The best exercises to pump up beautiful arms with dumbbells for a girl at home?

Of course, beauty is a rather subjective concept, while one girl was born already with a gorgeous figure, and the other has to plow in the gym for this, but there is one thing in common with their pens - they are slender and fit - which today is synonymous with beauty and attractiveness, isn't it?

In this article, you will learn how to properly train your arm muscles with dumbbells to remove excess fat and improve their tone. So, you need:

1. Build Lean Muscle Without Fat

When you plan to gain muscle mass and properly pump your arms with dumbbells, you need heavy weights and low reps. Dumbbells of 1-2 kg cannot achieve tangible results. Now when we talk about "heavy weights" we are talking about a range of 5 to 8 kilos, maybe more, it all depends on your fitness (or about 75 percent of the maximum weight you can lift), nothing crazy. And as for the number of repetitions, it is somewhere between 6 and 10 in 3-5 sets. However, rest between these sets will be critical, so let's limit the rest period to 1 to 2 minutes.

Description of the workout

Equipment: Dumbbells from 4 to 6 kilograms (or dumbbells at 75 percent of your maximum weight)

Reps: 6 to 10

Sets: 3 to 5

Rest: 1 to 2 minutes after each set

So, now that we have some plan, let's move on to a set of special exercises for hands with dumbbells for women. Be sure to complete each exercise for the specified number of reps, sets, and a rest period in between. The next arm workout, performed 3-4 times a week, should last two to four weeks.

Frequency: 3 to 4 times a week, with 1-2 rest days

Duration: 2 to 4 weeks

A set of exercises for hands with dumbbells

Lifting dumbbells over your head

  1. Take the dumbbells in your hands, stand shoulder-width apart and raise the dumbbells so that your palms are facing forward and your elbows are bent at a 90-degree angle in relation to your armpits. This is the starting position.
  2. Take a deep breath, tighten your abs and raise the dumbbells above your shoulders and straighten your arms. Pause for a second at the top of the movement as you exhale.

Curl with dumbbells for biceps

  1. Lift the dumbbells, stand shoulder-width apart, and your arms at your sides are slightly bent at the elbows so that the palms are facing up. This is the starting position.
  2. Take a deep breath, tighten your core muscles and lift the weight up, tensing your biceps, bringing your fingertips to shoulder level. Pause for a second at the top of the movement as you exhale.
  3. Slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position. Continue for the specified number of repetitions.

Extension of the arms from behind the head with a dumbbell

This is one of the best dumbbell tricep exercises for girls.

  1. With dumbbells in hand, stand shoulder-width apart and raise your arms up over your head so that your hands are above your shoulders. Slowly bend your elbows, bringing the weight towards your back. This is the starting position.
  2. Take a deep breath, tighten your abdominal muscles and lift the dumbbells up, twisting your elbow. Hold for a second at the top of the movement as you exhale.
  3. Slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position. Continue for the specified number of repetitions.

Mahi dumbbells forward and to the sides

Note: take lighter weights

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides with palms facing inward. This is the starting position.
  2. Take a deep breath, squeeze your abs and raise straight arms with dumbbells to shoulder height. Hold for a second at the top of the movement as you exhale.
  3. Slowly lower the dumbbells back down, bringing your palms to your hips. Continue for the specified number of repetitions.

With the help of this set of exercises with dumbbells, you can pump up the muscles of the hands, that is, slightly increase their volume, proceed to the next step.

2. Give your muscles relief!

This is the period when you need to reduce the weight of the dumbbells, but increase the number of repetitions. Let's say 2 to 4 kilograms for triceps and biceps, as well as some deltoid groups (these are your shoulders). For other bundles of deltas, a weight of 2-3 kg will be required. It may seem like we're asking too much of you since we want you to do 12-20 reps, but trust us, this will burn enough extra calories as fat to create attractive muscle definition, because the fat around them will be burned through high repetitions and an accelerated heart rate.


Equipment: dumbbells from 2 to 4 kilograms

Reps: 12 to 20

Sets: 4 to 6

Rest: 1 minute after each set

Again, be sure to complete each movement for the specified number of reps, sets, and rest periods before moving on to the next. We recommend using two sets from the workout we originally recommended, and then two to four sets from this set of movements to work the same muscle from different angles. Also, all these exercises can be performed at home.

This workout is done three to four times a week, repeated every four to six weeks.

Raising dumbbells for biceps + upper half-press

  1. Take dumbbells, stand shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides with palms facing inward. This is the starting position.
  2. Take a deep breath, tighten your core muscles and “twist” the dumbbells up to shoulder level. Hold for a second as you tighten your biceps and exhale.
  3. Take a deep breath and now lift the dumbbells up right over your shoulders. The palms should be facing inward. Hold for a second as you exhale.
  4. Slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position. Continue for the specified number of times.

Pulling arms with dumbbells back to triceps with raising shoulders

  1. Grab a pair of dumbbells, preferably 2kg, stand shoulder-width apart and place the dumbbells at your sides with your palms facing inward. Bend your knees slightly as you lean on your hips. With a straight back, turn your shoulders slightly, lifting your chest. This is the starting position.
  2. Take a deep breath, tighten your abs, lift your shoulders and move your arms back.
  3. Return the dumbbells to the starting position. Raise your arms high, bend your elbows to 90 degrees with palms facing each other. Take a deep breath and now lift the dumbbells over your shoulders in a lateral direction as if the string is pulling your elbow up. Your palms should now be facing the ground.
  4. Slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position. Continue for the specified number of repetitions.

And one more thing: nutrition will be key. Toning any muscle requires a balanced diet with plenty of protein combined with complex carbohydrates and healthy fats, which brings us to the final stage.

3. Eat to build strength

Follow a meal plan in which you eat six small meals throughout the day to keep your metabolic rate up while keeping your protein intake in mind because it matters more than you think.

Oh, and by the way, strength training improves your mood as it increases endorphin levels and boosts self-confidence. And really, what could be better?!

Arm workout with dumbbells to reduce volume and increase muscle tone

It is a common misconception that you can lose weight in the arm area by doing only isolated exercises. And that only biceps raises and reverse push-ups will help you put your arms in order.

However, the best strategy is to do well-balanced workouts that target all muscles: legs, core, upper body, and cardio. This, along with a healthy diet, is the key to not only reducing body fat in your arms, but also toning your entire body.

Do not be afraid that this complex for the home may seem to you aimed only at quickly pumping up your hands. As soon as you start doing the exercises, you will immediately realize that your whole body is working.

For best results, do this workout at least 3 times a week, making sure to include leg and glute exercises as well.


  • 1 fitball
  • 1 pair of 4.5kg dumbbells (Note: you can use heavier weights on some exercises and/or lighter weights on others - choose all based on your physical abilities).

To complete this workout you need:

  • Perform all repetitions of each superset (pair of exercises) in a row without stopping.
  • Rest 30 seconds between each superset.
  • Rest 2 minutes after completing all three supersets.
  • Perform 20 climbing reps as a warm-up and cool-down.

Note for beginners: if you are new to fitness or strength training, then you can do this arm workout without any weights or with very light weights (1 to 3 kg). You can also perform fewer reps and sets than suggested, but you can still get your arms pumped to the fullest with this set.

Warm up: mountain climbers

20 repetitions

Get into a plank position with straight arms. Your body should form one straight line.

Bend your legs, bringing your knees to your chest. Minimize bouncing by keeping your core, shoulders, and arms as rigid as possible. Complete 20 reps, counting reps on both sides as one rep.

I Superset

Close Grip Push-ups and Bent Over Dumbbell Rows on Fitball

10 reps + 15 reps

Narrow grip push-up technique:

These push-ups primarily work your triceps, but also work your chest and core muscles, making them a great exercise for an overall fat burning boost. If you can't follow the correct technique in a straight plank position, then you can do these push-ups from your knees.

Start in a plank position with straight arms. Keep your neck in a neutral position, looking straight at the ground.

Slowly lower your body towards the floor until your elbows are bent 90°. Return to the starting position and straighten your arms.

Technique for performing dumbbell rows in an incline on a fitball:

The dumbbell row is a great exercise to work your arms as well as one of your biggest muscle groups, your back.

Place the dumbbells in front of the fitball and lie down with your chest on it. Straighten your arms to reach the dumbbells.

Now pull the dumbbells up towards your shoulders, palms facing inward. Extend your arms and then lower the weight to the floor under control.

II Superset

Shoulder Press and Fitball French Press

10 reps + 15 reps

Shoulder Press Technique:

This variation of the shoulder press works your legs and core muscles more than when doing this exercise while sitting. That is why it is more suitable for fat burning everywhere and can be performed even at home.

Stand shoulder-width apart and hold the dumbbells just above your shoulders.

Tighten your core muscles and bend your knees slightly. Raise the dumbbells with force until your arms are straight above your head.

Technique for performing French bench press on a fitball:

This exercise is aimed at effectively strengthening and toning the triceps.

Lie on your back on the fitball, hang your head and neck, and bend your knees at an angle of 90 °. Raise the dumbbells just above your forehead. Your arms should tilt back slightly so you can feel the weight of the dumbbells.

Lower the dumbbells all the way down until they reach the fitball on either side of the ears.

III Superset

Dumbbell bench press on fitball and Dumbbell row in an incline based on fitball

15 reps + 10 reps

Technique for performing dumbbell press on a fitball:

This exercise targets your chest muscles, as well as triceps and shoulders, which are a must.

Lie back on the fitball, hang your head and neck. Hold the dumbbells just above your chest with your elbows touching the ball. Straighten your arms with dumbbells over your chest. Flex your arm muscles, then slowly lower yourself back to the starting position.

Technique for performing dumbbell rows in an incline based on a fitball:

This pull variation is great for isolating one side of the body at a time, so you can focus on contracting your back muscles in more detail.

You are only using one of your dumbbells for this exercise, so set the other side aside.

Stand and lean forward holding a dumbbell in one hand and touching the ball with the other hand.

Keep your knees slightly bent.

Make sure your spine and neck form one straight line.

Bring the dumbbell to your chest, flexing your back at the top of the movement, and then slowly lower it until your arm is completely straight.

Repeat focusing on your back muscles and exhale each time you lift the weight up. After 10 reps, take the dumbbell in your other hand and repeat on the other side.

IV Superset

Seated Dumbbell Raises and Biceps Raises

10 reps + 10 reps

Seated Dumbbell Raise Technique:

The dumbbell raise strengthens your shoulders and arms and is great for straightening your posture.

Sit on a fitball, put your hands on your hips, hold dumbbells in them.

Raise the dumbbells off your hips until your arms are parallel to the ground. Bend your arms and shoulders, then slowly lower the dumbbells back towards the ball. Exhale as you lift the weight and inhale as you lower it.

Biceps curl technique:

These raises will work your biceps and isometrically while still working on your legs.

Hold dumbbells in x hands and lean your back against the ball (and the ball against the wall).

Start lowering yourself towards the floor until your legs are bent at 90° at the knees. Stretch your arms until you feel a stretch in your biceps.

Now bring the dumbbells up to your shoulders. Tighten your arms, then lower the dumbbells. Do not move your legs during the exercise.

V Superset

Wide grip push-ups with feet on the fitball and Dumbbell abduction on the fitball

8 reps + 10 reps

Technique for performing push-ups with a wide grip with feet on a fitball:

Fitball push-ups are an extended variation of regular, simple push-ups. If you understand that this is too difficult for you, feel free to ease your load a little, there is nothing to worry about.

Get into a plank position on straight arms, but your feet should be on the fitball. Place your hands wider than your shoulders.

Slowly lower your chest towards the floor, supporting your chin and looking forward.

Return to the starting position and repeat, inhaling with each lowering.

Note: Your abs must be very tense during the movement. Do not move your hips, chest, neck, or back; the only movement should be from your elbow joints.

Technique for performing dumbbell abduction on a fitball:

This exercise targets your rear delts as well as your triceps.

Lie on your stomach on the fitball so that your arms hang directly in front of you. Place your feet on the plinth against the back wall for added stability.

Raise the dumbbells to your sides until your arms are parallel to the ground. Flex your back, arms, and shoulder muscles as you exhale, then slowly return the weight back to the starting position.

Hitch: mountain climbers

20 repetitions

Can I congratulate you on the end of this workout and the fact that you have already pumped up your arms? Of course yes!