Yoga in Muzeon schedule. Yoga returns to Gorky Park

From June 28 to July 9, the MUZEON Arts Park will host VI International Festival of Gardens and Flowers Moscow Flower Show. This is not only the largest exhibition and high fashion week of landscape design in Russia, but also a great place for relaxation with the whole family.

Subject Moscow Flower Show 2017- “Life in the IVF style.” This year, visitors to the Festival will be able to learn how to maintain harmony with nature in modern living conditions and arrange their garden corner as naturally as possible - and how to realize this idea as aesthetically as possible.

They will be helped in this by professionals in the field of landscape design and floristry, who will conduct many inspiring master classes and present picturesque floral installations and new varieties of flowers - for example, the Melba hydrangea, which is becoming fashionable.

Moscow Flower Show will bring together more than 100 specialists in the field of landscape design, horticulture and floriculture - including 30 talented landscape designers, whose gardens will be presented as part of competitive program. In addition, the exhibition will feature 30 gardens created by schoolchildren for the “Planet of Flowers” ​​landscape design competition. This project, thanks to which students of Russian schools can show their talent, attracted such interest at the Moscow Flower Show last year that it was carried out in other Russian cities.

Connoisseurs of aesthetics will be able to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of exhibitions of the Royal Garden Society of Great Britain (RHS), admiring the prize-winning gardens of British festivals - they will be built as part of a cultural exchange between the Royal Garden Society and the Moscow Flower Show. One of them is presented by a married couple from the UK, designers Mark and Gigi Eveley, whose work has received numerous gold awards at international festivals.

The project of the family duet Ekaterina Bolotova and Denis Kalashnikov called “Molecular Garden” won gold medal and Best Garden of Show at the RHS Malvern Spring Festival. The compositional elements of the garden consist of many components, symbolizing the molecules from which our entire world consists - wooden benches and a decorative panel in the form of a stylized sunrise are assembled from many wooden parts arranged in a fan.

Another garden called “Let's go!” will interest fans of futurism and the history of astronautics. The composition was created by talented eight-year-old Russian schoolgirls Elizaveta Dushko and Sofia Bezhevets and, for the first time in the history of Russian landscape design, presented their work at international competition School Show Garden Challenge in the UK. The amazing garden consists of two parts, representing the Earth and Space, which are united by a water stream, which reflects the milky way with a million stars, which is a symbol of life. The earthly part of the composition is a typical Russian landscape with its spruce trees, perennial plants and herbs, in the center of which there is a papier-mâché satellite ready to take off, an installation with photographs of famous Russian cosmonauts and a greenhouse representing the gift of the Earth to other planets. The outer space of the garden is an unusual fantasy of what a garden could be like if built on the surface of the Moon - futuristic-looking calocephalus and fescue grow there.

Guest of honor Moscow Flower Show, representative of the French international festival gardens and flowers of Chaumont-on-Loire Claude Pasquier, whose work popularizes an environmentally friendly approach to landscape design and gardening, will show viewers that even a modest composter can become a piece of high art and decorate any garden. The landscape sculptor will present at the event his unique environmental art object “Champicomposteur”, made of a metal mesh in the shape of a mushroom, inside of which there is compost. This composter sculpture symbolizes the amazing ability of plants to give life even after withering, turning into fertile natural fertilizers.

Festival visitors will also be able to take a break from the bustle of the city and enjoy unity with nature, admiring the project created with the support of the world famous nursery Lorberg - the water garden of the Russian designer Ivan Bugaev “Geometry of Nature”. This is a real model of the universe in miniature: in the center of the viewer’s attention is a body of water with neat islands of land, on one of which a willow tree grows. Bugaev was inspired by the work of the impressionist Claude Monet - a pond with multi-colored water lilies, located in the garden, seemed to have come out of the serene paintings of the French artist. After graduation Moscow Flower Show this unique project will be donated to the Morozov Children's Clinical Hospital and built on its territory.

Fragrances and colors Moscow Festival of Gardens and Flowers will not leave anyone indifferent: as part of the exhibition, there will be a flower garden competition “City in Bloom”, for which talented landscape designers will build fragrant flower arrangements on the festival grounds. They will serve as an excellent source of inspiration for viewers - everyone will be able to receive a free diagram of their favorite flower beds with the names of the plants used, and then attend master classes and implement new ideas in their own garden.

In order to recharge your energy, organize your thoughts before work and lift your spirits for the whole day - come to morning classes. Evening classes will help you relieve physical and mental stress and relax at the end of the day. Yoga is both exercise and relaxation, strengthening muscles and improving joint mobility. As a result of practice, breathing is normalized, metabolic processes are activated, and blood circulation improves.

The classes are structured in such a way that they will be of interest to both beginners and those who want to get acquainted with the traditions of yoga. You can and should start at any age and at any level physical training, the main thing is to dress comfortably and take a rug with you.


Wooden terrace near the dry fountain in Muzeon:

Monday - Friday: 08:00-09:30

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 19:00-20:30

Saturday, Sunday: 10:00-11:30

Cinema Pioneer (in evening time- lawn opposite the cinema)

Monday - Friday: 08:00-09:30, 19:00-20:30

Saturday: 14:00-15:30

Sunday: 12:00-13:30

Sparrow Hills, Andreevskaya Embankment

Monday-Friday: 08:30-10:00

Saturday, Sunday: 11:00-12:30

Please note:

Registration is not required, but please note that classes are canceled in rain or temperatures below 18 degrees. You must track the schedule and cancellations of classes yourself on the Yoga Journal website before going to class:


AND DAY: Sat., Sun: 16.00-17.00

ADDRESS: st. Krymsky Val, 2
(metro station Oktyabrskaya, Park Kultury),
Muzeon art park (go around the Central House of Artists on the right,
further along the central alley on the right, not reaching the monument to F.E. Dzerzhinsky)

CLOTHING: Loose, not restricting movement





Certified Hatha Yoga teacher. She started practicing yoga in 2005, attending classes by Maxim Kazak and Aleksadr Furashov at the B.K.S studio. Iyengar and Ashtanga Yoga Center in Moscow. Completed a Hatha Yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh Yog Peeth , in the city of Rishikesh, India, with teachers: Roshan Singh and Sanjay K. Naithani. In Rishikesh she studied at the Agama school of yoga, based on the traditions of Kundalini and Laya yoga, with Kushru Mistry and Justine Baruch. She constantly improves her practice by studying independently and attending master classes from experienced teachers. She started teaching yoga in 2008 in Finland. IN at the moment lives in Balashikha and gives regular yoga classes.

I became acquainted with soft techniques that deal with the balance of body and mind: shiatsu, tai chi, qigong body-mind centering while studying in Finland at the department of dance and performance in N about rth Karelia College . Began to practice in India Body Work , and took a certification course in MoscowThe art of vedic Thai- Yoga Body Work Thai - Yoga Body Work ). Improves his knowledge through regular practice.

In the practice of yoga and Thai yoga massage (as in any other activity), he considers it important to maintain an open mind, presence in the present moment and do your job with love and respect for yourself and others, seeing an invaluable lesson in every experience.

Certified Hatha Yoga teacher. Started doing yoga in 2008. She studied at the Ashtanga Yoga Center in St. Petersburg with Artem Frolov, at the Ashtanga Yoga School in Krasnoyarsk with Alexey Konstantinov, and also at the school of S. T. Krishnamacharya " Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram ", in Madras, India. After a year of practice, I began giving regular yoga classes, discovering my potential and desire to happily share my knowledge. Over four years of teaching, I gained invaluable experience working with such areas as: yoga therapy, yoga for beginners, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Ashtanga mix, Vinyasa flow.

I became acquainted with Thai massage, as well as reflexology, in Krasnoyarsk during classes with Alexey Konstantinov. Completed a certification course in MoscowThe art of vedic Thai- Yoga Body Work at Michael Buck (Mukti) Thai yoga massage ( Thai - Yoga Body Work ). He embodies his knowledge in daily practice.

I think everyone has their own path in yoga. And everyone chooses the direction that suits him at the moment, taking into account all the details and features of his life. The last year for my personal practice is Ashtanga Vinyasa - clear, organizing, which makes me strong and resilient, gives me a feeling of balance, a meditative state in life.

Last Thursday I repeated my trip to yoga at Muzeon. This time it was unimaginably cool. Words cannot describe how much I liked it!! There was PSY yoga according to the method of Dmitry Serebrovsky, the class was taught by him himself. I had never heard of PSY yoga, so I decided to read about it in advance. Here is an interview with Dmitry.

A lot of people came. From 19.00 there was a training session for instructors. I thought they would all go away and not stay for practice. She waited calmly in a rocking chair nearby. I shouldn't have thought that. We had to take a rug and also sit next to it. Because none of the instructors left. And then by 20.00 more people arrived, there wasn’t enough space for everyone on the veranda, and many settled around right on the grass. I grabbed literally the last rug and brazenly squeezed onto the veranda next to a young man, such a yogi with an enlightened look and in triangular pants. Someone complained that it was cramped. To which Dmitry replied, you don’t yet know what “close” means. It happens that the rugs lie close to each other, and the distance of a palm’s width between the rugs is still very spacious. Yes, our place was much more spacious, but the asanas had to be done synchronously so as not to stare anyone with the heel :)

I got a mat that wasn’t exactly a yoga one. Its advantage is that it is soft; I didn’t break any bones this time. Perhaps this was his only advantage. And the downside is that it is soft :) Yes, it is extremely difficult to maintain balance on it if you are unsteady on your feet. I had to move it aside and do balance asanas without it. And one more minus - it is light, with every gust of wind it rose and tried to cover my head. And yet, the public rugs are already quite dusty. After class, my feet and palms were blackened with dirt, so I had to scrub everything off with facial lotion. It’s good that I didn’t leave him at home. And after that I realized that I needed to have my own rug.

We did a lot of unfamiliar asanas, or rather, familiar ones only from pictures :) I never thought that I would be able to do many of them at least in some approximation. What surprised me most was that I got an asana (I don’t know what it’s called) when you do a bridge with emphasis on the forehead. That is, first you place the ready on the top of your head, then you come closer on tiptoes, while your neck should be very tense, and your head should gradually fall back and roll back onto your forehead. Ideally, you can even “kiss” the rug with your lips, which is what Dmitry demonstrated to us. Of course, I was thinking about only one thing - how not to break my neck. But everything worked out, my neck doesn’t hurt at all. There were also all sorts of twists. After them, the muscles of the back and sides ached for several days. As I already said, there were balance asanas. And, what also surprised me, we were not lying in shavasana. Dmitry apparently took pity on us - a cold wind was blowing, it was really cold. When you are actively exercising, you don’t feel the movement, but you can’t lie down. Warm clothes Not everyone had it. For example, I didn’t even have a sweater. Savasana was replaced with breathing exercises.

In the photos, in fact, these comfortable rocking chairs and the veranda itself. I took photos while sitting in one of these. On the veranda there is a seminar for instructors.

Yesterday I went to Decathlon to buy a rug. I chose it solely based on weight; it’s not very healthy to carry 3 kilos around. Along with the rug, I bought a raincoat cover and a stretching belt. I tried the rug at home - it’s excellent, pleasant to the touch, my hands don’t slip, and it’s moderately soft. And it is also my favorite color - one side is lilac, the other is purple. The belt is garbage, you tighten it, but it loosens and twists on its own. But it’s okay, I’ll hold him. At the same time, I bought another rug that does not roll into a roll, but folds into a square. It is, of course, not for yoga, it is smaller in size, but it is very convenient to carry in a backpack and, if necessary, use it as a saddle or sunbathe on it in the park.