Pure protein without flavoring. Testing protein flavors Optimum nutrition Whey Gold Standard What does a protein shake consist of?

Then vegetable protein comes to the rescue - as a nutritional supplement to food, designed to compensate for the lack of protein and beneficial microelements.

Plant proteins contain the amino acids necessary for the body, thereby enriching vegetarian, vegan and raw food diets.

Athletes should also pay attention to plant protein - it promotes the growth and maintenance of muscle mass, is easily digestible, and maintains a feeling of satiety and vigor during training.

This protein is suitable for people with lactose intolerance, who will find it a substitute for whey protein. Additional protein supplementation is also necessary for older people and all those who honestly realize that they do not eat that much protein food.

We looked at several types of vegetable protein that do not cause allergies, but differ from each other in the composition of nutrients and taste.

Hemp protein

It is perfectly absorbed, surpassing soy protein in this indicator. Hemp seed powder gives a feeling of satiety, contains 21 amino acids, including 9 essential ones, and valuable microelements such as zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and others. It is rich in fiber and antioxidants improves digestion, blood circulation and metabolism, eliminates constipation, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and does not cause allergies.

What does it taste like? The taste of the protein is nutty, pleasant, reminiscent of non-sweet halva. This powder has a herbal aroma and greenish color.

How to use? For cooking sports cocktail just dilute 1-2 tablespoons (30g) with water.

Nutritional value: Protein: 47 g, Fat: 11 g, Carbohydrates: 10 g. Total 314 kcal

Pea protein

Pea protein contains up to 90% protein, which is almost completely digestible. Its peculiarity is that this protein is not digested as quickly as whey protein, although faster than the “slow protein” casein. Not only does it provide energy before exercise, but it also maintains glycogen levels during intense exercise.

Pea protein has a record content of the amino acid arginine (8.7% in 1 gram of protein), which stimulates muscle growth. By comparison, whey protein contains only 2.8% arginine per gram. In terms of BCAA content, it is practically not inferior to casein, and also contains the amino acids lysine and glutamine. For a more complete set of amino acids, it is recommended to use it together with rice protein.

The taste of pea protein, alas, is not the most pleasant, so mix it in cocktails with cocoa powder, vanilla, syrup or other products with a pronounced taste.

Nutritional value: Protein: 78 g, Fat: 5.4 g, Carbohydrates: 4.8 g. Total 380 kcal

Rice protein

Protein from ground brown rice is notable for the fact that its amino acid composition is similar to whey, while being hypoallergenic. It contains 18 amino acids, among which glutamic, aspartic acid and leucine predominate. Rice protein is also rich in vitamins B1, B2 and PP, microelements potassium, sodium, magnesium and phosphorus, as well as fiber. Its regular use normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and heart, improves skin condition and muscle structure.

What does it taste like? The taste is quite neutral, soft, almost unnoticeable.

How to use? Mix it with water or low-fat milk.

Nutritional value: Protein 68.1 g, Fat 4.7 g, Carbohydrates 16.5 g. Total 388 kcal

Pumpkin protein

Pumpkin protein is fat-free ground pumpkin seeds. It consists of 66% protein and contains 18 amino acids, among which arginine, lycine, isoleucine and valine dominate. Thanks to glutamic acid and tryptophan, pumpkin protein supports brain health and nervous system, helps cope with stress. Also contains vitamin E, zinc, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus.

What does it taste like? This is perhaps one of the few protein powders that can taste good - like the pumpkin seeds we've all tried. It is slightly sweet, so it is suitable for cupcakes, muffins, cookies and other baked goods, including bread.

How to use? Can be added to milk and yoghurts, soups and purees. The recommended daily dose is 15-25 g, which is slightly less than a tablespoon.

Nutritional value: Protein 66 g, Fat 6.9 g, Carbohydrates: 11.48 g Total 394 kcal

Almond protein

Made from whole raw almonds, which are the leading nut in terms of protein. After grinding, separating the almond oil and drying 100 g of protein, protein takes up almost half, 16.8 g is fat, and carbohydrates remain the smallest share. Almond powder contains the amino acid arginine, which improves vascular elasticity and prevents blood clots. Almond protein is rich in iron, calcium, zinc and fiber, which improves digestion.

What does it taste like? This is another powder that will taste good and have a nutty scent that will enhance your smoothies and sports shakes.

How to use? You can consume almond protein throughout the day so that you eat 2 tablespoons in total per day.

Nutritional value: Protein 47.5 g, fat 16.8 g, carbohydrates 12 g. Total 416 kcal

Protein mix

The organic blend includes pumpkin seed, hemp, chia and cocoa powder proteins for a total of 43% protein. The mixed composition provides a balanced combination of amino acids, vitamins and microelements, gives a feeling of fullness and a surge of strength, strengthens a person’s health and increases his endurance, and restores strength after exercise.

What does it taste like and how to use it? Due to the combination of different ingredients, the taste of the powder will seem incomprehensible, but it is quite suitable for use in smoothies, porridges, or simply diluted in water.

Nutritional value: Protein 43.22 g, fat 10.02 g, carbohydrates 9.69 g, fiber - 29.58 g. Total 367 kcal

Using your imagination, you can choose for yourself the most pleasant combinations of proteins with familiar foods, or simply treat the protein mixture as a benefit, and not as a pleasure.

Thus, plant protein improves health, promotes the growth and maintenance of muscle mass, has a high content of amino acids, vitamins and microelements, in many ways being an alternative to animal protein. Plant protein is a valuable component of the diet of vegetarians, vegans and raw foodists.

As a daily food supplement, protein is needed by most people today, especially those who are looking to lighten their diet for the summer, are cutting back on meat consumption, or have already given it up completely.

Protein, is undoubtedly the most popular supplement used by athletes and amateurs alike. This is not surprising given the extensive collection of studies that have shown that the daily amount of protein should be increased in active people, and especially those who regularly exercise, build up muscle mass or vice versa, he loses weight.

It should be noted that protein itself is a source of nutrition. Don’t believe “especially smart” people who say that this is a chemical that will “make your liver fall off,” “stop standing,” and other nonsense that can only be heard from an uneducated person. So what protein to choose? In fact protein selection depends on several factors such as budget, quality, taste, lactose tolerance and purpose.

The price of protein depends on several factors: percentage of protein, speed of digestibility and biological value.
By protein percentage, protein is divided into hydrolyzate, isolate, whey, concentrate (arranged in order of decreasing prices). The higher the protein content, the higher the price.
By speed of digestibility, as we already know, protein can be fast and slow. Typically casein (a slow protein) has a higher cost compared to whey.
Biological value is a value that determines the degree of digestibility of protein (how many percent it will be digested). Calculated on a scale from 0 to 1, chicken egg white is taken as the standard, its value is 1 (100% digestible), therefore egg white due to high digestibility it costs more.
We have already discussed the above types of protein in detail in.

The highest quality, of course well-promoted brands, such as Optimum Nutrition And Dymatize. They are known all over the world and will not risk their name by producing low-quality products. But the cost of protein from these companies is much higher. You can take medium-sized manufacturers (for example San, CytoSport etc.), but I don’t recommend choosing completely unknown and rare brands. I also recommend purchase protein in large specialized stores, to avoid purchasing a counterfeit.

Now there are a huge number of protein flavors from banana and strawberry to alpine chocolate. But most athletes complain about the chemical taste. Of course, as they say, taste and color... Opinion about taste is purely subjective and what is good for one may be bad for another. Personally, I have never come across a protein that was so disgusting that I couldn’t drink it. If you are afraid that you will not like the taste, it is better to take chocolate protein. Chocolate flavor is generally well tolerated, even despite the chemical origin.

Lactose intolerance
There are people who suffer from genetic lactose intolerance; their digestive tract does not have the enzyme lactase, which helps digest it. The best choice would be egg white, or isolate (hydrolysate)

Depending on what goal you are pursuing: gaining muscle mass or cutting, depends on the choice of protein.
If, when gaining muscle mass, it is acceptable (and even desirable) to contain carbohydrates and fats in the protein, then when cutting, when every calorie counts, it is better to choose pure protein (isolate)

Rating of the best proteins

(in terms of price-quality ratio)

1. Whey protein

1) 100% Whey Gold Standard from Optimum nutrition . It’s not for nothing that this supplement is called the “gold standard.” A high-protein blend of whey protein concentrates and isolates. A variety of tastes, a global manufacturer, excellent quality - these are the main advantages of Gold Standart from ON.

Whey gold standard compound:

2)100% Pure Platinum Whey (SAN). Contains anabolic nutrients that provide the body with energy and prolong the anabolic state after taking a serving of Pure Platinum for up to 4 hours.

Compound 100% Pure Platinum Whey from SAN

3) Elite Whey Protein by Dymatize

Uniqueness Elite Whey is that in addition to protein, the composition contains digestive enzymes that improve the digestion of nutrients.

2. Slow protein (casein)

1) Elite Casein by Dymatize.

Whey protein is a concentrate consisting of proteins obtained from whey, which, in turn, is formed after milk is curdled during cheese making. To date sports nutrition, containing whey protein, is considered the best for athletes who want to increase muscle mass and burn subcutaneous fat. Every year a rating of protein supplements is compiled, on the basis of which one can judge what whey protein better.

What to look for when choosing the best supplement?

Concentrates are cheap but poorly absorbed; hydrolysates are expensive and taste unpleasant. The most effective protein for gaining muscle mass is whey isolate.

The most effective protein for gaining muscle mass is whey isolate.

Lactose may cause poor protein digestion. If you experience stomach problems from taking a supplement, you should prefer one that contains fewer carbohydrates, such as isolates or hydrolysates.

It is convenient to take protein if you make a smoothie. When preparing protein shakes, take 1-2 tablespoons of powder and mix it with juice or milk. If you are lactose intolerant, it is better to prepare cocktails with water.

Protein shakes can be taken anytime, replacing one of your meals. For example, if you don’t have the opportunity to have a protein snack during the day, then a cocktail can completely replace it. However, one must also take into account that the cocktail is absorbed very quickly, unlike those containing soy or casein concentrate, so the next meal is necessary after 2 hours.

The only downside to whey protein is that it is eliminated quickly, so it should be taken much more often than, for example, soy or egg protein.

Best Supplements

The 2019 protein rating was compiled based on Internet data on what sports nutrition athletes bought more often over the past year, as well as on their positive feedback about the quality of the product. The 2019 rating includes additives that contain: different types squirrel. Whey and casein are the most common, and soy is absent.

  • 1st place .

More than one generation of impressive athletes has grown up on this protein. Every publication and resource consistently recommends this protein. And this is not just like that. In fact, Optimum Nutrition set the gold standard for sports protein 10 years ago. It consists of a mix of whey isolate, concentrate and peptide. One serving contains the required 24 g of protein, 3 g of carbohydrates and only 110 calories.

The main advantage of this protein is the price/quality ratio. For a reasonable price, you get the best whey protein on the market.

  • 2nd place Transparent labs ProteinSeries 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate

Protein for those who don't compromise. The most environmentally friendly and perfectly purified protein. To make it in New Zealand, cows are fed excellent meadow grass - no feed with hormones or the like. The protein consists of pure whey isolate. The product is so pure that each serving contains only 28 grams of protein and not a gram of carbohydrates.

Transparent Labs is so principled that they actually do not use artificial colors. There is only one problem - this brand is not represented in Russia, so you will have to order from abroad using third-party services, plus the price of the product is frankly not affordable (1 kg = 59 $)

  • 3rd place Phase 8 Muscletech

A very unusual and effective mixture. The eight in the name indicates an 8-hour release of proteins. That is, your muscles will constantly receive nutrition for 8 hours after administration.

Usually protein shake It is quickly absorbed and you want to eat again, but not in this case! The protein is a mixture of 7 different proteins, namely: milk protein concentrate, whey protein concentrate, casein, calcium caseinate, hydrolysate and whey protein isolate.

Each type of protein is released at its own time, thereby achieving the desired 8-hour period.

One serving contains as many as 26 grams of protein, 7 grams of carbohydrates and 150 calories. For muscle growth great option!

  • 4th place rightfully occupies BSN Syntha-6 from BSN. Their protein is an excellent sports nutrition designed to constantly supply muscles with amino acids. They achieved this through a mixture various types protein: whey concentrate, whey protein isolate, calcium caseinate, milk protein isolate, egg white. This mixture has an excellent amino acid profile and allows you to build high-quality muscle mass. One serving contains 22 g of protein, 15 g of carbohydrates and 200 calories.

  • 5th place Optimum Nutrition Pro

This protein is a real royal complex for real bodybuilding monsters. In addition to containing high quality whey and egg protein, it contains minimal carbohydrates and fat.

This protein is taken in a non-standard large portion, meaning that in one go you will receive 60 g of protein and only 5 g of carbohydrates. The PRO prefix immediately makes it clear that the product is intended to provide superior results, and the price accordingly becomes higher than the market average.

  • 6th place Dymatize Iso-100

On the 6th line is protein from hydrolyzed whey protein. This method produces the purest protein, and therefore you get the best protein on the market. One serving will contain 25 grams of pure protein, no carbohydrates and 106 calories.

This protein is ideal for the drying period, when all efforts are focused on burning fat and preserving muscle. The disadvantages include the high cost, plus some are confused by the taste (due to sugar substitutes). We believe that the product is high quality, and the price and taste are justified by the specifics of this protein.

  • 7th place Muscle Pharm Combat Powder

This is a high quality blend of 5 proteins. This protein was immediately created as an all-in-one protein, so that there would be no need to use various protein supplements throughout the day. And so what’s good about it: after one dose, your muscles receive amino acid replenishment for 8 hours.

One serving contains 25 g of protein, 8 g of carbohydrates and 140 calories. This suggests that the protein is great for beginning athletes and amateurs. Can be taken at any time of the day.

  • 8th place Nature’s Best Zero Carb Isopure

This is what happens when a manufacturer tries to make an unprecedented quality protein. Nature's Best has put all their expertise to work to create Zero Carb Isopure, a whey isolate protein that is the most thoroughly purified.

One serving will contain 50 g of protein, 0 g of carbohydrates and 220 calories. This is an excellent solution for athletes who are actively building muscles while simultaneously reducing subcutaneous fat. As expected for such a product, the only downsides are the price and slightly unnatural taste due to sweeteners.

  • 9th place BPI Sports ISO-HD

This protein enjoys great popular love for its excellent quality and reasonable price. It contains whey isolate and hydrolyzate, due to which rapid absorption occurs. This is a necessary condition for fueling the muscles immediately after training. One serving will include 25 g protein, 5 g fat, 3 g carbohydrates and 120 calories.

  • 10th place Gaspari Nutrition Myofusion Advanced Protein

Interesting products on the sports nutrition market. A special feature of this protein is the use of probiotics, which help absorb proteins as efficiently as possible. In one serving you will get 25 g of protein, 9 g of carbohydrates and 150 calories. The only disadvantage is the relatively high cost.

Review best proteins showed the 10 most popular supplements, but it is important to know how to choose a supplement in the store taking into account your individual characteristics and needs and what to look for.

Choosing whey protein for weight loss

Many girls are interested in the question, which protein is best for weight loss? Most girls who want to become slimmer know that taking a protein shake is good for the body and for losing weight, especially if you combine it with regular workouts.

For girls, a protein shake that does not contain fats and carbohydrates is suitable. After all, only pure protein helps you lose weight. Conversely, sports nutrition, which contains carbohydrates, sugar and fats, is not best choice for girls, as it serves to gain weight.


For beginners, whey protein is also considered the best. However, for many beginner athletes, this supplement may be too expensive. In this case, you can pay attention to cheaper sports nutrition.

This review will help novice bodybuilders choose the right supplement.
If you compare which of the presented types of protein is better - whey, soy or egg, then the first one will definitely win.

Many athletes make it a point to study their labels when choosing quality whey protein. A wide variety of information can be found here. One manufacturer is in a hurry to surprise the buyer with the amount of protein per serving, another talks about the features of whey protein. Still others begin to inflate its properties and assure that the athlete will definitely not have any allergies from this powder.

When buying protein, you should know that the label is a sales pitch, which is usually very different from reality.

How to choose a protein

In this article we will talk about how much the taste of protein can tell about its properties and quality. To check the quality of whey protein, you do not need complex machines and testing units. It is enough to have taste buds and be able to draw logical conclusions.

Of course, not all stores offer the opportunity to taste protein, but you should strive for it. If they don’t let you try, look for a store where you can do it. By taste it will immediately become clear what kind of protein product is in front of you and what quality it is.

Protein taste

The first thing we notice when we open a can and taste the protein is how fresh it tastes. The protein itself should look like cream and taste like milk that was just about to be brought into the house. It is unlikely that the taste of milk can be confused with something else. If the protein in the jar smells like something bad and unnatural, like chemicals from a laboratory, this is a sure sign that you are being offered to buy something other than protein. Look only for a product that has the fresh smell of the milk we love since childhood. This way you can never go wrong with quality.

Another important point- aftertaste. Some proteins leave a bitter aftertaste, which immediately indicates the presence of artificial substances used to sweeten the product. Natural protein with a natural sweetener will never “delight” with such an aftertaste.

Protein composition

You should also be wary of products that contain sugar alcohol. By the way, fructose is no less harmful than artificial sweeteners. If you have tasted the protein and it does not leave an unpleasant aftertaste, and even tastes like milk, this is what you need. Buy without hesitation.

Another important point is balance. Sometimes when you try a protein, you suspect that there is something wrong with the product. Either the milk was boiled, or something else happened while the can was being stored in the warehouse. The taste should be light, fresh, barely noticeable.

If this is not the case, and instead of freshness you feel a strong sweetness or, on the contrary, a strong smell of rotten milk, reject the purchase. Such a protein is not only not useful, it can cause harm because it is spoiled. Manufacturers often try to decorate this protein with tasty additives, but fortunately, it is very easy to identify and distinguish.

So, what should you look for when you go shopping for whey protein? First, ask the seller to let you smell it, or better yet, try it. Secondly, check the taste and aftertaste. Third, listen to the balance. No one will be your advisor except your own body. Humans are given receptors for this purpose: to distinguish bad from good, and harmful from useful. Use them.

Video on how to check protein quality: