Ekaterina Ilyukhina: snowboarding and personal life. Snowboarder Ilyukhina: I’m retiring from my career, but this is due to a joyful event. The family supported the choice

“I don’t even remember myself without skis,” Ekaterina ILYUKHINA, a snowboarder from Novosibirsk who fought for the honor of Russia at the Olympics in Sochi, often says. “I started skiing for the first time when I was 2 years old.”

Fun for the whole village

As they say, God himself ordered Katya Ilyukhina to become an athlete. She was born in the village of Kamenushka, near the Klyuchi ski resort in the Novosibirsk region, where there is snow for five and a half months a year. In Kamenushka, literally the entire village has been into skiing for decades. And on weekends, city residents from Novosibirsk come here to master the ski slopes. Her mother Lyubov Afanasyevna recalls:

“My children watched people skiing from the mountains from infancy and, of course, they also wanted to. Therefore, as soon as they turned two years old, I put all my three children on skis. There were no boots that small, so my father attached his skis to felt boots with galoshes. They learned to roll down quickly, but had to be carried uphill by hand. Katyusha, the youngest, already at the age of 6 firmly said: “I myself!” This was her favorite word as a child. She did not tolerate anyone's help, even in her studies. Very independent. I don’t remember having any problems with her, even as a teenager, only joy.”

Katya with the Olympic flame. Photo: AiF / Guzel Biktimirova Katya is the youngest in the family, but not at all a spoiled child. Sergey Nikolaevich- the father of the family - believes that all children should be treated equally and responsibilities around the house should be distributed equally. It seems that even now, when they have long grown up, dad is afraid of offending someone and doesn’t want to single anyone out. “Yes, I’m proud of Katya,” he admits, “after all, winning Olympic Games in Vancouver silver medal in parallel giant slalom on a snowboard - this is a serious bid for success. But I’m also proud of my son, a lieutenant colonel, and my eldest daughter, who works as a lawyer in a large company.”

By the way, the father also had a hand in his daughter’s sporting success. There was a period when he worked as a director ski resort“Klyuchi” and in every possible way encouraged the passion for skiing of all the village children and, of course, his own children. There has always been a children's ski section here, and then the very first in the region - a snowboard section.

Life is according to the bus schedule

Speaking about Katya, athlete's older sister Marina does not hide her emotions: “She was always the most beloved, everyone in the family simply adored her. She and I are 8.5 years apart, so I often had to take her to kindergarten or pick her up when my parents had no time. My sister was always cheerful, I never heard any whims from her.

And during our school years, our whole life was subject to the bus schedule, on which we went to Akademgorodok Novosibirsk to school every day. Everything was easy for Katya: both studying and homework. There was never any reason for disputes about who should wash the floor or the dishes. Even though she was the youngest, she was often the first to grab a rag and urge my brother and me on.

Ekaterina in Sochi. Photo: RIA Novosti

Katya loves people, there are always many friends around her, and she also adores horses and dogs. As a child, I spent a lot of time in the stable - my parents kept a horse at that time. She can mount a horse and gallop off into the field, or go beyond the outskirts with the dogs - wander among the hills. One day our hound named Veterok got lost. Our whole family went looking for her for several days. Everyone was very worried, but they resigned themselves - what can you do? But Katya still couldn’t calm down: she printed out at least a hundred advertisements and posted them in the village and in Akademgorodok for several days. Only Veterok was never found... And now Katya lives in Moscow, so we rarely meet. I honestly miss it."

To the future of snowboarding Olympic champion put older brother Konstantin in 1998. By the way, he won first place at the Russian Snowboard Cup in 1999. But his sports career was hindered by his studies at the Omsk Academy. Konstantin recalls: “One of my good friends bought a snowboard at the end of 1998. At that time, this sport had just appeared in Russia. He gave me a snowboard to ride for a few days. I stand up to him, and my little sister (she was about 12 years old at the time)’s eyes were lighting up - I wanted it so bad. But to try, she had to put on a pair of thick socks and stuff papers into the men's shoes. She rode like that for almost a year—an acquaintance gave her a snowboard. It was very expensive to buy it for the family.”

A snowboard school opened in Klyuchi only in 2000. They took almost everyone there. Catherine's first personal trainer wasAnton BLAGOVIDOV. “I noticed Katerina at regional alpine skiing competitions,” he says, “and invited her. She didn't think for a minute. The girl is very stubborn, but she accepted the saying “the coach is always right” with a smile. She needed to be convinced, not ordered. For example, I advised that you urgently need to increase your running pace - the speed is low. And she: “Everything is fine with me!” There was no speedometer, so to prove it, I asked her to run in tow behind the car at a certain speed. And then she felt that she was falling far behind. Convinced.

In 2006, Katya joined the Russian national team and went to Moscow. When she comes to Novosibirsk, she calls me and we communicate. She’s in good shape now and I think everything will work out for her.”

Snowboarder Ekaterina Ilyukhina at the Olympics in Vancouver. Photo: Russian Ski and Snowboard Federation.

The whole family watched her performances closely and cheered. “When Katya became second in Vancouver,” recalls brother Konstantin, “there were so many emotions that I can’t even describe. Mom and sister cried with joy.”

Luck has run out

According to the results of the competition in parallel slalom, Ekaterina, unfortunately, could not make it to the 1/8 finals. Here's how the athlete herself assessed her success:

This is a sport, you can’t guess where you’ll stand on the podium. I did it in Vancouver, although now I was much stronger than at the Games in 2010. There are no problems, but luck has turned away from me and some of the athletes on our team,” Ilyukhina said. — I was in peak shape, I was very well prepared for the Games. Of course, I was counting on the giant more than the slalom. There were training sessions the day before, everything worked out great, but I entered the first qualification and I don’t know what happened to me, but I did very poorly.

Ekaterina ILYUKHINA, Russian snowboarder who competed at the Olympic Games in Sochi in parallel giant slalom, parallel slalom and snowboard cross (the competition took place on February 19 and 22). Born on June 19, 1987 in Novosibirsk. She became a bronze medalist at the Russian Championships in 2003 and 2005. in snowboard cross. In specialized disciplines at the Russian championships, she won gold (2009), silver (2011) and two bronzes (2006, 2010) in parallel giant slalom, two golds (2010, 2011) two silvers (2005, 2009) and bronze (2007) in parallel slalom. At the stages of the European Cup she won 10 victories in various disciplines and became a prize-winner 6 times. Silver Vancouver 2010 parallel giant slalom State and departmental awards
Results Olympic Games 2 (2010) World Cup
World Cup debut March 11
Parallel Views 9 (2013/14)
Snowboardcross 74 (2003/04)
European Cup

Ilyukhina Ekaterina Sergeevna(June 19, Novosibirsk) - Russian snowboarder who competes in parallel slalom and snowboardcross. Silver medalist 2010 Olympic Games parallel giant slalom. Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Winner of the European Snowboarding Cup for the 2006/07 season, bronze medalist of the Junior World Championship in parallel slalom, three-time champion of Russia in snowboarding in parallel slalom and parallel giant slalom. Personal trainers Tikhomirov D.V., Maksimov A.V.


Like many snowboarders, she was initially involved in alpine skiing, then switched to snowboarding. At the beginning of her career, in addition to parallel sports, she also competed in snowboardcross, in which she became a bronze medalist at the Russian and 2005 championships. In her core disciplines, Ekaterina also collected a number of medals at the Russian championships: gold (2009), silver (2011) and two bronzes (2006, 2010) in parallel giant slalom, as well as two golds (2010, 2011) two “silver” (2005, 2009) and one “bronze” (2007) in parallel slalom.

At the stages of the European Cup, Ekaterina Ilyukhina won 10 victories in various disciplines and became a prize-winner 6 times. The best season was 2006/07, when Ekaterina stood on the podium 7 times.

Ilyukhina’s debut at the World Cup was the stage in Bardonecchia, Italy, on March 11, 2004.

In the 2010/11 season, Ekaterina reached the podium for the first time, becoming third in the parallel slalom competition at the stage in Limone Piemonte, Italy, on December 10, 2010.

At the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi, she finished 29th in parallel slalom and 12th in parallel giant slalom.

Prize-winning places at the World Cup stages

3rd place

  • December 10, Limone Piemonte, Italy

Results at the European and World Cup stages

European Snowboarding Cup standings in parallel events

  • 2003/04 - 59th place(123 points)
  • 2004/05 - 28th place(345 points)
  • 2005/06 - 7th place(1332 points)
  • 2006/07 - 1st place(4025 points)
  • 2007/08 - 20th place(795 points)
  • 2008/09 - 26th place(790 points)
  • 2009/10 - 9th place(1250 points)

Snowboarding World Cup standings in parallel events

  • 2004/05 - 62nd place(45 points)
  • 2005/06 - 54th place(98 points)
  • 2006/07 - 37th place(338 points)
  • 2007/08 - 33rd place(720 points)
  • 2008/09 - 32nd place(740 points)
  • 2009/10 - 14th place(2170 points)
  • 2010/11 - 14th place(2076 points)
  • 2011/12 - 19th place(1400 points)
  • 2012/13 - 22nd place(970 points)
  • 2013/14 - 9th place(1830 points)

Snowboarding World Cup standings in snowboardcross

  • 2003/04 - 74th place(26 points)

Outside of sports

Awards and titles

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An excerpt characterizing Ilyukhin, Ekaterina Sergeevna

Count Ilya Andreich took his girls to Countess Bezukhova. There were quite a lot of people at the evening. But the whole society was almost unfamiliar to Natasha. Count Ilya Andreich noted with displeasure that this entire society consisted mainly of men and women, known for their freedom of treatment. M lle Georges, surrounded by young people, stood in the corner of the living room. There were several Frenchmen and among them Metivier, who, from the time of Helene's arrival, had been her housemate. Count Ilya Andreich decided not to play cards, not to leave his daughters, and to leave as soon as the Georges performance was over.
Anatole was obviously at the door waiting for the Rostovs to enter. He immediately greeted the count, approached Natasha and followed her. As soon as Natasha saw him, just like in the theater, a feeling of vain pleasure that he liked her and fear from the absence of moral barriers between her and him, overwhelmed her. Helen joyfully received Natasha and loudly admired her beauty and dress. Soon after their arrival, M lle Georges left the room to get dressed. In the living room they began to arrange chairs and sit down. Anatole pulled out a chair for Natasha and wanted to sit next to her, but the count, who had not taken his eyes off Natasha, sat down next to her. Anatole sat in the back.
M lle Georges, with bare, dimpled, thick arms, wearing a red shawl worn over one shoulder, walked out into the empty space left for her between the chairs and stopped in an unnatural pose. An enthusiastic whisper was heard. M lle Georges looked sternly and gloomily at the audience and began to speak some poems in French, which dealt with her criminal love for her son. In some places she raised her voice, in others she whispered, raising her head solemnly, in others she stopped and wheezed, rolling her eyes.
- Adorable, divin, delicieux! [Delightful, divine, wonderful!] - was heard from all sides. Natasha looked at fat Georges, but did not hear anything, did not see and did not understand anything of what was happening in front of her; she only felt again completely irrevocably in that strange, crazy world, so far from the previous one, in that world in which it was impossible to know what was good, what was bad, what was reasonable and what was crazy. Anatole was sitting behind her, and she, feeling his closeness, fearfully waited for something.
After the first monologue, the whole company stood up and surrounded m lle Georges, expressing their delight to her.
- How good she is! - Natasha said to her father, who, along with others, stood up and moved through the crowd towards the actress.
“I don’t find it, looking at you,” said Anatole, following Natasha. He said this at a time when she alone could hear him. “You are lovely... from the moment I saw you, I haven’t stopped....”
“Come on, let’s go, Natasha,” said the count, returning for his daughter. - How good!
Natasha, without saying anything, walked up to her father and looked at him with questioning, surprised eyes.
After several receptions of recitation, m lle Georges left and Countess Bezukhaya asked for company in the hall.
The Count wanted to leave, but Helen begged him not to spoil her impromptu ball. The Rostovs remained. Anatole invited Natasha to a waltz and during the waltz he, shaking her waist and hand, told her that she was ravissante [charming] and that he loved her. During the eco-session, which she again danced with Kuragin, when they were left alone, Anatole did not say anything to her and only looked at her. Natasha was in doubt whether she saw what he said to her during the waltz in a dream. At the end of the first figure he shook her hand again. Natasha raised her frightened eyes to him, but there was such a self-confidently tender expression in his affectionate gaze and smile that she could not look at him and say what she had to say to him. She lowered her eyes.
“Don’t tell me such things, I’m engaged and love someone else,” she said quickly... “She looked at him. Anatole was not embarrassed or upset by what she said.
- Don't tell me about this. What do I care? - he said. “I’m saying that I’m madly, madly in love with you.” Is it my fault that you are amazing? Let's start.
Natasha, animated and anxious, looked around her with wide, frightened eyes and seemed more cheerful than usual. She remembered almost nothing of what happened that evening. They danced the Ecossaise and the Gros Vater, her father invited her to leave, she asked to stay. Wherever she was, no matter who she spoke to, she felt his gaze on her. Then she remembered that she asked her father for permission to go to the dressing room to straighten her dress, that Helen followed her, told her laughing about her brother’s love, and that in the small sofa room she again met Anatole, that Helen disappeared somewhere, they were left alone and Anatole, Taking her hand, he said in a gentle voice:
- I can’t go to you, but will I really never see you? I love you madly. Really never?...” and he, blocking her path, brought his face closer to hers.
His brilliant, large, masculine eyes were so close to hers that she saw nothing but these eyes.
- Natalie?! – his voice whispered questioningly, and someone painfully squeezed her hands.
- Natalie?!
“I don’t understand anything, I have nothing to say,” said her look.
Hot lips pressed against hers and at that very moment she felt free again, and the noise of Helen’s steps and dress was heard in the room. Natasha looked back at Helen, then, red and trembling, looked at him with frightened questioning and went to the door.
“Un mot, un seul, au nom de Dieu, [One word, only one, for God’s sake,” said Anatole.
She stopped. She really needed him to say this word, which would explain to her what had happened and to which she would answer him.
“Nathalie, un mot, un seul,” he kept repeating, apparently not knowing what to say, and he repeated it until Helen approached them.
Helen and Natasha went out into the living room again. Without staying for dinner, the Rostovs left.
Returning home, Natasha did not sleep all night: she was tormented by the insoluble question of who she loved, Anatole or Prince Andrei. She loved Prince Andrei - she remembered clearly how much she loved him. But she loved Anatole too, that was certain. “Otherwise, how could all this have happened?” she thought. “If after that, when I said goodbye to him, I could answer his smile with a smile, if I could allow this to happen, then it means that I fell in love with him from the first minute. This means that he is kind, noble and beautiful, and it was impossible not to love him. What should I do when I love him and love another? she told herself, not finding answers to these terrible questions.

The morning came with its worries and bustle. Everyone stood up, moved around, started talking, the milliners came again, Marya Dmitrievna came out again and called for tea. Natasha, with wide-open eyes, as if she wanted to intercept anyone looking at her, looked around restlessly at everyone and tried to seem the same as she had always been.
After breakfast Marya Dmitrievna (it was best time her), sitting down in her chair, called Natasha and the old count to her.
“Well, my friends, now I’ve thought about the whole matter and here’s my advice to you,” she began. – Yesterday, as you know, I was with Prince Nikolai; Well, I talked to him... He decided to shout. You can't shout me down! I sang everything to him!

Snowboarder Ekaterina Ilyukhina was born on June 18, 1987 in the wonderful Russian city of Novosibirsk.

Not married. Secondary education. As a hobby he enjoys dogs.

Nickname - "Chika-JO-JO".

Sports equipment

Oxess board

Proflex fasteners

Raichle boots

Sports career of Ekaterina Ilyukhina

The interesting thing is that, like many famous athletes, Katya started her sports career not where she is now successful. As a child, Ilyukhina skied, not snowboarded. In 2004, Kat had no competition in the Russian national team; she was head and shoulders above all the athletes. Now the national team has a very dense and strong composition, the competition is much higher. But precisely because of this, it is possible to raise your level and win new titles.

She specializes in parallel giant slalom, in which she won a silver medal at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Although, an interesting fact is that Ekaterina Ilyukhina’s first specialization was snowboard cross.

Achievements of Ekaterina Ilyukhina

  • 12/11/2010: World Cup, parallel slalom, Limon Piemonte (Italy), 3rd place, 600 points;
  • 02/26/2010: Winter Olympic Games, parallel giant slalom, Cypres (Canada), 2nd place, 800 points;

Latest results of Ekaterina Ilyukhina in the World Cup

  • 01/18/2014: World Cup, parallel giant slalom, Rogla (Slovenia), 9th place, 290 points;
  • 01/12/2014: World Cup, parallel slalom, Bad Gastein (Austria), 8th place, 320 points;
  • 01/10/2014: World Cup, parallel slalom, Bad Gastein (Austria), 4th place, 500 points;
  • 12/14/2013: World Cup, parallel slalom, Caresa (Italy), 12th place, 220 points;
  • 12/13/2013: World Cup, parallel giant slalom, Caresa (Italy), 21st place, 100 points.

Ekaterina Sergeevna Ilyukhina

Olympic silver medalist in snowboarding

Initially she was engaged skiing, then switched to snowboarding at age 12. The first board, which was just appearing in Novosibirsk at that time, was borrowed by Father Sergei Ilyukhin from his friends. New look Ekaterina was fascinated by sports and already at the age of 14 she became a master of sports, and at 16 - an international master of sports.

Today Ekaterina competes in parallel giant slalom, parallel slalom and snowboardcross.

In 2003 and 2005, she became a bronze medalist at the Russian championships. At the European Ilyukhina Cup, Ekaterina won 10 victories in various disciplines and became a prize-winner 6 times. The best season was 2006-2007, when Ekaterina stood on the podium 7 times.

In 2010, Ekaterina Ilyukhina won the first ever Olympic medal for Russia in snowboarding, becoming second in parallel giant slalom. Before Vancouver, 22-year-old Ilyukhina was not considered one of the leaders of the national team, because she had never stood on the podium at the World Cup. According to her, the team has already nicknamed her the Queen of Training, because here she succeeds in almost everything. But there was no way to realize my potential in official competitions.

And finally, it happened!

From Ekaterina Ilyukhina’s interview with Arguments and Facts: “In fact, I don’t yet feel that I have won an Olympic medal,” Ilyukhina said after the competition. - We had so much training days, considering that we arrived here in Canada very early. The day before, when I was inspecting the route, my legs couldn’t walk, my hands were shaking. It often happens that everything is great in training, but in competitions either something doesn’t work out for me, or I burn out. Previously, there was some kind of self-doubt.

But now, in fact, I didn’t really have any fear or excitement. Yesterday I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t walk, I was shaking. In the morning I woke up, and it seemed like nothing was wrong, I was in the mood, there was no strong excitement. Now I have just approached the Olympics more or less seriously. I thought why I train so much, but I haven’t won even once. It only lasted me for the first races.

Ilyukhina Ekaterina is a young girl and already a very successful athlete Russian Federation. Her occupation is snowboarding; she performs excellently every time in disciplines such as parallel and giant slalom, and snowboardcross.

Ekaterina was born in the big city of Novosibirsk in 1987 on June 19. Initially, like many other snowboarders, the girl was professionally involved in alpine skiing for a long time, but then she decided to switch to snowboarding. The girl immediately showed great promise and became the winner of club and personal competitions.

In 2003 and 2005, she became a bronze medalist at the Russian Championship, where she competed in the most difficult discipline of its kind - snowboardcross. This type of competition consists of athletes having to go through a course with a number of obstacles, and the height and speed of the climbs are always different. Although the girl is still very young, she is only twenty-six years old, but she is already at the moment her arsenal has accumulated a huge number of victories in various kinds of competitions and many prestigious sports awards.

At the Russian championships, athlete Ekaterina Ilyukhina was able to collect the following awards: in 2009 she took first place, 2011 - second, 2006 and 2010 - third for the parallel giant slalom discipline, in 2010 and 2011 two first places, 2005 and 2009 two second and in 2007 – third place in parallel slalom.

Ekaterina Ilyukhina was able to successfully conquer the snowboard and the track at the European Cup, where she won 10 victories in various disciplines, and became a six-time medalist. The most successful season in these competitions was 2006-2007, when she was called to the podium as many as seven times. But despite this, she still remembers her first competition at the World Cup in 2004, which took place in Italy, although she did not manage to take any prizes then. The situation changed in 2010-2011, when she took bronze in the parallel slalom discipline.

But Catherine’s loudest and best award is the victory and silver medal, which she earned with hard work at the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver. Today the girl is a master of sports for her services to the country.

Here is such a successful and talented Russian athlete Ekaterina Ilyukhina. Her personal life is connected with her profession, to which she devotes all her strength. But despite this, she studies at the Pedagogical Academy and is interested in collectible ceramics.

In 2010, the girl was included in the commission of alpine skiers of the Olympic Committee in the Russian Federation. And in 2012, she was lucky enough to become one of 8 Russians who participated in the relay and the transfer of the Olympic flame.