The power of Beregini. Women's Slavic gymnastics

ONLINE training!

27 Beregins are sacred symbols that can help you understand the reasons for any life situations, make a choice, and make the right decision for your soul. We can use them as a diagnostic tool that clarifies the current situation, and also as a method of harmonization. I invite you to explore this amazing tool and apply it in your daily life.


  • who wants to get a wise advisor
  • who wants to deepen their knowledge of the interpretation of folk ornaments and their application in life
  • who wants to learn how to use a predictive and protective instrument
  • who wants to learn how to influence events using rituals of harmonization with the runes of 27 beregins


  • How to work with cards or runes “27 beregins”
  • How to charge runes
  • Rules for wording questions
  • Correction using layouts
  • Types of layouts for different situations
  • Interpretation of beregins in the context of layouts
  • RITUAL: Harmonization of any situation


  1. Choice
  2. To do, not to do
  3. Relationship
  4. Health
  5. Diagnostics by areas of life
  6. Ritual of harmonization with a candle
  7. Ritual to increase cash flow

And other interesting layouts

You will receive a universal tool for clarifying any life situation: what choice to make, how to find your purpose, what to expect from relationships, trips, etc. And most importantly, you can direct the energy of harmony into any situation.


We recommend reading a book on the Slavic horoscope of the family of Ksenia Silaeva. You will need runes for layouts. A set of runes can be purchased separately; it is not included in the cost of training. For course participants, the cost of a set of runes is 1,500 rubles. (instead of the usual 2000 rubles!) + delivery. To purchase a set of runes, please contact [email protected] or

January 16 from 19:00 to 21:00 (Moscow time)
January 17 from 19:00 to 22:00 (Moscow time)
January 22 Maintenance session at 19:00 (Moscow time)
Work in pairs
Lifetime chat study in contact to share experiences


12,000 rub.

PR OVODIT: KSENIA SILAEVA is the first researcher in Russia of the 27 archetypes of the ancient Slavic bereginas, a leading specialist in the Slavic horoscope of the genus “27 bereginas”, a researcher of the method for more than 7 years, the author of the books “Slavic horoscope of the genus”, “Women’s Slavic gymnastics” , Organizer international festival female happiness “The Power of BEREGINI.”

Founder of the school of instructors in Slavic gymnastics “The Power of Beregini” and consultants on the horoscope of the genus “27 Beregini”


Did you know that in addition to the numbers of luck, everyone has a number of failures?

The number of failures or the number of lessons is determined by your date of birth and the period of your Destiny chart.

Decoding numbers here:

Lesson number – 1

This figure means that a person will have to develop self-confidence and willpower, as well as learn to love and respect others. Having discovered this number in one of your life periods, do not complain or feel sorry for yourself; you need to understand the purpose of the lesson that fate intends to teach you. Failures and troubles are not a reason to blame others, but a reason to think about your own lifestyle. You will have to learn to analyze problems and look for ways to solve them yourself.

Lesson number – 2

A very common figure, found in the lives of people who are accustomed to relying on decisions complex issues on family and friends, and are also at the mercy of various addictions. With the onset of the period indicated by two, a person becomes more touchy, suspicious and envious, his task is to go beyond negative emotions and take responsibility for his mistakes and mistakes. At the end of this period, you must learn to distinguish between good and bad, understand cause-and-effect relationships and take fate into your own hands.

Lesson number – 3

During this period of time, creative people especially suffer, but even people far from art at the beginning of this stage feel atypical emotions, experiences and torment. This period is associated with the awakening of talent, and your suffering will depend on your ability to realize it fully. As a result, you will have to learn to use your abilities, stop panicking over little things and show up to others from your best side.

Lesson number – 4

During this period, people tend to take on several things at once, in the end everything falls out of hand, and plans fall into fragments right before their eyes. The quality of work performed is inexorably declining, which causes problems at work and in the financial sphere. Attempts to self-actualize do not lead to the desired results, and fear for one’s future appears. At this stage, it is important to learn self-discipline and endurance. You need to work hard and concentrate on one goal. The correct placement of accents will allow you to gradually achieve success.

Lesson number – 5

A person who has to experience a similar stage of failure in his life can be called an energizer. Such people constantly work on themselves and strive for more, but they are not able to concentrate on one goal and consciously influence the formation of their future. You will have to learn to restrain yourself, to be a more focused person. If you reconsider your social circle and habits, you can achieve financial success.

Lesson number – 6

At this stage, people tend to go into a dream world, dreaming of an ideal job, family or other half, at this time all potential opportunities pass them by. Living in a fictional country is not so easy, if only because you constantly have to deal with real personalities who have completely different priorities and views on the surrounding reality. You should learn to objectively perceive your abilities and capabilities. Let go of your fairy-tale dreams and accept the scale of reality as a starting point for creating a new life. Only based on real facts can you come to solutions to problems and achieve success.

Lesson number – 7

All problems during this period will be associated with loneliness. Fear of lonely old age, separation from your significant other and loss of friends - this is what usually accompanies this stage of life. Unpleasant experiences and negative emotions will make you withdraw into yourself and lose touch with the world. You need to learn to fight fears and doubts, try to determine who from your inner circle really values ​​you, and say goodbye to the rest forever. If you fail to get rid of those who use you, you will end up alone in old age.

Lesson number – 8

This period of life will force you to set your priorities correctly and get rid of ballast. Be strong and confident, you will have to endure financial losses and disappointments. At this stage, you are potentially able to earn your first million or go broke. As a result, you must understand what is most valuable in your life, in which direction you should develop further.

Lesson number – 9

The problem at this stage is usually emotions. Lack of will, self-control, determination and an excess of cynicism, rudeness, and callousness lead to destructive consequences. You urgently need to improve your spiritual level, and you can also take up education. If during this period you fail to develop intellectually and get rid of negative emotions, you will lose everything that you now have.

Lesson number –0

Zero puts a person before a choice. You can follow others, go with the flow, or you can give preference to a unique, inimitable destiny. Moving forward of your own free will, you will encounter unpredictable opportunities that promise you success and wealth. You must learn to take responsibility for your life and make the right choices.

Now, no matter what difficult situation you find yourself in, you will always be able to decipher its meaning, find out what you need to learn and be able to draw the right conclusions. This will allow you to quickly cope with problems and better learn the lessons of fate.

Training in Slavic gymnastics and the Rod horoscope from scratch for yourself, as well as an instructor course in gymnastics. Training of “guardians” - leading ceremonies. And also the mystery rituals “Friday Makosh” with the theme of the Power of the Family. And the ancestral rite “Grandfathers”. Seminar on the method of predictions on the runes of 27 beregins, workshop “Sacred meanings of 27 exercises”. All this from November 1 to 13 in Moscow. Training with the author of the method, Ksenia Silaeva. Get a new profession or skills for yourself.

You can attend any class of your choice or get into modular training with a discount, as well as bonuses and gifts from the presenter.


  • Suitable for women of any age and physical training, including pregnant women.
  • If you want to become light, sexy, strengthen feminine energy, gain inner core and self-confidence.
  • Are you looking for a working tool for creating happiness and fulfilling your desires?
  • Find out your purpose, get a resource for solving old problems and situations, as well as for realizing yourself, your true desires and goals.
  • If you want to improve your health and normalize natural hormonal cycles.
  • Restore the healthy state of the spine and joints.
  • Strengthen ancestral memory and gain knowledge and power of the Family
  • Have a slim, fit figure and straight posture.
  • Do you want to feel your self-worth, accept and love yourself?
  • Get a new profession.



Seminar “Sacred meanings of movements.”

These are not just 27 movements, this is the SACRED VALUE OF EACH MOVEMENT in the 27 exercises of the “Power of Beregini” gymnastics, this is the meaning of each movement of the arms and legs, bending, raising on the toes, what they include, what they transform/purify/strengthen, etc.

Gymnastics will not only make you work harder, your knowledge of the practice will become much deeper! You will remember the exercises easier. It will be more interesting for you to practice because you will understand your body language.

You will feel for yourself how your body speaks. Learn to understand the practice and be able to compose songs from the exercises. You will be able to dance a dance from exercises with meaning.

We will do all 27 exercises and analyze each element.

Ritual-mystery “Friday Mokosh “Healing relationships with father and mother”

Healing relationships with parents helps resolve many problems that have been unresolved for years. This is the magic key that opens the door to your happiness. we will go on a journey to seek the wisdom of Rod to create a harmonious union with a lover and find our destiny.

When the Beregini gather to celebrate Friday, they combine their energies, creating a powerful flow. The general direction of desires enhances the fulfillment of plans. Personal symbols of power applied to certain areas of the body harmonize and stimulate the personal energy of the participants, and also serve as amulets.


🌼We apply amulets calculated by date of birth to the body.
🌼We activate them and activate our talents and gifts
🌼Let's get to know the 27 beregins - the feminine essences that are in us.
🌼We awaken all 27 facets of the female soul.
🌼Taste herbs 9 laps
🌼We create a drink of peace in a women's circle of strength and support.
🌼We let the energies of the day pass through us
🌼Let's do it energy exercises gymnastics “The Power of Beregini”
🌼We receive tips on our request from Beregini

This Friday falls after the great national holiday of the Autumn Grandfathers, when the ancestors reassert themselves in their strength after a long 40-day absence and are ready to interact with their descendants in Yavi. We will revive the strength and potential of our Family.

Family ritual of Grandfathers.

This is a spiritual dialogue with your family. During the ritual, we restore lost connections, receive the Strength of our KIND and their support.

The holiday of honoring ancestors is a special tradition among the Slavs. Held on special memorial days, when, according to East Slavic beliefs, the souls of deceased ancestors return to earth. They help and support those who honor their memory. Those who forget are harassed and deprived of support.

It is customary on certain days to remember your deceased relatives and share a meal with them according to certain rules. With the help of a special ritual, we meet our ancestors. We talk about our successes so that they are happy for us and proud. And we ask for help in new matters, guidance on the right way, the right choice.

Seminar: Runes 27 Beregin.

27 Beregins are sacred symbols that can help you understand the reasons for any life situations, make a choice, and make the right decision for your soul. We can use them as a diagnostic tool that clarifies the current situation, and also as a method of harmonization. I invite you to explore this amazing tool and apply it in your daily life.


  • who wants to get a wise advisor
  • who wants to deepen their knowledge of the interpretation of folk ornaments and their application in life
  • who wants to learn how to use a predictive and protective instrument
  • who wants to learn how to influence events using rituals of harmonization with the runes of 27 beregins


  • How to work with cards or runes “27 beregins”
  • How to charge runes
  • Rules for wording questions
  • Correction using layouts
  • Types of layouts for different situations
  • Interpretation of beregins in the context of layouts
  • RITUAL: Harmonization of any situation


  1. Choice
  2. To do, not to do
  3. Relationship
  4. Health
  5. Diagnostics by areas of life
  6. Forecast for the year
  7. Ritual of harmonization with a candle
  8. Ritual to increase cash flow

And other interesting layouts

You will receive a universal tool for clarifying any life situation: what choice to make, how to find a purpose, what to expect from relationships, trips, etc. And most importantly, you can direct the energy of harmony into any situation.



This module is specially designed for gymnastics instructors “The Power of Beregini”, which provides additional knowledge for conducting rituals, Mokosh Fridays, ancestral rites, and deck holidays.

He also dives into the sacred meaning of movements in gymnastics and gives an understanding of how to form a sacred dance, putting meaning into every movement.

After training you will be able to perform rituals:
Friday Mokosh,
Ancestral rites Children, Women, Grandfathers,
Rich man, etc.

You will also be able to better understand the sacred meaning of the practice of the Power of Beregini, create a dance with intention with an understanding of the meaning of all elements of movements.


Basic gymnastics training

  • Main positions, their meaning. Analysis and study of 27 exercises. Working with symbols and energy. “Keys”, “Laws of Movement” Safety precautions. Stages of development. Execution algorithms. Questions and answers. How to use personal amulets. Questions and answers Initiation into the channel of one’s Family and the Beregin channel. After training, you will understand how to study at home on your own. And how to use 27 magic wands in different life situations.
  • Analysis of the technique of performing 27 exercises.
  • BONUS: Calculation individual complex(horoscope) for each participant!


Slavic horoscope of the family. Basic from scratch.

Calculation of horoscope and purpose by date of birth: yours and loved ones. Gifts, challenges, opportunities. Generic negative programs for life and their neutralization. How to use your 7 talismans from an individual complex in life - for love, health, abundance.

Compatibility horoscope: suppressive and developing connections. Universal complexes for harmonizing any situation: at work, in relationships, in the family, with children. A detailed analysis of all 27 energies. How to calculate the Slavic horoscope yourself.

The most important thing is that you will understand that there are no hopeless situations! You will have a universal key to solving even the most difficult life problems. You will better understand your loved ones and yourself. You will understand which men are suitable for you, and in relationships with which you need to work more on yourself.


Group practice for fulfillment of desires

Opening up space. We dedicate the practice of realizing your request in the circle of feminine power. Each receives answers and recommendations from the presenter. We harmonize and launch our request in the sacred dance of the 27 beregins in the stream. We close the space. Meditation “Fulfillment of desires.”


Dance of 27 beregins

We will do 27 exercises in a dance flow. This is not just an exercise, it is a sacred dance of power in which you will live every energy in a stream of inspiration and sensuality. You will discover the practice in a new way. Well, you will discover new feelings in yourself. Practicing in the flow awakens intuition, develops the skill of premonition and makes it possible to get to know your body and soul better.


After completing all 1 module you will be able to:

  • Learn the secrets of Slavic symbols and sacred movements;
  • Understand gymnastics and the Slavic horoscope;
  • Practice independently at home;
  • Calculate the horoscope of your loved ones and friends;
  • Then go through the second module of training at the School of Slavic Practices of Ksenia Silaeva to become an instructor and acquire a new profession.


14,000 (by prepayment until 20.10)

After completing the first module, you can take an in-depth module, as well as become an instructor in gymnastics Strength of Beregini and find a new profession.


In-depth training in gymnastics Strength of Beregini. Module 2 - Bereginya. This training is for everyone who would like to have a good understanding of the gymnastics Strength of Beregini. After training you can become an instructor.


✔Certificate and qualification “BEREGINYA”
✔Possibility of purchasing printed school products at wholesale prices
✔Represent the school and receive support (posting contacts on the website, recommendations)
✔Information assistance: how to start conducting classes and recruit a group
✔Lifetime support chat to share instructors’ experiences,

🌺SECOND module - INSTRUCTION gives:

✔the basics of competent knowledge transfer,
✔ school principles
✔ techniques for leading groups
✔ techniques for correct teaching in a group and individually
✔ features of classes with pregnant women
✔ features of working with women with large overweight, with scoliosis and other diseases

❗ AFTER COMPLETING ALL TRAINING, you will immediately be able to:

✔ conduct group gymnastics classes
✔ carry out individual lessons in gymnastics
✔ conduct BASIC training-seminar in gymnastics on behalf of the School
✔ conduct individual meetings according to the horoscope
✔ conduct open and promotional classes at festivals
✔ be part of a friendly female family and bring this amazing knowledge to women

For early booking of participation for 1 or 2, we give gifts:

HOST: Ksenia Silaeva is the author of the methodology for teaching gymnastics for Slavic enchantresses “The Power of Beregini”, the author of teaching aids “Women’s Slavic gymnastics The Power of Beregini”, “Slavic Horoscope of Rod”. Teaching experience - 8 years. During this time, more than 400 instructors have been trained around the world. The method is developing dynamically, in-depth studies of the method are being carried out. The school has many original works of instructors. General instructor chat, regular support, free webinars from the author 4 times a year.

ORGANIZER: Veronica Koroleva - instructor of the highest category, Mentor.

Organizer contacts.

Very little information has been preserved about ancient Russian forks. Basically these are all kinds of teachings against paganism, some translated literature.
In fact, everything that is known about them “fits” in one quote:

The word of a certain lover of Christ and zealot for the right faith (11th century):
"<...>believers<...>in the forks of which there are nine sisters in number, as the ignorant say, and they think of them as goddesses, and so they lay out their needs, and slaughter chickens."

Much more information is provided by indirect data - the context in the “teachings” as well as the folklore and ethnography of the South Slavs, whose cult of the pitchfork has survived to this day:


Pitchforks have a human appearance: as a rule, they are tall, slender, beautiful young girls with long flowing hair, wearing light clothes or bedspreads. They have wings - the focus of their supernatural power.
They can turn into different animals, most often - horses, cows, dogs, birds (swan, etc.).
The habitats of the pitchforks are mountains, rocks, mountain caves and holes underground; mountain lakes and springs, less often - the sky, clouds (their connection with water is of particular importance).
They know about everyone beneficial properties plants and are considered their patroness. A special property of Pitchforks is musicality: they constantly sing, dance in circles, and play.
Pitchforks are generally kind to people: they bring happiness, harvest, and give people gold and silver; help with household chores, take care of children, heal, heal wounds.
At the same time, pitchforks can harm people, punish them for harm caused or unrighteous behavior; can cause diseases, injure and even kill people.

Far Far Away

The number of pitchforks in ancient Russian sources is especially interesting - distant, 27. Is there an explanation for this?
The most successful solution, in my opinion, was proposed by O.F. Zholobov (Riddles of Old Russian counting: ninety):

“A 27-day month, made up of three 9-day weeks, corresponds to the period during which the Moon passes through the zodiac circle.”

"Ancient Slavic contexts with the previously mentioned "far away sisters"<...>may well be related to the Vedic tradition, in which the 27 daughters of the god Daksha, personifying the sidereal monthly cycle, were given as wives to the god Soma, associated with the Moon, vegetation and moisture. These attributes are also inherent in Slavic beregins or forks, and the Indo-European parallel clarifies their origin and functionality."

“So, the meaning of this expression in the mythological tradition was as follows: the numeral “3 x 9”, or “27”, going back to the counting of the days of the sidereal (sidereal) month, expressed the idea of ​​a fully countable set, which possessed magical power that absorbed magical possibilities each of the 27 "divine" patrons."

How justified is this and what follows from this?

Pitchfork, Makosh and women in labor in the moonlight

Indeed, as was said, South Slavic vilas are closely associated with water, rivers, springs, and rain. The same can be said about the Moon-Month.

In the texts of teachings, pitchforks almost always go together with Makosh, which gives reason to think about common functions and even hierarchy: multiple pitchforks act as a “retinue” of the only chronicle Goddess.

The most interesting in terms of evidence is “The Word of our Holy Father John Chrysostom (XIII century)”:
"People<...>They approached the idols and began to worship lightning and thunder, and the sun, and the moon. And others - Perun, Khorsu, Vilam and Mokosh<...>"
Lightning and thunder here clearly correspond to Perun, the sun to Khors, and the moon to Vilam and Mokosh.

The connection of pitchforks and celestial bodies is also known from South Slavic material:
“The time of their (fork) appearance and contact with a person is night, twilight, pre-dawn hours, new moon or full moon"
An interesting Croatian legend tells about the Pleiades constellation as the abode of seven forks.

Makosh herself is also no stranger to the sky:
In “The Lay on Idols” Makosh is identified with the Greek Hecate, who in the classical period was considered the goddess of the moon - “to anoint the goddess Ekatia, to create this same maiden, and to honor Mokosh...”.
In ancient alphabet books, in an article about women in labor, Hecate is presented as one of the seven planets (mothers in labor), namely the Moon. Astrological “superstitions” are associated with her, as with other planetary deities:
As women in labor, “the Hellenistic star-speakers will name the seven stars, the verb planets, and who will be born into which planet - and according to that planet, the inquisitiveness will foretell the child’s disposition or to which lusts the nature will be evasive.”

This rapprochement between Mokosh and the pitchforks with women in labor is not accidental. Makosh (like a pitchfork) is directly related to spinning, fortune telling, predictions - fate.

Word from the Holy Gospel (14th century copy):
"<...>spiritual sins: learning astronomy, and believing in throwing... and in meeting, and in Mokosh<...>"
In the ideas of the southern Slavs, women in labor are very close to the pitchforks - they have the same clothes, place of residence, and appear in the same scenes, although, of course, differences remain. Afanasyev mentions Khorutan fairy tales in which pitchforks are identified with women in labor.

All this is directly related to the cult of the moon - the most visible (after the Sun) and rapidly changing celestial body. The position of the moon, its color, phase - all this was of great importance for folk “astrology”. The moon determined not only the daily routine, agricultural and other work, but also directly influenced a person, his destiny. All this is taken into account by modern astrologers when drawing up horoscopes.

For convenience, we can draw a parallel: the pitchforks and Makosh are related in approximately the same way as the Scandinavian Valkyries and Freya; pitchforks with women in labor, respectively, like Valkyries with norns.


It is important to note that “far away” was also applied to other mythical creatures, even more mysterious than pitchforks - beregins.

"Beregini (Old Russian beregyni) - mythological characters, known from original insertions in ancient Russian texts of the 14th-15th centuries, translated from Greek: in the "Word of St. Gregory" (six times in different lists) and in the "Word of St. . John Chrysostom" (one time), dedicated to the topic "how the first abominations believed in idols." Some "abuses" worshiped lightning, thunder, the sun, the moon, "and druzii peren (Perun?), khours, forks and mokosha, oupirem, berehynyam, they are called three nine sisters...and the friends fire and stone and rivers, and springs, and banks, and into the firewood” (Sofia collection of the 14th century). Beregins “laid demands” because they believed “we will resist and babies signify dead and take care”(Monster list of the 16th century)." (c)

Researchers have long identified beregins with late mermaids. There are reasons for this: connection with water (mentioned together with rivers and springs); bereginii always go in conjunction with ghouls, sometimes with babies and the dead - all these creatures are associated with the cult of the “hosted dead”; dead unbaptized babies, children, suicides, etc. became mermaids (for some southern Slavs - pitchforks).
In the Russian North, beregins were called carved images of mermaids-pharaohs, half-maidens, half-fish.

All this makes some researchers identify the forks with the bereginyas. However, in ancient Russian sources, bereginii and forks are often located simultaneously in the same text - their proximity does not imply their identity.
It is worth remembering one of the few significant differences between South Slavic forks and East Slavic mermaids - their wingedness. In the translation by George Amartola, the pitchforks are identified with the Sirins: “Sirins are called, rex pitchforks.” (they have a similar ornithomorphic appearance, common properties (for example, charming singing), localization near water bodies, etc.)

Sirin. There are well-known South Slavic fairy tales that identify firebirds and pitchforks. Not for nothing :)

This gives us the right to assume that the popular Sirins in Rus' are partly the heirs of the pitchforks.
The Southern Slavs, in turn, distinguished a special class of forks - “water”, half-maidens, half-fishes - apparently these are the ancient Russian beregins, whose heirs were the wingless mermaids, Mavkas. It is unrealistic to distinguish the features of beregins and forks in mermaids, since already in Ancient Rus' they were apparently very similar creatures “in spirit” and in image. Based on this feature, one can conditionally determine mythological “priorities”: pitchforks “gravitate” more towards heavenly waters (rain, etc.), and shorelines towards earthly ones (springs, rivers, etc.).

Sun of the Dead

As you can see, the cult of pitchforks/beregins, like mermaids, is closely connected with the cult of the dead, or more precisely with the cult of the pawned dead. It is worth spending a little time on the specifics of this phenomenon.
A mortgaged deceased is a person who did not die a natural death (or is associated with evil spirits). It was believed that each person at birth is given a certain supply of vitality: an “incorrect” death that is not “one’s own” leads to the fact that part of the unspent vitality remains with the dead person - with its help he can influence what is happening in the world of the living, do as " good" and "evil". From this point of view, pitchforks (cf. veles (lit.) - “shadows of the departed”), beregins and mermaids are the souls of the dead, navyas (cf. a variety of mermaids - navki).

The Slavs, like many other peoples, have a well-known belief that dead souls are sent away for a month. In this light, the “attribution” of pitchforks and beregins to the moon seems logical and correct:

“The moon, the month, is a celestial body that is strongly associated in popular ideas with the afterlife, with the region of death” (c)

Moreover, the Month himself sometimes acts as a pawned dead man. One of the Russian etiological legends tells how 12 brothers killed the thirteenth and he became the Month; Each of the killer brothers wears it for a month. We remember that violent death is a sure sign of a hostage deceased. The “character” of the month/moon is corresponding:
“Moonlight was considered dangerous and harmful by all Slavs, especially for pregnant women and newborns.”
“Belarusians explained some childhood illnesses by the fact that “the month exposed the child” (c)
Sometimes the month appears as a completely natural ghoul: for example, the Serbs and Macedonians believed that the moon “drinks” human life.

Bottom line

First caveat. We did not try to show the cult of pitchforks/beregins in its entirety. The goal was to highlight the connections of these mythological characters with the moon.

Second caveat. We are not inclined to believe that there are only 27 vils/beregins. Like any nature spirits, they are numerous and cannot be accurately counted, but apparently only 27 were identified as lunar goddesses.

As a result:
Vilas and beregins are very similar creatures, which in this context should be considered together.
Makosh can directly correlate with the moon, while the distant forks/beregins patronize (and “personify”) the 27 days of the sidereal month, the 27 positions of the moon in the zodiac cycle.

The association with the moon largely mediated the appearance of connections between Vila/Beregina and Mokosha with fate, fortune telling, and possibly astrology.

An important common property of the moon-moon and the forks/beregins (certainly Mokosh as well) is their relationship with the world of death, the cult of the dead and the pawned dead.

Another common property is the connection with liquid, water, milk, and also with vegetation.

In some lists the number of forks or beregins is defined as 30. This must be due to the transition from lunar calendar to the solar, which began in the pagan era, but was not completed in the Middle Ages. We still call the solar month a “month”, apparently it was the same then, and, due to the increase in the number of days in a month from 27 to 30, the number of pitchforks/beregins was “mechanically” increased.

Mother Lada, M.: Eksmo 2004
A. Afanasyev - Poetic views of the Slavs on nature
B. Rybakov - “Paganism of the Ancient Slavs” (electronic version)
illustrations (most) - Deviantart