Laysan Utyasheva, who is her profession? Laysan Utyasheva - biography, family and personal life

Childhood and youth

Famous Russian rhythmic gymnast, TV presenter and sports commentator born June 28, 1985 in Bashkortostan.

Her father Albert was a historian, her mother Zulfiya worked in a library.

In 1989, the family moved to Volgograd. The parents intended to send little Laysan to a ballet school, but by chance, in line at the store, the girl was noticed by gymnastics coach Nadezhda Kasyanova, who noted that the girl could become an excellent rhythmic gymnast.

Moscow and first victories

When Laysan Utyasheva was 12 years old, she and her family left for Moscow, and it was there that her gymnast career quickly took off. The girl trained under the guidance of coaches Alla Yanina and Oksana Skaldina and Irina Viner. The result was not long in coming; in 1999, Utyasheva received the title of Master of Sports, and in the early 2000s, a series of her outstanding sporting victories began.

In 2001, Laysan Utyasheva immediately won in six categories at one of the stages of the World Cup held in Berlin, and a month later she became the main prize-winner at the World Championships in Madrid. After this, the athlete was awarded the title of international master of sports. At that time, they started talking about Utyasheva as an equivalent “replacement” for Kabaeva, who just had an unpleasant incident with doping drugs.


In September 2002 at demonstration performances in Samara, due to an unsuccessful landing on poorly prepared mats, Laysan severely knocked off her foot, which subsequently provoked severe pain in her leg and cramps. Unfortunately, the athlete was not provided with the necessary assistance in a timely manner due to the fact that a medical examination did not reveal any injury, and Utyasheva continued to train in full force and take part in competitions, which only worsened the situation.

The gymnast continued to complain about discomfort in her legs, but this only gave her detractors a reason to claim that the athlete was faking an injury. The pain did not stop, and in December 2002 it was decided to go to Germany for a large-scale examination of the leg. There, based on the results of magnetic tomography, a diagnosis was made - multiple fractures of the scaphoid bone of one leg and discrepancy due to the constant transfer of the load of the bones of the foot of the other leg.

Doctors had concerns that the gymnast could not only leave big sport forever, but will not be able to walk independently, becoming disabled. Russian surgeons performed five complex operations; a special metal pin was inserted into the gymnast’s foot to fasten the fractures of the scaphoid bone. After that, Laysan slowly recovered - first she started walking, then she started training.

In 2004, Utyasheva again competed as a member of the Russian national team and became the European champion in team competitions. She intended to compete at the Beijing Olympics, but in April 2006, during another training session, her knee blew out. After this incident, considering the last injury a sign of fate, the athlete made a strong-willed decision to leave big-time sports.

Life after sports

After completion sports career Laysan, by her own admission, did not feel a decline in popularity; moreover, prospects for a career in television opened up for her.

So, at first, Utyasheva became the co-host of the “Main Road” program on the NTV channel, hosted the “Dancing with the Stars” program on the TNT channel, and currently hosts the “Fitness with the Stars” program on the “Live” TV channel.


Gymnastics and dancing remain the main passions in Laysan’s life to this day. So, after completing her sports career, in 2007 she made her debut with a solo role in the ballet “Bolero” at the New Opera Theater, and in November 2009, the premiere of Laysan Utyasheva’s dance show “Sign of Infinity” took place.

Personal life of Laysan Utyasheva

On November 27, 2012, Laysan Utyasheva, after several years of romantic relationships, married actor and showman Pavel Volya.

Relationship with father

In one of the interviews, Utyasheva admitted that her parents’ divorce occurred due to the fact that Albert Utyashev abused alcohol. After her parents divorced, Laysa hardly communicated with her father; an attempt to improve relations was made after Utyasheva began to win international competitions and became a star.

At that time, her father gave an interview to one “yellow” publication, where he openly spoke about his relationship with his daughter and that he has another family with whom Utyasheva does not want to communicate out of pride. Utyasheva claims that she did not know about the existence of this family at all. After this incident, Laysan again stopped communicating with her father.

Laysan's mother Zulfiya Utyasheva died of a heart attack in March 2012. Laysan took her mother’s death very hard.

Laysan was born in the village of Raevsky in the former Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the family of Albert and Zulfiya Utyashev. Her father worked as a historian, and her mother as a librarian. Tatar, Polish and Russian blood flows in the athlete’s veins.

In 1989, the Utyashev family moved to Volgograd. They planned to send the girl to a ballet school, but by chance she began to engage in rhythmic gymnastics. In line at the store, Laysan was noticed by gymnastics coach Nadezhda Kasyanova, noting the extraordinary flexibility of her joints. The girl fell in love with this sport and began to amaze everyone with her successes. At the age of 12, Laysan’s parents moved to Moscow so that she could study under the guidance of best trainers. At the age of 14, Utyasheva was awarded the title of Master of Sports.

In 2000, she took silver at a tournament dedicated to the memory of Oksana Kostina. In 2001, competing at the World Cup for the first time, the athlete became the absolute winner in six disciplines. In October of the same year, Laysan won gold at the World Championships in Madrid in the team championship. She was awarded the title of international master of sports.

In 2002, Utyasheva moved to the famous coaches Irina Viner and Vera Shatalina. At this time, Laysan took second place at the international tournament in Slovenia, became the winner of the youth games in Moscow in the all-around and in three events (jump rope, ball, mace).

In the fall of the same year, having landed unsuccessfully after a difficult stunt, the girl injured her leg. The examination did not reveal a serious injury, so the athlete continued to compete. The pain in the legs did not go away, and in December 2002, an MRI revealed multiple fractures and cracks in the scaphoid bone of one leg and bone separation in the other. Doctors feared that Laysan would not be able to walk.

Thanks to five operations in 2004, Utyasheva returned to big-time sports. She became the European champion in team competitions, won the international tournaments in Latvia and France. But in April 2006, after another injury, Laysan decided to end his sports career.

The next stage in the girl’s life was television. She hosted the program Personal trainer", "Fitness with the Stars", "Main Road", "NTV in the Morning".

In May 2007, Utyasheva was invited to perform as a soloist in the ballet “Bolero” on the stage of the New Opera Theater. Then she created her own dance show, which premiered in 2009. In 2008, Laysan published her autobiographical novel “Unbroken.”

In 2012, the TV presenter tried herself in a new role, playing one of the roles in the series “Champions”.

Personal life

Because of sports, Laysan actually had no time for her personal life. In 2010, she met businessman Valery Lomadze. They began a relationship that lasted about two years and ended in a high-profile trial over jointly acquired property.

In September 2012, the TV presenter married Comedy Club resident Pavel Volya. In May 2013, Laysan and Pavel had a son, Robert, and on May 6, 2015, a daughter, Sofia, was born.


Laysan calls his hobby race walking and chess.

Interesting facts

Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya have a family project to popularize healthy image life "Willpower". The course includes several hundred educational videos on various topics. Laysan is responsible for the work of the body, and Pavel is responsible for the work of the mind.

Several complex rhythmic gymnastics techniques are named after Laysan.


From the book "Unbroken".

Utyasheva, Laysan Albertovna

Laysan Albertovna Utyasheva(bashk. Laysan Albert ҡyҙy Үtәsheva; genus. June 28, Raevsky, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian athlete, Honored Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics, multiple winner of Russian and international competitions, world champion, six-time European champion, European champion in team competition(2002), winner of the 2001/02 World Cup, winner of the 2002 CIS and Baltic Youth Games. The author of four original elements bearing her name (in particular, the “Utyasheva stand”). International Ambassador of the Olympic Movement Sochi 2014. TV presenter, sports commentator.


Born into the family of Albert and Zulfiya Utyashev, a historian and librarian. In one of her interviews, she indicated that she is half Bashkir (on her mother’s side), adding that Tatar, Polish and Russian blood flows in her veins (her father is of mixed origin). Converted to Orthodoxy.

Since 2002, Utyasheva trained under the guidance of Irina Viner and Vera Shatalina. After taking second place at an international tournament in Slovenia in May, she won the unofficial world championship in France, in the city of Corbeil-Eson. In June she became the winner of the Youth Games in Moscow in all-around and three types(jump rope, ball, mace). In September 2002, at a demonstration performance in Samara, she lost her foot due to an unsuccessful landing on poorly prepared mats. An examination did not reveal any injury, and Utyasheva continued to compete, which only worsened the situation. The athlete repeatedly complained of pain in her legs, but repeated examinations did not reveal anything, which gave rise to ill-wishers to claim that Utyasheva was faking an injury.

In December 2002, after the World Cup stage, Wiener contributed to a comprehensive examination of the gymnast’s condition in a clinic in Germany. As a result of magnetic tomography, a diagnosis was made: multiple fractures of the scaphoid bone of one leg and discrepancy due to constant transfer of the load of the bones of the foot of the other leg. There was a fear that the athlete would not only be forced to end her career, but would also not be able to walk. However, thanks to a successful operation performed by Russian surgeons, Laysan was able to return to sports. In 2004, she again competed as a member of the Russian national team, became the European champion in team competitions, and won international tournaments in Latvia and France. She was going to compete at least until the Beijing Olympics, but in April 2006, after consulting with Wiener, Utyasheva decided to leave the sport.

After completing her career, Utyasheva became the co-host of the program “Main Road” on the NTV channel, and broadcasts morning broadcasts on the same channel. He also hosts the TV show “Fitness with the Stars” on the Live TV channel. In May 2007, she made her debut with a solo role in the ballet “Bolero” at the New Opera Theater.

In August 2008, Utyasheva presented her autobiographical novel “Unbroken” (ISBN 978-5-386-00831-4).

In November 2009, the premiere of Utyasheva’s dance show “Sign of Infinity” took place.

Since 2010, in the NTV channel program “NTV in the morning” he has been running a traditional section for morning programs dedicated to morning exercises.

On the Sport-Plus TV channel, Laysan hosts the Personal Trainer program.

On October 15, 2011, Laysan’s author’s program “Beauty Academy with Laysan Utyasheva” started on the NTV channel.

On March 14, 2012, Laysan buried her closest person - the athlete’s mother, Zulfiya Utyasheva, died of a heart attack.

On March 22, 2012, a new program “Cafe Romantika” was launched on radio Romantika. Every Thursday, Utyasheva invites famous musicians, actors, fashion designers and athletes to “Cafe Romantika” to talk about romance over a cup of coffee and find out what worries the program’s heroes, how they live, what they dream about and what they strive for. Also in 2012, Laysan played one of the roles in the TV series “Champions”.

Personal life

In October 2012, the press reported on a legal property dispute between Utyasheva and her former lover, 34-year-old businessman Valery Lomadze, whom Laysan met in 2010 and in whose apartment and dacha she lived with her mother for some time. The subject of the dispute, according to media reports, was cash and a BMWX6 SUV.


  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Born on June 28
  • Born in 1985
  • Born in Alsheevsky district
  • Honored Masters of Sports of Russia
  • Gymnasts (rhythmic gymnastics) of Russia
  • World champions rhythmic gymnastics
  • European champions in rhythmic gymnastics
  • Muslims who converted to Christianity
  • Russian TV presenters
  • NTV TV presenters

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

The famous Russian athlete Laysan Utyasheva, whose biography will be described in this article, is known throughout the world as an excellent gymnast who has accumulated a whole arsenal of awards of various calibers. Despite the fact that she is only 31 years old, she is an Honored Athlete of the Russian Federation and a Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics. Among her most significant awards is the title of world champion, and she also has many gold medals at European championships. Surely everyone who hears her name becomes interested in where Laysan Utyasheva comes from. Nationality, biography and other details of her life will be revealed in our story especially for you.

Today she is known not only as an athlete, but also as a popular TV presenter. There is one more detail of her life that increases her attractiveness in the eyes of her compatriots: Laysan is the wife and mother of the children of the famous showman Pavel Volya. Surely you didn’t know that his wife is Laysan Utyasheva. The biography (Pavel, as you know, usually hides his personal life behind seven locks, but how can one not boast about the birth of heirs?!) of the young family began in 2012. Since then they have lived amicably and happily.

Laysan Utyasheva: biography, family, roots

The future champion was born in the last days of June 1985 in the village of Raevsky, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Her parents are modest, intelligent people. Father, Albert Utyashev, is a historian, and mother, Zulfiya, is a librarian. The girl's name was chosen by her Bashkir grandmother. It means “affectionate.” In fact, a lot of blood is mixed in Laysan: Tatar, Polish, Russian, and Bashkir. When the girl was 4 years old, the family from Raevsky moved to the hero city of Volgograd.

Coming to the gym

Almost all champions in this sport say that they started training from the very beginning. early childhood. At what age did Laysan Utyasheva start doing rhythmic gymnastics? Her biography includes very interesting story. One day in Volgograd, 4-year-old Laysan stood in line with her parents. Out of boredom, she began to do all sorts of tricks. Standing in line was Nadezhda Kasyanova, a well-known rhythmic gymnastics coach in the city. She immediately noticed the baby’s extraordinary flexibility and invited her parents to bring her to the gymnastics school and even wrote down the address. Zulfiya, Laysan’s mother, had long noticed her daughter’s extraordinary flexibility and dreamed of sending her to a ballet school, so she reluctantly accepted the invitation from Kasyanova. However, the little mischief-maker kept asking to be taken to the named school, and her parents gave in. After the first training session it was already difficult to get her out of there. So Laysan began attending the rhythmic gymnastics section.


The parents thought that by the time school started they would persuade their daughter to leave gymnastics, but that was not the case. She did not agree and simply raved about this sport. The girl did not miss a single competition that was broadcast on sports channels. And already at the age of 5 she announced to her mom and dad that she would become a world champion. Her mother said that intense classes might affect her performance at school and was very strict with her. However, the girl did not give up. She gave up children's games and entertainment - she either prepared homework or worked out in the gym. Parents did not expect such perseverance and endurance from their child. The lessons were not particularly easy for her, but she spent hours fiddling with them so as not to anger her mother.

First victories

At the age of 10, she took part in a serious competition for the first time and received her first monetary fee. With this money she bought a robe for her mother, and she kept it carefully until the end of her days. Every time she was in the hall, my mother felt proud when her daughter’s name was displayed on the board - Laysan Utyasheva! The girl’s biography during her childhood and adolescence was almost entirely connected with gymnastics. By the age of 9, she changed coaches. Now Tatyana Sorokina began to study with her. At the age of 12, already having extensive experience in participating in district, city, regional, and international competitions, Laysan persuaded her family to move to Moscow to take up sports more thoroughly. By that time, her parents had separated, and only her mother, her main inspirer and “commander,” as her daughter liked to call her, went with the girl to the capital. In Moscow, Laysan began training under the guidance of Alla Yanina, and then Oksana Skaldina. In 1999, 14-year-old Laysan Utyasheva, whose biography is presented to you in our review, received the title of Master of Sports. From that moment on, her ascent to the pinnacle of fame began. After fame came to her, the girl said more than once that from childhood she was taught to be first in everything and always try to get ahead of everyone.

Champion's Path

In 2000, a tournament was held in Moscow in memory of the legendary gymnast Oksana Kostina. Laysan became silver medalist this competition. Over the next two years she made great progress, one victory after another. So, in the fall of 2001, she became the absolute champion in all 6 disciplines at the World Cup, which was held in Berlin, and some time later - the gold medalist of the World Championships in Spain. After this, the 16-year-old athlete received the title of international master of sports. Since then, she has become recognizable all over the world, especially among athletes and sports fans. In addition to her talent as a gymnast, the girl had a magnificent appearance, and this attracted the attention of millions of fans around the world. Naturally, many were interested in the question of whether Laysan Utyasheva was free. At the insistence of strict trainers, her biography and personal life were always kept in the strictest secrecy. She knew very well that at this stage she could not have any romances. At the end of 2001, according to several popular publications, it was recognized as the discovery of the year. Everyone said that she would be a worthy successor to another beautiful athlete from the Russian national team - Alina Kabaeva.

Further successes

Since 2002, Laysan came under the leadership of the famous Irina Viner, as well as Vera Shatalina. Already in the spring of this year she managed to win two awards - silver and gold medal. In June of the same 2002, international youth games, in which she became the triathlon champion.


In the fall of 2002, during a performance, she landed unsuccessfully on her heels and felt severe pain, but steadfastly completed her program. However, the x-ray did not show anything serious, and the girl, overcoming the pain, continued to participate in the competition. But each time she felt more and more pain. Some envious women said that Utyasheva was faking so as not to be embarrassed due to a bad performance. In December 2002 she took part in the World Cup, and after that Wiener sent her to comprehensive examination, as a result of which it was revealed that the girl had been performing for several months with multiple fractures. After that, she was sent for treatment to Germany, where she underwent surgery. Already from her hospital bed, she dreamed of returning to sports and winning the Olympic Games in Beijing. She returned to sports, had several significant victories, but it didn’t come to the Olympics: by the age of 19, after consulting with Wiener, who became not only a coach for her, but also a very dear person, she left the sport.

Life after sports

Beautiful, slender, famous, a favorite of the public - with such characteristics, of course, she was immediately taken to television. She hosted the “Main Road” program on the NTV channel. Then she was invited to host a morning broadcast on the same channel. The sports star also became the host of several sports programs on different cable TV channels. In May 2007, she made her debut at the New Opera, where she performed as a soloist in the ballet Bolero. She enjoyed being creative so much that she took up her pen and wrote the autobiographical novel “Unbroken.” In 2009, she performed another premiere - this time she organized a dance show, where she performed as a soloist. The show was called "Sign of Infinity."

Programs with the participation of Laysan

  • Morning exercises, NTV channel, since 2010
  • “Personal Trainer”, channel “Sport-Plus”, 2011
  • “Beauty Academy with Laysan Utyasheva”, NTV, 2011
  • “Cafe Romantika”, radio station Romantika, 2012.
  • “Dancing” on TNT channel, 2014

That year, the athlete played in the TV series “Champions.”

Laysan Utyasheva: biography, personal life, children

In September 2012, the entire Russian elite was surprised: Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva got married. They didn't have any wedding, no white dress and veil, no limousine. Everything was very modest. The thing is that the girl’s beloved mother recently passed away. Only members of their families gathered for the wedding ceremony and gala dinner. They dated for about three years before getting married. At first it was just friendship, then sympathy, which later grew into love. The most interesting thing is that information that the stars got married appeared on April Fool's Day, April 1. And many then simply did not believe it. In order to make sure, everyone tried to conduct their own investigation and find out whether Laysan Utyasheva really got married. Biography, Pavel, relationship with him, how and where the wedding took place and whether it happened at all - all these topics have been discussed by fans of the stars for a very long time.

And a year later, their first child, Robert, was born in their family. By the way, Grandma Laysan decided to name him that way. It turns out that this is a very popular name in Bashkiria. Young parents chose the city of Miami as the place for the birth of their son. Everything was great, the young mommy felt great, and daddy was generally in seventh heaven. Two years passed, and into the family of Pavel and Laysan she was born beautiful girl- daughter Sofia. Both babies are adorable, but completely different from each other. That's all that can be said today

Biography of Laysan Utyasheva

Greetings to guests and regular readers of the site website. So, Laysan Albertovna Utyasheva was born on a rainy summer day on June 28, 1985 in Raevsky, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The father of the future gymnast is a historian, her mother is a librarian.
When the daughter turned 4 years old, the family moved to Volgograd, where the parents intended to send Laysan to a ballet school.
However, chance intervened - in one of the queues of the store, a talented girl was noticed by a gymnastics coach. Utyasheva fell in love with this sport, even then she told her mother that she would become a world champion.
In 1997, the athlete’s family moved to Moscow, and Laysan began training with the capital’s outstanding coaches.
Two years later, the gymnast was awarded the title of Master of Sports. The 2000s were marked in the life of Laysan Utyasheva with a real career takeoff. In the first year of the new century, she became the silver medalist of the tournament in memory of O. Kostina. The following year the gymnast became absolute champion six World Cup nominations, a month later she took gold at the World Championships in Madrid. So the athlete became an international master of sports.
Utyasheva changes the coaching staff in 2002. He continues to participate and win in all kinds of competitions, despite the injury, unbearable pain in his legs and the risk of remaining disabled.
Having survived surgery and a difficult period of rehabilitation, Laysan returned to sports in 2004. She again becomes a champion, but still decides to leave her previous profession.
Now a new, but equally successful round begins in the career of the former gymnast. Laysan Utyasheva is now a television and theater star, writer and radio host.
She is also a beloved wife and mother of a wonderful son. Laysan's life is in full swing, she is a born fighter and winner!

: (Official Instagram page)
: Laysan Utyasheva. Film "Cardiogram of Life" (still frames)
: Tatiana Petsa - MEDIACRAT (
: Show "Dancing" (TV channel "TNT", still frame)
:, still images
Personal archive of Laysan Utyasheva

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