A nutrition plan designed to gain muscle mass. Meal plan designed to gain muscle mass You may also like

Nutrition is an integral part of any training, especially during the build-up period. muscle mass. In the last article we talked about a super-intensive program for mass. Of course, the food here should be special. First, let's look at the main points related to taking supplements.

  • Take creatine. Not only does creatine force more fluid to be pumped into the muscles, but it also enhances the strength performance of the working muscle by increasing the level of phosphate in the muscles. muscle tissue. This substance stimulates the production of ATP, which is the main fuel for muscle activity. Take 3-5 grams of creatine mixed with a protein shake before and after training.
  • Take it. This amino acid causes the body to produce large number nitric oxide, which increases the lumen between blood vessels and promotes blood saturation muscle fibers. Take 3-5 grams of arginine in the morning, then half an hour before training and before bed.
  • . This substance accelerates recovery and stimulates the production of growth hormone. Glutamine also helps increase the amount of fluid in the muscles, which increases pumping. It should be taken 5 grams along with arginine.

Before presenting the nutrition plan itself, we will consider some important features of nutrition during the weight gain program.

  • Eat 6 times a day, to do this, divide 3500-4000 calories into six meals. The intervals between doses are approximately 2-3 hours. On days when you don't train, include a seventh meal.
  • 30% of total calories should come from proteins, 50% from carbohydrates and 20% from fats. Try to follow this as strictly as possible. There should be 3 grams of protein and 6 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of weight.
  • Due to the wild intensity of the training, the total calorie intake is also high. Be sure to consume protein and carbohydrates before and after your workout. This has the best effect on muscle growth.
Products Calorie content Protein Carbohydrates
6 egg whites, 4 yolks 334 33 2
2 cups oatmeal 300 14 50
85 20 1
150 g milk 90 9 9
1 cup rice 214 6 46
150 g chicken breasts 155 30 0
4 slices wholemeal bread 320 12 60
Afternoon snack
180 g cheese 145 23 6
1 boiled potato 220 4 50
Before training
Meal replacement cocktail 390 40 40
After training
1 spoon whey protein 85 20 1
4 slices of white bread 320 9 60
1 banana 110 1 28
250 g grilled beef 500 48 0
2 boiled potatoes 440 8 100
2 cups broccoli 100 11 14
Second dinner
1 spoon casein 110 20 2
1 cup oatmeal (with protein) 150 7 25

Don’t forget that the final result from muscle pumping depends not only on competent training program and genetics, but also on how well the athlete eats. Unsystematic and thoughtless eating can ruin any training regimen. Try this diet plan - it may help you too.

Calories Kilos, commonly referred to as calories, are units of energy in food to fuel your body. You and your doctor may have decided that you need to consume 5,000 calories a day for a variety of reasons, such as weight gain or promoting an intense exercise regimen. At first, you may not know how to eat 5,000 healthy calories every day, but with some practice, you can successfully eat nutritious, delicious dishes with the calories you need.

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Step 1

Eat six meals consisting of approximately 833 calories each. According to " Basic nutrition and Dietary Therapy,” it is best for your metabolism and digestion to consume six meals a day, as opposed to the traditional three.

Step 2

Plan your meals ahead of time so you have approximately 833 calories in each meal. Use a calorie counter or online resource to look up calories for foods you are unfamiliar with.

Step 3

Include lean protein, vegetables and complex carbohydrates with every meal. Protein, vegetables and whole grains are the cornerstones healthy eating, and you should include meat, fish and tofu in your diet to meet your lean protein needs, a wide range of vegetables such as lettuce, peppers and zucchini for your vegetables and a variety of whole grains such as whole wheat pasta , whole grain breads, brown rice and wild rice to meet your complex carbohydrate needs.

Step 4

Cook with olive oil to add healthy omega fatty acids to your meals and boost your calorie intake to help you reach your 833 calorie per meal goal.

Step 5

Add calories to your meals by using nutritious, calorie-dense foods. For example, enjoy a large avocado, which sells for 322 calories, 14 grams of fiber and 975 grams of potassium. Alternatively, top your salad with some sunflower seeds or walnuts, which contain 165 calories per ounce and 185 calories per ounce, respectively.

Step 6

Avoid sugary and fatty foods such as cookies, cakes, candy and sweets. While this may seem like an ideal and necessary food choice to increase your calorie intake, it is better to choose healthy foods to meet your calorie needs.

We warmly welcome those who no longer know how to dodge, but eat more calories. Well, you who are losing weight, also read how people eat.

Often, trying to fit into their KBZHU, dinner is made minimally caloric. We did exactly the opposite: we sat, thought and prepared a set of two dishes for as much as 5500 kcal. One of Zozhnik's founders had pork with homemade sesame oil mayonnaise for dinner, a side dish of Robuchon's mashed potatoes, and a blueberry milkshake with whipped cream for dessert.


The meat, of course, was the fattest one - pork. Well, they didn’t waste too much time on trifles: they took a juicy piece of 330 g. They sprinkled the meat with spices and gave it a good pounding with these dexterous hands of theirs. Then they poured olive oil into the frying pan and thoroughly browned this piece of flesh. Then we placed the meat in a fireproof dish on top of rosemary sprigs and began making homemade mayonnaise. Yes, not simple mayonnaise, but with sesame oil (we thought it would be more soulful). In general, the yolks from the morning omelet finally came in handy. We took one yolk, 20 g of wonderful mustard Moutarde au Poivre Vert with green pepper, 50 g of sesame oil and beat the whole thing with a mixer.

We flavored the meat with aromatic mayonnaise, put in a couple of slices of tomato (how could it be without fiber?!), and sprinkled Irish cheddar (80g) on ​​top. Then we stretched the foil and put it in the oven, preheated to 220 degrees, until cooked.


Joël Robuchon is a great chef. He is the owner of 14 restaurants around the world and has received numerous awards and honors, including three Michelin stars and a total of 25 stars. This is more than any other chef in the world. We had no reason not to trust this man, and we made the puree exactly as he ordered.

We took 1 kg of potatoes and baked them for 2 hours in an oven heated to 180 degrees. Then they took it out, cooled it, peeled it and rubbed it through a sieve. The mashed potatoes were placed in a frying pan and placed on the lowest heat. It's time to take 500 g out of the freezer butter. We cut the butter into cubes, put it on the potatoes and stirred until smooth.

Added 2 yolks to the puree, a pinch of nutmeg and a little pepper. Since the butter was slightly salty, the dish was not additionally salted. But still, we slightly changed the canonical recipe and added 200 ml of cream with 33% fat content, since the puree turned out to be a bit dry in our opinion. Sorry, Joel!


The milkshake was also made as expected: for 220 g of vanilla ice cream with boiled condensed milk, take 100 ml of milk with 6% fat content and 100 ml of cream with 33% fat content. For taste, we added a handful of frozen blueberries and one large, ripe banana. We whipped all this beauty with a blender, and topped it with whipped cream, which we also made ourselves using a mixer and street magic.


While one of us was busy devouring freshly prepared food, the other was swallowing drool and counting calories. We counted and did not believe our eyes. We recalculated calories on other calculators, checked labels, checked coefficients, but the figure remained almost unchanged: 5464 kcal

Even if there was some error in the calculations, we couldn’t screw up by more than 1000 kcal, which means the dinner turned out to be the most calorie-dense. Just as we planned.

Upd: It turned out that we need to explain why we prepared such food, photographed it, ate it and wrote the text. “The man-who-ate-it-all,” and in everyday life, Zozhnik co-founder Maxim Kuderov, explains:

1. Some people need to eat 4-5 thousand or more calories per day to gain weight. Such dishes are a great help.

2. It's very tasty. I personally ate it all.

3. It’s fun to invent and do.

4. This allows people to clearly see, understand and be horrified that even one serving of seemingly harmless food can contain a hellish amount of calories.

5. Show off.

6. Make interesting, unique material on Zozhnik.

7. Set a record for caloric content of one dish.

Need a diet of 4500-5000 kcal and got the best answer

Reply from
Buckwheat 500 gr
Milk - 900g (package)
Chicken breast - 600 gr
Bread - 200g
Cottage cheese 9% - 300g
Total about 4000 kcal. And this is without fruits, vegetables and sweets (if you suddenly decide to treat yourself to them)
If suddenly 300 grams of protein is not enough for you in some fantastic way, you can add eggs to everything else and safely step over 4000 kcal
Carbohydrates here will exceed 4 hundred, fat will hardly accumulate 90-100 grams.
Immediately ahead of your questions:
Buckwheat - I don’t know how you will stick these 500 grams, at least 300 is enough for me
Milk - if you are urban, as a rule you will find 3.5 percent milk in stores (do you need more calories, right?)
Bread, no matter how you shrug it off, you need it, and besides, it’s not so scary. If you are such an ardent opponent of flour, at least take rye
As for 9% cottage cheese - with so much protein and carbohydrates, you still won’t gain 15% fat in your diet, so feel free to buy 9%
Denis Kezin
Boiled, of course, don’t go crazy) It’s already difficult to eat (I would look at that), but if it’s also raw...
I hope if you are a girl, you will not try this calorage on yourself)

Reply from Oleg Tigr[guru]
I can only add a gainer to Denis’s answer. Calorie sports nutrition before and after training

Reply from Paleocosmonaut[guru]

Reply from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: You need a diet of 4500-5000 kcal

At this very moment, thousands of women are thinking about the gym and diet to prepare for the beach season. But 23-year-old Tammy Jung has her sights set on the exact opposite - she wants to gain weight as quickly as possible. Tammy once weighed 50 kg, wore tight jeans, loved to play volleyball and hang out with friends. However, then the girl decided that she wanted to gain weight. Now she spends all her days at home, eating buckets of fried chicken, tons of donuts and whole wheels of cheese. And the inspiration for such changes in the girl’s life was her 28-year-old boyfriend Johan Uberman, who carefully feeds his beloved... through a funnel. As it turns out, some people like it fatter!

The girl allows her boyfriend to pour creamy milkshakes into her mouth through a funnel. Her goal is 5,000 calories a day. As a result of this horrendous diet, Tammy gains 19 kg every six months. In this photo you see Tammy before she started the “anti-diet”. Tammy now weighs over 110 kg, and, according to her, she is only halfway there. She wants to win a competition on one site on the Internet and become the most beautiful fat woman. Her goal is 190 kg. Tammy already has fans from all over the world. The girl was warned more than once that she was risking her health and shortening her life. But determined Tammy is happy with every kilogram she gains and says she doesn’t care if she’s ruining her health and body. “I’ve never been so happy. Nothing will stop me from achieving my goal." "I know this is a controversial issue, but it's no one's business. Food makes me happy. I make money by doing what I love, and I want to make more." Pictured: Tammy a few years ago. Johan helps his girlfriend gain weight. He feeds her 30 donuts a day, as well as pancakes and waffles. The couple spend up to £70 a day on snacks. Photo: Tammy while on the volleyball team. “I start the day with a huge breakfast of waffles, cream cheese, bacon and sausage, and then head to McDonalds for burgers. I can eat cheese all day – a couple of pieces is no problem for me, but for dinner I prefer pizza or Mexican food.”
"At the end of every day I make myself protein shake with whipped cream and a bucket of ice cream, and Johan feeds me through a funnel. I can drink a shake through the funnel even if I’m completely full.” As a teenager, Tammy played volleyball and soccer and had healthy weight at 50 kg, but then she felt “unprotected”.
"I was ashamed of my appearance. I always considered myself fat and had low self-esteem. After quitting sports, I started gaining weight. At first I was in despair. But one day I looked in the mirror and realized that I was really fat... and I felt at ease.” In the photo: the same “breadwinner” Johan.
“My body is sexy and I feel more feminine with every kilogram I gain. Tammy weighs almost twice what she should, according to her height and age. The girl often films on camera as she is - especially for a crowd of fans.
“I am often asked to eat and weigh myself on camera. I can earn up to £1,000 a day from this, and even more if I work hard.” Johan, whom Tammy has been dating for eight months, isn't worried about the crowd of fans, including boys.
“I immediately noticed that she loves to eat and eats more than me. I was impressed,” he says. “I will love her no matter what she looks like.” The most incredible thing is that Tammy's parents have no idea what their daughter does for a living, and that she is gaining weight on purpose.
“My relatives noticed that I was getting better, but they still don’t know that I’m doing it on purpose. They probably wouldn’t agree to this, but I earn my own living.” Doctors warn that Tammy is risking her health and shortening her life. Tammy's diet: breakfast - waffles, cream cheese, bacon and sausage, then burgers from McDonald's; cheese - all day; for dinner - pizza or Mexican food. At the end of the day - a milkshake with whipped cream and a bucket of ice cream.