One-arm seated French press with a dumbbell. Performing a French press lying, standing and sitting - with a barbell and dumbbells

This exercise loads the triceps very well, since all its parts are included in the work: the medial, lateral and long head. Their main task is to extend the arm when the athlete places his arm behind his head. Additionally, the elbow muscle is involved in the French press. It is responsible for bending the arm at the joint.

Correct technique

  1. You need to stand straight, with your feet shoulder-width apart. The dumbbell is held in one hand. She stretches up above her head. In this case, the little finger of the working hand looks at the ceiling, and the palm faces forward. It is very important that the dumbbell is positioned strictly above your head.
  2. The part of the arm from the shoulder to the elbow should always be located next to the head. It is strictly perpendicular to the floor, and the elbows are directed inward towards the body.
  3. After inhaling, the athlete lowers the dumbbell behind his head along the trajectory of a semicircle. The movement continues until the forearm touches the biceps.
  4. As you exhale, the hand returns to starting position, and the triceps tighten.
  5. The required number of repetitions is performed and the hand changes. Beginner athletes are not recommended to use weights exceeding 8 kg. Girls should start with dumbbells weighing 2-3 kg.

This exercise can be performed on a pulley machine. For this purpose it is used rope handle, which is attached to lower block. As for the technique, it is identical to that described above. Or do it with a dumbbell, but sitting.

Seated one-arm French press:


This simple exercise can be very dangerous for your joints if not done correctly. To protect yourself from possible injuries, it is recommended to work only with a weight that is comfortable for you. Beginners should never use dumbbells heavier than 8 kg, as their triceps will not be ready to receive such a load. In addition, you will have to make jerks to straighten your arm, and this negatively affects the health of the joints.

When doing a one-arm French press, it is important avoid unnecessary elbow movements. They must be firmly fixed, otherwise the working muscle will not receive the load you need.

Common mistakes

One of the most famous mistakes in the French press is considered body rocking. Some beginners, having taken on too much weight for themselves, try to push it out using the strength of their entire body and legs. You don't need to do this because you won't be able to get your triceps in shape. They will still lag behind, because all the load will leave them and spread throughout the body.

Some beginners, having learned about the possibility of cheating, begin to do it even on their first repetitions. It is important to remember that cheating is only permissible for weightlifters who lift heavy weights. In some cases, they cannot press a dumbbell without this technique, so they have to remove the load from the triceps. As for beginners, they usually work with light dumbbells, so cheating is not appropriate here.

Another popular mistake is rounding of shoulders under weight. There is no need to do this, since it is created additional load on your spine, which can harm your posture. When doing a French press, you need to stand still and straight.


To perform the French press with one arm, you will need a comfortable dumbbell. Additionally, you can use gloves if you work with heavy weight. It is also worth paying attention to the shoes in which the exercise is performed. It should be comfortable so that it does not slip on the floor.

  1. In this exercise, it is important to keep your elbow joint well. To do this, you can go to the wall and stand sideways, pressing your elbow against it. You can also hold it with your non-working hand. In any case, it should not move if you want to get the effect of the exercise.
  2. The arm rotates so that the forearm is parallel to the shoulder. In other words, the elbow should point to the side, not forward.
  3. This exercise is not recommended for athletes who have suffered from elbow problems in the past. They are under a very heavy load, so old injuries can remind themselves.
  4. This exercise is not classified as a basic exercise, so it should be performed at the end of the workout. It is best to do the bench press after two basic exercises for triceps.
  5. If you want to work with heavy weights, it is recommended to exercise in a block machine, as large dumbbells cling awkwardly to your head.

There are no voluminous hands. In this article we will look at great exercise for triceps - standing French press with a barbell.

What is this exercise used for?

Of course, the base is the main tool for building muscle mass and volume. The barbell press and many other exercises can stimulate the release of the necessary hormones for the synthesis of new protein structures.

Standing can also be extended muscle mass, so when doing this exercise, you will be working with free weights. Athletes have long noticed that when the movement starts more muscles, then the body’s output will be much higher.

Working with free weights is used precisely for this, since, in addition to the main muscle groups, it also uses most of the additional ones responsible for balance and stabilization of the body relative to space.

That’s why you shouldn’t forget to include in your training program French press with standing dumbbells or with a barbell.

What must you do before performing the exercise?

The main mistake young athletes make is poor warm-up. Everyone immediately strives to go into battle for heavy weights. At this point, they think that the body will warm up on its own during the training process.

Please note that when doing French press standing, you must first warm up and stretch well. After all, after lifting a barbell or dumbbells from the racks, the load falls on the spine, and it is quite large.

If you haven't stretched your lower back or longitudinal back muscles well enough, your body may not be ready for such loads. This risks pinching a nerve or protruding vertebrae (especially if the working weight is more than 40-50 kg).

Further, when you begin to bend and extend your arms, the weight of the barbell, the force of gravity, and friction have a destructive effect on the joints if the movements are performed incorrectly. It often happens that when an athlete just starts pumping his triceps with a standing French press, he feels pain in both elbow joints.

The exercise must be stopped immediately. Call a trainer and let him look at your technique. If it is wrong, he will correct you. In the case when the technique is correct, but it still hurts to do it, you should abandon this method of pumping up the triceps.

Either the exercise is simply not suitable for you based on anatomical characteristics, or you have already managed to harm your elbow joints. In the second case, you need to consult a sports doctor for advice on the treatment and prevention of such pain. And until complete treatment and rehabilitation, you should not even try to train your arms with a standing French press.

Why do this exercise correctly?

If you grossly violate the technique described below, you can cause irreparable harm to your elbow joints, as well as your shoulders, which are also well involved in the work.

In order for the exercise to benefit you and not harm you, do not use too much heavy weight. After all, if the weight is too heavy, your arms may lean back unnaturally or the bar may fall on your head. And then no amount of rehabilitation will help.

Correct technique

Let's look at how to correctly perform a French press with dumbbells while standing. There are two options for execution - with one or two dumbbells. Undoubtedly, during training you should try to do the French press in both versions and choose the one that is more suitable.

Be sure to pay attention to the position of your elbows while performing arm movements. Elbows should not move left or right or back and forth.

Performing a standing French press

In order to correctly perform a standing overhead French press, take one dumbbell in your hand and place it on your shoulder. Lower the projectile so that it seems to be standing on your shoulder, hold it with both hands. Now you need to bring the dumbbell to its original position: clasp your left thumbs and right hand handle the dumbbell and lift the weight above your head. This will be the starting position.

Try to stand in such a way that you can confidently feel your balance. Press your elbows as close to your ears as possible. Now, while inhaling, lower the dumbbell behind your head to such a position that the angle of flexion at the elbow joint is close to 90 degrees.

After you have lowered your hands as low as possible and every centimeter further brings you discomfort, begin to slowly lift the projectile while exhaling, returning it to its original position.

If you want to perform this exercise alternately with both hands, then you should take a light dumbbell weighing 10-12 kg. During the execution, support the shoulder or elbow that is involved in the movement with your free hand. This will increase movement control, which will help improve execution technique.

You can do the same with a barbell. Many people prefer to use a curved neck, but you shouldn’t rely on this. Do what is most convenient for you.

The one-arm French press with dumbbells is a formative isolation exercise that bodybuilders use to tone their triceps. Perform the exercise in different versions:

  • sitting;
  • standing;
  • lying down.

The French press allows you to work not only all the heads of the triceps, but also connect elbow muscles. Below, within the framework of the traditional methodology, we will consider the technique of performing the exercise in different versions.

  1. Watch the position of your hand - it should be in a vertical position. To achieve additional fixation, press your hand inside to the head.
  2. Do not shorten the amplitude while performing the press.
  3. It is better to perform the French press in the finishing part of the workout, when the muscles have already received enough load. The optimal number of approaches is 4 8-12 times.
  4. Don't go overboard with your dumbbell weights. An overly heavy projectile can cause incorrect technique.

Let's move on to a description of the technique of performing bench presses with dumbbells in different versions.

How to do the dumbbell exercise while standing

Standing French press is an exercise for working the triceps with straightening the arms at the elbow joint. If you compare an exercise with a similar one, but in a lying position, then its effectiveness will be somewhat less. At the same time, the exercise is quite traumatic, since the elbow joint and shoulder girdle experience excessive stress. Therefore, it is not recommended for older athletes and beginner athletes who do not yet know how to lift weights.

People suffering from spinal diseases should not experiment with the bench press, since in the process these problems can only get worse due to spontaneous arching of the spine.

The main goal of training in a standing position with dumbbells is to work the forearm and triceps. It is these muscles that bear the main load. Additionally, you can train your core by working on stabilizing it during the exercise.

The technique for performing the exercise with dumbbells is as follows. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, lift the dumbbell above your head, and keep your back straight. Place your free hand on your knee. Start the movement - lower your hand from the dumbbells back slowly, but without pauses. The body and shoulder should remain motionless at this time. The trajectory of the dumbbell movement can be either straight or move with a slight deviation.
During the bench press, the free hand acts as a stabilizer, fixing the shoulder and blocking the rest of the muscles.
When performing a French press, it is very important to warm up properly before starting the exercise, paying special attention to shoulder girdle, which has to withstand the main load.

Training in a lying position with dumbbells: technique

Take the starting position - take a place on the floor or a special horizontal bench. Place your feet on the floor as much as possible, press your head against the floor or bench, and strain your buttock muscles to the point of failure. Raise your hands with dumbbells up with a slight slope towards your head. It is important that the dumbbells in your hands are parallel to each other. The elbows may be slightly bent.
Take a deep breath and bend your arms until the rounds reach your head. Immediately after this, sharply straighten your arms while exhaling. Watch your elbows - they should not change position during the process. At the top point, take a short break. During the press, the biceps should be tense. Perform several repetitions, depending on the training program.

The French bench press with dumbbells has one significant advantage. It lies in the ability to use heavy weights to work the triceps. The best option is 30-40 kg for each shell.

Sitting workouts with dumbbells: features

The French seated press with dumbbells is an alternative to the bench and standing press. It is also performed using dumbbells to work the triceps. The right decision- usage special simulator for the bench press - a Scott bench with a reverse direction to create emphasis in the vertical plane. Every athlete can master the technique of performing a bench press without the help of a coach if they familiarize themselves with the main points of the instructions:

  1. Find a comfortable position on the bench with your back pressed against the backrest.
  2. Press your feet into the floor.
  3. Raise the dumbbell above your head with both hands so that your elbows remain parallel to each other.
  4. Breathe evenly, lowering the dumbbell as you inhale and lifting it as you exhale.

Correctly select the dumbbell weight to perform all three variations of the French press, increasing it gradually. If you move to heavy weights without preparation, the French press can cause injury. Incorrect exercise technique can also lead to injury. Remember this.

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Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999 Trained since 2007. CMS in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and South Russia according to AWPC. Champion Krasnodar region according to IPF. 1st category weightlifting. 2-time winner of the Krasnodar Territory championship in t/a. Author of more than 700 articles on fitness and amateur athletics. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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Date: 2012-05-29 Views: 129 199

Why medals are given to articles:

Core muscles -
Additional- ulna
Difficulty of execution- average

French press with dumbbell 1st hand - video

Weight and reps for beginners

For men: 10 - 15 repetitions of 5 - 8 kg. 2 - 3 approaches.
For women: 10 - 15 repetitions of 2 - 3 kg. 2 - 3 approaches.

Load by muscle group

The load is indicated on a 10-point scale (the total load is summed up)

Restrictions for injuries/illness/pain

The degree of risk is indicated on a 10-point scale

Description of the exercise

I'm afraid that I will have to remove my hand from my belt and use it to hold the elbow of my working arm. Otherwise, the exercise will be extremely problematic. Use it at the end of a finishing workout. Not entirely suitable for beginners, since you will not build up big and strong triceps with this exercise.

Main features

1. Alternatively, you can fix your elbow by standing sideways to the wall and pressing it against it. You can also use your free hand to support your elbow. In general, it shouldn't move if you want maximum effect. 2. The arm should be rotated so that the forearm is parallel to the shoulder axis. That is, the elbow should point clearly to the side, and not forward. 3. I do not recommend this exercise to those who have problems with their elbows. Even if you have no pain in this exercise, it is better to refrain from it. 4. The exercise is not basic. This means that it is better to do it to “finish off” the triceps after 1 – 2 basic exercises. 5. The downside is that it is convenient to do only with small dumbbells. And dumbbells with a large diameter constantly cling to your head).

The standing dumbbell French press is one of the best isolation exercises for triceps development. If you would like to receive beautiful hands– then you need to purposefully develop this muscle. Correct technique, the features and benefits that we will look at will help you get maximum effect from this exercise.

French press with dumbbells standing - execution technique

Option #1 - Dumbbell with one hand

The exercises should be performed as follows:

  1. IP: feet shoulder-width apart, arm with the apparatus straightened above the head;
  2. Hold your hand near your head, perpendicular to the floor;
  3. Inhaling, lower the dumbbell behind your head until your triceps are fully stretched until you touch your biceps with your forearm;
  4. Keep your elbows motionless;
  5. As you exhale, immediately return your hand to the IP;
  6. After completing the required number of repetitions, change hands and repeat the exercise.

This variation uses less weight and increases concentration by alternating each exercise.

Option number 2 - Dumbbell with two hands

Everything is the same as in the first version, but there is one adjustment. A different grip is used here - a dumbbell disk on the palms, the bar between the large and index fingers hands (see picture).

If you prefer a barbell, then here you go. We recommend studying it at least for a general understanding.

There are several nuances, by following them you can avoid injuries and perform the exercise as efficiently as possible:

  • To distribute weight, the best solution is to place your feet shoulder-width apart and keep your back straight;
  • Focus on the triceps, trying as much as possible to eliminate the work of the deltoids;
  • Watch the starting position, beginners often point their elbow to the side, but it should be at the ceiling;
  • Do not lower the dumbbell completely, otherwise the triceps will not receive the necessary load and stretch;
  • For stability and better concentration, look straight ahead;
  • Do not take heavy weights, the main emphasis is on the technique of performing the exercise;
  • Avoid overexertion to keep your back and joints healthy.

The exercise is not basic, so be careful when choosing the weight. Select a barbell or dumbbells in such a way that you can easily do about 8-10 repetitions.

Benefits of French Dumbbell Presses

  • the exercise is as effective as possible and helps to achieve the desired result much faster, while it has a number of advantages;
  • in this exercise the joints are protected as much as possible;
  • working with dumbbells is more convenient, you can take any position convenient for yourself;
  • the amplitude of movement is much greater than with a barbell, thereby stretching the triceps more strongly and achieving the desired effect;
  • dumbbells load the long head of the triceps more than similar exercise with a barbell;
  • during execution, you can use any position of the brush;

To whom, when and how much

Useful information to achieve a good result:

To whom

Beginner athletes and professionals.


Extension of the arm with a dumbbell from behind the head should be performed in the middle of the workout, after a “base” such as a barbell press or reverse push-ups from the bench.

How many

8-12 reps, 3-4 sets.

Execution this exercise after the “base” it will allow you to fully load the triceps, which will allow the muscles to grow and become more prominent. We recommend including this exercise in your training program.

Masses and relief to you!