Fitness secrets for beginners - taking the first step. Secrets of effective fitness for weight loss Fitness secrets

Fitness is not just about going to the gym, it is a way of thinking and organizing your life in such a way that there is a place and time in it to take care of your own health. The fitness secrets below are simple and lie on the surface - this is probably why they are usually forgotten about when starting lifestyle changes with grueling workouts and fasting. The fuse is not enough for a long time, and it begins to seem that fitness is terribly difficult, it is the lot of a select few with reinforced concrete willpower. In fact, everything is much simpler.

Set specific goals

This is talked about so often that this recommendation is ignored as something annoying. However, to achieve something, you need to clearly imagine what exactly you want. “I want to be slim” - what does this mean? “I want to lose weight to 60 kg, 65 cm in the waist and 95 in the hips” - this is a specific goal. It’s better to set, for example, the following goals: swim 1 km a day and/or run 5 km a day in three months. These goals are better because they inspire your body. He knows that jogging is good for your health, and the mindset of losing weight, especially if you are not overweight, only tells him that you want to reduce his size.

The goals you set for yourself must be realistic. Losing 20 kg in a month, or even two, is not only unlikely, but also dangerous. If you last time If you ran in high school, and then reluctantly, you are unlikely to run 5 km a day in two weeks. Unrealistic goals create obstacles in your own mind, and they are much more difficult to overcome than external barriers.

Write down your goals. The paper gives the promise weight, and if you also sign it, it will be very difficult to avoid going to the gym.

Develop habits

To be effective, fitness classes must be regular. Exercise strictly on certain days and times. A habit is developed, on average, in thirty days; set yourself a goal, for example, for a month, four times a week from 7 to 8 a.m. to run in the park, swim in the pool, or work out in the gym. At first it will be very difficult for you to get up in the morning and force yourself to move, but if you are adamant, in just a month you will wake up without an alarm clock and cheerfully go to training. This way, fitness will become an integral part of your lifestyle.

Put yourself first

The most common reason why many people today cannot exercise regularly is not laziness, but lack of time. In fact, there is always time. And each person manages his own time. Often we decide to spend a free hour or two on family, friends, relatives, or on work that we did not have time to complete during the day. All this can perfectly well wait at least one hour while you take care of yourself. Fitness isn't just about sticking to your exercise routine, it's also about understanding that there's a lot in the world that can be put aside for a little while—except your health. Having learned to appreciate it and properly monitor it, you will learn to use your time better - there will be enough for work, family, and friends. As a rule, people who put off fitness because they “don’t have time” paradoxically don’t have enough time for other things that are important to them. Only by putting yourself - and your health - first, will you be able to put other significant aspects of your life in the appropriate places.

Think of food as fuel

You don’t put anything into your car, otherwise it won’t run, or it will run, but not for long. You don't add too much fuel or too little - there should be enough. The human body is much more complex and more advanced than any machine, but, unfortunately, the provision of “fuel” to it is often treated rather dismissively. Meanwhile,

Many of us dream of losing weight, either overall or in specific areas. The Internet is full of headlines on the topic of losing weight, getting rid of cellulite and problem areas, using miracle diets and getting slim figure. Some really help, but not for long.

Is it possible to lose weight once and for all (preferably quickly and without straining). What should you eat to lose weight? How to keep it later beautiful shapes? Will this harm your health? These and other topics will be discussed in this section.

Myths and truth about losing weight

  • Losing weight is a difficult period, which you need to survive by gritting your teeth and being mentally prepared in advance.
  • You can lose weight by following a number of rules: if you are on a diet, regularly arrange fasting days, fasting, not eating after six, consuming foods with negative calories or mixtures with a specially selected complex of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
  • You can lose weight in one problem area.
  • Losing weight is easy! There are special programs and express diets for vacation or “going out” (for example, if you roll from side to side on the floor, you can fit into a dress).

All these are both myths and truth. The truth is that it is true: losing weight is hard and easy; exist effective methods and diets; you can lose weight in a separate place (tighten muscles). The myth is that the results achieved by such methods can be maintained for a long time. In fact, to maintain weight you need to exercise.

What does fitness give?

Fitness is a totality physical activity, which allows you to change weight, tighten muscles and consolidate the results.

It is necessary for increased body weight and a sedentary lifestyle, as a result of which the muscles become inactive and atrophy (sag).

In addition, excess weight is accompanied by overload cardiovascular system, hormonal imbalances and malfunction internal organs, increased load on the joints. Fitness brings back good health and a beautiful body.

Avicenna said: “Movement can replace many medicines, but not a single medicine in the world can replace movement!”

The main thing is the system!

Systemic errors of an incorrect lifestyle that led to excess weight and health problems must also be corrected systematically. Losing weight without harm and maintaining the results obtained can only be done comprehensively on a long-term basis, which includes regular training and a certain diet.


It is better to choose exercises in such a way that several muscle groups are included in the work, and at the same time coordination is improved, the elasticity of ligaments is increased, and joints are strengthened. Ideally, there should be 2 types of exercises: dynamic and static.

Dynamic load allows you to create muscle corset, correct posture, tighten the muscles of the buttocks, abs, and arms. By the way, there are special ones. When performing such exercises, muscles stretch and contract. This type of exercise will give tone to a sluggish and weakened body, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, and improve performance. lymphatic system, will increase immunity. You can use weights, that is, exercise on machines, with dumbbells, heavy hoop etc. you will find out on our resource.

At static exercises Several muscle groups are involved simultaneously. In this case, there is practically no movement, but the muscles are constantly tense, spend a lot of energy and become very resilient.

Training principles

  1. Availability training program compiled with the help of a professional trainer. Otherwise, the classes will not bring the desired result.
  2. Alternation dynamic and static loads.
  3. Regularity of training. Someone who has done 100 workouts looks like better than that who only trained 50 times.
  4. Mandatory warm-up before the main set of exercises.
  5. Correct breathing: during dynamic load, inhale when stretching the muscle, exhale when contracting; at static load You cannot hold your breath.


In order to become lighter and more elastic, you need to reduce the percentage of fat in the body, for example, dry out the body and increase muscle mass. In a specific place you can only tighten the muscles and create elasticity. Tem. who is dissatisfied with the lower body will help.

Fat reduction occurs by reducing the number of calories. To do this, it is not enough to simply go on a diet or arrange fasting days. These methods will give short-term weight loss (sometimes due to the removal of excess water), which will then “get full” back. In addition, an unexpected sharp decrease in calories will force the body to make reserves for a “lean day.”

It will be most effective to change your diet using a set of simple and non-tiring rules that can and should be constantly followed. Here are some of them:

It’s very simple - set priorities and start thinking about the concepts of “important-not important”, “urgent-not urgent”. The problem is not the presence or absence of free time, but elementary laziness and unwillingness to change the usual way of life.

Think about it, do we really not have half an hour of free time 3-4 times a week to work out at home, even just to work out our abs? Video of abdominal exercises for girls at home, and exercises for losing weight on the hips and buttocks. Or buy and improve your forms. This duration of regular dynamic and static training is enough to slowly achieve the desired shape. Slowly is even preferable, since many have learned from their own experience that weight lost quickly is restored just as quickly.

Or do we not have time in the evening to visit the fitness room? Is there time for meetings with a friend in a cafe, chatting on the phone, social networks or watching TV? Can you replace TV with video exercises? Set your priorities.

Another reason besides laziness is the inability to plan your own life schedule. Time will not appear on its own. It will have to be found or created, saving on the duration of other tasks, compressing, canceling or entrusting their implementation to someone else.

As a result, you will definitely find time for fitness. Moreover, many training options have been created, including new technologies that save time. You just need to not be lazy, conduct a market analysis and choose the best programs.

There are even workouts to strengthen internal organs: .


The hardest thing in any business is getting started. They say a habit is developed in 2-3 weeks. This is a time of stress reactions when a newbie can “break down.” You can, of course, treat yourself with gifts during this period for your fortitude, but the main thing in fitness is to act. Sport not only shapes the body, it also strengthens character. When doing fitness, we overcome ourselves with each new repetition, expansion of the range of motion and an extra 5 seconds of plank position.

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! The administration is not responsible for possible negative consequences arising as a result of the use of information posted on the website

After reading a dozen articles about fitness, we can conclude that simply regular training is enough to get rid of annoying extra pounds. But in reality, everything is somewhat more complicated, and if you want to practice fitness for weight loss, you should learn a few tricks in advance.

Perhaps the tips listed in this article may seem obvious to some. But they will help others choose the right tactics for losing weight through fitness. So:

  • Classes should be regular. The optimal number of classes is 3-4 per week. Thanks to this, the body gets used to a certain intensity of the load, but has the opportunity to rest and recover normally after training.
  • For fitness classes for weight loss to be effective, they must be quite intense and long lasting, at least an hour.
  • During load the pulse should be rapid, but not exceed a certain value, approximately 140-150 beats per minute.
  • If you are doing strength training, That classes must be regular, and the exercises are similar. Do not suddenly change the type of load. Aerobic activities can be alternated.
  • It is very important to get enough sleep and rest after training. This will help muscle recovery.
  • After a fitness workout for weight loss It's good to take a shower or bath to relax tired muscles.

These rules seem very simple, but in practice not everyone follows them.

How to eat while losing weight

The golden rule for losing weight: fitness plus nutrition. One without the other will be ineffective, but together they significantly increase the rate of weight loss. Therefore, it is important not only to choose the right fitness program for weight loss, but also to eat right:

  • Traditionally, fatty, sweet, alcoholic, fried, and large portions are excluded from the diet. Meals are fractional, in small portions, balanced.
  • You can't eat two hours before training. The last meal should be carbohydrates, since they provide the necessary energy supply to the body.
  • During and after training, be sure to drink clean water. It will not only help avoid dehydration, but also reduce intoxication in the body.
  • To control what you eat, you should keep a food diary and write down everything in it, down to the smallest snack. Within a few days you will realize that you eat a lot of foods just like that, not out of hunger, but out of boredom or for company.

Psychological aspects

It is important not only to exercise and eat right, but also to develop a certain attitude towards this. Some useful tips will help with this:

  • It is useful to praise and pamper yourself after each achieved result: for example, a month of exercise or losing 2 kilograms. This could be some kind of purchase, a trip to the cinema or other pleasant trifle.
  • Work out with a friend or girlfriend. This way there will be less temptation to skip a workout.
  • Initially, go to group classes. In them you will focus on more experienced ones and strive to reach their level.
  • Choose the right type of fitness for weight loss. The load should not be highly intense, but it must bring pleasure and positive emotions.
  • If you prefer gym, then you should initially work with a trainer who will help you choose a program, and most importantly, teach you how to properly perform fitness exercises for weight loss. After all, even the wrong stance can significantly reduce efficiency.
  • You should not expect a quick effect, because fat disappears quite slowly. It is worth setting yourself up for long-term work, as a result of which you will get the expected result, but for this you will have to work hard.

And finally, it’s difficult to say which kind of fitness is best for losing weight. But a combination of stretching, cardio and strength exercises is considered optimal. And which direction you choose for each block is a matter of taste.

To effectively lose weight, you need to know the secrets, which is probably why my favorite app is fatsecret: it has answers to the questions “why I’m not losing weight.” However, the essence of all tricks is the essence of distracting the attention of the audience by the magician. Sometimes it seems to me that articles on the Internet are written very beautiful people who want to divert the attention of readers from the essence of losing weight, so that everyone remains with excess fat and only writers of fitness articles remain beauties against the backdrop of an ugly crowd. Losing weight revolves around three topics: “nutrition,” “workout,” and “motivation.”


Women's magazine writes:

“Classes should be regular. The optimal number of classes is 3-4 per week. Thanks to this, the body gets used to a certain intensity of the load, but has the opportunity to rest and recover normally after training.”

3-4 times a week is optimal quantity classes in the sports section for children in the first and second years of study. Children have two advantages over adults: they have less hassle and growing bodies.

Besides, sports section requires dedication and training for the sake of competition. Fitness for weight loss is not a sport for the sake of competition at all, these are very different phenomena.

“For fitness classes for weight loss to be effective, they must be quite intense and long-lasting, at least an hour.”

Very few beginners losing weight can withstand an hour of training. It is difficult for a thirty-year-old person without training experience to withstand an hour of training at a health-improving intensity, which can be 30% less than sports intensity.

“During exercise, the pulse should be rapid, but not exceed a certain value, approximately 140-150 beats per minute”

If we are talking about running, swimming or dancing, then yes. IN strength exercises It is difficult to achieve such a pulse while sitting or lying down. Although this happens to some women, their heart does not beat, but flutters. Often, for some people losing weight, a pulse of 120 beats is a lot. you need to look not only at the pulse, but also at external signs of fatigue: skin color, lack of coordination of movements, sweating.

“If you do strength training, then the classes should be regular and the exercises should be similar”

Probably it was about appropriate exercises. For example, a woman wants to pump up her buttocks, but her front thighs are growing - this is upsetting.

“You shouldn’t suddenly change the type of load”

Agree. It is necessary to achieve habituation or adaptation. Adaptation is the goal of all training. Although now CrossFit and other functional areas of fitness are in fashion, in which running suddenly changes to pull-ups. This is “good” killer training for special forces, but it is very harmful for the health of those losing weight after thirty years sedentary image life.

“Aerobic activities can be alternated”

It's possible, but it's hard. How more exercise you alternate, the more difficult it is to adapt to them and the principle of regularity is violated. It’s better to run every day than to go to the pool once a week and then ride a bike.

Women who have attended dance aerobics classes know that the pleasure of training comes when all the movements are learned, familiar and familiar.

“It is very important to get enough sleep and rest after training. This will help muscle recovery."

“After a fitness workout to lose weight, it’s good to take a shower or bath to relax tired muscles.”

It is especially useful to take a shower after your morning workout before going to work. I always do this. This is also useful for physical health and for social. But if you relax your tired muscles after a morning workout, you will sleep at work, and this is harmful to your financial health.

It is good for athletes to relax their muscles after training. Health training this is not required.


“Traditionally, fatty, sweet, alcohol, fried, and large portions are excluded from the diet”

Not necessarily. To lose weight, it is important to maintain caloric intake. Within the framework of the correct caloric intake, you can break any rules. However, it will really be losing weight, not building. Read more about this in the article “Losing weight or getting slimmer”

“Meals are fractional, in small portions, balanced”

Fractional meals Small portions fill you up well, but it creates a habit of eating, which then develops into the habit of overeating. And overeating once a day in the evenings and eating every two hours equally lead to overeating. Fractional meals do not guarantee weight loss, but it greatly complicates life with constant meals. Every two hours? And when to live?

A balanced diet is the right thing to do. I like the proportion 25-25-50. But sometimes I violate it within the given caloric content - this is acceptable.

“You can’t eat two hours before training”

Food has a volume and time frame for digestion. Sugar is absorbed into the blood in 5 minutes, smoked sausage is digested in 6 hours.

My body burns about 100 kilocalories per hour. If I eat an apple on an empty stomach an hour before training, then by the start of training I will be as empty as a drum.

The time of eating before training depends on the fullness of the body, the calorie content of the food, its weight and absorption.

“Carbohydrates provide the body with the necessary energy supply”

Stored carbohydrates provide energy reserves in the body. Carbohydrates are absorbed into the blood and accumulated in the form of glycogen for muscle function. To accumulate glycogen in the muscles you need to at least sleep. You will have carbohydrates in your muscles today for training if you ate them in the right amount yesterday. Trying to eat carbohydrates before a workout results in heaviness in the belly rather than stored energy in the muscles.

“During and after training, be sure to drink clean water. It will not only help avoid dehydration, but also reduce intoxication in the body.”

Marathon runners drink a little water in the heat for every ten kilometers they run with a heart rate of 180 beats. If a person trains in an air-conditioned room with a pulse of 120-140 beats and does not sweat, and the workout lasts less than an hour, then there is no need to drink water at all - this is a meaningless ritual that increases the pulse and the load on the heart.

Usually people lose 300 grams during a workout and drink half a liter. Is this training or water loading? In addition, drinking water relaxes nervous system and makes training difficult. Tourists know that it’s better not to drink at a rest stop, otherwise you won’t get up.

“After training, you should wait at least 1-2 hours before your next meal”

During training, body temperature rises to 38 degrees. The body cools down within 20 minutes. When the body has cooled down, then digestive system ready to eat. You can eat 20 minutes after training.

Why do you need to burn fat longer after training? This makes no sense. If you observe caloric intake, then fats will be burned; If you don’t comply, they will come back again.

“To control what you eat, you should keep a food diary and write down everything in it, down to the smallest snack. Within a few days you will realize that you eat a lot of foods just like that, not out of hunger, but out of boredom or for company.”


“It is useful to praise and pamper yourself after each achieved result: for example, a month of exercise or losing 2 kilograms. It could be some kind of purchase, a trip to the cinema or other pleasant trifle.”

When I analyze my food diary and see that I haven’t eaten 5000 kilocalories and understand that I have burned 500 grams of fat, then I don’t need any other motivation to wait for the next weekly report and to see my “minus five hundred” again.

“Exercise with a friend or girlfriend. This way there will be less temptation to skip a workout.”

Oh no! Practice shows that a girlfriend or boyfriend is more likely to leave the race into a ditch and drag me there too. The collective justification for laziness and gluttony is the worst and most common phenomenon.

“Initially, go to group classes. In them you will focus on more experienced ones and strive to reach their level."

Group programs are required to select the load according to the weakest link. You will train with the load of the weakest member of the group, as in the “race of heroes” - the entire platoon runs at the speed of the weakest member of the group. weak fighter. and God forbid that an old lady or a fat woman come to a group lesson - she will slow everyone down.

Do you want to make your figure slim, but don’t have the time and energy to devote to exercise for several hours a day? This is not necessary, as fitness instructor Tamilee Webb proves to us.

I want a body like this - a set of exercises for every day

Everything you need for ideal relief– 15 minutes a day, but with full dedication. “I want a body like this” is a dynamic workout that includes stress on different groups muscles, each of which is given a quarter of an hour to work.

And be sure to go to the section and drop in too. I regularly update and add information to these sections.

I want abs like this. Complex 1

Exercises from the “I want abs like this” series are just a godsend! They are quite simple and quite feasible for most women. The effect of their implementation will be noticeable after just a few weeks of training.

I want abs like this. Complex 2

Abdominal work continues in the second part of the course. The load becomes more complex and intense; fitness dumbbells are used during training.

I want hands like these. Complex 1

Arms are a rather problematic area for many women, especially those with a T figure. Working out the triceps should be thoughtful so as not to pump up the muscles, but to tighten them. The “I want hands like these” complex will cope with this task perfectly.

I want hands like these. Complex 2

This video contains the most effective exercises, which Tamili identified based on personal experience and the latest research by physiologists. Flabby arm muscles can spoil the impression of the most beautiful figure. And vice versa, toned, graceful hands are able to shift the emphasis to themselves and hide minor flaws in other areas.

I want legs like these. Complex 1

Slender legs are the dream of those with a luxurious pear-shaped figure. The “I want legs like these” complex will help to emphasize natural shapes and give them the desired relief.

I want legs like these. Complex 2

On entry level classes, you can slow down the pace a little and reduce the number of repetitions. It's not scary, the effect will still be there. As you gain experience, you will be able to perform the “I want legs like these” workout in full.

I want a body like this. Complex 1

A slim, strong, resilient body is not a dream, but an achievable reality. The video “I want a body like this” includes the most effective exercises, helping to achieve this effect in the shortest possible time.

I want a body like this. Complex 2

Keep in mind that the “I want a body like this” complex has a fairly fast pace. If you can't keep up with Tamil, don't despair and don't quit. Just reduce the number of repetitions in the initial period. Exercise with dynamic, pleasant music to create the right mood. After completing the complex, be sure to praise yourself and please yourself with something. This positive incentive will help you come back to exercise again and again. Good luck!

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