Congratulations on the victory of Spartak. FC "Spartak" congratulates you on Victory Day! Vitaly Mutko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

The meaning of the name Spartak: Derived from the ancient Greek name Spartacus, meaning “resident of Sparta.”

Not the easiest life is in store for a man with this name. But he solves all the troubles of his life on his own, as he is very proud and proud. Often the owners of this name are very talented and versatile. The character of Spartacus is quite complex. He is quick-tempered, rude, and adheres only to his own point of view. For this reason, his superiors and staff do not like him. Does not show initiative in work.

Spartak's health is very good. Most often these are hardy, sports men, but they do not have a special craving for sports.

This man is very loving, but he will still be able to choose a life partner if this woman has his same qualities, such as violence, rebellion and willpower. But there is a high probability that this man will cheat even in marriage.

Short form of the name Spartak: Spartasha, Spartakusha, Patya.

Fast, accurate, efficient,
Endowed with talent.
The world can surprise
There is so much excitement in it!

Congratulations to Spartak,
You are very worthy!
Recognition awaits you
You will be a Champion!

Everyone who knows Spartak,
Happy to meet you,
This bright man
So similar to the sun!

He always gives joy
It's always calm with him,
Spartak knows the meaning of life,
He deserves happiness.

We congratulate him
And we wish him
Let him find his love
And he won't lose it.

You are resilient and strong
Charming, smart,
The glorious name is Spartak -
A good sign for you!

Stay always
Regardless of the years
Cute, young
And successful, business!

We would like to congratulate Spartak,
Wish him victories
It's loaded with luck
He has no equal in this!

We wish him happiness
Positive and good
May fate spoil him
It's time for him to live in love.

You're in your favorite business
Just a guru and master,
You delight with optimism
Everyone has been around for a long time, Spartak.

We wish you today
Inner freedom,
May you be in abundance and love
The years fly by.

Even every stranger
He will instantly understand that you are not a simpleton.
Very smart and skillful,
Our Spartak is a cool guy.

We sincerely congratulate you,
Helmet of wishes for many years.
Live with dignity and beauty,
Happiness, peace, long life.

When you keep your word,
You can't put in a nickel here.
You amaze with your eloquence
And with your mind, Spartak.

I wish to be loyal
This will give you a head start.
Listen to your heart more often,
Be on horseback all the time.

Spartak is a fighter and winner,
He is a liberator of the people.
And even though centuries have passed since then,
But the name is a river of courage.

We wish you not to give up,
Always remain yourself.
And be a worthy man,
Always to reach the top.

Spartak is talented and, at times, cunning,
Kind, often endowed with talents,
He is passionate about his work,
Looks at women with admiration!

We wish you happiness in love,
Dream and always go towards your goal,
Sea energy and sunny days,
Fortune's smiles on your journey!

You're a nice guy, of course.
You are far from a simpleton.
Smart, honest, frank,
Always a faithful friend, Spartak.

May you be lucky in life
A star shines along the way
And leads to your top
Which is foretold by fate.

May you have enough strength of spirit,
Let there be vigor in the body.
Stay optimistic
And forget about the word “sadness”.

Congratulations: 10 in verse.

Carrera dances, Glushakov falls. How Spartacists celebrated: photos, videos

"Spartak" is the champion. How fans and players celebrated the unexpectedly early title after the Zenit fiasco in St. Petersburg.

Leonid Fedun, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Spartak:

A huge relief! Frankly, I couldn’t even hold back my tears. With age he became sentimental. After all, we waited 16 years for this victory. I’m very glad that we achieved this, the victory was extremely important for me, the management and all Spartak fans. There is devastation now.

Vitaly Mutko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation:

I can only congratulate Spartak. This year he deservedly became a champion and had a smooth season. I would like to separately congratulate Fedun, the team, the coach and, of course, the fans. They were tired of waiting. At the same time, I would like to express the hope that the championship is not over yet and that there are interesting matches- the fight for the Ligochampinsky place, for survival. Well, Spartak should finish the season with dignity as champions.

Maxim Kalinichenko, ex-midfielder of Spartak:

That's it! Champions! Congratulations to everyone! It happened unexpectedly; now all over Moscow it is unknown what will be in stores. Everyone needs to run to the grocery store now. Still, it seemed that victory would come later, in Perm. The guys probably wanted to become champions on the field. But it turned out that the players from Grozny simply brought us this victory on a silver platter. And Zenit, as always, spoiled it a little. Nevertheless, Spartak is a champion!

Wojciech Kowalewski, former goalkeeper of Spartak:

- “Happy championship!!! “Spartak” is a champion!!!

Khabib Nurmagomedov, UFC fighter:

I supported Spartak when it played with Zenit, because my father has been a fan of Spartak since the 1980s and still remembers all the old squads. I would like to congratulate Spartak on early victory in the Russian Championship. I think Spartak has a lot of fans there because it people's team. Congratulations again!

Vagiz Khidiyatullin, former defender"Spartak":

Thank God it finally happened! We've been working towards this for a long time. I think it’s worth paying tribute to everyone who has worked at Spartak recently: starting with Karpin, continuing with Alenichev and Titov and ending with Carrera. We can calculate percentages of who contributed more or less, but that's pointless right now. The main merit goes to Carrera and the people who took to the field. But we must not forget those who stood at the beginning of the path. They are already broadcasting on Channel One. Of course it's an event! Holiday on the eve of May 9.

"Spartak" is a champion! 8 red-white steps to the title: how it happened

"Spartak" is a champion! Now it’s final and official – after Zenit’s defeat from Terek.

Alexander Mostovoy, ex-midfielder of Spartak:

Yes, Spartak is a champion. Now it’s difficult to feel something, I was actually asleep when Zenit played with Terek. They woke me up: “Spartak” is the champion.” I was stunned - had Zenit really not beaten Terek there?.. I was a little surprised, although I knew that it wouldn’t be easy for the St. Petersburg team. So we waited...

Evgeny Bushmanov, former Spartak defender:

I'm happy for Spartak. We have been waiting for this moment for a long time and we have waited. This championship is primarily the merit of Massimo Carrera, the club’s management and the players. You can say as much as you like that someone worked before him, put together a team. But they assembled the team five years ago, and only won the championship this season. I have said more than once - Carrera managed to unite the players, rally them around one idea. No one had succeeded in doing this for a long time before him. It’s difficult to make any predictions now, but judging by the work of the coach, we can assume that Spartak will become the leader of our football and one of our leading teams for a long time.

Beschastnykh: now we are not the last champions, but the penultimate!

After 16 years, the red and white are again the best in the country. Vladimir Beschastnykh, a participant in the victory now before last, shares his emotions.

Valery Kechinov, former Spartak midfielder:

16 years old. And finally! I'm very glad.

Dmitry Nazarov, Russian actor, Spartak fan with 40 years of experience:

Emotions - happiness and gratitude. Spartak has always been the best. Sometimes it wasn't very noticeable. The hegemony of Spartak begins with this championship. Romantsev says that Spartak is unlikely to become a champion in the coming years? Jealous, of course. In general, Spartak is the only team that will win two Champions Leagues in a row. This will fall into the period of Spartak’s hegemony.

Exactly 70 years ago, the voice of Yuri Levitan sounded from all the radio stations in the country: “Attention, Moscow is speaking! On May 8, 1945, in Berlin, representatives of the German High Command signed an act of unconditional surrender of the German armed forces. Great Patriotic War, which the Soviet people led against the Nazi invaders, was victoriously completed. Germany is completely destroyed. Eternal glory to the heroes who fell in battles for the freedom and independence of our Motherland!”

A war that had lasted almost four years, a war that had claimed millions of lives, a war that had cost so much, was over.

Four years earlier, on June 22, 1941, a USSR football championship match was to take place at the Lenin Stadium in Leningrad between Moscow Spartak players and their teammates from the Northern capital. But on the morning of that day, war covered the country with a black cloud...

The common misfortune left no one indifferent. Athletes were among the first to leave to defend the country, and Spartacists did not stand aside. Volunteers went to the front and reached Berlin, the head of Spartak and his former goalkeeper Ivan Filippov, coach Pyotr Popov, goalkeeper Vladislav Zhmelkov, went through the entire war, forward Alexander Rystsov, forward Nikolai Nilov, who also played for Pishcheviki... They fought outside the USSR in in the ranks of the army formed in the Soviet Union by the chairman of the Polish government in exile Wladyslaw Sikorski, Spartak Polish forwards Boleslaw Gabowski and Adam Wolanin.

The Spartak base in Tarasovka changed its profile during the war years: a training center was set up there, where young soldiers were trained in bayonet fighting and grenade throwing, and also trained as snipers.

Before their arrest in 1942, the Starostin brothers also made a feasible contribution to the future victory of 1945. Alexander Petrovich was arrested with the rank of commander of the Red Army at the Shot course, where he was preparing to graduate and be sent to the front. Before the tragic events, Andrei Petrovich was the director of the Sports and Tourism factory, which produced gas masks and army duffel bags. Pyotr Petrovich wanted to go to the front as a volunteer, but he was refused without explanation. Nikolai Petrovich helped football players who did not go to the front in the summer to get jobs at defense factories.

But even war was unable to destroy the desire to live in people. Despite the fact that allied tournaments were interrupted, sports life continued: already at the end of July the Moscow Cup started, in which the red and white also took part. Then the autumn Moscow championship took place, but its last round was not played: the enemy approached the walls of the capital. And yet, both tournaments continued to be held throughout the war years, helping people to at least briefly take their mind off what was happening around them.

In 1943, Spartacists took part in the most important event. On May 2, just three months after the Battle of Stalingrad, having won a piece of life from the war, the red-whites and the Stalingrad team, performing under the name “Dynamo,” met in a match that went down in history under the name “On the Ruins of Stalingrad” and showed the whole world, that the city is alive - no matter what.

Spartak's journey to Stalingrad was unsafe: it had to fly across the front line, the team was accompanied by an escort of two fighters. They played at the Azot stadium in the village of Beketovka: the Stalingrad “Traktor” and “Dynamo” were completely destroyed. Together with sappers, the Stalingrad football players cleared the approaches to the stadium, dug holes in the center of the field... The match, which was won by the home team with a minimal score, attracted about ten thousand spectators, who all got to the place possible ways, and was broadcast on the radio to the front.

“We learned from our newspapers about the match between the Moscow Spartak and the Stalingrad team,” English journalist Bruce Harris later reported from London. - We in England experienced exciting joy... Would it be possible to think that Stalingrad, after such experiences as no other city has ever had, was able to put a team on the football field? Isn’t this one of the manifestations of that Stalingrad spirit that is characteristic of Russian soldiers, so indestructible that no one can break?!”

Subsequently, in 1943–1944, trips of Moscow teams to friendly matches practiced regularly in other cities; the proceeds from them went to the needs of the front. For example, an airplane was built with funds earned by Spartak during a tour of Uzbekistan.

And on May 9, 1945, the voice of Yuri Levitan sounded from all the radio stations in the country: “Attention, Moscow is speaking! May 8, 1945 in Berlin..."

The war was over.

Four days later, on May 13, the first post-war USSR championship started, which became another sign that life had won, life goes on!

Today, on the day of the 70th anniversary Great Victory, we kneel before everyone who made it possible, honor the memory of those who gave their lives for it and congratulate the veterans who are with us today.

We remember your Feat and are proud of it! Through decades and centuries we will carry the memory of him, we will never forget your heroism and dedication, we will carefully preserve your immortal names. We owe you an enormous debt.

A low bow to each of you - to the soldiers who looked death in the eye on the front line, to those who forged Victory in the rear, and to those who healed the wounds left by the war and revived the country in the post-war years. Eternal memory to the fallen. Happiness, health and long life to those living!