Minsk Sea group. Fishing on the Zaslavsky reservoir in winter

The ice of the Minsk Sea has a certain magnetism. Someone rushes at him, as if in reconnaissance in force, and even those who do not dare ask every day on the forum: “How is the ice there at sea? Is it holding?”

The names of the fish are not particularly important. Whatever was caught was good. These are mainly roach, pipe cleaners, crucian carp, bream, pike, . Of course, the fish of all seasons is perch.

On the ice near "Youth"

A popular weekend site, from above it probably looks more like a large sieve. In January, the first ice brings up some good roach from shallow depths. Many people do not refuse to break through ice on old holes, which... often also fed. They drill mainly in shallow water, at 1-1.5 m. Someone in the report indicated 5 meters, but such a depth has caused controversy here. More perches catch bloodworms than breams and roaches. The ice here is heterogeneous, sometimes strong, sometimes too thin. So even in severe frost they do not refuse ice pick.

Near the islands

For some reason, the names of the islands change at different times. But fishing preferences remain unchanged. There are always perch on the dumps around the land protruding from the water. Near Kamyshov Island and neighboring Losiny Island, the Island of Love, bets do not bring not only the excitement of fishing, but also bites. And in tents or just with penguins on the ice, roach hangs in a ring on burrs or bloodworms. If you leave the hole unattended, the naughty girl will drag your fishing rod and reel under the ice. Overfed roaches do not stand in one place. You can't get more than 2-3 fish out of a hole.

Not far from the "Crab" - the former yacht club

A word of caution: those who want to go directly onto the ice from the train take a risk - the ice there is often dangerous. It is better to go down by walking along the dam. Usually the stakes and tent campers are located from the drain towards the "Crab". At a depth of 7 meters, roaches and breams mainly grab pasta and bloodworms. From the unpredictable: the fog can be so dense that it is easy to lose orientation when moving from hole to hole. It's better to follow the navigator. Many people get lost without it and cannot find the right fishing area. And one more thing: out of several holes that are no different, one can be so generous that it will bring big catch from two fishing rods at once. Pike.Pinsk; photo: andreyM, Bagor1978, fishing, Flint, April, Sanchis, Sergey nov.

There are quite a lot of reports on fishing on the Minsk Sea reservoir on the Internet. If you believe everything published, the place here is absolutely fishy, ​​and the local inhabitants of the reservoir are tasty, pleasant, do not smell like mud, grow huge, and are always so hungry that in a couple of hours you can catch enough for several months of lunches and dinners. However, as some wise people say, only fishermen can imagine better than politicians. And the big question is which of them does this more often. However, today fishing in the Minsk Sea really looks like a promising pastime.

What are we talking about?

As can be seen from the reports, fishing in the Minsk Sea does not force you to invent anything or lie - photographs show that the catch is rich, and the fish are really large. In addition, not so long ago a huge amount of fish was released into the reservoir. And all this for the sake of the fishermen! How can you not try your hand at fighting cunning underwater inhabitants? By the way, in social network In contact, fishing in the Minsk Sea is a separate topic of discussion; there is even a large community dedicated to it.

Others, after looking at the pictures, will wonder: where is this magnificent sea of ​​fish that we didn’t learn about in geography lessons at school? It’s simple: “Minsk Sea” is just a name that has taken root among the people, and the official name is “Zaslavskoye”. When they talk about fishing on the Minsk Sea, they mean a large reservoir, ten kilometers away from Minsk. You can get to it by leaving the city to the northwest. Some joke that it is precisely this confusion with names that ensures excellent fishing in the Minsk Sea - just not everyone can find it.

Big, beautiful, rich

So, fishing in the Minsk Sea involves catching fish in an artificially created reservoir. In its country, it ranks second in size, and the area is so large that the nickname was not invented by chance. Fish have a place to live and frolic here, which is why fishing in the Minsk Sea is so rich in results. Of course, the depth reaches eight meters, and the width of the reservoir stretches as much as four kilometers.

At the moment, both summer fishing in the Minsk Sea and the cold season in these parts are considered successful. This versatility is due to the abundance of fish varieties living in the reservoir. Connoisseurs of bream and pike-perch will surely be able to catch their favorite fish; roach and pike are found here, and bream and tench are abundant. And where would we be without perches! These fish are a dime a dozen here.

Frost and sun, a wonderful day!

Fishing in the Minsk Sea in winter and early spring promises rich catches, but only careful and skillful fishermen will be successful. The official spring season begins in April, but those who like to get out of the house for the sake of fish cold weather They can safely go for their catch in any month of the year. In November, December, in a word, from late autumn until April, while there is strong ice on the reservoir, you can drill holes and get a decent catch.

Fans of winter fishing note that sometimes on the Minsk Sea on cold days they fail to catch nothing at all. You can’t argue: this happens in any body of water. However, with a little luck, you can be sure of a decent catch of pike perch and bream. Perch bite in large numbers all year round, although many do not value them too much. And this, by the way, is also a fish, especially since in the Minsk Sea it grows to a decent size - there is something to roam around with.

Spring is coming, make way for spring!

The spring season starts in mid-April. During this period, the ice on Belarusian water bodies is dangerous; you can’t just catch fish. If you choose a good place, you can get a large amount of bleak. The fish is large and hungry over the winter, so it responds to feeding almost instantly if you manage to find a suitable area for fishing. Just a few hours - and already a dozen or two fish are at the disposal of the lucky fisherman.

Experts say that it is a very good place for spring fishing- a dam near the yacht club. Here, in addition to bleak, you can get a decent amount of roach, which in the spring tries to eat everything. Surprisingly easy and abundant fish are caught using pasta and pearl barley. You can get a considerable profit on bloodworms.

Where else to go?

Experienced fishermen, when sharing information about the Minsk Sea, are sure to advise trying your hand at the territory from Laporovichi to Zagorye. A wide variety of fish bite here; representatives of the underwater kingdom live in abundance. If you want to catch rudd, you should try starting from Rotomsky Bay. Local reed thickets have long been favored by this type of fish. And for the most patient, this area has a special reward: large bream and pike perch.

Heat, beauty

During the warm summer season, the Minsk Sea attracts a huge number of fishermen from all over the country. However, as those who spend here constantly note free time people, silence and tranquility usually reign here - there is a lot of space, the reservoir is huge, so the fishermen, although they feel “their brother” nearby, have no desire to be in someone else’s company, they easily avoid it. But you won’t be able to avoid the fish, especially if you have bloodworms and maggots with you: the bream will peck at them. The weight of the fish reaches half a kilogram. The largest ones will go to patient and prudent fishermen who take crackers and oatmeal with them as complementary food.

You can catch tench in the so-called flooded garden. This area is only suitable for patient fishermen, but the rewards are big. By the way, rudd are found in abundance here.

The carpenter is waiting

Near the Semsky Bridge in the warm season you can short time acquire several kilograms of roach. It is most convenient to catch it from the dam, and the bite here is the best. However, when purposefully looking for roach, you should pay attention to the boat station: not far from it there are concrete slabs from which this fish can be caught very well.

With a boat, you can swim further. At a distance from the coastal strip, crucian carp is found in abundance. It is better to catch it on a dump. On average, fish caught here weigh one and a half kilograms. You need to understand that it is during the warm season that there will be the most competitors on the Minsk Sea. However, not only them: the place is also popular among vacationers, so on weekends you will still have to look for a quiet backwater. As mentioned above, the reservoir is four kilometers wide, so there is every chance of finding a suitable location.

Important Features

Anyone can get to the Minsk Sea: entry is free, travel is open, and no one needs to pay money. However, there are certain rules, failure to comply with which will result in penalties. In particular, fishing underwater and on the track is prohibited. The reservoir is not used as a commercial fishing ground. But gas-powered boats do not raise any questions; you can safely come with your own watercraft in order to be able to move away from the shore to the desired distance, having absolute autonomy.

The Minsk Sea belongs to the category of lakes. Here, in addition to those mentioned above, catfish live, and there were a lot of pike this year; next year, as they promise, there will be even more. This is due to the initiative to introduce several tons of this fish into the reservoir.

Geographical features

The Zaslavskoye Reservoir occupies an area of ​​31.1 km. The Svisloch River flows through the lake. The length of the reservoir reaches tens of kilometers, the length of the coastline is 55 km. In total, there are a dozen islands on the territory of the reservoir.

We stock as much as we can

Last year quite a few were released into the Minsk Sea large number carp, crucian carp. Most of all they brought pike: in several batches, only one of them weighed three tons. The event was organized at the initiative of the state community of fishermen and hunters. Thousands and thousands of fish settled in the reservoir to the delight of people and the benefit of nature. The event did not happen by chance; there was even a scientific basis for it. After some time, in the spring, carp, tench, and catfish were additionally delivered to the reservoir.

However, the scientific justification is scientific, but the initiative was born at the numerous requests of connoisseurs fishing. To determine the most suitable reservoirs, surveys were even conducted to find out where people prefer to fish, and potential areas were also assessed by area - stocking small reservoirs with fish is futile.

“The guys at our summer corporate party made an unforgettable impression on me! While the group was building the sound, our employees sang their favorite songs with a guitar. The guys apparently heard and started the performance with them. It was a bomb! Everyone was simply delighted! Great performance good mood, a sea of ​​positive emotions! Super!”, Maria, TUT.BY employee.

It was with these mysterious “guys”, participants in the cover project “Minsk Sea”, that we managed to talk and find out what their highlight is, how they prefer to relax and why the song “Smile” is not associated with smiles.

Sasha (vocalist): Once upon a time, in a past life, we chose our music. Then they died of hunger and, having been reborn, did not repeat such mistakes in their new life. But seriously, of course we want to perform our own music and are now working on original material.

How did it all begin?

Yura (keyboardist): Sasha and I are old friends, we studied at school together, played... It was great.

Sasha: It was great then, and it is great now. Times are changing and that's cool! Life constantly plays with new colors.

Yura: Sasha is a categorical optimist. I like to feel nostalgic, and he always says that it was great then, and it’s great now. That's why we never get bored together! And the guys in the group were such that we were like one big family - we work together, relax together. What I like is that we usually express complaints to each other in person. No omissions! I'll tell Kolya (drummer) that he got me, let's say! Kolya will go away, cry quietly in a corner and everything will be fine again (laughs).

Sasha: We live very friendly.

Yura: I also like that all the guys are lively and active. We are coming on tour to another country. So, off the road, without sleep, at night they will definitely trample (go) to see where we have arrived and what is interesting here?! We recently visited Split, a city in Croatia. I've been to many places, but I've never seen such beauty. Simply magic!

Sasha: But sometimes we go for walks and not together, because we have Kolya.

Yura: But in every city we walk a lot and look at everything inside and out. Most people are interested in history - ancient castles, churches, churches and other attractions - everything is interesting to us. If time permits, we take sightseeing tours.

Sasha: But often it’s not only related to history, we just like to check out the features of each city. You have a trick - show it to us!

Touring is so active, but what about your vacation?

Sasha: Palm trees, sun, sea.

Are you always traveling to different places? Need a break from talking to each other?

Sasha: It’s not so much that you need a break, but that you want to plunge into another reality, which is not connected with ordinary life. It’s like you’re starting all over again and this is your own little project. You can even imagine that this is exactly how you live. You forget your whole life, you forget that somewhere there is Minsk, work. You live here and now. Then, of course, you get into the car and return home, but for now, you can imagine that palm trees and the sea are forever.

You perform a lot abroad, where did you manage to play?

Jura: The list is long: Poland, Lithuania, Croatia, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic. We traveled around Russia - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Smolensk, Kaliningrad region. This is if we count only those places where there were concerts.

And what are the most emotional performances you can remember?

Yura, Sasha, Vanya: Croatia!

Yura: We played on a yacht for 7 people, very serious people, there is no way to spoil anything. We are performing, everything is fine, but suddenly the owner’s daughter comes up and expresses a desire to sing a song with us. "Smile" IOWA. Since Sasha sings with us, naturally we play this song in a different key from the original. Well, they started playing in theirs, and the girl started singing in hers. She heroically tried to sing the entire verse, but at the word “Smile,” tears began to roll from her eyes, she threw down the microphone and ran away in tears. To be honest, I thought about how I would now sail in the Adriatic Sea on my keys and row in a standing position... We taxied out, of course. And the song was sung with her in a key that was convenient for her. But the experience is unforgettable!

Have there been any awkward situations at concerts that you had to get out of?

Yura: Sasha really likes to climb on the side stage structures (mounts for the stage). It's quite high up there, and Sasha is afraid of heights, but she climbs anyway.

Vanya: There were open-air performances near the Sports Palace, a huge venue, a large stage. And Sanya decided to climb up there to sing. He climbed up and dropped the microphone - there was nowhere to sing. I danced and got down.

As I understand, you most often perform at weddings and corporate events, but how is the situation with orders and events in general? Do you have to choose where you will go, or do you wait for every order?

Yura: Now the situation is crisis, many complain that there is not enough work. We are doing everything in our power to avoid getting into this crisis. It turns out very well - there is a lot of work, sometimes at the most unexpected events.

Vanya: We approach our performances very responsibly. I would like to say a few words about the technical rider - this is the most important component of any concert! Customers and, oddly enough, event organizers (!), often do not attach importance to sound equipment - there are speakers, what else is needed? People spend 4,000−10,000 rubles (40,000,000 - 100,000,000 BYR) on decor, and try to save 200−400 on sound
(2,000,000 - 4,000,000 BYR), thereby jeopardizing the most striking event of the evening - the group’s performance. But everything depends on what kind of equipment, how the sound is built. If there are problems with sound, people will never say that the equipment is bad - the band is to blame: they played poorly, sang poorly. But how can you sing if the equipment turns off due to overload and wheezes, and you simply cannot hear the vocalist? Don't trust bands that are willing to come and play even through your computer speakers (and there are many of them). We cannot guarantee a high-quality performance with any rubbers on the rider, so we always either decide something about it, or simply don’t perform.

How would you define your distinctive feature? What is your highlight?

Sasha: There is one important aspect because of which we are often ordered. As one of our clients told us: “The most important thing, guys, is how you differ from all the other cover bands: it seems that you care from the heart. As if you weren’t already fed up with performances and emotions from concerts.” If we draw an analogy, I remember my first flight on an airplane - it was a Gomel-Minsk flight, and I couldn’t leave the window for the entire 45 minutes in excitement. And there was a man sitting next to him who opened the newspaper, started reading and fell asleep. In fact, we create more than just music or mood. In this sometimes very pragmatic world, people want to touch the soul of another person. For example, you can’t buy love with money, and it’s the same with music. We're really trying to get an energetic connection with the viewer. I directly feel it as a beam of energy that passes from the guys through me to the viewer. This happens not through the gaze, not through the heart, it is truly something exclusively energetic!

Tell us a little about your plans for the future.

Yura: We have already bought the book and are all actively studying it. It's called "How to Stop Playing Covers and Start Living"

You can hear and see the Minskoe More group in the Gostsi cafe according to the schedule, which you will always find on the website minskoemore.by. And you can find all the most incredible and crazy moments of the musicians’ concerts and touring life in their Instagram and group