, and is a fitness trainer by training.
Son - Jan (named after goalkeeper Jan Laszak)

Gaming career State awards

Konstantin Aleksandrovich Barulin (September 4, Karaganda, USSR) - Russian hockey player, goalkeeper. Currently he is a player for Sochi, playing in the KHL. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2012). Named the best goalkeeper of the KHL season 2010/11.


  • A student of the Kazakh hockey school.
  • 2001-2002 and 2004-2005 - first professional club - Gazovik (Tyumen)
  • 2002 - silver medalist World Junior Hockey Championship
  • 2003 - world champion in hockey among youth teams
  • 2003 - selected in the NHL draft by the St. Louis Blues (3rd round, 84 overall)
  • 2003-2004 - SKA, SKA-2 St. Petersburg
  • 2005-2006 - Spartak Moscow
  • 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 - “Khimik” Voskresensk
  • 2007-2008 - winner of the first league tournament in the West division as part of the Khimik-2 team, Moscow region
  • 2007 - bronze medalist at the 2007 World Hockey Championship
  • 2008-2010 - HC CSKA
  • 2010 - Atlanta player
  • Most valuable player of the KHL playoffs in the 2010-2011 season
  • Goalkeeper of the Russian national team at the World Championships in 2011. In the semi-final match against Finland, Finnish team player Mikael Granlund scored a lacrosse goal against Barulin. The media called this goal the best in the history of the World Cup. A week after the tournament, a postage stamp was issued in Finland depicting the moment of the goal.
  • Participant in the KHL All-Star Game (2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014)
  • 2011 - The best goalkeeper of the Karjala Cup and the best goalkeeper of Russia according to the results of a survey of head coaches of KHL clubs
  • 2012 - Ak Bars player.
  • 2014 - exchanged to Avangard for Sergei Kostitsyn.




Regular season Playoffs
Season Team League Games IN P OT/B Min PS «0» KN % Games IN P Min PS «0» KN %
2008/09 CSKA KHL 41 24 15 8 2443 95 2 2,33 90,8 2 0 2 100 9 5,40 85,0 100
2009/10 CSKA KHL 45 19 13 8 2301 80 3 2,09 92,0 3 0 3 135 10 0 4,43 85,5
2010/11 Atlant KHL 28 13 9 4 1505 48 6 1,91 92,5 22 11 10 1286 44 2 2,05 92,8
2011/12 Atlant KHL 45 18 16 10 2652 100 5 2,26 92,9 12 6 6 694 27 1 2,33 93,2
2012/13 Ak Bars KHL 43 23 11 9 2550 83 4 1,95 94,0 18 11 7 1233 36 2 1,75 94,1
2013/14 Ak Bars KHL 34 17 10 7 2065 71 5 2,06 93,2 2 0 2 86 7 0 4,85 82,9
2014/15 Vanguard KHL 44 23 14 3 2402 83 5 2,07 92,3 7 2 4 348 14 0 2,41 90,5
Total KHL 280 134 83 49 15896 560 30 2,11 92,6 66 30 34 3885 147 5 2,27 92,4


Year Team Tournament Place Games IN P OT/B Min PS «0» KN %
Russia (juniors) JWCH 02 ! 3 2 0 0 125 0 2 0,00 100
Russia (youth) MFM 01 ! 1 1 0 0 60 1 0 1,00 96,7
Russia (youth) MFM 5 4 2 1 1 200 12 0 3,60 89,2
Total JWCH and MWCH 8 5 1 1 385 13 2 2,02 92,9
Russia World Cup 03 ! 0 - - - - - - - -
Russia World Cup 4 7 2 4 0 342 16 0 2,80 90,8
Russia World Cup 01 ! 3 2 1 0 179 6 0 2,01 91,7
Russia World Cup 02 ! 1 1 0 0 60 3 0 3,00 88,0
Total World Cup 11 5 5 0 581 25 0 2,58 90,7

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  • (Russian) - profile on the KHL website
  • - profile on the NHL website
  • - statistics in (English)
  • - statistics in (English)
  • - statistics in (English)

An excerpt characterizing Barulin, Konstantin Alexandrovich

At the beginning of August, Helen's matter was completely determined, and she wrote a letter to her husband (who loved her very much, as she thought) in which she informed him of her intention to marry NN and that she had joined the one true religion and that she asks him to complete all the formalities necessary for divorce, which the bearer of this letter will convey to him.
“Sur ce je prie Dieu, mon ami, de vous avoir sous sa sainte et puissante garde. Votre amie Helene.”
[“Then I pray to God that you, my friend, will be under his holy, strong protection. Your friend Elena"]
This letter was brought to Pierre's house while he was on the Borodino field.

The second time, already at the end of the Battle of Borodino, having escaped from Raevsky’s battery, Pierre with crowds of soldiers headed along the ravine to Knyazkov, reached the dressing station and, seeing blood and hearing screams and groans, hastily moved on, getting mixed up in the crowds of soldiers.
One thing that Pierre now wanted with all the strength of his soul was to quickly get out of those terrible impressions in which he lived that day, return to normal living conditions and fall asleep peacefully in his room on his bed. Only under ordinary conditions of life did he feel that he would be able to understand himself and all that he had seen and experienced. But these ordinary living conditions were nowhere to be found.
Although cannonballs and bullets did not whistle here along the road along which he walked, on all sides there was the same thing that was there on the battlefield. There were the same suffering, exhausted and sometimes strangely indifferent faces, the same blood, the same soldiers' greatcoats, the same sounds of shooting, although distant, but still terrifying; In addition, it was stuffy and dusty.
Having walked about three miles along the big Mozhaisk road, Pierre sat down on the edge of it.
Dusk fell on the ground, and the roar of the guns died down. Pierre, leaning on his arm, lay down and lay there for a long time, looking at the shadows moving past him in the darkness. It constantly seemed to him that a cannonball was flying at him with a terrible whistle; he shuddered and stood up. He didn't remember how long he had been here. In the middle of the night, three soldiers, having brought branches, placed themselves next to him and began to make a fire.
The soldiers, looking sideways at Pierre, lit a fire, put a pot on it, crumbled crackers into it and put lard in it. The pleasant smell of edible and fatty food merged with the smell of smoke. Pierre stood up and sighed. The soldiers (there were three of them) ate, not paying attention to Pierre, and talked among themselves.
- What kind of person will you be? - one of the soldiers suddenly turned to Pierre, obviously, by this question meaning what Pierre was thinking, namely: if you want something, we will give it to you, just tell me, are you an honest person?
- I? me?.. - said Pierre, feeling the need to belittle his social position as much as possible in order to be closer and more understandable to the soldiers. “I am truly a militia officer, only my squad is not here; I came to the battle and lost my own.
- Look! - said one of the soldiers.
The other soldier shook his head.
- Well, eat the mess if you want! - said the first and gave Pierre, licking it, a wooden spoon.
Pierre sat down by the fire and began to eat the mess, the food that was in the pot and which seemed to him the most delicious of all the foods that he had ever eaten. While he greedily bent over the pot, picking up large spoons, chewing one after another and his face was visible in the light of the fire, the soldiers silently looked at him.
-Where do you want it? You tell me! – one of them asked again.
– I’m going to Mozhaisk.
- Are you now a master?
- Yes.
- What’s your name?
- Pyotr Kirillovich.
- Well, Pyotr Kirillovich, let’s go, we’ll take you. In complete darkness, the soldiers, together with Pierre, went to Mozhaisk.
The roosters were already crowing when they reached Mozhaisk and began to climb the steep city mountain. Pierre walked along with the soldiers, completely forgetting that his inn was below the mountain and that he had already passed it. He would not have remembered this (he was in such a state of loss) if his guard, who went to look for him around the city and returned back to his inn, had not encountered him halfway up the mountain. The bereitor recognized Pierre by his hat, which was turning white in the darkness.
“Your Excellency,” he said, “we are already desperate.” Why are you walking? Where are you going, please!
“Oh yes,” said Pierre.
The soldiers paused.
- Well, have you found yours? - said one of them.
- Well, goodbye! Pyotr Kirillovich, I think? Goodbye, Pyotr Kirillovich! - said other voices.
“Goodbye,” said Pierre and headed with his driver to the inn.
“We have to give it to them!” - Pierre thought, taking his pocket. “No, don’t,” a voice told him.
There was no room in the upper rooms of the inn: everyone was occupied. Pierre went into the yard and, covering his head, lay down in his carriage.

As soon as Pierre laid his head on the pillow, he felt that he was falling asleep; but suddenly, with the clarity of almost reality, a boom, boom, boom of shots was heard, groans, screams, the splashing of shells were heard, the smell of blood and gunpowder, and a feeling of horror, the fear of death, overwhelmed him. He opened his eyes in fear and raised his head from under his overcoat. Everything was quiet in the yard. Only at the gate, talking to the janitor and splashing through the mud, was some orderly walking. Above Pierre's head, under the dark underside of the plank canopy, doves fluttered from the movement he made while rising. Throughout the yard there was a peaceful, joyful for Pierre at that moment, strong smell of an inn, the smell of hay, manure and tar. Between two black canopies a clear starry sky was visible.
“Thank God this isn’t happening anymore,” thought Pierre, covering his head again. - Oh, how terrible fear is and how shamefully I surrendered to it! And they... they were firm and calm all the time, until the end... - he thought. In Pierre's concept, they were soldiers - those who were at the battery, and those who fed him, and those who prayed to the icon. They - these strange ones, hitherto unknown to him, were clearly and sharply separated in his thoughts from all other people.
“To be a soldier, just a soldier! - thought Pierre, falling asleep. – Enter into this common life with your whole being, imbued with what makes them so. But how can one throw off all this unnecessary, devilish, all the burden of this external man? At one time I could have been this. I could run away from my father as much as I wanted. Even after the duel with Dolokhov, I could have been sent as a soldier.” And in Pierre’s imagination flashed a dinner at a club, at which he called Dolokhov, and a benefactor in Torzhok. And now Pierre is presented with a ceremonial dining room. This lodge takes place in the English Club. And someone familiar, close, dear, sits at the end of the table. Yes it is! This is a benefactor. “But he died? - thought Pierre. - Yes, he died; but I didn't know he was alive. And how sorry I am that he died, and how glad I am that he is alive again!” On one side of the table sat Anatole, Dolokhov, Nesvitsky, Denisov and others like him (the category of these people was as clearly defined in Pierre’s soul in the dream as the category of those people whom he called them), and these people, Anatole, Dolokhov they shouted and sang loudly; but from behind their shout the voice of the benefactor could be heard, speaking incessantly, and the sound of his words was as significant and continuous as the roar of the battlefield, but it was pleasant and comforting. Pierre did not understand what the benefactor was saying, but he knew (the category of thoughts was also clear in the dream) that the benefactor was talking about goodness, about the possibility of being what they were. And they surrounded the benefactor on all sides, with their simple, kind, firm faces. But although they were kind, they did not look at Pierre, did not know him. Pierre wanted to attract their attention and say. He stood up, but at the same moment his legs became cold and exposed.
He felt ashamed, and he covered his legs with his hand, from which the greatcoat actually fell off. For a moment, Pierre, straightening his overcoat, opened his eyes and saw the same awnings, pillars, courtyard, but all this was now bluish, light and covered with sparkles of dew or frost.
“It’s dawning,” thought Pierre. - But that’s not it. I need to listen to the end and understand the words of the benefactor.” He covered himself with his overcoat again, but neither the dining box nor the benefactor were there. There were only thoughts clearly expressed in words, thoughts that someone said or Pierre himself thought about.
Pierre, later recalling these thoughts, despite the fact that they were caused by the impressions of that day, was convinced that someone outside himself was telling them to him. Never, it seemed to him, had he been able to think and express his thoughts like that in reality.
“War is the most difficult task of subordinating human freedom to the laws of God,” said the voice. – Simplicity is submission to God; you can't escape him. And they are simple. They don't say it, but they do it. The spoken word is silver, and the unspoken word is golden. A person cannot own anything while he is afraid of death. And whoever is not afraid of her belongs to him everything. If there were no suffering, a person would not know his own boundaries, would not know himself. The most difficult thing (Pierre continued to think or hear in his sleep) is to be able to unite in his soul the meaning of everything. Connect everything? - Pierre said to himself. - No, don't connect. You can’t connect thoughts, but connecting all these thoughts is what you need! Yes, we need to pair, we need to pair! - Pierre repeated to himself with inner delight, feeling that with these words, and only with these words, what he wants to express is expressed, and the whole question tormenting him is resolved.