“And on the weekends, go home. In Krasnoyarsk, a large fire on the territory of the Sarmat and Sineva missile production plant

Today is the head of the Shalinsky urban district Oleg Sandakov’s first working day in his new position. On February 16, the head of the region, Evgeny Kuyvashev, signed a decree appointing him to the position of director of the forestry department of the Sverdlovsk region. Yesterday the local Duma accepted Sandakov's resignation. Before leaving for Yekaterinburg, Shalinsky’s ex-head gave an interview to OG.

Dossier "OG"

Oleg SANDAKOV was born in 1965 in the village of Staroutkinsk, where he graduated from high school. From 1983 to 1986 he served in the Northern Fleet, on the nuclear-powered missile cruiser Kirov. Graduated from two universities: Sverdlovsk Forestry Institute (1991) and Ural State Economic University (2003). In 2001 - appointed head of the village of Shalya, since 2002 - deputy head of housing and communal services of the Shalinsky district municipality, since 2004 - head of the Shalinsky GO. Hobbies: fishing, hunting. His wife is a teacher and school director. Two daughters, the youngest is a student at Ural State Academy of Arts.

— Oleg Nikolaevich, your whole life is connected with the Shalinsky district. How do you feel when you leave your small homeland?

- Indeed, here - in Staroutkinsk - I was born and raised, and returned here after graduating from the Sverdlovsk Forestry Institute. But it says a lot about the separation. During the week I will live in Yekaterinburg, and on the weekends I will go home. And anyone who thinks that Shalya is not God knows where is deeply mistaken. I get to Yekaterinburg in two hours.

“Today is a reason to look back and take stock of what worked and what didn’t.”

— I worked in municipal authorities for a total of fourteen years, of which almost ten as head. I think we managed to do a lot. Today the Shalinsky urban district is one big construction site. Starting from private houses in rural areas, ending with educational institutions and apartment buildings. This year we will build four houses under the program for relocation from dilapidated housing, and we plan the same number for the next two. The projects of school No. 90, a gym in Vogulka, and three kindergartens are at the stage of examination.

I regret that it was not possible to supply gas to the municipality. Twice we were included in this gasification program, but due to insufficient funding, the implementation of the plans was disrupted. Of course, on the one hand, this is a costly business - more than a billion rubles are needed, but on the other hand, gas, which provides cheap energy, will also pull the economy like a locomotive.

— With your departure, the system of power in the municipality is also changing - now it will be two-headed. What is your personal attitude towards her?

— The emergence of the post of city manager seems to me to be a completely normal state of affairs, and moreover, necessary. I consider the two-headed system to be more effective and pragmatic. Of course, I will not dispute the effectiveness of direct elections, but, on the other hand, when the will of forty to fifty percent of voters—on average, that’s how many people vote—is considered the choice of the entire people, this also leaves questions. Candidates are approved by the region, which means there is trust in them. And by and large, any person who has financial resources, competent PR people and media support can win direct elections. Winning and taking a seat is one thing, but not everyone succeeds with the rest.

— At the end of the year, the mayor of Karpinsk, Sergei Bidonko, moved to the regional government, and now you are leaving for the regional structure. Why do you think municipal heads are in demand at the regional level?

- Frankly, I don’t know. Perhaps this is due to the infusion of fresh blood into the government apparatus. An offer was made to me, I did not refuse. Forestry is my specialty: I studied at forestry for five years and worked as a forester. What I don’t know, I’m sure I’ll figure out. There are many problems in the industry, some of which are familiar to me as the head. As of February 20th, several heads of municipalities have already made an appointment with me. I can roughly guess what will be discussed: issues of timber harvesting by the local population, allocation of forest areas for gas pipelines.

— How will you start the first day of work?

“Someone from the government will come, introduce it to the team, and we’ll start sorting things out.” I am not a supporter of starting with some radical measures. I'll look around and then draw conclusions. There are specialists working in the department, maybe somewhere I can correct them, somewhere they’ll give me some advice. I think we'll work together.

Who among the sports fans of our city and region does not know Oleg Mikhailovich Sandakov, a boxing coach and teacher at the Youth Sports School of the State District Power Plant sports complex, who trained a number of excellent masters of the leather glove? Some still enter the ring today, demonstrating technical, tactically competent boxing the way their coach taught them. Today he is one of the leading boxing trainers in our republic.

Round one

Oleg first put on boxing gloves while studying at school in Barguzin, studying in a section with a local trainer. But soon the coach left the village, and the guys had to hang up their gloves. It was the mid-fifties, when Soviet boxers began to achieve brilliant victories at international competitions. Many boys of those years began to attend boxing classes in droves. Among them was Oleg Sandakov, but no longer a boy, but a completely mature young man with good physical training, because he, already working as an assistant driller at the open-pit mine of the Gusinoozersk Mine Administration, was engaged in weightlifting. And then one day, with a friend, a second-rate boxer, they came to Kim Mikhailovich Kazakov. The coach, after carefully observing Oleg, recorded the section.

“Already during training, Kim Mikhailovich put me up against first-class players,” says O. M. Sandakov, “and I remember well, I didn’t shy away, I boxed equally. So, from training to training, listening to the advice of my experienced partner, boxing fan Gennady Zakharov and my highly respected coach K. M. Kazakov, I became “infected” with this sport. And, as it turned out, for life.

Less than a month had passed since he started going to boxing, and Kim Mikhailovich nominated him for the district championship. Oleg lost the very first fight in the ring installed in the gym of the Shakhtar Palace of Culture, however, the coach included him in the district team for the republican championship. It was here that he lived up to the coach’s hopes, winning two of the most difficult fights and losing only in the final.

That same year he was drafted into the army. During his service, Oleg independently practiced his favorite sport. During his three years of service, he twice became the division champion in boxing. Here he began to pay a lot of attention to cross-country training, developing strength and agility. Returning from the army, he worked for a year at LVRZ, then entered the Institute of Technology. He immediately enrolled in the boxing section, where he was noticed by the physical education teacher, master of sports Vladimir Badmaev. He knew from the army (he served in the same division) Oleg’s fighting qualities and included him in the VSTI team.

“While studying at the institute, I asked to see the famous boxing coach Anton Andreevich Atarkhanov,” continues Oleg Mikhailovich. – Here, teaming up with already well-known masters of Buryat boxing, I gained experience, learned from them the techniques and tactics of fighting, and developed strikes. In short, I went through a real boxing school...

And here is the republican boxing tournament for the prize of the Baikal magazine. Conducting all his fights quite confidently, Oleg reached the final and met with the USSR Master of Sports Mikhail Shantanov, who was then conducting last Stand in your career. An experienced leather glove master possessed with strong blows both hands, skillfully maneuvered in the ring, so there was something to watch out for in the ring. Well, here's the gong. From the very first seconds, Oleg went on the attack and proposed an uncompromising fight. The experienced opponent, who did not expect such an onslaught, immediately responded with several hard blows

“I still remember how, pressing me against the ropes, he delivered a straight right to my head. Miraculously, I managed to dodge,” he says about this fight. – If at the beginning of the fight the fans shouted from the stands: “Misha, have pity on the baby!”, then later they began to cheer me on. Then I realized that I was leading the battle and began to attack even more excitedly. But he unexpectedly missed his opponent’s accentuated blow, and, as boxers say, he “wobbled” - he ended up with a slight knockdown. And just as unexpectedly for me, my second throws in the towel. How angry I was! But, as they say, “the train has already left”...

There were also many competitions in which Oleg Sandakov both won and lost. The main thing is that he began to show technical and assertive boxing. So five years of study at the institute passed unnoticed, pre-graduation practice began, then defense. And he was forced to leave boxing for a while.

Round two.

– Guided boxing class famous trainer Atarkhanova gave me a lot both as an athlete and as a coach. I then learned a lot of useful things from such famous leather glove masters as USSR masters of sports in boxing D. D. Babudorzhiev, P. A. Fedotov, V. A. Ilyin and others. They are still the leading trainers of the republic. No, no, yes, I turn to them for advice, especially to D. D. Babudorzhiev, says O. M. Sandakov.

After graduating from the institute, he came to Gusinoozersk and worked as a foreman in the Southern Electric Networks, and then in the Gusinoozersk Distribution Zone. As a passionate boxing fan, he couldn't live without it. In the same year, he organized a boxing section at school No. 2. A year later, the directorate of the Youth Sports School offered him a position as a coach. That's how it began coaching activities, which continues to this day. Four years later, when he began working in electrical networks, boxing finally won him over to its side - he moved to the city youth sports school as a boxing coach and teacher. Of course, at the beginning it was difficult, because there was no special pedagogical education, but conducting my systematic training using textbooks famous boxers and trainers such as Ogurenkov, Nikiforov, Strelnikov, Grekov, Khudadov and others, he, one might say, developed his own training methodology, which gives good results. Many of his students are now famous not only in the republic, but also in the country. Oleg Mikhailovich Sandakov is the first coach of the USSR champion in boxing among youth, master of sports Dmitry Burlakov, winners of the All-Russian and international tournaments, masters of sports Alexey Kovshin and Konstantin Golub, master of sports in kickboxing Vyacheslav Shalbaev and others. IN given time Such students as the winner of the championship of Siberia and the Far East, the champion of the republic among juniors Evgeny Girgushkin, the champions of the republic Efim Podgorny, Pavel Pavlov, brothers Alexander and Viktor Shopkhoev and others successfully perform in the rings of the republic. “During all the time I worked as a coach, I made an interesting discovery for myself, and by the way, it is often confirmed: what a coach-teacher is in character and actions, his students grow up the same way,” says O. M. Sandakov. – After all, I often have to work with children who have an unpredictable character and disposition. One can be quiet outside the ring, but when entering it, he becomes an “angry tiger”, the other – on the contrary. So, from training to training, constantly communicating with them, I try to find the key to their hearts. So that they do not enter the ring for the sake of a fight, but show their growing skill in such beautiful view sports like boxing. But boxing performed by masters is a real art.

Before enrolling in his section, Oleg Mikhailovich must conduct an inspection and check. Particular attention to physical development, posture, vision, flexibility of a beginner. It happens that people sign up who just would like to learn how to fight. But they don't last long. There remain those who like this type of martial arts. These are guys with character, willpower, and an analytical mind. Mostly they do well at school. This, of course, is the merit of the coach.

At various boxing competitions, I watched Oleg Mikhailovich as he seconded his students. In between rounds, he specifically shows and explains to everyone how to continue the fight, what blows and how to strike. During the fight, it’s as if he’s in the ring himself, reacting to every missed blow, rejoicing at the beautiful attacks of his charges. And at the end of the battle he will definitely say when, in what round he was in a hurry, or did not have time to dodge, or struck good shot. And during training, they analyze the fights, taking into account all the mistakes and shortcomings, and work to correct them. Some things work out, some don't. “Out of many students, I often remember and tell the guys about Alexei Usov, who was for me the ideal of a young boxer,” says the coach. Always neat hair, clean and ironed sports uniform, tastefully chosen colors of his T-shirt and shorts, leggings, gloves, boxers - all this aroused sympathy for him. And in the ring, he was cool and self-possessed beyond his age, performing all the techniques with some grace and speed. He studied well at school, was a very well-read guy...

Some of those who were coached by Oleg Mikhailovich Sandakov have now become coaches themselves. Upon arrival in Gusinoozersk, they always come to their coach and consult with him. And of course, he introduces them to his current students, who also show promise, performing in the rings of the republic and country.

Round three

Daily workouts in sports complex JSC “Gusinoozerskaya State District Power Plant”, which is led by Oleg Mikhailovich, is interesting and varied. He has his own developments based on materials from textbooks, methodological recommendations in boxing and the experiences of the best trainers of the republic. He has mastered the new kind A sport related to boxing is kickboxing, in which he conducts classes with both boys and girls. The Gusinoozersk kickboxing team has already performed successfully at several competitions, winning prizes.

There are a lot of boxing competitions held in our republic. And it’s rare that Selenga boxers don’t take part in them. Of course, there are problems in organizing travel, food, and accommodation for young boxers, but with the financial support of the sports committee of the district administration, the administration of the State District Power Plant and other sponsors, O. M. Sandakov tries to take the guys to various competitions so that they gain experience in tournament wrestling. Meeting strong opponents, the guys grow in skill and recognize their shortcomings. On these trips they meet young boxers from other regions and cities. And this acquaintance gradually becomes a real friendship, as they often begin to meet at competitions. And during such trips, the coach instructs his players to take with them the necessary textbooks so that they can study in their free time from training and competitions. The mentor tries to ensure that an atmosphere of friendship, trust and mutual respect reigns in the team. And it seems to me that he succeeds, because no matter what tournament the team goes to, they always come with medals, and often their coach is recognized as one of the best. At the last Buryatia boxing championship, of the four students of Oleg Mikhailovich Sandakov who participated in it, all became champions, and he himself was recognized the best coach republics.


Oleg Mikhailovich has a hobby - fishing. He especially likes fishing in winter. And he also loves to sing songs, and even composes them himself. Therefore, when he holds events with the guys, there is always a song in them. And he also loves to play table tennis Gradually, playing with shock absorbers, he became a good tennis player.

For more than twenty years of working with children, O. M. Sandakov was encouraged and awarded with diplomas from sports committees of the region and the republic many times, and in 1971, while still a student - foreman of a student construction team, he was awarded a medal"For labor valor." Repeatedly recognized as the best coach of the republic for training the winners of the Buryatia boxing championship among youths. As a coach, he rejoices and keeps all the awards, because he believes that they are not only his merit, but also the merit of his teachers, friends, and, of course, students. And in the spring, the district sports committee presented his documents for awarding the title of Honored Worker physical culture RB to the awards department of the Presidential Administration. But so far he is not among those awarded. I, like many sports fans of the city and region, believe that he deserved this title. But what is being “pulled” at the top is unclear.


“I tried to communicate with Nikolai Dmitrievich as little as possible”

Oleg Grachev spoke about the conflict with Sandakov and the assessment of the work of the heads based on the election results

Former first vice-governor of the Chelyabinsk region Oleg Grachev today acted as a witness for the defense in court in a criminal case against his ex-colleague Nikolai Sandakov. The meeting as a whole passed calmly and without any special sensations, but there were some interesting revelations.

At the very beginning, Oleg Grachev, like all other witnesses, spoke about his acquaintance with Nikolai Sandakov. It happened in the summer of 2010, when the now accused ex-vice-governor of the Chelyabinsk region was an assistant to the head of the region, Mikhail Yurevich. What exactly Sandakov was doing at that time, Oleg Grachev did not delve into.

“He carried out the governor’s orders. I can’t say which ones exactly, he wasn’t my assistant,” the witness rightly noted.

About boiler houses for good elections

Grachev himself, from April 2010 to April 2013, was the first vice-governor of the Chelyabinsk region, responsible for interaction with political parties, municipalities, the media, oversaw the work of the administration of the head of the region and dealt with a number of other issues.

According to Oleg Grachev, during the preparation for the 2011 elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, he interacted with political parties (met with the leaders of regional branches, agreed on the rules of the game, resolved conflict situations) and organized the election process (responsible for the readiness of election commissions to receive voters). It had approximately the same functionality during the preparation for the Russian presidential elections in 2012. But then no super-goals regarding turnout were set; there was only one goal - to conduct the campaign calmly and without violations.

— Did you interact with representatives of the United Russia party in 2011? - the lawyer of the accused, Sergei Kolosovsky, began from afar.

Well-known political strategist Abbas Gallyamov talks about presidential elections over the past 10 years

“Yes, as with all other parties,” answered Oleg Grachev. — The regional branch then, as now, was headed by Vladimir Myakush, who was also the chairman of the Legislative Assembly. They contacted him on a daily basis.

At the same time, Oleg Grachev could not confidently say who was developing the election strategy of the party in power in the Southern Urals, who went to Moscow to defend it. “In my opinion, Motovilov (at that time the head of the regional executive committee of United Russia, Alexander Motovilov - editor’s note),” he told the court.

— Do you remember where the United Russia election headquarters meetings were held? - Sergei Kolosovsky asked again.

- Hard to tell. Seven years have passed since then. “I don’t live by these questions,” Oleg Grachev honestly admitted.

When asked whether Sandakov participated in the meetings of these headquarters, Oleg Grachev replied that, most likely, yes. He also does not rule out that the accused ex-colleague worked to improve the results of the United Russia party in the elections. Oleg Grachev himself, according to him, worked in the elections exclusively to increase voter turnout, without giving preference to any political forces. At the same time, he could discuss with representatives of parties, including United Russia, their election strategy. Also in his office, he met with the heads of cities, districts and settlements, who talked about their problems and consulted. Oleg Grachev admitted that most of the heads were probably interested in the high performance of the party in power, since they themselves were United Russia members.

“But I can’t talk about everyone.” In the Chelyabinsk region there are areas where the positions of another party are strong,” Oleg Grachev inserted a remark, apparently hinting at the Korkinsky district and “A Just Russia”.

Nikolai Sandakov and his defender tried to get confirmation of their assertion that the interest of municipal leaders was also connected with their financial dependence on funds from the regional treasury. However, the witness did not say this directly, although he admitted that the territories are not financially independent. When asked by Prosecutor Ekaterina Golubenkova whether there were any cases when the heads of territories were punished following the election results for low turnout or the percentage of the United Russia party in the elections, Oleg Grachev said that he did not remember such things. At the same time, he does not exclude that the heads of municipalities that have shown good results, were encouraged by including their facilities in various programs. For example, in such areas, new boiler houses were installed faster and other issues were resolved.

About the difference in outlook on life

A whole set of questions from Nikolai Sandakov and his lawyer concerned their personal relationship with the witness. To begin with, Sandakov asked if he knew the term “managerial troika: Grachev - Ufimtsev - Evdokimov” (in the past - faithful associates of Mikhail Yurevich, who were his deputies when he was leading the region - editor's note).

— I’ve seen such a term in the media. This is a common meme,” answered Oleg Grachev.

- How do you feel about him? - Nikolai Sandakov decided to clarify.

- We were good friends. “It’s true,” the witness admitted.

— Did this trio have any conflicts with Sandakov? — out of habit, the ex-vice-governor asked about himself in the third person.

“Almost everyone,” Oleg Grachev answered frankly. - In general, this should have been the starting point... To be honest, I thought that the first thing you would ask me was: do I have any grounds to slander Nikolai Dmitrievich? I answer - no, I don’t wish him harm. But I don’t intend to hide anything.

— When did these conflicts begin and what caused them? — the defense side asked.

— They started almost immediately. I would say that the reason was a difference in outlook on life, but this is too philosophical a concept. For example, I did not like some of the methods of work that Nikolai Dmitrievich proposed during the election campaign. In particular, ODD technology (door to door - author's note), when people are knocked on the door three times. Many of us can be sent to such an utter distance the first time... Because of such questions, misunderstandings arose, so we rarely had contact. “I tried to communicate with Nikolai Dmitrievich as little as possible,” said Oleg Grachev.

— Was this misunderstanding quiet or loud? — lawyer Kolosovsky asked a clarifying question.

- It was different... But this was not brought into the public sphere, these were internal affairs. This is not about any personal likes or dislikes. There were only service relationships. All conflicts arose in connection with work. We didn’t drink together,” Oleg Grachev explained.

- The fact that you didn’t drink, you speak for yourself, not for the whole troika? - Nikolai Sandakov corrected the witness.

“Of course, I speak for myself,” agreed Oleg Grachev.

“You said a little earlier that after you left the post of first vice-governor, your functionality passed to Nikolai Sandakov,” the lawyer tried to ask a provocative question. — At the same time, you had disputes and differences of opinion regarding the methods of conducting the election campaign. How can you comment on the fact that your powers eventually passed to Sandakov?

- I quit my job at will. Not due to conflicts. I had personal, reinforced concrete foundations. Nikolai Dmitrievich knows the circumstances of my dismissal. I ask the lawyer not to slander him,” Oleg Grachev deftly parried the blow.

— Why did Sandakov interfere in the electoral process, did you argue with him about methods? — a little later the prosecutor asked the witness.

— Probably because the governor decided so.

- That is, you didn’t have situations when you told him: who are you anyway? — the state prosecutor continued the interrogation.

- At first they were. But that was in 2010. Nikolai Dmitrievich has one peculiarity - he believes that only his point of view is correct. “I’m a compromise person,” Oleg Grachev recalled.

About Tsybko and Yurevich

Also, the defense and the state prosecution were interested in a number of issues related to the personalities of the people involved in the case of Nikolai Sandakov. The prosecutor asked about the relationship between the ex-senator Southern Urals Konstantin Tsybko with former governor Mikhail Yurevich and Nikolai Sandakov.

According to Oleg Grachev, Yurevich and Tsybko were most likely comrades, Sandakov and Tsybko were friends. Sandakov was involved in the election of Tsybko to the Legislative Assembly of the region when he was nominated in Ozersk. In addition, Mikhail Yurevich listened to the opinion of Nikolai Sandakov, but the latter did not flaunt his good relations with the head of the region. The witness could not tell more about their relationship because he “did not follow” them.

Tsybko put on a show and revealed the secrets of political strategists during the Sandakov trial

The former head of the Ozersk administration, Evgeny Tarasov, who testified against Sandakov, was seen by witness Grachev several times. At the first meeting, Konstantin Tsybko was present at the meeting. The participants discussed the problems of Ozersk, Tarasov spoke about his vision of solving them, and Grachev explained what kind of help he could count on from the region. Subsequently, Oleg Grachev met with Evgeny Tarasov during visits to Ozersk, but he preferred to resolve issues relating to this city with the ex-head of the Mayak PA, former ZSO deputy Sergei Baranov.

After the interrogation of Oleg Grachev, Judge Alexander Zimin announced a break until tomorrow, since the second witness called by the defense - Investigative Committee investigator from Yekaterinburg Igor Bederin - notified the court that he would not appear due to illness. Nikolai Sandakov and Sergei Kolosovsky expect that by tomorrow he will come to his senses and still come to give evidence.

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