Lifting dumbbells while lying on your side, an exercise for the deltoid muscles. The best exercises with dumbbells Muscles involved in the exercise

Suppose you are unable to go to gym, but you have dumbbells at home. Most of the exercises presented here can be done at home. All you need is a pair of dumbbells. The bench can be safely replaced with a regular chair or stool.

Keep in mind: with a conscientious approach to business, the result will be no worse than what you would achieve in the gym. Combine strength training with cardio exercises and training to develop flexibility, and then success will be guaranteed to you.


Strengthening the pectoral muscle requires 3 things: concentration, control and contraction. You need to concentrate and know which muscles work in the exercise. Control means that you monitor the movements and speed of the exercises. The slower you perform them, the more you load the muscle fibers. A slow pace also reduces the risk of injury. When you focus your attention on the muscles being trained, the effectiveness of the exercise increases.

A great exercise for chest training. It can be performed on horizontal bench, incline, or negative incline bench. This way you can shift the load to the middle, top, or bottom pectoral muscles. Try to lower the weight slowly so that you feel the same muscle tension as when lifting the weight. Lifting dumbbells too quickly puts you at risk of injury. shoulder joint. It is also important to choose the appropriate dumbbell weight. The resistance should be enough so that you can feel your pectoral muscles working.

An excellent exercise for developing the pectoral muscles. Its value lies in the fact that it makes it possible to exclude all auxiliary muscles from work and the load on the chest will be concentrated. Dumbbell curls can be performed on a horizontal bench, an incline bench, or a bench with a negative incline. This will allow you to better work on different areas of the chest. To perform the exercise, take dumbbells and lie down on a bench. The shoulder blades are retracted. There is a deflection in the lower back. The legs rest firmly on the floor. Hold dumbbells at arm's length above your chest, palms facing each other. As you inhale, begin to spread your arms to the sides, slightly bending them at the elbows. As you exhale, bring your hands together, returning to starting position.

With this exercise you can increase the volume of the chest. To perform it, lie with your back on a bench. The legs rest firmly on the floor. Hold the dumbbell in front of you with your arms outstretched. As you inhale, lower the dumbbell behind your head (at the final phase of the movement, you can bend your elbows slightly). As you exhale, return to the starting position.


IN everyday life We use the muscles in the front of the body more, so the back muscles are often underdeveloped, which leads to slouching. Your goal is to develop your entire body evenly. The exercises we offer with dumbbells will help you with this.

The bent over dumbbell row is a great core exercise for developing your core and upper back. When performing this exercise, a special stand is used, which makes it possible to completely turn off the lower back from work to avoid injury. The value of the exercise is that it can help correct back imbalances. To perform it, do the following: place your left knee on the bench. Then bend over and place your hand on it. The body is almost parallel to the floor. There is a deflection in the lower back. The right foot is on the floor. Hold a dumbbell with your right hand neutral grip. As you exhale, pull the dumbbell to your lower abdomen by contracting your back muscles. As you inhale, slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

This is an exercise to work your back muscles. The main load here is received latissimus muscles. The main advantage of this exercise is that when performing it, the load is removed from the lower back. Therefore this exercise will do people who should not put stress on their lower back. To perform it, take the weights and lie face down on an incline bench. Hold dumbbells with a neutral grip, with your arms straight at the sides of the bench. As you exhale, lift the dumbbells by bending your elbows. As you inhale, lower the dumbbells to the starting position.

Shrugs are an exercise that is aimed at training the trapezius muscle. Shrugs are performed with both dumbbells and a barbell. The advantage of dumbbells is that the movement of the exercise becomes more natural and the amplitude of the exercise increases. To perform it, take dumbbells in your hands and stand straight. Stretch your arms at your sides. As you exhale, pull your shoulders up as high as you can. Hold this position for a second and return to the starting position.

Legs and buttocks

Although exercises with a barbell are considered the most effective for the muscles of the legs and buttocks (due to the possibility of using large weights), nevertheless, with the help of dumbbells you can also work out these muscle groups quite well. To achieve what you want, the main thing is to do the exercises correctly. All movements must be clear and precise. And as a result, in addition to impressive external results, you will receive strong legs and glutes, which will allow you to noticeably improve your performance in other sports, such as running and jumping.

1. Straight-legged row with dumbbells

IN this exercise The muscles of the buttocks receive the greatest load, back surface hips and lower back. During dumbbell rows, the hands are in a more comfortable position than a fixed barbell. Thanks to this position of the hands, you can shift the center of gravity, due to which the load on the back extensors is reduced and the load on the back of the thigh is more concentrated. To perform this exercise, grab dumbbells and stand straight. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. As you inhale, moving your pelvis back and leaning forward, smoothly lower the dumbbells down. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Squats are a basic exercise for strengthening the muscles of the front and back of the thighs and buttocks. By doing it, you also use the muscles of the internal and external surfaces hips To perform this exercise, hold dumbbells in your hands and stand straight. Feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly pointed to the sides. Hands with dumbbells are lowered along the body, palms facing inward. Keeping your pelvis in a neutral position, straighten chest. Inhale, hold your breath and draw in your stomach. Do a squat as if you want to sit on the edge of a chair. Don't lift your heels off the floor. Lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position. At the moment of maximum effort, exhale.

Lunges with dumbbells are one of the best exercises for training your legs and buttocks. In this exercise, the maximum load is placed on the hamstrings and gluteal muscles. To perform it, take dumbbells in your hands and stand straight. Feet shoulder width apart. Bring your shoulder blades together, lower your shoulders, tighten your abs. Hands with dumbbells are lowered along the body, palms facing inward. Take a long step forward with your left foot and lower into a lunge so that your left knee is over your ankle and your right knee is pointing toward the floor. The right leg rests on the toe. Straighten your legs and take a step forward and lunge with right leg. Continue alternating legs as many times as necessary.


As with any strength exercises, when training biceps with dumbbells are very important correct technique and concentration. Also try to avoid typical mistakes doing exercises for the biceps muscles. For example, many people do not fix their shoulders and body in a stationary position, which takes some of the load off the biceps. Only the supporting muscles should work elbow joint, and the shoulders, wrists and body remain motionless.

1. Dumbbell Curls

Dumbbell curls are one of the best exercises to train your biceps. The advantage of dumbbells over a barbell is the increased amplitude of wrist rotation, which provides better training of the biceps muscle. This exercise can be performed standing or sitting on a vertical or incline bench. To perform it, take dumbbells and stand straight (or sit on a bench). The elbows are pressed to the sides of the body and remain motionless throughout the entire movement. As you exhale, bend your elbows. As you inhale, straighten your arms to return to the starting position.

2. Hammer Grip Dumbbell Curls

Hammer - an isolating exercise aimed at development brachialis muscle(brachialis), a muscle that is located under the biceps and which gives it such a desired peak for all athletes. Perform the exercise standing or sitting on a bench. To do this, take dumbbells with a neutral grip and stand straight or sit on a bench. The arms are extended to the sides of the body. As you exhale, lift the dumbbells to shoulder level. As you inhale, lower the dumbbells back to the starting position.

The peculiarity of this exercise is the large range of motion and powerful peak contraction at the top point. The biceps receive the maximum load in this exercise. For correct execution exercises, sit on a bench and place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Take a dumbbell, bend over slightly and rest your right elbow on inner part right leg. As you exhale, lift the dumbbell to your upper chest. As you inhale, return to the starting position. Perform the required number of times and repeat the exercise for the other hand.

4. Curls with dumbbells on a Scott bench

The Scott Bench Dumbbell Curl is an exercise for targeted biceps training. The advantage of this exercise is that it eliminates the use of cheating, so the biceps brachii muscle receives maximum load. To perform it, sit on a Scott bench and hold dumbbells in both hands, palms facing up. You can also hold dumbbells with a hammer grip (palms facing each other) to work the brachialis muscle. As you exhale, straining your biceps, bend your arms as much as possible, raising the dumbbells to your shoulder. As you inhale, lower the dumbbells.


When you train triceps, like any other muscle group, you need to use a variety of equipment, including dumbbells, to vary the load as much as possible. Try to feel the triceps working and always pay attention to your technique. Don't forget that when you focus on how your muscles are working during training, you will use more muscle fibers. Therefore, each repetition and approach is more effective, and you get the desired results much faster.

French press is unique exercise for triceps training. This exercise allows you to work the triceps along its entire length. When performing this exercise, the emphasis is on the load on the long head of the triceps. This exercise can be performed lying down or sitting. We suggest considering the option French press lying down. Lie down on a bench and grab dumbbells with your palms facing each other. As you inhale, bend your arms and lower the dumbbells to your ears. As you exhale, extend your arms at the elbows, returning to the starting position.

Another exercise with dumbbells to pump up the triceps. This exercise cannot be called the best for training the triceps, but doing it will diversify your arm training, which will undoubtedly benefit you. It is performed as follows: take in right hand dumbbell and rest your left knee on the bench seat. Also rest your left hand on the back or seat of the bench. Bend your working arm at a right angle - this will be your starting position. Now straighten your arm at the elbow until it is completely straight, hold for a split second and return to the starting position. Perform the required number of times and repeat the exercise for the second hand.


In most exercises for deltoid muscles you hold the dumbbells at a significant distance from your body, so they seem heavier than the barbell. Therefore, in order to properly work out the muscles, start training with not very heavy dumbbells. The exercises below will improve your shoulder shape by developing and strengthening your deltoid muscles.

This exercise strengthens the middle and anterior deltoid muscles. To perform this, set the back of the bench at a right angle. Take dumbbells and sit down. Knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Bend your arms at a 90-degree angle and spread them to the sides so that your shoulders are parallel to the floor. Palms face forward. Tighten your abs. The back is straight, the lower back is pressed tightly against the back of the bench. Maintaining your torso position, raise your arms with the dumbbells above your head. Slowly return to the starting position.

The Arnold press is a basic exercise for developing the deltoid muscles. This exercise uses all three bundles, but the main emphasis is on the middle and anterior bundle. Due to the rotation of the arms, the rotator cuff muscles of the shoulder are also included in the work: coracobrachialis, supraspinatus and infraspinatus. The technique for performing this exercise is as follows: stand up straight or sit on a bench. Take dumbbells in both hands and fix them at neck level, with your palms facing you. Inhale and, holding your breath, press the dumbbells upward while rotating your arms at the wrists. At the end of the movement, exhale. Inhale and lower the dumbbells along the same path.

Bent-over dumbbell flyes are the most effective exercise for the posterior bundle of the deltoid muscle. This exercise is the only one that allows you to qualitatively work out the rear head of the delta. To perform it, take dumbbells and lean forward, bending your knees slightly. Hands with dumbbells are lowered down. As you exhale, simultaneously spread your arms to the sides. As you inhale, lower your arms to the starting position.

4. Dumbbell lateral raises

This is an isolation exercise for working the middle fascicles of the deltoid muscles. You can do it standing or sitting on a bench. To do this, hold the dumbbells with a neutral grip, palms facing each other. Stand up straight or sit on a bench. The arms are slightly bent at the elbows. As you exhale, spread the dumbbells to the sides without changing the angle of your elbows. As you inhale, lower your arms to the starting position.

Friends, I am glad to welcome you to the pages of AB! Believe it or not, this is the ultimate technical note in 2016 year. And we’ll talk about lifting dumbbells with one hand while lying on your side.

After reading, you will learn everything about the muscle atlas, the benefits and technique of performing the exercise, and we will also find out the degree of its effectiveness and the advisability of including it in your training program.

So, make yourself comfortable, let's begin.

Lifting dumbbells with one hand while lying on your side. What, why and why?

Let's be honest :), if I ask you to name shoulder exercises, then most likely it will be the following - , . Am I right? I think so. The catch is that we have sorted all of them out and it would seem that there is nothing more to consider. However, we always try to somehow surprise our muscles and therefore take into account unusual exercises, so it will be this time too, and lifting a dumbbell with one hand while lying on your side will serve as an example for us. I’m sure this is the first time you’ve heard about it and you’ve never done it before. Is it worth it? We will find out further in the text.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscle atlas

The exercise belongs to the class of isolating exercises with the type of pull (pull) force and has as its main goal the development of the middle beam of deltas.

The muscle ensemble includes the following units:

  • targeted – lateral delta;
  • synergists – posterior delta, supraspinatus, trapezius (bottom/middle), serratus anterior;
  • stabilizers - wrist extensors, upper trapezius, levator scapula.

A complete muscle atlas looks like this.


By performing the one-arm dumbbell lift exercise while lying on your side, you can expect to receive the following benefits:

  • targeted, isolated work on the middle bundle of deltoid muscles;
  • formation of relief;
  • “toning” of muscles without significant increase muscle mass deltas (relevant for girls);
  • the ability to perform with back problems;
  • possibility of use as an “additive”;
  • increasing stability of the entire shoulder joint.

Execution technique

Lifting a dumbbell with one hand while lying on your side is an exercise of medium difficulty level. The step-by-step execution technique is as follows.

Step #0.

Go to a horizontal bench and lie on it sideways, leaning on your hand (for example, left elbow). Take the dumbbell in your free hand with an overhand grip and extend it along the body. This is your starting position.

Step #1.

As you inhale, begin to raise your arm with the dumbbell vertically up to a position parallel to the floor (or slightly higher). At the top point of the trajectory, pause for 1-2 accounts and additionally squeeze the middle delta. Return your hand to the IP position while exhaling. Repeat the specified number of times.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this.

On the move (option lying on the floor) So…


In addition to the classic version, there are several variations of the exercise, in particular:

  • lying on the floor with your arms fully abducted;
  • lying on a bench at an angle.

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • do not raise your arm with the dumbbell too high; the best work on the middle beam is achieved when you raise your arm to parallel or slightly higher;
  • lift the dumbbell only using the deltoid muscles;
  • at the top point of the trajectory, pause for 1-2 count and additionally squeeze the middle bunch;
  • don't use dumbbell heavy weight And ;
  • breathing technique: inhale - lift the projectile up, exhale - lower the projectile down;
  • numerical training parameters: number of approaches 3-4 , reps 12-15 .

We're done with the theoretical side, now let's look at some practical points.

Is the one-arm dumbbell lift while lying on your side an effective exercise for the deltoids?

We can judge the effectiveness of an exercise by the electrical activity of the muscles developed in it. Researchers from ACE Research (USA, 2015 ) revealed that the exercise of lifting a dumbbell with one hand while lying on your side, in terms of the effectiveness of the load on the middle delta, is comparable to abducting the arm to the side while standing at the crossover block. EMG data is 70% against 74% , which is a very high figure. Thus, the advisability of including dumbbell delta raises with one hand while lying on your side in your training program is beyond doubt. The best option would be to introduce the exercise after basic movements and running it in a range 3-4 approach to 12-15 repetitions.

Actually, we’re done with the substantive part, let’s move on to...


Last technical note for 2016 year was written and in it we talked about lifting a dumbbell with one hand while lying on your side. Don’t disdain this exercise and diversify your workouts with it and watch your “shoulders” sparkle in a new way.

Well, the official notes are over, and this Friday a surprise awaits you...

PS: Friends, what shoulder exercises are in your arsenal?

PPS: did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points towards karma are guaranteed :).

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

The main muscle involved is the middle deltoid, additional load gets the back one.

The exercise is traumatic, so you need to pay attention to technique.

Correct technique

  1. Take the dumbbell you need to weigh.
  2. Lie down on the bench with the opposite side - completely if it is inclined, and leaning on your hand to raise yourself if it is horizontal. Although you can just lie on your side.
  3. Extend your arm with the dumbbell along your body, slightly rounding your elbow.
  4. Inhale, tighten your middle deltoids, and as you exhale, raise your arm to the side until it is parallel with the floor or 30 degrees higher if you are lying at an angle.
  5. Take a short, split-second pause at the top point.

As you inhale, lower your arm to the starting position.

One approach is considered to be performing all the required repetitions on the right and left sides.

Common mistakes

Snatch movements. The body is not in the most comfortable position; working with one shoulder is inconvenient. You can strain your ligaments if you jerk the dumbbell upward too quickly.

Uncontrolled lowering of the dumbbell. Firstly, there are fewer opportunities for muscle hypertrophy, since myofibrils are torn mainly in the negative part of the repetition. And they need to break in order to become thicker and stronger. Secondly, you can knock out your shoulder.

Lifting dumbbells not in the lateral plane, but with a forward shift. At the same time, you will fall forward with your whole body, and the load will middle delta will leave.

Raising your hand too high. At the same time, the load on the middle deltas goes away, they relax, which means that it is very difficult to achieve serious fatigue.

Performing a straight arm movement. The elbow joint is overloaded.

Performing a movement with an excessively bent arm. The load is removed from the deltoids.

Elbow rotation down. Increases the risk of injury from the exercise. The elbow should point straight back.


Do not take it under any circumstances heavy weights in this exercise and do not resort to cheating. Most likely it will end in a sprain or dislocation. Perform the exercise at a moderate pace for greater safety.

Additional equipment

Given the light weights in this exercise, you are unlikely to need any additional equipment. But in general, when working with barbells and dumbbells, it is recommended to wear sports gloves.

If your delts are growing and “streaked” from other exercises, do them and don’t experiment. This is not very convenient and too dangerous to resort to just because you want to try something new. However, if the muscles are accustomed to normal loads, progress has stopped, you can include them in your training plan.

It is better to perform swings lying on your side, like all isolations, in the second half of the workout, after basic exercises. It is essentially auxiliary. However, place it first among the isolation exercises in your program, as you will need more coordination of movements. By being too tired, you increase your chance of injury.

The starting weight for this exercise is 1-3 kg for women and 2-4 kg for men.. Such weights may seem ridiculous, but given the complexity of the exercise, even such a minuscule delta can be worked out very well. This is one of the benefits of this exercise.

Another thing is that the rear deltoids are also included in the work, which are very difficult to pump. Lag rear delts occurs quite often, since in ordinary life there is almost no load on them. This means that the opportunity to give them additional load should not be neglected.