Ugra Ski Marathon watch. Sergei Ustyugov won the Yugra Ski Marathon on his birthday

On April 8, in Khanty-Mansiysk, in the floodplain of the Gornaya River, a"Yugorsky ski marathon» . Participants are invited to cover the main distance of 50 km in free style or one of the “satellite” distances - 25 km or 5 km.

“Ugra Ski Marathon” is one of the most prestigious ski marathons in Russia, which will be held for the fifth time this year. For the third year in a row" Ugra Marathon"will be the final of the international marathon series FIS Worldloppet Cup. The entire sports world will come to Khanty-Mansiysk to determine the best marathon skier in the world: the triumphant of the two previous “Ugra Marathons”, the winner overall standings Last season's FIS Worldloppet Cup Tony Livers (Switzerland), multiple winner of the legendary marathons "Marchalonga" (Italy) and "Birkebeiner" (Norway), one of the best marathon skiers in the world Seraina Boner (Switzerland), winner of the previous FIS Worldloppet Cup Aurelie Daboudiuk (France), the strongest marathon skiers in Italy Elisa Brocard and Sergio Bonaldi and many others.

According to tradition, the starting line of the marathon will be best skiers and Russian biathletes. The main contender for victory will be two-time champion world 2017, winner of the multi-day Tour de Ski 2017, Ugra resident Sergei Ustyugov, who, by the way, will celebrate his 25th anniversary on the day of the Ugra Ski Marathon. He will compete with 2006 Olympic champion Evgeniy Dementyev, 2010 Olympic champion Svetlana Sleptsova, 2014 Olympic bronze medalist Dmitry Yaparov, 2013 World Championship bronze medalist Maria Gushchina, World Cup medalist Anton Gafarov, multiple champion Russia Sergey Turyshev.

More than 1,300 amateurs will be able to measure their strength in head-to-head competition with the legends of world sports cross-country skiing from 30 regions of Russia and ten countries of the world. Ugra amateur skiers showed great interest in the competition. Almost every second application is from a resident of Ugra.

It is worth noting that the heroes of the Paralympic and Deaflympic Games will also compete in certain categories at the Ugra Marathon.

April 1 ended online registration to participate in the Ugra Ski Marathon.

From April 3 to April 7 in Khanty-Mansiysk at the Olimpiyskaya Hotel (Engelsa St., 45, building B, 2nd floor, conference room) in the Yugra Ski Marathon office you will be able to get a bib number. Office hours are from 10:00 to 19:00. In addition, at the competition office until April 6 (inclusive), you can complete live registration if you did not have time to complete online registration (registration will not be possible on April 7 and 8).

On April 8, the bib will be available at the start of the marathon at the Yugorskaya Dolina Hotel (to the left of the arch in the Atrium hall on the first floor) from 7:30 to 9:00.

To receive a bib number, you must provide:

1. Identity document (for adults - an original or a clearly readable scan of a passport; for children - an original or a clearly readable scan of a birth certificate).

2. If you are applying for a preferential receipt of a bib number (children under 12 years of age, war veterans, labor veterans, Deaflympics or Paralympians), you need a document confirming the fact of the benefit.

3. A document confirming the fact of payment of the entry fee (check). If you paid the entry fee via the Internet and your application list has the status “PAID,” you do not need any supporting documents.

4. Certificate of health (alternatively, at the competition office you can write a receipt stating that you take responsibility for your health).

As for insurance, all participants on the day of the marathon will be automatically insured by the Ugoria company (no additional payments will be charged for this service).

Please note that you cannot pay the entry fee in cash at the competition office. At the entrance to the Olimpiyskaya Hotel there will be an ATM from Otkritie Bank, through which you can pay the entry fee.

The amount to pay the entry fee for 50 km is 1,900 rubles, for 25 km - 1,000 rubles, for 5 km - 500 rubles.

Along with your bib, you will receive a bag of souvenirs from the partners of the Ugra Ski Marathon.

The Yugra Ski Marathon, held in Khanty-Mansiysk yesterday, April 8, was for the 25-year-old world sports star from Russia Sergei Ustyugov was fifth in his career - that is, he has not missed a single one yet. And for a five year old (he will turn six in a month) Yury Boytsova Yesterday's competition was the first in my life.

Special correspondent of the "Championship" Evgeny Slyusarenko all two days of being in the capital of Ugra I carefully watched two skiers - the stars of the present and the stars of the future (and an evil but fair tongue would add - also of the past; meaning, of course, Peter Northug).

And I came to a simple conclusion: no matter how old you are and no matter what your name is, if you go to the start of the marathon and finish, you are a winner like everyone else. This is the meaning of what happened in Khanty-Mansiysk. Although, of course, watching Ustyugov once again tear apart Northug was nice, whatever.

Yura Boytsov finished with his hands raised, as befits self-confident skiers who know their worth. He covered the 5 km distance in free motion in 53 minutes 22.5 seconds. Personal record! There is a reason to give the first interview in my career - thoughtful and slightly tired due to the intrusive attention of the press. Even if your father, a famous journalist and author of “Championship”, is talking to you Konstantin Boytsov.
After about an hour, Sergei Ustyugov will finish his 50 km - also with his hands raised, defeated rivals behind him and the following.

However, as you understand, it all seemed so easy. Behind these two seemingly effortless finishes there are tears, falls and overcomings invisible to the world. “I’m tired,” Ustyugov complained after it was all over. – The week before the marathon I only had 16 training hours. It’s not much, but I didn’t have the strength for more.”

Yura Boytsov also did not give himself any concessions in preparation for the main start of the season, precisely bringing himself to peak form by the beginning of April. "For the first time on cross-country skiing“My son only got up this winter,” says his father, who is also a coach. – While we are self-training, without centralized training, everything is due to local enthusiasm. But we try to keep high level, the surname obliges. The day before the start, we went to the famous biathlon stadium, asked the servicers to prepare the skis, and then tested them ourselves. The weather forecast was alarming."

The fact that the skis were not prepared in vain became clear on the morning of the start. In Khanty it suddenly got colder from plus to -10, it started snowing in the evening, and in the morning the wind also picked up. The athletes were fine, but the spectators and numerous support groups had a hard time in the cold for several hours. Thanks to the general partner of the marathon, Otkritie Bank, for their foresight: warm blankets, tea and pies for everyone became a real salvation.

The distance was not easy for our heroes - this is not counting the weather that we mentioned. Ustyugov was a little nervous, realizing that he had to make a break, and on a flat track it was extremely difficult. We managed to break away from the large group only 8 km before the finish. Boytsov Jr. also had problems: they stepped on his stick, he lost it - and so on twice. He returned, picked it up, and stubbornly moved on.

Well, then there was a celebration of our heroes. They deserve it, agree. Ustyugova before the start, happy birthday to the governor of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra Natalia Komarova and Peter Northug, and already at the award ceremony a polyphonic crowd sang to him.

Yura Boytsov was also not left without enthusiastically chanting fans. The team sent him a congratulatory video card kindergarten, who has the honor to consider him his pupil. There, by the way, in the lower right corner is four-year-old Roma Boytsov, who, according to his father, is a ready participant in the Ugra Ski Marathon - 2018.

In the evening, with a sense of accomplishment, we all went to have fun - at the personal invitation of the frontman Russian biathlon Dmitry Guberniev. The TV commentator did not disappoint, preparing a surprise - for the first time singing live the legendary hit “Wind of Biathlon”. One of the most responsive listeners was Yura Boytsov, who was banging away on the dance floor to classic rock tunes. Guberniev noticed the boy and expressed hope that after some time he would name Yuri Boytsov more than once in his reports.

And Guberniev, you know, won’t poke a microphone at anyone just like that.

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    Full name: Gazizov Sergey Marsovich

The Ugra ski marathon took place today in Khanty-Mansiysk. More than one and a half thousand athletes from 12 countries of the world took to the start line - professional skiers, students of sports schools, sports veterans and amateurs.

Opening the event, the Governor of Ugra Natalya Komarova noted that the current marathon is an anniversary one. This year it is being held for the fifth time.

The final stage of the ski marathon is taking place in our region. We are glad that in five years we have firmly entered this international sports calendar and we have official status. It is important for Ugra that a huge number of Ugra residents take part in it. This year, by the way, for the first time we had a separate competition for Paralympians and Deaflympics. This is our idea and we expect that the organizers and the international community will accept this as a positive experience and give people with disabilities the opportunity to participate in such events,” the head of the region emphasized.

Sergei Ustyugov celebrates another anniversary today. On April 8, the Ugra skier turned 25 years old. On his birthday, the athlete gave himself a gift - he took first place in the Ugra Ski Marathon. Until today, he has not yet succeeded.

The victory overwhelmed everything, it’s just tearing me apart,” Sergei shares. – This is my fifth time participating in the marathon, and I wanted to finally win. It was a very successful season, we worked well with team tactics. Many thanks to our team and service personnel. The skis worked really well today.

As the athlete notes, all his rivals were ready to fight for first place:

I was preparing to make a long finish, because the pace was not very high, and after about eight kilometers I made an attempt to escape. Then I realized that I had succeeded, all that was left was to go. I was not surprised that no one supported the breakaway. In fact, at first I thought that they were letting me go so that they could catch up with me later. Closer to the start, I realized that I had to be very far behind for them to win.

By the way, Sergei asked the organizers to assign him number 86 - the number of his home district of Ugra.

The second place in the Ugra marathon was the Norwegian Petter Northug, and the third place was taken by the Swiss Candide Prolon. Among women best results Olga Rocheva, Swiss Maria Grafnin and another Russian Maria Gushchina showed.

If professional athletes ran a distance of 50 km, then those slightly less prepared could choose distances of 25 and 5 km, and representatives of the indigenous peoples of the North covered a distance of 1 kilometer on traditional skis made of reindeer skins.

Thus, the young participant Kristina Aipina took first place. The girl admits that even though she trains regularly, it was hard to run.

I constantly run, do all-around events, on traditional skiing I usually took only second and third places, but today I surprised myself - I got first,” said Christina.

Another participant traditional race, pensioner Alexander Konstantinov, believes that the main thing is not victory, but that the participants of the race demonstrate the culture of their people.

The most important thing is that we preserve our traditions. There are young people, women and children here. Everything is in one row. Traditions, customs, and rituals are learned from the older generation. This once again proves that we have a future.

Sports veterans also took part in the marathon. Among them are champions Yuri Kashkarov and Evgeniy Redkin, three-time medalist Olympic Games Alexander Zavyalov, world championship bronze medalist Sergei Kryanin and many others.

“Many thanks to those people who prepared this event,” Sergey Kryanin expressed his gratitude. “I walked along the track with pleasure, remembered the kilometers I covered in my youth, and I want to say: the best event this year took place here.” It’s a bit crowded here, but that’s good, I was able to compete with young guys, and I’m happy about that.

Not only athletes, but also amateurs came from other regions to participate in the marathon. A resident of Serov, pensioner Vera Ankudinova has been skiing since the first grade, always tries to participate in the “Ski Track of Russia” and comes to the “Ugra Ski Marathon” for the second time.

Last year I ran 25 kilometers. Now my leg is letting me down, I decided to do 5 kilometers,” shared Vera Ankudinova. – I like the atmosphere here, there are many famous personalities around. If my health doesn’t fail me, I’ll come next year.

Those who are just learning to ski also took part in the marathon. Thus, the head of the media service of the Russian Biathlon Union, Konstantin Boytsov, brought his son, five-year-old Yura, to Ugra from Moscow. The boy ran five kilometers and set his personal record.

Since last year, we have had a “Ugra Marathon” calendar hanging in our kitchen with a boy who was skiing,” said Konstantin. - Yura saw this calendar and asked: “When will I run to the Ugra Marathon?” And so I asked for a whole year. By January I understood that I had no other options, the child wanted to go to the marathon. But he didn’t know how to ski. And we had no time to teach him. He watched TV and repeated after the athletes - Shipulin, Ustyugov, and little by little he began to succeed. He ran in circles in our forest, little by little he started to succeed and push correctly. Of course, he fell sometimes, after all, the first season, the boy was five years old. But next year I'm sure it will go much better.

Also, disabled children took part in the event. They covered the distance while sitting in a sled.

We have been preparing for this marathon for a long time, I was waiting for it, and now it has finally arrived,” said fifteen-year-old Ksenia. - I have only good impressions. This is my second time participating and each time I get a lot of impressions. I can't wait to tell my family about this.

It should be noted that the races determined the winners of the Ugra Ski Marathon and the FIS Worldloppet Cup Marathon Series