Integrated lesson on speech development “Sound and applications “Horse and Foal” in the senior group. Synopsis of the nodes "Speech Development" "Sound Culture of Speech: Sound" and a plan-summary of a lesson on speech development (junior group) on the topic Sounds and signals, how to decipher them

The sound, or rather the neighing of a horse, has probably been heard by everyone, if not live, then in some historical film. However, by the voice that the animal gives, horse breeders and experienced equestrian athletes can immediately understand the emotions or desires of horses. Do you want to learn how to understand the neighing of a horse, then do not miss our short review their sound signals. What sounds does a horse make when moving? Let's talk about this now too.


Sounds and signals, their decoding

Horses have a lot of sounds in their linguistic arsenal, and just as owners of cats or dogs can recognize the desires of their pets by voice, experienced horsemen can understand their horses. Sound signals include snorting and actual vibrations. vocal cords or just the neighing of a horse. The “snorting” is created by the movement of air from the animal’s nostrils and is distinguished by a dull but sharp sound. Thus, by creating a strong vibration inside the nose, the horse clears the pathways when it moves and needs more air or eats hay and grass (tickles the nose). However, horses can also snort to express emotions, for example, surprise, dissatisfaction.

When horses get to know each other, they try to smell each other better by exhaling air strongly through their nostrils, which is why they also often snort.

Another very important horse sound is snoring. Horses give it out with a strong push of air through the larynx. Animals emit a slightly muffled, muffled snoring when they are frightened or dissatisfied. Stallions snore especially often, thereby expressing their menacing and strength. Snoring often ends a horse's neighing.

However, the most important sound a horse makes is its whinny. With its help, animals communicate both with each other and with humans. Horses voice from various reasons and at the same time they change the intensity of the voice, its strength, timbre, duration, tonality. The horse's different neighs show his emotions and signals, for example, as in the video (unterwein) during a fight. Also very important are other facial gestures of the animal: movements of the eyes, ears, position of the legs, posture, movements of the tail, etc.

By spending a lot of time around horses, you can learn to understand them. Let's look at what voices there are in more detail and what kind of horse neighing means what.
SoundMP3 optionEmotion or desire
Hooting or quiet short neighing of a horse (the horse speaks without opening his mouth and straining his vocal cords)
  • Something unfamiliar that interests but at the same time worries the animal;
  • the mare signals or calls the foal;
  • a stallion flirts with a mare;
  • “lunch is coming soon”;
  • “pay attention to me.”
Short neigh of a horse
  • Asks for a drink;
  • a short neigh of a horse is given when meeting a familiar person;
  • attract attention.
Horse's long neigh
  • Asks for something, for example, food;
  • protest;
  • fear;
  • sexual attraction at the sight of the opposite sex.
The squeal or strong high-pitched whinny of a horse
  • Intense fear or fright;
  • The mare is nervous around the stallion.
Short and low neighing of a horse
  • The stallion smells or sees the mare;
  • signals to another opponent an attack or dissatisfaction.

The clatter of hooves

The clatter of hooves is another variant of the sounds a horse makes. However, if the neighing of a horse depends on his emotions and desires, then the clatter of hooves depends on the pace of movement. The most distinct sound is the clatter of shod hooves on hard ground (asphalt). Unshod hooves on the ground or dirt road do not make any special clattering noise other than a dull thud. Let's figure out which sounds correspond to which gait.

The step is a measured and clear tempo of four beats, when each leg creates its own separate sound when in contact with the surface of the ground - “clack-clack-clack-clack”. The frequency of repetition of hitting the ground depends on the speed of the step, so by the sound you can understand approximately how fast the animal is moving.

Trot is a two-beat rhythm in which the animal alternates the front and rear hind legs. The pace depends on the type of trot (collected, extended), two hooves are heard.

Gallop is a three-beat rhythm in which three hoof hits are heard, as the animal places three legs on the ground almost simultaneously.

The quarry is an extended gallop, in the sound of which the clear distinction between the individual legs is lost, since the horse moves very quickly.

A particularly unique atmosphere is always created at the hippodrome, when the horses run very briskly and in a group. Of course, in the general clatter of hooves, individual sounds are not distinguished, but in this general noise and roar of horses running past, a certain strength and power is always felt. We suggest you verify this with the next entry.

Video “In harness - the clatter of hooves”

You can also hear the sound of a horse’s hooves clattering along the road at a walk and at a trot from this video - a virtual ride in a carriage from Yana Khromova.

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illustrations by Vera Shakhova

Are you already familiar with the little car and the little boy? They became friends when they were alone and, it seemed, no one needed them. Since then we have always been together. They even sleep next to each other.

During the day they walk around the city, play hide and seek and tag. In general, they behave like the happiest friends. And very often interesting, funny and simply incredible stories happen to them.

One day they went into the forest. The weather was wonderful. The cheerful sun sparkled in the blue sky. Fragrant grass lay softly under my feet.

The little boy and the little car liked it all so much that they even sang some kind of cheerful, playful song out of delight. The forest inhabitants liked this song, they crawled out of their holes and gathered around such interesting little artists.

Having finished the song, the little boy and the little car met a cheerful squirrel, a serious hedgehog, a slow bear cub, a pugnacious wolf cub, a cunning fox and many other inhabitants of the forest.

And then, with the whole cheerful campaign, they went for a walk in the forest. The animals showed an old oak tree, a woodpecker worker, a living fontanel stream, the hollow of a wise owl, and a timid rabbit's hole. And our little friends talked about the big city, about its wide avenues, tall buildings, openwork bridges, sparkling lanterns and much more.

Suddenly they heard some strange sounds. So sad and drawn out. It's like someone is in trouble and asking for help. Everyone froze and began to listen.

Without saying a word, everyone walked together in the direction from which the sounds were heard. The cheerful laughter and lively conversations were no longer heard. Everyone was serious and focused.

So they came to a small swamp. Sad sounds came from the middle of the swamp. There I was stuck up to my neck in a quagmire little foal. All his attempts to get out led to nothing. And now he just giggled pitifully and shook his head.

Immediately everyone started trying to help him. The animals threw the ends of sticks and branches to the foal, which the foal grabbed with its teeth. But either the stick was thin and broke, or the foal could not hold it with his teeth and it slipped out of his mouth. All attempts to help were unsuccessful.

Realizing that they could not help the foal, the animals gathered on the shore and silently, with pity, looked at the foal. And he sank deeper and deeper. Only his muzzle was already sticking out from the quagmire. Many animals were crying.

And then the little boy exclaimed:
- I came up with it!
Everyone gathered around the little boy. He told them how to save the foal and the animals clapped and smiled joyfully. They have hope...

Then they took a rope from the back of the small car and tied it to a hook sticking out from under the body. The little boy took the other end in his hands, the wise owl lifted the boy and the rope into the air and sank with him into the center of the swamp, right to the protruding head of the foal.

The little boy carefully and very tightly tied the end of the rope behind the foal's neck. And while he was tying, the wise owl held him tightly in her strong paws. Then she returned the boy safely to shore.

The little car snorted with its engine and slowly drove off. The rope tightened and began to slowly, step by step, pull the prisoner out of the swamp. The animals wanted to help the foal so much that they also grabbed the rope and began to pull, although this was not at all necessary - the small car could have managed it on its own. In the end, the little foal ended up on the shore - dirty, but happy.

What fun began! Everyone laughed and began to congratulate the little foal, the little boy, the little car and each other on the happy rescue. Someone had already brought water and began to wash the swamp slurry off the foal. Everyone was just happy!!!
Are you happy?


Laris, have you ever seen a live horse? It feels like you know the village only from the illustrations of a modern Primer.
Thank you, best regards VAN

I remembered the cartoon about Grandma Boa Constrictor)) “You used to walk unattended, but now you will walk under supervision” (c)
Volodya, it’s a normal fairy tale, don’t be offended. I just have a very strong imagination and that’s why the scene with the noose being tightened around my neck attracted my attention somewhat. Never mind.

Integrated lesson on speech development “Sound [I] and applications “Horse and Foal” in senior group

[Integrated lesson on speech development and application in the senior group

Sound"AND". "Horse and foal"

Target. Train children in clear and correct pronunciation sound"AND".

Strengthen letter knowledge "AND". Identify a letter by ear "AND" in words. Pronounce correctly sound"AND". Locate letters in words (at the beginning, at the end).

Preparatory work. Introducing the letter "AND" and her pronunciation. Reading a poem by A. Barto « horse»

Material. Pictures with the image horse and foal, audio recording of bells and neighing horse and foal. Silhouette blanks horses and foals, glue (pencil, blue or green A4 sheets, pencils. Oilcloth and cloth. Music by V. Kornev, lyrics by L. Kornev « Foal» song. Toy Horse foal.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, I’ll read you a poem now, and you can guess who it’s about.

I love mine horse,

I'll comb her fur smoothly,

I'll comb my tail

And I’ll go on horseback to visit.

Guess who the poem is about (children's answers).

Educator: Yes, well done guys, you guessed right!

Turn on the audio recording (neighing horses and the clatter of hooves) .

Educator: Look guys who is rushing to us (a toy appears horse) . Hello guys Igo-igo-go, Igo-igo-go.

Educator: Guys, let's go with say hello to the horse, no guys, in her language we’ll say loudly Iigo-i-go-go, Igo-igo-go.

horse: Guys, have you seen my child? He's lost, my baby.

Educator: And who horse baby? Guess the riddle.

At the beauty's horses

Little child.

Very smart and funny

Funny…. (foal) .

Educator: That's right guys foal!

How can we help you horse?

horse: We were walking in the meadow, he saw a donkey and began to play with it. Yes, I played so hard that I got lost. Help me call him, let's shout together, only in my horse tongue Igo-go, Igo-go.

Educator: Get up guys and let's play, let's walk together.

Physical education minute.

Hooves clatter loudly. (steps in place)

Over the bridge the horse is racing. (jump like " horses", raising your knees high)

Clack, clack, clack!

Jump after her (running in place with jumps)

Foal and boy.

Clack-clop foal. (stomp your right foot)

The click of the heel on the board is loud. (stomp left foot)

We rushed, only dust swirled. ("winder" with hands)

Everyone had to step aside. (back up on your heels)

Educator and horse: Hear who is responding there (children’s answers, and how does he answer us (audio recording of Iiii, Iiii)

Let us answer foal(guys Eiiiiii, Eiiiiii). Appears foal(toy). Says hello foal with children. He offers to play with him.

Foal: Guys, I have bells, I’ll ring them and you (guess) where the big one rings and where the little one rings, how they ring (foal rings a big bell) Tinkerbell (drawn out). Then he calls the little Li-li-li, li-li-li. The guys repeat sounds bells one by one. Well done guys, you did a good job. Guys, now let's guess where it is sound"AND". Mother the horse will scream"Igo-go"(Where sound"And") Let's ring the bell "Ding-ding", now I'll call "IIiii". The little bell will ring Li-li-li. "AND" (children find a place sound in a word) .

Educator: Well done guys, you helped horses find a foal. Thank you.

horse I have prepared a surprise for you. You and I will make pictures of where mom is the horse found its foal.

The guys are doing applique.

Educator: Well done guys, what beautiful pictures you got. Let's show them horse and foal.

Publications on the topic:

Goal: - to teach children to invent fairy tales, following a plan; -activate the words: garland, Christmas tree, slender, elegant, beautiful, Crow, residents. ;.

Goal: To develop the ability to achieve certain results. Encourage children to enjoy reading familiar nursery rhymes. Promote active.

Integrated lesson on speech development and application in the second junior group “Bear in a forest clearing” Progress of the lesson: The teacher brings a big bear into the group. Mishka: - Hello children, we have already met, remember my name is Mishka.

Integrated lesson on speech development in the senior group together with parents “Winter-Winter” Integrated lesson on speech development, master class in the senior group together with parents “Winter-Winter” Purpose: Consolidation of knowledge.

Final integrated lesson on speech development in the first junior group “If a horse came to us” MDOU " Kindergarten No. 69" Summary of the final integrated lesson in 1st junior group No. 1 on speech development "If a horse came to us."

Final integrated lesson on speech development in the senior preparatory group “Along the Rainbow Paths to School” Integration educational areas: « Speech development» “Social and communicative development” “Cognitive development” “Artistically.

Synopsis of the node "Speech development"

Topic "Sound culture of speech: sound and"

Second junior group


Exercise children in clear pronunciation of sounds and; enrich and activate vocabulary; practice expressiveness of intonation when reproducing onomatopoeia and poetic lines.

Promote children's cognitive development.

Form friendly and equal relationships between peers.

Equipment. A picture of a horse with a foal, two bells - large and small, a ball of thread.

Preliminary work.Conversation about pets and their behavior.

Vocabulary work.Foal, neighing, horse song.

Node progress.

Educator. Children, an unusual guest has come to us, and we will find out who he is when we solve the riddle.

The tail is in a pigtail, the legs are matchlike.

He stuck his lip out.

All fluffy


With a white star on his forehead.

Will go out into the field -

What an expanse!

He looks into the distance for a long time - and suddenly

The pig will squeal

Throws his back

And gallop to mom’s meadow.

Sasha Cherny “Foal” (abridged)

The teacher takes out a toy foal, explains how the foal cries, what color foals are: white, red, black. The answers are accompanied by illustrations.

Game "Answer, baby"

Children are foals, the teacher is a horse. Children gallop around the group, pretending to be foals. The pelagogue pronounces i-i-i-i, the children respond in a higher and thinner voice i-i-i.

Educator. The foals and the mother horse have bells hanging around their necks. The horse has a big bell, he sings diiiiin-diiiiin, foals have small bells on their necks. They sing liiii=liiii-liiii.

Didactic game "Bells"

Educator. How does the little bell sing?

Children. Liiii-liiii-liiii.

Educator. How does the big bell sing?

Children. Diyin-diyin.