What time should you eat? Proper nutrition: what, when and how much

Eat right: at what time, what foods

The best time for breakfast is from 6 to 8 am. At this time, the activity of the digestive organs increases, but it is still quite weak, so there is no point in having a completely hearty and satisfying breakfast, this can only cause a decrease in strength. As a last resort, the food should already be eaten before 9 am.

Morning is the time for optimism and joy; it is advisable to take foods that have properties to increase happiness. These are mainly fruits or dried fruits: dried apricots, raisins, prunes, dried apples and pears, figs, dates; dairy products: butter, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, etc., berries, nuts: walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts; jam, sugar, honey, sweet spices: green cardamom, cinnamon, fennel, saffron, etc.

Sweets give a festive feeling. But it should be noted that if you start abusing sweets, say, in the afternoon, the effect will be unfavorable. With such a sweet life, the body can relax and lose its working spirit.

From 11 to 13 is the ideal time for lunch. The whole body is ready to receive food. It is at this time that digestion is most effective and all its functions are activated. To increase mental activity, it is useful to eat all grains and legumes, but after 17 pm, eating these foods can have the opposite effect - they will begin to interfere with the work of the mind. Eating bread in evening time– one of the causes of phosphate stones in the kidneys.

Not from eating bread, but from not taking bread in a timely manner! A slight decrease in performance is always observed after eating for an hour; this is natural and natural. That is why you should not engage in heavy physical labor, it is better to take a walk around fresh air(as Chinese sages recommend, you must take 100 steps after eating) or read light literature.
It is ideal to drink a glass of water before eating. Firstly, contrary to popular belief, this dilutes gastric juice and digestion will be difficult. This is primary. The signal that the concentration of gastric juice has decreased reaches the brain and from there a command is given to increase the release of a new portion, which means that by the time you start eating, the concentration of all juices and enzymes will reach the maximum level. In such an environment, food is processed to the highest possible quality.

Secondly, water will fill the stomach cavity, which will help prevent gluttony. Agree, you don’t always want to understand and remember all the time that the signal of satiety comes 15-20 minutes after the stomach is full.

Late dinner. Especially with grains and sweet foods - it will lead to improper digestion. The accumulation of toxins leads to fatigue, general weakness, weakness, heaviness in the abdomen, bloating, and an unpleasant odor from the mouth. This is because undigested food lies in the digestive tract all night, releasing numerous toxins and fermentation products.

After the body wakes up, all toxins begin to enter the blood. Particularly sensitive to toxins - nervous system, it is the first to begin to signal an imbalance in the body’s system.
As a result, immediately after waking up, headaches, drowsiness, weakness, fatigue, a feeling of lack of rest, nightmares, and nervous, superficial sleep may appear. Many people think that this is due to lack of sleep, so they begin to sleep even more in the morning, breakfast is immediately postponed well after 10, and lunch is automatically postponed, which can take place under these conditions no earlier than 14-15.

Signs of poor digestion:
1. After eating, there is a urge to have a bowel movement.
2. After eating, heaviness occurs in the abdominal area.
3. Reduced performance and drowsiness continues even after 2 hours after eating.
4. If the body as a whole is heavily polluted, after eating, nausea, vomiting, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth may occur. headache, weakness, weakness, apathy, loss of strength, aversion to certain foods or to food in general.

Morning is the most best time to study something, to study mental activity. This is also a great time to solve any problems.

From 3-6 in the morning it is best to engage in spiritual practices: prayers, meditation, reading mantras, just a favorable mood.

From 6-7 am, long-term memory is very active. This time is best used for memorizing, say, poems by heart, learning languages, etc.

From 7 to 8 am you can study information that needs to be memorized, but not too deeply.
From 8 to 9 am it is good to study something that requires not only memorization, but also reflection.

From 9 to 10 am it is better to work with information and statistical data.

From 10 to 12 in the morning it is good to study literature that does not require strong concentration, say, not scientific, but artistic.

From 12 to 18 o'clock a person's consciousness is aimed at vigorous activity.

From 17 to 19 hours is the most effective time for sports.

From 19-21 it is time to activate the circulatory system. Excessive physical activity is extremely dangerous at this time.

From 6 p.m., it is advisable to bring any activity into calmness and tranquility; work activity should not be stressful.

Adopting this lifestyle will make it much easier to achieve success in all your goals.

Good day.

We continue to search for grains of truth in a sea of ​​conflicting information related to proper nutrition and weight loss. And such a question as the number of meals per day and portion size has still not received a clear and unambiguous answer. Personally, it seems to me that it all depends on what principles of nutrition you adhere to when losing weight.

For example, it requires a radically different schedule and size compared to . Because their goal is the same - weight loss, but their approach is completely different. For Dukan, the decrease in total calorie content occurs due to an increase in proteins in the diet, and for Protasov, due to an increase in vegetables (fiber) in the diet.

So, I’ll try to sort out popular ideas about meal times and the amount of food, depending on which system they came from, so that you have an understanding of what will be more effective with your chosen method of losing weight.

What portions and how many grams should you eat?

In most cases, when it comes to losing weight, the basic rules boil down to reducing portions, switching to fractional meals, separate meals, not eating after six, prohibiting drinking liquids during meals, avoiding starchy foods and sweets. Did you name everything? Or do you still know some common rules that guarantee you weight loss in the shortest possible time? However, such rules change over time. Remember, three meals a day was once considered the norm. And today they recommend five, and sometimes seven. Try to figure out how it is better here. I'll try.

If you are too lazy to read and are only interested in the conclusion, then I will not be original and will say right away: everything, as always, depends on the characteristics of your body. It works differently for everyone. It depends on age and lifestyle and, of course, gender. It is impossible to give one universal recipe that will work well for everyone. This is why diets exist.

A diet is an attempt to create an equally effective way to lose weight for everyone. And since we are all different, we have to take the smallest amount of food as a starting point, with which absolutely anyone is guaranteed to be able to lose weight. Not even overweight.

So let's take statements like these and try to look at them from a common sense perspective.

How many times a day should you eat

As children we were told that optimal quantity is three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Today's recommendations from nutritionists are completely different - you need to eat in equal portions, dividing them into 5-7 meals. The point here is that if you throw food into your stomach often and little by little, then the process of digestion and assimilation will proceed evenly, and not abruptly, as if you ate the same amount of food in one sitting. This is usually called fractional meals. How justified is this?

Different foods take different times to digest. Let’s say you started eating not 3 times a day, but 6. It turns out that the break between meals was two hours. It doesn’t matter what kind of food you eat - any food requires at least 4 hours to be digested and absorbed. Therefore, there will be no such effect that by each next meal, all the food eaten before has been completely absorbed and the body is ready to accept and digest the next portion. And there is no such thing that smaller portions are better and faster absorbed. Any amount of food will be in the digestive system exactly as long as it is needed for digestion. The only way this can help is by getting rid of the heaviness in your stomach if you really overeat. Then breaking your lunch into two parts will make it easier on your stomach.

But this, anyway, in no way relates to losing weight. If you continue to eat the same food and the same amount of it, on which you gain weight, then spreading it over the clock will not give any result.

And if you understand that it’s a matter of the amount of food and not the number of lunches and reduce the portions, then there will be no heaviness in the stomach.

As a result: frequent meals without reducing portions do not work as a way to lose weight.

What size should the portions be?

Oh, there are so many recommendations regarding this issue that it makes your head spin. “The portion should be the size of your palm,” “no more than 150 grams of food at a time,” and others.

But in fact, the important thing is not what size your plate is, but what lies on it. I have already said more than once that the most “dangerous” in terms of recruitment excess weight are carbohydrates. I don’t want to talk now about “fast” and “slow” carbohydrates and glycemic indices - about all this popular but unnecessary information. I'm talking about the property of carbohydrates, when they enter the body in excess, to be stored in the form of subcutaneous fat.

Therefore, for example, when you eat mashed potatoes with a fried chicken leg, the danger is not the fat in which the meat was cooked, but the potatoes. After all, fat is very important element for our body - cell walls are built from it, and it makes hair healthier and nails stronger. Therefore, the fat will go to work. But if there are enough carbohydrate reserves in the body, then carbohydrates from potatoes will accumulate in the form of fat.

When to Limit Portions

To limit the intake of carbohydrates into the body, low-carbohydrate diets are usually used. This is a way of eating in which carbohydrates are either completely removed from one of the meals, or left in each, but its amount is significantly reduced. Standard advice about giving up bread, buns, pastries and sweets is essentially one of the options for a low-carb diet, because these products are just carbohydrate bombs.

And it is precisely in the case when there are carbohydrates in every meal that it is necessary to control the portion size.

If you decide to lose weight using the “eat less” method, then no wise advice on controlling portion size “by eye” can help you. Only scrupulous calorie counting can guarantee results. And this is very, very difficult.

For example, you ate one apple. Its calorie content is 52 kcal/100 grams. How many grams was your apple? And how many of these calories in an apple are represented by fiber, which is not digestible and whose calorie content does not need to be taken into account? You consumed from 30 to 70 kcal. You don't have a more precise answer. And then you ate a baked apple. Its calorie content is 46 kcal/100 grams. The difference seems to be minimal and not significant. But the baked apple loses liquid and if previously it was a 100 gram apple with 52 kcal, now it weighs 2 times less and its calorie content is 23 kcal. Do you feel how this calculation is starting to irritate?

Serving size for weight loss

That is why, when on a diet that involves counting calories, it is recommended to make a minimum list of the simplest foods and stick to it throughout the diet in order to clearly know how many calories you consume.

Let's say for your diet you chose buckwheat, chicken, tomatoes, eggs.

This means that for the next 2-3 months (or however long you are going to follow the diet), you will only eat these foods and only in one form. If you decide to boil eggs, you won’t be able to fry them for variety. Because fried eggs will have more calories than boiled ones (due to fat). The same goes for chicken and other foods. Only one type of cooking - no deviations. Because your goal on a low-calorie diet is to find out how many calories you need to consume per day to start losing weight.

In the future, you will have to eat a certain amount of selected foods throughout the week, and at the end of it, look at where the scale arrow has moved. If there is an increase or has not changed, then you need to reduce the portion size (for example, you ate 300 grams of chicken per day, but now you will need to cut it down to 200). And, of course, all products must be weighed and calories calculated. At some point, the weight will begin to decrease - this will mean that you have found the amount of calories that you need in order to start losing weight. You will stick to it exactly until progress stops. And he will stop. After all, the smaller you become, the fewer calories your body needs.

But this is, in fact, a rather large topic, let me better write a separate article on it so that I can cover all the nuances.

As a result, I will say for now: controlling the portion size only makes sense when you clearly understand why you are doing it. There's no point in reducing your serving size of pasta if you'll be eating dumplings for lunch tomorrow. This is useless because there is no starting point from which to count the calories you need.

What time should you eat when losing weight?

With time there is usually only one problem - dinner time. With breakfast and lunch, everything is more or less clear and depends on the work schedule. Breakfast is before work; there is a special time for lunch. But people have difficulties with dinner.

In some systems, it is not recommended to eat after 6 pm, in others, no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Personally, the second option is much closer to me. Because if I work until 5 pm, how am I supposed to have dinner before six? In the car on the way home? Or on the bus? And if I go to bed at one in the morning, how can I last 5 hours without eating?

But, as in all previous points, the main point in all this will not be so much time as the choice of products. If you decide not to eat after six, then subconsciously you will try to eat thoroughly so as not to go to bed at 12 at night with a sucking stomach. As a result, you will fill your stomach and walk around all evening with a feeling of heaviness in it.

You shouldn't eat right before bed either. You need to give your stomach time to digest. maximum quantity food and sent it for further processing. Usually this just takes 2-3 hours.

But going to bed hungry is also not a good idea. You will toss and turn for a long time, drink water to stave off your hunger, and then go to the toilet. Agree, no best way spend the night.

Do you see how many nuances there are? And I haven’t told you about the choice of products yet.

What to eat before bed

Although this is easier:

  • if you are on a low-calorie diet, then you need to immediately allocate the amount of calories per glass of kefir 30 minutes before bedtime (kefir “slips through” quickly, the stomach does not take long to digest it)
  • if you are on a low carbohydrate diet, it is better to eat cheese or boiled eggs(possibly without yolk) a couple of hours before going to bed. The quantity should be such that you simply reduce the feeling of hunger, and not overeat. You can’t say more precisely here, because our bodies are too different to prescribe one specific portion)
  • if your diet is vegetable, then you can eat a couple of fresh cucumbers or carrots an hour before bed. It’s not necessary before, because vegetables are also digested quite quickly.

Well, I think I noted the main points. While I was writing this article, thoughts came to write articles about a low-calorie diet with detailed description choice of products and about the importance of water when losing weight. So, stop by one of these days, I’ll write a couple more useful articles.

And that's all I have for today. Thank you for your attention.

Some experts advise eating at least 5 times a day, others say that you should never eat more than 3 times. Still others insist that two or even one meal a day is enough for a person. So which one is right? Let's try to figure this out.

5 times a day

Many modern nutritionists say that you should eat 5 times a day. Required condition- portions should be small. Thus, at each individual meal, the stomach needs to cope with less food compared to three meals a day, which should reduce the load and improve digestion.

In practice, the conditions for reducing the amount of food are often not met, or two snacks are added to the three main meals. However, it is difficult to blame people for this: the same theory claims that in no case should you bring the body to severe hunger, otherwise next appointment food you are at risk of overeating.

Some nutritionists and fitness trainers go even further, advising to eat 6 times a day, i.e. approximately every 2 hours.

Thus, considering hunger as a terrible enemy, a person does not allow himself to become completely hungry. . A digestive system instead of getting unloaded, he is in constant work . However, some nutritionists and fitness trainers go even further, advising to eat 6 times a day, i.e. approximately every 2 hours.

3 times a day

Three meals a day became a classic long before five meals a day became popular.

With three meals a day, the interval between meals is approximately 5 hours, but in fact 4, since you spend an hour eating food.

Your workday is broken only once - during lunch; the rest of the time you can concentrate on business and forget about everything else.

If you can’t do this and within an hour after eating you feel hungry again, this is not a reason to think about switching to five meals a day - the problem lies in your menu. Most likely, this is an excess of fast carbohydrates, which are rich in white rice, pasta, potatoes, confectionery, bread.

Another reason to be careful about dieting with small gaps between meals is the loss of control over hunger. In just two hours you simply won’t have time to get really hungry. You may feel like you're hungry again, but most likely it's psychological hunger. If you allow yourself to eat 5 times a day, it will be very difficult to refuse another meal, even if you don’t actually need it. In addition, if you have not prepared food for the whole day in advance, you will always be thinking about what to eat, and this will only increase your appetite.

Three meals a day makes be more critical of your diet, because you know that if you eat something that does not give you a feeling of fullness for a sufficient period, then you will have to suffer from hunger until the next meal. Considering that products that have this effect are harmful to both your figure and your health, the need to limit them will only benefit you.

If you allow yourself to eat 5 times a day, it will be very difficult to refuse another meal, even if you don’t actually need it.

Short-term hunger in itself does not cause any harm. When the digestive system has finally finished digesting food, the body switches to cleansing mode. If skipping one meal results in overeating, the reason should be sought in your diet. What gives you such an appetite? These are hardly fresh vegetables and fruits.

2 times a day

Until the beginning of the 19th century, people ate 2 meals a day. The first meal took place at about 10 o'clock in the morning, and the person woke up at sunrise. We had dinner at about 6 pm. Thus, there was quite a long period of time between meals.

In the morning they ate only whole grain bread with water, and in the evening it could be the same. Incompatible types of food were not mixed with each other and what was eaten was natural. This is another confirmation that when proper diet food is absorbed efficiently, and a person does not need to consume it non-stop.

1 time per day

The ancient Greeks and Romans ate once a day. You can verify this by studying historical sources. Such nutrition was also typical for ancient Persia and ancient Israel.

However, it cannot be said that people in those days were fat. But this is exactly what, according to nutritionists, threatens those who eat “not often enough.”

To be fair, it should be said that ancient people, as a rule, ate food raw accordingly, these were mainly fruits, vegetables and nuts. And products such as meat were very rarely present in the diet of ordinary people.

What conclusions can be drawn?

  • Not only the number of meals per day matters, but also what exactly you eat.
  • A moderate number of meals makes you take your diet more seriously and makes it possible to use up what you ate last time, while with 5-6 meals a day you will not have time to get hungry.
  • Don't be afraid of a strong feeling of hunger. If skipping one meal leads to overeating, this is a reason to think about your diet.

    How many times a day do you eat?