Why do you dream of catching a ball? Maly Velesov dream book

"My cheerful one, ringing ball“Where did you go at a gallop?” as children, we recited Marshak’s poem at the top of our voices while playing with the ball. The ball is one of the baby’s first toys, the ball is the most common sports equipment. Most children's and sports games related to this subject. By running after the ball, we train muscles, breathing, endurance, and this is the key to health. What does a ball seen in a dream promise us? Why do you dream, for example, about playing football? The dream book knows about this, as well as about many other things! Any person who is interested in the interpretation of his dreams will definitely look into the dream book as soon as he wakes up! Let's do the same!

Sports equipment

If you dream that you are training with a soccer ball, the dream promises you good health and success in business, according to Miller’s dream book.

I dreamed that you had to play with a deflated football or basketball– plans and dreams are not destined to come true in the near future, warns the dream book.

We saw in a dream how an athlete throws a basketball into a hoop and cannot hit it - to disappointment in the relationship. Perhaps a loved one or close friend will not support you in your endeavors, and you will feel betrayed.

I dreamed that a volleyball game was interrupted because volleyball flew far into the stands - a long break from work awaits you. Perhaps a vacation.

To see in a dream how quickly and accurately a tennis player hits a tennis ball with a racket - in real life in the coming days you will be able to solve any problems on the way to achieving your goals.

Playing volleyball with a basketball in a dream means intrigue and the envy of your enemies. Be vigilant so as not to fall into the networks of intriguers.

If you dream that you hit your opponent’s goal with a soccer ball and miss, it means loss of money; hitting the goal means profit, this is how the Sports Dream Book interprets this dream. A dream means approximately the same thing when you are the goalkeeper: catching the ball means money, missing it means spending.

To see in a dream how a billiards player drives all the balls into the holes with one precise blow of the cue - in reality you will get acquainted with some kind of exciting activity that you will want to try your hand at it. The dream book recommends refraining only from extreme hobbies in the coming days, but everything else, on the contrary, is welcome.

Children's toy

If you dreamed that you were running with an inflatable children's ball, the dream book predicts an unexpected and pleasant meeting with an old childhood friend or classmate.

Seeing in a dream how several kids, frolicking in the water, throwing a ball to each other - means fun and carefreeness.

Playing knockout, seen in a dream, means that you do not have enough strength to cope with problems alone. Don’t “tear the veins”, ask for help, the dream book advises.

Inflating a deflated children's balloon - in real life, you want to tell your friend something important, but secret, but you cannot decide to do so.

Play in your sleep shinny on the grass - means an unusual solution to a problem that is preventing you from living and working in reality. Perhaps your friend can give you a solution.

If you dreamed that you had a lot of children’s toys under your feet, including balls, that were preventing you from walking, many obstacles await you on the way to achieving your goals.

Something that is not a ball at all

I dreamed that children were throwing a globe to each other - to an unexpected long-distance business trip. Perhaps you are about to go on a business trip abroad or have a business dinner in another city.

You dream that you throw a watermelon or a round melon to a friend, and he catches it and throws it back to you - for a fun picnic or a trip to the forest for barbecue - this is the interpretation of this dream according to many dream books.

Dream interpretation of playing ball

In real life, you will not meet a single person who does not play with a ball. Why do you dream about playing?

Interpreters believe that this vision speaks of your unstable position. At any moment you can lose your status, material well-being and sink to the very bottom.

Dreaming with a ball

The ball is every child's favorite toy. And even quite mature age We are not averse to playing knockout, football, volleyball, and other games with the presence of a ball.

Predictions of interpreters

I dreamed about a toy or sports equipment

Before you start making your own forecast for the future, you should find out from dream books one important point. What do the visions in which you performed certain actions with the ball promise in general?

Maly Velesov interpreter

A ball in a dream can promise two main things:

  • a pleasant meeting with friends, a romantic date;
  • obstacle in important matters.

The prediction will depend on what you did with the ball in your dream.

21st century interpreter

Seeing a small toy in your hands in a dream

This dream interpreter believes: if you played ball, you should be extremely careful. Soon fate will present you with a gift, the main thing is not to miss your chance.

Seeing a ball rolling towards you means renewing old connections, meeting a friend with whom you have not communicated for a long time. The dream book also promises you to receive an inheritance.

If you played with a small ball, then you will meet a childhood friend with whom you will have a fun and pleasant time.

But at the same time, if you dream of a ball, then you should not make important decisions now. All difficult questions should be postponed indefinitely. The prediction says that a sleeping person should refrain from long trips.

The dream book advises you to pay attention to minor things for which you simply did not have enough time or desire before. Now is the most favorable period for this.

Interpreter of the Wanderer

Seeing an exciting game in a dream

If you dreamed of a ball, then such a vision rather describes your inner state. It is possible that you have inflated ambitions; your pride often interferes with your life.

Among other things, a vision can portend troubles and grievances. The dreamer will become an outcast from society; he will be offended by all and sundry.

Interpreter of Medea

According to this dream book, playing ball is a vision showing that human life is only a kind of game. The dream also suggests that your position at this time is quite unstable.

The witch believed that if you played with a ball in a dream, then dizzying success awaited you, and in next moment you will be forced to fight for your existence.

Just seeing the ball will give you hope for the best.

Interpreter Longo

I dreamed about sports equipment

Basketballs, footballs, and other balls in a dream predict that you will again meet someone important to you. Perhaps it will be a childhood friend with whom you had a good time, but then he moved away, and you forgot to think about him.

Longo believed that you would soon meet this person again, and you would enjoy spending time together. In the future, you will no longer be separated.

If the dreamer does not have anyone who could fit this description, then you will meet a like-minded person. You will meet a person who will completely echo your thoughts. It is believed that you will soon find an excellent companion.

In night vision, you simply watched the ball lie motionless - peace will come into your life. If you were tormented by some troubles, now they will leave your life, you can be sure of it.

Esoteric dream book

Throwing a toy in a dream

Did you dream about the ball? Participation in disputes, competitions, games will definitely bring you sole victory.

Interpreter Meneghetti

Any ball that you saw in a dream means that there is no certainty in your life now. No one can tell you what will happen tomorrow. Perhaps you will gain something, or perhaps, on the contrary, you will lose.

Throwing the ball back and forth means you will be busy with useless chores. The dream book gives the same interpretation if you roll the ball from place to place.

Play with it and you can increase your wealth.

Gypsy interpreter

This symbol in a dream is a harbinger of difficulties. If it rolls at your feet, it means you will receive a reward for your work.

I dreamed about playing volleyball

Is the ball rolling away from you? This vision means that you should work hard to achieve a high position.

Modern interpretation of sleep

Have you ever dreamed about someone playing basketball, football, or volleyball? You consider this person to be dexterous, someone who can cope with any obstacles and do even the hardest work.

Playing ball brought true pleasure - perhaps in reality you should put aside negative emotions and experience a surge of adrenaline.

Much depends on what shape the ball was in your dream. What is it used for, for example, a volleyball often indicates that you will get caught up in work and stop caring about your family.

Try to remember your actions with him, and then take on the interpretation.

Your actions in a dream

Much depends on your actions in night vision:

I dreamed of donated sports equipment

  • if you leave him, you will suffer resentment from a loved one;
  • flog the ball - you will come into conflict with an acquaintance, but will emerge victorious from the dispute;
  • look for it - challenge a friend;
  • play with a ball with a friend - quarrel with a friend;
  • buy a ball - you will make a new friend;
  • they gave it to you - you will again begin to communicate with your distant relative.

Dreaming about sports

Football training in a dream, according to Gustav Miller, promises the sleeping person good health and good luck in life.

The ball was dropped - your plans will not come true in the near future, no matter how hard you try.

The basketball player in your night vision cannot hit the hoop - changes are coming in your personal life, and they will not be pleasant. It is possible that you will survive the betrayal.

Watching volleyball and seeing the ball fly out of the field means you will take a break from work, it is possible that you are planning a vacation.

If you don't hit the ball into the goal, you'll be wasting your money. Be extremely careful with your finances.

Play billiards and instantly hit the balls into the holes - you will find an interesting activity and devote yourself completely to it.

Why do you dream of a ball? In a dream, this is a symbol of a rare and extremely favorable opportunity that cannot be missed. However full interpretation the image depends on many details. First of all, it depends on the type of product itself and personal actions in relation to it.

Ball in a dream - interpretation of popular dream books

Did you dream about the ball? The collection of dream books is sure that a very interesting and fruitful trip awaits you. The Ukrainian dream book considers the object an omen of a happy meeting or even a date. Sometimes this item warns of minor obstacles.

The Wanderer's Dream Book associates the image with pride and ambition. If you dreamed of a ball, then troubles, some tasks or condemnation await you. For some time you will literally turn into a “whipping boy.” According to Medea's dream book, the object is a symbol of life's game. If you played with him, the situation will be extremely unstable.

Why else do you dream of a ball? The 21st century Dream Book believes that you should refuse drastic changes. Especially in the workplace. Try not to start grandiose projects, if possible, give up business trips and take care of your health.

What does it mean in a dream – a ball in your hands

A ball that accidentally falls into your hands promises a big chance. If you caught him on purpose, but achieve a minor goal. If a girl held the ball in her hands and then dropped it and it rolled away, then in reality she will be overcome by jealousy.

Did you dream that the ball deflated right in your hands? Take an action that you will greatly regret later. Seeing a deflated object in front of you can indicate a changeable environment.

Why do you dream of playing with a ball, throwing

Did you see how enthusiastically they played with the ball? A long-awaited meeting with a person you know will definitely take place. The same plot symbolizes the ability to live and enjoy the present. If in reality you started some kind of scam, then the dream warns: it will be more difficult to implement it than it seemed.

It’s good if you threw the ball into a basket or against a wall. This is a sign of accurate calculation. If it hits where you were aiming, then make the desired deal. In the opposite situation, in reality you will only waste energy. A ball game of an uncertain nature symbolizes an equally uncertain relationship with a loved one or business partner.

I dreamed about a ball, big, small, for children

If in a dream you dreamed of a small or clearly children's ball ik, then in the real world you will see an old friend. You can also find a children's ball in a dream before a favorable set of circumstances that will help you realize an old dream.

A large product in a dream hints at the successful removal of obstacles that will very soon fall on you. Why do you dream sports ball? Get ready for confrontation and competition. Moreover, the outcome depends only on the correctness of your own actions.

A ball in a dream – what else does it symbolize?

In fact, this round object can be interpreted in the most incredible ways. The main thing is to pay attention to the accompanying details.

  • the ball rolled towards you - reward, profit
  • from you - miss an important chance
  • back and forth - empty troubles
  • jumped up - good news from afar
  • volleyball – family problems due to work
  • football - leadership
  • inflatable – unstable position
  • colorful – rainbow period
  • playing with the ball alone - improving life, wealth
  • with someone - quarrel
  • throwing to the ground - insult from a friend
  • into the air - monetary losses
  • into the water - unsuccessful deal, financial problems
  • tearing open with something sharp - a successful confrontation
  • search - adventure
  • find - conflict
  • buy – acquaintance, new friends
  • lose - loss in reality

Why do you dream that the ball was given to you or given to you by another character? In the sublunary world, relationships with people around you, primarily with relatives, will significantly improve.

The objects that appear to us in dreams are varied. Some are too outlandish, others are not unique. The dream ball belongs to the latter.

In reality, this attribute helps us not only play sports, but also have fun at a picnic. Why do you dream about the ball? Let's ask the dream books.

Characteristics of sports equipment

I had a dream about soccer ball? The illness will soon subside and the sleeper will recover. If the dreamer’s cold does not bother him, then this dream confirms his good health.

A basketball in a dream symbolizes success, which will envelop the financial sphere of the dreamer’s life.. Things will get better at work.

Don’t forget about your family while completely devoting yourself to your career. The interpretation of the dream according to the dream book will tell you about this, after dreaming of a volleyball made of elastic material.

Seeing in a dream tennis ball- to a pleasant meeting with a person from the past whom the sleeper has not seen for a long time.

It is worth preparing for the reunion of school graduates. A dream in which a dozing person collides with a child’s ball will help you not to miss this memorable event. He will spend interesting time with his classmates and gain a lot of new information.

Number of balls

The more round devices for games you see, the more noisy and cheerful company you will have to relax. Thus, dreams of a lot of balls for a big party.

Here's a meeting with best friend will follow a night vision in which the ball appeared alone.

Interacting with an Item

See, play

If in your dreams you collided with a ball at a distance? Then in reality a date is coming. Both a meeting with friends and a romantic rendezvous are likely.

Did you happen to play basketball with a ball in a dream? Now is the most favorable time to devote yourself to your career.

To dream of playing with a ball means that the dreamer will experience carefree fun.

Throw, kick

Throwing a ball in a dream is a symbol of excessive self-confidence. You should not use others for your own gain.

If in reality you are worried about a certain problem, then after a dream in which you happened to kick a ball, you will be lucky enough to find a solution characterized by its unusualness.

Hit a person or object

A dream in which you broke a window with this attribute warns that you risk offending a close and good friend.

Soon you will commit some rash and irresponsible act directed against a loved one, extremely offending him. This is how the books of omens interpret night vision, in which you hit someone with this spherical object.

Buy, lose, find

If you were lucky enough to buy a ball while you were asleep, then joyful event will dispel your dull everyday life. Read more about what you dream about here.

Losing this attribute represents the losses you will suffer.

Fate is preparing to throw you a challenge that you can easily cope with. Such a harbinger is carried by a dream where you found a ball.

Interpretations for women and men

A dream seen by women who are in a legal or civil relationship represents a threat to the family union.

You should stop being jealous of your chosen one, otherwise collapse will inevitably happen. And there is no reason to distrust your beloved.

A lonely young lady is destined to meet a young guy. The time spent will be remembered for a long time, but dream books do not promise the duration of the relationship.

A family man should take a break from routine and devote time to relaxation.

But for a bachelor, it is important to prove himself more diligently at work and perform his duties better.

Let's ask the dream books

Miller pointed out in his collection: playing with a ball is a harbinger of a long-awaited and joyful meeting with a friend from childhood. You will have a wonderful rest and relax from everyday worries.

Was the “hero” of the dream lying motionless? Peace and tranquility will soon visit your life.

Vanga claimed that the dreamed round-shaped device for the game symbolizes an impending trip that will “give” you pleasant acquaintances.

Longo's opinion: did you have to roll the ball back and forth? You have to indulge in chores that have no importance. The financial side of your life will improve after dreams where you played with this attribute.

Denise Lynn's book of predictions says: playing with a ball is a symbol of the pleasure and joy that you get from life. And Simon Kananit foreshadowed a meeting with a close friend from childhood to someone who collided with a ball in their dreams.

Freud compared this attribute to the male genital organ. If the ball was of good quality, then problems with potency are not expected. It wouldn’t hurt to see a urologist for those who encountered a deflated ball in their dreams.

Dream Book of the Wanderer: this “guest” of the dream personifies the dreamer’s ambitions, his touchiness and the troubles that he will have to face.

The visions that visited us at night can be interpreted in different ways. But it is important to remember that there are no hopeless situations. Everyone has the power to decide their own destiny.

Dreams are an important part of our lives, and the visions in them are diverse. Therefore, since ancient times, people began to think about and unravel their meaning. This is how dream books appeared.

Having seen a dream where you were lucky enough to play a soccer ball, you can relax and not worry. This dream means good health and success in all endeavors. Miller promises us such a prosperous near future.

But at the same time, the dream book warns, a deflated ball indicates the need not to rush things and postpone important matters for a while. It may not be possible to implement everything planned now; you need to take a pause.

Dreamers who see a volleyball flying outside the playing area should undoubtedly relax, because in the near future you will have a break from work. Most likely, your boss will send you on a long-awaited vacation.

If you dreamed of a basketball while you were playing volleyball, be vigilant and attentive to those around you. It is possible that someone is spreading gossip and weaving intrigues around your person.

Also, a volleyball can warn you that you are overly enthusiastic about work. Don't forget that there is also a home, family and children, they need your love and your attention.

Anyone who in a dream had a chance to play a soccer ball and score a goal into a goal can rightfully consider himself lucky. Monetary gains await you in life. In addition, this dream may mean a meeting with an old acquaintance or close friend, contact with whom was lost for a long period of time.

Perhaps for one reason or another you had to leave and communication was interrupted, but in the near future you will definitely meet and your friendship will resume. For those who have never experienced such separations in their lives, this dream promises a meeting and a new acquaintance. This person will enter your life for a long time and will have special meaning for you.

Why do you dream of a ball lying motionless on the ground? Such a vision means the imminent arrival of a favorable period in the dreamer’s life. The worries, troubles and problems that have accompanied you recently will go away, you will be able to relax and breathe deeply. Enjoy this moment and have a good rest, you need peace and tranquility now more than ever.

Other details

Other subtleties of the dream about the ball are also important:

  • Color.
  • Actions with him.
  • Size.

Let's take a closer look at each of these points. So, a colored ball warns of an upcoming obstacle, which will require effort to overcome. But it’s worth it, because as a result, good luck will come to you, which will accompany you in everything.

If you had a dream in which the ball had an unusual, non-standard size, you will soon receive the same unusual offer. Your task is not to rush into an answer, but to think it over carefully. This decision must be balanced.

Did you have to play children's ball? This means that you will sweep away any obstacles encountered on the path of life with the spontaneity inherent in children's age. Some you won't even notice - you'll go through them so quickly and easily.

Losing a ball in a dream promises some valuable finds or purchases. If you have been planning to buy something for a long time, then in the near future this idea will come true.

Buying a ball means making a new acquaintance that promises to grow into a strong friendship. This person will become not only a wonderful friend for you, but also a real support and support in life.

In your dreams, did you watch a ball roll towards your feet? Expect news from an old friend or acquaintance. But children playing in the water with a ball predicts a fun and carefree pastime. It is possible that you will become a guest at a fun, noisy party.