How to pump up your outer thighs. Effective exercises for the muscles of the outer thigh

It happens that you can see an excellent result on the scale, but in the mirror you see too massive hips and “ears”. In general, you will have to do fitness, in particular, include exercises for the outer thigh in your program.

Effective exercises for losing weight on the outside of your thighs

We were upset again when we tried it on skinny jeans? It happens that on the scale you can see an excellent result, but in the mirror you see too massive hips, “ears,” sagging, and fat. Diet alone will not help your body. You need to tone your muscles and speed up your metabolism. In general, you will have to do fitness, in particular, include exercises for the outer thigh in your program.

Naturally, you think that the side surface will become slimmer due to some special movements. Do exercises on outer part hips and only them – a typically “folk” idea. You won’t even find this very outer surface in any fitness reference book. The thigh muscles are traditionally divided into anterior, medial and back surface. We are interested, oddly enough, in the “front” ones: they work in conjunction with a small tensioner fascia lata when you do exercises for the outer thighs.

Fat deposits on the side of the leg, also called “ears,” cover part of the quadriceps and sartorius muscles. And most often - part of the gluteal muscles at the place of their attachment to the hip joint, and part of the hip flexor muscle. What to wave? Usually, looking for ear exercises is a rather thankless task. What you find is unlikely to seriously improve general view. For effective weight loss in the hips needs to be reduced total percentage fat in the body and tighten all the leg muscles.

The best exercises to remove thigh loops are a mix of strength, jumping and aerobic movements. There are only 7 exercises, and your leg workout will fit in 20-30 minutes with warm-up and cool-down, but visible result can be noticed within 4-6 weeks.

Seven of the best exercises for the “ears” on the hips

When to practice: it doesn’t matter - in the morning or in the evening, the main thing is at least an hour after eating. You can incorporate these movements into your strength plan by performing them at the beginning of your workout. Don't do a set of outer thigh exercises on a cardio day, because most of them put so much stress on your legs that you won't be able to run or even walk as hard as you can.

Equipment: a timer (you probably have it on your phone), a jump rope, 2 dumbbells of 5-10 kg each (if you need it lighter, it’s better to do it without weight at all), a rubber mat under your feet for jumping, sneakers.

How to do: We perform the exercises one after another. We set the timer so that the first bell sounds after 40 seconds, the second after 20. We do the first exercise for 40 seconds, and then “according to the text.” At the end of the circle, rest for 60 seconds, repeat 4-5 times. Warm up by jumping rope for 5 minutes. In the finale we perform the “corner”, “boat”, “cat” from bodyflex, possibly with breathing.

Exercise 1. Classic squat

Time: 40 seconds

For what: tightens all leg muscles, burns a lot of extra calories, warms the tensor fascia lata, protects against injuries

We stand with our feet hip-width apart, toes naturally pointed apart. Dumbbells in hands along the body. We squat until our thighs are parallel to the floor, as if we were sitting on a low chair. We stand up while exhaling.

Exercise 2. Plyometric squat

Time: 20 seconds

For what: burns fat

We throw the dumbbells, do the same, only at the point “Thighs are parallel to the floor” we sharply jump up, and then softly land on the front of the foot. We do not straighten our knees completely, and do not strive to assume a “skier pose” (artificially parallel feet).

Exercise 3. Abduction squat

Time: 40 seconds

For what: strengthens all leg muscles, plus trains the tensor fascia lata in isolation

We perform a squat, dumbbells in our hands, at the lowest point we transfer the weight to left leg and, getting up, move the right thigh clearly to the right and up. Imagine lifting your leg up a wall, without swinging back and forth. Repeat, alternating legs.

Exercise 4. Kick-side

Time: 20 seconds

For what: burns fat

Do you watch action movies? Yes, this is it - take turns fast strikes foot to the side. Strike with your heel, not your toe. First, slightly shift the body to the left, transfer the weight to the left foot, pull in the abs, tear off right leg, we move it to the right, bring the heel to the buttock, bending the knee, from there – push-kick the heel to the side. We repeat.

Exercise 5. Lateral leads

Time: 40 seconds

For what: you wanted exercises for the outer thighs?

We lie down on the floor on our right side, left hand We place the dumbbell along the body, slowly move it away and bring the thigh up.

Exercise 6. Running with high knees

Time: 20 sec

For what: burn fat

We get up and go for a short jog, try to do everything gently, don’t knock your feet

Exercise 7. Jumping rope

Time: 40 sec

For what: maximize calorie expenditure

We jump as comfortably as we can, the main thing is not to fully extend our knees, don’t forget to breathe, and don’t jump on a flat foot.

After completing all seven exercises, take a minute's break and start again from the first. In total you should get 4-5 approaches.


Surprised? You've probably read on other sites about easier exercises for the outer thigh. Why make it so complicated? The most radical fitness pros only recognize squats with weights of at least 50% of your body weight as exercises for the outer thigh. The problem is that 80% of fitness trainers with training in anatomy and physiology will force the client to do complex movements that burn a lot of calories and work the legs as a whole. And advisors from the Internet will recommend abducting the leg to the side as best exercise for the outer thigh.

The truth is that body fat and flabbiness is a consequence of the lack of tone not only of the quadriceps (this is rare), but also of the muscles of the buttocks, hip extensor and other muscles. So exercises from the ears only work when the entire “bottom” is involved. Well, the notorious hip abductions are a panacea for fat that works if a person is on a super-strict low-calorie diet. In other cases, they burn too few calories. By the way, even really hard workouts do not give you the right to increase your caloric intake significantly. While training with our plan, eat as usual. For those who don’t know, this is an average of 1600-2000 kcal, depending on height, age and weight. published

Beautiful hips are the main component of the stunning figure that a person dreams of. Taking care of the beauty of this part of the body should begin with understanding the device. The thigh is a segment of the lower limb located between the hip joint and the knee. Let's look at the functions of the thigh muscles.

The muscles of the front of the thigh are responsible for many functions. Responsible for straightening the knee, turning the hip outward, abducting it to the side, moving closer to the stomach. The muscles on the back side are the biceps. The functions include maintaining bodily balance, straightening from a bend, and moving the hip back. The muscles of the inner thigh are called adductors and control the inward movement of the femur. External surface The thigh consists of muscles that abduct backwards and to the side, visible as the beautiful roundness of the sides of the thighs.

Exercises aimed at the muscles of the outer thighs will help you create shapes that will attract admiring glances. In case of insufficient physical activity and an unbalanced diet, fatty deposits appear, popularly called “ears.” You can get rid of it by doing exercises for the outer thigh.

The effectiveness of classes depends on regularity. It is recommended to train daily. If such a schedule is not possible, you should do the exercises three times a week, but you will have to wait longer for the results.

During exercise, it is important to look at the muscles that you want to bring to the desired state. If the load is placed primarily on them, the exercises are performed correctly. If the muscles of the front, back and inner thighs are of less interest than the outer surface of the thigh, the greatest tension is felt primarily on the muscles of the sides.

It's important to keep track of details. Whether the squat is deep enough, whether the heels touch the floor, whether it will be possible to raise the leg higher during the swing, whether the angle of lift is maintained correctly - the result and speed of achievement depend on the quality of the exercises.

A gradual increase in load is justified on time. If the exercise becomes easy, you need to raise the bar. Starting with ten swings, smoothly move to fifteen, twenty. Break into two sets of 20 reps. A gradual increase in load is useful for full training.

It can be done at home and at work, if there is a suitable place. To practice you will need a mat, dumbbells and a good mood.

Possible difficulties during exercises

Training for the beauty of your own legs is pleasant and easy. Small difficulties may arise that are not difficult to overcome. The main trouble that interferes with successful training is slight muscle pain. There is no need to be afraid; on the contrary, you should be happy. This means that the muscles grow and strengthen. The pain will soon pass and turn into a pleasant tension of a trained body, sweetly pleasing with the effectiveness of the effort expended.

Among the exercises on the outer surface of the thigh, there are activities that develop the muscles of the inner part. They are also capable of getting sick. To reduce such side effect, it is recommended to warm up before training. Running (in place), jumping, and other aerobic exercises increase muscle temperature, preparing for training.

At first, you will perform “scissors” for a long time, do a large number of swings and lunges, and maintain the quality of movements. If the load specified in the described exercises is unbearable, it is better to do less, but do it well. Endurance comes with regular training.

When performing exercises aimed at a specified part of the body, one must not forget about the entire body. Are training different groups muscles, it is important to monitor your posture - it is supposed to be straight, and your stomach is supposed to be retracted. It is important to monitor your breathing and speed of movements. Don’t be partial, but don’t hesitate either. The speed corresponds to the degree of load sustained during the exercise phase.

To exercise daily, you need to set aside time for exercise. It is better if the training time becomes regular, for example in the morning. When planning your day, choose a time dedicated to exercise. Leave enough strength for training, correlate it with your diet.

An additional difficulty will be finding a place to exercise. The best option will become a gym. Or you can perform the exercises in a place where you can lay out a mat and do wide lunges. It is advisable that the room is well ventilated.

The connection between exercise and nutrition

Get rid of fat deposits, pump up beautiful muscles Proper nutrition will help. Limit starchy and sweet foods. Fruits, berries and juices will help replace your favorite buns. As a treat, it is permissible to eat, for example, nuts in moderation.

You should not eat immediately before exercise; you are allowed to eat an hour before exercise. Recommended protein nutrition: chicken breast, eggs, fish products. Such foods strengthen muscles. You should not eat immediately after training. Within an hour after exercise, the burned calories will be easily restored from eating.

Skip dinner during four hours before bed. During sleep, the body rests from the received load, the process of processing food slows down. Food is not digested and turns into fat deposits.

Secrets of self-discipline to achieve results

The beauty of the body directly depends on the inner mood. Make you overcome your own laziness and begin to achieve your cherished goal with diligence and intelligence. Self-discipline is needed by a person who is lazy and does not know when to stop.

So that the outer surface of the thigh quickly acquires perfect shapes, be aware of excessive strain interfering with exercise. Excess will lead to pain and will force you to forget about training for a while. It is important to correctly distribute the load and increase it gradually.

The need for internal discipline is greater for a person who does not want to overwork. Remember cases from life where you achieved what you wanted through an effort of will, and it turned out to be pleasant. For example, we learned to ride a bicycle. How much training was required to finally ride beautifully and freely! Then you learned to ride longer and became more resilient. Apply a similar mindset to achieving your own beauty.

It is important to believe in achieving the goal, in the success of the exercises. A reasonable distribution of forces, a focus on results, and the manifestation of will will help you achieve your goals.

Are you upset again when trying on skinny jeans? It happens that on the scale you can see an excellent result, but in the mirror you see too massive hips, “ears,” sagging, and fat.

Diet alone will not help your body. You need to tone your muscles and speed up your metabolism. In general, you will have to do fitness, in particular, include exercises for the outer thigh in your program.

Naturally, you think that the side surface will become slimmer due to some special movements. Doing exercises on the outer thigh and only them is a typically “folk” idea. You won’t even find this very outer surface in any fitness reference book. The thigh muscles are traditionally divided into muscles of the anterior, medial and posterior surfaces. We are interested, oddly enough, in the “front” ones: they work in conjunction with a small tensor of the fascia lata when you perform exercises for the outer side of the thigh.

Fat deposits on the side of the leg, also called “ears,” cover part of the quadriceps and sartorius muscles. And most often - part of the gluteal muscles at the place of their attachment to the hip joint, and part of the hip flexor muscle. What to wave? Usually, looking for ear exercises is a rather thankless task. What you find won't really improve the overall look. To effectively lose weight in your thighs, you need to reduce the overall percentage of body fat and tighten all the leg muscles.

The best exercises to remove thigh loops are a mix of strength, jumping and aerobic movements. There are only 7 exercises, and your leg workout will fit in 20-30 minutes with a warm-up and cool-down, but visible results can be seen after 4-6 weeks.

Seven of the best exercises for the “ears” on the hips

When to practice: It doesn’t matter - in the morning or in the evening, the main thing is at least an hour after eating. You can incorporate these movements into your strength plan by performing them at the beginning of your workout. Don't do a set of outer thigh exercises on a cardio day, because most of them put so much stress on your legs that you won't be able to run or even walk as hard as you can.

Equipment: timer (you probably have it on your phone), jump rope, 2 dumbbells 5-10 kg each (if you need lighter weights, it’s better to do it without any weight), rubber mat under your feet for jumping, sneakers.

How to do: We perform the exercises one after another. We set the timer so that the first bell sounds after 40 seconds, the second after 20. We do the first exercise for 40 seconds, and then “according to the text.” At the end of the circle, rest for 60 seconds, repeat 4-5 times. Warm up by jumping rope for 5 minutes. In the finale we perform the “corner”, “boat”, “cat” from bodyflex, possibly with breathing.

Exercise 1. Classic squat

Time: 40 seconds

Why: tightens all leg muscles, burns a lot of extra calories, warms the tensor fasciae lata, protects against injury

We stand with our feet hip-width apart, toes naturally pointed apart. Dumbbells in hands along the body. We squat until our thighs are parallel to the floor, as if we were sitting on a low chair. We stand up while exhaling.

Exercise 2. Plyometric squat

Time: 20 seconds

Why: burns fat

We throw the dumbbells, do the same, only at the point “Thighs are parallel to the floor” we sharply jump up, and then softly land on the front of the foot. We do not straighten our knees completely, and do not strive to assume a “skier pose” (artificially parallel feet).

Exercise 3. Abduction squat

Time: 40 seconds

Why: strengthens all leg muscles, plus trains the tensor fasciae lata in isolation

We perform a squat, dumbbells in our hands, at the lowest point we transfer the weight to the left leg and, standing up, move the right thigh clearly to the right and up. Imagine lifting your leg up a wall, without swinging back and forth. Repeat, alternating legs.

Exercise 4. Kick-side

Time: 20 seconds

Why: burns fat

Do you watch action movies? Yes, that's it - alternate quick kicks to the side. Strike with your heel, not your toe. First, we slightly shift the body to the left, transfer the weight to the left foot, retract the abs, lift off the right leg, move it to the right, bring the heel to the buttock, bending the knee, and from there push-kick the heel to the side. We repeat.

Exercise 5. Lateral leads

Time: 40 seconds

Why: you wanted exercises for the outer thighs?

We lie down on the floor on our right side, place our left hand with a dumbbell along the body, slowly move and bring the thigh up.

Exercise 6. Running with high knees

Time: 20 sec

Why: burn fat

We get up and go for a short jog, try to do everything gently, don’t knock your feet

Exercise 7. Jumping rope

Time: 40 sec

Why: Maximize calorie expenditure

We jump as comfortably as we can, the main thing is not to fully extend our knees, don’t forget to breathe, and don’t jump on a flat foot.

After completing all seven exercises, take a minute's break and start again from the first. In total you should get 4-5 approaches.


Surprised? You've probably read on other sites about easier exercises for the outer thigh. Why make it so complicated? The most radical fitness pros only recognize squats with weights of at least 50% of your body weight as exercises for the outer thigh.

The problem is that 80% of fitness trainers with training in anatomy and physiology will force the client to do complex movements that burn a lot of calories and work the legs as a whole. And advisors from the Internet will recommend side leg abductions as the best exercise for the outer thigh.

The truth is that fat deposits and flabbiness are the result of a lack of tone not only in the quadriceps (this is rare), but also in the muscles of the buttocks, hip extensor and other muscles. So exercises from the ears only work when the entire “bottom” is involved.

Well, the notorious hip abductions are a panacea for fat that works if a person is on a super-strict low-calorie diet. In other cases, they burn too few calories.

By the way, even really hard workouts do not give you the right to increase your caloric intake significantly. While training with our plan, eat as usual. For those who don’t know, this is an average of 1600-2000 kcal, depending on height, age and weight.

It is not surprising that fat deposits are very common on the thighs. Exercises for the outer thigh will help deal with this problem. You can do the workout at home or in gym. With regular exercise, results will appear within 4-5 weeks.

Basic complex

How to pump up your thighs and get rid of “ears” on them? You need to start with basic exercises. They will help work out the muscles of the thighs and buttocks and give the body an athletic and beautiful shape. A set of basic exercises is best performed in the first half of the day. The training should include:

  1. 1. Lifting and abducting the hips.
  2. 2. Swing your legs.
  3. 3. Leg raises.
  4. 4. Hip movements.
  5. 5. Leg spread.

To perform exercise No. 1, you need to lie on your side. Bend your arm underneath you at the elbow and lean on it. Extend your other arm in front of you. Bend your knees at right angles. As you exhale, lift your leg as high as possible. Try to hold it up for 2 seconds. As you inhale, lower it and take the starting position. A more complicated version of this exercise is to move the working leg back. This movement is aimed at training the outer thigh.

As you lift and abduct your hips, make sure your shoulders and pelvis are in line.

The starting position for exercise No. 2 is lying on your back. Place your hands under your buttocks. As you exhale, lift one leg and lower it as you inhale. To work the front of the thigh, the working leg must be straight. Over time, swings can be made more difficult, while increasing the amplitude. When performing swings, try not to help yourself by bending in the thoracic region.

Exercise No. 3: lie on your side and lean on your elbow. Raise your working leg and clasp it with your hand at the ankle. As you exhale, lift your other leg. The outer thigh will work if you pull your feet toward you while lifting your feet.

A basic exercise for working the thigh muscles is the hip raise while lying on your stomach. Straighten your arms along your body, spread your legs as wide as possible and bend your knees slightly. Try to simultaneously lift your legs up and lift your hips off the floor. The toes should point upward. To avoid unnecessary strain on lumbar region, try not to strain the muscles of your back and neck.

To perform exercise No. 4, remain in the same position. Cross your legs at the ankles and bend your knees slightly. As you exhale, lift your hips off the floor.

Exercise No. 5 is performed in a supine position. Spread your legs as wide as possible. Take your ankles in your hands and try to lower your legs to the floor. Do not make jerks or sudden movements, otherwise you may strain your muscles.

This training should be done 3 times a week. You need to repeat each exercise 20-25 times.

How to remove fat?

Lifting your legs from a position on all fours will help you get rid of excess fat on the outer thighs. Try to lift lower limbs at right angles to the maximum possible height. As soon as you feel a slight burning sensation in your muscles, hold this position for a few seconds. Then you can continue with the exercise. The number of repetitions should be 25-30 times on each hip.

Lie on your side and rest your elbow on the floor. As you lift your leg up, try to keep your muscles tense. Roll over to the other side and repeat the movements with the other leg. During this exercise, not only the thigh muscles are worked, but also the oblique abdominal muscles.

Starting position standing. Throw one hip forward of you. Do a squat and try to go down as deep as possible so that your knee touches the floor.

External and inner sides The hips are well worked during squats. From a standing position, inhale and squat until your thighs are in line with the floor. During squats, your feet should be shoulder-width apart with your toes pointed slightly apart. If this comes too easily, then you can take small dumbbells in your hands.

An abduction squat will help you get rid of extra inches on your hips. To do this, at the bottom of a squat with dumbbells, transfer the weight to one leg and move the other to the side when lifting. Try to do the exercise slowly and without rocking.

Well developed lateral muscles hips and burns fat when running in place. When jogging, do not hit your feet too hard. Repeat running in place several times for 2-3 minutes.

Lie on the floor and lean on your elbow. Bend your upper leg and place it on the floor in front of you. The other should remain straight. Raise your bottom leg as high as possible. IN highest point fix the position for several seconds. If such an exercise is difficult, then at first you can perform it with the upper leg bent at a large angle.

Ball training

If small “ears” appear on your thighs, then don’t be upset. The leg muscles are the most pliable, and with regular training you can both restore your legs to their former beauty and lose weight. extra centimeters in girth. You can perform the workout both in the fitness center and at home. Fitball exercises are popular today.

Stand with your back to the fitball and extend your arms forward. Raise the foot of your working leg and hold it above the floor at a height of 15-20 cm. Then slowly bend the knee of the other and squat until your buttocks touch the ball. To prevent the fitball from sliding under the weight of your body, you can place it in the corner of the room.

The exercises should be performed 7-10 times on each leg. Over time, you can increase the number of repetitions. To make squats more difficult, you can raise your limbs to a height of 20-30 cm or use a smaller fitball. You can use dumbbells for weighting. The ultimate goal is to perform deep squats without a ball on one leg.

Place the ball against the wall. You can touch the fitball only at 2 points: your back and buttocks. Spread your legs. From this position, lift your hips until your body forms a straight line. Fulfill this exercise follows with tense abs and legs. The torso should arch at the hip joint. Hold this position for 3-5 seconds. Then you can continue the exercise. At first, repeat it 10-12 times. Over time, the number can be increased to 20. This exercise perfectly strengthens the muscles of the hips, abs and back.

The following exercise burns fat cells well and strengthens the muscles of the outer thighs. Lying on your side, lean on your elbow. Place your feet on the ball. As you inhale, lift your hips off the floor and try to straighten your body into a straight line. If this is difficult, you can choose a smaller ball.

Lie on your stomach. The fitball should be at hip level. Maintain your balance with your hands. Lift your limbs up one at a time. The leg can be straight or bent at a right angle. Repeat 15-20 times on each leg.

Classes in the hall

You can also strengthen the muscles on the outer thigh in the gym. The most popular exercise is considered to be the abduction and extension of the legs.

The benefits of such training are: tightening the adductor muscle, strengthening the inner and outer thighs, improving posture, reducing injuries that are associated with weakness of the muscles of the lower extremities.

Despite the simplicity of the simulator, many manage to perform the exercises incorrectly, so the result remains zero. In order for the results of your training to please you, you must follow the rules.

First, set the working weight on the machine and adjust the width of the saddle. When bringing your legs together and spreading your legs, your back should remain straight. Hold the handrails with your hands. Bend your legs at a right angle.

As you exhale, slowly bring your hips together. When the rollers touch, hold the position for 1-2 seconds and begin spreading.

Movements should be smooth, without sudden jerks. Maintain a short interval between spreading and bringing the limbs together. Don't make unnecessary movements or arch your back. In this case, the load will be dissipated. If the exercise is easy for you, then you can increase the amplitude of leg extension.

There are 2 types of simulators when you need to train:

  1. 1. In a sitting position.
  2. 2. In a standing position.

Unlike a sitting exercise, a standing exercise machine has its advantages. It not only works the muscles of the outer thigh, but also helps to accelerate blood circulation in this area, as well as enrich the muscles with oxygen.

The legs in a standing exercise machine are placed on special footrests. When performing the exercise, you should hold onto the handrail in front of you with your hands. The lower limbs should be spread apart at the same time.

The stepper simulator is considered no less effective. It perfectly trains the muscles of the thighs, legs and buttocks. During development muscle strength You can increase the resistance of the pedals. Do not overdo it on the machine, as you can stretch your knee ligaments.

Universal trainer in gym is treadmill. She trains all muscle groups.

To work out the muscles of the lower body, it is also good to exercise on an exercise bike.

You can adjust the difficulty level on these simulators yourself. If you have injuries to the musculoskeletal system, you cannot exercise without a trainer.

Exercises to work the abductors (abductor muscles of the thigh), buttocks, tensor fascia lata, as well as the extensor muscle of the leg in knee joint(lateral broad muscle hips).

Exercises for the outer thigh at home

Do you want to quickly remove fat from the outer thigh at home? Looking for effective exercises to tone your outer thighs? Here! In this article we will tell you about a set of exercises with which you can pump up the necessary muscle group. Remember: regular training, adherence to exercise technique and proper nutrition will help achieve maximum results.

Advice. Before starting a set of exercises, take some time to warm up. 5-10 minutes of cardio at the beginning of your workout will help warm up your muscles and avoid unnecessary injury.


Exercises Sets Repetitions/Time
3 25
3 15
3 15-20
3 15

The exercise helps you work out effectively outer thigh. Additionally loaded inner surface hips.

  1. Get on all fours with your arms straight and legs bent at the knees.
  2. As you inhale, move your right leg to the side and fix it. The thigh is parallel to the floor.
  3. As you exhale, slowly lower your leg.

Number of repetitions: 3 sets of 20-25 repetitions.

Tip: Over time, you can use a dumbbell (placed in the bend of the thigh and lower leg) to increase the load. When performing an exercise with a dumbbell, after the working number of repetitions, you can remove the weight and do another 10-15 jerking movements. After this, move on to training the other leg.

Exercise to train the outer thigh. Additionally loaded gluteal muscles, quadratus lumborum and back extensors. In static conditions, the arms become tense (holding onto a support).

  1. Lie down on a chair with a soft seat or bench, resting on your stomach. The body is stabilized by the abdominal muscles.
  2. Straighten your legs, keeping your feet together.
  3. As you inhale, lift your legs up and hold for 1 second.
  4. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position.

Number of repetitions: 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

At home, you can use a pair of chairs with soft seats placed side by side to rest your stomach. Before performing the exercise with additional load To prevent injuries to the hip joint, it is necessary to do a warm-up consisting of squats, steps in place and rotation of the pelvis.

Advice: By shifting the load from the spine to hip joint, the exercise is recommended if you have back pain and spinal tension - as a prevention of diseases associated with sedentary life. Athletes with back problems should consult a physician before performing this exercise.

Trains and stretches the outer thighs, buttocks and calves. Over time, the difficulty can be increased by using weights or dumbbells.

  1. Starting position: feet wider than shoulders, toes turned to the sides, back straight.
  2. As you inhale, gently lower your pelvis so that your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Number of repetitions: 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

Tip: When performing, make sure that your knees do not protrude beyond your toes.

The exercise targets the quadriceps, gluteal muscles, hamstrings and calf muscles.

  1. Place your hands on your belt or behind your head. Keep your back straight.
  2. As you exhale, lunge your leg forward so that your knee forms a 90-degree angle. However, it should not extend beyond the toe. The second leg, which remains behind, rests on the toe and is bent at the knee.
  3. As you inhale, push off with the heel of your forward leg and return to the starting position.

For balance, the toe of the working leg can be slightly beveled.

Number of repetitions: 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

Advice: The wider the lunge, the more the buttocks work. The narrower the position of the legs, the more the quadriceps are involved.

The effect of training will appear faster with regular exercise in combination with a low-calorie diet. Normalize your diet and choose a specific time for exercise. Stick to a set schedule.

  • The effect of exercises for the outer thigh directly depends not only on their regularity, but also on the technique of execution. Especially when done at home. Monitor your technique when doing exercises in front of a mirror.
  • Muscles grow during rest after training, so remember to alternate between exercise and rest. At the initial stage, we recommend exercising no more than 3-4 times a week. Before increasing the number of workouts, consult with your trainer.
  • The first result will appear in 4-8 weeks, so do not be discouraged if the desired goal is not achieved after the first training. Even if target muscles They hurt a lot.
  • Start and end each workout with a 10-minute warm-up. Before training, it helps warm up the muscles, and after it helps the body return to its usual mode of operation.

Exercises to work the abductors (abductor muscles of the thigh), buttocks, tensor fascia lata, as well as the extensor muscle of the lower leg in the knee joint (vastus lateralis muscle).

In combination with proper nutrition And aerobic exercise reduce fat deposits and form a beautiful leg silhouette.