Ex-Spartak coach Valery Karpin married for the third time. Karpin married a teacher Valery Karpin and Daria

The third wife of the famous coach and TV commentator only at first glance seems soft and fluffy

Valery KARPIN, a stylish and impressive man, is used to surprising. An excellent midfielder in the past, already being the general director of Spartak, invited the Danish coach LAUDRUP to the club, and then suddenly fired him and began to coach himself without any license. At that moment, by the way,Valery Georgievich was also at the same time president of a construction company and owner of a cycling team in Spain!.. And not so long ago, having abruptly changed his role, he appeared on the Match TV channel as an expert and editor-in-chief of football broadcasts. With a monthly salary of two million rubles!

At the beginning of summer, the 48-year-old dandy surprised even more. A week before the opening of the Confederations Cup Karpin married for the third time! And not in Moscow, where he lives and works, but in his historical homeland - in the Estonian city of Narva. His chosen one turned out to be an ordinary teacher Daria Gordeeva. Teaches English and Estonian languages. Dasha is 20 years younger than Valery, she is pretty, and she is also a great cook.

Ex- head coach Spartak proposed to Gordeeva last October, giving her a beautiful ring.

The newly-made wife already has a child - a seven-year-old daughter, Anya. Dasha, by the way, also appeared on TV more than once. She graduated from music school and since childhood acted in various television shows - for example, “Up to 16 and Over.” In 2000, Daria became a laureate of the competition “ Morning star" And later, having matured, she went to the casting of the “Star Factory” - although without much success. In Narva, she performs in the local pop group Be Free, which gives live concerts on weekends.

Svetlana gave birth to two charming daughters to KARPINA. Photo by Anatoly BELYASOV

In appearance, Valery Karpina's chosen one seems white and fluffy. However, Dashka has a masculine character.

I am stubborn, independent and purposeful. It's better not to argue with me. In addition, I am often in public, on stage, and return home late, sometimes at night. My chosen one must treat this patiently and without jealousy. “If he doesn’t have a sparkling sense of humor like my dad, I won’t be interested in such a man either,” Gordeeva told local journalists about a year before meeting Karpin.

Valery Georgievich, fortunately, has complete order with humor. And he has more children than Daria.

Surprise from Narva

Karpin also met his first wife, Svetlana, in Narva. When the young Spartak player was offered a contract with the Spanish Real Sociedad, his wife was happy and followed him to San Sebastian. Svetlana gave birth to her husband two daughters - Masha and Valeria. In gratitude for this, the husband gave his beloved a Mercedes. Everything was going well for them until Valery met a black-eyed Spanish woman Albu Fernandez. It was a fatal passion. Karpin literally rushed between his family and the beautiful actress - and could not help himself. He confessed to his wife and they separated. Svetlana still lives with her children in the Spanish city of Vigo.

After Spartak, KARPIN shone at Real Sociedad, Valencia and Celta

Karpin married Alba in December 2007 and brought her to Moscow. Their first appearance on the stands of the Luzhniki Stadium created a sensation. However, the spoiled actress did not accept the cold and dank Moscow. Here she was frankly bored - there was no filming, and her husband, having become the general director of Spartak, was up to his neck at work. As a result, Alba left for her homeland, and the couple filed for divorce.

The sultry Spanish woman did not have time to give birth to Valeria’s child. But he still had a third daughter - illegitimate. In his youth, Karpin had a fleeting affair with Vlada Belova, a resident of the same Narva. The guy quickly forgot about it, but many years later he was reminded. It turned out that Belova gave birth to a daughter from the football player, whom she named Veronica. Later, Vlada married an Estonian and gave her daughter his last name - Rego. When Veronica grew up, her mother told her about her real father. Karpin was furious at first: Vlada began to extort money from him. Like, we need 350 thousand for my daughter’s education. However, having gotten to know Veronica better, Valery Georgievich softened and recognized her.

This is "Cherche la femme".

For the third time I played a wedding. The showman's chosen one was 28-year-old English teacher from Estonia Daria Gordeeva. The ceremony took place in a narrow circle at fresh air.

June 10, 2017 gossip column football world exploded with the news that the former head coach of Spartak, and now editor-in-chief football broadcasts "Match TV" Valery Karpin got married. This marriage will be his third and the first for his 28-year-old beloved Daria (nee Gordeeva).

The upcoming wedding became known back in October last year: the happy bride posted a photo with a ring on her Instagram

on ring finger right hand and the signature “I, of course, answered “yes” and became the happiest.”

True, the post was soon deleted for some reason, which caused the tabloids to be full of news that the lovers had too quickly developed a breakdown in their relationship. However, eight months later, the wedding took place, which means that all the differences were left behind. Although the fact that this couple may periodically have serious misunderstandings is quite understandable: the almost 20-year age difference makes itself felt.

The newlyweds are united by the fact that they come from the same Estonian city - Narva. Otherwise, their interests differ in many ways. Valery's whole life consists of football, while Daria has been interested in music and pop music since childhood. At one time, she sang in the Russian-language Narva pop group BeFree, and repeatedly participated in television programs such as “Under 16 and Over,” “Morning Star” and “100 Percent.”

Karpin’s chosen one could even become a participant in the “Star Factory” project, but did not pass the final casting.

When star life didn’t work out, the girl returned to her hometown to the harsh realities and began working as an English teacher at the Pähklimäe gymnasium. There, Karpin’s future beloved gave birth to a daughter, Anya, who is now seven years old. And soon he flew to Narva - and everything changed.

Now Daria enjoys a certain popularity, gives interviews in which she talks about her independent character and never-fading love for the stage. Now she is finally the star she wanted to become, even if shaded by the fame of her husband.

“I am independent, stubborn, purposeful and self-sufficient. As they say, I don’t like to argue, because I already know that I’m right,” said Karpin’s beloved in an interview with the Narva publication. - My loved ones laugh: a girl with a feminine appearance and a “masculine” character. That's why

Valery must give me the opportunity to be weak and defenseless next to him. In addition, I am always in public, on stage, most often late in the evening, or even at night.

He must be patient and without jealousy towards my lifestyle. But that's not all. I’m spoiled by my father’s excellent sense of humor, so a man who can’t make me laugh heartily is not interesting to me.”

Karpin, with his impressiveness, outrageousness and caustic sense of humor, definitely interested the girl. However, in men's charms former coach people's team it is impossible to doubt: he already has two official marriages behind him, not counting the “intermediate” relationships.

First wife former football player became the Russian girl Svetlana, whom he met, curiously, also in Narva. After several years spent together, the couple decided to get married, and in 1996 they had a daughter, Maria, and five years later, a second girl, Valeria.

However, at this time, Karpin’s career in the Spanish Primera was developing at a frantic pace, and there was practically no time left for his family. “Real Sociedad”, “Valencia”, “Celta”, his own show on local television - all this plunged the football player into the abyss of work and gradually alienated him from his wife.

Soon the popular football player met the sultry Spanish model Alba Fernandez and was conquered.

A divorce followed from Svetlana, who did not accept the endless social life (she and her daughters continue to live in Spain), and in 2007 Karpin tied the knot with the Mediterranean beauty. However, here his career took a sharp turn: after finishing his career, Valery received an offer to head Spartak and immediately moved to Moscow. Life began in two countries, separation, quarrels, which ultimately led to divorce just two years after the wedding ceremony.

And now, after eight years of official loneliness, Karpin decided to give fate another chance. The wedding took place in a narrow circle of close people. The newlyweds decided not to go to the registry office and invited the wedding registrar to their place. Photos from the ceremony, which took place in the fresh air, appeared on the official website of Match TV.

Spartak legend Valery Karpin presented a video of a wedding song performed by his wife

Former Russian national team midfielder and ex-mentor of Spartak Valery Karpin got married to his lover, Estonian teacher Daria Gordeeva, at the beginning of summer, and today Valery shared his first wedding video on his Instagram page. In the video, Daria performs Alla Pugacheva’s song “Love Like a Dream,” and when the passage sounds, she and Valery begin to dance. The ceremony took place at hometown Karpina - Estonian Narva.

The wedding is over, but it's still nice! Thank you, dear,” Karpin signed the video.

According to some Russian media, Karpin began actively publishing photos and videos with his wife on the social network, since after his sudden departure from the Match TV channel he had more free time.

Valery Karpin, Tina Kandelaki and Daria

Daria and Valery Karpin

Wedding of Valery Karpin

Let us remind you that on June 24, official information appeared on the Match TV website that Valery Karpin left the TV channel and plans to return to coaching.

Many thanks to the Match TV channel for the opportunity to try myself as the editor-in-chief of football broadcasts. I'm glad that I was able to try myself in a new field, but lately I've begun to miss big football. I never said that I planned to build a television career. First of all, I am a coach. I would also like to add that thanks to my work at Match TV, I had the opportunity to analyze absolutely all championship matches, which is not always possible for the head coach of a team. The experience gained will certainly help me in the future,” the channel’s website quotes Valery Karpin as saying.

However, according to the Sports.Ru portal, Karpin's departure is due to the fact that the last episode of his program " Total analysis"We decided not to broadcast it.

If o sports life Karpin knows a lot, but he prefers not to advertise the details of his personal life. It is only known that the recent wedding was Karpin’s third. From his first marriage to his wife Svetlana, Valery has two daughters - 21-year-old Maria and 16-year-old Valeria. In 2007, Valery married Spanish actress Alba Fernandez, but in 2010 their couple broke up. Also, according to the Sports.Ru portal, Valery Karpin accepted illegitimate daughter Veronica Rego from his ex-lover Vlada. From time to time, Veronica can be seen in the company of her father at Spartak Moscow games.


It happened: last weekend, teacher and singer, ex-member of the group Be Free Daria Gordeeva married a legend Russian football, expert of the Match TV channel Valery Karpin. The newlyweds spoke about how they first met, who was present at the wedding and how their lives will change now in an exclusive interview with the Narva newspaper.

— Dasha, Valera, congratulations on your legal marriage. How do you feel a few days after the ceremony?

Valery: Thank you for your congratulations. The feeling is great! There are many pleasant memories, and emotions are only positive.

—Where was the celebration?

Daria: On the shores of the Gulf of Finland, at the Noorus Spa Hotel, where Valera proposed to me last October. It is beautiful and very cozy here, almost like home. And the next day, everyone together, their families, went into nature and spent several unforgettable hours in the fresh air. Sports games, barbecue, fishing and children’s laughter – it was great, and the weather didn’t let us down!

— Why did you decide to register your marriage in Estonia?

IN.: This is Dasha’s and my homeland, our parents and loved ones live here. And our Moscow friends enjoyed getting to know Narva and its surroundings.

- Who from famous guests were you present at the celebration?

IN.: We do not divide friends into famous and not; The people who were most important to us were sitting at the table.

— Was TV presenter Tina Kandelaki among them?

— Did she officiate the wedding?

- No, I was one of the guests.

Who prepared and carried out the action?

D.: The ideas belong to us, the wedding was hosted by Sergey Rymar and Alexander Alexandrin from the “League of Presenters”, and the event was designed by the Minu Pidu company. We thank everyone involved for creating a wonderful atmosphere and stylish ambience, which was appreciated by all those present.

- Is it true that you have known each other much longer than you have been dating?

IN.: Yes, it's true. Not only me, but also my mother were friends with Dasha’s parents even before she was born. Of course, this friendship continues to this day.

— How did your romantic story begin?

“About two years ago we started seeing each other more often and communicating closer, and at some point we both realized: “This is mine.”

— Did the age difference prevent you from becoming a couple?

D.: What prevents people from becoming a couple is not their age, but the lack of real feelings. Besides, I don’t feel this difference at all: Valera is in excellent physical and emotional shape and can easily give anyone a head start. He has a wonderful sense of humor, we are brought together by common interests and views on life. All our friends immediately became common, which is important for any family.

IN.: And Dasha is not a little girl, but a self-sufficient, wise, intellectually developed woman.

— The media persistently present Dasha as a teacher, while for a whole generation of young people she has become an idol in music.

IN.: I'm happy she works as a teacher and doesn't sit at home leafing through fashion magazines. You can talk to her on any topic, because teaching promotes self-development, and working with children even more so. So the status of a teacher is a reason for pride, as is creativity. Daria has been on stage since she was five years old. She has many victories in various competitions behind her.

— What’s the story with the casting for “Star Factory”, which Dasha allegedly didn’t pass?

D.: I never participated in this casting, and where the information came from is unclear.

— Each of you has children from previous marriages. How did they react to your union?

IN.: Wonderful. My eldest daughter Masha attended the wedding, but my youngest daughter, Valeria, could not come because of exams at a Spanish school.

D.: My seven-year-old daughter Anita, of course, was with us that day.

— Do you think about common children?

D.: Yes, I would like to give my husband a son, or even two.

— How will your life change now: Dasha will leave her job as a teacher and move to Moscow?

D.: Need to finish for now academic year and graduate my twelfth grade.

IN.: And then we’ll see who moves where (laughs).

—Where will you go on your honeymoon?

IN.: We have not yet decided on the timing or direction due to my busyness at the Confederations Cup. But we will definitely give each other an unforgettable trip!

D.: Don't give up! Wait for your person, be yourself, and love will definitely find you!

IN.: Appreciate each other, enjoy every day you live together and accept your loved ones for who they are. It's very simple!

Interviewed by Anna Chistodelova
Photo from the archives of the Karpin family

47-year-old Valery Karpin marries for the third time to 28-year-old teacher from Narva Daria Gordeeva.

Famous Russian football player, ex-player, head coach and general director of Spartak Moscow Valery Karpin proposed to 28-year-old Estonian teacher Daria Gordeeva. She agreed.

“I, of course, answered yes and became the happiest!” Daria wrote.

For Valery Karpin, this will be the third marriage. His first wife, Svetlana, lives in Spain, and the former football player has two children with her. Later, Karpin had a short relationship with the Spanish model Alba Fernandez.

At the age of 18 she graduated from two schools: the Humanitarian Gymnasium and the Narva music school. After that she entered Narva College of the University of Tartu. Has a master's degree.

She has loved music since childhood and has taken part in many music competitions. From the age of five she performed on the big stage, starred in the programs “100 percent”, “Under 16 and older”, and in 2000 she became a laureate of the “Morning Star” program. She was a finalist in the casting of one of the “Star Factories” and the “Five Stars” competition.

Daria Gordeeva - bride of Valery Karpin

She gained fame as the lead singer of the music group Be Free. Previously taught in Narva English language, now teaches Estonian to schoolchildren.

Gordeeva believes that she has a difficult character.

“I am independent, stubborn, purposeful and self-sufficient. As they say, I don’t like to argue, because I already know that I’m right. My loved ones laugh: a girl with a feminine appearance and a “masculine” character. Therefore, he must give me the opportunity to be weak and defenseless next to him. In addition, I am always in public, on stage, most often late in the evening, or even at night. He must be patient and without jealousy towards my lifestyle. But that's not all. I’m spoiled by my father’s excellent sense of humor, so a man who can’t make me laugh heartily is not interesting to me,” she said in an interview with the Estonian publication Narva.