How to swing a soccer ball correctly. How to inflate a soccer ball

To understand how to properly inflate our ball, you need to figure out what surface it is intended for. Difference between surfaces: , (asphalt or other hard surface) and (on the lawn). Having figured this out, we can find out how much we need to pump up our ball.

Before pumping, you can lubricate the pump needle or nipple itself with silicone oil. Such prevention serves to ensure that the nipple is more elastic and retains its properties over time. If you have, then we will give you the generally accepted degrees of pressure in balls.

  • To play in the hall, we will pump you up to 0.6 bar
  • For playing on hard surfaces we will pump it up to 0.8 bar
  • For lawn (soft ground) from 0.6-0.8 bar

For example: professional balls used in official matches are inflated to an interval of 0.8-1 bar.

For convenience, manufacturers usually write how much the ball can be inflated; this information can be found on the product itself around the nipple. If you do not have a pressure gauge on the pump, then you can check how much your ball is inflated without a special pressure gauge. A well-inflated ball cannot have a loose structure, but if it is over-inflated, it will be too hard. You can test your equipment using another method: lift it to shoulder level and release it , if it jumps up to waist level, then you have pumped up your ball well!

One more operating tip. After the game, the ball is usually lowered - this is done to “relax” the equipment and relieve stress on the seams. A ball that is constantly inflated to the maximum may lose its structure and the seams may soon lose their strength. Therefore, we advise you to buy a soccer ball to extend the service life of the product.

A game of basketball is unthinkable without a good and high-quality ball. So that he had a spherical shape and was elastic It is worth keeping the ball inflated.

If the projectile is deflated, playing basketball is impossible because there are strict requirements about making sure it is pumped up appropriately.

How to choose a basketball

There are established standards for balls intended for playing basketball:

  • spherical shape;
  • installed shade of orange;
  • traditional drawing of eight inserts and black seams.

Photo 1. MOLTEN BGF7X basketball made of synthetic leather, orange with black and beige stripes.

Average weight 567—650 g, circle from 749 to 780 mm. There are 4 standard sizes for playing basketball.


  • For indoor play only. Are marked Indoor.
  • Universal(for use both indoors and outdoors), are marked Outdoor.

Important! If labeling requirements are not observed, it is possible deterioration in quality products and its rapid wear.

When purchasing, you need to pay attention so that the projectile does not bleed air. When sold, 95% of balls are sold in inflated condition, if it's deflated, it will probably happen all the time.

For production The following materials are used:

  • Genuine Leather.
  • Leatherette.
  • Rubber.

What to look for when purchasing

Rules for purchasing:

  • Don't buy too expensive for playing in open areas (asphalt) - they are not durable, will last no more than 1 year.
  • The more expensive gym ball, the more it is of high quality and will last longer. They They fit more comfortably in the hand and retain their shape.
  • For the game You need different balls in the gym and on the street.


  • Spalding.
  • Wilson.
  • Nike.

How to pump up a ball

The durability of basketballs depends on proper inflation. It is desirable to have specialized equipment for this: pump with needle, silicone lubricant. Silicone oil ensures the safety of the valve during needle insertion. A couple of drops are enough. In the absence of specialized oil, the needle can be moistened with saliva. You need to shake the ball before pumping so that the camera is in a vertical position, below the valve opening. Then pump it up.

Attention! Prohibited use industrial lubricants, not intended for balls. This will damage the valve!

If they are absent, you can use another method. For this you will need ordinary bicycle pump, syringe needle, insulating tape. This method is convenient because all the items needed for this are accessible and easy to buy everywhere.

You need to take a needle from a syringe and sharpen it, by friction against asphalt or a sharpening stone for a knife. This is done to make the needle tip blunt, otherwise it may damage the valve, resulting in permanent air leakage.

Best suited IV needle- it is wider and stronger than that of a syringe. After preparing the needle, its base wrapped with 10 layers of insulating tape, for a tight fit to the pump.

Then the needle is inserted into the pump valve and pumping is carried out. The time depends on the pump volume and the degree of pumping at the beginning of the process.

You can also pump up using a syringe, but this is a very difficult process that takes about two hours, depending on the volume of the syringe.

Is it possible to pump without a needle?

This method is associated with the use compressor for inflating car tires. The simplicity of the method lies in the fact that the ball can be inflated at any auto repair shop.

Advice. The possibility is not excluded pumping. This will damage the camera.

To swap using this method, you need press the cut of the compressor hose firmly against the ball valve, then turn on the compressor. Then, press the hose tightly against the valve until the optimal pressure is achieved. Modern compressors have attachments for pumping balls.

Photo 2. The process of inflating a basketball using a DeFort DCC-252-Lt automobile compressor.

How much pressure is needed

During pumping, it is necessary to monitor the pump pressure gauge. The ball may indicate the optimal pressure. On average - from 0.4 to 0.9 bar.

Attention! If you don't have a pressure gauge, you can check the pressure in a simple way: throw an inflated ball from shoulder level, in case of normal pressure it should jump to waist level.

After the game, it is advisable to deflate the ball a little, and Do not keep it constantly in the maximum pumped state.

How to tape a basketball

To repair the camera you will need the following materials:

  • patches;
  • glue for rubber products (tubes);
  • camera surface cleaning tool ( sandpaper);
  • nylon thread for suturing.


  • Slightly rip open one of the seams.
  • Remove camera, through the ripped seam.
  • Locate the puncture site, clean, then apply glue and apply a patch.
  • Renovated Place the camera back and sew up the seams.

To repair seams, a strong nylon thread is required. The suture is placed through the old holes; new ones are not necessary.

Playing football in the yard or outdoors is a young thing: even if you are over 50, by regularly playing sports you will feel like you are in your 20s. But what should you do if the ball you took with you is deflated, and the question arises of how to inflate the ball without a needle and pump? artisanal conditions(beach, nature, someone else's yard)? Naturally, it would be better to take care of this and take with you a bicycle pump and a needle (the cost of which is no more than 150 rubles).

But, if the above equipment is not at hand, all is not lost! But remember that the methods listed below are far from the safest for your ball: it can simply be pumped and ruined, so if we are talking about a rarity with the autograph of your favorite football player, then it is better to postpone such manipulations.

How to inflate a ball without a needle: the “medical” method

Advantages: low cost of the method, availability of materials. Everything can be found in a roadside pharmacy and the glove compartment of a car.

Disadvantages: in the outback there may not be a similar pharmacy. In addition, the instructions below are not an answer to the question of how you can inflate a ball without a needle: these are instructions on how to make such a needle.

The essence of the method

If trouble overtakes you on the road, then, with some effort and a little ingenuity, you can inflate the ball using simple electrical tape and a syringe needle. The needle must first be blunted: it should not pierce the nipple, but smoothly enter it. Needles from blood transfusion systems are ideal: they are quite thick and durable. The tip of the needle should be dulled on asphalt or a knife sharpener. The result should be a needle with a blunt end, which will serve as the basis for the adapter from the pump to the ball. Next, carefully wrap electrical tape around the base of the needle. It will take about 12 layers. This is done so that the needle fits tightly into the pump hole.

The road method: how to inflate a ball without a needle using... a car service

Advantages: quite effective way pumping up a deflated car on the road Auto service assistants will come to your aid and will be happy to help for a purely nominal fee. In addition, many may have the necessary needle. The method is suitable if you have neither a needle nor a pump at hand.

Disadvantages: a car service center may not be nearby at the right time. An inexperienced worker can overinflate the ball, which can cause it to burst from excessive pressure if inflated carelessly or during play.

The essence of the method

It is known that the most popular service in car services is tire inflation. The compressor used for this can supply air at high pressure, which is what we need. The deflated ball should be pressed very tightly against the compressor nozzle and inflated until the desired level of hardness is achieved. The density should be monitored very carefully to avoid over-inflating or exploding the ball. It is better to carry out the procedure with three people: two press the ball, one should turn off the compressor at the signal. By the way, on many modern models Compressors have a nozzle for inflating balls.

We give air injections: how to inflate a ball without a needle: an alternative but very grueling way

Advantages: Another “medical” method, but this time requiring neither a needle nor a pump. All you should have on hand is a car first aid kit with a syringe and a few hours of time, depending on the volume of the syringe found.

Disadvantages: the method is exhausting and inconvenient. You can permanently damage the nipple of the ball, and it will deflate if you do not use special oil.

For those who don’t have either duct tape on hand or a car service on the road, there is another way to save a beach volleyball or street football tournament. The idea is to inject air into the ball through a simple syringe. The volume of work to be done depends on the volume of the syringe: with a 20 cc syringe you can inflate the ball in about half an hour. 10 Ml - per hour. 5.2 Ml - is it worth the trouble?.. This is the most accessible and homemade way to pump without a needle, without having a compressor at hand. To facilitate insertion of the syringe and preserve the ball, the nipple should be moistened with oil.

If there is a needle, but no pump

Advantages: Quite a fun and creative way to pump. Most likely, it will not be possible to pump the ball up to the required density, but pleasure from the process is guaranteed! In addition, the method is suitable for soft beach balls.

Disadvantages: need to find a strong one or a bottle. The need to make an adapter.

There are those who don’t know how to pump up soccer ball without a needle. But the lack of a needle is, as it becomes clear, a third of the problem. The worst situation is for those who, for some reason, cannot use a pump, since it is still possible to create a high one using improvised means, but directing it to a certain point (the ball) is very difficult. You can use a plastic bottle or a thick bag as a compressor. Some craftsmen manage to solder a needle into the cap of a bottle and pump the ball over and over again while standing or carefully jumping on this bottle.

After the air from the bottle passes into the ball, the structure is taken out, another portion of air is pumped into the bottle and the manipulation is repeated. And so - until the bitter end!

There is a more advanced method using vinegar and soda: vinegar and soda are poured into the same bottle, and carbon dioxide is pumped into the ball. But this is provided that the needle is firmly sealed into the bottle cap.

As we can see, there are a lot of ways to inflate a ball without a needle. None of them are comfortable and easy, but a true athlete is one who, despite all the obstacles, goes to the bitter end!

In order for a soccer ball to serve you for as long as possible, it, like many other types sports equipment, requires proper care and compliance with operating conditions. The service life of the ball largely depends on these factors, as well as on the intensity of use of the ball.

Operating conditions mean, first of all, the type and properties of the playground surface and weather conditions.

There are several main types of playing surfaces:

– very hard (SUPER HARD), these are cinder areas, parquet in the hall, as an exception, an asphalt area, etc.;

– hard, hard (HARD, TURF) made of various synthetic materials (can be used both indoors and outdoors);

– soft: soft ground, lawn.

There are several types of weather conditions, the main ones being: rain, snow, mud, high humidity and air temperature.

It should be understood that the materials used in the production of the ball, the design options for the ball and the resulting technical specifications, such as rebound height, moisture resistance, wear resistance are selected for specific operating conditions. Therefore, carefully study the pictograms on the ball; they will tell you which weather conditions and on which courts you can play with this ball model.

– the ball is suitable for playing on soft ground, lawns with natural and artificial grass;

– the ball is suitable for playing on hard courts with synthetic turf;
– the ball is suitable for playing on sites with a very hard, hard surface, for example, cinder fields, hard synthetic surfaces, halls, asphalt is possible, but extremely undesirable, etc. To produce balls suitable for this type of surface, materials are used that have increased wear resistance and abrasion resistance;

– the ball is suitable for use in conditions of high humidity and adverse weather conditions: rain, slush, dirt;

– the ball is suitable for playing at low temperatures 0...-2°C, on snowy surfaces, in conditions of poor visibility;
– the ball is suitable for playing indoors (mini-football, futsal) and, if desired, for playing on small outdoor courts with a hard surface.

Dear customer, we consider it our duty to emphasize that football is still a game on a grass lawn at temperatures above 0°C! Soccer balls, in principle, are not intended for playing in extreme conditions, such as, for example, frost - 20 ° C or asphalt. This does not mean that you can’t play with them in such conditions, of course you can, but the service life of the ball is reduced by 3-5 times, and difficulties arise when returning the goods under warranty, since the defect is not a manufacturing defect, but is a consequence of violation of operating conditions .

Operating instructions

Attention! Before pumping for the first time, you need to perform the following actions with the ball: straighten the ball as much as possible and shake it so that the camera is located freely and centrally inside the ball.

Due to the specifics of packaging, transportation and storage of balls, wrinkles and creases sometimes form on their tires (the outer layer of the ball), which after some time (depending on the type of tire material and other factors) disappear and the ball becomes smooth. The same applies to the shape of the ball, after inflating, leave the ball in an inflated state for a while, the panels and seams will straighten out, it will become round and even.

1. Inflate the ball as follows: apply 1-2 drops of special oil to the nipple hole or needle, take the ball by the panel where the nipple is located, insert the needle into it, inflate the ball to the pressure value indicated in the figure around the nipple. We strongly recommend using oil; it not only prevents damage to the valve and nipple walls when the needle penetrates, but also makes the nipple material more elastic and protects it from drying out. If there is no oil, moisten the needle or nipple with saliva, but under no circumstances use lubricants not intended for inflating balls; such substances may contain active components that destroy the nipple material. The needle must also be special, suitable for inflating balls; the tip of the needle must be even, smooth, without sharp edges or burrs.

Attention, always use lubricants on the nipple or needle, otherwise you risk damaging the nipple and being left without a ball!

It is recommended to always check the pressure in the balls using a pressure gauge. Over-inflating the ball places increased pressure and excessive tensile stress on the panels and seams of the ball, significantly reducing its lifespan.

2. After play, loosen the ball slightly using a needle and oil (saliva) to relieve stress on the panels and seams of the ball, thereby maintaining their elasticity and shape. When a ball is constantly inflated to maximum pressure, the panels stretch out, the tightness of the seams weakens, the ball wears out faster, absorbs more moisture, and its playing characteristics deteriorate.

Please note that latex bladders (they are found in most footballs, sometimes mini-footballs) tend to bleed air slightly, which creates the impression of being “deflated.” This is an absolutely normal phenomenon and can be easily corrected by inflating the ball.

Care and storage instructions

1. After each game, wipe the ball with a damp cloth. In case of heavy soiling, use a cloth soaked in warm soapy water; under no circumstances use abrasive cleaners, or products containing solvents or other aggressive substances.

2. Let the ball dry naturally. If the ball is very wet, first wipe it dry with a soft cloth. Dry the balls in a well-ventilated place, away from heat sources, at a temperature of +20-25°C and a humidity of 60-65%. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight and never dry the ball near or on the surface of heating devices. Prolonged exposure to dirt, moisture, and elevated temperatures lead to a deterioration in the physical properties of the ball, and, as a result, its playing characteristics, and a reduction in service life.

3. It is recommended to store balls in a dry, ventilated place at a temperature from +5°C to +25°C and a relative humidity of 50-80%. Balls must be protected from direct sunlight, exposure to vapors, gases and chemicals.

Following the above simple rules will save the life of your ball for a long time!

We wish you a wonderful game and amazing victories!

Often when inflating a basketball, the question arises whether to inflate it more or less. You have to resort to the Internet to find information regarding this issue. We decided to help you with this and answer the question of what pressure should be in a basketball. The NBA/WNBA rules regarding ball pressure say the following: “Should be inflated to between 7.5 and 8.5 pounds per square inch.” This means that the pressure should be in the range of 7.5-9.5 psi, that is, in terms of bar, this is approximately 0.5-0.6 bar.

However, we decided to go further. The Meteor company's assortment includes a pressure gauge for measuring pressure in balls, on the scale of which there are marks for various team sports and for basketball this mark is located at 0.6-0.8 bar. Seeing the contradiction, we decided to check the calculations made on this pressure gauge. In addition, the manufacturer indicates a scale in PSI, which does not coincide with the bar scale for the same product. 1PSI= 0.068947 bar, and the scale shows that 13 PSI is the upper pressure limit for basketballs, that is, 0.8 bar. When in reality 13 PSI = 0.9 bar. This gives an error of 12%, which is a very large figure in the case of pressure in the ball.

To better see the difference, we decided to test both the first and second pressures in practice, and another surprise awaited us. At a pressure of 0.5-0.6 bar, the ball was practically deflated and it was impossible to play with it; at 0.8 the ball was also not suitable for play. In our measurement, the required pressure was 1.0-1.2 bar; we carried out measurements with a pressure gauge built into the Meteor pump.

Having received three different results, we decided to continue looking for the answer and check what FIBA ​​writes about pressure in basketballs. The FIBA ​​specification entry reads: “When dropped on the playing floor from a height of 1,800 millimeters (6 feet) the ball should bounce to a height between 1,200 millimeters and 1,400 millimeters (47 to 55 inches), measured to the top of the ball". This is probably what it is best way checking the pressure in a basketball. Explanation: a ball thrown from a height of 180 cm should bounce off the floor to a height of 120 cm - 140 cm. This test method is suitable for balls made of various materials (rubber, artificial leather, genuine leather, etc.), as well as for sites of varying hardness, which affects the rebound of the ball (asphalt, concrete, tartan, parquet).

This method of verification suits us 100%.