What Cupid is holding in his hands. Who is Cupid

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


cupid, m. (from the name of the Roman god of love Cupido, lit. lust).

    (K is capitalized). In mythology and poetry - the god of love, love; the same as cupid (poetical obsolete). And I happened to find out what kind of bird Cupid is. Pushkin.

    Handsome, little angel (fam.).

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    The god of love, usually depicted as a beautiful youth or winged boy with a bow and arrow; Cupid (in ancient Roman mythology).

    Usage as a poetic symbol of love.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


in Roman mythology, the deity of love, personification love passion; Cupid or Greek Eros. Cupids were depicted as playful boys.

Mythological Dictionary


(Roman) - from “lust” - the ancient Roman god of love, the son of Venus, corresponding to the Greek Eros.


(from Latin cupido ≈ strong passion), in ancient Roman mythology the deity of love, the personification of love passion; the same as Cupid and the Greek Eros. In art, starting from the Hellenistic era, K. were often depicted as playful boys.



  1. Eros redirection

Cupid (satellite)

Cupid- satellite of the planet Uranus. It was discovered on August 25, 2003 by Mark Showalter and Jack Lissauer using the Hubble Space Telescope. Following the opening, it received a temporary designation S/2003 U 2. Named after a character from Shakespeare's play Timon of Athens. Also denoted as Uranus XXVII.

Cupid is the smallest known closest moon of Uranus, believed to be about 18 km in diameter. Its small size and dark surface make it too dim, which is why it was not detected by Voyager 2 during its passage near Uranus in 1986.

Cupid's orbit is only 863 km from the orbit of its larger moon, Belinda. Interestingly, unlike Mab and Perdita, Cupid's orbit does not appear to be subject to disturbance.

Cupid belongs to the Portia group, which also includes Bianca, Cressida, Desdemona, Juliet, Portia, Rosalind, Belinda and Perdita. These satellites have similar orbits and photometric properties.

Cupid (TV series 2009)

"Cupid" is a 2009 American comedy series from Rob Thomas, creator of such series as Veronica Mars, Party Masters and 90210. Cupid is a remake of the 1998 series of the same name, but the action is moved from Chicago to New York. It premiered on March 31, 2009 on ABC. ABC stopped airing the series in June 2009.

Cupid (picture)

"Cupid"- a painting by one of the most famous painters of the 19th century - William Bouguereau. The image of Cupid is one of Bouguereau's favorite motifs, the crown of which is The Rape of Psyche.

Examples of the use of the word cupid in literature.

Ebe on the 10th is one of the lowest louts, on the 11th - Colomb, on the 12th - the last of the lowest louts, on the 13th - Zelamir, on the 14th - Cupid, on the 15th - Zephyr, on the 16th - Adonis, on the 17th - Hyacinth.

I vividly imagined the inside of these houses: high ceilings, with stucco decorations in the form cupids and acanthus leaves, marble clocks and drying aspidistrias.

And then, in Acapulco, the huge rat-lizards arose from their stone sleep, and poor Bob suddenly found himself not surrounded by lovely and languid graces or a swarm of laughing cupids with pink butts, and among monsters.

After all, they were the first to introduce Cupid clothed, or, in other words, they attributed to primary matter, the beginning of all things, a certain natural form: Thales - water, Anaximenes - air, Heraclitus - fire.

Soft pink boudoir with cupids and the nymphs by Boucher, frolicking on the doors of the door - these nymphs probably greatly embarrassed old Betsy and her elderly mistress - served as the morning room of Her Highness.

The next morning I woke up very early, but was afraid to open my eyes: I knew that the palm tree Cupid, has probably already flown to my bed and is hovering over it with some great joy for me.

Since then, whenever I hope for anything from above, a thrill runs through my blood and it seems to me forever, the willow Cupid, coming down to me with a birch rod, and he flogged me, yes, sir, he flogged me a lot and terribly.

Not a lot: verbaceae cupids for me, as for your children, they have not yet passed into the realm of the past, and I speak about them not even without a sinking heart.

The night hatches its egg, but, moreover, from this egg a person hatches Cupid, T.

And yet he carved Cupid- in his thirst for the joy that working on white marble gave him, thick marble dust flying up from under the chisel.

Due to the schedule for the evening, much of what was allowed had to be abandoned, and only Constance, Madame Duclos, Augustine, Sophie, Zelamir, Cupid and Louison.

After they went into the distant boudoir together with Augustine, Zelamir, Cupid, Duclos, La Degrange and Hercules, after a minute screams and curses began to be heard, which proved that the Duke had finally managed to calm both his head and his balls.

U cupid under the wings there was a velvet yarmulke on a pink silk lining, and pinned to it was a piece of paper, again with the same inscription as it used to be during my childhood.

That's why Cupid, allegorically presented by the ancient sages as having no parents, i.e.

Petrovich, of course, for his Apollos and Venus with cupids clings, and between them we rip off our ancient kissers, crook-makers, and thrust crooked vessels into them.

Eros, Cupid, Cupid

Cupid in the form of a child (slave of Etienne Maurice Falconet, after 1757, Hermitage)

Eros, a world deity who unites gods in marriage, was considered the product of Chaos (dark night) and bright day or Heaven and Earth. He dominates both external nature and the moral world of people and gods, controlling their hearts and wills. In relation to natural phenomena, he is the beneficent god of spring, fertilizing the earth and calling into being new life. He was presented as a beautiful boy, with wings, more ancient times- with a flower and a lyre, later with arrows of love or a flaming torch.

In Thespiae, every four years a festival was held in honor of Eros - Erotidia - accompanied by gymnastic and musical competitions. In addition, Eros, as the god of love and friendship that united boys and men, was revered in gymnasiums, where statues of Eros were placed next to images of Hermes and Hercules. The Spartans and Cretans usually made a sacrifice to Eros before the battle. His altar stood at the entrance to the Academy.

The mutual love of youth found a symbolic image in the group of Eros and Anterot (otherwise Anterot, Anteros), located in the Eleatic gymnasium: the relief with this group depicted Eros and Anterot challenging the palm of victory from each other. Ovid mentions “both Eros.” The nurses of Eros, the Charites, went to Delphi to Themis with a question about his short stature.

Eros served as one of the favorite subjects for philosophers, poets and artists, being for them an ever-living image of both a serious world-governing force and a personal heartfelt feeling that enslaves gods and people. The LVIII Orphic hymn is dedicated to him. To a later time belongs the emergence of the group of Eros and Psyche (that is, Love and the Soul captivated by it) and the famous folk tale that developed from this representation.


  • Hesiod, Theogony
  • Apollodorus, "Mythological Library"


Eros - illustrated article about Eros

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what "Cupid" is in other dictionaries:

    Lat. Cupido, inis, actually: desire. Roman god of love. Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. Mikhelson A.D., 1865. CUPID is the Roman god of love; depicted as a winged... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Eros, boy, love, handsome, cupid, handsome, Cupid, Eros Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Cupid 1. See Cupid. 2. see handsome S... Dictionary of synonyms

    - (Cupido). See Eros. (Source: " Brief dictionary mythology and antiquities." M. Korsh. St. Petersburg, published by A. S. Suvorin, 1894.) CUPID (from Latin cupido, “strong passion”), in Roman mythology the deity of love. Corresponds to the Roman Cupid and... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

    CUPID, cupid, husband. (from the name of the Roman god of love Cupido, lit. lust). 1. (K capital). In mythology and poetry, the god of love, love; the same as cupid (poetical obsolete). “And I happened to find out what kind of bird Cupid is.” Pushkin. 2. Handsome,... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    The Latin name of the ancient god of love passion (cupido passion), see Eros. Literary encyclopedia. At 11 vol.; M.: Publishing House of the Communist Academy, Soviet encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V. M. Fritsche, A. V.... ... Literary encyclopedia

    CUPID, in Roman mythology the deity of love (compare Cupid and Eros). Cupids were depicted as playful boys... Modern encyclopedia

    In Roman mythology, the deity of love, the personification of love passion; the same as Cupid or the Greek Eros. Cupids were depicted as playful boys... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    In the myths of the ancient Romans, the deity of love. Corresponds to the Roman Cupid and the Greek Eros... Historical Dictionary

    - (Cupido) Latin name for Eros; sometimes different from Amor. Cicero in Op. De natura deorum distinguishes, according to the euhemeristic method, several Cupidines born from different gods... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    Cupid- a, m. cupidon m. , lat. Cupido cupidus thirsty for love. In ancient Roman mythology, the deity of love passion, unbridled desire. This distinguishes him from the more restrained and romantic Cupid. Vlasov 2001 4 45. Pink ones played on the ceiling... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Cupid- a, m. 1) In Roman mythology: son of Venus, deity of love, personification of love passion. Cupid knocks on a good acquaintance, let the tired worker slumber! Wake up, young man, reject, he whispers, the insensitive and sluggish peace (Baratynsky).... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

Answer from Yovetlan Burkina[guru]

Psyche's last task was to deliver Pandora's Box (which contained the beauty of Pluto's wife) to the underworld. During the journey, Psyche was on the verge of death more than once, but under no circumstances should she open Pandora's Box. But curiosity overcame caution, and Psyche opened it. And instead of the expected beauty, the cunning Venus hid a dead dream in Pandora's Box, which defeated Psyche, punishing her for curiosity.

cupido (Italian) - cupid; Love

Reply from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Who is Cupid.

Reply from Gellada[guru]
Prankster.... little))

Reply from Magician[guru]
looks like Cupid...

Reply from Natalia Romodina[guru]
Cupid is the Roman equivalent of the Greek Cupid, the deity of love
M. V. Lomonosov
In the darkness of the night
The skies are covered
All people for peace
We've already closed our eyes.
Suddenly there was a knock
Cupid is at the door
Pleasant interrupted
At the beginning is the dream itself.
“Who knocks so boldly? "-
I cried out in anger.
“Warm the frozen body,”
He answered through the door. -
What are you afraid of?
I'm a boy, I can barely breathe
I got lost at night
I’m wet and shaking all over.”
Then I felt sorry
I lit a candle
Without hesitation at all
He let him in.
I saw that the krills
He waves behind his back
Quiver full of arrows
The bow is tied with a bowstring.
Regretting the misfortune
I started the fire
And in such bad weather
He sat me down by the fireplace.
I'm with warm hands
Cold hands kneaded,
I have wings and curls
I squeezed it until it was dry.
He just cheered up a little,
“Some kind of onion,” he said,
It got damaged in the rain."
And with a word he suddenly shot.
Here's the chest; pierced mine
Pre-sharp arrow
And it hurt me greatly
Like an angry bee.
He laughed out loud
And immediately he began to dance:
“What are you afraid of? -
He said with a sneer,
My bow is still good
And intact and with a bowstring;
You will always crash
From now on, my master."

Reply from Rasim babayev[guru]
God of Love.

Reply from DaMA-MADAMA[guru]
God of Love!))

Reply from Paravyakta[guru]
Cupid is a real person. His quiver contains five arrows that hit a person through the five senses - hearing, sight, touch, smell and taste. A woman is most easily impressed through hearing and touch. When you speak pleasant words to a woman and touch her, Cupid's arrows penetrate her heart. A man is easier to hit through sight and smell. When a man sees a woman's beautiful form and inhales her scent, Cupid's arrows strike his heart.
Through the tongue - taste, both the hearts of women and men are affected.

Reply from Ђamis[guru]
Zeus laughs on Olympus
All the gods echo him...
Only Eros cries loudly -
Got myself in the heart
A daring arrow...
The gods always laugh!

Cupid=Cupid=Eros=Eros=Son of Venus

Reply from Dima Evdokimov[newbie]
Cupid is a hero of Roman mythology, the son of the goddess Venus and the most famous symbol of Valentine's Day. This is a mischievous angel with a bow and quiver, who always carries a couple of dozen magic arrows with him and shoots very accurately. Those people and gods who are hit by Cupid's arrow fall in love. In ancient Greece, the equivalent of Cupid was the young son of the goddess Aphrodite, Eros.
One of the myths tells a tender and touching love story between Cupid and Psyche. Cupid's mother Venus did not like the unearthly beauty of the earthly girl. And Venus ordered her son to punish the mortal, but instead Cupid fell in love with Psyche and made her his wife. But since people are not allowed to look at the gods, Psyche did not know what her husband looked like.
Psyche was happy until her sisters convinced the girl to follow her husband and finally see him. Cupid was angry with Psyche for disobedience and punished her: he left the girl, and with him the beautiful castle in which they lived and the wonderful magical gardens disappeared. Psyche was left alone and suffered greatly without her beloved. To find her lover, she went to the temple of Venus and turned to Cupid's mother for help. And Venus, who did not love Psyche, decided to take advantage of the opportunity and destroy the girl. Promising as a reward to tell where to find Cupid, Venus gave Psyche impossible tasks, one more difficult than the other. For the sake of her Beloved Cupid, Psyche was ready to do anything!
Psyche's last task was to deliver Pandora's Box (which contained the beauty of Pluto's wife) to the underworld. During the journey, Psyche was more than once on the verge of death, but under no circumstances should she open Pandora's Box. But curiosity overcame caution, and Psyche opened it. And instead of the expected beauty, the cunning Venus hid a dead dream in Pandora's Box, which defeated Psyche, punishing her for curiosity.
Cupid found his beloved lifeless on the ground. He forgave her and lifted the dead sleep from her. And the gods, delighted with the power of Psyche’s love, made Psyche a goddess.

Reply from Cat Matroskin[newbie]
Cupid (aka Cupid) is the demon of fornication, all the “gods” of the pagans are demons: “For all the gods of the nations are idols, but the Lord created the heavens.” (Ps. 95:5), “For all Gods speak the tongue of the devil: the Lord made the heavens.” (Ps. 96:5)

Nothing in our life has much meaning if the event is not accompanied by good emotions. Man is designed in such a way that he can rejoice, laugh, and most importantly, experience a feeling of love.

Something inside

Sometimes we cannot explain what exactly is happening to us, but the soul seems to be singing, and “butterflies are flying” in the stomach. This feeling is usually called falling in love or they say: “I was hit by Cupid's arrows.” We are so accustomed to this expression that we never even think about where it came from and what meaning was originally put into it. Let's dig a little history together...

Ancient mythology

Even in ancient times, as we know, people worshiped gods, whom they endowed with superstrength and incredible power. They made sacrifices to the gods and sought their favor. From childhood, people were brought up with a sense of deep reverence and admiration for the gods, because if they were angered, then their disfavor would fall on a person. In any case, that’s what they thought in ancient times. The girls treated Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, with special tenderness, because she was the personification of everything beautiful on Earth, and it depended on her when old age came and the human face became covered with wrinkles. But Cupid, Eros, or, as the ancient Romans called him, Cupid, is a deity in whose power were love that ensured the extension of life on Earth.

Myth of love

There is a touching and tender love story between the earthly girl Psyche and the god Cupid, which formed the basis of the legend. Venus was the mother of Cupid, and one day she sent him to punish Psyche only because she did not like her unearthly beauty. Instead, Cupid fell in love with the beauty and became her husband. However, according to legend, people could not look at the gods, so Psyche had no idea what her lover looked like. Cupid was the lover one could only dream of, the real embodiment of love and tenderness, and the girl was absolutely happy. But her sisters advised her to follow her husband and look at him. This made Cupid very angry, he left Psyche and punished her for disobedience: after him, their magical gardens, a wonderful castle and everything that they had previously disappeared.

The girl was left completely alone and cried bitterly for her beloved. Suffering from loneliness, she decided on a desperate act and went to the temple of Venus. Begging for help from Cupid's mother, she agreed to the tasks that she had prepared for her. Venus, who did not love Psyche, decided to get rid of the girl in this way and destroy her, so she came up with impossible tasks for her, which turned out to be one more difficult than the other. However, nothing could break the girl in love; for the sake of her beloved, she successfully overcame all the difficulties and intrigues that the insidious Venus had in store for her. The last task that Psyche had to complete was to deliver Pandora's Box, which contained the beauty of Pluto's wife, to the underworld. As it should be on such a journey, various difficulties awaited the desperate girl, but under no circumstances should she open the treasured parcel. Unfortunately, caution gave way to curiosity, and Psyche looked into the box. The cunning Venus foresaw this and hid a dead dream there, which struck the girl.

Cupid in love (he was a desperate and determined young man) found his beloved, who was lying on the ground, removed the spell and the effect of dead sleep from her, because love turned out to be stronger, and he forgave her. The gods were delighted with Psyche's love and made her a goddess as a reward.

Cupid in our time

Today everyone knows that Cupid is We, of course, do not revere him, as the inhabitants of Greece did in ancient times, and do not make sacrifices to him, but it is with him that we associate romantic meetings, dates, first sympathy. We assume that Cupid's arrows have hit our hearts when we joke about falling in love. It is believed that this god of love always has a bow and arrows in his hands, with which he shoots into hearts so that love will visit a person.

Image of cupid

Most often, Cupid is represented as a cute blond boy with wings, such a wonderful angel. the boy flies between people and looks out for those whom it is time to hit with the arrows of love. In sculpture and painting, Cupid was a favorite character and a striking example that personifies the brightest human feelings. Cupid was depicted with a smile on his face, wearing white and gold flowers, and in his hands he had the “instrument of love” - a bow and arrows.

Cupid's Bow

The association of this character with the most tender and touching feelings has become so deeply ingrained in our lives that in a variety of areas you can find names that are in one way or another connected with this deity. Well, for example, women’s lips, the shape of which has clear boundaries and resembles the letter “M,” are called “Cupid’s bow.” Men surveyed by sociologists said that they consider such women incredibly sexy, and this shape of the upper lip is very exciting to them. Indeed, clearly defined female lips are very beautiful, and many women look with envy at the happy owners of such a sensual mouth.

Valentine's Day

And although Valentine’s Day is not among the holidays that have long been present in our calendar, in recent years this date has become increasingly popular. Young people enthusiastically accepted the idea of ​​​​celebration and now every year on February 14, they walk along the streets of any city and happy girls walk with bouquets of flowers. Various flashing and singing “I love you” red hearts, all kinds of souvenirs and romantic ones, and an endless variety of various holiday attributes appear in stores. Not to mention the fact that on this day sellers of champagne, chocolates and flowers sell an incredible amount of their goods.

Agree, Cupid's Day is another reason to show attention to your beloved and remind her of your feelings. There is nothing wrong with the fact that another holiday has appeared on our calendar, which, although not a red day of the calendar, has become a real celebration, and couples in love spend it cheerfully.

January 15, 2013

Patron. But not everyone knows what kind of character this is and how he appeared.

Cupid came to us from Roman mythology. He is the son of the goddess Venus. We see him as a little angel, very mischievous, who carries a bow and a quiver with him everywhere. love arrows. Cupid shoots quite accurately. If a person is hit by an arrow from Cupid's quiver, that person is destined to fall in love. Let's say in Ancient Greece, the role of Cupid was played by young Eros, the son of the goddess Aphrodite.

There is a myth that tells a touching and tender love story between Cupid himself and the girl Psyche. Venus, the Mother of Cupid, did not immediately fall in love with Psyche, because she was simply unearthly beauty. She ordered her son, Cupid, to punish this mortal, but when he saw the girl, Cupid fell endlessly in love with the beautiful Psyche. He made Psyche his wife. But the girl didn’t even know what her husband, Cupid, looked like, because earthly people were not allowed to look at unearthly gods. Psyche lived in complete happiness. But her sisters somehow convinced the beauty to follow her husband to understand what he looked like.

He found out that Psyche was watching him, and became very angry with the girl. He came up with the following punishment: he abandoned his wife, taking with him the beautiful palace in which the lovers lived and the magical gardens that surrounded the castle. When Psyche was left alone, she realized her stupid mistake. Without her beloved, she suffered greatly. Then she decided to find her beloved Cupid.

Psyche went to the temple of the goddess Venus. She asked her mother for help ex-husband. Venus continued to hate the girl. Therefore, taking advantage of the opportunity, she decided to destroy the beautiful Psyche. Venus promised the girl that she would tell where her son, Cupid, was, but to do this she instructed Psyche to perform unimaginable tasks. They were very difficult, almost impossible. But Psyche loved Cupid very much, in order to be with him again, she was ready to make sacrifices.

With her very last task, Venus ordered the girl to deliver the magical Pandora's Box to the underworld itself. This box contained the beauty of Pluto's wife. Whatever happened to Psyche, she could not open the Box. But because of her indomitable curiosity, the girl still opened Pandora's box. But, the cunning goddess, she hid it in a box, not beauty, but a dead dream. This dream became Psyche’s punishment for her curiosity.

Cupid found his dead wife. Seeing her, he immediately forgave Psyche and lifted the spell of dead sleep from her. The gods, seeing how strong the love between god and mortal was, awarded Psyche with immortality and made her a goddess.