What are “warm” skis and “cold” skis? How to choose cross country skis Warm skis.

It's mid-January. Snow has finally fallen where it has been expected for a long time, and the forum of our website, as usual at this time, is filled with questions: “What is the best way to choose skis?” Answer some of these questions " Skiing"asked our famous skier, and now an expert at the Fisher company, Alexander Zavyalov.
- Alexander Alexandrovich, have you been associated with Fisher skis for a long time?

Yes, a long time ago, since 1977, i.e. for more than 30 years.

Then, probably, your experience will be useful to those amateur athletes who ski a lot, in different weather conditions and at the same time select their own skis. Are you interested in the question of the preferred use of Fisher skis in the COLD and WARM temperature ranges in the Moscow region?

Here the situation is as follows. Warm and cold skis naturally have different bases. Warm base – 28th. There is a 5th base, but it is mainly on the water, and athletes of these skis usually have one pair each. What is the difference between plastic? Warm skis have a higher percentage of graphite. This is done to prevent so-called moisture leakage, since a higher percentage of graphite creates greater porosity of the sliding surface, which prevents moisture leakage. In the Moscow region, athletes predominantly use skis with a warm base due to high humidity and the fact that the slopes are almost always soft, and warm skis also have softer toes and heels. This allows the ski to glide better on soft trails. In cold skis the percentage of graphite is lower, sliding surface they are smoother and have a slightly grayish tint. The design of cold skis is more rigid, designed for frosty and, therefore, tougher slopes, and this is done so that the ski does not collect this snow underneath. In the Moscow region, the routes are prepared mainly light equipment- snowstorms, so you should choose warm skis.

So how can you use Fisher skis to solve the problems of different weather conditions during the winter, and yet you also mentioned “water” skis with a 5th base. What advice can you give here?

Here the situation is as follows: if we take “warm” skis - with a 28 base (not every amateur athlete can afford to have “warm”, “cold”, and “super-warm” skis at the same time), then with the help of knurling and creating the appropriate structures can solve the problem for different temperature conditions. It is very desirable, of course, that the knurling be pressing and not cutting. The result of the knurling work disappears after two or three treatments (applying and removing paraffin), and again the factory grinder remains. On “cold” Fisher skis there is a cold grind, on “warm” skis there is a universal one. Fisher skis are considered universal - you can easily cover the entire season with one or two pairs using knurling. Skis from other companies, for example, Madshus, are also very good, but they have a narrower temperature range. National team athletes can afford to have a large number of different pairs of skis, but for amateurs with their limited financial resources this is difficult.

Three years ago, when there were severe frosts in Moscow, during which plastic skis practically did not slip, I noticed that those who were on the Fisher classic at temperatures below minus 30 degrees still rode very well. Do the Fisher company and you, as a practitioner, have any recommendations on how to prepare skis for such frost?

Here everything depends on the structure of the ski - a “cold” ski should be almost smooth. In severe frost, the snow is dry, and if we apply a small structure to the ski, then the snow powder will fill this structure, and the so-called suction will result due to the structure being clogged with snow powder. If you take a smooth ski and at the same time cover it with cold, “glassy” paraffin, for example, the previously produced green SWIX or STAR, and then properly treat the ski, the paraffin will cover the entire structure and there will be no suction due to snow powder. In this case, you can even use “warm” skis, but they must be without structure. If you do not close the structure, the snow powder clogs the structure and the ski begins to slow down, as if it were driving on sand.

From conversations with athletes, it seems that for skating Fisher skis should be chosen a little longer than recommended by standard recommendations. Are these features of their design?

No, the Fisher skis do not have any design features in terms of length selection. The new ski sizes seem to carry a slightly smaller size, i.e. to a size of 177 cm you need to add another 3 centimeters. Previously there were sizes of 180, 185, 190 cm. Now the longest length skating skis"Fisher" 192cm. The choice of ski length should be determined by the athlete’s height and qualifications. If the athlete is well coordinated, then he chooses longer skis. Now skating has been divided into sprint and distance. Sprinters choose shorter skis. This is necessary in order to “not get confused” at a distance with a very high frequency of steps, which is positively influenced by short equipment. If a person runs distance races, he has good coordination, a powerful push, then he chooses longer skis. If coordination is insufficient, and this can be attributed, for example, to veterans, then in this case shorter skis should be chosen. When choosing the length of skis, the parameters of the route also play a role in skating. Now the slopes are well prepared, but where this is not the case, where the ski tracks are narrow, the skis should be shorter. Therefore, I repeat, everything depends on how the athlete is prepared, how the track is prepared and what kind of competition it is.

- Please tell us about the new Soft Track ski model?

Under the Soft Track brand, Fisher began producing classic skis for warm weather large quantities snow on the ski track. In our country, such skis are often called “defective” - when the first such skis appeared, their tips and heels diverged when squeezed. This is the 902 model, which, like the 812 model, differs in “warm” and “cold”. 902 skis are generally stiffer than regular skis. When there is a lot of snow on the track, at the moment of pushing off the tip of the ski rises, and the ski does not collect this snow. A ski of a conventional design in such conditions collects a little snow in front of it and, as a result, slows down. In the 09/10 season, the same Soft Track model will appear among skate skis.

Since last season, Fisher has been installing the NNN platform on its top-level skis. Many hobbyists continue to use shoes with SNS soles and install appropriate bindings on top of the NNN platform. How do you think the increase in the overall stiffness of the ski should be taken into account in this case?

When an NNN platform is glued to a ski, the stiffness of the ski increases minimally. When we install the SNS platform on screws, the final rigidity of the ski increases, and in my practice I have repeatedly had to take this into account, but, I emphasize, this difference concerns specifically the glued NNN platform.

- Thanks for the answers!

Have you seen photos of members of the Spanish royal family skiing under the scorching sun? This probably took place in the Sierra Nevada, a small southern resort about 160 kilometers from Malaga, where crowds of socialites from all over the world flock every winter. In such a place you want to take off your skis and, having taken off your extra clothes, sit down on a sun lounger to sunbathe in the middle of the snow. Want to get some exercise? More than 60 kilometers of quality trails are at your service!


Andorra is a country for those who plan to combine skiing or snowboarding with shopping and who do not want to freeze. Arinsal is considered the warmest resort, where the temperature almost never drops below zero, and the mild mountainous subtropical climate allows you to ride in vests or light windstoppers. At the same time, there is always enough snow in Andorra: heavy precipitation is caused by humid air from the Mediterranean. And when you get tired of the sight of snow-covered slopes, you can always go to the coast - to warm, sunny Barcelona.


Bulgaria is a warm seaside country, and whichever of its resorts you choose, you will not freeze. However, Pamporovo is considered the warmest place, located in the south in the Rhodope Mountains near the border with Greece and 70 kilometers from Plovdiv. The nearby Aegean Sea provides this resort with warm, humid air. The trails in Pamporovo are not difficult, they are more suitable for beginners and families with small children. However, experienced athletes will also be able to find where to ride.


Few people think that you can go to your favorite Montenegro not only in summer to the beach, but also in winter to ski resorts. For example, it is warm and comfortable to ride in the vicinity of the small town of Kolasin in the north of the country, 80 kilometers from Podgorica. As you descend 15 kilometers of trails, you will admire the picturesque forests of the Biogradska Gora National Park. But don’t think that this place has trails only for beginners: the slope on some routes reaches 60 degrees!


It's worth ditching thick jackets and warm hats if you're heading to the popular French resort of Meribel, part of the giant Three Valleys ski area. It seems that the bright sun shines in these places 365 days a year, which is why the snow on some slopes quickly turns into “sand”. However, numerous snow cannons quickly correct the situation if the cover becomes too thin. Tired of going down the same valley all the time? Without taking off your skis, you can also get to the slopes of other resorts - Val Thorens, La Tanya or the famous Courchevel!


This giant resort on the southern slopes of the Alps is considered almost the sunniest in Switzerland. Both beginners and skiers who already feel confident on the slopes will enjoy the numerous well-prepared “blue” and easy “red” slopes, illuminated by bright sun throughout the day, and for snowboarders there are several excellent snow parks in these places.


This resort, located 170 kilometers from Istanbul, will appeal to those who have recently started skiing: most of the slopes in Uludag cannot boast of a large difference in altitude, but you will calmly slide along the beautiful wooded slopes, and your movements will not be hampered several layers warm clothes. For those who associate Turkey exclusively with all-inclusive hotels, there are also such hotels in Uludag: the price of accommodation there includes not only food and accommodation, but also ski lifts.

Ski Dubai

Dubai, Emirates
Of course, real skiers who are ready to spend a day on the slope are unlikely to like the idea of ​​skiing along short routes in a shopping center, but for those who just want to have a little fun and are not ready to go to real mountains for this, this option is quite suitable. In just a moment, upon entering the doors of the complex, you will be transported from hot Dubai to winter! There you will find five slopes covered with a thick half-meter layer of snow with a total height difference of 62 meters.


Another interesting destination for those who want to combine the heat and skiing is Iran. Having covered 60 kilometers in just an hour, you get from the capital to the snow-covered slopes of the Toshal resort. There, on two peaks of 2950 and 3850 meters, 17 kilometers of trails of all difficulty categories are specially equipped for you, fast ski lifts have been built, and there are also unmarked slopes in Toshal, ideal for freeride.


South Korea
Another destination suitable for heat-loving skiers is South Korea. Every year, the young resorts of this country look more and more like their famous European counterparts. The peninsula has well-groomed pistes with artificial snow in case nature surprises you, modern ski lifts, and rental centers, in short, everything a skier needs. If you are afraid of freezing, go to Sajo. Not only is it quite warm there, but after a day of intense skiing you can warm your tired body in the healing hot springs.

During a multi-day winter hike, tourists constantly have to make many hours of ski treks over flat and rough terrain, slide down and climb slopes of varying steepness, walk on virgin soil, walking in a thickness of snow that reaches up to one meter. Experienced tourists and skiers know very well that they don’t ride or even run on tourist skis, but walk. Yes, yes, they do! Therefore, you should not be surprised that the speed they are capable of developing is by no means their main quality. What's the main thing?

Much more important are reliability, maneuverability, lack of kickback and sticking (snow sticking to the “sole” of skis), as well as correct selection skis for a specific person.

How to choose touring skis for hiking?

Touring skis are a personal sports equipment, they are selected individually, and the comfort of the entire trip depends on how correctly this is done, both for their owner and for the entire group. It is generally accepted that skis should be as long as a person with his arm raised up, and the poles should reach the armpits.

But I have a different opinion. I choose skis according to the formula - height plus 10 - 15 cm. And then it becomes more convenient to control them on descents and ascents, as well as in the bushes. The poles should be shoulder-length, because... they are partially buried under the snow, because, unlike a ski trip, the hike most often takes place off the beaten track. These selection rules apply to all models and types of skis, both plastic and wooden.

Useful articles:

Traditional, wooden skis

Skis "Beskid". In Soviet times, “Beskid” - tourist skis, were almost impossible to buy in a store. I bought them secondhand, already in “similar” condition, and appreciated them on my first trip. Well-tarred and rubbed with silver ointment, they roll no worse than cross-country racers through the forest and mountains.

Their advantages are reliability and excellent controllability on the ski track and on the descent due to the steel edge. I walked through all the Khibiny mountains, I can say that better skis I don’t know for tourism yet. Their “average” width of 75 mm is also pleasing - they are not as wide as the “Forest” ones and not as narrow as the running ones. Of the shortcomings, probably, the only thing that can be noted is that during a thaw it can become sticky, like all wooden ones.

update from 12/03/2013 After all, Mayak launched the production of Beskid skis. True, they are sold only by the manufacturer itself upon order and with prepayment. The application can be left in the ski factory group “VKontakte”. Cost 4500 rub. + delivery cost transport company(for example, delivery to St. Petersburg costs 500 rubles.)

Material: wood
Width: 75 mm
Price: approx. 4500 rub.
Recommendations: best skis for tourism

Skis "Forest". I walked a lot on these skis, both through the forest for which they were intended, and across the mountains, and across the bare, endless tundra. If the route goes through the forest, then “Forest” in this case is one of the best options, especially if there is a lot of walking. But on rough terrain they are heavier. When descending, they are almost uncontrollable, so there is a chance of sliding not only in front, but also sideways or backwards. The herringbone rise is also complicated - due to the width, “Lesnye” is difficult to place on its edge. Because of it, problems arise when moving on the ski track - you simply cannot fit into it.

I went to Lesnye and along the Pansky tundra on Kola. On the third day, their sliding surface turned into a slab - the wood from which they are made is too soft. And one more drawback - “Forest” often bursts from the heel side - along, along the glued layers. But, nevertheless, “Lesnye” served their purpose with dignity. In a situation where there was a shortage of Beskids, there were no other options other than choosing Lesnye tourist skis. Previously, they were produced in Novgorod, today they are made in Kirov, at the Mayak plant, as well as at the Vologda ski factory. I didn’t have a chance to go to the last two manufacturers’ “Lesny” ones. Currently, this model is practically not used by tourists I know.

Material: wood
Width: 110 mm
Price: 1500 - 1900 rub.
Recommendations: hiking in the forest, fishing, hunting

Touring skis "Tourist - Mayak". Skis “Tourist - Mayak” are essentially the same “Beskid” remake, but without edges. I have already tested them. I can say that the skis are good for their price - 1500 rubles. Quite strong. The correct width is 75 mm, there are three types: 180 cm, 190 cm and 200 cm. The first two “heights” are actually 176 and 186, the latter I have not seen in stores, but it is in the Mayak price list. Just like there is a wood-plastic variety of “Tourist”, which costs 100 rubles. more expensive than the wooden one I use.

Skis are suitable for those who are going to buy them for one to one and a half seasons. Then, the edges of the skis will be rounded. If, of course, they even survive until then. In general, a normal budget option.

Material: wood, wood-plastic
Width: 75 mm
Price: 1500 – 1700 rub.
Recommendations: for those who want to try their hand at ski tourism

Soldier's or, as they are also called, army skis are another miracle of the defense industry. These are ordinary touring skis made of soft wood, i.e. their edges wear off quickly. I had to be a little like them. I was surprised that I have never seen them smaller than 220 cm. Probably, the army, when ordering these skis, believes that our soldiers are just grenadiers. In general, because of such a length, it is very difficult to walk through the forest in them, and when climbing like a herringbone, you step on your own heels.

Material: wood
Width: 75 mm
Price: issued free of charge to defenders of the fatherland
Recommendations: use only if there are no alternatives

As a rule, “seasoned tourists” - adherents of the “old school” - walk on the “wooden trees”, noting their main advantages - the almost complete absence of recoil and the absence of the need to use expensive and capricious ointments. Young people and innovators are advocating a departure from ossified tradition, believing that the future of ski tourism lies in plastic. However, my personal experience, says the opposite.

Useful articles:

  • Skis "Beskid"
  • Skis "Forest"
  • Skis "Tourist"
  • Ski tour
  • Camus for skis

Hiking on plastic tourist skis

Cross-country skiing. Cross-country skis are sometimes used as touring skis. And they are quite suitable if it is a simple hike - a weekend or lasting a couple of days, through a wooded area with well-established ski tracks. You just need to take into account that if the skis are plastic, then you need ointment for the appropriate temperature (especially ointment for recoil), which you also need to be able to select, and also quickly change when the weather changes. Otherwise, the ski trip will be remembered “not in a kind way” and for a very long time.

Material: plastic
Width: 60-65 mm
Price: from 1500 rub.
Recommendations: You can go on short and easy hikes

Alpine skiing. In those days when it was impossible to buy high-quality tourist skis, mountain skis were adapted for hiking. I have little experience using alpine skis. I went to see them in Khibiny a couple of times. The skis were called "Polsport". They handle well, but like all plastic ones, there is a danger of “missing the ointment.” In general, it’s not bad if you carry around a set of anti-recoil ointment and a cycle to remove the old ointment.

My use of alpine skis on hikes ended when, while crossing a hole washed out by a stream, I stood with all my weight on the ski and broke it in the block. But the problems didn't end there. Having decided to use its front part, I began to rearrange the mount. But that was not the case. It looks like the ski was reinforced with a metal plate on top. The screws didn't work.

Material: plastic and metal edging
Width: 70-75 mm
Price: from 8000 rub.
Recommendations: only classic alpine skis are suitable (almost not fitted), ointments for all weather conditions or a skin are required.

Touring plastic skis with scales. This is another option for plastic touring skis. They are produced under several trademarks, for example, under the “Equipment” TM. I would like to note that the scales only work on ski tracks or crust; on loose snow they are of no use, but the problem with ointments is also relevant. There are several standard “sizes” - 170, 180, 190, 200 mm.

Material: plastic sliding surface and plastic decorative coating
Width: 70, 100 mm
Price: 3800-4500 rub.
Recommendations: ointments and camus are required

Dressy skis like ski touring with camus. I've only used ski touring skis and boots once, maybe I didn't try them out the first time, but I wasn't comfortable. The leg stands very rigidly, as in ski boot. Apparently, a special step needs to be developed. But there are also obvious advantages: the kamus holds even on a steep climb, you can forget about the “herringbone” and “ladder”. The descent is almost like alpine skiing. Well, another significant drawback is the high price of the kit.

Dmitry Ryumkin especially for

Flat skis for walking in city parks and suburban forests must be selected correctly, taking into account the anthropometric data of the person. It depends on whether you enjoy your ski trip or suffer the whole time.

Cross-country (flat) skis

Cross-country skiing is suitable for traveling on flat terrain. It could be racing skis(Racing), skis for tourism (Back country), skis for children and teenagers (Kid / Junior) and recreational skis (Recreation, Fitness). From the right choice skiing depends not only on the amount of money you pay for it, but also on the pleasure of skiing. Unfortunately, salespeople are not always good consultants. It is better for the buyer to make his own choice.

Lungs cross-country skiing intended for professional athletes and for a small group of amateurs. Such skis are used only on specially prepared slopes. The buyer must know exactly whether specific skis are purchased for classic or skating skiing. Skis for tourism are necessary for winter hikes, often in extreme conditions (for example, on Far North). Perhaps for long treks, even on virgin soil. These wide, durable skis are expensive. Skis for children (from 3 to 8 years old) and teenagers (up to 15 years old) can be both recreational and sports.

Fitness category skis are expensive. They are bought primarily by well-trained amateurs. We do not consider image problems. Recreational skis are of interest to the largest group of buyers of all ages. These stable skis can be called universal. They are needed for active winter recreation in different weather conditions. The cost of such skis is usually more affordable. Especially for domestic skis, which are of quite decent quality. Unfortunately, the flex of cheaper touring skis is often designed for skiers weighing up to 70 kg.

For family winter holidays, skis designed for classic move. For a “skate” it is better to choose skis with a smooth sliding surface along the entire length. In the Moscow region there are few prepared tracks for skating, so it is better to prefer the “classics”. Or buy two pairs of skis, one of which will be for skating.

Ski width

The width of flat plastic skis depends, first of all, on their purpose. Let's assume that we need skis for a walk in the forest, and not for sports, hunting or multi-day hikes. Let's focus on those relatively inexpensive recreational skis that will suit the mass population of different ages. These skis should not be too narrow. Narrow skis require excellent skiing. A skier who goes to a park or forest often encounters that the ski track is broken or missing. We have to look for a replacement, for example, a snowmobile track. Or make the tracks yourself. With narrow cross-country skis, such a walk will turn into a test of strength and endurance. You shouldn't take too much wide skis, which are used by “pioneers” and hunters. For the most active people who tolerate significant loads, skis in the “Fitness” category are suitable. These are very high-quality skis, in the manufacture of which advanced technologies were used. The cost of such skis is close to the cost of racing models.

Even the most inexpensive plastic cross-country skis will serve you well if they are chosen correctly. Sometimes people buy into a brand and choose expensive branded skis that are completely inappropriate for the skier's requirements. Those qualities that an athlete will appreciate will go unnoticed by people who occasionally ski at a more or less fast pace. Moreover, on excellent sport skis Ah, such walks will be less comfortable than on regular recreational skis.

With or without notch?

The choice of skis with anti-recoil knurling or without knurling depends on the personal preferences of the skier. Skis with notches will be needed by a skier who has been skiing for a long time. wooden skis. The child will also be more comfortable on them. The notch is applied in order to reduce backward slippage. Even when the skis are not lubricated or the ointment has worn off. The resistance of such skis is greater than those that do not have notches, so the speed of movement is reduced. The notch under the ski block comes into contact with the snow surface only at the moment of pushing off with the foot. During sliding, the part free from the notch works. In order for skis to glide well, they must be stiffer or longer. By the way, among skis with notches, you are more likely to find hard skis. The notch is suitable for medium-compacted ski tracks, and to a lesser extent - for icy, compacted or excessively loose ski tracks.

Skis without notches are faster. They must be used with carefully selected ointments. If there is no technique for skiing on such skis, then the kickback will torture and exhaust an inexperienced skier. Selection ski waxes a separate article will be devoted.

Selecting skis based on skier's height and weight

We remember from childhood how skis are chosen according to height. You need to stand up straight, stretch your arms up and bend them at the hands. The height from the floor to the arms bent corresponds to the height of the skis. This recommendation can also be used by adult skiers. There is another method. Walking skis for lovers of classic skiing should be 25–30 cm larger than a person’s height. If you prefer skating, take shorter skis 10–15 cm larger than a person’s height. Consequently, the most suitable average length of recreational skis is 15 - 25 cm greater than the height of the skier. A heavier skier will need skis that are 25 cm longer. The lighter the skier, the better he will feel on skis that are at the lower end of the range (i.e. 15 cm). Shorter skis are also suitable for beginner skiers who risk getting tangled in long skis. Manufacturers believe that it is more important not to make a mistake when choosing the length of skis for skating. Here is the approximate ratio of human height and the length of recreational skis:

height 160 - 165 cm - ski length 180 - 190 cm;
height 170 - 175 cm - ski length 190 - 200 cm;
height 180 cm - ski length 200 - 210 cm;
height 185 - 190 cm - ski length 210 cm.

Even simple and inexpensive skis, correctly selected for a person’s weight, will allow you to enjoy walking. In order to choose skis that match the weight of the skier, you need to take a sheet of writing paper with you to the store. Skis without notches are selected more carefully. They start by placing the skis on a flat, smooth surface. For example, on the floor in a store. Stand with your feet on both skis so that your feet are located in the intended place of the boots. Take out a sheet of paper. It should pass freely under the push pad. If the ski buyer's weight does not correspond to the skis in question, then it will be impossible to insert paper under the skis. Then you need to take stiffer skis. The heavier the skier, the stiffer skis he will need. The customer then needs to shift their weight onto one leg. The ski should press the paper so that it cannot be pulled out. There are different methods for determining the stiffness of skis, related to pressing the skis with your hands. They are highly dependent on hand strength, so they are not always accurate. Stiffer skis are more comfortable for skating, but they are more difficult to maintain balance on. More soft skis easier to manage. Of course, these recommendations are not suitable for choosing sports skis, which are selected not only by the weight of the skier, but also by the type of glide, weather and other conditions. In specialized stores you can count on the help of consultants who use a special flex tester device.

And one more important note: it is better if the skis have a uniform bend. Then they will not brake if there is too much pressure on the snow. Excessive pressure leads to poor ski performance, braking and frequent ski lubrication during a walk. You should not buy skis that are curved (in the longitudinal direction). The groove must be straight! A visual inspection will allow you to reject skis “with a screw”, with all kinds of bumps, peeling, etc. Scratches and cosmetic defects are not so dangerous, as they will certainly appear after several walks.

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A lot has been said about the role of ski preparation in biathletes’ starts, especially this topic became relevant after the World Championships in Nove Mesto 2013. The lamentations of the athletes about the fact that “...the skis did not move” prompted me to try to figure out how the skis are selected for upcoming season How skis are prepared for a specific start. The experts in discussing this issue will be twofold Olympic champion Anna Bogaliy and, in my opinion, the best of domestic service providers, Mikhail Koloskov, as well as former skier, and now an expert at Fisher in Russia, Alexander Zavyalov. Due to the fact that the majority of “collections” use Fisher skis, the emphasis is on skis of this brand.

According to the sliding surface, Fisher skis are divided into:

Cold models have a sliding surface
A5 - universal cold base at t -2C and below
Models Plus, S-track, Zero have a sliding surface
28 - universal warm base at t -5C and above
5 - warm base for old snow.

Alexander Zavyalov (A.Z.) “Warm and cold skis naturally have different bases. Warm base - 28th. There is a 5th base, but it is mainly on the water, and athletes of these skis usually have one pair each. What is the difference between plastic? Warm skis have a higher percentage of graphite. This is done to prevent so-called moisture leakage, since a higher percentage of graphite creates greater porosity of the sliding surface, which prevents moisture leakage. Warm skis also have softer socks and heels.

In cold skis, the percentage of graphite is lower, their sliding surface is smoother and has a slightly grayish tint. The design of cold skis is more rigid, designed for frosty and, therefore, tougher slopes, and this is done so that the ski does not collect this snow underneath it.”

Not every athlete outside the national team country can afford to have 10-20 pairs of skis. How to get out of this situation?

A.Z. — “If we take “warm” skis - with a 28 base (not every athlete can afford to have “warm”, “cold”, and “super-warm” skis at the same time), then with the help of knurling and creating an appropriate structure, we can solve the problem to different temperature conditions. It is very desirable, of course, that the knurling be pressing and not cutting. The result of the knurling work disappears after two or three treatments (applying and removing paraffin), and again the factory grinder remains. On “cold” Fisher skis there is a cold grind, on “warm” skis there is a universal one. Fisher skis are considered universal - you can easily cover the entire season with one or two pairs using knurling. Skis from other companies, for example, Madshus, are also very good, but they have a narrower temperature steinslift.”

Fischer ski structure:

  • P10-1 below -5 old snow
  • C1-1 below -5 new natural snow, fine-grained
  • C3-1 below -5 artificial snow
  • S8-1 0-10 artificial
  • C12-1 below -5 natural snow
  • P1-1 +3-5 universal
  • P3-1 0 to warm, fresh snow
  • P3-2 wet snow
  • Р3-3 +5 to heat very wet spring snow
  • Р5-0 0-5 dry fine-grained snow
  • P5-1 0 to warm, very hard snow
  • Р5-9 0 wet, old snow for skis CL

So what is “ski structure”?

Mikhail Koloskov (M.K.) - "Hello! I will answer point by point: the structure of skis is a specially applied pattern on the surface of the ski, with a special stone installed on a grinding machine. Each pattern differs in shape and depth and corresponds to a specific snow structure (temperature, humidity, condition). Some structures have a very small temperature range, and since ski slope not homogeneous, i.e. There is a difference in the temperature and humidity of the snow in different areas, then when choosing a structure, you should take into account the ratio of the number of kilometers of the route corresponding to this structure. Therefore, sometimes an athlete wins in some parts of the track, but loses in others. So this year at the World Championships, the snow humidity in the stadium was 25%, and on the track 19%, and those who skied within the stadium lost on the far side of the distance. If you have sometimes noticed that only representatives of one company are on the pedestal. There are places where skis from some brand work well, i.e. this company has the best structure for this snow. Fischer has more than 15 structures for different snow conditions, Madshus has no more than 5.”

Structures and machine to apply a manual structure over the one already on the skis. It is not always used, only when it is really needed! Sometimes it worsens glide because it changes the signature pattern. The hand-made structure disappears after treatment with paraffin or iron, but the polish applied with stone does not disappear after heat treatment!

As athletes entering national team countries, work with ski manufacturing companies?

M.K. - “Each athlete enters into a contract with a specific company that more closely matches the athlete’s parameters. The contract then describes the prize money and the number of skis issued. The skis are worn out, the best ones remain, the rest can be exchanged for others. The company takes upon itself the responsibility of regrinding the skis, at the request of the athlete. This is what the servicers do.”

Anna Bogaliy (A. B.) — “Skis are selected at the factory for each individual. Taking into account the height and weight characteristics, as well as the service team, at the beginning of the season, they help determine what “goes”... Change what is “worth it”)) This is a very delicate process. In general, skiing is a lot of work! Luck is also important: sometimes a pair is not new, but rides very well! But the new ones “stand”. They carried everything in different ways: from 8-10 pairs, to 20, and even some over several years, a collection of different structures and models... 25-30 pairs each. It all depends on the skis, brand and level of the athlete (very individual). “Everyone chooses their own skis (with whom to work from among the companies) and concludes individual contracts.”

In the first picture are Fisher skis (not tested), in the second - tested by servicers.

How does the preparation of selecting skis for a specific take place? race?

M.K. - “Preparing skis for a specific race is a very difficult and long process. Firstly, the servicer looks at the weather forecast for the day of the race, according to this, the day before the race, preferably during the start of the athlete, a certain number of skis are rolled out according to the weather, usually from six to ten or more pairs of skis. This is usually done by the servicer, sometimes together with the athlete. It is better to carry out skiing along the entire route, because the quality of snow varies in different areas. It is necessary to select skis that work stably throughout the entire route, these are 4-8 pairs. The servicer walks 20 to 30 km a day. All selected skis are washed with paraffin and prepared for skiing immediately before the race.

On race day, the first thing to do is measure the temperature and humidity of the snow and air. On special (test) skis, usually 20 pairs of them for testing powder and 10 paraffin, lubricant options for a given day are applied. 2-2.5 hours before the start, the athletes’ skis and test skis are taken out for skiing. First, the skis of the athletes roll away, i.e. one best pair is selected that best matches the weather conditions and the snow. Skis are also selected on the entire slope and tested at speed because at speed all skis perform differently. When the athlete's best pair is selected, servicers begin choosing a lubricant option (paraffin, powder, accelerator, manual structure). Tests are also carried out along the entire route. 1 hour before the start of the race, all selected skis are taken to the box, where best couple the athlete is applied best option lubricants If there are two races a day, then everything is repeated from the beginning. After the race, all used skis are washed and sanitized.”

What skis do the athletes invited to compete on? World Cup By results performances at the IBU Cup and Russian competitions? What happened in Antholz when Katya Yurieva, after finishing (93rd place in the sprint), angrily said: “Who needs wood to light the fireplace?”

M.K. — “Each servicer is assigned 2-4 athletes, he is responsible for the selection and preparation of the skis of his charges. Athletes who came from IBU Cup They have their own set of skis, which sometimes do not quite meet the requirements. Although the companies are willing to accommodate and issue additional pairs to athletes participating in the World Cup.

Yurieva competed on her own skis in Antholz; a foreign team was responsible for selection and preparation, so I can’t say anything specific about this race. Pichler and Rostovtsev were against Katya’s participation in the stages, so draw your own conclusions(although... the German said that he was happy about Katya’s victories at KIBU and was glad to invite her to the national team. Once again, the German was caught in a lie... author’s note ). And when they found out that she trusts the Russian service more, then...”

P.S. If you have any more questions for our experts, ask during the discussion of the topic.