Dilution and dosing of peptides in simple terms. Ready course of GHRP peptides Dosage of GHRP peptides 6

So, I think, every user of peptides has encountered the problem of how to properly dilute peptides, in the right proportion, in order to obtain a convenient amount of substance for a certain amount of solution, as well as how and with what to dilute these miracle drugs.

Today I will help you understand this in simple and accessible language.

Let's start with Solvents, what are they?

  1. Water for injection: the simplest and easiest option, sold at the pharmacy, costs mere pennies.
  2. Lidocaine: local anesthetic, good only when using “painful” peptides. Sold in pharmacies and just as cheap.
  3. Germicidal water is a solution containing 0.9% sodium chloride and 0.9% benzyl alcohol. In my opinion, this is the biggest scam of ashes sellers. Because If this is an awesome solvent, then why isn’t it sold in pharmacies?! Try typing “Buy bactericidal water at a pharmacy” into Google and what will you see, the first 10 pages are occupied by sellers of what?? Well, you understand, I think... the rest is taken up by simple water for injection. Everything is banal, the cost of a bottle is 20 rubles, they sell for 300 rubles, the margin is colossal, hence the stories about it.
  1. With divisions into 40 units (volume in milliliters = 1 ml) i.e. on this syringe, if you dilute the “CJC 1295 2mg” bottle by 2 ml, then we will get 100 mcg of V by 4 units or 1 tenth of the total V.
  2. With divisions of 100 units (volume in milliliters = 1 ml) on this type of syringe if
  3. dilute the bottle of “CJC 1295 2mg” by 2 ml, then we get 10 units of 100 mcg of the drug or 1 tenth of the total V.

Now let’s move on to the main part of our article and look at each of the main products separately, namely how and in what proportions peptides should be diluted to make them more usable.

Let's start with the fact that NANOX Bio peptide ampoules contain 2.5 ml of water. It is better to fill in the solvent with a regular 2 or 3 cc syringe; it is simply more convenient and faster than using insulin.

GHRP 2 or 6

CJC 1295

Simple SGS contains 2 mg of the substance in an ampoule. Dissolve by 2 ml to get 100 mcg per 10 units or 4 units (depending on the type of syringe), which corresponds to a single dosage.

CJC 1295 DAC

It's much easier here because... “Long” SGS is given twice a week at 1000-2000 mcg, and the vials contain 2000 mcg, which can be diluted by 0.5 ml if you put one bottle at a time, or 1 ml and divided into two injections of 0.5 ml each.

HGH 176-191

"HGH" contains 2 mg of the drug per bottle. We dilute it by 2 ml to get 100 mcg for 10 units or 4 units, which is equal to a one-time minimum dose.


Here again, everything is not complicated, because... There is a loading phase in the first week of administration equal to 10 mg, then we will administer one bottle containing 2 mg at a time. We dilute with any amount of solvent, but no more than 1 ml, so as not to push a lot of liquid under the skin, because 0.5 ml will resolve faster than 1 ml.

Ipamorelin, Sermorelin, Hexarelin

Ipa, Sulfur, Hexa have 2 mg in an ampoule. It is best to dilute them by 2 ml to get 100 mcg per 10 units or 4 units, which corresponds to a single dosage.


"PEG" contains 2 mg of the substance in a bottle. It will be very rational to dissolve in 1.2 ml of water because... a single dose is 500 mcg (one 4th of the total amount). With this proportion, we will get 500 mcg of the drug per 12 units or 30 units.


MGF contains 2 mg of substance. Because it is given at least 1000 mcg at a time, into a pair of trained muscles, then again it is appropriate to dilute it with 1 ml of solvent and divide it into 2 injections into the left and right bitsunya, for example.


The ampoule of "Gonads" contains 2 mg of the substance. You need to dilute by 2 ml to get 100 mcg per 10 units or 4 units.


MT-2 contains 10 mg of the drug per ampoule. It is convenient to dilute by 2 ml to get 500 mcg per 10 units or 4 units.

Thank you all for your attention, I hope you found this article useful. Your Pep Land.

Nowadays, the pharmacological environment serving the field power types sports, develops with incredible speed, constantly working on the creation of drugs newest generation. At the same time, the popularity of pharmacology in sports is growing. And this is not at all just that, because it is no secret to anyone: additional stimulants “from outside” have an excellent effect on the development of all body systems, helping to achieve previously unprecedented heights. And one of these drugs is the GHRP 6 peptide, which has a large army of fans around the world. You may have never heard of it, but we'll fix that. What is it and what is it eaten with? We’ll talk in detail and figure it out in this article, if you’re ready, of course. Are you ready? Let's go!

Description of GHRP 6 and mechanism of action

What is GHRP 6? Everything is very simple: as we said above, this is a peptide that performs a very clear function - it stimulates the production of growth hormone. This mechanism is definitely the main and determining one in achieving maximum results.

The peptide in question is incredibly similar to its brother, GHRP-2. Until recently, many thought that there were no differences between them at all. However, through research, the main difference between related peptides was revealed - GHRP-2 is one and a half times more powerful. But this power leads to the fact that the level of cortisol and prolactin in the body significantly increases from such a strong effect. However, it is worth noting that many athletes do not look at this, but take these drugs in pairs for a more significant and faster effect. This is why GHRP 6 is one of the best-selling peptides worldwide. Manufacturers have made incredible advertising for this product, but the effect of taking it is incredible. It serves not only as an excellent recovery tool, but also as an excellent rehabilitation tool, helping to recover from even the most severe injuries.

How to take GHRP 6?

It’s worth pointing out right away that the question “how to take GHRP 6?” It is quite individual and depends on personal tolerance. But there are still general indications for use. According to latest research, the optimal dosage of GHRP 6 is 1 mcg per kilogram of body weight. Let's also say that doses lower than recommended are not as effective in producing growth hormone. Therefore, most athletes immediately begin the course with the required dosages.

But that's not all. There is also the other, rather interesting side of the coin: increasing the dosage taken also does not lead to a significant increase in growth hormone in the body. So 1 mcg is the most correct dosage.

As for the method of application, there is no specific method. GHRP 6 can enter the body subcutaneously, orally, but most often, of course, intramuscularly. It is recommended to take the drug three times a day: immediately after going to the gym, 15-30 minutes before meals, and also before going to bed.

Experts have found that the effect of the body’s adaptation to the supplements used did not bypass the peptide in question. At the same time, as you may have guessed, the effect of taking it also decreases. In this regard, it is recommended to carry out the course for no more than 4-8 weeks, and then take a mandatory break of 10-14 days.

Preparing a GHRP 6 solution is not difficult. First you need to bring the bottle temperature to room temperature. Next, inject the injection solution along the wall of the bottle, gently stir the resulting mixture by rotation and cool in the refrigerator. 30-35 days – this is exactly the shelf life of this peptide in the refrigerator.

Combination with other peptides and supplements

We have already said that it is possible to enhance the already excellent effect of a course of GHRP-6 through synergy, that is, combining the use of drugs. In fact, there are quite a large number of combinations suitable for this peptide. Let's look at the main ones:

CJC-1295– according to leading experts and a number of athletes highest level, this choice of combination is “golden”. This is explained by the fact that this peptide hormone enhances the effect of GHRP-6 significantly. And this, in turn, guarantees you incredible growth hormone production and excellent results.

– we have already mentioned this combination. Sources say: such a pair will double the effect of the course.

Arginine– this amino acid will increase the effect by 10-20%.

Insulin– there’s nothing to say here. The effect is simply incredible - an increase in efficiency by 30-40%.

Also, the combination of the GHRP-6 course can be carried out in tandem with glutamine or GABA.

Such combinations exist. They are very different, but quite effective. All that remains is to choose the one that is most suitable specifically for the characteristics of your body. And the result definitely won’t take long to arrive.

Side effects

The topic of so-called “side effects” does not subside for a minute. The wave of discussion could not bypass GHRP-6 either. It is worth pointing out that, according to the results of several authoritative studies, no significant adverse effects were identified after a course of the peptide in question. On the contrary, researchers were able to find manifestations of the protective properties of the drug. We should not forget that doctors sometimes prescribe this peptide even to children. The only negative manifestation after the injections that was identified was a burning sensation at the injection site. But its duration is extremely short, so you shouldn’t attach much importance to it.

But it's still definitely worth paying attention to GHRP-6. The effectiveness, safety and results achieved after taking it cannot but impress. This has long been appreciated by tens of thousands of athletes in all corners of the planet. Keep up with the best, become one of them with GHRP-6. This is your faithful friend and assistant in achieving the highest results that you could not even think about before. Don't believe me? Just check. Good luck!

This article was created to help beginning bodybuilders. It provides information on how to take GHRP-6 to stimulate your own growth hormone production.

It is a potent, high-quality releasing peptide capable of binding to secretory receptors, indirectly increasing its release from the hypothalamus. This drug, which has found wide use in bodybuilding practice, has a number of the following pharmacological effects:

  • increases the concentration of growth hormone in the blood by 7-15 times;
  • activates the growth process muscle mass;
  • promotes restoration of damaged fibers of striated muscles;
  • reduces the amount of subcutaneous fatty tissue;
  • increases strength and endurance.

How to take GHRP-6? This drug is intended for course use. The optimal single dosage is 2 mcg per 1 kg of athlete’s body weight (100-200 mcg). The peptide is taken 3 times a day: half an hour before meals, at the end of training and before bed. After subcutaneous administration for 30 minutes, a sharp increase in the concentration of growth hormone is observed. Then, within 4 hours, the indicators decrease to their original state (this is why professionals advise giving injections at intervals of 4 hours).

It should be noted that when the dose of GHRP-6 is reduced, there is a less noticeable increase in the secretion of endogenous hormone, but, at the same time, an increase in the amount of the drug does not entail increased secretion of GH. The duration of course use is 4-8 weeks. Next, the body needs to be given a two-week rest.

How to take GHRP-6 peptides: solo or in combination with other sports products? Professionals recommend using the drug in conjunction with (in this case, its effectiveness increases several times). Also, to achieve the maximum pharmacological effect, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the training, nutrition and rest regime. In conclusion, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that GHRP-6 is capable of enhancing. Others side effects from the action of releasing peptide was not detected.

Not long ago, we began to tell you about various peptide courses, since they are used quite rarely in amateur bodybuilding due to the relative complexity of their correct use. Today we decided to take a separate course of peptides GHRP-2 and GHRP-6, since this combination is very contradictory. In general, let's look at the issue from all sides.

GHRP 2 and GHRP 6: all the pros and cons of a joint course

Both of these peptides stimulate the production of Growth Hormone and increase appetite. There is a misconception that they are able to stimulate the production of Ghrelin, the appetite hormone, but this is not the case; it is enhanced due to the production of another hormone, Cortisol.

GHRP 2 is a stronger peptide in action and stimulates the production of GH much better, but at the same time it increases the concentration of Cortisol and Prolactin. GHRP 6 works more weakly, but at the same time has fewer side effects. By the way, this is one of the reasons why it is recommended to combine these two hormones - it is possible to strongly stimulate the production of GH and appetite, and to a small extent increase the level of cortisol and prolactin, but there is also a completely opposite opinion.

In addition to these differences, both hormones produce the same effects:

  • Gain muscle growth and increased strength;
  • Stimulates fat burning and increases definition;
  • Increased appetite;
  • Strengthening the immune system, strengthening ligaments and bones;
  • Anti-inflammatory effect and liver protection.

There is evidence that peptides 2 and 6 act synergistically on each other, but there is another version that it is inappropriate to use them together. Here are the main points:

  • Peptides belong to the same group and have an identical effect on the body;
  • Both peptides increase the production of cortisol and prolactin, and together will double their production;
  • The level of receptor saturation is exceeded, sensitivity to peptides decreases, while the production of GH does not increase significantly.

It is worth noting that these peptides can be used together, and the effect will be positive if you use the recommended dosage (which will be discussed below). But why buy both peptides if they will give you almost the same effect? As a solo course, one of these peptides will be enough to stimulate the production of GH.

Course options

Let's now look at the options for individual courses GHRP-2 and GHRP-6, since they have some differences.

GHRP peptide course 2

This peptide has a dose-dependent effect, that is, how much of the substance you introduce, the amount of Growth Hormone will be produced; lower the dosage - the production will decrease. By the way, the dosage does not depend on gender and age, it will be the same for everyone.

How to use: 1-2 mcg per 1 kg of body weight 2-3 times a day. The time for injections is 15 minutes before meals in the morning, after training, before bed. Injections are given intramuscularly. The duration of use is 2 months, then a break is taken for 2 months and the course can be repeated.

GHRP 6 peptide course

There is a certain peculiarity when taking this peptide - the duration of use should not exceed 4-8 weeks, as the body quickly gets used to it and becomes tolerant to it. To ensure optimal effect, you can alternate GHRP-6 and GHRP-2 or do a course according to the following scheme: 4-8 weeks of use - 1-2 weeks of rest.

How to use: The optimal dosage is considered to be 1 mcg per 1 kg of body weight; increasing the dosage to 2 mcg increased the production of GH by only 25%, so it was not particularly effective. It is administered three times a day - 15 minutes before meals in the morning, after training and before bed.

Option of a combined course of peptides GHRP 2 and GHRP 6

As mentioned above, some studies show that peptides 2 and 6 act synergistically in the body. That is why we will present an option for a joint course. It is worth mentioning that substances should only be mixed in a syringe and not in a bottle, otherwise they will lose their effectiveness.

How to use: The optimal dosage is 1 mcg of each substance per 1 kg of body weight. Injections are given intramuscularly 3 times a day: 15 minutes before meals, after training and before bedtime. Duration of use - 2 months or according to the scheme: 4-8 weeks on, 1-2 weeks off.

And so, we laid out all the pros and cons for you. Decide for yourself what scheme to follow, but we would advise you to play it safe and use a scheme with alternating intake and rest. This way, you can be sure that you will not become addicted to the drug or have side effects.

You can find out prices for peptides and buy them on our website.

(Hexarelin) is a recombinant peptide used in sports pharmacology as a stimulator for the production of its own growth hormone. This drug is available in the form of a lyophilized powder for injection, which is accompanied by special instructions indicating how to dilute GHRP 6 peptides and how to correctly calculate the daily dosage.

Dilution of GHRP 6 peptide

When starting to prepare the solution, the bottle with the powder must be warmed to room temperature, keeping it indoors for some time. The solvent used is sterile or special, containing 0.9% sodium chloride and 0.9% benzene alcohol. To dilute GHRP 6 (a bottle containing 5 mg) you will need 2-3 ml of liquid. In the first case, when used per 100 divisions, 1 division per 0.01 ml will contain 25 μg, in the second - 15 μg of the substance.

A single dose of Hexarelin is calculated using the formula: 1 mcg of peptide per 1 kg of athlete’s body weight. This sports product is dose-dependent, that is, both low and too high dosages will not stimulate proportional. Optimal quantity, according to professionals, is 100-200 mcg per injection.

How to inject GHRP 6 to achieve maximum effect?

  • The drug must be administered into fat layer located in the abdominal area;
  • The injections are placed at a distance of 3 cm from each other at an angle of 45 between the syringe and the injection area;
  • should be used 2-3 times a day (in the morning, before starting training and before bedtime);
  • The interval between injections should be at least 4 hours.

It should be noted that a slight burning sensation may be observed at the injection site of Hexarelin for several minutes. This is a normal condition and should not cause concern. After dilution, the solution remains stable for 30 days. It is stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8 C, separate from food.