From sequined rhinestones to formal suits: how Alina Kabaeva’s style has changed. Alina Kabaeva became a guest of the “Evening Urgant” program and the subject of discussion in Western tabloids Alina Kabaeva in a transparent blouse

An anniversary festival was recently held in Moscow rhythmic gymnastics“Alina”, named after the famous ex-gymnast A. Kabaeva. The champion appeared at the event in a strange outfit. For the exit, she chose a long white dress, effectively revealing her shoulders and favorably emphasizing her figure... But all the advantages of the style were lost behind the flashy decor: large scarlet roses were densely scattered on the white background, and the coat of arms of Russia was defiantly located on the chest.

Such a pointedly patriotic outfit first caused bewilderment and then condemnation among social network users. They noted that Alina looked vulgar in it, and instead of patriotism she demonstrated a complete lack of taste. The dress was called “tacky for a million,” although its exact cost is unknown. Particularly sarcastic commentators said that they now understand the phrase that Vladimir Putin is married to Russia. They picked up the topic, joking that in this way Alina expressed her dreams of marriage.

However, this is not the first dubious outfit from the point of view of aesthetic taste in which Kabaeva has appeared in public. Let's remember the most unfortunate images of the famous athlete.

Transparent blouse on Channel One

In October 2016, Alina Kabaeva amazed the audience by appearing in the Evening Urgant program in an extravagant outfit. Under the black transparent blouse, a white satin top, generously decorated with lace, was clearly visible. The girl was immediately subjected to severe criticism: many felt that her underwear was visible under her blouse, and considered it unacceptable to show her underwear on Channel One.

Sophisticated fashionistas recognized the blouse from the daringly provocative Dolce&Gabbana collection, and even named its cost - $1,400. In this outfit, Italian designers embodied a daring trend: clothes reminiscent of underwear. However, the creators' idea stylish clothes did not meet with understanding from Russian viewers, and the image of the champion was unanimously considered unsuccessful.

Ripped jeans at the Alina festival

Soon Kabaeva confirmed her love for Dolce and Gabbana brand items. To attend the children's gymnastics festival "Alina-2017", the head of this event chose torn jeans from D&G. The outfit itself was not so bad: a laconic black top organically combined with shiny jeans, but fashion observers and spectators unanimously recognized it as completely unacceptable. Baggy, torn and at the same time sparkling with rhinestones jeans, even if they cost 280,000 rubles, are completely unsuitable for an event of this level.

Sheer granny dress

In September of the same year, Alina represented Russia as an ambassador of the International Gymnastics Federation at the World Championships in the Italian city of Pesaro. For the ceremony, she chose a translucent retro-style dress with a full skirt and puffed sleeves. Judging by the reviews in the press, the Italians were delighted with Kabaeva’s outfit, but her compatriots did not appreciate the fashionable item. Users of social networks called the style of the dress “grandmother”, terrible, “collective farm”. Many noted that it adds age to the Olympic champion: black polka dots on black chiffon look somewhat gloomy.

Similar dresses were in the summer collection of the young Russian designer Alexander Terekhov. The approximate cost of the outfit is 100,000 rubles.

All so shiny

Several years ago, in an interview with Vogue magazine, Kabaeva said that she loves “something bright, rhinestones.” But everything is good in moderation, and Kabaeva is sometimes let down by her excessive love for flashy outfits. At Alexey Nemov's show, our heroine appeared in a black blouse, excessively decorated with gold embroidery, and a skirt, at first glance, entirely consisting of gold threads. The image was “calmed down” a little by the laconic white coat thrown over the shoulders, hiding the gypsy luxury of the outfit.

Expensive - rich: going out in a golden dress

In December 2017, the ex-gymnast attended the opening of the Irina Viner-Usmanova Gymnastics Center, her former mentor. Guests of the event, as well as regulars on social networks, were unpleasantly surprised by the image of Alina Kabaeva.

This time she chose a dress designed by Alexander Terekhov: long, golden in color, densely embroidered with shiny sequins. Observers were struck not so much by the dress itself, but by how inorganic it looked on the girl: baggy with too long sleeves. In an expensive outfit (approximately 180,000 rubles), Alina gave the impression not of a ball queen, but of a girl who had been bought a beautiful thing “to grow into.”

In one of the photographs, keen-eyed Internet users looked at a black rectangle peeking out from the neckline of the dress, in which they identified a label. Did Kabaeva really make such a mistake and put on her dress backwards? In other photographs this detail is invisible: perhaps someone hinted to Alina about an annoying mistake, and she managed to change clothes.

Did you give birth? Lera Kudryavtseva's belly disappeared, photo

According to the calculations of sofa specialists, Lera Kudryavtseva should give birth in the summer. In the coming months, judging by rare photos of the pregnant TV presenter, she should become a mother for the second time.

Young Alina often came to training long before it started. In complete silence, the girl stood on the main step of the podium and imagined how the audience applauded her. Then she had no doubt that her main dream - to become a famous athlete - would certainly come true. Hard work on oneself, the desire for a goal and the power of thought did their job: the name of Alina Kabaeva forever entered the history of rhythmic gymnastics.

Thanks to parents

The future star grew up in a family with modest incomes. Despite the constant lack of finances, Alina’s parents tried to do everything to make their daughters (Kabaeva has a younger sister Laysan - Note from StarHit) look decent.

“Mom always dressed me beautifully, always. My beloved daddy is a football player, and even then he traveled abroad and brought all sorts of beautiful things,” Kabaeva said. - And then, when I was already in sports and there was no money, I was a nobody and my name was nothing, I still dressed beautifully. If I won something, I could pay my last money for clothes. Although I myself am a bright person, I still love something bright, rhinestones. Therefore, it is very important for me not to overdo it. You know, I have my own style. Fashion comes and goes, but style remains. I just have it inside me. I feel the energy - of things, of people. It's not that I'm praising myself. And it’s not even that I understand this. There’s just this light inside - that’s all.”


“She has a character that allowed her to achieve her goal and did not let her relax,” shared gymnast Alexey Nemov. But Kabaeva might not have existed: she came to big sport late, at the age of 12. Irina Viner hesitated for a long time to take her under her wing.

“At first she impressed me as a plump, short girl. After one of the elements she began to smile. This smile lit up the whole room. Then I realized that this girl was worth something,” Wiener later recalled.

In the late 90s - early 2000s, Alina's life consisted of an endless series of grueling workouts. Then the gymnast preferred comfortable clothes: T-shirts, sneakers, trousers that did not restrict movement. In ordinary life, Kabaeva chose clothes in a casual style. One of the proofs of this is the video of the group “Word Play”, in which the gymnast played herself.

Charming MP

In 2007, Alina completed sports career, but did not disappear from sight. At this time she decided to devote herself to politics. “I can change a lot. I am confident that I can change the world!” - Kabaeva believed that she would succeed in her new field.

Working in State Duma Alina strictly followed the dress code: she appeared at meetings in classic clothes: blouses, laconic jackets in dark colors, skirts below the knees, and trousers. These clothes looked great on Alina’s figure, which gained a little weight after leaving the sport. Such changes benefited her - according to many, Kabaeva became even more feminine and charming.

“You can’t come there with a neckline,” the athlete reasoned. “I respect this work and I respect my colleagues.” Although I seem to be a young girl, I don’t want to get too strict.”

Now every appearance of Alina in public becomes a real event. To participate in serious events, the athlete chooses strict suits that emphasize her status; she also has dresses in her arsenal that perfectly highlight the shape of their owner.

// Photo: Alexey Filippov / RIA Novosti

Fashion incidents

Ideal people do not exist: Alina had failures both in sports and in choosing outfits. So, three years ago, the gymnast came to Ivan Urgant’s evening show in a black translucent blouse, through which a flesh-colored top and bra straps were immodestly visible. She was criticized for this image, which many considered revealing. Probably, the athlete listened to the comments: later, at one of the sporting events She appeared in a dark dress, and Kabaeva wore matching underwear underneath.

Alina, accustomed to shining in competitions, often preferred bright colors in clothes, which, according to the gymnast’s fans, were not at all suitable for her. Kabaeva also sometimes piled up her look with sequins, sparkles, and rhinestones. At one time, the gymnast turned to specialists for help, but they did not live up to her expectations.

“Alina Kabaeva had some designers and stylists, and I told her: “Alina, you’ve been dressing poorly lately. What stupid sundresses and blouses. It’s not you, Alina!” And she obeyed and again began to dress like Alina Kabaeva. She’s smart, she always obeyed me in everything,” said Irina Viner.

Over time, Alina Kabaeva became more restrained. Now her wardrobe is dominated by laconic outfits, accessories and jewelry. Sometimes she can afford to wear baggy clothes in dark colors, which does not spoil the titled gymnast at all. Alina has her main weapon: a radiant smile, charm and sincerity, with the help of which she continues to win the hearts of millions.

How right Irina Viner was when she said that Kabaeva is a real nugget. “Her talent, her sun-like smile and, most importantly, the same sunny charge from within allowed her to achieve what she achieved,” noted the coach, whose praise, by the way, is very difficult to earn.

Based on materials from VOGUE, Sport Express

Recently, Alina Kabaeva began to appear in public more and more often. Not long ago, the famous athlete and former State Duma deputy appeared at the premiere of Alexei Nemov’s show in the company of a friend and her children, where she created a real sensation with her appearance. The sports star has noticeably become prettier - she has become slimmer and literally blossomed, and therefore her appearance at a social event was discussed on the Internet for a long time. This time Kabaeva came to the studio of the “Evening Urgant” program. Finding herself as a guest on a popular evening show on Channel One, Alina talked about what she was doing now and what had changed in her professional life over the past few years.

Despite the fact that the host of the program, Ivan Urgant and Alina Kabaeva, had a rather interesting conversation, in which there was room for both sparkling jokes and lyrical digressions, the audience was much more interested in appearance guests. For the recording on Channel One, Alina Kabaeva chose a very bold and at the same time extravagant outfit - the Olympic champion wore a pencil skirt that emphasized her slender waist and a transparent blouse through which her shoulders and arms could be clearly seen. Despite the apparent severity of the image, Kabaeva’s outfit can be called flirty and sexy.

Throughout the entire conversation, the smile did not leave Alina Kabaeva’s face. The young woman willingly responded to jokes made by the host of the show and demonstrated her sense of humor. For example, the celebrity willingly supported the conversation that she was actually Ivan Urgant’s boss. The thing is that after leaving the post of State Duma deputy, Alina Kabaeva took the position of chairman of the board of directors of the National Media Group, which includes Channel One. The gymnast appreciated Urgant’s joke on this topic and at the same time modestly turned the conversation in a different direction.




0 October 1, 2016, 01:31

Alina Kabaeva and Ivan Urgant

Alina Kabaeva, the Olympic champion and now the chairman of the board of directors of the National Media Group holding and the board of directors of the Sport Express Publishing House, visited Ivan Urgant on Channel One. The reason for her visit to the air of "Evening Urgant" was the recent award ceremony " Best Athlete 25th Anniversary", which was established by the newspaper "Sport-Express" in honor of its anniversary. The laureates were chosen by the readers of the publication.

The guest of the program spoke about her work as a media manager and answered the question of whether she is a tough leader.

I think not, but for some, maybe yes. As a sports person, I love professionalism. Sometimes you can be tough.

Alina Kabaeva admitted.

The host asked the guest to remember the beginning of her journey in big sport and working with coach Irina Viner-Usmanova. The multiple champion confirmed that she was in awe of her. And she joked that she still feels it:

When we are sitting at the table and I reach for bread, I look at her so that she doesn’t scold me for it. We were afraid of her, respected her, because she is a strict coach, but she gets results. But when you leave the hall, she is your best friend,

Alina said about her mentor in rhythmic gymnastics.

The winner of 15 European Championship gold medals and many other awards commented on the situation around Russian athletes at the 2016 Olympics in Rio and expressed concern that rhythmic gymnastics in the future may be excluded from the list of competitive disciplines or the level of difficulty of programs may be lowered, because Russian gymnasts difficult to compete.

In rhythmic gymnastics we are told that we need to stop because other countries can’t keep up with us. I am very worried that our sport will not be removed from Olympic program. If the rules change and you just need to dance and do only nine elements, then rhythmic gymnastics will become uninteresting. Or it will be removed and, for example, acrobatics will be included, which is not currently included in the Olympic program.

The champion said.

It is worth noting that Western journalists are watching Alina Kabaeva no less closely than the viewers of the last broadcast of “Evening Urgant” did. Thus, The Sun and Daily Mail newspapers recently published photographs Russian champion, taken during a show at the Moscow Megasport Palace. Loud headlines appeared due to the fact that Kabaeva was sitting on the podium not alone, but with a boy who looked to be about ten years old. Western journalists suggested that the former athlete, and now the chairman of the board of directors of several large corporations, came to the event with her son. Western journalists noticed that the boy looked like the President of the Russian Federation.

0 December 31, 2019, 20:45

Alina Kabaeva is one of the most famous people in our country, who at the same time leads a very secretive lifestyle. A titled athlete who has won dozens of gold medals during her career, a political figure - about public life Kabaeva knows, it seems, everything, but her personal life remains a subject of speculation and speculation, because there are no reliable facts and Alina does not give comments on this topic.

This year, the gymnast is again at the center of a scandalous investigation by Open Media, according to which the market value of Kabaeva’s entire real estate could be about 1.25 billion rubles. the site suggests recalling the athlete’s path: from gymnast to media manager.

Alina Kabaeva could become a star figure skating, but choice sports section determined by the hot climate of her native Uzbekistan - there were no strong ice schools in Tashkent, so from the age of three and a half Alina began to engage in rhythmic gymnastics. The girl showed good results, and at the age of 11 she and her mother moved to Moscow to study with.

Previously engaged coaching activities also in Tashkent, since 1992, Irina Aleksandrovna was the head coach of the Olympic Training Center, and later became the head coach of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team. She, however, besieged the young athlete. The first thing the coach demanded was to lose weight.

Having started playing for the Russian national team in 1996, Kabaeva very quickly became a leader, winning gold medals at the European and World Championships. At the first Olympics in Sydney, however, there was a misfire, although everyone predicted Kabaeva first place and considered her the favorite. But, having completed all the exercises flawlessly, Alina, alas, could not cope with the hoop (it rolled off the mat) - as a result, she was only able to take bronze at those competitions.

But he took his revenge at the next Olympics in Athens in 2004. It should be noted that the period before the next Olympic start turned out to be difficult. In 2001, Kabaeva, along with another gymnast Irina Chashchina, was disqualified due to doping for two years (in fact, the athletes were suspended from performances for a year, the second year they could participate in competitions, but under strict control), and were also deprived of World Championship awards 2001.

As people say in such cases, call the priest. Kabaeva really decided to wash away the dark streak of her life with holy water. Before going to the Olympics in Athens, the athlete was baptized. Before that, she professed Islam, although she showed interest in Christianity. So, in an interview she spoke several times about her desire to change her faith.

The athlete used the forced pause, however, not only to read prayers. Deprived of the opportunity to go on the carpet, Alina began to go out often, tried herself as a TV presenter in the “Empire of Sports” program, and also became the host of the TV show “Harem” together with Alena Sviridova.

By the way, at the same time the gymnast was already sung in pop culture. Murat Nasyrov dedicated the song “Alina” to Kabaeva in 2002. The athlete seemed to appreciate the composition and energetically danced to it on air on the NTV channel. Kabaeva’s transparent top is still commented on by netizens.

At that time, Kabaeva also found time to study - the athlete entered Moscow State University, where she studied management in the construction and hotel business. Also in 2001, she became a member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party. At the same time, the athlete met Vladimir Putin.

We at the Rhythmic Gymnastics Federation received an offer from this party to try ourselves in politics. I agreed

— Kabaeva then commented on her interest in political activities.

Four years later, she would also sign a letter on behalf of cultural and sports figures (Alexander Buinov, Anastasia Volochkova and Stanislav Govorukhin were also announced among the figures) approving the sentence against Khodorkovsky.

After this, Kabaeva was also a parliamentarian from United Russia and worked as deputy chairman of the youth affairs committee. In total, she spent seven years in the State Duma. Well, after that I changed my politics to media management.

In 2014, Alina took the post of chairman of the board of directors of the National Media Group holding, which controls 29 percent of the shares of Channel One, and is also a co-owner of the Sony Pictures TV channel, STS Media and Art Pictures Studio (NMG shares the asset with Fyodor Bondarchuk) .

But for now let's go back to 2001. Alina herself cannot yet go on the mat, and she watches the rhythmic gymnastics competitions from the stands, and in the company of President Vladimir Putin. In honor good performance Russian team at the World Championships in Spain, where our athletes took all the gold medals, Irina Viner put on a show for those who did not see the performance of the Russian team.

The relationship between the gymnast and the president will soon become the main topic for the press, besides, in 2007, having decided not to go to the Olympics in Beijing, Kabaeva ended her sports career, and it was no longer possible to discuss her achievements.

Therefore, everyone began to actively discuss the champion’s personal life. Kabaeva never spoke openly about her chosen ones, but she willingly shared her views on love and relationships between a man and a woman with journalists.

Physical betrayal is not yet betrayal. But it’s better not to know or talk about this. For example, I have a girlfriend, and I know a lot about her boyfriend. But I will never tell her this in my life - they have to figure it out themselves. A man, in principle, cannot help but walk “to the left”... It seems to me that this is how it is. But loving person never in his life will make it possible to guess about physical betrayal,

— Alina admitted in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda.

While Kabaeva remained silent about her boyfriends, reporters tried to get her mother to open up. So, in 2005 it was rumored that Alina was going to marry police captain David Museliani.

What, an athlete can’t love a policeman? Yes, even the president!

- Alina’s mother Lyubov Mikhailovna then answered the journalist of the same Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Many regarded this as a direct hint, and they soon had to forget about the captain - in 2006 the couple broke up.

But in 2008, everyone again remembered Alina’s alleged affair with Vladimir Putin. The newspaper "Moscow Correspondent" even published an article about the upcoming wedding. The material was republished by the publications Spiegel, Stern, Die Welt, Die Presse, and the New York Post and Paris Match wrote about the possible relationship between Putin and Kabaeva. There were no comments, but the closure of the Moscow Correspondent publication followed.

The next time a wave of excitement swept through the press was in 2015, when the Swiss tabloid Neue Zürcher Zeitung claimed that the Russian President secretly rented two rooms in a private clinic where Alina Kabaeva gave birth to a child. The excitement was intensified by the fact that at that moment Putin had not appeared in public for quite a long time, and journalists were looking for an explanation for this as best they could.

After all these years, there was no clarity in the matter: there were rumors about a wedding with Putin in Valdai, and discussions of a photograph leaked to social networks allegedly of Kabaeva’s son, who is very similar to Vladimir Vladimirovich, and fruitless attempts, in principle, to count the number of heirs. Thus, in one of the broadcasts of Radio Liberty it was mentioned that Alina had allegedly already given birth to three children (two boys and a girl), but they were registered in the name of Kabaeva’s younger sister Leysan (Putin’s declaration also does not list minor children as dependents).

In general, there was no clarity, but during this time Kabaeva had a charitable foundation (in 2008) and a rhythmic gymnastics festival (in 2009), which bears her name.

In one of them in 2018, Alina is wearing a dress that caused a lot of noise. The bodice of the outfit was decorated with a huge coat of arms Russian Federation, embroidered in gold. Many considered this fashionable choice to be a kind of statement and a non-verbal statement of their status.

With this dress she shows: I am a queen and main woman Russia. She really considers herself the first lady. Otherwise it would never have occurred to me to wear such a dress,

— they wrote in the comments under the photo.

In addition, as rumors about a secret connection between Kabaeva and Putin multiply, so does the property owned by Olympic champion and her family members. If you believe the Open Media investigation, then she has six apartments in Moscow and St. Petersburg, land on Rublyovka, and her mother owns land and a chalet on Krasnaya Polyana. According to the Dozhd TV channel, all these apartments previously belonged to Vladimir Putin’s close friends Gennady Timchenko and Pyotr Kolbin.

However, the love-property idyll was under threat at the end of this year! A number of media outlets wrote that the President of the Russian Federation had a new favorite, and Kabaeva herself allegedly moved to Italy. No new details have yet emerged from all sorts of insiders - after all, the New Year holidays are approaching, and even the most tireless gossip experts sometimes need to rest.

We can only wait for their return with new strength and information, because it is still unlikely to count on official comments in the near future.

Photo Instagram/Press service archives