How many servings are in the serious mass gainer? Serious Mass: composition, scheme and rules of use

You cannot be given advice in the forum. You must undergo a full examination. There is probably a reason. They just didn’t find it. An endocrinologist, a nutritionist, a gastroenterologist. And perhaps a psychologist. This is the minimum.

Oksana, my good advice to you (from the bottom of my heart) is to urgently go to a nutritionist, undergo a medical examination to identify the causes of your problem and create a diet. Otherwise you will only harm yourself!! Perhaps using gainer is generally contraindicated for you! Before starting to use such products, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Andrey, naturally I’ve already been to all the doctors! They do not find anything other than ordinary gastritis. There was also a nutritionist who gave me a brochure about what to eat and what not to eat. That's all. This is all the treatment. I eat and have never stopped eating. I eat small portions, which is why I want to try this gainer, since I have no other options!

I would really like to get an answer from Ilya Melekhin, a sports medicine doctor. After all, I read a bunch of articles and watched videos that say that a gainer is not a chemical, but a balanced supplementary nutrition, which is used not only by bodybuilders, but which is given even to seriously ill people who cannot consume enough food, and also for recovery after operations, etc. Is this true?

Oksana, there is a concept of BMI (body mass index) according to which your coefficient is 11.89, this is underweight (dystrophy), the norm is 18.5, underweight is from 16! With such a UTI, a gainer will not help you. This problem can be solved by medicine. Ilya Malekhin confirms my words: “You cannot be given advice on the forum.” the first thing he began his answer to you with. If you do not want to harm yourself, you will have to go through those doctors that Ilya listed (and this is at a minimum). You need to take your problem seriously and identify real reasons lack of weight (this may not only be a lack of calories). At a minimum, after the examination, you will be prescribed a diet of 6-8 meals a day (but this is if the problem is a lack of nutrition, and not a pathology of something) In this case, you can add a gainer to your diet to increase the calorie content (if there are no contraindications!!) eat at least 6 times a day in small portions (it is necessary to compose the diet individually) approximately every 2-2.5 hours and the second most important factor sleep 10-8 hours, the third factor is nervous shock, worries, disorders, this must be excluded! If possible, meditate, have a relaxing massage, experience as little stress as possible (this is very important when gaining weight in your case). You work, study, how you spend your leisure time - all this is important, the more intense the load on your body, the more calories you need, the more stress factors, the more rest your body needs and nervous system. To summarize, I will say that the solution to your problem is complex (a whole set of measures aimed at correcting the situation) and not a “magic gainer”. Don't fall victim to Osan marketing, take charge of yourself and your overall personality. It won't be easy, but the main person in your life is you! and improving the quality of your life is your main goal!


All the nuances of the composition and use of this gainer. Useful tips, video review of the supplement.

When choosing a gainer, you should pay attention to a number of factors - manufacturer, composition, expiration date and reviews of the supplement. At the same time, take into account your financial capabilities, bodybuilding goals and body features.

At the same time, you can speed up the selection process and hit the bull’s eye the first time if you buy the very popular serious mass gainer. This supplement from a well-known brand has proven its quality and effectiveness in practice. Rapid muscle growth and recovery, protection against catabolism and strengthening the immune system, increasing endurance and strength - all this is possible with Sirius Masses.

Features of the composition

As we have already mentioned, the composition of the gainer is key when choosing. What can surprise the serious mass? One serving of the supplement contains about 50 grams of protein and 1250 calories. To this you can add a complex of the most useful vitamins, creatine and glutamine. It is important to note that the dosage of creatine in Sirius Mass is very moderate (about one gram). And this despite the fact that the athlete must receive at least five grams of creatine per day. Another thing is para-aminobenzoic acid. This is quite enough to cover all the needs of the body. If you carefully study serious mass and watch videos and reviews about it on the Internet, you will form a good opinion.

So, taking one serving of gainer gives the body 1250 calories, about 250 grams of balanced carbohydrates, more than 50 grams purest protein and as many as 25 different microelements and vitamins necessary for the body. Let’s not forget about such useful elements as creatine and glutamine, which every athlete must take.

Let's dig even deeper into the composition of the serious mass. What is the source of such a large amount of calories that its use is so beneficial for the body? The manufacturer took 100% care of the quality of the composition, adding the purest whey protein, egg white and calcium caseinate to it.

The gainer is also not deprived of carbohydrates, which are represented by the well-known maltodextrin (many videos about it have been posted on the Internet). Drinking Sirius Mass is also useful because the supplement contains choline, creatine and glutamine. These elements increase the effectiveness of training strength training equipment and endurance, extend training sessions and provide real assistance in recovery. If you take serious mass and follow a diet, you can achieve excellent results in sports and build a truly ideal body.

Other characteristics

Many athletes, when watching a video about serious mass, are interested in what the supplement tastes like. According to reviews from thousands of athletes, this gainer is distinguished by its excellent taste. Of course, it can hardly be called ideal when mixed with water. But in combination with juice, kefir or milk, you can not only drink the carbohydrate-protein mixture, but also truly enjoy its rich taste.

As for the solubility and consistency of serious mass, the cocktail often has to be stirred well to get rid of numerous lumps. On the other hand, the mass gainer turns out to be rich and quite thick, which is quite a rare occurrence lately.

As for efficiency, here only positive reviews. You can watch hundreds of videos where athletes talk about and prove in practice all the benefits of this gainer. Guess what? You can start drinking a carbohydrate-protein mixture and see everything with your own eyes.

Reception features

How to take Sirius Mass so that it gives maximum effect? What should the dosage be?

There are no secrets. To make one serving, mix one scoop of powder with your desired beverage (can be water or milk). To increase efficiency, you can use a shaker. It is advisable to drink three such servings a day - in the morning, at lunchtime and 1-2 hours before bedtime. Please note that the most important thing is to take Sirius Mass immediately before starting classes, drink between breakfast and lunch and after dinner.

Please note that the dose of the supplement largely depends on your weight. If you consider yourself a thin athlete and weigh up to 80 kilograms, then one spoon of powder is enough. With a body weight of 80-100 kilograms, you need to stir and drink one and a half scoops, and with a body weight of 100 kilograms and above, a standard portion will no longer save you. In this case, you need to stir and drink 2-2.5 scoops of the composition.

There is one more BUT! If you are prone to obesity, it is better to minimize your gainer intake or replace it with another sports nutrition, for example, protein.


If you decide to succeed in sports, pump up beautiful muscles and body, then you must drink a gainer. At the same time, watch videos of professional athletes training, learn something for yourself, and finally go your way to your goal. Good luck.

The main importance when choosing a gainer is its composition. For example, one serving of Serious mass from ON contains 1250 calories and about 50 grams of protein. The body also receives about 250 grams of carbohydrates and 25 microelements, including glutamine, creatine and a complex of beneficial vitamins.

The small amount of creatine contained in Sirius Mass is more than compensated for by the presence of para-aminobenzoic acid.

Such a rich composition of the gainer is ensured due to the presence of various types protein: egg, whey and casein. This supplement is also very rich in carbohydrates, in particular maltodextrin. Choline, glutamine and creatine increase the effectiveness of training. They allow muscles to recover faster, allowing you to achieve better results in sports.

Achieving high results while spending as little time as possible is the desire of every athlete. And sports nutrition helps a lot in moving towards this goal. Gainer Super Mass from Dymatize is one of the most popular food additives. This is a natural product that guarantees a high effect when used correctly. The richness of its composition can hardly be overestimated, which is why professionals consider this gainer to be one of the highest quality products on the modern market.

Other characteristics

Some athletes are interested in the taste of this gainer. Don't worry here - reviews from athletes from all over the world indicate that Serious Mass from Optimum Nutrition has an excellent taste. If you mix it with juice, milk or kefir, you will be able to appreciate the pleasant taste of this composition. For example, the author of this article drank while typing muscle mass the same gainer with chocolate flavor.

If we talk about consistency and solubility criteria, then it should be noted that Serious mass has to be mixed well in order to get rid of lumps. The cocktail turns out thick and rich.

Regarding effectiveness, the reviews are also extremely positive. There are a huge number of videos on the Internet where athletes talk about the high effects of using this gainer. To see this for yourself, just try this supplement.

How to take Serious Mass from ON

Let's consider the optimal dosage that will allow you to achieve maximum effect from taking this gainer. There are no special secrets here. Simply dissolve a measuring spoon of powder in water, milk, juice or kefir.

Advice! To ensure better mixing, use a shaker or blender! You can also throw a banana into the blender and mix!

  • in the morning;
  • at lunch;
  • an hour before bedtime.

Advice! It is very important to take it before starting classes in the gym: it will give energy for good pumping and nourish the muscles with protein during training.

True Mass gainer from the manufacturer BSN is a product whose effectiveness has been tested by thousands of athletes and military personnel of the American army. The protein-carbohydrate supplement contains several types of high-quality protein with at different speeds digestibility, as well as complex carbohydrates, amino acids and vitamin-mineral complex. This proportion provides the body with the necessary energy for a long time.

The portion of gainer depends dramatically on your body weight. If your weight is up to 80 kg, then one spoon will be more than enough for you. If your weight is 80-100 kg, then the best option would be to use one and a half scoops per serving. If you weigh over 100 kg, you need to take two scoops of the composition.

Read also the article “” on our portal.

Important! If you have a tendency towards obesity, then it is advisable to minimize the intake of gainer, replacing it with other types sports nutrition, for example, protein.


If you want to achieve success in sports and gain muscle mass, then a gainer will simply be an indispensable supplement for you. If you use it correctly, you will be able to notice positive results in a short time.

Serious Mass- Your weight gain tool that packs off the pounds!

From the title Serious Mass(translated from English - serious mass) we can already conclude that we are face to face with a serious product designed to help you gain weight, no matter what. It's no secret that when aiming to gain weight, you need to follow a high-calorie diet, but you need to think about the quality of the source of these same calories.

Each portion Serious Mass contains 1,250 calories supplied directly from complex carbohydrates combined with a high-quality protein blend consisting of whey protein, calcium caseinate and egg albumin.

People trying to gain weight, the so-called “hard gainers,” often face the problem of not having enough time to consume the necessary calories. And if, in addition, you have a high metabolic rate, a weak appetite or an overactive lifestyle, supplying your body with enough calories becomes a truly difficult task. Gainer Serious Mass– the first assistant in the development of the desired physique, designed to supply necessary tools, collected in an excellent formula, to pack the necessary kilograms.

Additionally, the addition of creatine monohydrate, glutamine, choline and inositol will make your workout more effective by providing your body with essential nutrients and a balanced vitamin and mineral complex.

Serious Mass Gainer 5.4 kg (approx. 16 servings), 2.7 kg (approx. 8 servings) and 1.3 kg (approx. 4 servings):

Judge for yourself:

  • A complex of fast and slow digesting protein sources including whey, casein and eggs - 50g per serving.
  • Over 250g carbohydrates per serving Serious Mass, providing you with energy for intensive training, as well as replenishing glycogen reserves in muscles.
  • 25 vitamins and essential minerals, with an emphasis on B-vitamins and antioxidants.
  • The formula is enhanced by the addition of creatine, L-glutamine and the peptides glutamine, choline, inositol, para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) and MCT (medium chain triglycerides).
  • And, of course, 1250 calories per serving when mixed in water, or 1630 calories per serving when mixed in milk.

Composition of Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass:

Between meals - to maintain a positive nitrogen balance and a high-calorie diet, take half or one serving of Serious Mass between meals.
After training - for maximum recovery after training, take half or one serving of Serious Mass 30-45 minutes after the end of the workout.
Before bed - to provide muscle tissue with nutrients during the night, also take half or one serving of Serious Mass 45-60 minutes before going to bed.

Methods for preparing Serious Mass: Add 2 scoops of Serious Mass to a filled shaker or blender with 500 ml of water or skim milk and stir for 45-60 seconds. If desired, you can add other ingredients to the cocktail that add calories.

Servings per package:
1.3 kg - about 4 servings.
2.7 kg - about 8 servings.
5.4 kg - about 16 servings.

New leader in its product class. It will provide you with all the necessary ingredients to gain weight and increase strength... Find out more.

Brief conclusions from the article

  • Each serving of Serious Mass contains 1,250 calories, but I would like to see more in it.
  • The ability to dissolve leaves much to be desired, but overall the quality is not bad.
  • With chocolate flavor, the producers hit the bull's eye!

Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass: A Critical Analysis

Claimed properties

50 g combined with creatine plus 1250 kilocalories!

A lot of protein and a lot of calories, but relatively little creatine - only 1 g, despite the fact that the maintenance dose of creatine is 5 g per day. Little glutamine and peptide molecules containing glutamine (500 mg of each component). But the dose of para-aminobenzoic acid is impressive. And this supplement also has the largest scoop of anything I've ever encountered.

Serious Mass: perfect formula, perfect, absolute gainer. It will provide you with all the necessary ingredients to gain mass and help increase your strength - exactly what you have always strived for.

Product Features

Optimum Nutrition Presents: Serious Mass

Serious weight gain requires serious calories. However, those who need extra calories stronger than others, most often faces the greatest difficulties associated with obtaining them. At a frantic pace modern life Many people strive to increase their metabolic rate, reduce their appetite, and get all the calories they need from whole foods, and this is a very difficult task! With Serious Mass you will have everything you need and nothing to lose. We were able to combine 50g of protein, 1,250 calories, over 250g of carbohydrates and 25 different vitamins and minerals, plus glutamine and creatine in every serving. It's time to think big, it's time to get serious - Serious Mass.

But not when you want to increase strength without gaining weight. In this case, I recommend that you not look at gainers at all.

Each serving of this complex contains 1,250 serious calories. The source of these calories is a protein-carbohydrate mixture and a high-quality protein complex consisting of whey protein, calcium caseinate and (albumin).

Most of the carbohydrates in Serious Mass are . Plus, it's always nice to see a combination of different types of protein rather than just one or two types of protein.

Creatine monohydrate and inositol will increase the effectiveness of training sessions, while a complete vitamin and mineral complex will provide your body with a balanced supply of all nutritional components.

We have already noted that the creatine and glutamine content of Serious Mass is low. However, minerals and vitamins are fully represented in this complex.

In general, it seems that, based on the declared properties, the complex will really give a head start to its competitors. Therefore, for the basic characteristics, I give Serious Mass from Optimum Nutrition 9 points out of 10.


I tried a chocolate flavored gainer. It turned out that the product has a rich taste of milk chocolate; the taste of the gainer as a whole is not bad, but you can’t say that it’s very good. So for taste I give Serious Mass 6 points out of 10.

Solubility, consistency

The powder does not dissolve in water very well, but the cocktail itself turned out to be quite thick, which I liked. Overall, I give Serious Mass 6 points out of 10 for solubility and consistency.


A serving of Serious Mass contains 50 g of protein, which is represented by three types of protein, plus it contains insignificant amounts of fat (4.5 g), represented mainly by medium chain triglycerides. In addition, the gainer contains carbohydrates that come in the form of maltodextrin (polysaccharides that have much cheaper analogues).

Each serving contains 1,250 calories, primarily from carbohydrates and a high-quality protein blend.

Taking into account the 1250 calories that a serving of the gainer contains, you can count on a significant increase in energy coming from various sources. However, I would like to get more varieties of protein and, more importantly, a more balanced set of carbohydrates. I will rate the effectiveness of Serious Mass 6.5 out of 10.

Final grade

Competitively priced product. I was very pleased with the properties declared by the manufacturer. The taste is satisfactory. The solubility is not important, but the structure of the finished drink is good. The efficiency was not as impressive as we would like. As a result, Serious Mass from Optimum Nutrition with chocolate flavor gets 7 points out of 10.

Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass: Critical Analysis

It's been almost a year since you've been training hard, but today, while peering intently at your reflection in the mirror, you realized that... last month you have not advanced one iota. Your diet is stable, your nutrition is balanced, you exercise regularly, and in general you feel great.

Everything seems fine, doesn't it? Not okay - a stable diet is good for maintaining and even losing weight, but for gaining muscle mass, the constant energy and nutritional value of the daily diet is not enough. During training, the volume muscle tissue sooner or later it increases so much that the amount of calories you received two months ago is no longer enough for it (muscle tissue). You have to increase your caloric intake. But what to do if you already eat 5 or even 7 times a day?

In such a scenario, Serious Mass from Optimum Nutrition is ready to become yours best friend. The recommended serving is 334 g, and at the initial stage we recommend taking half of this amount. In this case, you do not risk gaining weight due to unwanted fat tissue due to a sharp increase in caloric intake.

The gainer contains carbohydrates in the form of maltodextrin, the amount of them in one serving reaches an impressive 252 g, and if you dissolve the powder in milk, the level of carbohydrates goes off scale - 292 g!

In writing this review, I will assume that we take Serious Mass in combination with milk (mainly due to the much more pleasant taste characteristics of such a cocktail). With 291g of carbohydrates and 74g of protein - along with a staggering list of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and even a dash of creatine monohydrate - the complex gives you everything necessary components, which your body needs during the first hour after training, when most athletes experience inhuman hunger.

My personal opinion is that such a product equally promotes weight gain from both muscle and fat tissue. However, after thinking and comparing your usual reception food after training with this complex, I realized that the energy value of my standard menu is higher, and sometimes it can even be called “unhealthy”.

And let's not forget, what happens if we cook healthy food when we're uncontrollably hungry? While waiting for the main course, we run the great risk of succumbing to temptation and eating any processed food or other indecent product that we have at hand. Taking Serious Mass after a workout helps satisfy your hunger and gives you the opportunity to calmly and without haste to approach the process of preparing healthy food, which is exactly what we need.

I'm not saying that everyone needs gainers, but I do believe that if you're unsure whether you need a gainer or not, it's better to try it once than to constantly hesitate and ask yourself the question "what if?" Two cups of skim milk in a blender dispelled all my doubts. The portion seems large, but for a gainer it is normal. After mixing we get a great structure, so don't worry about the compatibility of the product with milk. The consistency is soft and the chocolate flavor is truly reminiscent of chocolate.

Final grade

Overall a great product. I would give it a 9 out of 10 for great consistency, taste and variable portion sizes. Great for weight gain and can even be useful for cutting if dosed correctly. You may ask, why am I not worried about the 20g of sugar in a gainer serving? Because simple exercises after training are essential for restoring energy balance.