The back of the human body. What different parts of the body can tell you about a person's feelings and motives

Heads, shoulders, knees and... lacrimal caruncle?

We are used to thinking that we know everything or almost everything about ourselves. But in the human body there are a huge number of body parts whose names we don’t even know. And now you have the opportunity for the first time to call a spade a spade and get to know the nameless parts of yourself.
Additionally, you will be able to impress people with your amazing knowledge of anatomy and physiology. And from now on it will be much easier for you to communicate with doctors (believe me, they also like to call things by their proper names).

Body part called glabella

Many people would do well to thin it out

Well hello, dear reader - meet Glabella! This is the place above the bridge of the nose and between the eyebrows. Its name goes back to the Latin "glabellus", which means "hairless", but even the most beautiful people planets may have problems with hairiness in this part of the body. But wait... If Frida Kahlo can sport a unibrow and still become one of the world's greatest artists, then why should some "hairiness" of the glabella bother mere mortals? Perhaps you just need to invest in some good tweezers - and the problem is solved.
By the way, the glabella can be useful: if you pinch the skin on it with your fingers and it does not smooth out, this is a sign of dehydration. This simple test could one day save your life.


An angel's fingerprint or just a cleavage?

The small hollow under the nose is the “philtrum,” or philtrum. In fairy tales, this is the place where an angel touches, erasing memories of a past life.
In mammals like dogs, the philtrum helps keep the nose moist, which contributes greatly to any canine's amazing olfactory abilities.
In humans, the philtrum has ceased to perform practical functions, however, it can also help in diagnosing diseases: contracted walls of the philtrum may indicate alcoholism or Prader-Willi syndrome. A wide philtrum is associated with Down syndrome (most often in boys).

Human nostrils

A nostril made up of nostrils - the world will never be the same

Let's focus on the nose area. Essentially, each of your nostrils is made up of many small nostrils. The nasal septum, which “cool” young people love to pierce, has its own wings, which are called “columella nasi”. Now you know everything about your nose.


It sounds proud, but it means something that causes pain in the night.

You still call this body part your big toe. Sounds somewhat ordinary, don’t you think? But they could proudly call him “Hallux”, like some ancient Greek god!
Most likely, you do not remember its existence until the moment you hit a piece of furniture, however, it is it that helps you maintain your balance and vertical position. Absence thumb- a valid reason for refusing to serve the Motherland (this is why many “craftsmen” shoot themselves in the feet).

Morton's finger

Even the Statue of Liberty has it. And you?

Continuing the topic of leg mysteries, let's talk about what many people experience.
Morton's finger is physiological feature, at which index finger the legs are longer than the big one. This does not cause any harm to health (not counting problems with choosing shoes). However, in Ancient Greece such a finger was considered the standard of beauty, and even the Statue of Liberty was created with such a “defect.”

Fistful (Gowpen)

An unknown Scandinavian word, knowledge of which will be useful

Oddly enough, there is not even a hint of a similar word in the Russian language. If you believe the encyclopedias, it reads “geupen”. In fact, this word does not denote a part of the body as such, but denotes the function of carrying something in the folded palms in such a way that they turn into a container (the closest translation is “cupping the hands” or “handful”).
The etymology of the word itself goes back to the Old Norse gaupn, which means "a hollow made of hands joined together to form the shape of a bowl." After all, the Vikings thought creatively.

Anatomical snuff box

All literary heroes took snuff from her

It sounds like something from the sexual sphere, but it is far from true. A snuff box is a natural recess on outside hands, between the thumb and forefinger.
This part of the body got its name due to the fact that it was convenient to sniff tobacco from it. A very pragmatic attitude towards your body.


Bridle and bridle are different

A simple bridle, but how beautiful it sounds! In fact, there are many frenulums on the human body. This connective tissue, which helps moving parts move in a given area. For example, holding the tongue or upper lip.
As you know, men have another frenulum - on the penis. Because of it, problems may arise during sexual intercourse. In addition, this place is popular for piercings. Therefore, you should not Google the word “bridle” at work if you do not want questions from colleagues or superiors.


An obscure part of the body, but more interesting with it

Tragus is a small triangular cartilage on the outer ear. It can be used to close the ear canal by applying pressure.
Like the frenulum, this body part is popular for piercing, but its natural function is still unknown. Perhaps it serves to detect the source of the sound.


A beautiful name for a tender part of the body

The white crescents at the base of the nail are the “lanula.” As one might expect, they got their name from the Latin “lun”, which translates as “moon”. Essentially, this is a second nail under the first, and a very sensitive one at that. Any injury to the lanula entails lifelong deformation of the nail, so it should be protected like the apple of your eye.

Dimples of Venus

So tasty for many cavities

The dimples of Venus, or simply the dimples on the back, have long been considered a symbol of sexuality and female beauty, so it is not surprising that they were named after the Roman goddess of beauty.
There is a common misconception that people with Venus dimples are more sensual, passionate and reach orgasm faster. There is no scientific evidence for this version.
The bad news for those who want to get these cleavages: they can't be created through diet and exercise. Only genetics and nothing more.


A mysterious place with its own name

The canthus is the name given to the outer corner of the palpebral fissure, where the upper and lower eyelids touch. The reason this place needs a name is a mystery shrouded in darkness.

Lacrimal caruncle (Lacrimal curuncle)

Perhaps the strangest part of the body

Everyone wondered what that ball of flesh was in the inner corner of the eye. And this is exactly it - the tearful caruncle. Thanks to him, we cry, or rather, we bring our tears out. Scientists note that the caruncle is a rudimentary part of the so-called “third eyelid” (which can even be found in cats - try looking into their eyes while sleeping). For some unknown reason, the human body has abandoned them, although most mammals still boast additional eye protection.

Supersternal groove

Another non-sexual, but erotic body part

Like the dimples of Venus, the supersternal groove is a completely non-sexual part of the body, but is considered one.
If we move away from the topic of sex, this part of the body is an excellent point to strike when defending against an attack. Which side you look at is up to you.


Common armpit

The axilla, or simply the “armpit,” is an important part of any person’s body, no matter how much we sometimes want to get rid of it. Sprays, shaving, even removing sweat glands - this is what many people do to get rid of the smell of sweat. Meanwhile, it is the glands located in the axillas that transmit information about their owner to the olfactory receptors of potential sexual partners.


Not only women have...breasts

The male breast is a very peculiar part of the body. And in many representatives of the stronger sex they turn not into steel plates of the torso, but into the semblance of female mammary glands. This is possible in adolescence, during the period of hormonal changes. Moreover, in adulthood, gynecomastia is also possible - it is observed in bodybuilders who take steroids for too long. The deviation may go away on its own, but most often surgical intervention is necessary.

Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi muscle

Elvis left this world, but his smile remained

The favorite muscle of the king of rock and roll, Elvis Presley, has received the status of the muscle with the longest name. She is responsible for your ability to be ironic and smile sarcasticly. Its use would be great for Draco Malfoy to show his hostility at a Muggle party.
The name of this muscle is translated as “lift of both edges of the lip and wing of the nose.” Given that the “sarcastic muscle” is located on both sides of the mouth, most people can demonstrate irony with only one part of it.
There are still a lot of names in the human body that can make an ordinary person feel ill. However, with this set you can already pass for an expert in the field of human nature, so keep it for yourself - you won’t regret it.

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The human body is a whole universe with its own laws and secrets, many of which we have yet to unravel.

Therefore we are in website decided to tell you about 8 important parts human body, to which we often do not pay any attention.

Anatomical snuff box

If you straighten and slightly extend your thumb, a triangular dimple. Doctors call this part of the body anatomical snuff box, as in the past people used it to house and consume snuff.

It is through this place that passes radial artery, and it is always easy to feel, even if the pulsation is not very strong. And all because in this zone the artery is covered only by the skin and connective membrane.

Big toe

We all know where it is, but often we don’t even think about what exactly this part of the body is evolution has assigned the most important function.

It is thanks to the special structure of the big toe that we can maintain balance in a standing position for an infinitely long time. And this is one of the important skills that distinguishes humans from other mammals.


Perhaps you didn't even realize that the small area of ​​the body between the eyebrows has some special name.

In fact, the glabella is an extremely important part of the body. It is with its help that you can easily check the state of your reflexes right now. Just tap your finger several times on the area between your eyebrows. If your reflexes are fine, you will feel a slight strain in your eyes and the urge to blink.

Tongue frenulum

This little membranous fold under our tongue has one very important function: it fixes the tongue in the mouth and makes this organ less mobile.

This, in turn, helps to avoid glossoptosis(accidental tongue swallowing and suffocation). This is especially important for newborns who have not yet learned to control all the organs of their body.

Tragus and antitragus

The name of these small protrusions located in the auricle comes from from the Latin word tragos - "goat". Therefore, sometimes the terms “tragus” and “antitragus” are translated as “tragus” and “antitragus.”

The tragus helps us catch sounds coming from behind, amplify them and determine where their source is. And the antitragus does the same, but in relation to sounds appearing in front.


As children, many of us had routine surgery to remove our tonsils, or tonsils. Therefore, many may have the feeling that the tonsils are not an important part of the body at all, a rudiment like the appendix. But that's not true.

The tonsils are the first barrier that protects us from bacteria and viruses entering the body with the help of secreted lymphocytes. When the tonsils are removed due to inflammation, other protective mechanisms remain in the human body. But it’s still safer with tonsils.

Nail cuticle

The word “cuticle” is known to everyone who has had a manicure at least once in their life. This is a dense layer of skin located at the border of the nail and finger. Often people, wanting to make their hands irresistible, simply cut off the cuticle and take great risks.

The fact is that the cuticle has a really important function. It protects our hands from harmful bacteria and microbes, which are especially abundant in modern cities. If bacteria enters your body through a microwound from a cut cuticle, you will not get rid of it by simply washing your hands.


Most experts agree that the philtrum developed in humans in prehistoric times and served the function of enhancing the sense of smell. Nowadays it is no longer so important for us to have a strong sense of smell, but the groove remains as a reminder of our roots.

In addition, by the shape of this part of the body, it is possible to identify a disease in a child even at the stage of embryonic development. Sometimes the irregular shape of the philtrum can indicate, for example, autism.

Educational game for children 6 years old"Parts of the body" or "What we are made of." It is aimed at developing attention, memory, and expanding ideas about the human body.

Game description

Using available means, two parallel lines are “drawn” on the floor. The distance between the lines is approximately 3-4 meters. The driver is between the lines, and the rest are behind one of them.

Lines can be drawn with chalk on the floor or marked with ropes.

In the first games, the presenter is recommended to be an adult. He asks questions about the structure of the human body. The guys who answered correctly are allowed to cross the opposite line. The rest, taking advantage of the moment when the leader is distracted, can run across.

If the driver manages to touch the running player, then he becomes the driver.

Sample list of questions

  • What is only singular in the human body? (head, neck, face, heart...)
  • What occurs twice in the body? (arms, legs, ears...)
  • How about four times? (four thumbs...)
  • Which parts of the body are round/oval in shape?
  • What part of the body can be bent?
  • Which parts of the body are hard and which are soft?
  • On what part of the body can you carry a small book?


The last question requires a clear answer. That is, it is necessary to demonstrate the process. In this case, you can use different parts of the body (head, shoulders, neck, knee, elbow...).

Each new game becomes more complicated, questions are added about internal organs. Provided that conversations were held on the relevant topic.

I am glad to welcome you, dear readers! We all know very well that a woman loves with her ears, and a man with his eyes. So, building a muscular and at the same time attractive figure is not an easy task for any gender, and here (as a priority) you need to pay attention to working out the most attractive parts of the body and know what to pump in gym. Those. It is worth shifting the emphasis in your training to the most “appetizing” parts, which are most striking and allow you to look most advantageous against the general background.

I think you have already guessed that today we will talk about the topic - what muscle groups They force the opposite sex to simply perspire and emanate languor. Well, most importantly, we will learn how to make them more “loafy” and embossed.

Well, let's go...

What to train in the gym: winning muscle groups

It may seem strange at first glance, but women react much less to a man’s appearance and often value a man’s sense of humor, wit and self-confidence much more. As for women's preferences regarding the male figure, then tastes (from representatives to representatives) vary greatly. Some people like lean models from glossy magazines; others – large and stately “machomen”; still others are in awe of their neighbor, an office worker with narrow shoulders. As for specific parts of the body, tastes also differ here: some love the steel male abs, others give rounded buttocks, and still others use both hands on developed shoulders.

In general, with ladies, as always, everything is complicated, or it’s the man’s business - they are attracted to almost any part of a woman’s body. No, I won’t say that the girl’s wit and showiness don’t play a role, they just somehow naturally fade into the background after a few minutes of communication. What is this connected with?...probably with Mother Nature.

Well, we're getting a little off topic. So, which muscle groups should be prioritized to look more attractive?

Here it is worth saying that we must follow our tastes and preferences in sculpting our body, because it is yours, and you are its sculptor. However, we should not forget that man is a social being, and what others think about his figure also matters to him.


It is unlikely that Arnold Schwarzenegger would have trained so hard if he had not lived on a desert island, where there was no one to appreciate his achievements.

Men's self-confidence very often stems from good physical fitness own body, it is she who allows herself and, as a result, everyone else to like her (in particular - the opposite sex). In one of the biology books, I remember, it was said: “...females prefer males who are in some way beyond the usual.”

If we apply this idea directly to bodybuilding, then muscle building can be called something beyond the ordinary. Therefore, any male representatives who work out in gyms have a significantly increased chance of attracting the attention of women. So, which ones should you focus on in order to build an attractive and beautiful body?

For a man, this is the pectoral muscle, abs, arms, buttocks. If you are a woman, you just need to keep yourself as usual muscle tone, i.e. do not “start” and monitor the percentage of body fat. Of course, fitness exercises for the buttocks (for elasticity) and chest will not hurt (to strengthen and lift) and abs (flat tummy).

Have you noticed how many similarities there are? In general, the muscle groups that make our body visually more attractive are: buttocks, abs, chest and arms. Let's go further and move on to the practical part.

What to do in the gym: the best exercises

So, let's start in order, go through each muscle and figure out how best to train them. And the first group in line is...


Many women don’t ask themselves what they need to do in the gym. They just rock their butts. Buttocks, also known as the “loin” part. Due to the fact that a person spends most of his time on sedentary work, then the most problem area For many women (also men), this very “hard worker” is precisely that.

Based on the anatomical functions of the buttock muscles, it becomes clear that best exercises Her training includes various squats and lunges with dumbbells. Better development of the elasticity of the buttocks can be achieved by combining two exercises (such as lunges and hyperextensions) in one episode.

What are the benefits of lunges?

The whole point is that this unique exercise for working out the legs separately, because it provides good stretching and concentric contraction gluteal muscle. All this happens thanks to the powerful neuromuscular impulses that arise when training one half of the body. In addition, large muscle groups such as quadriceps and hamstrings are alternately included in the work.

Why hyperextension?

It is generally accepted that this exercise Designed exclusively for working the lower back (more precisely, extensors), however, first of all, it is the best insulator for the buttocks. I don’t know if the girls are aware of this feature, but in our gym this is their favorite exercise machine. It turns out that when the legs are straightened, the main “adductor-movement” muscles are the buttocks, and therefore the load is redistributed between the extensors and the gluteus maximus muscle.

So, in general, you can adhere to the following training scheme (superset) and sequence of exercises:

  • deep squats (with a barbell - for men, with a weight plate - for women) or leg presses in Hackenschmidt (2-3 approach to 8-10 repetitions);

Then superset:

  • lunges ( 2-3 X 8-10 ) ;
  • hyperextension (2-3 X 10-12 ) ;


Superset – two different exercises in a combined approach, without pause or rest between them.

Do these exercises, and then you will get rounded buttocks. Let's move on.

Pectoral muscles

This muscle group is most important for women, because... The height and elasticity of the breast depends on its development, and these parameters are constantly being encroached upon by men of nature (or rather, gravity - attraction to the Earth). Also harmoniously developed pectoral muscles This is a big plus for men too. This is one of those muscle groups that needs to be pumped up in the gym.

In general, these muscles can be divided into 3 sections: lower, middle and upper. It is believed that developing the first two is not difficult, but you will have to work hard on the top. Again, the most progressive option would be to combine two exercises for different sections into a superset, then the training scheme would look like this:

Super set No. 1:

  • incline barbell/dumbbell press (at an upward angle) bench (2-3 By 10-12 rep.);
  • breeding/mixing in crossover ( 2 By 10 ) ;

Super set No. 2:

  • dumbbell raises incline bench (1-2 X 8-10 ) ;
  • Reverse Dumbbell Bench Press (1 By 8-10 ) .


The technique for performing all the above exercises will also be discussed in the following articles, so subscribe and stay tuned.

The next muscle group is...


The press belongs to the “core” group – a complex of muscles responsible for stabilizing the body. One of the most common misconceptions about abdominal muscles is that relief press- this is just the result of constant, hard training of this muscle group. However, this is not true.

You can “pound” your abs at least 5-6 once a week, but the result will not be visible, because... the treasured cubes are tightly “sealed” under the fat layer. Therefore for visual effect– clear definition of the relief - give up ballast products, reduce the number of calories and do cardio.

For effective training muscles abdominals The following strategy must be followed:

  • perform no more 15-20 repetitions in one approach;
  • gradually increase resistance (weight of burden);
  • give rest and train the abs no more 1-2 once a week;
  • do lower abdominal exercises first (let me explain regarding the last point).

The thing is that when we perform exercises on the lower abs, the upper section also receives partial load. If you do regular crunches first (horizontal body crunches lying down), and then hanging leg raises, it turns out that the tired top gives up before the bottom, thus the latter does not receive additional load. Therefore, it is better to work on the lower section first.

A workout program for chiseled abs might look like this:

  • lifting straight legs/knees while hanging on the crossbar/wall bars (2-3 X 10-15 repetitions);
  • regular crunches on an abdominal bench (similar).

Latest of the top 4 the most attractive groups are...


What man doesn't likes to drive fast dreams of big (full) arms, and what woman doesn’t want to have toned, slightly muscular arms?

And although it would seem that the goals are completely different, however training programs The fit is exactly the same, and they allow everyone to achieve the results they need. Those. women should not be afraid that they will pump themselves up huge hands- No. It’s all about the nature and physiology of the body, or rather, about different amounts of testosterone, density muscle fibers in women and men.

So the final program might look like this:

Superset (triceps):

Superset (biceps):

  • seated dumbbell curl (2 approach to 10-12 repetitions);
  • curling arms on a Scott bench (same thing);

The exercises are performed at a “waltz pace” without pauses or rest, i.e. It is advisable to have shells at hand, rather than running across the hall to them. Actually, we have considered what needs to be pumped up in the gym and training programs for the most attractive parts of the body; it remains to sum up some results.

So, all the presented schemes work on the principle of a superset - combining two exercises into one. I would like to say that this great way quickly achieve results, because there is a big muscle work in a shorter period of time. In addition, this principle (superset) promotes increased secretion of growth hormone, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the processes of building muscles and burning fat. This hormone also increases overall skin tone, which also affects appearance.


Today we learned about the most “appetizing” parts of the body, and what we need to pump up in the gym. I wish your figure to be as good as possible a large number attractive details coming soon!

See you soon, come back often, you are always welcome here!

PS. Dear readers, which ones are for you? (in the opposite field) most attractive body parts? Share your thoughts in the comments.