Fish drying technology. Three-tier vertical fish dryer


The process of drying fish involves the use of fresh, chilled or frozen raw materials. For drying, fish of the first and highest grade is taken.

Production technology dried fish uncomplicated. The stages are as follows: the fish is washed, sorted by size, then the process of salting and drying. Then the finished products are packaged.

Now in more detail about each stage. First, the raw materials must be thoroughly washed: this removes the film enveloping the fish.

If this is not done, the film will interfere with high-quality salting, and after drying the product will not have a marketable appearance. Sorting by size helps ensure even salting of the product.

Methods for salting fish are brine and dry. Brine - a method where defrosted fish is poured with brine - is more suitable for processing small fish. Thawed fish is washed, sprinkled with salt and filled with a concentrated saline solution.

The brine temperature should be up to 10 degrees Celsius. The dry method requires salt consumption in relation to the weight of the fish approximately one to two.

Depending on the size, the salting period ranges from three to eight days. The bottom of the salting bath is covered with 2-3 centimeters of salt, then the fish carcasses are laid out belly up. Each row is covered with a layer of salt, increasing the amount as the bath fills. One fifth of the salt should be left to cover the top row.

When salting fish, you should definitely check whether the tails of the carcasses are wrapped on the wall of the bath, otherwise the product will be defective. The oppression is placed in the fish bath on the second day of salting. Soak the fish exactly as long as it was salted.

Otherwise, salt will appear on the surface of the fish during the drying process, which, firstly, will spoil appearance product, secondly, will lead to an increase in its humidity. The fish are then hung up and washed with a hose or shower. Dry for 1-2 hours. The drying chamber is filled with fish.

Adding the product later is strictly prohibited, otherwise the already dry fish will be saturated with moisture. The drying temperature is 28 degrees, the time is 3-8 days, depending on the type of fish. Every 6 hours the chamber is turned off so that the moisture is distributed evenly in the product. You can dry fish naturally. For this purpose, use well-ventilated areas.

Finished products are packaged in cardboard boxes, boxes or vacuum plastic bags. The best option The packaging is considered to be polymer. Air humidity is important for storing the finished product.

High humidity leads to the appearance of saponification and mold. The optimal conditions for storing dried fish are an air temperature of 10 degrees Celsius and a relative humidity of no more than 75%.

Drying them helps to significantly increase the shelf life of perishable food products. Fish drying technology provides for the removal of moisture from it, the content of which, depending on the breed, should not exceed 35-45%. Some types of fish products, for example, sturgeon balyk, can have a moisture content of up to 50%.

Two types of fish drying

In theory, drying can be natural or artificial. In the first case, the treatment is carried out outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. However To produce dried fish in significant volumes, they often still resort to artificial drying. For this purpose, special equipment is used, with the help of which a special temperature regime is maintained, and the drying agent is not atmospheric air, but inert gases, for example, carbon dioxide or nitrogen.

Artificial drying has several advantages over natural drying. Firstly, processing time is significantly reduced – several times. Secondly, the dependence on various atmospheric phenomena is removed, because with high air humidity, the production of dried fish becomes impossible. Thirdly, the quality of the final product improves, since inert gas environments do not allow fats to oxidize, which occurs when exposed to atmospheric air. Oxidation affects the taste of dried fish, significantly worsening them.

Thus, artificial fish drying technology looks more attractive from all points of view - on the one hand, its use allows one to increase the volume of production by an order of magnitude, on the other hand, the quality and taste of dried fish improves.

Process stages

Artificial drying of fish occurs in several stages:

  • washing;
  • sorting;
  • salting;
  • drying;
  • package.

Washing is carried out to remove contaminants, as well as foreign particles, the presence of which on fish is inevitable no matter what conditions it is stored or transported. Sorting involves the distribution of fish into groups based on carcass size. This is necessary in order to achieve uniform salting, because the concentration of the brine used, as well as the time the workpieces are in it, depends on the size of the fish.

The salting container is filled one third with brine, into which the fish are placed in rows, sprinkling each new layer with salt. Recommended grinding is No. 3, the required amount is determined based on the volume of fish being processed - 18% by weight.

To achieve high-quality salting, it is necessary to maintain the appropriate temperature conditions. Sudden changes in temperature during artificial fish drying technology are unacceptable. It is also necessary to periodically mix the fish mass, which ensures a more uniform distribution of brine and its optimal concentration throughout the volume of the salting bath.

The easiest way to quickly and efficiently mix large volumes of fish is to simply transfer them from one container to another. However, at the final stages of salting it is better to use turning technology, while simultaneously adding salt to the container - approximately 5% of total mass fish.

The final stage of preparing the fish is stringing it on twine or rods. In this form, the workpieces are thoroughly rinsed in fresh running water to remove any remaining brine or particles of undissolved salt from the surface of the carcasses. If this is not done, the salt will crystallize during the drying process. It not only spoils the appearance finished products, but also contributes to its moistening during storage and infection by pests, for example, cheese flies or carpet beetles. Additional processing of fish in a 3% solution of acetic acid, which is carried out immediately before placing the workpieces in chambers of special equipment, will help to avoid such consequences.

Drying process

Traditional fish drying technology involves the use of special tunnel-type installations. A drying agent is supplied under pressure into the chamber through which carts with workpieces move. After passing through the tunnel, it is removed from the chamber along with the moisture extracted from the fish.

The dryers are divided into 4 zones, each of which maintains the appropriate temperature and humidity conditions. At the first stage, the workpieces are processed at a temperature of 22 degrees, then it rises to 25, in the third zone – 28, and at the fourth stage, unheated air from the air conditioner is supplied into the chamber. Accordingly, when moving from one zone to another, the relative humidity of the air decreases.

An important nuance is that every 6 hours you must take a break of approximately 1.5-2 hours. This is necessary so that the moisture remaining in the product is evenly distributed throughout the entire thickness of the fish.

Final stage

Upon completion of the drying process, the finished fish is sorted not only by size, but also by quality, after which the product is placed in a special container. Most often, these are cardboard boxes, less often tin cans or plastic bags, the use of which allows you to create optimal conditions storage

The shelf life of dried fish in plastic bags or metal cans is almost unlimited, while cardboard boxes ensure the normal condition of the product only during the first 3 months. However, cardboard containers are much cheaper, which affects the cost and competitiveness of products.

It should be noted that the profitability of small enterprises producing dried fish cannot be high. This is explained by the fact that fish drying technology requires significant costs associated with both the purchase of special substances (air conditioners, inert gases, etc.) and high electricity costs.

Dried fish is delicious and useful product. Some people enjoy eating this fish with the same boiled potatoes and washing it down with kvass. However, choosing truly high-quality dried fish is not so easy. Violation of drying technology, improper storage, use of stale raw materials - all this can lead to severe poisoning. In order to be sure of the quality of the product, you can try drying the fish with your own hands.

The difference between drying and drying

Drying fish is its gradual dehydration. Before this, the carcasses are soaked in a salt solution. After losing moisture, the fish becomes ready to be eaten; it does not need to be thermally processed.

The drying process differs from drying in the length of time. Drying requires at least a day to achieve the readiness of the product. Drying takes only 6-7 hours.

In addition, drying involves fermentation - the breakdown of organic substances under the influence of enzymes. This does not happen during the drying process.

Fish drying equipment

If you are a fan of dried fish and want to cook it often, it may make sense to purchase certain equipment for this. Here are the types of devices that exist on the modern market.

  • Closet. This apparatus is designed for drying fish using circulating air currents. It is equipped with a timer to allow you to set different programs for diverse different types products (fish, fruits, vegetables and other products). The drying cabinet also has a built-in ventilation system to create air flows, tubular electric heaters for drying them, and a timer to turn off after time has elapsed. The duration of drying fish in such a cabinet is approximately 13 hours.
  • Camera. In essence, the operating principle of the drying chamber is the same as that of the cabinet. This is a device in which air circulates using a built-in fan. When you set the required program, the device itself selects the temperature and direction of air flow and turns off automatically. The water that the fish loses during the drying process leaves the unit either through open doors, or through an evaporator pipe, or is dried using heating elements.

  • Dryer. This device differs from the above in that it can be electric, or it can be assembled with your own hands and not depend on the power supply. The most popular model of dryer is a hanging one, equipped with a mesh to protect against insects and dust. This dryer can be hung in any place where there is air circulation: on the veranda, on the balcony, in the garden. As for its electric counterpart, such a device, of course, costs more, but it speeds up the process and can be used even in a city apartment. It is a small stainless steel cabinet with several removable mesh drawers for storing fish.
  • Net. In appearance, the drying net is somewhat reminiscent of a fish muzzle. Inside it is divided into several sections, into which fish carcasses are placed for subsequent drying. The grid is hung on open air, where the process takes place.

How to make a drying device at home

Let's take a step-by-step look at the process of making a fish dryer. To do this, we will stock up on the following materials:

  • profile for drywall;
  • “corners” made of aluminum;
  • plastic mosquito net;
  • 9 metal rods 70 cm long;
  • thick wire;
  • sheet of polycarbonate material for the lid with a thickness of 0.5-0.7 mm;
  • rivets, nuts, bolts, washers (5 mm);
  • “corner” made of plastic for fixing the mesh from the outside;
  • decorative metal “corner” for the lid.


  • drill, it is better to take it with a battery;
  • grinding machine;
  • riveter;
  • pliers;
  • scissors;
  • spanner;
  • stationery knife.

We will construct a device with the following parameters:

  • height – 120 cm;
  • length – 100 cm;
  • width – 70 cm.

The dryer will be three-level: on each level we will place 3 metal rods, on which we will hang fish carcasses.

Our work begins with the manufacture of the dryer frame. To do this, we cut the aluminum profile: we make 4 sections of 120 cm, 6 of 100 cm and 6 of 70 cm. We retreat approximately 20 cm from the floor and mount a rectangular box by screwing the aluminum sections perpendicular to the longest ones.

It is very important to attach the profile so that it is flat - this will make it easier to install the mesh. We strengthen the bottom of the box with aluminum “corners”, screwing them on the inside.

We attach metal rods perpendicularly to the profile - 3 pieces at each level. The distance between them should be the same. We “string” wire hooks onto these rods for hanging carcasses.

Then we begin to attach the mesh. Try to cut it with a margin, tucking it inward when attaching it. Make sure that there are no gaps left through which unwanted “guests” can penetrate: flies, bugs and other insects. Cover the bottom of the box with mesh as well.

The cover will be made of polycarbonate material. First, we mount a frame from a decorative “corner” of such a size that it can cover our box without gaps. Using a utility knife, cut out a rectangle, insert it into this frame, and screw it on. Now we can easily open and close our dryer.

The device is constructed, the fish is caught and soaked in a salty solution - it’s time to start the drying process. Adopt a few simple life hacks that will allow you to make a tasty and healthy product:

  • put the fish out to dry in the evening and let it sit until the morning: in the dark, the air temperature is lower and there are no flies;
  • During the first hours, periodically blow the carcass with a fan - this will help “blow out” the specific smell and speed up the drying process;
  • Start your practice of drying fish yourself with small specimens: they cook much faster than large specimens and will not spoil in the sun.

This is how you can easily and simply create a device for drying fish with your own hands at home and then prepare a tasty and healthy product for the whole family.

A master class on making a dryer for drying fish can be watched in the video below.

*Calculations use average data for Russia

The fish processing business is one of the most profitable areas of work in food industry. This is especially true now, since even in times of economic crisis this industry suffers least from market fluctuations. It is characterized by relative stability (of course, such a business also depends on market conditions, but to a lesser extent than food production in general), as well as stable demand, which depends little on the season and the economic situation in the country. Let's consider the option of opening a small enterprise for the production of such types of products as dried fish (bream, pike, sabrefish, crucian carp, silver bream, sop, pike perch, roach, smelt, asp, roach, flounder, nelma) and various types maritime and freshwater fish hot and cold smoked.

Business Features

If you do not have experience working directly in the field of fish processing, then it is better to start with a mini-workshop for smoking and drying different types of fish. In general, the process seems quite simple and includes three main stages: purchasing raw materials (fresh or frozen fish), processing it and selling it through various retail outlets. The trade margin for such products is about 45-50%. The profitability of this business is quite high (from 30%), so all costs can be recouped within the first year of operation. To open a mini-workshop you will need from 450 thousand rubles, and for a medium-sized enterprise - from 1 million rubles.

The Russian fish market is actively developing. Its annual growth is about 15%. Its volume in monetary terms is estimated at $16 billion.

Premises for a fish workshop and its equipment

Please note: the fish processing workshop must meet all the requirements for enterprises working with food products. The area of ​​the workshop premises must be at least 100 square meters. meters. Moreover, according to the requirements of the Sanitary Service, it must be located at a distance of at least 300 meters from industrial enterprises and residential buildings. In addition, the room must be heated, cold and hot water, a ventilation system is installed, as well as air conditioning. It is mandatory to have a container washing system, bactericidal lamps and well-established sewage system. Do not forget about the need to arrange locker rooms and separate bathrooms for staff.

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When looking for premises for a workshop, give preference to options that once housed food production or a catering establishment (for example, a canteen), since in this case you will not have to invest in major repairs. Since your business is directly related to food products, control over it will be exercised by the SES. Every month, the sanitary service will take product samples from the stream for laboratory analysis. In addition, you will need to obtain permits from firefighters, veterinary services, Rosprirodnadzor and Rostekhnadzor.

Whether to provide for the possibility of selling finished products directly from the workshop is up to you to decide. But often this turns out to be impractical. Equipment for a store requires additional (and considerable) expenses, and the remoteness of your workshop from residential buildings significantly limits purchasing activity.

To process fish, you will need special equipment. First of all, you will need refrigeration chambers to store raw materials. Some use refrigerated shipping containers, which are lined with food grade steel on the inside. This container is quite spacious and can even be installed outdoors to save space. Finding it, however, is quite difficult and it is not cheap. You may have to ship from another region, so add shipping costs to the cost. In addition, you will need a rack or bath for defrosting fish, a bath for washing raw materials, a technological table for cutting fish, knives and cutting boards, baths for salting products, smokehouses (chambers for smoking fish), drying chambers, a slicer for cutting finished products into even slices and its placement in pallets, equipment for vacuum packaging of finished products, electronic thermal printing scales for weighing the finished product and printing labels, equipment for cleaning fish, removing bones, separating skin from meat, obtaining fillets, protective chainmail gloves and aprons that protect against cuts when manipulating a knife.

Fish processing technology

Fish processing is a rather complex process from a technological point of view, which is carried out in several stages. Each of them requires special equipment and experienced specialists. Of course, now you can find large number modern equipment and a description of new ways of processing fish. But for a small workshop this comes with unaffordable costs. In addition, the classic option for processing and processing fish is the most popular among both producers and consumers.

In a simplified way, the technological scheme can be represented as follows: first, fresh or frozen fish is transferred to the fish receiving workshop, and then to the storage chambers. They purchase raw materials from wholesale companies with mandatory quality checks of each batch of fish upon acceptance of the goods. This is done by a qualified technologist, who must be able to correctly determine when the fish was caught and how long it has been stored.

Before any production begins, the raw materials undergo pre-processing: the fish are sorted by weight and size, washed from mucus and cut up. Already at this stage, part of the fish can be packaged and sold as a semi-finished product, and part is sent for further processing.

Let's take a closer look at the technology of drying fish. Drying is the process of slowly dehydrating pre-salted fish in a natural or artificial environment. As a result of this, complex biochemical processes occur. The taste and appearance of the product changes, and it can be eaten without additional cooking. Almost any fish is suitable for drying, but the best raw materials for such processing are semi-fat and fatty fish. They are not only tastier, but also more profitable to produce, since the percentage of weight during their preparation is much lower than when processing less fatty fish. The ratio of protein and fat in fish meat for drying should be at least 0.8. If the raw material contains less fat, then it is better to use such fish for drying.

There are several types of semi-finished fish products for drying: uncut, ungutted, headless, gutted with head, shaved (with gills removed), headless layer, layer with head, half-layer, back-beam, side. The type of treatment depends on the size of the fish. For example, uncut or with gills removed can be dried small fish- roach, roach, ide, mackerel, horse mackerel, rudd, herring, perch, etc. But big fish always undress.

On next stage fish is salted by dry or mixed salting until the salt content is at least 6% in the thickness of the meat. This may take about a week. Then the fish is soaked, which avoids the appearance of so-called brine - salt deposits - on the surface of the finished product. Depending on the size of the pieces to be soaked, the fish can be kept in clean water or a weak brine solution for several hours.

The fish prepared in this way is strung on metal rods with a distance between the carcasses of 5-6 cm. In this case, the backs of the fish should be directed in one direction. For industrial production, fish is dried using special drying chambers. In contrast to drying, during drying, under the influence of its own enzymes and oxygen, fish meat undergoes hydrolytic decomposition of complex substances, as a result of which it becomes ready for consumption and acquires a recognizable taste and aroma. The finished product should have firm but soft meat and taste without any signs of rawness. The moisture content in dried fish should not exceed 45-50%, and salt - up to 14%. Dried fish contains about 10% moisture.

Waste from fish processing is also processed into minced fish feed and fishmeal. Their implementation allows you to increase the profitability of the workshop.

Expenses and income of a workshop for the production of smoked and dried fish

The biggest expense item is the purchase of the necessary equipment (especially a refrigerated container). Regular expenses include renting premises for a workshop, as well as wages to employees of the enterprise and deductions from it to various funds. In addition to the people who will work in production and a technologist, you will also need a laboratory assistant who will monitor the quality of the product at all stages of its production. A license for the production of fish products is not required, but you will need to obtain certificates for each item, which also involves additional costs.

Ready ideas for your business

Finished products are sold through wholesale companies, various retail outlets and retail chains, markets, company stores (stalls), etc. The net profit of a small fish processing workshop is from 50 thousand rubles per month.

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This is the 3rd generation of drying chambers that we manufacture. The most efficient due to large air flow, powerful air dehumidification and the use of the heat pump principle (use of a temperature gradient). The installation is universal for use both for fish fillets and for hanging whole fish. Which makes it universal for any fish products, including: caviar, seafood and straws.

Name of equipment and components

Drying installation UVR 3(2x5=10 Euroram) size 3.5x5.3 meters up to 2 tons of loading of fresh raw materials (whole vertically hung fish, for example bream, bluefish, roach). Version STANDARD:
● The unit block (heating and air injection equipment) is made of galvanized steel, reversible.
● Air drying installation (2 evaporators inside the chamber) with a total power of 15 kW.
● Automatic control panel based on MP-200
● Automatic humidity control system
● Power control cabinet. Automation and electrics made in Germany.
● Measuring sensors. 1 of the sensors shows the temperature of the fish during drying.
● 2 Refrigeration units with a total capacity of 15 kW of cold.
● Ceiling for horizontal flow
● KNOW-HOW. Height leveling system. Ensures uniform drying over the entire height of the cart.
. OPTION. More ergonomic, convenient and informative. Allows you to display and store all process data on a personal computer. And see online everything that is happening: temperature, humidity, drying mode, etc.
Execution of the drying chamber in the PREMIUM configuration.
Same as STANDARD + additionally:
  • Freon recovery unit for 18 kW of heat (2nd condenser operating according to our program). Allows you to work without heating elements in the main drying mode. Save up to 90% energy.
  • Automatic control panel MP-1000 with output of drying parameters to a personal computer.
  • Automatic water supply to the psychrometer tank.
  • The electrical cabinet is made of stainless steel.

Drying chamber 3rd generation

3rd generation of drying chambers from our production. Most efficient due to large air flow and powerful air dehumidification. The installation is universal for both horizontally positioned fish fillets or strips, and for mounted whole fish. Which makes it universal for any fish products, including: caviar, seafood and straws.
Logically controlled drying chambers UVR 3 , using high-speed air flow and thermal technology, allow you to dry meat or fish and other food products in an optimal and highly economical mode with air drying. Drying is carried out due to 3 factors: air movement, air drying and active evaporation of moisture due to temperature differences (heating). These 3 methods allow you to dry fish quickly, evenly and efficiently.

Drying chambers UVR 3 ensure a fast and uniform process. The drying process is carried out using a compact unit of units that ensures uniform movement of air flows prepared by thermal equipment with simultaneous air drying. Cameras UVR3 designed in such a way that the unit block and adjustable overlap form a wind tunnel for uniform air supply to the fish.
The logical control system constantly monitors the temperature in the body of the product (fish or meat) and the temperature in the chamber. This allows for fast drying with low heat consumption. Depending on the product, size, weight, fat content, fish breed) and chamber dimensions, drying time ranges from 18 hours (for example, pollock fillet) to 66 hours (medium-sized roach). In Vladivostok, using hot drying technology, we got red fish sticks ready in 12 hours.

In accordance with the HACCP requirements for the food safety system, the chamber is equipped with a process monitoring system with data archiving.

The drying time depends on:
— type of raw material (fish, beef, pork, etc.);
- size of raw materials: fish, fillet, straws;
— chamber loading density;
— specified process parameters;
— and also on the quality of the raw materials.

Individual solution - the possibility of using existing premises.
Cameras UVR 3 can also be supplied in components, whereby the unit block with overlap and the control system are supplied without the chamber itself. In this way, available space can be used. Equipment installation and commissioning are simple and quick.

Operating principle

– drying of raw materials with circulating air mass in a closed system while maintaining its temperature and humidity according to a given program. The technological process is controlled using a control controller.

This method makes it possible to obtain the specified temperature of the raw material with fairly high accuracy through the use of sensors inserted into the product. And most importantly, DO NOT allow the fish to overheat and, accordingly, fat to leak out. The automation system will automatically turn on product cooling when the maximum temperature is reached. The logical control system constantly monitors the temperature of the product surface, as a result of which the surface temperature never exceeds the permissible value. To avoid overheating or overdrying of the product surface, the thermal effect is carried out cyclically. When the thermal effect ceases, the surface layers, having transferred heat to the inner layers, cool down, and the temperature in the product equalizes. As a result, the finished raw material has an optimal and uniform temperature.

Intelligent control system MP-200 (STANDARD package), developed by STROYAGROKOMPLEKT specialists, will allow you not only to reliably and with high accuracy control the drying process of any product, but also provide real-time information about the processes occurring in the drying chamber.

TECHNICAL DATA models up to 2 tons of loading

Appearance of the UVR 4 installation
An example based on a 2x4 row dryer with dimensions of 4.2x3.5 meters

  • Condenser (PREMIUM version) hot freon recycling system. Power 18 kW heat.
  • Evaporator (dryer) with a moisture removal system behind the drying chamber.
  • Circulation reversible fan with heating element system.
  • Reversible fan for mixing cold and hot air.
  • Electrical panel with built-in automatic remote control. It is placed at the request of the Customer in a place convenient for him.

Automatic control panel MP-1000(optional or available in PREMIUM version).

Control system UVR, computer panel MP-1000— this is a constant and complete control of technological process parameters with information displayed on the display.

  • 40 programs of 30 technological steps each;
  • temperature control inside the chamber and in the product;
  • humidity control and management;
  • troubleshooting with output to the control panel with service information; possibility of individual programming;
  • The control panel is easy to operate when programming the technological process and does not require special skills.
  • Possibility of programming from a personal computer.

To buy equipment for drying fish, go to the section