A cool way to teach how to ride a bike. Check the rider's equipment

With patience, persistence, support and correct technique Almost any adult, regardless of age, can learn to ride a bicycle. Our review will show you where to start. So let's get started.

  1. Place

First, find a suitable location. An asphalt surface where cars do not drive and where there are not many people. For example, a park or an empty parking lot. It’s even better to try on a flat area with hard ground.

  1. Check the bike

Most bikes will fit you if they are the right size for you. Check that both brakes work, the tires are inflated, and the seat is securely secured. In addition, pay attention to the wear of the rims and the presence of cracks in the frame. Rotate the pedals and make sure the chain is well lubricated.

The person you want to teach should be comfortable in a seat with both feet on the ground. In addition, it should easily reach the brake levers. You may have to lower the seat height at the beginning, but once your student starts pedaling confidently, you can return him to starting position.

  1. Check the rider's equipment

The student should wear clothing suitable for cycling so that they are not too hot but not too cold. As a general rule, you should dress lighter than you would for a walk. The pant legs should not get stuck in the moving chain. It is also worth wearing fairly sturdy shoes. Clothes and shoes do not have to be cycling clothes, just something comfortable and not restricting movement.

If a student chooses to use a safety helmet, make sure they wear it correctly. The helmet should cover the forehead to the eyebrows, and its straps should be tightly fastened.

Ask if the person is ready to start the lesson. It should alert you to anything that might interfere with your activity, such as a health hazard, psychological problem or learning difficulty.

  1. How to get on and off a bike

Tell the student to stand to the left of the bike and hold the brakes with both hands to keep it still while the person tilts the bike right leg on the other side and sits down comfortably. To get off the bike, you need to repeat the same steps in reverse order.

A person acquires the vast majority of skills in childhood, when he actively explores the surrounding space. Such skills include driving.

But you can learn to ride a two-wheeled car confidently only through falls, uncertain movement and “disobedience” of the iron horse. Although children are more likely to master pedaling than adults, they do not always have the patience and desire to bring the work they have started to a logical conclusion.

That is why, from the beginning of mastering this skill, parents come to the fore, who, unfortunately, do not always know how to teach their child to ride a bicycle. This gap needs to be filled.

The ability to ride a two- or three-wheeled vehicle is not only a great opportunity to get a charge of positive emotions. Cycling develops muscles, agility and endurance. In addition, controlling an iron horse helps:

  • develop vestibular apparatus, which has a positive effect on the ability to navigate in space;
  • develop attentiveness and increase reaction speed, since the child has to distribute attention to several tasks and react to all sorts of additional factors;
  • improve blood circulation internal organs, increase the delivery of oxygen to the brain, and this has an extremely positive effect on the baby’s intelligence;
  • strengthen the defenses of the child’s body, which means that the young cyclist gets sick less often and copes with the disease faster if he does get sick;
  • speed up metabolism, which is why riding a two-wheeled friend is recommended for overweight children.

In addition, there is evidence that cycling is a wonderful and, most importantly, fun opportunity to reduce the likelihood of developing myopia in children.

The bicycle “debut” does not always go smoothly, so scratches and falls are possible, and, therefore, tears cannot be avoided.

But to minimize the damage to children's health It’s still possible, it’s just important to follow the basic principles of safe cycling.

  1. Upper and lower limbs need to be protected with knee pads and elbow pads, since elbows and knees are the most injured parts of a child’s body when riding a bike. You can purchase protection at any specialized store, but before doing so, you need to make sure that these elements are suitable for the baby in size, do not pinch muscles and do not dangle on the arms/legs.
  2. To ride a three- or two-wheeled bicycle, you must first protect your children's feet. Shoes must be closed - for example, sneakers or sneakers are suitable. They need to be securely fixed on the legs so that the child does not end up in the role of Cinderella. But sandals or flip-flops are not best option for cycling.
  3. A helmet is useful to protect your head. To choose the ideal helmet, measure the child’s head, try it on and make sure that the headgear is light enough, firmly attached to the head, does not put pressure on the skull and allows air to pass through normally. Then the skin will not sweat.

The iron horse itself must meet basic safety rules.

Make sure the steering wheel and seat are comfortable, easy to move, maneuverable and durable. The bicycle should not have sharp corners that can scratch a child; avoid buying with plastic parts that will definitely break and fall off.

Since the benefits of riding this vehicle are beyond doubt, you should not delay starting training. However, in this skill, phasing is important - that is, moving from a simpler bike to a more complex one.

A child can ride a three-wheeled iron horse as early as one and a half years old, even before he learns to confidently stomp his feet.

Surprisingly, some parents look at this “toy” type of transport with a fair amount of skepticism, but it should be understood that this very simple design will help the child master the initial cycling skills - turning the steering wheel and pedaling.

Ability to ride tricycle consists of the following sequential steps:

  1. First of all, choose a bike that is suitable for your height. This is extremely simple to do - put the child on an iron horse. If a sitting baby can place his entire foot on a hard surface, while slightly bending his knees, the bike is selected correctly.
  2. Then demonstrate that the bike rolls like a stroller. For clarity, you can put a teddy bear on the seat, and the child will ride the “rider”, at the same time practicing the ability to turn the steering wheel and try on the bike. As soon as your baby gets used to it, invite him to sit on the seat.
  3. The first trips can be made within the apartment, if, of course, its area and the width of the corridor allow you to ride a small bicycle. The child's hands are placed on the steering wheel and his feet are placed on the pedals. Hold the baby by the hips, showing the characteristic movements of the legs. After several demonstrations, send the baby forward, pushing him from behind.
  4. Then you can take your baby for a walk outside. A stadium or park paths are suitable for this role, but only those where other cyclists do not ride. little child Focused entirely on the pedals, it will go anywhere but in a safe direction.
  5. We can talk about more or less conscious control only when the child begins to automatically press the pedals. After this, you need to move on to the ability to steer, since children are simply not yet able to perform these exercises at the same time.
  6. Don't forget that each workout should not last more than 30 minutes. If the child does not want to ride a bicycle, begins to be capricious, or refuses to exercise, you should not insist. Wait until the young cyclist wants to get behind the wheel.

When the child successfully masters this vehicle, you can gradually move on to riding a two-wheeled bike. It's best to go to next stage no earlier than four years, but it is better to leave the additional side wheels in place.

3 ways to learn to ride a two-wheeled bike

Each father or mother decides independently how to teach their offspring to ride a two-wheeled bicycle.

Some people use bikes with removable side wheels for their first attempts, others run alongside and hold the vehicle or the child, while others buy a runbike.

We offer three main teaching methods, and you can choose the most suitable one for yourself and your baby.

Method number 1. Driving with side wheels

To teach a future cyclist how to ride a two-wheeled iron horse, choose models equipped with additional removable wheels.

The main thing in this design is stability and protection of the child from possible falls.

When moving, the bike falls a little, first on one side, then on the other, leaning on the side wheels until the child can confidently maintain his balance.

A few training days are usually enough to gain confidence.

Having learned to maintain balance, the little cyclist will stop leaning to the sides. This moment can also be determined by the fact that the wheels stop touching the surface. This means it’s time to raise them a little higher so that they simply protect the child from falling. Then they are removed altogether.

The diameter of the wheels depends on the age of the child. For a four-year-old child, 12-inch wheels are enough, but six-year-old children need bikes with larger wheels. This will help you maintain your balance more successfully and pedal faster.

When moving, it is better to hold the child by the collar or elbow; you should not touch the structure itself - the steering wheel, seat or frame. Let the child learn to command the great one himself and feel the iron horse without outside help.

The prices for a runbike are not so low, but experts consider this particular design to be the most an effective simulator for teaching a child to ride an iron horse.

The main difference between a balance bike and other bikes is that it does not have pedals, which actually interfere more with the child during the first training sessions. A runbike is somewhat reminiscent of a scooter, since the baby also pushes off the ground and rolls further by inertia.

At this moment, he maintains his balance and learns to control the steering wheel.

By the way, an ordinary two-wheeled bike can easily turn into a balance bike if you disassemble the block to which the pedals are attached. As soon as the child understands how to maintain balance, the pedals are put back, and the learning process is significantly accelerated.

Method number 3. Traditional

This method offers two ways to learn to ride a two-wheeled bicycle:

  1. The child learns to ride after using a scooter or balance bike in the usual way, when the parent holds him.
  2. In the second case, a huge role is assigned to the parents, who will have to run a lot after the young cyclist, holding him by the scruff of the neck. Side wheels are not required here.

In the latter case, parental support is, of course, extremely important for the child, however, from a safety point of view, this method is the most traumatic and not the most effective.

Teaching a child to ride a two- or three-wheeled buddy is just the beginning of a cycling “career.” It is extremely important to tell your child how to behave correctly while driving an iron horse and explain the basic rules of safe driving. Well, then you can invite your child for a bike ride in the park, where you can spend quality time with the whole family.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

For most people, the skill of riding a bicycle seems to be something ordinary, not presenting any difficulties, since they have been able to do it since childhood. However, the learning process is not easy for everyone: some people experience fear (crashing, falling, etc.), others do not feel balanced, and still others do not have someone who could help them with training.

First of all, it is important to understand that it is best to learn right away correct technique skating. This will protect the skater from mistakes that could lead to a fall, as well as more optimally distribute the load on various groups muscles.

The parameters of the bicycle must correspond to the person

Fitting a bike according to its parameters should begin with the seat. So, the leg on the lower pedal should extend almost completely. In addition, you should immediately figure out where the brake is located, as well as the speed switch. The higher the number, the more effort you will have to make to turn the pedals. In this case, the speed will be significantly higher than in lower gears.

At first, it is enough to set the seat height so that your legs firmly touch the ground when sitting on the saddle. This will make it easier to learn to push off and overcome the fear of falling.

As for the seating position, the back should be slightly bent. The same goes for your hands. In addition, to prevent your muscles from getting tired from constant sitting, you should constantly change your position slightly while moving in the saddle.

Movements should be calm and measured

Riding a bicycle requires a person to concentrate and be as calm and fluid as possible. Sudden movements can lead to the fact that a beginner in training will not be able to quickly respond to a change in the trajectory along which he is traveling. In addition, it can affect the emotional state and, as a result, loss of control and subsequent fall.

You should not clutch the steering wheel too tightly with your hands; you should hold it loosely, since it serves to regulate the direction of movement, and not for balance.

The best way to learn to ride is in a quiet place in nature.

Learning to ride a bicycle will be most comfortable on a dirt platform. This is necessary in order to mitigate possible falls. In addition, a person immediately gets used to the fact that the road will not always be perfectly smooth. As a result, he will be ready for unexpected situations: for example, if the road is poorly visible and there is a significant obstacle under the bicycle (be it a stone, a board, etc.).

The right clothes are the key to a successful workout

You should choose a comfortable shape that does not restrict movement. It is important to pay attention to the material from which the clothes are made. So, best choice are specialized synthetic fabrics that allow you to wick away sweat and maintain optimal temperature bodies. In addition, in sunny weather, be sure to wear a hat for protection.

Subsequently, you should think about buying protection (primarily a helmet).

It is necessary to think in advance about recuperation

This advice is twofold. Firstly, you must take water with you for training (and if the duration is long, you should buy food or take money with you for it). This will allow you to conduct the lesson more effectively and avoid problems that will negatively affect the recovery period.

In addition, at first you should learn to ride no more than once every 2-3 days, provided proper nutrition and compliance. This is exactly the period a novice athlete needs in order to fully recover and not experience pain and discomfort. next training session. If there are injuries, further training should be postponed until necessary for their healing.

Instructions for mastering cycling

In order to solve the problem of how to learn to ride a bicycle, you should follow several steps in sequence:

  1. Try to get on a bicycle and ride a few meters without using pedals, pushing off with your feet directly from the ground;
  2. Learn to move away while sitting in the saddle by pushing off the ground with one leg. It is advisable that at this stage the trainee has some kind of mentor with him who will support the bicycle until the person learns to maintain balance on his own;
  3. Try driving in a straight line without turning;
  4. First, you should learn to use only the rear brake, since the front brake requires a good feel for it, and learn to do everything as smoothly as possible (otherwise, in the worst case, you can fly off the bike);
  5. After this, you should move on to studying the technology of turning, starting with smooth turns and gradually mastering sharper options that allow you to change direction by 180 degrees.

After completing the first 5 steps, it is advisable to spend some time consolidating the acquired skills and only then begin further training.

The next step is learning how to drive inclined surfaces and leave them. To do this, you need to start from a flat surface and learn to ride uphill: the main task of the trainee is to understand how much the level of required effort differs from riding on a surface without a slope.

When it comes to descents, it's a great practice to start and exit without using the pedals. This action is necessary in order to overcome possible fear of descents, as well as to understand how much the bike can accelerate on them

To master the entrance to the mountain, you should take more effort to prevent the bike from drifting to the side.

Only after mastering all the basic skills is it necessary to change the height of the saddle and learn to move off as follows: one foot is placed on a pedal located slightly higher than parallel to the ground and the entire body weight is transferred to it. The bicycle begins to move, and only after that the person can sit in the saddle. This technique is more correct and allows you not to lose balance when starting.

The easiest way to learn to ride a bike is in good weather. physical fitness and proper nutrition, so you should pay attention not only to the actual skating, but also general condition body. In addition, it is advisable to try to understand the mechanics of movement and learn the correct technique. If you follow all the recommendations, learning the most necessary cycling skills will take from several days to 2-3 weeks.

An ordinary bicycle can be used by people for completely different purposes. For some it is a means of transportation, for others it is sports equipment, and for some it is a hobby that involves cycling for fun. Many people combine all of the above advantages of a predominantly two-wheeled vehicle. The only limitation may be the inability to ride. But if you want, learning to ride a bike is not that difficult.

There is an opinion that it is much easier for an adult to learn how to balance and control a bicycle than for a child. This is not entirely true. On the one hand, an adult has better developed muscles and coordination of movements, but fear of riding a bicycle can negate any attempts to learn how to ride. At the same time, the main problem when learning to ride a bicycle in children is a poorly developed sense of balance.

There is no single instruction for learning to ride a bicycle, just as there is no strict sequence of rules for learning to ride a two-wheeled vehicle. However, there are very specific tips that will allow you to master the bike quickly enough.

To quickly learn how to ride a bicycle, first of all, you need to customize the iron horse to its owner. You need to adjust the height of the seat and handlebars, but the bike frame should not prevent you from standing confidently on the ground with both feet after stopping.

For the first time, the seat height is adjusted so that while sitting in the saddle you can touch the ground with both feet. In this case, you will be sure that you can prevent yourself from falling when stopping or at low speed. In general, according to the rules, when a person is on the seat, the leg on the pedal at the lowest point should be almost completely extended, and if necessary, you can only reach the ground with your toes. This seat adjustment can be done after you have learned to ride a bike confidently.

The height of the steering wheel should be such that your arms, in a slightly bent position, rest comfortably on the handles. The body should not bend too much. Correct fit on a bicycle involves the distribution of weight between the pedals, seat and handlebars.

After adjusting the height of the seat and steering wheel, figure out how the brakes work. On modern bicycles two triggers are attached to the steering wheel, allowing you to brake by stopping the front and rear wheel. When learning, use the rear brake; it is smoother and more comfortable, making it easier to maintain balance. Never press the brake suddenly and all the way, this will make it easier to protect yourself from falling.

The next step in learning to ride a bike is... sitting on the bike. You need to perfect how you sit on the seat with the brake pressed, try to maintain your balance by lifting your feet off the ground in place, and “rehearse” stopping by simply lowering your feet to the ground and rising from the seat. This will not only allow you to feel the balance and principles of maintaining balance in the saddle, but will also give you confidence, because now you can just get on or off the bike every time. Hone this skill until it becomes automatic.

Now you can start riding your bike. But first, forget about the pedals. Try to ride a bicycle with your feet touching the ground and thereby giving momentum to your iron horse. Keep your rear brake on as you adjust your bike's speed, and remember that you can stop at any time and have both feet on the ground if you want or need to.

When moving a bicycle, you need to look forward, to change course, smoothly control the steering wheel, without making sudden movements. There are three rules that will help you feel more confident. Firstly, you need to understand that a bicycle is controlled not only by your hands, but by your whole body. By slightly changing the tilt of the body, you can change the trajectory of the ride. Secondly, as long as the bike is traveling on a level course, it will not fall. Falls cause sudden movements with loss of balance, the same sudden stops and obstacles encountered along the way. Thirdly, than faster speed bike, the higher its stability. This rule should not be abused when learning to ride a bicycle. It also does not work when turning, in which case it is better to reduce the speed.

Having learned to move slowly without the pedals involved in the process, practice to the point of automatism a chain of actions that involves getting on a bicycle, moving on it while pushing off the ground with your feet, braking and dismounting. Every time before getting off the bike, stop it completely and fix it in this state for a second, otherwise you can get a push in the back from the seat or a blow from the pedals that continue to spin, and from this you can fall, losing your balance.

The next step is to ride a bicycle using pedals. Sit in the saddle, place your foot on the pedal, fixed in the upper position and slightly moved forward. Gently press down on this pedal, lift your other foot off the ground and place it on the second pedal.

Do not strain any muscles excessively; do all movements smoothly, without jerking. Under no circumstances look at your feet or at the pedals, steering wheel or brakes; keep your eyes on the direction of travel. You may be able to pedal and ride while keeping your balance for short periods at first. Gradually, the distance and speed will increase, and along with them your confidence in your own abilities will grow.

First, try to move in a straight line on a flat surface, then find a road without unnecessary obstacles with a downward slope, then begin to master turns. Remember that a bicycle is controlled not only by your hands, but also by your whole body. Master smooth turns to the right and left in a large circle at low speed. To do this, train in a free area with a flat, hard surface. Gradually reduce the radius of the circle along which the turn occurs. Practice moving in a circle of different diameters in both directions.

Once you have mastered the techniques listed above, you can confidently say that you have learned how to ride a bicycle. However, do not forget about traffic safety. At first, for skating, choose areas and paths without people and especially without cars. Be sure to use protection that will protect you from bruises and contusions. These could be elbow pads and knee pads. To avoid serious head injuries, be sure to wear a helmet.

Many people want learn to ride a bike and they forget that this requires special skills. If you have never ridden a bicycle (or scooter, moped, scooter, motorcycle, etc.), you will face difficulties, first of all, in that you will not be able to keep your balance and will constantly fall over on some side, not having traveled even ten meters. It doesn’t matter, the matter can be fixed, even the most ungifted students will learn the technique of driving a bicycle in a few days. However, if you learn incorrectly, the task can become too difficult, to the point where you lose all desire to learn and ride a bike.
In order to ride a bicycle, you need two conditions: a working bicycle and an asphalt road. My advice: immediately lower the saddle as low as possible, this position of the saddle is only necessary for training, when the necessary driving skills have been mastered, so that. The saddle must be lowered in order to avoid possible more serious consequences in case of falls, and also, we will almost eliminate or reduce the number of falls to a minimum. In the future, if you do fall, don’t be upset and don’t even think about quitting your studies, show me at least one child who didn’t fall while learning to walk? These are unknown to me, and yet everyone goes through this. It will be better if the asphalt surface is slightly flat, that is, there will be a slight descent. The road should not be congested with traffic.

How to learn to ride a bike?

At the top of your chosen road, mount your bike. Both legs should be fully on the pavement when you are in the saddle. It’s not for nothing that I advise you to choose a flat section of the road, because... you won't have to pedal, but you can just roll off it. Learning to balance and pedal at the same time is much more difficult than doing both separately. Start lifting your feet off the asphalt, the bike will move, don’t worry, the movement will be slow and predictable. You drove a couple of tens of centimeters and your foot was back on the asphalt, did you stop? Congratulations, the first step is behind you! Continue to repeat it, look ahead a few meters and lift your feet off the asphalt again. Isn’t it true that by the tenth time you’ve already driven a little further? When you find yourself at the bottom, walk up with your bike :), this will give you time to think about how best to maneuver the steering wheel to keep your balance and you will begin to appreciate the distance traveled
It is unlikely that such training will last long; most likely, in a couple of hours, or by the evening of today, the descent will be completed without touching the ground. Don't let yourself accelerate too fast, if the speed increases and bothers you, use the brakes lightly, preferably the rear brake. At first, you should be careful with the front brake; if you press it, there is a chance of flying over the steering wheel.
Once you have learned to keep your balance and can navigate the descent without any problems, it’s time to move on to smooth asphalt. We take the starting position on the bike. At the same time, as soon as your legs are torn off on the asphalt, push them back, with the help of such a jerk, the bicycle will travel with you for several meters, repeat the push with your legs. If everything works out for you, that's great! This means it’s time to keep your balance (which we already know how to do) and pedal at the same time. Decide which pushing leg you have; to do this, remember which leg you put first on the stairs. Place the same foot on the pedal, the pedal should be on top. Press the pedal, the bike will start (don't forget about balance: D), now put your other foot on the pedal, you will have enough time, because... the bicycle moves by inertia when the first foot presses the pedal. Start pedaling forward. If something doesn't work out, wait to put your other foot on the pedal, just push one pedal and ride using inertia. Just a little bit left and now... both feet are already on the pedals, the bike is moving - most of the work is already behind us.

Learning to turn and turn on a bicycle

When the sense of balance is mastered and your legs get used to pedaling, you will be able to ride for a very long time, but sooner or later, you will need to turn or turn around. For training, we need a wide road, as wide as possible, but without cars. You can go free sports ground, say, basketball. Get on your bike and ride forward, for starters, learn to just turn right or left. Do not make a sudden movement of the steering wheel, turn it just a little in the direction where you are going to turn, you need to feel it. When you learn to turn, you will learn to turn around, but remember, the less room there is to turn, the more difficult it will be to pass. Here you will have to practice, be especially careful when turning around, for beginners, this is where falls lurk.

All of the above is suitable for both teaching a child and an adult. Also, there are rumors that learning to balance is easier on a scooter. Unfortunately, I can’t say for sure whether this is true, because... I’ve never ridden one myself, but I learned to ride a bicycle using exactly the technique that I told you today. Thank you for your attention! Learn, ride. A bicycle is useful.