Catching ducks with "zherlitsy". Methods of catching wild ducks Drake limps what to do how to catch

Wild ducks can be found on many bodies of water. This is the traditional prey of hunters. But mallards are not always killed - you can catch them wild duck alive and make it bait. Sometimes the birds are taken home and kept on farms. There are several fishing methods that keep birds alive, and sometimes even healthy.

How to catch a wild duck for breeding

These birds were caught alive back in Ancient Rus'. Not much has changed since then. The principles of hunting ducks without a gun remain the same. Today they simply use more advanced materials and devices.

Using hooks

Hunters love inhumane methods. Catching ducks with a hook is popular. They do the following:

  1. Looking for the right body of water. Choose a convenient place and some snag.
  2. They are preparing a trap. Fishing hooks No. 5, No. 6 are suitable. They are attached to a strong and inconspicuous (transparent, colorless) fishing line.
  3. The bait is put on the hook. Best option- frog or fish. Bread crumb, lard, etc. are also suitable. Although in this case it is necessary for the bait to remain on the surface.
  4. Sometimes they make several traps with fishing line different lengths. This increases the chances.
  5. Tie the fishing line to a snag.
  6. Hooded ducks actively resist. A small snag often floats away. They quietly attach it to the shore with a rope or set an anchor.
  7. Hiding on the shore.

Fishing with a hook always injures ducks. Birds get injured both when they try to escape and when a person removes the hook. At the very least, the duck's tongue is injured. There are more serious injuries, sometimes death.

There is less harm when the hunter constantly monitors the process and quickly and carefully removes the hook.


Other methods are used to keep ducks healthy. These include numerous traps. For example, they offer the bird to dry its feathers and eat some bait:

  1. They build a raft from two logs. They are secured and tied.
  2. Between them is installed a basket with a hinged lid, which closes itself again after opening. The trap is camouflaged - sprinkled with earth and twigs.
  3. Lower the raft into a pond or other body of water.
  4. The duck wants to dry its wings and eat some bait. She lands on the lid, falls into the basket and is locked.

The trap should be checked frequently. Captured and neglected ducks may starve to death or become prey to predators.

Sometimes a trap in the form of a small cone is used. It resembles a labyrinth. It works like this:

  1. A wild duck eats the bait and gets inside.
  2. The hunter is nearby, so the bird does not have time to find a way out of the maze.


Since ancient times, another simple method of catching ducks has been used. These are the well-known snares or self-catchers. You will need a rope and a stick (wood).

You can successfully catch ducks in former river beds. They do the following:

  1. The end of the rope is attached to a stick or peg.
  2. Make a self-tightening loop in the middle part. They are thrown to the ground.
  3. The second end of the rope is attached to a spacer.
  4. A bait connected to a spacer is placed in the loop.
  5. They hide and wait.
  • wild duck pulls food;
  • the spacer flies off;
  • the rope straightens and the trap tightens the leg.


For the next method of catching ducks, you will need almost no materials. For the loops you only need rope. However, one cannot do without hunting knowledge and skills. A person will need:

  • ability to navigate the terrain well;
  • knowledge of the habits of wild ducks;
  • patience, willingness to be in ambush for a long time.

Use the direction of the wind. This is necessary for proper installation of the loops and your own disguise.

The hinges are installed like this:

  1. Take a strong rope. Make a loop that can be quickly tightened.
  2. Set the trap in a place where wild ducks frequent.
  3. Bait is placed in the middle.
  4. They are hiding. The wind is taken into account so that wild birds do not smell human scent.

When the duck steps into the trap, the hunter tightens the noose on the foot. They do it “strongly, but carefully.” Sharpness is important. If you overdo it, you can break a wild duck's leg.

This device has a modification. The tip of the rope is thrown over the branch. This helps in catching wild birds taking flight.

Several other ways to get a duck alive

There are also less common fishing methods:

  1. Captured females attract drakes from the wild. Sometimes a cross between wild and domestic ducks is used. Often drakes fly straight into a farmer's yard. It is not difficult to take a male alive in this situation. The captive's wing feathers are immediately shortened.
  2. They collect eggs and hatch ducklings on the farm. Nests are looked for in swamps, warm reservoirs, and floodplains. There they examine hills, hummocks, and small trees. April and May are better.
  3. They catch little ducklings. They do this, for example, with a piece of net in a pond. Sometimes they steal from the nest when the parents are away.
  4. Wild ducks often walk in the same places with almost the whole family. Along the route, a box, cage, or basket is installed. Raise the edge and place a peg with a rope. They put bait under the trap and wait. When the prey is under the box, the rope is pulled. This is how several wild ducks are often caught: a female with offspring.
  5. Use fishing nets, rope and 4 pegs. Pull it, fasten it. They throw bait. When the wild ducks gather under the net, they pull on a rope tied to a central peg. He falls, and the net covers his prey.
  6. Traps. This fishing method is dangerous for prey due to injuries. To reduce them, use traps made of wood without sharp teeth. Such devices are sold in hunting stores. Traps must be secured with pegs.
  7. Hypnotic. Mix it with food and throw it where wild ducks often appear. Comply with the dosage. The action begins within 2-3 minutes after swallowing the food. Sleep lasts several hours.

DIY wild duck trap

No complicated equipment is required to catch these birds alive. Most duck traps are made by hand: fishing line with a hook, loops, etc.

Many interesting and effective devices have been invented. There are favorites in different parts of the world. For example, in Asia they use the following trap for wild ducks:

  1. They are looking for a flexible, not thin rod. They bend it in an arc and stick it into the ground. You can set up an ambush in shallow water, where wild ducks come ashore. The diameter of the resulting arc is 30–50 cm.
  2. Nearby they find a thin and flexible young tree. The original is bamboo. For us, for example, its analogue for fishing rods is hazel. You don’t have to look for a tree, but stick your stick securely.
  3. Bend the trunk. Tie a rope to the end.
  4. Find a small stick about 15–20 cm long.
  5. They tie her with the same rope. The distance between this stick and the flexible trunk is about 20 cm. The second end of the rope remains free.
  6. A small tied reed is brought behind the arc. The upper end rests on it.
  7. To prevent the flexible tree from pushing out this stick prematurely, it needs fastening. Another reed plays its role. Its length is slightly larger than the diameter of the arc. Place it on it parallel to the ground on the side opposite the tree. At the same time, the lower part of the stick is placed on the resulting spacer. The top one rests on an arc.
  8. When everything is done carefully, the parts hold together. The tree trunk is tilted. It is assigned the role of a compressed spring.
  9. A few more are placed across a stick parallel to the ground. This is the platform for the duck. Here she will walk free in last time.
  10. Take the other end of the rope and make a self-tightening loop. The size is large: about the size of a stuck arc.
  11. Place the loop on top of the “platform” of sticks.
  12. They throw bait, for example, rice, millet, corn.
  1. A wild duck comes for food and steps on the “platform”.
  2. The equilibrium of the system is disrupted. The flexible barrel springs back, releases and tensions the rope.
  3. The noose is tightened on the paw.

Catching a duck alive is not that difficult. For hunting, they stock up on patience and simple or cunning traps. Before setting the trap, you can feed the bird. Grain is sprinkled along the paths and at the entrance to the water. If you plan to use the caught duck for further breeding, it is better to use the most humane fishing methods.

Article from the “Universal Trap” series.
Imagine this situation: you, as an experienced hunter and an expert in the intricacies of all kinds of hunting, have been offered to catch two wild ducks alive for banding. The deadline is two days; the ducks must be of a strictly defined breed and without any physical damage. And he offered you this job, a professor at the local University, hinting that these ducks in the lake right in front of the university are apparently invisible.
Will you take it or what?
The second version of the situation: You, a graduate student of the same University, need to band a hundred (two hundred, three hundred...) completely healthy ducks in order to write a couple or three more lines of statistical data in your Ph.D. thesis without cheating. (You can come up with a plausible excuse for the mass capture of ducks yourself.) There are plenty of ducks on the nearest lake. If it’s not enough, they’ll fly back tomorrow. But how to catch them? Agree that the second option, the simultaneous capture of tens and hundreds of birds, is a very difficult case.
Stories about ancient hunts in Siberia immediately come to mind. When dozens of beaters in boats and walking along the shore drove hundreds of moulting geese and ducks into nets placed at one end of the lake. Or giant nets hung between special masts from the trunks of ship pine trees in the path of flying birds. Or nets, with the help of special rockets, covering entire feeding fields or lakes along with the flocks of geese and ducks located there. How much effort and money must be spent, how many assistants, pyrotechnics specialists and firefighters, other professional observers, all kinds of approvals and permits from numerous authorities will be required? And such fishing will be possible only at a great distance from populated areas, otherwise free advisers, ubiquitous children, uncontrollable onlookers and volunteer helpers will ruin the whole hunt. This means that we still need funds to organize an expedition with transport and cooks. Ducks can be a bit expensive, especially if you catch them alive and unharmed and immediately release them.
For the first option, catching a pair of other ducks, the stationary trap I described in the article “Traps for Ducks”, an aquatic version of the “catching mortar,” is quite suitable. Only such a trap must first be made, and this trap can also catch on the university lake. If you carefully pull out the caught ducks, then neither the ducks nor the citizen observers on the shores of the lake will notice anything. There will be problems with mass catching of ducks according to the second option. Starting from the protests of the “greens” and the indignation of citizen observers, to the anomalous behavior of the ducks themselves. Once you properly scare just one, there will be no ducks on the lake for several years at all. And then let all-knowing scientists prove that all animals and ducks in particular have no intelligence, only instincts and conditioned reflexes. That is, they cannot distinguish cause from effect. However, learned know-it-alls are not a decree for ducks; ducks have their own understanding of values ​​in life. And yet there is a way out! And not alone. Especially if you remember the main rule in any hunt and in any business: “It’s the Man who catches, not the trap.” Or “Man makes, not his instrument.” Mass catching of ducks (if it is really necessary) is quite possible even on the university lake in the city center.
Surely, the trap described in the article “Duck Traps” seems to many to be poaching and inhumane. Just like other similar traps of the “catching mortar” type. Birds' feathers wrinkle, they experience stress in a trap... Shooting birds with a gun, and in the best case, taking one bird out of two, three killed or severely crippled, is, of course (in their opinion), much more humane. There are always plenty of opponents and detractors of everything new and unknown. Therefore, we will not pay attention to their opinion and will think with our own heads.
Let's think globally, because we need hundreds of birds, not two or three.
What if the lake itself was made into a big trap? Ducks do not walk well on the ground, which means that if you deprive ducks of the ability to fly, then all the arriving ducks will immediately become prisoners of the lake.
Are there any options on how to do this? Of course, not alone:
- You can glue the feathers on the ducks’ wings. How? Pour oil onto the surface of the lake. But this option is not the most profitable, therefore, it is not applicable.
-You can give the ducks alcohol, sedatives or drugs.
As they say: “It’s already warmer.” It is better not to mess with pills and drugs. How much alcohol do you need? Ducks have a faster metabolism in their bodies than humans, but it is unlikely that they (ducks) need more alcohol to become seriously intoxicated than humans. For hundreds of ducks, with a total live weight of about 200 kg, two liters should be enough. Even five liters, taking into account the inevitable losses. We mix alcohol with meat, fish and cereal bait, place feeders with treats all over the lake and after half an hour, an hour you can collect the prey. The figure shows a feeder connected from three plastic bottles one and a half rubles. It’s easier to immediately band the ducks and release them back into the lake. As soon as they wake up, they will fly away. Quite an acceptable expense even for a graduate student’s skinny wallet. You can pick up scales with alcohol-containing tinctures at pharmacies to save money. All the same, it will be cheaper and more practical than building masts, stretching nets or organizing expeditions into nowhere with wagons of nets, surface-to-air missiles, firefighters and professional observers from the UN, NASA, NATO and the local Regional Executive Committee.
-Aren’t there any other options?
-Even easier? Yes, as much as you like!


Only 60! Only 60! Nowadays there are a lot of people who are old at 30, but you just came up with this idea. Remove this thought of old age and live with pleasure

Why? Feelings, by the way, are always within the person himself, and they can be enjoyed. see the world differently, rejoice. This is cool!

I read it with great pleasure! Food... By the way, I also lived and worked as an ichthyologist in Magadan. And now I want to participate in the taiga survival game GAME 2:WINTER.
By the way, I'm 60 years old. Your advice will be useful if I win the vote and go to Taiga.

Nadezhda Semyonova! These games are a scam for suckers. There my advice will not be useful to any of the participants. This is the second, House 2" and, The penultimate hero 3".
Do you need this? There is still doubt about paying for the main prize. Haven't they already spent it? And most likely, his own person will win. The jackpot is too big. It’s too much for a prize, but it’s suitable for legal laundering. This idea will be mentioned more than once in the criminal chronicles. If this is fair, then why didn’t the organizers send invitations to the pros, from the Armed Forces, ROSCOSMOS or at least me?
They will force you to eat cockroaches and humiliate yourself in front of the public. The show should be unforgettable and the organizers do not deny this. And money is not paid for nothing.
Glad to meet BOTH!

Wild ducks live on all reservoirs almost throughout the entire territory of Russia, even on those reservoirs where there are a lot of people, ducks still live and breed, you have probably seen wild ducks more than once while fishing or when you went swimming, but the Hermit, since he will live in the wilderness , in the vicinity of reservoirs, there will be a lot of this free “floating meat”, but how can you catch this meat if you don’t have a gun, of course you can try with a stone or a slingshot, but most likely you will just scare them away, without getting anything and you will remain hungry and angry.

Here is a really working method of catching ducks on improvised perches, the point is as follows. We take something that will not sink, will be heavy enough and will not arouse suspicion among the ducks, for example, a small log with twigs. Next, we tie a fishing line to this log with hooks 5-6- number, the line should be as thin as possible, but at the same time strong enough to withstand the duck, which will desperately resist when you remove it.

Leashes can be tied either to a log or to branches, the length of the leashes can be different, about three meters on average, we go into the pond longer or swim in a boat and place our log on the water where the ducks gather, and put a nozzle on the hooks, the nozzle is live fish or bread or small frogs, we tie the BAIT so that if it is alive, it is in the water but at the same time it does not swim away and the duck notices it, for this we make notches on a branch or log and clamp the fishing line about 20-30 cm from nozzles, so that the bait itself does not pull itself out of the clamp, and the duck can do it without effort while eating.

If the fish is dead, then you don’t have to do this, just bait it and throw it into the water, it won’t drown, the duck will find it and eat it, but remember the live bait itself attracts the duck, as it moves and creates movement on the water. If you use bread, then it must be hung above the water, on those branches that stick out from the water, but so that the duck can easily remove it and swallow it along with the water. To increase the efficiency of such fishing, you can make more than ten such devices, in different places and tie more baits, and then the catch can be done in whole flocks, but I think you’ll figure out what to do with the meat - boil the stew, maybe salt it, or maybe in the village there’s nothing to do exchange or sell.



Loops and traps for catching small animals and large forest inhabitants are an affordable and easy way to get food and animal fur, and other types of animal products. Many people will think that this method of catching is just pampering, and hunting with a gun is much better, but in practice, hunting with using a gun is more of a sport, since sharp hunting involves tracking an animal, pursuing it and ultimately making an accurate hit, which requires training and at least minimal shooting skills.

Also, such a hunt requires the presence of a gun and all permits to carry weapons and to shoot certain types of animals in a certain period, and even if you hunt in deserted spaces, the sounds of the shot spread for kilometers around and you will still be interested in the local surveillance services “FISHING SUPERVISION” and the district police officer .

And hunting for self-catchers is a secretive, silent way of catching an animal, and at the same time it is much easier and more effective than hunting with a gun. Various self-catchers began to be used back in deep antiquity, but they are relevant to this day, since these methods are specifically for the mass capture of animals and they are used everywhere by hunting farms, hunters, and this is the favorite method of catching animals for poachers. By the way, in general, catching animals with self-catching traps is universally prohibited with rare exceptions, these are quotas for catching for the indigenous population and hunting farms.

Due to the fact that such methods cause irreparable damage to nature and quickly reduce the number of animals in this area. That is why for a hermit or a resident of a remote area, samolov are an ideal option, since samolov are made from improvised means and are quite simple to learn.

When installing, so as not to give away yourself and your fishing, do not place loops where people can pass, they can discover traps and spread the news throughout the area, and then you are guaranteed a meeting with the control authorities, or they themselves can fall into your traps and get hurt , and then you won’t be envied.

Self-catchers come in many different designs for different animals. I will not describe the details of the manufacture and installation of these self-catchers, since this information can be easily found in books or on the Internet, but I will write a rough idea of ​​the self-catchers.

Samolovs are metal traps and wooden products to capture and hold the animal, as well as a loop, this is a product made of metal wire or other thin, soft, but simple materials, the principle of operation is that the animal gets caught in a loop, it tightens and does not allow the animal to free itself, these are pits with sharp stakes or a net inside -the animal falls into a hole and runs into stakes or gets entangled in a net, and there are many variations and method of manufacture and installation.

For most modern people, hunting from a means of subsistence has long turned into an element of the classic set of signs by which the so-called. "a real man." For them, hunting is a way not only to pass time and diversify the dinner table, but also an opportunity to experience excitement and demonstrate a number of qualities: endurance, endurance, patience, courage and ingenuity. The latter qualities are especially valuable when hunting without using a gun - for example, duck.

The need to hunt a duck without a gun can be very different: this is a situation in which you find yourself in the wilderness, where you need to somehow feed yourself, and the need to mate a wild drake with a domestic duck to renew the blood, and, finally, a hermit lifestyle ... An experienced person may be able to cope with these tasks effortlessly, but a person who is accustomed to a completely different environment or is just starting to lead a certain life, it will probably be hard. However, patience, determination and perseverance, as we know, can work wonders.

The most common are three methods of such hunting:

  1. on the hook.
  2. using a trap.
  3. in a snare or whip.

Catching a duck on a hook

This method is risky because it can damage the duck when removing the hook, so it must be used carefully. The technology imitates fishing:

  1. To begin with, you should notice a pond rich in wild ducks, and on it - a place, preferably such that there is a small but branched snag. In the absence of driftwood, any stump will do. Choosing the place most frequently visited by wild ducks is not difficult based on the amount of droppings and feathers they leave behind after roosting.
  2. purchase a thin and strong fishing line that would be invisible in the water, but could withstand a battle with a duck.
  3. Attach no more than five or six hooks to the fishing line, place the bait on them and secure it to the snag so that it is visible and does not drown. The snag should also be tied so that the caught duck cannot escape with it. If you are not using a snag, but the aforementioned stump, you need to stock up on a brick, a large stone or any heavy object to press the fishing line to the stump. Bread crumbs, pieces of lard, and fish offal are suitable as bait; The ideal option is live bait in the form of small fish or frogs, which can attract the attention of the future victim by fluttering. You can make not one, but several of these lines to increase your chances of a successful hunt.
  4. then hide in a secluded place and wait for the duck to swallow the bait, and then release it from the hook as quickly as possible so that it does not have time to get hurt. When rescuing a duck, you should take into account that it is a strong bird and can easily escape from your hands, so you need to hold it tightly. It may even be more correct to catch a duck on a hook not alone, but together with a partner.

If you don't have a hook at hand, you can use a regular button to which the bait is attached. Experienced hunters say the effect is the same.

Using Traps and Loops

Using a trap is a safer and more humane method, thanks to which you can get an undamaged bird, but it is also more difficult. There are different traps. The following method is very popular:

  1. Several logs are fastened together.
  2. A basket with a lid is placed on top that can easily be opened inward.
  3. Soil is poured onto the lid, you can sprinkle some food.

The essence of the catch is this: the duck, hoping to dry its feathers, sits on the lid of the basket; under the weight of the bird, the lid opens and the bird falls inside without any damage.

You can also catch a duck using a cage with a hinged wall. To do this you should:

  1. Place the cage on the ground, having previously supported the wall with a spacer, and pour grain inside.
  2. tie a string to the spacer and hide somewhere in a secluded place.
  3. After waiting for the duck to enter the cage to eat the treat, pull the string. The spacer will slide out from under the wall, it will close, and the duck will be trapped.

Another type of trap - using a decoy duck - is designed for drakes. Some use a decoy that imitates how a duck or duckling quacks, but many hunters prefer to work with a real decoy duck, assuring that the result is much more effective than using a decoy.

  1. A tent in the form of a square is made from a light nylon net with a length of at least 8 meters on each side.
  2. Stretch strings are pulled along its diagonals and between them, and a heavy ring is tied in the center.
  3. a hut for the hunter is set up on the shore, and in shallow water near the shore, a stake 2.5 to 4 meters high is driven into the bottom, on which a tent is placed. The guy ropes are attached with pegs, and a thin cord is pulled from the ring to the hut. It is recommended to catch drakes in the dark, so everything should be prepared in advance.
  4. place a duck under the tent.
  5. when the drake, sensing the female, swims under the tent, the hunter, hiding in the tent, pulls the string, and the tent falls, covering both birds. Experienced hunters say that under certain conditions, up to five drakes can be caught in one hunt, but after each catch you need to change the location of the tent. If it is necessary to catch ducklings or ducks during the molting period, racing nets are used.

Another option is to use the so-called. catch cones. The simplest type of this trap is an ordinary paper bag with walls smeared inside with bird glue, and bait laid out in it. The point is simple: when trying to enjoy the laid out treat, the duck sticks to the walls and, seeing nothing, cannot escape. True, this method has many disadvantages, which are partially corrected by replacing the glue with a catch belt. It is made like this: they cut out a fringe on a strip of relatively soft plastic, then roll the strip into a ring, bend the fringe teeth inward and sew it into a bag made of thick fabric with the capped part rolled up or folded. The main thing is to choose the right diameter of the ring so that the duck, having stuck its head inside, would not be able to stick it out. When a duck, in pursuit of a treat, puts such a bag on its head, it falls into a real stupor, because, on the one hand, it does not see anything, but on the other hand, it can move. In this state it is very easy to catch her. The average bag sizes, as hunting practice shows, are as follows:

  1. hunting belt length = duck head circumference + 30-50 mm.
  2. belt width – 50-60 mm.
  3. width of the catch bag = length of the catch belt + seam allowance.

Such a “reusable” cone is placed in a special feeder made in advance with a number of holes that match the size of the bag. One hole must be made slightly larger than the rest and left free. The bait is usually traditional pieces of fish, bread, thick porridge, boiled potatoes, lard. Such a feeder is installed both on the shore and in the water near the shore.

Finally, you can catch the duck using a noose. True, this method, unlike the previous ones, does not provide a 100% guarantee of success, so it is more often used by hunters with considerable experience. To implement it you need:

  1. choose a pond that is often visited by ducks.
  2. attach a strong self-tightening loop to a pole mounted on spacers and pour a little corn into its center (ducks peck at it most readily) or lard.
  3. determine the direction of the wind and hide so that the duck cannot smell you.
  4. then you should wait. When the duck arrives, sees your bait and starts eating, you need to sharply pull the end of the rope so that the loop goes around its neck. This must be done quickly and carefully so that the duck does not have time to fly away.

Unconventional methods of catching ducks

In addition to the methods described above, there are others. Some hunters manage to make the pond itself, where ducks fly, into one large trap. This is done like this: meat, fish and cereal bait is mixed with alcohol at the rate of two liters per hundred ducks, then feeders with treats are placed throughout the lake. Despite the fact that a duck's metabolism is much faster than that of a human, intoxication occurs quickly enough, and after about an hour it is possible to collect prey. This method is based on well-known stories about how in some villages geese ate waste from the mash carelessly thrown out by their housewives, got drunk and fell asleep so that they mistook them for dead. It's a fairy tale, but, as they say, there is no smoke without fire, and surely residents of rural areas can recall similar stories that actually happened...

But we digress. As you can see, there are many ways to catch a wild duck with almost bare hands. It should, however, be noted that poachers sometimes use some methods, especially when catching ducks on a large scale, so you should be careful and not get too carried away so that seemingly innocent fun does not turn into something criminal. If your hunt is primarily of an irregular and situational nature, we can only wish you good luck in catching a wild duck and finally show you a video where experienced hunters will tell and clearly show how you can catch a wild duck without a gun.

Wild drakes peck at decoy ducks if they look like wild ones. Therefore, your goal is very logical. And, of course, a gun will not help you achieve this goal. In general, you have three ways to implement your plans.


It is more dangerous - it is fishing with a hook. But before we talk about how to catch a wild duck on a hook, we will warn you. With this method of fishing there is still a risk of damaging the bird while removing the hook, so be careful.

We choose a pond favored by wild ducks;
- among the snags already existing on the shore, we find a small and branched one (it should be convenient to tie several baits to it);
- buy a thin but strong fishing line. She must be invisible in the water, but withstand a battle with a caught duck;
- attach hooks to the fishing line (no more than size 5 or 6), attach the bait to them and secure it to the snag. Ideally, these should be small live fish or frogs. With their fluttering, they will attract the attention of your prey. If you don’t have such luxury, then bread crumb or a piece of lard will do. Non-live bait should be hung between the branches of driftwood above the water so that it is visible and does not drown. It is better to make several of these lines with bait of different lengths to increase your chances of a good hunt.

Don't forget to moor your snag well, too. A caught duck, trying to escape, can drag it all over the lake and it will be difficult for you to keep up with it. Therefore, either tie it with a long rope to something on the shore, or make an improvised anchor. And once again, this method does not guarantee that the duck will not harm itself in attempts to get off the hook. Therefore, it is better to observe the fishing process from the shore and remove the duck as soon as possible after swallowing the hook.

A more complex method is trapping. It is ideal if you need to get an undamaged bird. Traps can be different. For example, it is easy to attract a bird by offering it a convenient way to dry its feathers.

Your actions:

Take some logs and fasten them together;
- place a basket on top (also attaching it to the logs), on the lid of which pour earth. The basket should have a lid that, under the weight of a duck sitting down to dry its feathers, would open and the game would fall inside, and the lid would snap back into place.

And, of course, you can lure a wild bird with food. Build something like a house with a cone-shaped entrance or a labyrinth-type entrance so that the duck that gets into it does not have time to get out before you arrive. Put a lot of tasty things inside and hide nearby.


The last method is fishing in snares or loops. If you know how to hide well, know exactly which direction the wind is blowing and are able to hide for a long time - then this is the most best way hunting. Completely inexpensive in terms of money and effort. Make a tight loop and place an ear of corn in the center. Wait for the duck to start eating and then pull the end of the rope until the loop wraps around the duck.