Brazil football team plane. The plane carrying the Chapecoense team crashed and other football plane crashes

Names of the victims and survivors of Chapecoense on the Colombia plane VIDEO

The crashed plane was flying from Santa Cruz de la Sierra to Medellin with 77 people on board, instead of the expected 81: 4 of them refused to fly on this flight. Among other things, on board were members of the Brazilian football team"Chapecoense". According to official data, six managed to survive.

The Brazilian football team Chapecoense was flying from Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia) to the Colombian city of Medellin to play in the Copa Libertadores final against Atlético Nacional. The plane crashed in the Cerro Gordo area in the Colombian department of Antioquia.

The aircraft belonged to the Bron company and was registered as CP2933 RJ 80, which carried 68 passengers and nine crew members. The airliner lost contact with the control tower of Maria Cordova International Airport in Medellin (Rionegro) while flying over the cities of La Cieja and Abejorral,

Six managed to survive, here are their names:
Alan Ruschel, central defender
Danilo Marcos, goalkeeper
Jackson Folman, goalkeeper
Jimena Suarez, flight attendant
Rafael Enzel, Brazilian journalist
The sixth survivor is Helio Hermito Zampier, known by the nickname Neto, the defender.

The names of nine players from the Brazilian club Chapecoense who died in a plane crash in Colombia.

Alejandro Martinuccio, midfielder
Rafael Ramos de Lima, center of defense
Odair Sauza, also known as Nemen, midfielder
Demerson Bruno Costa, center back
Marcelo Boeck, goalkeeper
Andrey Alba, forward
Hayoran Keio Delmoreo, forward
Moises Ribeiro Santos, defense
Jose Nivado Martins, goalkeeper.

Causes of the tragedy

The exact cause and outcome of the accident have not yet been determined, but it is known that the aircraft declared an emergency on board, reporting an “electrical fault.” One version suggests the reason is fuel consumption.

Brazilian footballer Alan Luciano Ruschel, a member of the crashed Chapecoense club team after a plane crash in the Antioquia region (Colombia)
A victim of the Chapecoense plane crash tells how he managed to survive: “I survived because I followed the safety rules,” were the words of Erwin Tumiri, a survivor of the air tragedy.

Tumiri, a technician on the plane carrying the Brazilian soccer team that crashed in Medellin, Colombia, on Tuesday just before playing Atlético Nacional in the final, speaks of his rescue:

“In that situation, many people rose from their seats and started screaming. I placed the bags between my legs to form into the fetal position recommended in extreme situations", said the Bolivian technician.
Tumiri's wife, flight attendant Ximena Suarez, also survived along with 5 other people. The remaining 77 passengers died as a result of the accident. Data provided by Colombian police.

Chapecoense players who did not travel on this tragic flight VIDEO

A plane crashed in Colombia Brazilian team. Main

"Match TV" summarizes all the information that is known on at the moment.


A plane carrying 77 people, including players from the Brazilian football club Chapecoense, crashed in Colombia. Four passengers canceled the flight at the last minute.

Six people survived.

Before the crash, the pilots reported electrical problems and “announced emergency situation».


Yesterday at 21:56 local time in Colombia in the La Ceja area (about 30 kilometers southeast of the city of Medellin), an RJ-85 plane with players and coaching staff Chapecoense team. There were 72 passengers and 8 crew members on board.

In addition to the players and coaches, there were club executives, three guests and 21 journalists on the plane.

The plane was heading to Medellin, where the team was supposed to play in the first final match of the Copa Sudamericana against the local Atlético Nacional.


Rescuers found no traces of fire at the crash site. The absence of an explosion and ignition contributed to the fact that not everyone died in the disaster.

There was initially no clear information about the casualties. According to AFP, 25 people were immediately found. 5 survivors were reported.

According to journalist Pablo Medina Uribe, three players were taken to the hospital. These are defender Alan Ruschel (he will likely be paralyzed from the waist down) and goalkeepers Marcos Danilo and Jackson Folman (leg amputee).

Alan Ruschel^tfw

Marcos Danilo^tfw

90 rescuers worked at the scene of the disaster. Due to heavy rain, work was suspended until dawn.^tfw

Later, officially confirmed information appeared.

Among the dead is a son former coach CSKA physical training Paulo Paixao Anderson.

Goalkeeper Danilo survived the crash, but died from his injuries in hospital. Before his death, he managed to meet his wife.

The names of all survivors have become known: players Elihu Neto, Jackson Folman, Alan Ruschel, journalist Rafael Hensel, flight attendant Jimena Suarez (the least injured of all, her condition is stable) and aircraft technician Erwin Tumeri.

What happened

At 22:00 (4 minutes after the plane disappeared from radar), the plane's crew "declared an emergency" and reported "electrical problems." This happened as the plane was descending and was preparing to land in Medellin. Then contact with the plane was lost. Rescuers flew to the site of the alleged crash, but heavy fog complicated the search for the crash site.

According to Flightradar, the plane occupied a holding pattern over a mountainous area before landing and circled twice, likely due to technical problems, at an altitude of 21,000 feet (6.4 kilometers). The RJ-85 then left the holding area and began to descend. The latest data was recorded by the Flightradar service when the plane was at an altitude of 15,550 feet (4.7 km).

Afterwards, rescuers are working with the Brazilian football team Chapecoense on board at the scene of the tragedy, to whose aid the authorities sent the country's army. Military helicopters are helping to urgently transport plane crash survivors to hospitals.

The rescue operation at the scene of the tragedy is complicated by weather conditions and very poor visibility. There is information that the crew drained almost all the fuel during the flight - this allowed the death of all passengers.

Also, several players of the Chapecoense team managed to avoid tragedy, as they did not fly with the team to the game. Among them are midfielder Alejandro Martinucchio, defender Rafael Ramos de Lima, midfielder Odair Souza (Nenem), defender Demerson Bruno Costa, goalkeeper Marcelo Boek, midfielder Andrei Alba, midfielder Hioran Dalmoro, midfielder Ribeiro Santos Moises and goalkeeper Jose Nivaldo Martins Constante.

At the moment, it is known that the list of passengers who survived the plane crash in Colombia included Alan Ruschel, who suffered a hip fracture and an open head wound, flight attendant Ximena Suarez and Chapecoense goalkeeper Danilo Marcos, who is conscious and has already contacted by phone with relatives.

It is known that the survivors of the plane crash in Colombia, defender of the Chapecoense football club Alan Ruschel and goalkeeper Marcos Danilo were sitting next to each other on board the plane.

The list of surviving passengers of the crashed liner in Colombia included the goalkeeper of the Chapecoense football club, Jackson Vollmann.

During the search operation at the crash site passenger plane Another passenger was rescued in Colombia. Journalist Rafael Enzel has joined the list of survivors of the plane crash in Colombia. The media representative was urgently hospitalized - he received multiple wounds and bruises, and the journalist was diagnosed with broken ribs.

Colombian police have already confirmed the deaths of 75 passengers on the crashed airliner in Colombia. The official list of survivors of the Colombia plane crash currently includes only five names:

  1. Chapecoense defender Alan Ruschel
  2. goalkeeper Marcos Danilo
  3. goalkeeper Jackson Vollmann
  4. Flight attendant Ximena Suarez
  5. Brazilian journalist Rafael Enzel

Chapecoense defender Alan Ruschel, who survived the plane crash in Colombia, showed a video from the cabin of the crashed Lamia airline plane, in which he recorded moments of the flight and shared his experiences with fans about the upcoming final match in Colombia for the Copa Sudamericana. Video from the crashed airliner appeared on the Internet during the technical shutdown of the aircraft in Bolivia.

Brazilian Chapecoense football player Philip José Machado, who is currently on the list of those killed in the plane crash in Colombia, also published a video from the cabin shortly before the crash of the Lamia airliner.

It should be added that the players of the Colombian Atlético Nacional team and athletes of the Argentine national team were previously transported on the crashed plane in the province of Antioquia. Latin American media claim that the albiceleste used this plane more than once.

At the same time, the British tabloid The Daily Mail claims that the Brazilian Chapecoense team was supposed to fly to Medellin on a different aircraft. According to the source, local aviation authorities changed the flight plane for the athletes literally at the last moment.

Search and rescue operations at the site of the Lamia airline plane crash continue. Appeared on the Internet latest video from the scene of the tragedy. The footage clearly shows that emergency workers, with the help of representatives of the Colombian army, despite heavy rain, are actively continuing to search for survivors and dead passengers plane that crashed in Colombia.

A list of passengers flying on board the crashed Lamia airliner appeared on the official page of the Civil Aviation Authority in Colombia. It included the names and dates of birth of the football players of the Brazilian club Chapecoense and the 22 journalists accompanying them.

The published list of passengers flying on board the Lamia Airlines plane that crashed in Colombia includes the son of the ex-CSKA coach, Anderson Paixau. It is reported that he is part of the headquarters of the Chapecoense football club.

According to Argentine journalists, Chapecoense defender Helio Zampier Neto has been added to the list of surviving passengers in the plane crash in Colombia. Information about the sixth survivor of the Lamia airliner crash was also confirmed by the Colombian radio station Radio Caracol.

Chapecoense defender Helio Zampier Neto | social networks

According to the latest information from RT in Russian, citing reliable sources, one of the injured passengers in the plane crash in Colombia died on the way to the hospital. This information was confirmed by the head of the police of the Colombian city of Medellin, Jose Acevedo, who did not name the deceased.

Information is being updated.

The plane crashed in the suburbs of Medellin, where the team was supposed to play in the cup final South America. Our correspondent Yulia Seferinkina- about the first versions of the tragedy:

They flew to Medellin to realize their dream of playing in the final of the South American Cup for the first time. Players from the Brazilian team Chapecoense were scheduled to meet the Colombians from Atlético Nacional on November 31. But the plane never reached its destination - the Bolivian Lamia airliner crashed near the city.

Jorge Cruz, Mayor of La Union:“The crash site is located five minutes from Jose Maria Cordova Airport. Now we know of six survivors, I believe that no one else will be found alive.”

On board were 22 football players, 28 team management members, 22 journalists and 9 crew members - a total of 81 people. The rescue operation continued throughout the night. According to the latest data, there are three football players among the survivors - Jackson Folman, Alan Ruschel and Elihu Neto. Flight attendant Ximena Suarez and journalist Rafael Henzel. The team's goalkeeper Marcos Danilo, who was also considered a survivor, later died in hospital.

Luis Fernandez Rodriguez, doctor:“We received two patients - Alan Ruschel and Rafael Henzel. The first patient was brought in at two in the morning. He has a fracture lumbar region spine, severed right hand and closed injury chest. He is in the surgery department."

The only distress signal from the airliner came at 21:45 local time. After this, the plane disappeared from radar. According to preliminary information, the crew reported problems with electrical equipment. There is also a version that the airliner ran out of fuel. The airliner received priority landing in the city of Medellin, but could not make it to the airport. According to some sources, the plane broke into two parts in the air, according to others, it made a hard landing.

Julio Baptista, football player (Brazil):“This is a huge tragedy. I’m not even speaking as a player, but rather as a father of a family. I am very sorry, my condolences to your family and friends. We can only hope that we managed to survive as much as possible more passengers."

The South American Cup, or as it is also called the Sudamericano, is the overseas equivalent of the Europa League. The final of such a tournament is truly a breakthrough for the team from Chapeco. That is why there were so many journalists on the plane.

Plinio De Nes, member of the Chapecoense team board:“They said they were going after a dream to make it a reality. This was our common dream, but now it is destroyed.”

Footballers around the world express their condolences to the relatives of those killed in the plane crash. The training session of the Spanish club Real Madrid began with a minute of silence. The causes of the tragedy will be investigated with the help of specialists from England. The crashed aircraft was manufactured by British Aerospace.

A civilian airliner carrying members of the Brazilian soccer team Chapecoense crashed in Colombia. Military expert, instructor pilot Andrey Krasnoperov told the correspondent Federal News Agency O possible reasons plane crashes.

According to preliminary information, the civil aircraft (model and number are still unknown - editor's note) was heading from Bolivia to Medellin and disappeared from radar screens in the area of ​​the Colombian city of Rionegro.

During the flight, the aircraft commander informed dispatchers at the nearby Medellin Cordoba airport about an acute shortage of fuel. The plane was given priority for landing, but it was never able to reach the air harbor.

“To begin with, we note that the plane flying from Bolivia may not have undergone major repairs for a long time due to its heavy workload. In addition, we do not know how the plane was maintained, so some kind of technical malfunction could have played a role. But the situation with fuel is more real here. If the plane took off with its minimum remaining, it might well not have made it. The amount of fuel must be calculated by the navigator, and if you consider that there are no such on planes now, there is only a left pilot and a right pilot, and the role of the navigator is performed by a computer, the situation becomes possible. I remember there was a case when a squadron of Tu-22 aircraft was flying, and during the flight the navigator thought that there might not be enough fuel - they just sat down. It should have been the same here,” Krasnoperov emphasized.

It was initially reported that everyone on board died during the crash. However, later, Radio 360 disseminated information that some managed to survive - rescuers found at least six survivors at the scene of the disaster. It should be noted that in Medellin the Chapecoense team was supposed to play in the first match of the Copa Sudamericana final against the Colombian Atlético Nacional. The game was scheduled for the evening of November 30th.

“If the ship’s commander reported that there was a shortage of fuel, he, of course, had to make a decision and land at the nearest airfield, but apparently they wanted to hold out, the human factor. About the same thing happened near Smolensk, when the Polish president crashed - we also had to fly to an alternate airfield. And here we have what we have. In this case, the rush factor came into play - the athletes, the football players had a game, the coach said “to get there by any means.” Landing at another airfield was not allowed, otherwise plans would be disrupted and everything else. Well, such moments happen in flight practice. When the “must” command prevails over flight safety,” the expert concluded.

Let us remind you that the Brazilian football club Chapecoense plays in top division Brazilian Championship. The team captain is a midfielder Kleber Santana, who played, in particular, for Atletico Madrid.