Places of attachment, function and composition of the deltoid muscle. Deltoid region

Beautiful shoulders always make their owner stand out from the crowd. Most training programs place a lot of emphasis on shoulders. But the athlete will not be able to achieve the desired result if he does not pay attention to training the deltoids.

What are the deltoid muscles and where are they located? How to properly pump up the posterior and anterior deltoid muscles?

When the question arises of how to properly pump up the anterior deltoid muscle and the posterior deltoid muscle, it refers to the surface of the shoulder muscles, which is responsible for the formation of the outer contour.

The biceps is necessary for abducting the shoulder to the side, extending it and flexing it. Thanks to the muscles, the shoulder joint is strengthened. In the male half of humanity with the development shoulder girdle a bright bulge is formed. This indicates targeted training of this particular muscle.

Present in the shoulder 5 fiber groups, which operate independently of each other. In anatomy, the following fiber bundles are distinguished:

  • front;
  • average;
  • rear.

When a person moves his arm back, the broad muscles of the back and the pectoralis major act as antagonist muscles.

The function of the anterior bundles is to abduct the arm when external rotation of the shoulder occurs. When the arm bends, they help the pectoralis major muscle.

When internal rotation of the shoulder occurs, the anterior fascicles engage the vastus dorsi, subclavian and pectoralis major muscles.

  1. The function of the delta is to help abduct the shoulder to the side.
  2. The function of the posterior bundles is necessary for horizontal extension of the shoulder.

Delta located above the shoulder joint, it extends from the scapula and is attached to the deltoid tuberosity on the shoulder. This muscle is named after the letter of the Greek alphabet. Because the muscles are shaped like the letter Delta, but upside down.

Purpose of the deltoid muscle

Due to anatomical features, the musculature increases the level of lifting force in men and women. The tasks of the biceps are very diverse; for example, it is needed to alternately extend the front and back parts of the muscle.

When the shoulder is pulled back, the entire muscle tenses. When the triceps contract, the muscles contract and the humerus moves upward slightly.

When its head rests on the shoulder joint, then bone retraction occurs. Muscular guys always have their shoulders pulled back a little - this indicates that the muscles are in good shape.

Where is the deltoid muscle located and features

This muscle is the most important because it is used daily. For example, it is involved when pushing or lifting an object above the head. Delta is very important muscle, it gives aesthetic appeal to the figure. Man with broad shoulders looks confident. When the muscles are well developed, the waist visually appears slimmer.

Often people neglect to work this muscle or train it incorrectly. The shoulder joint has a complex spherical shape. He is responsible for shoulder extension, flexion and rotation. The main problem for athletes who train with weights is the lack of attention to the anterior deltoid.

She is on the front of the shoulder. If you neglect the posterior and lateral muscles in training, this will lead to an unbalanced appearance. Also, improper training can cause shoulder injury and impairment of its function. According to statistics, 69% of people suffer from shoulder problems at some point in their lives.

Effective exercises

Scientists have selected 10 exercises that maximally activate the deltoid muscles. The exercises were compiled by professional and amateur athletes, and they are also recommended by trainers. Exercises for training:

17 men aged from 19 to 35 years took part in the experiment. Experienced athletes who already had training experience took part in the test. Before the experiment began, a training session was conducted with the participants. During the study, athletes trained three times.

Before each lesson there was a rest for three days. During the first training, experts determined entry level physical training each athlete using one rotation maximum. In the remaining two training sessions Electrodes were connected to each muscle, and the EMG method was used.

Before training there was a warm-up for three minutes. Participants began performing three maximum biceps contractions, each session lasting 10 seconds, after which 6 exercises from the list above were performed in random order.

The rest of the exercises were done by the athletes in the final training session. In each exercise, except for dips, floor push-ups and rope exercises, athletes performed five repetitions using weights. After each exercise there was a rest for three minutes.

Scientists collected data: concentric and eccentric phases of movements of each approach and repetition. Analysis of repetitions 2, 3 and 4 was performed to determine muscle activity.

Experiment results

After the study, experts analyzed the data and presented them in the form of a table, each of which corresponds to a specific muscle bundle. The most effective exercises for activating the anterior bundle of muscles.

  • spreading the weights to the sides with bent elbows;
  • lifting weights to the chin;
  • swings from the lower block;
  • lifting weights above your head;
  • exercise with ropes;
  • lifting dumbbells in front of you.

Training the posterior muscle group.

  1. Lifting weights while sitting.
  2. Exercise with ropes.
  3. Push-ups on parallel bars and from the floor.

Optimal exercises for women

The greatest activation of the anterior muscle occurs during the overhead dumbbell press. Middle muscle works well when performing two workouts: lifting dumbbells on an inclined bench; raising dumbbells to the side with bent elbows.

The greatest activation of the posterior muscle occurs when performing breeding with weights in an incline and row on a bench. No most universal exercise for muscle development. The shoulder joint is complex, so it is not possible to activate any of the joints at the same time. three muscles to the maximum, doing only one exercise.

Experts emphasize that muscles need to be trained several exercises at once, in this case, you need to think in advance which preparation works which muscles. For example, if during a lesson you lift weights in front of you, lift dumbbells and raise them to the sides, then the anterior section of the muscles is loaded and the middle bundle is worked on.

But in these exercises the rear delta. Using this approach when training muscles, the exercise is not considered balanced and effective. In addition to the shoulders, experts advise developing the hip.

To achieve maximum results, you need to perform dumbbell curls for the anterior biceps and weight rows on a bench at an angle of 45 degrees, or sit down dumbbell raises to work the posterior muscles. It should be noted that the three exercises presented perfectly load the middle section of the muscles, especially when lifting weights on an inclined bench.

This is an exercise has maximum impact to the middle compartment of the muscles. Scientists do not recommend starting classes by working the posterior triceps, because for most athletes this is the weakest area.

Experts also noted that the exercise of pulling weights to the chin, popular among athletes, is ineffective, experienced trainers recommend removing it from training program. You must also remember that you get used to any exercise and over time it becomes efficiency decreases.

The famous athlete and coach Pavel Tsatsouline, in the rules for developing strength in his school, notes that the effectiveness of a change in the nature and volume of the load, unexpected for a figure, is irreplaceable.

Important Rules

You need to progress in lateral raises. Exercises with dumbbells considered the most effective, but lateral raises with bands emphasize the load on the muscles in the middle of the range, where they are most active. The bands keep the muscles under tension throughout the entire movement, making the hardest part of the lift even harder.

In bodybuilding and fitness, the deltoid muscles occupy a special position. Despite the fact that the muscle area belongs to small groups, it is second only to the frequency of training. The reason is not only the importance of the deltoid muscles in anatomy, but also to enhance the aesthetics of the figure. Understanding the functions and characteristics of delta bundles allows you to maximize efficiency training process and significantly reduce the risk of injury.

Where are the deltoids located?

Considering where the deltoid muscles are located, calling them “shoulders” is not entirely correct from an anatomical point of view. This area is called the shoulder girdle. The deltoids form the outer contour and cover the shoulder joint - one of the most complex in structure. The deltas simultaneously act as protection for the joint and provide motor function of the upper limbs (only in the area shoulder joint).

Structure and functions

The deltoid muscle of the shoulder consists of three heads (bundles):

  • (clavicular) – starts from the lateral part of the clavicle;
  • or acromial - starts from the acromial part of the scapula;
  • or spinous - starts from the lower edge of the scapula bone.

Despite the fact that each head originates in different places, they are all attached by a common tendon to the deltoid (or V-shaped) tuberosity humerus. The delta muscles have a triangular shape, from which the group gets its name (the Greek letter “delta”).

The functions of the deltoid muscles are considered, with specification of each bundle.


  • lateral abduction of the arm during external rotation of the shoulder;
  • shoulder internal rotation;
  • shoulder antiversion (with the arm abducted);
  • help the pectoral muscle flex the shoulder.


  • abduction of the shoulder to the side (with the arm abducted).


  • shoulder extension;
  • shoulder adduction (with the arm adducted);
  • shoulder external rotation;
  • abduction and retroversion of the shoulder (with the arm abducted).

In sports, a more simplified definition of functions is used. They are divided depending on where the head is located deltoid muscle. This division has some exceptions, but is generally suitable for understanding the functions of each head for athletes without specialized training.

  • Forward (in front of) movements primarily engage the anterior head.
  • Movements to the sides - medium.
  • Pulling the arm back in a raised position engages the posterior deltoid muscle.

Top exercises for deltoids

All movements are divided into categories, depending on where the head of the deltoid muscle is located. They cannot even load all three beams evenly, so the work on each head is divided (up to training in different days).

Basic exercises (using beams)

  • or barbell/dumbbell press in a standing or seated position (middle, front).
  • (middle, front).
  • or “broach” (middle, front).
  • (back, middle).
  • (front, middle).

Isolation exercises (taking into account the anatomy of the deltoid muscles of the shoulders)

  • - front bundle.
  • Raise your arm in front of you in the lower block of the crossover - front.
  • - average.
  • Bent-over dumbbell raises – rear.
  • (with elbows extended to the sides) – back.
  • – rear.

All other exercises are duplicates. That is, when the conditions for performing a movement change, the load on specific delta beams does not change in any way. For example, abducting the arm to the side in a bend over with a dumbbell and a lower block.


Delt training is considered one of the most complex tasks in fitness. It is important not only to know what the muscles on the shoulders are called and how many bundles they have. It is necessary to understand how each head of the deltoid muscles works and what function it performs. This allows you not only to focus on the desired muscle area, but also to correctly distribute the load for each part of it. This is the only way to speed up progression, reduce the risk of injury and eliminate imbalances in muscle development.

Broad and massive shoulders look great on any body type, but building them requires special knowledge. Scientific approach for training will help you build up large, strong and sculpted shoulder muscles.

Not only men, but also women dream of having beautiful shoulders. If you want to pump up those notorious round deltoids, you must train with the utmost caution. Because the shoulders play such an important role in many exercises, shoulder injury is one of the worst things you can face.

Knowing the anatomy of muscles, bones, and shoulder function will help you train more effectively. This will also help you keep them healthy and mobile. I'll tell you how to build big, strong shoulders while avoiding injury.

The shoulder muscles are a complex set of interconnected muscle groups, which are responsible for a huge number of movements. Here are the muscles you need to know about.


The shoulder muscles can be thought of as a bulb. First layer muscle tissue Around the shoulder joint are the deltoid muscles. They have 3 bundles.

Front bun

Located on the front of the shoulder. Originates from the front of the collarbone, crosses the shoulder and attaches to the humerus.

Medium bun

Located next to the front beam, but closer to the center of the shoulder. It begins at the top of the shoulder blade (acromion) and attaches to the outer part of the humerus.

Posterior bun

It begins on the lower part of the spine of the scapula and attaches to the humerus.

Rotator cuff

Beneath the first layer of the “bulb” is the rotator cuff. Many people have heard this term, but not everyone knows what it really means.

The rotator cuff is made up of 4 muscles. Their main function is to stabilize the shoulder joint.

Infraspinatus muscle

A large muscle covering the outer parts of the shoulder blade.

Teres minor muscle

A smaller muscle that lies beneath the infraspinatus muscle.

Supraspinatus muscle

It starts at the shoulder blade and attaches to the inside of the humerus.

Subscapularis muscle

Located on the front of the shoulder blade.

Bone Anatomy

Bones and joints play vital role in the movement of the shoulders. Having a clear understanding of how they work together will help you keep them healthy and train more efficiently.

Thoracic spine

Consists of 12 vertebrae. The thoracic region begins at the base of the neck and ends at the top of the lower back. The ribs are attached to these vertebrae.


The shoulder blades are located at the top of the thoracic spine. So that they can move normally during exercise, thoracic region must be strong and strong.


Most of the shoulder muscles are attached to this long bone in the upper arm.

Shoulder joint

The shoulder joint allows the arms to move. The joint work of the shoulder blades and humerus bones allows us to move our shoulders and arms. This joint is a hinge, thanks to which we can bend, extend, bring and spread our arms, as well as perform rotational movements with them.

Functions of the shoulder muscles

Knowing anatomy is necessary, but knowledge will not be of any use if you do not put it into practice. Let's see how the muscles, bones and joints we studied work in the gym.


Often all 3 beams work simultaneously. For example, every time you raise your arms above your head (say, military press), all 3 parts of the deltoids will work together. However, there are exercises that isolate one or another bundle.

Front bun

One of its functions is to flex the shoulder. In other words, it comes into play when you raise your arms in front of you (see previous photo).

Medium bun

In addition to shoulder flexion, it participates in shoulder abduction. That is, it works when you spread your arms out to the sides.

Posterior bun

The posterior fasciculus is responsible for shoulder extension. It works by moving your arms back behind your back.

Rotator cuff

Primarily responsible for stabilization. In other words, these muscles work to keep the humerus bone in the shoulder joint. The rotator cuff is also responsible for internal and external rotation of the humerus.

If your shoulders and rotator cuffs are functioning normally, then you do not need to perform large number isolation exercises.

Internal rotation

The subscapularis muscle begins on the inside of the shoulder blade and is responsible for turning the shoulder inward.

External rotation

The infraspinatus and teres minor muscles are located on inside shoulder blades They are responsible for external rotation of the humerus.

Shoulder abduction

The supraspinatus muscles work when the arms are extended to the sides. Research shows that they are only responsible for the first 30° of arm movement from the midline of the body.

Key Exercises for Shoulder Training

Let's put the knowledge we've gained into practice! Here are a couple of great exercises that will help you build beautiful shoulders and keep your bones and joints moving. Don't forget that you need to train with heavy weights. Muscles won't grow if you don't challenge them!

Also remember that you don't need to do a lot of shoulder isolation exercises. They develop beautifully while performing such basic exercises, like the overhead press and bench press.

Exercise 1 Overhead press

In this exercise, you work all 3 deltoid muscles.

The most important aspect of the exercise is starting position. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, and keep your abdominal and buttock muscles tense. A strong base will help you lift more weight and protect your lower back from injury.

Take dumbbells in your hands, bring them to your shoulders, and then press them up above your head. Make smooth, controlled movements. Many people do the movement incorrectly at the top of the exercise, so before you start lifting heavy weights, make sure you are maintaining proper form throughout the entire range of motion.

Exercise 2 Sitting dumbbell raises

I like this exercise because it isolates the posterior bundle. Relax your knees and push your hips back, like a Romanian deadlift. From this position, raise your arms up and out to the sides. It is with this movement that I work the rear deltoids.

Very often people use the inertia of movements. Lower the dumbbells slowly, tensing your muscles. If it is difficult for you to do this, then reduce the working weight.

The Best Results for Shoulder Training Using a Scientific Approach

Having beautiful shoulders is great. But if you injure them, you will have serious problems. You won't be able to train your chest, back, or arms if you have shoulder pain. Even training your legs will be quite difficult. It is important not only to develop a physique, but also to maintain health.

Before you start your workout, warm up. If you have weak muscles shoulders, do not work with heavy weights and watch the technique of doing the exercises. This way you will get much more benefit from your training.

Build Muscle with a Scientific Training Program

We've only highlighted 2 exercises, so check out our full 6-week workout program. Before you go to the gym and start training, watch training videos. Remember that you must combine the work of your muscles with the work of your mind to build a beautiful body.

However, according to the results of electromyographic studies, at least seven groups of fibers can be distinguished, functioning independently of each other.

Start and Attachment

Anterior group of fibers starts from most of the anterior edge and upper surface of the lateral third of the clavicle.

Lateral group- from the acromial part of the scapula.

Back group - from the lower part of the posterior edge of the spine of the scapula along its entire length to the medial edge.

Next, all three bundles connect and pass into a common tendon, which is attached to the V-shaped tuberosity ( deltoid tuberosity, tuberositas deltoidea) on the outer surface of the humerus.

Blood supply and innervation

The deltoid muscle is supplied by the posterior circumflex humeral artery ( a.circumflexa humeri posterior).

Innervated by the axillary nerve (n.axillaris) from the brachial plexus, formed by the anterior branches of the fifth and sixth pairs of cervical spinal nerves (C5 and C6).


With simultaneous contraction of all muscle bundles, it causes abduction of the arm in the frontal plane. The greatest effectiveness of this movement is achieved with the arm in an inward rotation position. The antagonists during arm abduction are the pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi muscles.

Front beams participate in lateral abduction of the arm during external rotation of the shoulder. Their role in shoulder flexion is small, but they assist the pectoralis major muscle (elbow just below the shoulder) in this movement. Helps muscles: subclavian, pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi with internal rotation of the shoulder.

Lateral bundles participate in the lateral abduction of the shoulder when it is in internal rotation and in the horizontal abduction when it is in external rotation, but practically do not participate in the horizontal extension of the shoulder (when it is in internal rotation).

Back bundles take a large part in horizontal extension, especially due to the small participation latissimus muscle the back in this movement in the horizontal plane. Other horizontal extensors - the infraspinatus and teres minor - also work together with the posterior portion of the deltoid muscle as external rotators, antagonistic to the internal rotators - the pectoralis major and latissimus muscles. The posterior portion of the deltoid muscle also takes a large part in hyperextension of the shoulder, with the support of the long head

The superficial shoulder muscle, also called the deltoid, is located between the collarbone and scapula, connecting it to the top of the forearm. Pain in this place is a common phenomenon, the causes of its occurrence are varied. But if the deltoid muscle hurts constantly, then the cause may be inflammation or injury. In such a situation, it is important to determine the root cause and begin timely treatment.

Causes of muscle pain

The anterior surface of the delta along with pectoral muscle are responsible for moving the arm forward and rotating it, the middle surface controls the abduction of the arm to the side, and the back surface, together with the back muscles, helps the arm turn around. Loads that involve moving the limbs in any direction can cause a sprain. muscle fibers. Any person can get injured - both an athlete and someone leading a sedentary lifestyle. The main causes of pain are the following:

  • injury to the axillary nerve;
  • myosfascial pain syndrome;
  • spasm of muscle fibers;
  • consequences of arthrosis or osteochondrosis;
  • inflammation of the tendon.

Inflammation of the deltoid muscle can be caused by mechanical damage.

All reasons that can cause constant pain are divided into 3 categories:

  1. Damage to muscle ligaments caused by an inflammatory, degenerative or traumatic process.
  2. Damage to the shoulder joint capsule of a non-inflammatory nature.
  3. Injury to the shoulder tendons responsible for rotating the shoulder.

How does pain manifest itself?

It is impossible not to notice shoulder pain; when it appears, the usual mobility in the shoulder disappears. It is difficult to perform usual actions: tie shoelaces, put on clothes, or carry something. Pain is divided into acute and aching, according to the mechanism of occurrence pain is divided as follows:

  • The pain is concentrated in the upper part of the shoulder. First it starts from the neck and gradually spreads to the entire arm. The unpleasant sensation intensifies when moving the limb. The person may experience burning, tingling and numbness. The main culprit for such symptoms is an intervertebral hernia.
  • Stiffness of the muscle tissue of the upper shoulder girdle. Difficulties arise when moving your arm to the side, lifting it up, and it is also impossible to put it behind your back. In the most extreme situations, it is difficult for a person to bring a spoon to his mouth while eating. The pathology develops unnoticed and gradually.
  • Overstrain of a group of muscles located around the shoulder joint. Occurs as a result of prolonged non-standard movement of the upper limbs (painting the ceiling). Acute pain appears the next day, mobility is limited.
  • Reactive inflammatory process of the tendons of the shoulder girdle. Severe pain is caused by calcium deposits in the muscles. Limb mobility is reduced, both passive and active. Pain sensations spread to the neck and forearm area.


If you experience constant pain in your shoulder, you should urgently consult a doctor for diagnosis and prescribe therapeutic procedures.

Laboratory tests will determine the presence of an inflammatory process.

For pain in the deltoid muscle, it is important to establish the source of pain, find out where the development of pain began, and determine the presence or absence of special symptoms. The doctor examines the patient, determines the equidistance between the collarbones and shoulder blades, as well as the presence of an increased volume of the muscle area. The approach to the examination should be comprehensive due to a large number causes of pain in the delta. Search for the reasons that caused discomfort, includes the following methods:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • X-ray examination;
  • arthroscopy.