Fire horse and wooden tiger. Compatibility of Tiger woman and Horse man

With the help of the eastern horoscope you can learn a lot about relationships. Sometimes the question lies on the very surface, you just have to pay attention to some little things, and it immediately becomes obvious - this person is a typical Aries, and that girl is a clear Cancer. Zodiac sign often plays important role in the conclusion or dissolution of a marriage, and the newlyweds themselves may not even know about it. When it comes to a cold-blooded predator and a graceful horse, the wisdom of the eastern horoscope comes to the rescue. Tiger-Horse compatibility of these signs is quite possible, despite the mutual craving for complete freedom and intolerance for monotonous, routine stability. To understand the relationship between them, let's go back to antiquity.

In ancient times, in China they approached the issue of compatibility by zodiac sign with great seriousness. Especially if it was about marriage or marriage. People honored traditions and continue to listen to them to this day. According to one legend, the Jade Emperor called all the animals to his palace, wanting to take away the guards for his chambers. The first 12 animals received special honor and became symbols.

Despite the fact that this is a legend, it conveys the basic qualities of each sign. The Tiger jumped over the river, which blocked the path to the Gates of Heaven, and the Horse, being very friendly and modest, arrived at the same time as the goat. The most important aspects can already be seen - the Tiger is decisive and fearless, the Horse strives forward, but does not go over their heads.

Speaking about the Tiger and the Horse, it is worth emphasizing that both signs are mobile and purposeful. With due diligence, these two can achieve considerable success both in business and in other areas. Nature has rewarded them with extraordinary intelligence, thanks to which such a symbiosis reveals enviable potential for the couple. But you shouldn’t rejoice ahead of time - this path is thorny, and the laurels go to the most stubborn.

In relationships, they should listen to each other. The Horse is an extremely selfish sign, and its desires always remain a higher priority than the desires of its partner. Its element is fire, which means that the Horse is often capricious and unstable. She is like a flame, beautiful and devastating all rolled into one. She has the power to create and destroy, depending on where she decides to direct her internal energy.

The Horse cannot imagine its existence without passionate romances and unforgettable adventures, in which it is very similar to the Tiger. Such a couple is able to live an exciting life, full of discoveries and impressions, if they can overcome internal differences. But are there any relationships in which you don’t have to make compromises? In exchange for patience and mutual understanding, the Tiger and the Horse are able to create a harmonious union full of energy and enthusiasm.

The duet of Tiger and Horse is a duet of two people who value and love life. They cannot imagine it without fun and relaxation.

Important: The Tiger, as a true adventurer, will always admire the other person’s ability to have a good rest, and the Horse will always admire the thirst for new sensations and the impulsiveness of the companion.

If you dive deeper into Eastern philosophy, you can learn more about the nature of these signs. The horse, symbolizing the desire to move forward, must remember that this path without unity often leads to loneliness. The bravery of a tiger, without due caution, inevitably leads to recklessness. According to the Chinese horoscope, these two have the best compatibility, having large number common aspirations, it is easy for them to move through life. Dislike of monotony makes any move and big changes interesting and full of new impressions. The tiger's self-confidence, mixed with the activity and straightforwardness of the Horse, opens up scope for this union in all areas of life. This couple is knee-deep in the sea and waist-deep in the mountains.

Marriage Compatibility

For none of them, family and home comfort come first; on the contrary, both signs strive to be free and original. However, the Chinese horoscope suggests that this couple has good data for building a long relationship and a strong family. Their ambition puts the need for self-realization first, which makes the relationship extremely convenient for both the Horse and the Tiger. Independence and a desire for freedom do not burden their relationship with possessive tendencies. But not everything is so simple - this is not always easy to achieve in the first couple of years.

Rushing ahead without noticing their soulmate is typical of these signs, so they should pay special attention to the harmony of their relationships.

Advice: sometimes you need to stop, breathe out and look around - maybe what these two are so tirelessly striving for is very close.

The horse, driven by the element of fire, has an extraordinary ability to create. Next to her, the striped predator will feel warmth and harmony. The tiger belongs to the cat family, so it does not mind purring in between its eternal struggle, hunting and rebellion. These two are able to create a strong, true union in which both will be able to realize their wildest ambitions.

The tiger has a great desire for risk in his blood, so people born under this sign very often get carried away extreme species sports Skydiving, snowmobile racing, safari, alpine skiing– all this and much more great way dilute the boring life that is full of family life. The horse should not forget that there is a predator next to it. And, like any other predator, Tigers quickly fall into a protracted and severe depression if they find themselves in a cage of monotony and routine.

It is important for the Horse to ensure maximum freedom for the Tiger, despite own desires if she is confident in her feelings. The partner will always understand this and will not remain in debt. The whole essence of a long and strong relationship between the Tiger and the Horse lies in their ability to find compromises and the ability to hear each other’s desires. If they learn this, a life full of loud victories and sincere love will await them ahead.

In love

Being passionate natures, both signs easily build their sex life. Wild temperament is reflected not only in work, friendship and communication, but also in bed. It is not a problem for them to come up with common leisure activities and spend time with pleasure. The biggest danger for their duet may be the independence of the Horse and the Tiger’s desire to subjugate it to itself, to which the former always responds with resistance. In such an alliance, betrayal is likely, especially if the Tiger is too freedom-loving.

Advice: to avoid this, the Tiger should be more patient, and the Horse’s task is not to allow unhealthy communication on the side.

For Tiger and Horse, compatibility in love is given through mutual understanding and trust. Both should not forget about the need for personal space. These signs need “their own corner” more than others, and it is extremely undesirable to impose themselves at such moments. It is better to separate and give each other time than to try to continue communication. But this does not mean that you need to move away - it is important to resolve all conflicts and misunderstandings together. It is worth remembering that the Tiger is more reserved than the Horse, and therefore does not require regular showers. It is enough to hear and understand your other half.

At times, the Horse just needs to be with friends, unwind, in a word, break away from the “everyday life” and it is important for the Tiger to understand this. If you keep your Horse in a stall, then one day it will gallop away and never come back. He himself likes to relax, but sometimes he gets very tired from excessive activity. At such moments it is better not to touch him - for the Tiger this is quite normal. After some time, everything will return to its previous course and the striped one will crawl out of the cave again.

If the man is “alpha” and the wife is “mustang”

In the case when the man is the Tiger in a couple, all “predatory” qualities are expressed very clearly. This is a domineering, strong, stubborn male who will try to bend the “horse” under him. His passion and desire for freedom can lead to unwanted acquaintances on the side. For this reason, a tiger man often falls under spells and spells cast by the fair sex, in the hope of keeping him. Of course, it is possible to pacify the love of freedom without magic, but since it comes to witchcraft, that means serious passions are at play there.

A tiger may make it a habit to blame domestic problems on the neck of his wife. If the Horse begins to notice such maneuvers on the part of the partner, you need to be on guard. Under no circumstances should you fall for the cat's tricks - it will not end well. The Tiger, of course, is a powerful beast, but the Horse is not a pack mule, and will not tolerate such treatment for a long time.

Despite the peculiarities of the Tiger temperament, the Horse is capable of loving such a man with all her heart, provided that he is ready to make concessions and maintain harmony in the relationship.

Advice: in a good way joint travel and active recreation. Both signs are very energetic, and if one partner begins to notice that a storm is approaching, it’s time to go hiking or play paintball.

In a couple where the woman is a horse and the man is a tiger, compatibility is achieved if:

  1. The tiger respects his soul mate and does not allow himself to have affairs on the side.
  2. The horse accepts its predator as he is, but does not “bend” under him.
  3. Both know how to let off steam through sports or entertainment. Ideal - if together.
  4. Their feelings are mutual and both are ready to compromise.
  5. They give each other personal space.

If he is a Horse and she is a Tiger

This couple in Chinese horoscope often considered strong and mutual. The love between them is pure and enormous, and the passion never fades. Often their happiness is envied by others, but they do not attach much importance to it. Common interests and love for life help them create a sincere and reliable union. The tigress’s ability to motivate and support her “stallion” brings a man to the very top of Olympus both in his career and in other areas of life.

This couple has great prospects in building their business. They can organize a successful business from scratch. And if the man in this union is used to acting in accordance with a clear plan, and takes risks only in case of urgent need, then the woman is only interested in the laurels of the winner. The extraordinary imagination of the tigress and the practicality of her husband lead to effective solutions, it would seem, the most dead-end situations.
The other side of the coin is the fact that, unlike a male-tiger and female-horse pair, compatibility between them is much easier to achieve. The tigress acts as a muse for her companion and opens all doors for him - he just needs to act. As mentioned above, the Horse knows how to act, which leads to a fruitful alliance between these signs.

The problematic side of their relationship is everyday life. Both do not like monotony and will not do the same thing all their lives. A tigress who washes, cleans and washes floors every day will quickly get tired. However, like its companion, the Horse is still not a pack mule. But if a man shares obligations with her, she can become an amazing housewife, ready to give her husband both herself and all her creative potential.

To avoid conflicts and achieve harmony, this couple needs to distribute household responsibilities among themselves. None of them will put the entire burden of obligations on their neck. As a compromise, an option is being considered where a man and a woman take turns doing household chores. Nobody says that a husband has to do laundry every Wednesday and a woman has to fix electrical wiring. But if the stallion washes the dishes and helps hang out the laundry, and his other half pampers his man with deliciously prepared borscht, they will still have every chance of a strong marriage.

So that mutual understanding and love reign in this couple

Important to remember:

  1. The tigress in this duet is a motivator for action. A man inspired by her can move mountains. And more than once.
  2. A man who helps his feline companion will unleash her full potential.
  3. He is a practitioner who follows a plan, and he is good at what he does. However, Tigress, thanks to the originality of her thinking, can solve the impasse in which her husband finds himself.

Compatibility of the signs Horse man and Tiger woman implies a lot of freedom in relationships. Everyone can live quite independently, even in a family setting. Independence is precisely what attracts them to each other and keeps them together. Such people are never bored together because they have many common interests, a lot of friends and acquaintances.


The Tiger girl in this union must not only have time to mind her own business, but also organize her common life - cook, clean and do laundry, since the Horse man is unlikely to help her with this. By resolving everyday issues, the couple will get rid of the main source of problems. The Tiger woman is a wonderful inspiration for exploits and a stimulator in the spiritual development of the Horse man.

Each of the partners is an intellectual: they are constantly learning something new, are interested in something, and attend various hobbies. In this way, information is exchanged that is beneficial for both of them and for their relationship as a whole. Among other things, they easily get through difficult life situations, solving problems together. This way they understand each other better and learn to negotiate.

Sexual relationships are also at the proper level. Both are willing to experiment and open up to their desires.

Character differences

The Tiger girl is more reserved and does not allow people to get too close to her until she gets to know them better, but for the Horse man this is not a problem. He does not crave control so much that he forces his partner to open up for him. short time acquaintance. After all, he himself does not like to waste time discussing feelings and secret desires. But he has enough time for everything: business trips, his wife, children and household chores.

Sometimes the Tiger woman needs solitude, tired of the excessive activity of the Horse man. However, this will not be a reason for quarrels. This man perfectly understands the need for such rest and will easily provide it, without offense or ultimatums. He always has other things to do.

The Horse man knows how to build friendly relationships and his Tiger partner is just a godsend for him. She does not cause unnecessary problems and fuels his enthusiasm with her originality, love of freedom, intelligence, life wisdom and ability to be there at the right moment.

For a Tiger girl, a Horse man is also a successful companion in life. After all, she will feel comfortable next to him, he will always help her cope with affairs and routine, which she herself does not like.

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Nata Karlin June 28, 2018, 12:34

According to the eastern horoscope, the relationship between the Tiger and the Horse in all aspects of human life is considered somewhat unusual. In a couple, people in this combination live only in the presence of strong and forgiving love; in work and friendship they do not always agree in character.

Courageous and energetic Tigers endowed with an irrepressible desire to move, remarkable willpower and complex character. They confidently take risks without fear of consequences, but rarely know how to calculate a situation several steps ahead. At the same time, they do not regret what they have accomplished, accepting the results as a fact.

Tiger people are caring, kind and ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of a loved one.

However, there can be many loved ones in the life of representatives of this zodiac sign. But as a result, Tigers find exactly the one with whom they are ready to go through life hand in hand until the very end.

Active and purposeful Horses They value freedom very much, they try to make the world around them cleaner and decorate it with themselves and their presence. Stubborn, diligent, diligent and scrupulous, they always achieve their goals. Nature has generously endowed them with a wide variety of talents, which they boldly bring to life. They can take on absolutely any task, learn quickly and always bring what they start to a logical conclusion.

Horses value freedom very much and try to make the world around them cleaner.

Horses and Tigers are similar in that they both represent true romantics who make many sacrifices for love. Horses dissolve into their partners without a trace, which absolutely suits several tyrannical and selfish Tigers.

Compatibility horoscope for Tiger and Horse in love according to the eastern horoscope

The love relationship between Tiger and Horse promises to be interesting and vibrant. After all, these dynamic and restless people have something to keep each other busy, and they won’t be bored together. Tiger People and Horses don't understand family joys, they are more accustomed to the life of a traveler and romance. Therefore, psychologically and emotionally they will find absolute mutual understanding.

This couple has a lot in common, but everything is simple and logical. They fully satisfy their partner’s needs in terms of intellectual hunger, communication, and hobbies. Constantly exchanging information The Tiger and the Horse get closer, very soon becoming one. They love to visit, throw parties, and absolutely do not accept scandals and high-profile proceedings. This is not required, because people who have been together for a long time understand each other perfectly.

This is not to say that this type of compatibility is very similar to love relationship, however, it gives two lovers a chance to better understand and accept their partner

As a result, very soon both will not be able to imagine life without each other.

Sexual compatibility between Tiger and Horse partners is almost perfect. Both perceive intimacy as a great way to get another dose of pleasure from life and relax. Each of them is absolutely liberated in bed, and the couple’s sex life is varied and full of novelty. In this case, cheating can be ruled out, because both receive complete satisfaction.

In sex, Tiger and Horse partners have almost perfect compatibility

Marriage compatibility of couples born in the year of the Tiger and Horse

In most cases, the Tiger-Horse couple is compatible in marriage. This union cannot be called ideal, but it cannot be said that the relationship in marriage is ideal. If freedom-loving representatives of the signs will find a consensus and share the responsibilities for creating comfort and everyday life equally, then everything will go perfectly. When all the problems are borne by only one of the partners, the coexistence of the couple is in question.

The main problem of partners is their pathological jealousy. Both cannot stand any restrictions and will never follow their spouse’s lead. The husband and wife in the Tiger-Horse union look quite harmonious from the outside, but serious passions always rage in the family. If the wise Horse manages to curb his harsh temper and obey the Tiger, happiness in the family union is guaranteed.

Tiger-Horse couples are compatible in marriage in most cases

Friendship between Tiger and Horse according to the Chinese calendar

Tigers are leaders by nature, craving power and worship. They are too demanding of themselves and their friends, intolerant of the shortcomings of others, so it is quite difficult for them to meet a truly kindred spirit. Horses, despite their wise character, sometimes feel sick simplicity and straightforwardness of representatives of the Tiger sign reaching the point of ignorance. Therefore, the Tiger and the Horse can be friends, but only if they learn to respect each other’s shortcomings and merits.

Compatibility in work between the Tiger and the Horse is also low.

However, a more pragmatic and reasonable Horse can provide support and guide the energetic and active Tiger in the right direction - to success and prosperity

Compatibility of Tiger man and Horse woman

So, he is a Tiger, she is a Horse! What awaits this union, what are the prospects for the development of relations? Astrologers are sure that a Tiger guy and a Horse girl are an almost perfect union. Both partners are looking forward to a serious relationship and have excellent prospects for a happy future together. They have common interests, goals and lifestyles, both active and freedom-loving, crazy about noisy companies and fun. They are even similar in that they do not seek to tie their partner to themselves, endowing him with a burden of obligations, valuing personal space and freedom.

The Horse Woman is always full of ideas, she is proactive and mobile, manages to build a career and run a household. Her children are always kind and loved. However, she should not get too carried away with life outside the home; on the contrary, she must in every possible way tame the “wild Tiger-husband” to her native nest, involving him in solving the worries and problems of everyday life. Otherwise, they risk losing inner harmony and connection with each other. The Horse Woman will remain with the children and worries at home, and the Tiger man will simply continue to lead his usual lifestyle.

The Tiger-Horse pair has common interests, goals and lifestyle

Compatibility of Tiger woman and Horse man

What awaits the union in which she is the Tiger and he is the Horse? In this couple, everything will be fine if the Horse guy agrees to endlessly give his warmth and attention to his partner, and the Tiger girl softens her tough character a little. The roles in the family will be distributed as follows: he is a caring and gentle husband and father, she is an active and purposeful keeper of the family hearth. If the Tiger lady stops loving only herself, and will pay attention to those who surround her, the couple will experience well-being and prosperity.

In general, the union is quite harmonious and interesting. People watching them from the side are absolutely sure that in front of them happy spouses. However, the loving and flirtatious Tigress very often acquires ill-considered affairs on the side. A Horse husband who idolizes his wife will never forgive betrayal. It is on the behavior and attitude of a woman in this tandem that the family happiness and future of the couple depends.

The Tiger woman is an active and purposeful keeper of the family hearth.

There are alliances that are based solely on feelings or similar worldviews, and there are relationships based on a mutual desire for stability and material security. Surprisingly, all this can be found in a pair of Tiger and Horse. theirs is close to ideal.

Tiger: his image and model of behavior in relationships

People born in the year of the Tiger are distinguished by their waywardness, rebellious character, hidden aggression and impulsiveness. The tiger is not inclined to compromise with others. He is trying to find his own path in life, even if the chosen path is thorny and full of difficulties.

Representatives of this type cannot live without adventure, excitement and risk. They are ready to put everything on the line, and this also applies to feelings and love. In relationships, Tigers are very passionate and emotional, but they are not particularly faithful. However, they attract fans and admirers thanks to charisma, romantic attitude, sincerity and honesty.

Unfortunately, Tigers in love sometimes idealize their chosen ones too much, and sooner or later they are disappointed in their loved one. Over time, representatives of this type begin to understand that there are no people without shortcomings, and their personal life immediately improves.

A tiger can enter into several unions during his life, but each time these people get married for love. The Tiger considers every union happy. No matter how long the relationship lasts, they leave an indelible mark on his big and warm heart.

People born in the year of the Horse Chinese calendar, are distinguished by a representative appearance, good article and spectacular appearance. The horse is not prone to loneliness and enjoys spending time with interesting and erudite people. She enjoys sporting and social events, political meetings, entertainment and cultural events.

People of this type are attractive, cheerful, somewhat talkative and enjoy being popular with the opposite sex. If a Horse falls in love, then it feels its weakness, because it can sacrifice a lot for the sake of love. The Horse's passion and feelings are so serious that he is ready to throw everything at the feet of his loved one. That is why it is often used for selfish purposes, and the Horse suffers another setback in its personal life.

To be happy in love, representatives of the Horse type do not need to be led by their feelings. If they rely more on their minds, they will be able to choose a worthy partner and create a good alliance with him.

In the family, the Horse occupies a central position. She is very hardworking, homely and knows how to handle money, so she can rightfully be called a good housewife, keeper of the family and home. Many will consider the Horse to be selfish, since she is used to doing her own thing and not paying attention to the interests of each family member. However, all her loved ones benefit from her individualism and hard work, since thanks to the efforts of the Horse, everyone feels contented and comfortable.

Representatives of the Tiger and Horse signs can enter into a wonderful alliance with each other, based on the unity of opposites. Their relationship will be reliable, and their feelings will be deep and romantic.

Both of these types will always find something to do, even in different areas. The most important thing is that they will not interfere with each other in achieving their goals. Reached overall result will always be positive, while the partners do not develop jealousy or rivalry among themselves.

Despite their love and the most tender feelings for each other, the Tiger and the Horse live their lives at some emotional distance from each other. In their relationship there is no intrusiveness, no control, no mutual claims and reproaches. Rather, on the contrary, each participant in the relationship feels like a free and self-sufficient person who is creative, brings benefits, earns money and, thereby, contributes to the common cause and family.

Tiger and Horse often share common hobbies. They love to exchange information, knowledge and experience and consider each other interesting interlocutors. If problems arise in life, then representatives of these signs quickly come to an agreement. It is easy for them to distribute the load and areas of responsibility (the Horse takes it with hard work, and the Tiger with willpower), and as a result, any difficulty is easily overcome.

Thus, successful interaction is easily and simply established between the Tiger and the Horse. However, here too some relationship options are possible, depending on the gender of their participants.

Tiger Man and Horse Woman

This union is very promising, and both partners feel it from the very beginning. A man and a woman are very attracted to each other and, as a rule, quickly come to a decision to legitimize the relationship. In a couple, the man plans common goals and informs about the progress of their achievement, and the woman successfully works for the common good.

Horse Man and Tiger Woman

There is a lot of freedom in this couple. The Tiger woman will find a worthy business to which she will devote herself entirely. A man will live his life calmly, paying attention to home, work and family. The woman will be a muse and inspiration for the husband; not a single labor feat of the Horse can be accomplished without her.

So a lot happy events, interesting discoveries and good impressions from communication are awaiting the Tiger and Horse couple. The compatibility between these signs can be called almost ideal, but we must not forget that any relationship requires attention, patience and joint hard work of each of the participants.