First parachute jump - what you need to know. Parachuting - how to do parachuting

Parachute - from the French parachute (from the Greek para - “against” and the French chute - “to fall”) - a device for braking an object due to atmospheric resistance. Parachutes are used for the safe descent of people, cargo, spacecraft, etc. from heights.

Historians testify that the idea of ​​parachute jumping first came to the legendary Leonardo da Vinci. And the first mention of the safe opportunity to “descend from heaven” is in his manuscript (1495): “If a person has a tent made of starched linen, each side of which is twelve cubits wide and the same in height, he can throw himself from any height without exposing yourself to any danger."

Today we no longer need to throw ourselves out of the sky with a tent, but, after weighing all the pros and cons, decide to jump under the guidance of reliable instructors. What is needed for this, what types of jumps are there and who should not jump - all these questions concern everyone who wants to receive their portion of heavenly things. So, two options for skydiving for the first time.

Solo parachute jump

In this case, you independently jump with a military parachute on a round canopy with a forced opening or a three-second delay before opening the parachute. It is believed that this option is chosen by truly brave and determined people.

Jump Features:

Before the jump, you need to undergo preparation: paperwork, a medical examination, detailed instruction lasting 3-4 hours (sometimes more). The jump is made from a height of 800 meters above the ground, the speed of the aircraft during the release is 160 km/h. Free fall lasts 3 seconds, speed 50 m/s. The fall speed upon landing is 5 m/s, which is why special attention is paid to the landing stage during instruction. Failure to pay attention to the instructions can lead to quite unpleasant consequences!

After the briefing, at the command of the graduating instructor, “On board!” you will be put on a plane (usually an An-2, known as the “corner”) in order of formation (the heaviest ones jump first). If the ring is forgotten, the parachute will open the safety system.

Weather restrictions: wind no more than 6 m/s. It is advisable that there is no thunderstorm, but you can jump in the rain, but it is quite difficult to drag a wet parachute after landing.

Tandem jump with an instructor

Skydive with a wing parachute paired with a tandem master. A very reliable option for your first parachute jump. Here you may not have to show independence and heroic courage, but you will be able to enjoy the flight much longer and in a different capacity.

Jump Features:

Before the jump, you will also be prepared: paperwork, medical examination, brief instructions.

The jump is carried out from a board (airplane, helicopter), which allows you to gain greater altitude (L-410, Mi-8 helicopter, etc.).

On board, the instructor will connect your suspension systems. You separate from the helicopter (plane) at an altitude of 3500–4000 meters (!). The free fall lasts 50 seconds. All work to stabilize the fall and deploy the parachute is performed by an experienced instructor. You only have to enjoy the sensations and views for almost a minute!

The fall speed upon landing is 1 m/s. The force of landing can be compared to jumping off a couch, so health restrictions in tandem jumps are less strict.

Weather restrictions: wind up to 10–12 m/s, cloudiness plays almost no role, as they are brought in and dropped off using a GPS navigator. Photo and video shooting is allowed during the jump.

Caution, health

Of course, you will undergo a medical examination before the jump. But a local doctor cannot diagnose many diseases that you know about. Therefore, be conscious and pay attention to your health.

If you are wearing contact lenses, no problem. But the glasses need to be replaced with glasses with plastic lenses and an elastic band around the head. If you have severe myopia, it is better to refrain from jumping.

If you have a history of musculoskeletal injuries, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps in this case only a tandem jump is suitable for you. And if your legs are broken, you cannot jump with a parachute for a year after the bones have completely fused.

The permissible weight for independent skydiving is no less than 45 kg and no more than 95. For tandem skydiving, the upper weight limit is 130 kg.

So, not everyone can afford such extreme entertainment as parachute jumping due to health reasons. You will find contraindications in the next section.

Skydiving: contraindications. Who can't jump?

People suffering from mental illness.

Patients with diabetes mellitus.

Deaf or suffering from acute or chronic diseases of the middle ear.

People with high blood pressure are not allowed to skydive.

You will not be allowed to jump while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

What else do you need to jump?

Suitable clothing and shoes

With an increase of 1 km, the temperature decreases by 6 degrees, so clothing should be covered even in summer, for example, sports suit, or overalls, gloves, safety glasses. Sports shoes - sneakers (when jumping from 800 meters, you need high-top boots, or sneakers plus elastic bandages). Take all small items out of your pockets and leave them on the ground.

Condition and mood. Take the jump in good physical fitness- in a healthy state of body and spirit. Rest, get enough sleep, and don’t drink alcohol the night before. And you are guaranteed impressions that will last a lifetime! Who knows, maybe you will discover your talent as an aeronaut?

Interesting facts:

The first woman to make a parachute jump was Mrs. Georgia Thompson, Henderson, North Carolina. At the age of 15, already a wife and mother, she joined a group of paratroopers in 1908, and five years later, on June 21, 1913, she made her first jump over Los Angeles.

Currently, precision landing jumps are one of the two main disciplines of classical parachuting. The goal in precision jumping is to hit a target 3 cm in size. When landing on the roofs of buildings, the main thing is to have time to run up and push off from the plane of the building before the parachute canopy “goes out.”

What is the first parachute jump? How does a person change after he first steps into the sky? To find out, we talked with the Ulyanovsk Suvorovites twice: a few days before the jump and immediately after. For two weeks, the guys underwent an intensive course of training on the simulators of the airborne complex, and also practiced packing the main and reserve parachutes, with which they were to land. Read about the fears, hopes and plans for life of the students of the Ulyanovsk VUU in our material.

Before the jump:

I study at the Ulyanovsk school, and our company had the opportunity to go here to the Ryazan school. Every year the tenth grade goes to such training camps, but in other places, but this year they managed to get here. I really like it here, it’s interesting here. A change of scenery is always good. The preparation itself is not particularly difficult. We have already learned a lot.

Stowing a parachute is already quite easy. At first it was difficult, the first time the installation lasted 4 hours, but now we quickly install everything.

It was also not easy at first on the simulators - we did not understand what they wanted from us. And after two or three training sessions it became easier, we understood what was required of us. We're ready to jump.

There is excitement anyway, only fools don’t worry. It seems to me that the fact that we pack our own parachutes is correct. I trust myself more than anyone. This way you check everything yourself, you can make sure everything is in order. I haven't decided yet what I want to be. I’m not sure that I’ll join the Airborne Forces, but I’ll definitely be in the military. In general, I would like to enroll in St. Petersburg, in artillery. But who knows? Maybe after the jump something will change. They say that priorities change after this. Therefore, I think that such preparation is very useful for the guys. Responsibility appears and courage increases. Much, it seems to me, turns over in a person after the jump.

After the jump:

I had trouble sleeping at night. He constantly replayed his actions in his head. When we flew to the drop site, I looked out the window and tried to understand where we would land. I also remembered how I packed my parachute and went over my actions in my head before the jump.

When they opened the door, I got excited, the thought flashed: “What if I forgot something while packing?”

But when I saw the man in front of me jump normally (I was second), I calmed down and stepped out of the plane.

The sensations are the most unusual. Especially the first three seconds of free fall, when the parachute has not yet opened. You fly and don’t understand what’s happening. You just count the seconds until the opening: “Five hundred one, five hundred two, five hundred three”... There was a jerk and it seemed that the parachute froze in the air. I began to look around, at the ground. Everything down there is so small! When I landed, I couldn’t even believe it - I thought that the descent would continue for some time.

Before the jump:

I entered Suvorov only this year, I was already in tenth grade. I didn’t know what would happen, what awaited me. After finishing ninth grade, I decided to continue my studies somewhere else and ended up here. I didn’t get along with the guys right away. It was a little difficult for two months, but then I found a common language with them, and now everything is fine. Here, at the training camp, I really like the discipline, preparation, and the jumps themselves. This year is generally very busy for me - first I took part in the parade on May 9, and now I’m going to jump with a parachute. I had no fear, and now, with two days left, I began to worry and worry. Tomorrow we'll pack the parachutes, and I'm sure everything will be fine.

The main thing is to gather your thoughts and jump.

I believe that such preparation gives the guys self-confidence. I want to continue serving in the army, but have not yet decided where I will go to study. I think jumping might help me make a decision.

After the jump:

When I stood in the doorway and looked down, all thoughts disappeared from my head. Until that moment, I was thinking what would happen after the plane, would the parachute open, how would I land? And when it was time to jump, I forgot about everything.

The first seconds after separation were the most terrible. When our legs lost support, everything we had been taught flew out of our heads. But as soon as the canopy opened, I felt joy that I had made the jump.

Photo: Andrey Luft/Defend Russia

Before the jump:

I am from Ulyanovsk, so it was predetermined where I would go to study. Before this training camp, I talked with the guys who study at the Ryazan school, so I had some expectations.

I got everything I expected. I'm ready to jump. As they say, heaven will carry out natural selection.

I am also confident in my abilities. And in a friend with whom we are laying a parachute together. In general, everything we were taught here was necessary and useful. This gives the guys the opportunity to try their hand and decide whether it’s worth enrolling here or whether it’s better to look at some other option. I will enter the Ryazan Airborne Forces School.

There are no paratroopers in my family. My father served in the missile forces, and I thought that I would continue the dynasty, but then I decided to come here. It seems to me that no matter how my jump went, it will not affect my decision. In addition, I have a friend with whom we agreed to enroll here at the Ryazan School. So, even if I am very scared, I will still come here.

After the jump:

When we boarded the An-2, there was no fear or anxiety. And when the time came for the ejection, I thought: “Maybe that’s it? I’ll stay on the plane and return to the airfield”?

The worst thing was standing in the doorway when such a wind was blowing into the cabin that it was blocking my ears. But at some point I pulled myself together and jumped out of the plane.

The parachute jump turned out to be cooler than any attraction. A very unusual experience. What I remember most is how the earth looks from above - a huge green mass underfoot. I would jump again now.

Photo: Andrey Luft/Defend Russia

Before the jump:

Of course, I assumed that it would be difficult here, but it turned out to be really difficult here. Moreover, it is more difficult to cope with the moral side - physically you can prepare for some time, but coping with the growing tension is not easy, especially far from home. But I think I'm ready to take the leap. There is a feeling of excitement, but I know that after the jump it will turn into satisfaction. To some extent, fear is connected with the fact that we pack our own parachutes. I trust myself, but no one ruled out the human factor.

Naturally, they help us, but I would feel calmer if the instructors were packing the parachutes. And so you have to rely on yourself. You understand that your life is only in your hands and you don’t want to risk it.

But it’s things like this that build character. Plus, it will help us decide on our future profession. True, I plan to enroll in Moscow, at the University of the Ministry of Defense. I don’t have military personnel in my family, I chose this path myself - I saw it on the Internet and decided to try it.

After the jump:

When we were flying on the plane, I admired the scenery from the window. And when the siren sounded, my heart sank with excitement. All thoughts were interrupted. I calmed down a little when I saw that the man jumping in front of me had his canopy open normally. And then I stepped off the plane myself.

For the first three seconds I couldn’t understand anything at all. I was twisted and tossed around different sides. And as soon as the parachute opened, everything stopped abruptly. I looked up at the huge white dome and calmed down. I realized that from now until landing I can enjoy the flight.

Now I’m still all on edge, it’s hard to describe my feelings. But the fact that I have become more self-confident is a fact. I myself, with my own hands, packed this parachute and, as our instructors said, “laid my life”!

Photo: Andrey Luft/Defend Russia

Before the jump:

I had a strong desire to come here, learn and fulfill my dream of skydiving. We all knew that it wouldn't be easy here, but we were ready for it. You get tired of having to do the same thing over and over again, for example, packing a parachute or performing ground preparations for the elements of a jump. But it gives you self-confidence.

I'm confident in myself! I don’t understand - if you don’t have confidence in yourself, then why come here at all.

I have no doubt about my partner either. We are all close to each other. We could be paired with anyone, and we would not doubt our comrade. We all can and know how to work with each other. Such training camps develop endurance, patience, and courage in children. Therefore, in my opinion, they are very necessary. This is a tremendous life experience. I, without a doubt, see myself in the army, but I’m not sure that I will join the Airborne Forces. I have a preference - foreign languages. Here I will fulfill my dream, but my priorities are different.

After the jump:

The whole jump was on adrenaline, I didn’t really understand anything.

It was scary to step into the sky, but there was no turning back either.

Photo: Andrey Luft/Defend Russia

Before the jump:

I feel like I'm on my own path. Studying at Suvorov is difficult, but there are many advantages. The main one is friends, comrades. After graduation, everyone continues to communicate and go through life together. The collection met my expectations. I’m taking a closer look, because next year I’ll come here to study. There were no special difficulties in preparing for the jump. Of course, I had to tinker with the installation. Tomorrow we already have combat training. I trust myself, but still a moment of doubt remains. But I'm sure everything will be fine. Tomorrow we will lay it out using a ruler. Before a jump, the most basic feeling is that there is something unknown ahead. But I’m very interested, I’m going to go to Ryazanskoe.

I am glad that I went through all this, the training camp is good practice, training, and it seems to me that the jump itself can change something in people.

But I don’t think that he will be able to influence my decision; I have already decided on my plans for the future.

After the jump:

I really liked the jump, I want more. When I got on the plane, I still didn’t know what awaited us. It was a little scary, but at the same time very interesting - what it was like to jump into the abyss.

The most unusual moment was in the interval between separation from the plane and the opening of the canopy - everything that happened seemed unreal, as if in a dream. I was also surprised how the land - so small at first - was approaching very quickly.

Photo: Andrey Luft/Defend Russia

For this purpose, the An-2 aircraft is usually used; it is capable of taking off no higher than 800 meters - this is the optimal altitude for novice athletes. A similar scheme is used by the Moscow Skycenter, where beginners who want to learn how to jump often turn.

For such a jump, they use parachutes for paratroopers, known as D-6. The design of the equipment is very simple and easy to operate; such a parachute is the safest for a beginner. Before the jump is made, the athlete must pass special training, which lasts three hours.

The area of ​​the main dome D-6 is 83 meters, the spare dome is slightly smaller - 50 meters; they are easy to install. The parachute has special lines, and beginners will not be able to control the equipment, which protects them from landing in an unplanned place.

The height of 800 meters was chosen by specialists based on many years of practice. At this altitude, the wind is weaker, so it does not carry athletes far from the chosen landing site. In the event of a malfunction of the main dome, a person will have enough time to open the spare one.

In order to avoid serious injuries upon landing, beginners undergo special instructions. It is very important that the landing occurs correctly; for comparison, the impact force is approximately the same if you jump from the height of the first floor without preparation.

How does the first jump happen?

The plane rises to a set altitude, after which the door opens and the athletes step overboard one by one. The canopy opens automatically three seconds after the jump. A slight jerk follows; the athlete may get lost in space, but the disorientation goes away after a few minutes. This time is enough to perform a correct landing. Free flight takes no more than two minutes.

After the athlete returns to the start, he will be able to receive a certificate of his own completed jump. You can study more detailed conditions on the website

Before a newcomer arrives at the start line, he must be examined by a doctor to make sure that no injuries have been sustained or his health has deteriorated. Before the jump, the candidate for an independent jump also undergoes a medical examination. It is the responsibility of the instructor to explain to beginners how to correctly perform the jump on their own. The specialist covers important details, explains how to behave after going overboard, how to land, and what to do in the event of a force majeure situation. Once the parachute is received, it must be customized for the specific person who will be jumping.

The height of 800 meters is not the maximum. After certain preparation, athletes will be able to try their hand at an altitude of 2500 and 4000 meters. 800 meters is the optimal distance at which the athlete has time to get his bearings, have fun and does not have time to get scared. The system of automatically deploying parachutes is designed specifically for training beginners at a minimum altitude. This is a guarantee of safety, even if the athlete gets confused and forgets what to do.


If a person wears glasses, they should be replaced with contact lenses. Otherwise, the points will be lost during the flight and the landing may not be correct. Jumping on your own is prohibited for people with musculoskeletal problems, as well as those whose weight is less than 45 or more than 90 kg.

Skydiving is contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes, middle ear diseases, heart failure, hypertension, and epilepsy. It is not recommended to jump if you have a cold. Jumping is also contraindicated during pregnancy.


Jumps most often take place on weekends, training at each airfield at different times, but as a practice - from 9-11 am. The choice of transport aircraft and parachute system depends on what is available at the airfield. Usually the equipment is old, but reliable. If the type of dome is extremely important to you, then it is better to find out everything in advance by phone.

For the jump to take place

You must undergo a medical examination. The airport doctor performs a cursory examination and survey for the main contraindications. Pulse and blood pressure are measured. But you still have to take care of your health yourself. They will definitely charge you money for the jump. It is better to check prices by phone.

Clothes and shoes

Special parachute boots are very tough and hold the ankle firmly. Lacing at the front and back provides protection against dislocation and stretching. This must be taken into account when choosing shoes for your jump. Clothing must be long sleeved and long-legged, even if it is the height of summer.

Summer weather

The most important thing is that the wind is less than 6 m/s. The plane will also not be able to take off if mud has damaged the takeoff field. It is advisable that there is no thunderstorm, but you can jump in the rain, but dragging a wet parachute after landing is difficult.


Before the flight, first-time students are given detailed instructions. Sometimes it drags on for a long time, so it’s better to take food with you for the whole day. During the briefing, general recommendations are given, the purpose of the main parts of the parachute system is explained, and the main aspects of the jump are trained. Many people remember the famous “bedside table”, one and a half meters high, on which landings are practiced.

We put on parachutes

It should be noted right away that parachutes go through several stages of testing and are stowed for first-timers by professionals, so there is no need to be afraid of “non-deployment”, it is better to focus on more important things.

First-time jumps are carried out using landing parachute systems (D-1-5U, D-5, D-6, etc.).

D1-5U weighs 17.5 kg. Dome area 82.5 m2 The design of the parachute is simple and reliable in operation. It has been tested by long-term experience of mass operation. It has one significant advantage that distinguishes it from others - it does not require forced disclosure, i.e. pulling out the ring. The parachute opens itself after the person exits the plane. For some it's a psychological advantage more important than weight, controllability and softness.

D-6 - a parachute with forced (manual) opening and pulling out the ring three seconds after the jump. Weight 11.5 kg. The dome area is 83 m2.

Part of this parachute is a stabilizing system (jellyfish). The main function of the system is to stabilize the parachutist's position before opening the main canopy. It also performs the functions of a pilot chute, i.e. pulls out the main parachute. The halyard (rail) is attached at one end to a metal cable on the plane, and at the other end it clings to the jellyfish's carabiner. When jumping, the rope tightens, breaks the restraining thread and opens a small parachute (this same jellyfish). The opening of the jellyfish triggers the safety device, which counts down three seconds and opens the main parachute, of course, if the parachutist forgot to pull the ring. In order not to lose the ring, an elastic band is tied to it, through which the hand is threaded.

The reserve is intended for use in case of failure of the main parachute.

The spare tire is also equipped with a safety device, which is turned on before jumping on the plane. It must be turned off if the main canopy has opened correctly, otherwise you will have to land with two parachutes. To do this, you need to pull out the red-red ribbon from a special loop no lower than 300 m.

For almost unrealistic cases of failure to deploy the main parachute and failure of the safety device of the reserve, it can be deployed using a ring or a special cable.

Fixing a parachute on a person

In order not to fall out of the system when the parachute opens, it is fitted very tightly to the body. A large backpack with the main parachute is put on the stove and secured. It is secured with straps on the chest and legs. The rigidity is adjusted by the side straps. A bag is also attached for later folding of the parachute. At the very end of the equipment, a reserve parachute is fixed in the form of a small bag with a red metal bracket, with a total weight of 5 kg. All this splendor is complemented by a parachute-motorcycle helmet.

In this form it is quite difficult to move on the ground, but that is not why he dresses.

On the plane

Before landing, parachutists are divided by weight - the heaviest must jump first. The plane makes circles over the airfield, gaining altitude quite quickly, which can cause your ears to become blocked.

The releaser (instructor) attaches the pilot halyards of the stabilizing parachutes of all jumpers to a metal cable, explains to each person his turn on his fingers, opens the hatch, determines the strength and direction of the wind (throws a zero).

The command to prepare to jump sounds - these are 2 short siren calls. There is very little time for preparation - only a few seconds, otherwise you will have to collect paratroopers in the area of ​​​​several kilometers.

The main thing here is to follow the instructor’s signals. He shows with signs who should get ready. The paratroopers approach the open door one by one, left leg stands on the edge of the door, the right one, half bent, slightly behind. The weight must be transferred to right leg and don't look out of the plane.

The instructor starts the belay device on the spare tire. Hands should be crossed over the chest. After a long siren, after waiting for a pat on the shoulder and the command “Go!”, you separate. Good luck!

The height of the parachutists' drop is 800 meters and the ground from the plane looks like just a map. The speed of the aircraft during release is 160 km/h. At the moment of the jump, people disappear from the view of those remaining on the plane “to nowhere”; they are simply instantly blown away by the air flow. This can cause shock and fear in some people, so it is better to know this in advance. After all, according to the instructions, the plane must arrive empty. Those who refuse to jump are thrown out.


"Let's go!" A soft but sharp blow from the oncoming flow spins the paratrooper in free fall at a speed of 50 m/sec. The free fall lasts three seconds - the halyard pulls out the “jellyfish” (stabilizing parachute), at this moment you need to group and start counting: “521, 522, 523”. This accumulation of numbers is used to prevent an excited parachutist, finding himself overboard the plane, from blurting out “one-two-three” in one breath. Then, with all its strength, the ring is pulled out and after another two seconds it gently jerks you (dynamic shock), this means that the parachute has opened. At this point the fall slows down significantly. If the ring is forgotten, the parachute will open the safety system.

If the jump is carried out on an “oak”, then you just need to count five seconds from the moment of separation and check the opening. To check the canopy opening, look up over your shoulder. This is very difficult to do - the tight lines and helmet get in the way. If the canopy has opened and opened well, turn off the safety system of the reserve parachute (by removing the red-red tape). In case of failure to deploy (this is already an emergency situation), pull the reserve parachute ring.

Then fly for three minutes and enjoy! The first thing that strikes you from the moment the parachute opens is absolute silence! This happens because the ears are accustomed to the roar of the engine, and in the void at an altitude of 600 meters, sounds from the ground practically do not reach. But it is precisely at this time that the skydiver experiences the most pleasant sensations, for which it is worth jumping! It is necessary to remember about the safe distance between parachutists, especially in windy weather. Twisting the lines of two parachutes can cause an accident.

How to pilot a parachute if it is manned

Piloting the parachute correctly is very important for landing, otherwise, at best, you can break your legs.

Red lines. Pulling the right one will turn you to the right, and pulling the left one will turn you left. And you need to turn around to face the wind. The fact is that when a parachutist flies downwind, the speed of descent is added to the speed of the wind. If you turn against the wind, then the horizontal speed is subtracted from the vertical. And this is exactly what is needed.

Also, before landing, from about the height of the eighth floor, you need to start bending the leading edge of the parachute, because when moving against the wind, this allows you to reduce the speed.


The most serious stage in the jump. The falling speed is five meters per second and approximately ten meters from the ground, the horizon, which remained visually motionless during the flight, jumps sharply upward.

At this moment, you need to group: bring your legs together, at an angle of 30 degrees to the vertical axis of the person, place your feet parallel to the ground, press your chin to your chest. When landing, you should not look at the horizon, but only at your feet. The front straps of the parachute must be pulled down to reduce the horizontal speed.

When landing, be sure to touch the ground with both feet at the same time, otherwise an uneven load may be placed on the legs and, as a result, a leg fracture. To soften the blow, the parachutist falls on his back or side.

After falling to 85 sq. meters filled with air did not drag you into unknown distances, it is necessary to extinguish the dome. To do this, you need to forcefully pull the lower lines, as if knocking it down.

Landing in extreme conditions

The most dangerous thing is splashdown. Approaching the water, you need to quickly and consistently unhook the reserve parachute, unfasten the leg straps, remove one hand from the shoulder strap, free yourself from the chest strap and at a height of two to three meters, slipping out of the second strap, try to dive as deep as possible and swim further to the canopy of the main parachute did not have time to cover you completely.

When entering a forest zone, you need to cover your face with crossed arms, turning your veins inward, try to push off with tense legs against tree trunks and try to get closer to the ground faster. If the canopy becomes entangled in the branches, the parachutist must hang quietly and peacefully and wait for help.

When landing on the roofs of buildings, the main thing is to have time to run up and push off from the plane of the building before the dome goes out.

Folding the parachute

After landing, the canopy is assembled so that, together with the backpack and slings, it can fit in a special bag that is attached to the chest. To prevent the slings from getting tangled, they are tied “infinitely”, loop by loop, resulting in something similar to a rope, which then easily unravels. First, the backpack and slings are folded into a bag, then the canopy itself is rolled up in several layers. With this belongings you need to go to the parachute packing site; in the best case, a special car will pick you up.

All. All that remains is to decide on your first jump. And then a sea of ​​delight and happiness is guaranteed to you!

Before making your first independent parachute jump, you must undergo some medical examinations, receive detailed instructions, as well as appropriate training at the flying club. The first independent jump can be made without a training trial with an instructor. To carry out such a risky event, it is important to comply with all safety measures, and also find out what the maximum height of the first parachute jump without an instructor is, how many meters.

Firm decision to jump

Often a person does not fully understand all the responsibility and the accompanying psychological and physiological difficulties during the first independent long flight. It is much easier for people who, due to their line of work, often encounter problems and have already managed to strengthen their character. People who want to test themselves or experience new sensations are much more likely to bear stress before leaving the airplane hatch for the first time.

Many people are interested in what the optimal height should be for the first parachute jump without an instructor, and is it possible to skip the stage of a tandem jump with an instructor? In fact, in this situation everything depends on psychological mood, besides, the height and technical equipment for the first independent jump are verified by the mentors down to the smallest detail.


It is extremely important to remember that you should not jump without proper medical examination. Under no circumstances, even at your own peril and risk. Unfortunately, people with a predisposition to or susceptible to any nervous disorder will have to give up the idea of ​​jumping. People with low vision are also at great risk. The fact is that glasses can become a hindrance when jumping, and lenses can simply be knocked out of the eyes by a strong wind. After passing a series of examinations by medical specialists, you can begin training in the parachuting section, or at the nearest flying club. The optimal height for the first parachute jump without an instructor is only 800 meters. That's why basic training quite enough for a beginner.

Equipment selection

A special “wing” parachute, used by extreme sports enthusiasts or for jumping in tandem with an instructor, is unsuitable for the first time. This type of equipment requires advanced skills, training and knowledge.

An extremely poor choice are parachutes with round domes, which are practically uncontrollable at low altitudes. And as we already know, the height of the first parachute jump without an instructor in meters is small. Therefore, the optimal equipment option seems to be conventional landing parachutes, which are extremely easy to operate. The most commonly used brands of landing parachute models for making the first jump are D1-5u and D6.

When preparing to make your first independent jump, you need to absorb the knowledge gained in classes with an instructor like a sponge, remember everything the instructor says, and follow all his recommendations. Only in this case, taking into account the psychological stability and strong determination of the person who dares to jump, will the event be successful.

The height of the first parachute jump without an instructor is not always exactly 800 meters. Some instructors, making adjustments for each specific situation, jump conditions and technical skills of the student, recommend jumping from a height of 1000 meters.

Every jumper needs to remember that weather conditions can often change rapidly and make adjustments to the process. Unforeseen situations related to a person’s psychological characteristics or other force majeure situations are also likely. The main thing is to psychologically adjust yourself and remember that under no circumstances should you panic. The parachute will open forcibly in any case. It is very good if, on the eve of the jump, the student, together with his instructor, sorts out the different, most common unforeseen situations, as well as measures to overcome them.

Height of the first parachute jump without an instructor, equipment

If a newly minted skydiver wants to be prepared for various emergency situations, and also feel more relaxed, then he should not neglect the basic rules of equipment. Regardless of whether it is hot or cold, be sure to wear tight, windproof, but comfortable clothing that completely covers your arms and legs. High ones are considered the ideal shoe option. If you cannot find a similar model, then boots or boots with laces that firmly fix the leg and have a thick sole are suitable. Comfortable gloves are also a must-have item of equipment.

What are the contraindications?

So, the most important deterrent when making the first jump is the presence of any amount of alcohol in a person’s blood. Under no circumstances, as they say for courage, should you drink alcohol before the jump. Attentiveness and a clear awareness of reality must be maintained 100%.

You cannot jump if a person has suffered broken limbs a year or less before the planned jump. Doctors strongly do not recommend jumping for people suffering from diabetes, as well as for people weighing more than 95 kg. It is also better for a person to abandon this extreme undertaking. A new skydiver should not pack his parachute on his own; this is the prerogative of the instructor!

Height of the first parachute jump without an instructor, photo of the plane

Many people are interested in what technique is most often used when making their first independent jump? The An-12 and Yak aircraft models are most suitable in this case.

Sometimes instructors recommend using a Mi-8 helicopter as a jumping platform. However, the plane is a classic and more comfortable launching pad for a beginner. Of those present, the largest parachutist is sent. When exiting the hatch, be sure to cross your arms over your chest. According to the instructor’s recommendations, it is necessary to visually verify that the equipment is deployed correctly in flight, and tighten the lines to increase the canopy area. Landing is carried out on both legs at once, with the legs closed, bent at the knees, but kept slightly relaxed.