Rings for raising the steering wheel. How to raise the handlebars on a mountain bike to make it comfortable? Using a Variable Steering Stem

When riding a bicycle, the most important thing is the ease of riding it.

If the position is incorrect, the body, arms, and back quickly get tired and skating is no longer enjoyable, and sometimes becomes simply unbearable.

The comfort of the landing is determined correct selection the size of the bicycle frame, as well as the settings of the steering wheel.

Adjusting the saddle height is always quite simple - raising or lowering.

Adjusting the steering wheel height is not so easy.

What are the basic approaches to changing the height of the steering wheel:

  1. Raising and lowering the stem along with the handlebar depending on the type of steering column.
  2. Use a stem with a variable inclination angle. It is especially convenient when frequent changes in height are necessary, when, for example, different people ride the same bike.
  3. Install a different steering wheel with more or less lift.

Let's look at each of these approaches in more detail.

Changing handlebar height by raising or lowering the stem.

First of all, let us recall that depending onsteering column type mounted on a bicycle, there are different stem designs:

  • On threaded steering columns stems are used that are integrated with a rod that is inserted inside the fork rod.

    In this case, changing the height of the steering wheel is easiest.

  • On threadless steering columns offsets are used put on the fork stem.

    When using them, adjusting the steering wheel height is a little more difficult and will require special spacer rings or.

Changing the stem height on a threaded headset

If a bicycle has a threaded steering column, then it uses a stem, which is structurally designed with a pin inserted inside the fork stem. In this case, the handlebar height is adjusted by simply raising or lowering the stem pin inside the fork stem.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Loosen the top bolt. Just don’t need to unscrew it completely, unscrew it 5-7 turns so that the bolt head comes out of the stem to approximately its height.
  2. After this, lightly hit the bolt a couple of times with a hammer so that it goes down again.

    What happens?

    At the bottom of this bolt there is a wedge with notches, which, when the bolt is tightened, cuts into the inner walls of the fork rod. When the bolt is unscrewed, the wedge does not always move away from the walls of the rod. With the blows of a hammer you knock it out of its “home” and after that the stem can be moved up and down.

  3. Set the desired handlebar height.
  4. Tighten the top bolt.
  5. Check that the steering wheel does not wobble and turns smoothly. If there is play in the vertical plane, tighten the top bolt more tightly.

An important nuance when setting the handlebar height on such a stem.

The stem must not be pulled out above the special limit mark marked on it. Usually they write “Insert into”, “Stop” or “MAX”.

When installed correctly, it should not be visible from the steering tube.

If there is no such mark, then at least a third of the stem should remain in the steering tube and it should not wobble or play under load.

Changing the stem height on a threadless headset

If the bike has a threadless steering column, the stem fits onto the fork stem, and to change the height of the handlebars, special spacers or spacers will be required.

In addition to the name "spacers" they are also called: "bicycle fork rod extension" or "bicycle handlebar adapter"

If your bike already has spacer rings under or above the stem, you can simply swap them with the stem, thus raising or lowering the handlebars.

If there are no rings, you need to purchase them based on the required lifting height. Typically, rings range in thickness from 5 to 30 mm.

If the height of the fork rod is not enough, you will have to buy a special rod extension (spacer).

The sequence of actions when changing the steering wheel height for a threadless steering column:

  1. Secure the bike.
  2. Unscrew the top bolt securing the cover and remove it
  3. Loosen the bolts on the back of the stem.
  4. Remove the stem along with the handlebars.
  5. Depending on whether you need to lower or raise the steering wheel, remove it or, conversely, add the required number of spacer rings.

    If you need to raise the handlebars high and the fork stem is not enough, install an additional one, and attach the rings and stem to it.

  6. Make sure that the distance between the upper edge of the stem (last ring) and the fork stem is at least 3-5 millimeters, otherwise it will not be possible to secure the entire structure with the lid without backlash.
  7. Place the top cover and tighten the bolt on it. There is no need to drag it out “with all proletarian hatred.” Its main task is to remove all the play in the steering column.
  8. After the entire structure is bolted to the cover, align the stem along the wheel and tighten the rear mounting bolts on it tightly.

How to check that the stem is installed correctly and without play?

Apply the front wheel brake with one hand. With your other hand, grab the stem and use it to rotate the handlebars back and forth.

If you feel that the fork rod is moving inside the steering column, you need to slightly loosen the rear bolts on the stem and tighten the bolt on the steering column cover more tightly, tightening the rings tighter and removing the remaining play. Then re-tighten the stem bolts.

Using a variable steering stem.

There are different stem designs that allow you to change the handlebar height by tilting the stem itself. Moreover, they exist for both threaded and threadless steering columns.

The figure below shows some of these options.

These options have a couple of nuances:

  1. Their price is significantly higher than conventional rigid structures.
  2. There is one more “but”. In some models, especially cheap “Chinese” ones, the clamping force of the moving parts of the structure is weak. This leads to the constant need to adjust the height again, since with constant and regular shocks that occur during riding, the stem slowly drops down. And when you try to tighten the bolts “as hard as you can,” the threads simply break off.

Install a different steering wheel with more or less lift.

If the previously discussed options do not help, then you can go this route.

When setting up a bike, it is important to pay attention to all components without exception. But steering wheel adjustment plays a special role. How comfortable the ride will be depends on how correctly the handlebars are raised in relation to the proportions of your body, and most importantly, whether you can maintain it while riding a bicycle. correct posture. Don’t forget about your own safety, because the wrong steering wheel height can lead to emergency situations on the road. Therefore, you need to treat this issue very responsibly and seriously. This article will introduce you to the basic secrets of properly adjusting a bicycle handlebar.

Minimum set necessary tools

When purchasing a bike for yourself or a child, you should initially be prepared for the fact that you will have to make some technical adjustments, and here you cannot do without special tools. Therefore, immediately after purchasing a bicycle, stock up on a special kit that will be useful to you in servicing your two-wheeled friend. It must include:

  • Hex keys
  • Strain limiters
  • Standard adjustable wrench
  • Torx keys

Modern tool sets have convenient packaging - a case, which is quite compact, making it convenient to store in a pantry, garage or other specially designated place.

It should be noted that different bike models have their own specific steering wheel lift, which we invite you to get acquainted with. For example, if we are talking about a mountain bike, the handlebars must be at the same level as the saddle. And going for a walk on speed bike It is advisable to place the steering wheel slightly higher than the seat. The fact is that the height of the steering wheel directly depends on the type of riding you do and the manipulations that you plan to carry out while driving the bike. Therefore, before adjusting the steering wheel, clearly determine how exactly you plan to ride your bike.

Age characteristics

If we are talking about standard pleasure riding, then here too many nuances should be taken into account, one of which is the age of the person who will ride the bicycle. The fact is that older people should maintain a landing angle of up to 90 degrees, and for young people parameters of 50-60 degrees are suitable.

Adjust the steering wheel to children's bike

Of course, children's models also have their own characteristics for adjusting the steering wheel.
First of all, adjusting the handlebars on a children's bicycle is aimed at making the child's riding as comfortable and safe as possible. The child should not slouch, because this is fraught with problems with posture. If your child constantly leans toward the handlebars when getting on the bike, you may need to move the control higher than its current position. Another common steering wheel adjustment error results in the child constantly clinging to the steering wheel with his knees. In this case, you just need to change the tilt of the steering wheel. Most children's bicycles have a fairly simple design, which allows for quick and easy adjustment of the handlebars. By loosening the locking nut located in the center, you can easily raise or lower the steering wheel to the desired height.

After the next adjustment of the steering wheel, be sure to test your bike, and only after that go on trips over a considerable distance. When lifting the handlebars, special attention should be paid to the level of clamping of the connections, since the further operation of the bike depends on them. If you tighten them very loosely, after a short period of time you will experience an unpleasant bearing repair. Severe tightness will directly affect the handling of the bike and significantly reduce the level of ride comfort.

After adjusting the steering wheel, it is important to get used to the new driving conditions. Initial discomfort should not be the reason for further adjustments. Try driving for a few days and after that you will be able to evaluate how comfortable the new steering wheel position is for you.

  1. Task 1 of 15

    1 .

    Are the Rules broken in the situations depicted?


    f) tow bicycles;


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:

    d) while driving, hold on to another vehicle;

    f) tow bicycles;

  2. Task 2 of 15

    2 .

    Which cyclist doesn't break the rules?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:

    b) move on highways and roads for cars, as well as on the roadway if there is a bicycle path nearby;

  3. Task 3 of 15

    3 .

    Who should give way?


    6. Requirements for cyclists


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.5. If a bicycle lane crosses a road outside an intersection, cyclists must give way to other vehicles traveling on the road.

  4. Task 4 of 15

    4 .

    What loads is a cyclist allowed to carry?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    22. Cargo transportation


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.4. A cyclist may only carry such loads that do not interfere with the operation of the bicycle and do not create obstacles for other participants. traffic.

    22. Cargo transportation

    22.3. Transportation of cargo is permitted provided that it:

    b) does not violate stability vehicle and does not make it difficult to manage;

  5. Task 5 of 15

    5 .

    Which cyclists violate the Rules when transporting passengers?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:

    e) carry passengers on a bicycle (except for children under 7 years old, transported on an additional seat equipped with securely fastened footrests);

  6. Task 6 of 15

    6 .

    In what order will vehicles pass through the intersection?


    16. Driving through intersections


    16. Driving through intersections

    16.11. At an intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.12. At the intersection of equivalent roads, the driver of a non-rail vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles approaching from the right.
    Tram drivers should follow this rule among themselves. At any uncontrolled intersection, a tram, regardless of the direction of its further movement, has an advantage over non-rail vehicles approaching it along an equivalent road.

    16.14. If the main road at an intersection changes direction, drivers of vehicles moving along it must follow the rules for driving through intersections of equivalent roads.
    This rule should be followed among themselves and by drivers driving on secondary roads.

  7. Task 7 of 15

    7 .

    Riding bicycles on sidewalks and pedestrian paths:


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:

    c) move on sidewalks and pedestrian paths(except for children under 7 years old on children's bicycles under adult supervision);

  8. Task 8 of 15

    8 .

    Who has the right of way when crossing a bike path?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.5. If a bicycle lane crosses a road outside an intersection, cyclists must give way to other vehicles traveling on the road.


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.5. If a bicycle lane crosses a road outside an intersection, cyclists must give way to other vehicles traveling on the road.

  9. Task 9 of 15

    9 .

    What distance should be between groups of cyclists moving in a column?


    6. Requirements for cyclists


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.3. Cyclists traveling in groups must ride one after another so as not to interfere with other road users. A column of cyclists moving along the roadway must be divided into groups (up to 10 cyclists per group) with a movement distance between groups of 80-100 m.

  10. Task 10 of 15

    10 .

    Vehicles will pass through the intersection in the following order


    16. Driving through intersections

    16.11. At an intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.


    16. Driving through intersections

    16.11. At an intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.13. Before turning left and making a U-turn, the driver of a non-rail vehicle must give way to a tram in the same direction, as well as to vehicles moving on an equivalent road in the opposite direction straight or to the right.

  11. Task 11 of 15

    11 .

    A cyclist passes an intersection:


    16. Driving through intersections


    8. Traffic regulation

    8.3. Traffic controller signals take precedence over traffic light signals and road sign requirements and are mandatory. Traffic lights other than flashing yellow have priority over road signs priority. Drivers and pedestrians must comply with the additional requirements of the traffic controller, even if they contradict traffic lights, road signs and markings.

    16. Driving through intersections

    16.6. When turning left or turning around when the main traffic light is green, the driver of a non-rail vehicle is obliged to give way to a tram in the same direction, as well as to vehicles moving straight in the opposite direction or turning right. Tram drivers should follow this rule among themselves.

  12. Task 12 of 15

    12 .

    Flashing red signals of this traffic light:


    8. Traffic regulation


    8. Traffic regulation

    8.7.6. To regulate traffic at railway crossings, traffic lights with two red signals or one white-lunar and two red ones are used, having the following meanings:

    a) flashing red signals prohibit the movement of vehicles through the crossing;

    b) a flashing white-lunar signal indicates that the alarm system is working and does not prohibit vehicle movement.

    At railway crossings, simultaneously with the prohibitory traffic light signal, an audible signal may be turned on, additionally informing road users that movement through the crossing is prohibited.

  13. Task 13 of 15

    13 .

    The driver of which vehicle will cross the intersection second?


    16. Driving through intersections

    16.11. At an intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.14. If the main road at an intersection changes direction, drivers of vehicles moving along it must follow the rules for driving through intersections of equivalent roads.

    This rule should be followed among themselves and by drivers driving on secondary roads.


    16. Driving through intersections

    16.11. At an intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.14. If the main road at an intersection changes direction, drivers of vehicles moving along it must follow the rules for driving through intersections of equivalent roads.

    This rule should be followed among themselves and by drivers driving on secondary roads.

    16 Driving through intersections


    8. Traffic regulation

    8.7.3. Traffic light signals have the following meanings:

    A signal in the form of an arrow that allows a left turn also allows a U-turn if it is not prohibited by road signs.

    A signal in the form of a green arrow(s) in the additional section(s), switched on together with the green traffic light signal, informs the driver that he has priority in the direction(s) of movement indicated by the arrow(s) over vehicles moving from other directions;

    f) a red signal, including a flashing one, or two red flashing signals prohibit movement.

    A signal in the form of a green arrow(s) in the additional section(s), together with a yellow or red traffic light signal, informs the driver that movement is permitted in the indicated direction, subject to the unhindered passage of vehicles moving from other directions.

    A green arrow on a sign installed at the level of a red traffic light with a vertical signal arrangement allows movement in the indicated direction when the red traffic light is on from the rightmost lane (or the leftmost lane on one-way roads) provided that priority is given in traffic to its other participants moving from other directions to a traffic light signal allowing movement;

    16 Driving through intersections

    16.9. While driving in the direction of the arrow turned on in the additional section simultaneously with a yellow or red traffic light, the driver must give way to vehicles moving from other directions.

    When driving in the direction of the green arrow on the table installed at the level of the red traffic light with vertical signals, the driver must take the extreme right (left) lane and give way to vehicles and pedestrians moving from other directions.

2. Adjust stem height to a comfortable level, not to the correct position. The body is an excellent judge in the matter of regulation. The back should not be slouched or tilted back. Your arms should bend slightly at the elbows. In any case, ride in a position that is comfortable. Have a friend hold the bike (front wheel between your legs) while you sit down to check the handlebars.

  • Cyclists have their handlebars low so they can lean over.
  • For normal driving, the steering wheel is level with the seat or higher.

3. Loosen the stem pinch bolts using a hex wrench. These bolts hold the handlebars to the bike and need to be removed to position the handlebars higher or lower.

4. Loosen the bolts on each side of the stem. Use a hex wrench for this. The bolts are on the part of the stem closest to the seat. Loosen them enough to remove the stem from the tube.

5. Pull the stem out of the frame. Slowly remove the handlebars, being as careful as possible, being careful not to strain or bend the wires connected to the frame by the handlebar. They sag slightly, but to play it safe, it’s better to roll the bike to a table or chair and put the handlebars on it so that it is closer to the bike.

6. Add or remove additional spacers to achieve desired height. All that needs to be adjusted is the height of the handlebars. The rings are quite small. With their help you can easily select the desired height. The tapered part at the bottom of the stem that connects to the frame cannot be removed. You can purchase additional spacer rings at any time to increase the height.

7. Place the steering wheel with the stem on the spacer wheels. Don't worry about not being able to reattach everything perfectly. If the extra rings have been removed, place them on top of the stem to avoid losing them. The stem bolt will secure them.

8.Insert the stem bolt by hand. No need to screw it in. This top bolt is not responsible for the steering wheel swinging from side to side. You need to secure it well before reinserting the steering wheel.

  • If you're working on fragile parts, like a carbon fiber frame, it's worth using a torque wrench to make sure you don't break anything.
  • Make sure the steering wheel moves freely. If not, you need to gradually loosen the bolt until the steering wheel can be turned freely.

9. Align the stem with the front wheel. Stand on the bike as if you are about to sit on it. Direct front wheel straight ahead. Close one eye and adjust the steering wheel and the middle with the wheel. This must be done to control turns.

  • If there is a problem that the steering wheel does not stay in place, tighten the nuts to move it with more force, but the steering wheel will move independently of the wheel.
  • Tighten the bolts once the steering wheel is level.

10. Check how level the steering column is. Remember that the steering column is a combination of several parts at once (handlebar, stem, front wheel, fork) that turns the bike itself. The top bolt is attached to the steering column and it affects the turns. To check it, stand with the bike between your legs and apply the brake. Roll the wheel back and forth, feel if there is any wobbling strange movement under your hands. If present, loosen the side bolts and tighten the top bolt, then tighten the side bolts to double check.

  • If you do not have a strong sense of properly tightening the nuts, loosen the bolt a little. You can also use a torque wrench - a wrench with an adjustable and measurable dynamometer (torque).

Method 2: Adjusting the threaded steering column

1. Make sure your bike has a threaded steering column. A threaded headset has a continuous piece of metal (the stem) extending from the frame, angled forward. It connects to the steering wheel. Where the stem disconnects from the frame there is a nut and bolt at the top of the stem. These stems are easy to adjust. Single speed bikes, fixed gear bikes and older bikes have them.

  • Some bikes don't have a nut, just a bolt at the top of the stem.

2. Loosen the bolt at the top of the stem. This bolt, pointing straight down, creates pressure, i.e., holds the stem in place. Use a hex wrench to loosen it. You don't need to pull it out completely.

3. Loosen the locknut using wrench . Loosen the hex nut. It is located where the stem meets the frame.

4. Disconnect the steering wheel from the frame. You may need to wiggle and twist it to get it out. If this is a new bike, mark the place where the handlebars were. This will make it easier to return it to the same place.

5. Wipe and lubricate the stem. Clean the stem with soapy water and dry with a rag. To prevent the stem from getting stuck in the frame later, apply anti-seize lubricant 2 cm below the stem.

6. Decide on your riding type to choose a new handlebar type. The appropriate handlebar depends on the type of bike. Also, choose the right height for you so that you can ride a bike comfortably in the future.

  • Road bike: Cyclist riders have their handlebars low so they can lean over. This is done to better control speed and weight transfer.
  • mountain bike: On such bicycles, the handlebars should be lower than the seat. This will give good balance and move the center of gravity lower.
  • Cruiser: On standard bikes, the handlebars should be slightly higher than the seat to provide greater comfort and relieve stress.

7. Place the stem at a suitable height and tighten the top bolt. This can be done by hand. It is better not to use any tools, because then you will not be able to loosen the bolt or nut again.

Method 3. Adjusting the angle of the bicycle handlebars

1. Check if your bike has an adjustable stem. An adjustable stem has one bolt running perpendicular to the bike where the stem connects to the frame. Loosen the bolt, adjust the offset angle, then tighten it back. Before you leave, check if you are comfortable. In principle, this may be sufficient.

2. Loosen the four screws at the end of the stem. The stem runs perpendicular to the handlebar and connects the frame and handlebars. There are four screws on the front of the handlebar, usually secured to a small square in the middle of the handlebar. Loosen them and the steering wheel can be rotated back and forth.

3. Find out at what height you should install the steering wheel. Imagine that the steering wheel is a piano. You should be comfortable “playing” it. The arms are slightly bent. The brakes should be at a convenient distance so that it is comfortable to reach them. The back is inclined 45 degrees from the waist. Have someone hold the bike while you sit down and check the handlebar position.

  • Steering wheel angle – minor adjustment. If you can't reach the brakes, have to bend over awkwardly, or have to straighten your arms completely, you need to buy a new stem. It is also possible that the bike is too big for you.

4. Adjust the handlebar angle to the desired height and check. Have someone hold the bike, or try riding a short distance. Make sure to tighten all bolts before driving. Otherwise, your weight may tilt the handlebar down and an accident may occur.

5. Once you have adjusted the appropriate angle, tighten the bolts by hand. They need to be tightened so that the steering wheel does not move during the trip. However, don't tighten them too much or you may not be able to remove them in the future.


  • Make sure you can easily reach the brakes and gearshift after adjusting the steering wheel.
  • Be careful with brake and transmission cables. Don't confuse them.
  • If adjusting the steering wheel does not solve the problem and you are still not comfortable, try changing the seat height.

Double check that all bolts are tightened before driving to avoid an accident.

Setting up the stem on a modern bike - video

This note is intended for beginner cyclists and those who are planning to buy a bike. Since this is not the first time I have received the question of how to raise the handlebars of a bicycle, I decided to write a few words about it.

I remember how, having bought my first bike, I could not understand for a long time how the steering wheel could be raised, because on my Salyut from childhood this was done in an elementary way. 🙂

Unfortunately, on modern bicycles the handlebar height is not directly adjustable. The absence of such a mechanism is the price to pay for the simplicity of the design and light weight.

Therefore, if you bought new bike, then, most likely, you will only be able to lower the steering wheel, which is also sometimes required. Therefore, a few words about how the steering part of the bicycle is designed.

This picture shows one of the old type of steering columns (threaded). None of the normal manufacturers have been installing this on their products for at least eight to ten years.

But wild Chinese goods sold in stores like Auchan are often equipped with just such a design. As a “pleasant” bonus, you will receive the fact that you cannot install a working suspension fork on such a steering wheel, because they have a different standard and rod diameter.

And this is what the steering part of a modern bicycle looks like. The stem is removed by unscrewing the top bolt securing the cover and the two bolts that, in fact, hold the system together.

There are several spacer rings under the stem. If you need to lower the steering wheel, then the rings are simply removed, the stem is installed back, the rings are put on top of it and the whole thing is pressed in from above with a cover. Please note that the bolt that secures the cover does not need to be tightly tightened.

Its role is to select the slack and play of the steering column. After the steering wheel is tightened with this bolt, align the steering wheel so that it faces straight and tighten the mounting bolts. You need to tighten it conscientiously, but carefully and without fanaticism. This is what the steering part looks like with the rings rearranged.

If the steering wheel needs to be lowered even lower, then the stem is turned over, as a result of which it begins to look down and not up, as in the photo.

But if you lower the steering wheel it's not so difficult task, then raising it will require additional expenses. The easiest thing you can do is buy an adjustable stem, like this:

Please note that there are takeaways different lengths, and if you need to raise the steering wheel to a decent height, then buy a longer one. If your bike has a straight handlebar, then it might make sense to replace it with a riser. In addition to the fact that it is several centimeters higher than the straight one, it is also more convenient in taxiing, it seems to me.

A more radical solution is to buy a tourist butterfly steering wheel. It can be lifted to great heights, and a huge number of grips will help your hands over long distances.

To top it all off, I would like to tell novice cyclists that the modern bicycle has a slightly different geometry than what we were used to as children. You shouldn’t immediately look for ways to raise the steering wheel.

First, try riding as is. These bikes are designed to have low handlebars. Thanks to such a landing, it is easier to produce a decent speed, and most importantly, to ride for many hours in a row without experiencing back problems, because in this case the weight is effectively distributed between the arms and the butt.

In most cases, people get used to it within a few days, and later, if they feel the desire to adjust the steering wheel, it is only in the downward direction. 🙂

Perhaps my readers will somehow add to this note, maybe there are some other ways to raise or lower the handlebars on a bicycle.

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Instructions: raise the handlebars on children's and adult bicycles

In the minds of many, adjusting the height of the handlebars is not at all difficult, because it was so easy to do on all bikes in childhood. However, in modern bicycles it is impossible to change the position of the handlebars in the same way in a simple way. This is explained by the fact that modern bike models have become much lighter and simpler in design. Therefore, do not be surprised if the position of the steering column on a new bike is not entirely easy to change.

Let's take a closer look; the steering part is large. The threaded steering column variety is old century. Currently, none of the conscientious manufacturers will allow such a part to be installed on the products of their brand. Over the past 8-9 years, this trend has continued. But this does not apply to Chinese manufacturers; often a similar design is still found among bicycles made in China. One of the annoying discrepancies is that it is impossible to install on such a steering wheel suspension fork(due to differences in standards and rod diameter).

A set of necessary tools

To change the handlebar position on your bike you will need the following tools:

  • Hexagons are different sizes, so the best option there will be a whole set;
  • Tension limiter. It will allow you to keep the threads in their original condition when working with lightweight components such as carbon;
  • Torxes T20 and T25 (special type of keys). They may be needed for certain stem models.

The stem is quite easily dismantled if you first unscrew the bolt that secures the cover, as well as a couple of bolts that hold the structure itself in the assembled state. The fastening sequence is as follows: first comes the offset, then special spacer rings are placed.

If it is only necessary to lower the steering part, the rings are dismantled and the stem is returned to old place, and the rings are placed on top of it, after which everything is fixed with a lid.

Attention! It is not advisable to tighten the bolt that is installed at the end, fixing the cover. Its participation in the design is reduced to removing possible slack, as well as play at the steering column.

After fixing the steering part with a bolt, you need to align the steering wheel itself and finally secure the system with bolts. Tighten the mounting bolts carefully, without applying excessive force, but at the same time conscientiously.

Sometimes there is a need for the reverse process - the steering wheel must be lowered. To do this you will need to turn the stem over so it is facing down. Remember that lowering the steering wheel is much easier than raising it. This procedure can be simplified by purchasing a special stem that can be adjusted.

The stems are available in different versions, varying in length. The rule is simple: if you want to raise the handlebars to a significant height, opt for a longer stem model.

Height adjustment value

In order for skating to bring you pleasure and comfort, you must feel as comfortable as possible during the process. This is why adjusting the handlebar height and stem is so important. Experts confidently state that the lack of the ability to adjust the steering wheel height directly affects its maneuverability and comfortable riding. A bicycle is difficult to control, which means there is no way to be sure of your absolute safety. There can be countless combinations in the settings of your bike, so feel free to experiment with the level of saddle height, suspension condition, and tire pressure. But do not neglect such an important factor as the correct height of the steering wheel.

There must be a clear relationship between the heights of the handlebars and the saddle. For example, professional racers most often set the handlebars lower than the level of the saddle. Those who choose a comfortable and relaxed travel style raise the steering wheel higher.

Pay attention! A handlebar that is specially adjusted and set low greatly reduces the degree of controllability of the bicycle and the likelihood of complete control over the situation while moving.

Your bike's center of gravity is lowered if the handlebars are set low enough. That is why the load on the front wheel increases, and, accordingly, traction. Another advantage is a more even distribution of weight between the two wheels, which has a beneficial effect on mountain climbs. Such effects are especially noticeable on bicycles with large diameter wheels. You can try on different steering wheel heights and compare the sensations of each new position, choosing the best one for free and without the help of specialists.

When a cyclist moves on roads, it is recommended to maintain a back angle of about 30 degrees. If the riding style is quite active, the back angle is desirable in the range from 45 to 60 degrees. For older people, as well as children, you should focus on the angle setting of 60-90 degrees.

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how to raise handlebars on a mountain bike

It may be necessary to adjust the handlebar height. You can raise the handlebars of your bike in various ways, in order to do this you need to determine what type you have.

How to raise the handlebars on a bicycle

Threaded steering column

In order to raise the handlebars of a bicycle with a threaded steering column, you need to do the following:

  1. Loosen the central bolt of the steering stem, but do not unscrew it completely, otherwise the wedge-retainer will come off;
  2. Set the steering wheel to the required height and align it with the front wheel;
  3. Tighten the center bolt. Please note that after tightening, the structure should not wobble, move up and down, and there should be no backlash.

Threadless steering column

If your bike has a threadless steering column, you can use the following methods to raise the handlebars:

1. Install another

, which has a higher level of rise. You can also install an adjustable stem, then you can change the height of the steering wheel at any time;

Change onto a fork with a longer stem. In this case, you will need to purchase additional spacer rings of the required length.

2. You should not add spacer rings to the old fork; in this case, the steering wheel may come off the fork rod. Some bicycles already have a spare fork stem length, in this case you just need to rearrange the rings under the handlebar stem;

3. Install another . Install the steering wheel with a higher rise or with a large number hand positions.

When installing the steering wheel, be careful; the armature cover should only be tightened with a bolt, but do not tighten it with force. If you tighten the bolt too much, it may cause the armature to break. Also, the tighter the bolt is tightened, the harder it will be to turn the steering wheel. The bolt should be tightened until there is no play in the steering column. The side stem bolts should only be tightened after the anchor has been tightened.

In children, the musculoskeletal system is just developing. How to raise the handlebars on a children's bike with a threaded or threadless steering column?

How to raise the handlebars on a children's bike

So that the handlebar can be raised, parents buy a bicycle with the function of adjusting the height and tilt of the handlebar. Children should not touch its parts with their knees; for this, the height and inclinations are also adjusted.

How to raise the handlebars on different types of bicycles:

  1. On the highway. On road bikes, the handlebars should be quite low, regardless of whether it is intended for a child or an adult. Its permissible location area is at the level of the saddle. This rule was established due to the fact that this body position is the most advantageous for driving fast. Some parents are not satisfied with their child riding in this position, and therefore buy a standard children's bicycle.
  2. The bikes are of the forward brand. The difficulty of adjusting the handlebars in bicycles of this brand is that it is much easier not to raise it, but to replace the handlebar stem with an identical one, but with a greater angle (or with a handlebar with a lifting function). Some cyclists have learned to change the position of the handlebars on bikes of this brand using a nut.
  3. On the mountain. The height of the handlebars is identical to the road handlebars - it should be located at the level of the saddle. You can set the correct height on your mountain bike using an adjustable bike stem. It is imperative to take into account the position of the saddle, since there can be several combinations.

To adjust the height of the steering system, the steering wheel is first disassembled. There is no other way to change its position. The handlebars of a children's bicycle are secured with two bolts on the sides and one in the center.

The central bolt eliminates play in the steering column area. The remaining bolts fix the steering wheel at a certain height and do not allow its position to change, so they are unscrewed first. Only after this can the steering wheel be moved to the required height.

Each children's bicycle has limit marks on the steering system, beyond which the steering wheel cannot be installed. The same method is also suitable for lowering the steering wheel in some children's models. But often each steering system has a certain way of changing its position.

The semi-integrated column has a cup and bearing mounted inside the frame. If it is installed in a children's bike, there are restrictions regarding the rise, but you can lower it as low as possible. An integrated column for children's bicycles is used extremely rarely. It is not equipped with cups, and is installed in the frame tube itself.

With threadless steering column

A threadless headset has no threads, so the fork is installed with a spacer that is located in the stem.

To change the position of the steering wheel in a bike with a threadless steering column, there is the following algorithm of actions:

  1. First, choose a stem with a large rise or with a stem adjustment function. This is necessary to change the height as needed.
  2. Next, the factory plug is replaced with a new one. It should have a longer rod.
  3. Additional rings are purchased for the fork. Their installation will be carried out outside.
  4. Afterwards, install the steering system itself, lightly screwing the armature cover, turn the steering wheel to the required position, and tighten all the bolts.

If it is not possible to purchase a stem with a large rise and replace the fork, then you can increase the height of the handlebars with a threadless steering column as follows:

  • Unscrew the anchor bolt with a hexagon (some call it a “cover”, located in the upper part of the pipe);
  • unscrew the tightening bolts;
  • slowly and carefully remove the handlebars and stem;
  • install additional spacer rings on the pipe (to lower the level of the steering wheel, they can be removed);
  • complete the work by installing the stem, tightening the tightening and anchor bolts, without overtightening the steering wheel to avoid mechanical damage to the parts.

Since when changing the position of the steering wheel using this method, the structure can be displaced, it is necessary to change its direction and stem, aligning them with the front wheel. If you find an uneven position, you can slightly loosen the bolts in the stem area, set them to the correct direction, and tighten them again.

With threaded steering column

With a threaded column, the fork is held in place by internal threads in the top area of ​​the cup and a locknut. Inside the pipe there are two cups with ball bearings held in place by a washer. This type of mount is used on children's and adult professional bicycles. Their manufacturers use a threaded column to reduce the weight of the bike, but it is more often found in very cheap bicycles.

The steering tube is installed inside the threaded column and tightened with bolts. When adjusting the height of the steering wheel, you need to be careful - you can get dirty with the lubricant located in the area of ​​the mechanism.

The algorithm for increasing the height of a steering wheel with a threaded column consists of the following steps:

  1. First, loosen the fastening nut at the bottom above the frame.
  2. If necessary, the same steps can be performed with the lock nut.
  3. Raise the steering wheel to the required height; in some cases, an extension is required.
  4. The work is completed by tightening the fastening and locking nuts.

Other actions with the handlebars on a children's bike

In some situations, you need to lower or tighten the handlebars of a children's bike. How to do this?


The steering part has a cover, bolts and spacer rings. To remove the stem, unscrew the top bolt holding the cover and 2 bolts securing the entire steering system. It is under the stem that there are spacer rings. To lower the steering wheel:

  • remove the rings;
  • install a take-out;
  • the removed rings are placed over it;
  • fix with a lid (the bolt does not need to be tightened tightly).

After tightening the steering column, the steering wheel is aligned with the front wheel and the mounting bolts are tightened. If you need to lower the handlebars even lower, the stem turns over.


It is necessary to tighten the steering wheel not only in order to lower or raise it, but also in case of turning it. In order to tighten the handlebars on a children's bicycle, you will need a set of hexagons.

It is highly not recommended to buy a set of cheap hexagons - such tools often wear out quickly. It is better to buy steel hexagons from a specialized bicycle store,

Take off

To completely remove the handlebars on a children's bike, you need to:

  • unscrew the bolts securing the steering wheel until the structure weakens;
  • if it does not loosen, unscrew the bolts until they extend at least 4 cm;
  • Clamp the front wheel of the bike with your feet, and slowly and carefully turn the steering wheel until it is completely removed.

List of required tools

The list of necessary tools for removing or changing the position of the steering wheel includes:

  • a set of steel hexagons for unscrewing the steering wheel;
  • you can purchase a set of TORX keys if the corresponding bolts are installed in the steering system;
  • magnetic saucer - with its help, bolts and other metal objects placed in it will not be lost.

Thanks to these tools, the process of changing the steering wheel position is improved. In conclusion, it should be noted that the geometry of the bicycles that parents rode as children is significantly different from those of modern children's bikes.

And not all situations require changing the position of the steering system. Therefore, if in doubt, it is better for parents to consult with specialists.

Raising the handlebars on a children's bike

Home » Adviсe " Is it possible to raise the steering wheel? How to raise the handlebars on a mountain bike to make it comfortable?

So, let's start setting up the bike step by step.

Saddle adjustment

First of all, you need to adjust the height, angle and distance of the saddle under physiological characteristics passenger.

Many different methods have been developed to determine the correct saddle height. The most common and accessible to the average person is the “heel method”. To determine the height of the saddle using this method, you must perform the following manipulations:

  • Place your foot in the shoe with the heel on the pedal. The pedal must be in the down position and parallel to the floor
  • Set the seat height so that sitting position the leg standing on the pedal was almost completely straightened at the knee, but at the same time the pelvis assumed a horizontal position without distortion

That is, if the leg does not reach the pedal, then the saddle needs to be lowered, and vice versa, if the knee is strongly bent, it should be raised. The bicycle seat height adjustment is adjusted after loosening the seat bolt.

It is imperative to remember that on the seat post of any bicycle there is a mark for the maximum possible saddle offset, above which you should not raise the seat, as this can lead to damage to the bicycle and possible injuries to the passenger.

Seat tilt. Typically, the seat is installed either parallel to the ground, or slightly raising the front or back of it up, depending on the individual characteristics of the cyclist. It should be taken into account that if the front end of the saddle is lifted up strongly, the passenger will roll back while moving, therefore, in order to maintain balance, he will have to use his arms and abs.

As a result of such a trip, pain in the muscles of the arms and abdomen may occur. And vice versa, if you raise the back of the saddle, the passenger will begin to roll forward onto the bicycle frame, which will also increase the load on the hands and add the possibility of getting discomfort in the crotch.

Adjusting the distance of the saddle from the steering wheel is carried out as follows:

  • The seatpost needs to be loosened
  • Move the bicycle saddle forward or backward so that knee joint appeared exactly above the pedal axis. The pedal should be in a position parallel to the ground
  • Secure the seatpost

Correct adjustment of the saddle in height, angle and distance is very important, since an incorrect and unsuitable position for the rider has a significant impact on both the speed and well-being of the cyclist.

So, when adjusting the saddle, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the passenger’s anatomy. But you should also take into account your riding style, for example, when driving at high speed, a lower saddle position will be justified than when riding on a quiet highway.

Steering wheel adjustment

The steering wheel is adjusted according to three parameters: height adjustment, alignment relative to the hub, alignment relative to the wheel.

Before adjusting the handlebar height, you need to decide in what conditions the cyclist is going to ride.

For example, road trips should be as comfortable as possible in terms of control over the road situation, so the steering wheel height is set so that the cyclist’s back is at an angle of 30 degrees relative to the vertical, for walking and fitness - 45-60, and for the elderly and children - 60-90 degrees.

Generally, the handlebar position differs for different types of bicycles. So, for a road bike, the handlebars are installed above the seat, for a hybrid and mountain bike – at the same level as the saddle, and for a speed bike – below the saddle.

We adjust the height of the saddle after loosening the stem bolt with a hex key. Then set the steering wheel to the desired height and tighten the bolt.

Not all bicycle models allow you to customize the handlebars wide range. This freedom is available mainly on a regular road bike. If we talk about racing or mountain bikes, then most likely it will be possible to adjust the height within just a few millimeters, which is due to the design of the bike.

The steering wheel is adjusted centrally relative to the hub in such a way that the cyclist's hand, arm and shoulder form a straight line while sitting on the bike. If the hand is at an angle to the forearm, then at least you will be tired from such a trip.

Adjustment of the steering wheel in the center relative to the wheel. Carrying out this adjustment yourself is not difficult even for inexperienced users. To do this, you need to stand in front of the bicycle, hold the front wheel between your knees and, after loosening the mount, center the handlebars.

Adjusting the brakes

Bicycle brakes are divided into rim brakes, mechanical disc brakes, and hydraulic disc brakes.

Easiest to adjust rim brakes. First, we check the position of the pads - they should lie with their entire surface on the wheel rim, and under no circumstances touch the tires. The distance from the rim to the pad should not be less than 1 mm and more than 3 mm. The brake pads are adjusted using a hexagon

Adjusting the location of shifters and brake levers

To determine the correct position of the brake levers, you can mentally stretch the thread along the handlebar. The brake handles are installed at an angle of 45 degrees relative to this line, and in such a way that you can reach them with your middle and index fingers.

Shifter - speed control unit on the steering wheel. It must be placed close to the brake levers.

It is advisable to adjust the gear shift unit itself once a year by an experienced specialist. This is due to the fact that during operation the chain tends to stretch.

Adjusting the suspension fork

The fork setting depends on the weight of the cyclist. You should not make the fork too soft, as a strong rebound increases the likelihood of bike breakdowns.

Check before departure

Every time you are going to ride a bicycle, it is necessary to check the serviceability of the vehicle.

Checking the brakes
  • Spin the wheel after releasing the brake handle. The wheel should spin smoothly and not touch the brake pads
  • Inspect the brake pads. They should be at a distance of 1 to 3 mm from the wheel rim, and close to it with the entire plane. Under no circumstances should the brake pads touch the tires.
  • Press and release the brake levers several times. They should not be too soft or too tight, rest against the steering wheel or sink
  • If the brakes are hydraulic, also inspect the cables and jackets.

Checking the condition of tires

Inspect the tires for wear. Severe tire wear quite often causes a puncture in the tube. Worn tires must be replaced on time.

The recommended pressure is indicated on the sidewall of the tires. It is highly recommended not to exceed it. You need to know what it takes to ride on hard and dry surfaces. For driving on snow, sand, clay and slippery roads, low pressure is preferable.

Checking bolts and lack of play

It is imperative to check that the steering wheel is securely fastened and that the steering column does not dangle, that is, there is no play.

We also check the reliability of fastening the wheels in the forks and the seat in the seat clamp.
Make sure all mounting bolts are securely tightened.
Check the gear selector setting


We carefully lubricate all components and mechanisms.
Checking the pedal settings.
If you have to drive in the dark, you need to make sure that the lighting system is working properly.

The bike is ready. Have a nice walk!

It depends on how the steering system is installed. Therefore, the question of how to regulate is so relevant. Thus, when correct position There is no tension on the back and arms, therefore it is much easier to ride. There is practically no vehicle that would be ideal for a person, because all people have different body structures. But the degree of steering adjustment depends not only on human parameters, but also on the vehicle model. Modern bicycles allow adjustment within certain limits. It's no secret that the higher the steering wheel is, the more difficult it is to move up, and the lower it is, the more problematic it is to drive on a regular road. The point is that the view is blocked in this way.

ATTENTION! The angle of the back when driving on the highway should be about 30 degrees. For sports movement - 45-60 degrees, and for quiet walks - 60-90.

How to tighten the steering wheel

So, how to adjust the steering wheel depending on the vehicle model:

How to remove or lower the steering wheel

In order to adjust the height of the steering wheel, it must first be disassembled. Only in this way can this element be moved from its place. As a rule, it is fixed on the side with two special bolts and one in the center. It is the central mount that eliminates play in the steering column, and the other bolts hold the steering wheel in place. required height. Therefore, first of all you need unscrew the side elements and move the steering wheel to the required height. Please note that each bicycle has special marks, exceeding the level of which is strictly prohibited. How to lower the steering wheel of a bicycle? It’s very simple: the same as lifting, but in the other direction. But each steering system has its own methods that are worth focusing on.

How to adjust the height of the steering system on a bicycle

Raising the steering wheel is done using various methods, which depend on the type of steering column:

How to lengthen the steering wheel

Steering column extension.

Not every handlebar is the right length, so many cyclists try to lengthen it. For these purposes, there is a steering column extension for this type of transport. This is a special tube for the fork stem, and this device allows you to lift it up. Since the majority of steering systems are equipped with stems that cannot be adjusted, the stem itself has to be changed. By the way, thanks to this model, you can successfully adjust both the height of the steering wheel and its tilt. Great option There may be extension rings and other elements. Some inventive cyclists move the saddle as close to the handlebar as possible.

How to assemble a steering column

Installation of the steering column of a bicycle, if the steering wheel is already connected to the cables and the shock absorbers are located separately, is carried out as follows:

  1. Initially, assembly begins with the bearing located at the bottom. It is seated with the balls down, but with the separator facing up.
  2. Next, the counter cup with the bearing guide is inserted, after which the sealing ring is installed quite tightly into the groove. In this way, the reliability of the design can be ensured.
  3. The fork is turned over and installed in the column.
  4. The bearing on top is inserted in the same way as the bottom.
  5. The spacer ring is installed in the lower part of the bearing in an extremely narrow area.
  6. An external seal is installed.
  7. Then the washer located on top is inserted.
  8. The auxiliary rings intended for the steering column are put on.
  9. The steering wheel itself is installed.
  10. Secured with washers.
  11. The steering system is aligned in all directions and securely fixed with existing bolts.

Video. Steering column adjustment

But it’s worth making a reservation: too low a steering wheel position impairs control over the bike. Luckily, you can easily experiment with handlebar height yourself and for free. We offer you detailed guide on adjusting handlebar height on modern mountain and road bikes that use a threadless stem. If your steering stem is bolted to the fork stem. then most likely you have just such a system, which we will describe below.

We described in detail all the actions using photographs.

Tools you will need to adjust the handlebar height:

The easiest way to adjust the handlebar height is to use special spacer rings, which are usually found on every bicycle.

2. Remove the steering column cover. As a rule, the key is 5mm or 4mm.

4. Decide for yourself what height to lower the stem and remove the appropriate number of rings.

5. Install the stem back onto the head tube and on top put on the rings that you removed from under the stem.

6. Now install the steering column cover and tighten the bolt
until you feel enough resistance. Hang the front wheel by holding the bike by the top tube of the frame and check how smoothly the handlebars rotate. This cap is required to pre-tighten the steering column. Tightening too loose will leave play that can damage the bearings and cups. Tightening it too tightly can impair handling due to insufficient steering rotation. The ideal tightening is when, in the absence of play, the wheel hung at an angle turns under its own weight.

8. Once the handlebars are level, tighten the stem mount to the fork steering tube. Typically a tension of 5-8 Nm is used for this.

10. Now test the new handlebar height, ride a bike.


If the height of the spacer rings is not enough for you, you can simply turn the stem over. Most mountain bikes come with handlebar stems that have a slight rise. You can easily lower the handlebars by simply flipping the stem. It's very simple and the steps above describe how to do it. But in order to turn the stem over, you also need to unscrew the handlebars (usually 2 or 4 bolts on the front of the stem)

11. The bicycle must be securely in place. Remove the stem bolts that secure the handlebars(usually two or four bolts).

13. Remove the stem from the head tube and turn it over. Place it back on the bike, but upside down.

Follow steps 3 to 7 (above) to properly tighten steering column and steering stem.

You can now test the new steering wheel position in action. Handlebar adjustments vary from person to person and can take quite some time to find the perfect fit. But when you achieve what you want, your bike handling skills will improve significantly.

When creating this publication, images from the resource Bikeradar.com were used
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Home » Adviсe " Rings for raising the handlebars on a bicycle. How to raise the handlebars on a mountain bike: useful tips.