Irina Pekarskaya, a victim of the Lame Horse, began to cry when she saw her children for the first time in seven years. New life

- 05.12.2014

December 5, 2009... In Perm, the eighth anniversary of the establishment was celebrated at the “Lame Horse” nightclub; more than 300 people were there. At midnight, fireworks were launched, a spark hit the ceiling (and there was a layer cake made of dust and decorative rods)...

And the former head of State Fire Supervision Perm region Vladimir Mukhutdinov got off with a fine of 70 thousand rubles.

A year and a half has passed since then, and the culprits decided that it was time for them to be released.

In October, the pyrotechnician who organized the deadly fireworks display, Sergei Derbenev, tried to get parole. He was sentenced to five years of general regime. But a year later, for exemplary behavior, he was transferred to a settlement colony.

I am serving a sentence for a crime committed through negligence. The person I was before is the same person I will turn out to be. Correcting me so that I don’t commit new crimes is simply ridiculous,” the pyrotechnician explained to the court considering parole, but was refused.

Derbenev filed an appeal, but on the eve of its consideration the court received an angry letter from the victims:

“A man responsible for the death of 156 people, maiming hundreds of people, leaving 110 children orphans and half-orphans, needs to cut down forest all day and pray at night. Derbenev’s parole is a slap in the faces of 67 mothers who buried their only children and were left without grandchildren, livelihoods and the meaning of life.”

Derbenev's complaint was left unsatisfied.

The club's executive director, Svetlana Efremova - she was responsible for the staff, menu, and approved the entertainment program - received four years of general imprisonment. She is also already serving time in a penal colony. And she also asked to be released on parole.

“We believe that Efremova should be punished in full, according to the court’s verdict,” the victims intervened again and won.

We lived in hope that those responsible for the death of our relatives would receive the punishment they deserve, but what do the accused do? Fire inspector Natalya Prokopyeva (she came to the club to check. - Ed.) gave birth to a child during the trial and was granted an amnesty; according to our information, she is already at home,” the mothers who lost their children on the night of the fire are outraged. - The owner of the establishment, Anatoly Zak, is endlessly not in the colony, but in the hospital ward of the Solikamsk colony. This is fine?

Natalya Prokopyeva (the court sentenced her to four years in a penal colony) was amnestied last winter.

Zach has a serious illness gastrointestinal tract, he needs medical supervision, so at the moment is in the Solikamsk prison hospital,” the GUFSIN told us.

Victims receive mere pennies

At the trial, the victims and relatives of the victims filed claims for compensation for moral damage in the amount of 2 million, 5, 10, 25...

The court decided so. Those who lost a loved one in a fire should receive one and a half million rubles. The victims who survived that hell were entitled to a million rubles.

These amounts were divided among all the accused. The owner of the “Horse” Zak alone owes the victims a total of 145 million rubles. Everyone in Perm knows that Zach is a millionaire. He owns a large shopping center, he rents out space for cafes, shops, warehouses... Another five-room apartment, a cottage, cars, jewelry, bank accounts and shares in authorized capital.

But Zach, as soon as he realized that he would be the main accused, while already in pre-trial detention, quickly filed for divorce from his wife, with whom he had lived quite happily in Spain before the tragedy.

The property, although already seized (to secure the claims of the victims), was divided. Now Natalya Zak is trying in the courts to remove the encumbrance from her share. Meanwhile, the businessman’s former partners are suing him for retail real estate and shares in the business...

And until all these lawsuits are resolved, the bailiffs cannot sell much of Zach’s property.

The victims received only humiliating crumbs in this pie. What month do the bailiffs send reports that non-residential premises, jewelry, gold watches and Zach's Mercedes-Benz are being auctioned off? But no one really wants to buy this stuff.

The process of selling property takes a very long time, it is very difficult to find buyers, the bailiffs say.

There is an opinion that the price of the property is somewhat overpriced, we noted.

The price is determined by the conclusion of independent experts with whom we have an agreement.

They offered me to pick up Zach’s car, but I had to return the difference - the car costs more than he owes me - said one of the victims. - I thought about it and refused.

During the trial, pyrotechnician Sergei Derbenev divorced his wife. He transferred the pyrotechnics company to his relatives, and he himself is as naked as a falcon.

“I voluntarily give my entire pension to the victims,” Derbenev boasted at the parole trial.

The amounts we receive are ridiculous and humiliating,” the victims smile bitterly. - In the year since the verdict came into force, Derbenev paid each person 433 rubles 91 kopecks.

His son Igor Derbenev (he set off the fireworks) did not transfer even 10 rubles the entire time: 99 kopecks, 6 rubles 30 rubles...

There was not a penny from Oleg Fetkulov (he worked as an art director and came up with the idea of ​​arranging fireworks at the club); from the director of “The Horse” Efremova - a thousand rubles each, the victims’ savings books show. “We no longer believe that any of them will settle accounts with us, even if they serve their entire sentence.”

As a result, about 5 million rubles were transferred to the victims’ accounts over the course of the year. Divide it among everyone - it turns out to be 13 - 15 thousand.

Two last month there were no payments at all.

As the bailiff service informed us, all proceedings for the collection of compensation were transferred for further execution to Moscow, to the Department for the Execution of Particularly Important Enforcement Proceedings of the FSSP of Russia, since the case is of a socially significant nature and must be under constant control.

We called Moscow, but they told us that they had only just received the materials and it was too early to comment.

“My daughter needs fruit and a transformable bed”

Irina Bannikova is the most seriously injured in that fire. She lives with her mother and son in a small two-room apartment. Ira cannot walk, talk, or hold a spoon. Her mother has to lift her daughter in her arms to put her in a wheelchair, to take her to the bathroom...

My daughter has grown long hair, every morning I do her hair, and then we start exercising,” says Tamara Gennadievna. - Irishka eats well, every day I try to buy fruit, cottage cheese, and meat.

The woman modestly remains silent that there is only enough money for the most necessary things. Income includes Irina’s disability pension and her mother’s pension, for two – about 23 thousand rubles. With this money you need to buy food, medicine, hygiene products, clothes for little Kiryushka...

Irina worked at Lame Horse as a bartender for almost five years, with a break for the birth of her child. The woman had almost no burns; she inhaled carbon monoxide and suffered severe brain damage.

Tamara Gennadievna quit her job and has been fighting for her daughter all these five years, not doubting for a second that Ira will get back on her feet.

On December 31st we will celebrate Irochka’s anniversary - 35 years old, I gave birth to her at 23.45 - a New Year’s girl,” the woman smiles. “We recently completed another course of treatment at the regional hospital; when the doctors saw us, they simply gasped: what progress we have made. It’s a shame that the speech therapist stopped working with us, because Irishka was already starting to say: mom, Kir, Marie. A year has already passed, and the clinic only promises.

Tamara Gennadievna has long dreamed of buying her daughter a special transforming bed, but the family does not have that kind of money.

Dear readers, if you want to help this family, the details are below.

Account details: add. office No. 6984/0182

Recipient bank: West Ural Bank of Sberbank of Russia

BIC 045773603

Cor. account 30101810900000000603

Account No. 40817810949493533771/53

P.S. The premises where the Lame Horse club was located remained closed for a long time. The officials offered it to everyone. They wanted to open a rescue school, a fashionable bookstore, and a museum here. Nobody agreed.

And this week information appeared that a rehabilitation center might open there.


The policeman who saved people got a major and got married

Komsomolskaya Pravda already wrote about the action of the Perm policeman Mussa Elmurziev (then a policeman). He was at the club that night and, when the fire started, he was one of the first to go outside - safe and sound. But he immediately rushed back into the burning club to save others.

Moussa saw a girl on the floor, still alive. He crawled up to her, grabbed her by the shoulders and dragged her to the exit.

The policeman received terrible burns - 45%, woke up already on the plane: he was transported to Moscow.

Moussa’s arms, back, leg, and face were badly burned. He spent several months in a hospital bed. And behind the wall, in the adjacent intensive care ward, lay the girl he had saved, Nadya Balashova.

- Do you communicate with Nadezhda?

Of course, we talk on the phone, she’s doing well! And I didn’t doubt for a minute that everything would be like this. Nadezhda is a very strong girl.

- How is your health?

There's nothing wrong with me, last time I was in the hospital in 2011, at the Vishnevsky Institute I had an operation to remove adhesions on my arms.

33-year-old Moussa is already a police major. He has been on a business trip in Ingushetia for two and a half years.

Should return to Perm in April. And not alone - three months ago I married a beautiful girl, her name is Tamara. We dream of children, we want a big family.


27-year-old Irina Pekarskaya is still bedridden

Another very seriously injured person is 27-year-old Irina Pekarskaya. Like Irina Bannikova, she received almost no burns. But carbon monoxide poisoning nearly killed her brain.

On the night of the fire, she was at the Horse with her husband. The man went outside to smoke. When he realized that there was a fire in the club, he went after his wife, inhaled acrid smoke and began to lose consciousness. Someone grabbed Sergei by the hands and dragged him outside.

“She screams so hard her blood runs cold”

For several months, Irina was undergoing treatment in Moscow, then in St. Petersburg, and then her husband found sponsors who helped send the girl for treatment to Germany, where she spent more than a year until the money ran out.

She began to respond to music, films, and began to recognize loved ones.

Ira was brought to Perm three years ago, and since then she has been in the regional hospital.

“I was undergoing a course of treatment in neurology, lay in the next room and almost went crazy during these 10 days,” an acquaintance called the other day. - Poor girl. She screams so hard that your blood runs cold...

We went to visit Ira.

There is a disgusting smell in the room, it smells of mustiness and unwashed body. The last time we saw the woman was two years ago. Then her condition was much better: lying in bed, she worked out on the exercise machine, smiled, and even seemed to understand everything...

Now Ira is lying in bed in the position in which she was laid. He can neither roll over nor stand up. She is very thin; you don’t have to be a doctor to understand that being underweight is critical.

Arms and legs are twisted - this happens if you don’t develop them. The mouth is open - the lower jaw has fallen. Bedsores - on arms, legs.

Why is the unhappy woman in such a state?

“One hundred nurses have changed”

At the request of the regional Ministry of Health, a separate room has been allocated for Irina Pekarskaya in our department,” says Head of the Neurological Department Alexander Zhelnin. - Funds are transferred to us from the budget for her food, treatment, and care. However, the victim’s common-law husband took upon himself the obligation to hire nurses for Irina and pay part of their earnings (part of it from the budget). During these three years, about a hundred people changed. Mostly they complain about not getting paid.

The nurses leave, and Irina, explains Alexander Vasilyevich, is left without care.

We still don't understand. She's in the hospital! Twisted hands and feet! Bedsores!

The patient is in a vegetative state, with little consciousness,” continues the head of the department. - She screams wildly, scaring other patients - this is a reaction to pain, to discomfort. The nurses of the department, dropping what they were doing, run to her, calm her down, administer medications, change her clothes, and essentially do someone else’s work for free.

- Is there at least a minimal chance of recovery?

Wounds can heal in weeks or months. When the brain is injured, everything is much more complicated. This is a unique human organ. It can begin to recover even in the most severe case, but this process is very, very long.

- What to do with Irina?

The chief doctor of our hospital contacted the Ministry of Social Development with a question about transferring Pekarskaya to a psychoneurological boarding school. The prosecutor's office also supported us (they conducted an investigation. - Ed.), who came to the conclusion that Irina should be in a center where they provide rehabilitation. But officials sent an answer that they were ready to consider transferring the patient, but only with the consent of her legal guardian.

They offered me a psychoneurological clinic. I’m against it, Irina is better off here, in a separate room, in a hospital setting,” says Sergei, Irina’s common-law husband.

He, according to him, now grabs any job in order to buy medicine for his wife and pay for caregivers.

The children - 5-year-old Arthur and 7-year-old Sasha - have been living in Berezniki for a year now, with their mother Irina.

Sashka went to first grade here, the teacher praises him,” says 65-year-old Nina Vasilievna. - I’m coping, but it’s hard for me, I suffered a stroke, I only walk around the apartment - I’m a disabled person of the 1st group. Well, at least they pay a good pension - 18 thousand. Their father helps them whenever possible. There are a lot of expenses. Sasha for food in the canteen - 400 rubles per week. Either the glove will tear, or the handle will be lost, now New Year handed over the money. I’ve given up on myself; I have nothing to buy a robe with. Already better for the boys tangerines - they love them very much.

- Don’t you go to Irina?

Where should I go, I just cry and pray. I'll call the hospital, ask how you're doing, and that's it.


Sometimes I remember that evening: I turned the phone in my hands, wanted to call my husband, but looked at the clock: it was 12 o’clock in the morning, he’ll be here soon,” says Nastya. - If I had called and said that I was waiting for him, perhaps he would have managed to leave the club before the fire. Or I would decide to go to him...

34-year-old Andrei Popov was at the club with his brother Alexander and two friends. Everyone died...

“I don’t know why none of them managed to escape, I can’t think about it anymore,” says Anastasia. After the death of her husband, she was left alone with two children - 7-year-old Dasha and one-year-old Zakhar.

She admits that living alone, without Andrei, without his support, is difficult and, what is much worse, sad.

We met at the May 9th holiday, I had just turned 18,” Nastya recalls. - Andrey was very romantic, he looked after me beautifully. Three years later we got married, we had an ideal family. In all these years we have never even had a fight. We have wonderful children - beautiful, healthy, God willing, they will be happy. I am very grateful to Andrey for them...

For Nastya, children - their interests, concerns, problems - are in the foreground.

“I work as a driver for children,” the young mother smiles. - Zakhar has singing, swimming, karate, Sunday school, Dasha has dancing, lessons. Of course, my mother and Andrei’s parents help me a lot, but still, now I have to rely only on myself, to solve all the problems myself. And it’s not even a matter of finances, it’s elementary - there’s no one to nail a nail or twist a light bulb.

- What do you live on?

For the pension we receive for the loss of a breadwinner: 6,136 rubles for each person. A total of 13 thousand have come from those convicted over the entire period.

- Do the children remember their father?

Dasha, of course, remembers, but I try to talk to her less about him. She keeps everything to herself; you don’t always understand what’s in her soul. Zakhar was told that dad saved other people, but he himself died. Andrey loved racing and always wore a red cap with the inscription Ferrari. And Zakhar loves her, the way he dresses her - my heart shudders, just a copy. He tells me: “When I grow up, I’ll be a builder like my dad, and I’ll build you a dacha.”

Nastya, you are so young, so beautiful... As our mothers would say: you also need to arrange your life.

I understand that living only in the interests of children is not entirely correct, but I still can’t do it any other way. Maybe over time...


In that tragedy, Natalya Zamorina lost her daughter, son and daughter-in-law. Maxim Zamorin, his wife Margarita and sister Elena celebrated a friend’s birthday at the Horse.

Maxim died in the club immediately, Rita could not be found for a long time, there was even hope that she was sent to Moscow for treatment as an unidentified person.

Unfortunately, a miracle did not happen - Margarita was identified by her police badge (the woman worked as a senior inspector in human resources)...

It was at the service that Margarita met her future husband. He is a prominent guy, graduated from the Higher Police School. She is smart and beautiful. Feelings flared up instantly.

Rita and Maxim are survived by two children. Richa is now 14, Georgiy is 7, they live with their grandmother, Margarita’s mother.

Maxim's sister Elena died from terrible burns in Moscow. She also worked in the police, but then moved to serve in the GUFSIN - in a women's colony. She also has a daughter, Christina, the same age as Risha. At first she lived with Natalya Gavrilovna, and then moved to her father.

The girls study in parallel classes and are friends.

And I stayed with Varya, this is a cat, Lena brought her two weeks before the tragedy,” says Natalya Zamorina. - Five years have passed, but the chest pain has not decreased. Sometimes you get busy with housework - you seem to forget for a while, but then again - memories, tears... I loved Rita like my own daughter. They are there in heaven and help me a lot. They feel when it’s bad and send their children. Surely at this moment one of the grandchildren will call or run in. Risha is very similar to her father, and Christina is very similar to her mother. Sometimes I look at them - as if they were not my granddaughters sitting, but children - Max and Lena.

On December 5, 2009, a fire occurred in the Lame Horse nightclub in Perm. A fire occurred due to pyrotechnics; The crush led to the fact that half of the visitors were unable to get out of the hall and suffocated from the acrid smoke. 156 people died.

A memorial service is held every year in the park near the monument in memory of the victims not far from the building where the club was located. Now the premises have been completely restored, they plan to transfer it for free use as a rehabilitation center.

Now the premises have been completely restored, they plan to transfer it for free use as a rehabilitation center. Photo: AiF/ Dmitry Ovchinnikov

25 year old Olga Kazakova I stopped coming to the funeral event a long time ago. As the Perm resident admits, “The Lame Horse” used to beckon there like a sworn place. Victims and survivors, months and years after the incident, could sit there for 30 minutes in the evenings and look at the bleak landscape.

“Last year I brought flowers to the monument in the evening. This year I did the same. I don’t know if others noticed, but on the nights of December 5th there was always something going on there. For example, the slate on the roof of the house was swaying in the wind, so much so that it seemed like it could fly off and cover everyone who was nearby,” she recalls.

Action in memory of the victims. Photo: AiF/ Dmitry Ovchinnikov

Road to Lame Horse

As a child, the Perm girl dreamed of becoming an actress, but at the age of four she decided to go dancing. Gradually she began working with her partner at various events, and at the age of 17 she was already able to buy her mother a gift with her own money.

“Then my partner and I ran away, and I couldn’t stay without work. That’s how I found “The Lame Horse.” At that time I was 19 years old and the club life at that time was very attractive,” Olga recalls.

As a child, the Perm girl dreamed of becoming an actress, but at the age of four she decided to go dancing. Photo from personal archive

"The night promised to be hot"

The girl started working as a dancer in a club. Preparations for the birthday of “The Lame Horse” lasted several weeks: endless performances and rehearsals, “the night promised to be hot,” the artists said.

During the fire, most of the club's employees rushed to the emergency exit. However, the corridors in the utility rooms were so narrow and crowded that there was a crush in the dark. Olga reached the middle, her strength began to leave her. One of the dancers became a “Guardian Angel” Andrey Vaskin, literally carrying her out of the smoke-filled room in his arms.

“There were burns on the face, head, arm, back. There is also carbon monoxide poisoning and burns to the upper respiratory tract. Lucky! Problems with memory appeared after the fire: I don’t remember a lot from school, and some moments from my life simply disappeared from my head,” says the Perm resident.

The girl was taken home from the hospital by her parents against a signature. In order not to fall into depression, she decided to forget about that night at all costs.

Rehabilitation by the Snow Maiden

Two weeks later, the friends actually forced her to go work at the children’s Christmas tree, put the girl in a Snow Maiden costume and sent her to the children. Smiles, happy faces, fun - Olga seemed to have plunged into a new world.

Two weeks later, friends actually forced Snegurochka to go and work at the children’s Christmas tree. Photo from personal archive

“And there are kids! And their glowing eyes! Obligatory “hugs” after the fairy tale, poems prepared especially for Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. This is real happiness - to see the joy of children and to be the reason for their joy. I can’t put it into words!” the dancer cannot contain her emotions.

The Snow Maiden’s profession attracted the young Permian so much that Olga began to go out annually on “December raids” on New Year’s Eve.

There are corporate parties, school events, and work with orphanages in remote areas of the region. She writes the program for her show herself - “simple and kind, without frills.” Gradually, the tragedy was forgotten, and the most important doctors - children - began to heal the soul.

“When I dress up as the Snow Maiden, I become a child myself, I feel like a little girl. And when the kids make wishes during the performance, I do it with them. And my soul becomes so light!” she says.

Creative flight

After the New Year's boom, Olga carefully puts the Snow Maiden costume in the closet and, “having received a charge of energy for the whole year,” returns to everyday life. She completely devoted herself to creative professions and works on several fronts at once: photographer, make-up artist, choreographer and model.

Working as the Snow Maiden helped her forget the terrible tragedy. Photo from personal archive

“After experiencing the tragedy, I realized how close my parents and friends are to me. It’s as if the realization has come that you need to appreciate every moment of life. Yes, nothing can be the same as before. The carelessness is gone, or something,” she says.

Now her main dream is to simply enjoy life and give people happiness. And December for Olga is no longer a sad memory of the tragedy of six years ago, but a time of hope, change and revival.

A year ago, 156 people died in the Lame Horse night cafe.

On December 5th, Perm will celebrate a sad anniversary. On this day in 2009, trouble affected thousands of Perm residents. Many had relatives, friends, and acquaintances killed or injured in the fiery nightmare of the “Lame Horse.”

Now most of those who survived the terrible night are undergoing long courses of treatment and rehabilitation. Svetlana Chazova's daughter was injured in The Lame Horse. The girl was badly burned - she has no hair, no ears, and several fingers on her left hand were completely or partially amputated. Burn scars on the skin cause the fingers and joints to bend poorly. She spent about four months in a St. Petersburg clinic. All this time Svetlana was next to her. The attitude of the residents of St. Petersburg, local officials and doctors towards the affected Perm residents was the most favorable. Relatives who arrived in the city on the Neva were paid for housing and food. Volunteers helped with literally everything.

No matter how much we scold our country, our people are still very good and kind,” says Svetlana Chazova. - Our governor Oleg Chirkunov came to us. I met with every Permian. He very quickly helped us open accounts in St. Petersburg banks so that we could receive benefits without delay. He resolved all our problems very quickly.

When the need arose for a blood transfusion for her daughter - Svetlana Chazova is in the same group as her - the mother offered her biomaterial. But the doctor, as Chazova recalls, refused her for two reasons. Firstly, she does not have a St. Petersburg registration, and secondly, there are enough donors even without her.

Now we are going to go to St. Petersburg again,” says Svetlana Chazova. - We must perform operations on our daughter to restore her ability to work so that her arms can move.
They have already completed a rehabilitation course in Sochi, like other victims, and are now going to Ust-Kachka. Only one thing worries Svetlana. After doctors restore my daughter, a disabled person of the first group, to her ability to work, there will be a need for cosmetic surgery. It is necessary to reconstruct the fingers and ears. And to restore just one ear, it takes about one and a half million rubles.

True, they didn’t promise us help with this,” says Svetlana. “But we’re not complaining, we’ll manage somehow.” My child is alive, and that's good.

Boiling polystyrene

A year ago, Natalya Beze's two daughters went to the Lame Horse. Irina died, but the youngest, Marina, miraculously remained alive. During the fire, she lay on the floor, under boiling polystyrene dripping from the ceiling. They were badly burned right side body, hands and face. According to Natalia Beze, she now has two problems with her daughter. Firstly, these are medications. They are very expensive. A 15-gram tube of Kelo-Kota, which helps treat burns, costs at least one and a half thousand rubles. But it’s not on sale either. Now relatives are bringing medicine from abroad. Sponsors also help. Recently, several tubes of Dermatix were sent from Moscow. Natalya doesn’t even know how much this medicine costs. She knows that it is very expensive and is not available in pharmacies in Russia. The sponsor purchased it abroad and, fearing that it might be lost in the mail, sent Dermatix with a friend on an airplane.

In addition to burns, other diseases have to be treated. People suffered from stomach ulcers, pneumonia, bronchitis, blood poisoning and even memory loss from the ingestion of toxic gases released by the burning paneling at the Lame Horse Club. All of these diseases require medications to treat.

Natalya Beze received various benefits, but almost all of them went to repay bank loans. Shortly before the fire, she and her husband bought apartments for their daughters on credit, and the money had to be spent on paying them off.

Everyone helped us a lot,” says Natalya. - For example, when Marina was in a Moscow hospital, she needed a special protein diet. People, complete strangers to me, ordered the necessary meat and fish dishes from restaurants and brought them to the hospital. There were also many nameless assistants. They prepared the necessary food themselves, bought fruits, cottage cheese, toothbrushes, and slippers. People were very helpful. At the expense of sponsors, compression garments were made not only for the daughter, but also for all the victims, and according to individual standards.
Natalya’s daughter underwent treatment at a Sochi health resort. And he’s going there again. All trips are paid.

Natalia Beze is very excited about the upcoming plastic surgery. She fears that doctors will restore her daughter’s ability to work, but the scars on the skin will remain. In addition, the anti-burn medications they now use are classified as cosmetics. Therefore, you have to buy them at your own expense.

I would like there to be an individual approach to each victim in Lame Horse,” says Natalya Beze. - We need rehabilitation programs for everyone, both medical and psychological. For example, my daughter has already been summoned to court twice. But she doesn't want to go. The memories make her feel sad.

Five million from a sponsor

28-year-old Vladimir was badly burned that tragic night. Now his entire face and body are “decorated” with patches of transplanted skin. Wear special compression gloves on our hands. Recovery procedures are still needed.

I work for same place, - said Vladimir. - I’m fine, I have nothing to complain about. Officials, doctors and just people are sympathetic to my problems and help in everything.
He also received treatment in a Sochi sanatorium and is now planning to go to Nizhny Novgorod to restore the functions of fingers and hands burned on the fifth of December.

But domestic medicine does not always help victims. Two girls are still in a comatose state. The relatives of one of them, 22-year-old Irina Pekarskaya, were able to find sponsors and used the money raised to send her to Germany for treatment. For two months, German specialists treated the girl’s bedsores that formed during her stay in a Moscow hospital. Now Irina’s condition has improved, she has begun to respond to people and eat on her own. But such treatment cost five million rubles. Many months of rehabilitation lie ahead.

Horseshoe at the club

Perm authorities decided to erect a memorial sign at the site of the tragedy. One million rubles have been allocated from the city budget for this. The project is already ready. They plan to install a memorial sign at the entrance to the former night cafe "Lame Horse". It is a rectangular column made of brown granite. In the very premises that the municipal authorities want to receive from the Russian Ministry of Defense, they plan to organize a life safety center. There will also be a memorial room with the names of all those who died from the fire. However, this project caused sharp rejection from the relatives of the victims.

“My husband died there,” one of the women said. - I want to go there. Maybe I’ll come during the day, maybe at night, and who will come to my room?
will he let you in?

There are many proposals to perpetuate the memory of the victims. It is also proposed to install a stele in the Ural Volunteers park. Place a large metal horseshoe on the pavement where flowers could be carried. But the authorities and the victims have not yet come to a common denominator.


♦ The Lame Horse fire killed 156 people.
♦ Recognized as victims in a criminal case - 406 people.
♦ 146 children were left orphans, 9 children lost both parents.
♦ The criminal case about the fire contains 139 volumes.
♦ Nine defendants are accused in the criminal case, six of them have been arrested.
♦ The victims and their representatives filed claims for compensation for moral and material damage in the amount of more than 4 billion rubles.
♦ The amount of voluntary donations amounted to 22,079,132 rubles 23 kopecks, of which 3,457,561 rubles 16 kopecks are intended for payments only to children.
♦ Each affected family received 78,561 rubles 48 kopecks.
♦ Each child received 21,609 rubles, orphans - 43,219 rubles.
♦ Relatives of the victims were paid 400,000 rubles from the federal budget, and 100,000 rubles from the regional budget.
♦ The victims received 300,000 rubles from the federal budget, and 100,000 rubles from the regional budget. Now all the money has already been paid to people.


On the night of December 4-5, at 0.30, a memorial service will begin near the former premises of the Lame Horse. Duty buses will take people home to remote areas - Motovilikha, Parkovy, Zakamsk.

A circular about holding prayers was sent to all churches in the Perm region, said priest Konstantin, a representative of the Perm diocese. - At the Northern Cemetery, the funeral service will begin at 11.00 on December 5th. At the request of relatives, memorial prayers will be read over the graves of the victims. The issue of mourning services in other cemeteries in Perm and the region has also been resolved.

At the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater on December 4, Verdi's Requiem will be performed in memory of the victims of the fire. A literary evening by Veniamin Smekhov will take place at the Theater on December 5 at 18.00. Some tickets are reserved for relatives of the dead and injured.

All flights at the Perm Bolshoye Savino airport are met by psychologists - relatives of the victims are flying to the city. At night, none of the city's nightclubs disturbs the mourning with lights and music. All entertainment venues are closed until December 8th. They were replaced by the lights and music of ambulances. On Sunday night, a day after the tragedy, the victims were taken to the airport to be sent to other cities for treatment.

The Lame Horse Club is cordoned off, with police officers standing every five meters. In front of the stairs leading into it there are piles of flowers, dozens of candles are burning. People come up, put down carnations and cross themselves. Every second person cries. The men light up nervously. There is not enough space for flowers, so they begin to place them on the sides and benches in the nearby park. Photos and icons are also placed there.

The names of two dead girls are laid out in the snow with carnations: Lilya, Yana. By Sunday evening there are more and more people. Just like human tears. Just passersby, whose lives were lost, are also crying. An old woman sprinkles the steps with holy water. “I just sympathize,” she says and hugs the girl Anna. Anna’s friend Tatyana (she asked not to use her last name) died: “She was a bright little person. Her contact name is “Zayko”, and now everyone writes to her page. Tanya’s loved one died two years ago. And now here she is... I was also eager to join this club. Thank God I didn’t go.”

There are no traces of the tragedy on the club building itself. The soot did not affect either the white “Lame Horse” sign or the white facade of the nine-story building to which the club adjoins. There is also a one-story wooden extension around the house, where there are several shops. Firefighters consider it a miracle that the stores did not burn down.

The fire was seen and heard only by residents of the first and second entrances. And the residents of the third entrance slept peacefully that night, not even feeling the smoke. “It was very scary. We were afraid that the fire would reach us,” a girl from the sixth floor of the first entrance told NI.

The Perm Regional Clinical Hospital is a two-minute walk from the burned club. She took on the first wave of victims. But there is no burns department in the hospital. Doctors say that if it had not been for four burn consultants who immediately flew in from Moscow, there could have been more victims. “We received 40 people. Two died in the emergency room. Then two more - within an hour and two - a day later. There weren't enough tables in the operating room. But the staff did a great job - the doctors arrived at night, and all the patients were anesthetized and bandaged,” Valery Blinov, the head physician of the hospital, tells NI. There are currently four victims in the hospital, two of them in serious condition. The rest were sent for treatment to other cities.

In the hall of the Perm Philharmonic on Sunday, things of the victims were given out to relatives. Relatives came with whole families - about a hundred people lined up. Everyone was assigned numbers, writing them down on a piece of paper. Nobody cried. They talked about what happened in a whisper: “At the autopsy, the organs were black,” “One minute was enough for her to suffocate.”

A fair-haired elderly woman in a completely indifferent voice told me about her grief: “My daughter, Svetlana Berezovskaya, 28 years old, died. The girl is very smart, has two higher educations, worked as a cellular communications engineer. I learned about her death on TV. Before that, I visited all the hospitals. There were seven girls, they had a bachelorette party. Two died, the rest are in intensive care. One of them was supposed to have a wedding. We rode in a limousine, booked a table and went to the Lame Horse. To celebrate, they decided to rent the prestigious restaurant. So we rested. My daughter was run over. She swallowed smoke and was trampled. She was all mutilated - a crowd ran over her.”

Svetlana Zinatova came to pick up her husband Farid’s things. He himself lies in the intensive care unit of the 36th Moscow City Hospital “in a stable and serious condition.” “My friends called me and I came to the scene of the fire,” Svetlana told NI. – I took my husband and I to the hospital in an ambulance. Nothing was organized there - naked people were freezing with burns in the emergency room. They didn't even get blankets! Only one girl was carried out, who ran out into the street half-naked. Relatives themselves went shopping and bought water.”

Alexander Nesterov’s wife Olga was injured - a 30-year-old woman with burns to 70% of her body lies in the intensive care unit of the Sklifosovsky Institute: “When the fire started, they stayed at the bar and sat down with their friends on the floor. Her friend Clara told me this. Then both lost consciousness. When they came to their senses, almost everyone had already left, and he and Clara were one of the last to get out when the rescuers had already arrived. The security guard of the office next to the “Horse” called me. He saw Olga walking - burnt, swaying, without outer clothing. His wife dictated the phone number to him, and he called me. When I arrived, she had already been taken by ambulance to the regional burn center in Zakamsk. She was conscious only for the first hour. Her upper respiratory tract was still burned, and doctors say that it will be possible to make a forecast for her condition only in a month. She has a seven-year-old child waiting for her at home.”

After all, people are shit, not creatures. After all, how is it customary here? Something terrible will happen - we will groan, groan, be indignant, be hysterical - and immediately forget. We mourn and are indignant on social networks while we wait for the waiter to bring food.

Remember the fire at the Lame Horse club in Perm? So I almost forgot: this was given back in 2009.

And the relatives of the victims remember. Every day they remember. The victims themselves do not remember: after inhaling smoke, they received severe brain damage and now live with the consciousness of infants.

They can’t walk, they don’t recognize anyone. They can't even hold a spoon in their hands. They react exclusively to pain, like babies. They may cry and scream. In general, that's all.

There was an adult daughter who gave her mother grandchildren and became baby, which requires round-the-clock care.

This is what the woman in the photo above looked like before she suffered carbon monoxide poisoning.

 Photo: Social networks

Irina, who suffered brain damage from toxic substances, is not the only one among the victims.

Here's another one: a mother of two boys. There is no hope for recovery. Needs care.

Photo: Komsomolskaya Pravda in Perm - KP

She - before the tragedy:

Photo: Social networks

The children have lost their mothers. Mothers have lost daughters.

Some mothers lost all their children. Natalya Zamorina buried her son, daughter, and daughter-in-law: they celebrated their birthday at the club. No one survived.

Photo: Komsomolskaya Pravda

Meanwhile, those responsible for the fire are going free. They were not even in strict regime colonies, but in settlement colonies.

The commercial director of the Lame Horse is already at home. The victims were not paid a penny.

Photo: Komsomolskaya Pravda

Natalya Prokopyeva, the inspector responsible for the fire safety of the building, spent 4 months behind bars and was released, having been granted an amnesty in connection with the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The state paid compensation to the victims. From our taxes, of course.

Under the amnesty, fire inspector Dmitry Roslyakov, pyrotechnician Igor Derbenev, and executive director of Lame Horse Svetlana Efremova were released. All of them came under amnesty in connection with the 70th anniversary of the Victory.

Svetlana Efremova Photo: Reedus

Apparently, in the opinion of those who organized such an amnesty, our grandfathers died on the battlefield so that the criminals responsible for the deaths of 156 people would be released.

As a result of the fire, 15 children were left orphans, 44 lost one of their parents. 64 people were seriously injured.

Some of those responsible for the fire, in order not to pay money to the victims, hastily divorced their wives, transferring the property to them. Now they are being released. Officially they have no money. In fact, these are very wealthy people.

I am now addressing those who sit high and look far away. I know that you are reading me. Help please.