Which means the battle has begun. Pandarus breaks his oath

Read the text.

A story about two crayfish.

lay on the seabed

They scratched the soft body, unprotected by armor - the cancer shrank and spun. a plastic tube thrown by someone. One day a hermit crab* appeared near this tube. Apparently, the shell in which he had been living until now became too small for him, and he went in search of a new house.

He liked the pipe. The crayfish walked around her, stuck his mustache into the tube, then one claw, the other... He turned around and, backing away, began to slowly crawl with his belly into the tube. Tube edges

Then a second cancer appeared on the other side of the tube. This one also had no house, and he also liked the pipe. The first hermit was just climbing into the plastic house, and the second was already sitting in it.

After some time, both cancers decided that it was time to go. Both rested their backs against the tube and, clinging to the bottom with their legs, walked.

The tube shook from side to side. The crayfish did not understand anything. They probably thought that someone was holding the phone and wanted to take it away.

Unfortunately, the crayfish turned out to be of the same strength. They dragged each other for a long time, became exhausted and at the same time came to the decision to give up the idea. Both got out - each from their own end of the tube - and, without looking back, went on their way.

According to S. Sakharnov


Hermit * - one who lives in solitude, alone.

Complete the tasks.

What are the texts talking about?

about the beauty of the underwater world

about the life of hermit crabs

about finds on the seabed

about rare sea shells

For what reason in the story about crayfish was the first crayfish looking for a new house?


How do you understand the expression “ went home"?


Indicate the order in which these events occurred. The number 1 is already there, put the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5.

The cancer put its whiskers and claws into the tube.

The first cancer noticed the tube.

The cancer went around the tube.

The cancer turned around.

The cancer began to creep into the tube.

The text says that the crayfish turned out to be of the same strength. What does this prove? Give two examples.


Cancers hung up because

they didn't understand anything

the edges of the tube scratched them

I couldn't pick up the phone

they didn't like the phone

Which title best suits the story of two crayfish?


That's how bully crayfish are!

Where do crayfish spend the winter?

Looking for a new home

Universal actions


Understanding the meaning of the text as a whole.

1, 7

Ability to summarize information and highlight significant features.

Ability to find information given explicitly.

The ability to find arguments to support conclusions

2, 5

The ability to consciously construct a speech utterance in accordance with the goal

Analysis for the purpose of identifying features, summing up the concept.

Read the text.

K. D. Ushinsky

Complete the tasks.



Fairy tales




The cat was playing with the kittens.

The battle between the cat and the eagle began.

The eagle grabbed the kitten.

The cat grabbed the eagle.



6. Title the text.


Read the text.

K. D. Ushinsky

Outside the village, a cat was playing happily with her kittens. The spring sun was warm, and the little family was very happy.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a huge steppe eagle: like lightning, he descended from above and grabbed one kitten. But before the eagle had time to rise, the mother had already grabbed onto it. The predator abandoned the kitten and grabbed the old cat. A battle to the death began.

Mighty wings, a strong beak, strong paws with long, curved claws gave the eagle big advantage: He tore the cat's skin and pecked out one of its eyes. But the cat did not lose courage, grabbed the eagle tightly with its claws and bit off its right wing.

Now victory began to lean towards the cat; but the eagle was still very strong, and the cat was already tired; however, she gathered her last strength, made a deft leap and knocked the eagle to the ground. At that very moment she bit off his head and, forgetting her own wounds, began to lick her wounded kitten.

Complete the tasks.

1. Which collection will you place this work in?


Fairy tales



2. Restore the sequence of events in the story.

The cat was playing with the kittens.

The battle between the cat and the eagle began.

The eagle grabbed the kitten.

The cat grabbed the eagle.

The cat knocked the eagle to the ground.

3. Explain the meaning of the expression “a battle to the death has begun.”


4. Why do you think the cat won?

The cat won because it was stronger than the eagle.

The cat won because she protected her kitten.

The cat won because she was brave.

5. Underline the words in the text that show the relationship of the cat to the kitten.

6. Title the text.


Read the text.

K. D. Ushinsky

Outside the village, a cat was playing happily with her kittens. The spring sun was warm, and the little family was very happy.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a huge steppe eagle: like lightning, he descended from above and grabbed one kitten. But before the eagle had time to rise, the mother had already grabbed onto it. The predator abandoned the kitten and grabbed the old cat. A battle to the death began.

Mighty wings, a strong beak, strong paws with long, curved claws gave the eagle a great advantage: he tore the skin of the cat and pecked out one of her eyes. But the cat did not lose courage, grabbed the eagle tightly with its claws and bit off its right wing.

Now victory began to lean towards the cat; but the eagle was still very strong, and the cat was already tired; however, she gathered her last strength, made a deft leap and knocked the eagle to the ground. At that very moment she bit off his head and, forgetting her own wounds, began to lick her wounded kitten.

Complete the tasks.

1. Which collection will you place this work in?


Fairy tales



2. Restore the sequence of events in the story.

The cat was playing with the kittens.

The battle between the cat and the eagle began.

The eagle grabbed the kitten.

The cat grabbed the eagle.

The cat knocked the eagle to the ground.

3. Explain the meaning of the expression “a battle to the death has begun.”


4. Why do you think the cat won?

The cat won because it was stronger than the eagle.

The cat won because she protected her kitten.

The cat won because she was brave.

5. Underline the words in the text that show the relationship of the cat to the kitten.

6. Title the text.


Read the text.

K. D. Ushinsky

Outside the village, a cat was playing happily with her kittens. The spring sun was warm, and the little family was very happy.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a huge steppe eagle: like lightning, he descended from above and grabbed one kitten. But before the eagle had time to rise, the mother had already grabbed onto it. The predator abandoned the kitten and grabbed the old cat. A battle to the death began.

Mighty wings, a strong beak, strong paws with long, curved claws gave the eagle a great advantage: he tore the skin of the cat and pecked out one of her eyes. But the cat did not lose courage, grabbed the eagle tightly with its claws and bit off its right wing.

Now victory began to lean towards the cat; but the eagle was still very strong, and the cat was already tired; however, she gathered her last strength, made a deft leap and knocked the eagle to the ground. At that very moment she bit off his head and, forgetting her own wounds, began to lick her wounded kitten.

Complete the tasks.

1. Which collection will you place this work in?


Fairy tales



2. Restore the sequence of events in the story.

The cat was playing with the kittens.

The battle between the cat and the eagle began.

The eagle grabbed the kitten.

The cat grabbed the eagle.

The cat knocked the eagle to the ground.

3. Explain the meaning of the expression “a battle to the death has begun.”


4. Why do you think the cat won?

The cat won because it was stronger than the eagle.

The cat won because she protected her kitten.

The cat won because she was brave.

5. Underline the words in the text that show the relationship of the cat to the kitten.

6. Title the text.


Read the text.

K. D. Ushinsky

Outside the village, a cat was playing happily with her kittens. The spring sun was warm, and the little family was very happy.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a huge steppe eagle: like lightning, he descended from above and grabbed one kitten. But before the eagle had time to rise, the mother had already grabbed onto it. The predator abandoned the kitten and grabbed the old cat. A battle to the death began.

Mighty wings, a strong beak, strong paws with long, curved claws gave the eagle a great advantage: he tore the skin of the cat and pecked out one of her eyes. But the cat did not lose courage, grabbed the eagle tightly with its claws and bit off its right wing.

Now victory began to lean towards the cat; but the eagle was still very strong, and the cat was already tired; however, she gathered her last strength, made a deft leap and knocked the eagle to the ground. At that very moment she bit off his head and, forgetting her own wounds, began to lick her wounded kitten.

Complete the tasks.

1. Which collection will you place this work in?


Fairy tales



2. Restore the sequence of events in the story.

The cat was playing with the kittens.

The battle between the cat and the eagle began.

The eagle grabbed the kitten.

The cat grabbed the eagle.

The cat knocked the eagle to the ground.

3. Explain the meaning of the expression “a battle to the death has begun.”


4. Why do you think the cat won?

The cat won because it was stronger than the eagle.

The cat won because she protected her kitten.

The cat won because she was brave.

5. Underline the words in the text that show the relationship of the cat to the kitten.

6. Title the text.


Literary reading, 2nd grade

Eagle and cat.

Outside the village, a cat was playing happily with her kittens. The spring sun was warm, and the little family was very happy. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a huge steppe eagle: like lightning, he descended from above and grabbed one kitten. But before the eagle had time to rise, the mother had already grabbed onto it. The predator abandoned the kitten and grabbed the old cat. A battle to the death began.

Mighty wings, a strong beak, strong paws with long, curved claws gave the eagle a great advantage: he tore the skin of the cat and pecked out one of her eyes. But the cat did not lose courage, grabbed the eagle tightly with its claws and bit off its right wing.

Now victory began to lean towards the cat; but the eagle was still very strong, and the cat was already tired; however, she gathered her last strength, made a deft leap and knocked the eagle to the ground. At that very moment she bit off his head and, forgetting her own wounds, began to lick her wounded kitten.


V ».

A. In summer IN. in autumn

B. in winter G. in spring

_____________________ _________________________________

Eagle wings_________________________, eagle beak_________________________________________,

_______________________ _________________________________

eagle paws____________________________, eagle claws__________________________________________.

____ The cat played with the kittens .

____ The battle between the cat and the eagle began.

The cat grabbed the eagle.

The eagle grabbed the kitten.

The cat knocked the eagle to the ground.

_____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________ _____________________________

But the cat did not lose_______________________, firmly ___________________________________ in


the eagle's claws and _____________________________ its right wing.






one quality of the cat.


Cat (which one?)_______________________________________________________________

one rule.




10 .

Mouse cat

Swallow milk

Bear insects

Key to test work

1. What time of year does the story take place? Select from the options provided and mark “V ».

Answer: G. In spring - 1 point;

0 points – other other.

2. Complete the description of the eagle with words from the text.

Answer:Mighty wings, strong beak, strong paws with long, crooked claws...

4 points

3 points– filled out incorrectly one pass;

2 points- filled out incorrectly two passes;

1 point- filled out incorrectly three passes;

0 points - other other.

3. Place the numbers on the lines as the events occur in the story.

Answer: 1, 3, 4, 2, 5.

2 points– the sequence of events is correct;

1 point– 1–2 mistakes were made;

0 points– more allowed two errors.

4. What role do you think the eagle plays in nature? Write down your opinion.

Answer: The eagle is a predator in nature. He hunts animals.

2 points

1 point admitted errors or absent complete answer.

0 points

5. Write down what the expression “the battle has begun” means.

Answer: fight a lot, etc.

2 points– the answer corresponds to the topic of the question, is correctly formatted (complete answer, no spelling errors);

1 point- the answer corresponds to the topic of the question, but admitted errors or absent complete answer.

0 points– the answer does not correspond to the topic of the question or is missing.

6. Complete the sentences with words from the text.

Answer: But the cat didn't lose courage, strong grabbed it into the eagle with claws and had a snack his right wing.

3 points– filled in the blanks correctly (1 point for each);

2 points– filled out incorrectly one pass;

1 point- filled out incorrectly two passes;

0 points - other other.

7. Which animal in nature do you think is stronger: an eagle or a cat? Write it down.

Answer: eagle.

Why did the weaker animal win the battle? Write your opinion.

Answer: the weaker animal won the battle because it protected its young.

3 points– completed two parts of the question, and in the second part Dan full answer, no errors (spelling, punctuation);

2 points– completed two parts assignments, but mistakes were made when recording;

1 point– ½ of the task completed (only 1 question answered);

0 points– other other

8. Re-read the last paragraph of the text and write downone quality of the cat.

Answer: Cat (which one?)bold, courageous, fearless, courageous, persistent

1 point – one quality is written down that corresponds to the topic of the question;

0 points – other other.

9. The cat protected her kitten, afraid that the eagle would carry away the cub. What should a child do to avoid becoming a victim of kidnapping? Write it down one rule.

Answer: stay close to parents; or do not leave without asking (say where you are going), etc.

2 points– the answer corresponds to the topic of the question, is correctly formatted (complete answer, no spelling errors);

1 point- the answer corresponds to the topic of the question, but admitted errors or absent complete answer.

0 points– the answer does not correspond to the topic of the question or is missing.

10 . Who eats what? Connect with arrows.

Answer: eagle - mice; cat - milk or mice; swallow - insects; bear - honey. 4 points– correctly composed four couples (1 point each);

3 points– correctly composed three couples;

2 points- correctly composed two couples;

1 point– correctly composed one pair;

0 points- there are no true couples.

Results: 24 b. – 22 b. – “5”;

21 b. – 17 b. – “4”;

16 b. – 12 b. – “3”;

11 b. or less - “2”.

To use presentation previews, create a Google account and log in to it: https://accounts.google.com

Slide captions:

All the attractiveness of the earth lies in the animal and plant world. Both worlds have been studied by us almost perfectly, but contact with them always leaves a feeling of mystery. K.G. Paustovsky.

(1824-1870) K.D. Ushinsky - a great Russian teacher

Topic: “Analysis of the story by K.D. Ushinsky "Eagle and Cat"

Know: what a text is, styles and types of speech, topic, main idea of ​​the text. Be able to: determine style, type of speech, topic, main idea; find artistic images and artistic and visual means.

Task 1 Complete the sentence: Outside the village...

Answer Outside the village, a cat was playing happily with her kittens.

Task 2 Start the sentence: ... ... and grabbed the old cat.

Answer The predator abandoned the kitten and grabbed the old cat.

Task 3 Complete the sentence: ... wings, ... beak, ... paws with ..., ... gave the eagle a great advantage.

Answer Mighty wings, a strong beak, strong paws with long, curved claws gave the eagle a great advantage

Vocabulary work Advantage. 1. Benefit, superiority (in comparison with someone - something). Gain superiority. Dictionary S.I. Ozhegova

Artistic visual media Metaphor A battle to the death has begun. The cat did not lose courage. The eagle left the battlefield. Epithets Mighty wings, strong beak, strong paws Comparison Like lightning, he descended from the heights...

Structure of a narrative text Introduction Commencement Development of action Climax Resolution Conclusion

Introduction Outside the village, a cat was playing happily with her kittens.

Outline Suddenly, out of nowhere - a huge steppe eagle. Like lightning, he descended from above and grabbed one kitten.

Development of the action But before he had time to get up, his mother had already grabbed him. The predator abandoned the kitten and grabbed the old cat.

Climax The battle to the death began. Mighty wings, a strong beak, strong paws with long, curved claws gave the eagle a great advantage: he tore the skin of the cat and pecked out one of her eyes. But the cat did not lose courage, grabbed the eagle tightly with its claws and bit off its right wing.

Denouement The eagle left the battlefield...

Conclusion And the cat, forgetting its own wounds, began to lick the kitten.

Quotation outline of the text Outside the village, a cat and kittens were playing merrily. The eagle grabbed one kitten. The cat grabbed the eagle. A battle to the death began. The eagle left the battlefield. The cat was licking the wounded kitten.

Conclusions from the lesson theme of the text - fight between an eagle and a cat style of speech of the text - artistic type of speech - narration artistic images - cat, eagle, kitten main idea - spiritual power is more powerful physical strength artistic and visual means – epithets, metaphors, comparison

Answer the question: How did K.D.’s story make you feel? Ushinsky "Eagle and Cat"?

Finish the phrase: “The lesson gave me the opportunity...”

Homework Write, observing the structural elements of the story, interesting story from the life of animals.


Speech development lesson in 6th grade

"Story Analysis

K.D. Ushinsky

"Eagle and Cat"


Russian language teacher

and literature MBOU

Likhovskaya secondary school

Burakova Elena Viktorovna

H. Likhoy


Objective of the lesson: develop the ability to analyze the text of an artistic style.

Lesson objectives:

  1. educational: organize students’ activities in working with text; update knowledge on the topic and idea of ​​the text, styles and types of speech in practical activities;
  1. developing: create conditions for students to develop the ability to analyze text: draw up a quotation plan, formulate answers in a reasoned and coherent manner; develop students' creative imagination.
  1. raising: to form a desire to use means of expressiveness, to speak and write figuratively and beautifully, to provide conditions for the development of speech culture and a culture of communication in a microgroup; promote children's interest in the animal world.

Students must

  1. know: what is text, styles and types of speech, topic, main idea of ​​the text.
  1. be able to: determine the style, type of speech, topic, main idea; find artistic images and artistic and visual means.

Equipment: portrait of K.D. Ushinsky, texts of the story (Appendix 4), notes on text analysis (Appendices 2,3), presentation (Appendix 1).

Progress of the lesson.

  1. Org moment.

Teacher: "Let's, friends, smile at each other,

We will give smiles to our guests!

Are you ready for the lesson? Then let's get to work.

Good luck to all of you!

  1. Creating an emotional atmosphere.

Teacher: “Today we have a lesson on speech development, and I want to start it with the words of K.G. Paustovsky:All the attractiveness of the earth lies in the animal and plant world. Both worlds have been studied by us almost perfectly, but contact with them always leaves a feeling of mystery(Appendix 1) (slide 1).

  1. Frontal conversation:

Teacher: Do you agree with the opinion of K.G. Paustovsky, that the amazing world of nature is sometimes a mystery to us?

Student answers:“yes”, “probably”, “I don’t know”, etc.

Teacher: And I'm alone mysterious story I want to bring to your attention. It was written by K.D. Ushinsky is a great Russian teacher (slide 2).

  1. Teacher reading the text (with stops).

As you read, questions are asked:

Are you wondering how this story will end?

Teacher: How would you determine the genre of the text you listened to?

Student: This is a story.

Teacher: What is a story?

Student: A story is a short epic work that tells about an important event in the life of a hero.

Teacher: Guys, what do you think the name of the story is?

(Students' answers)

Teacher: The story is called "The Eagle and the Cat." And the topic of our lesson:

“Analysis of the story by K.D. Ushinsky “Eagle and Cat” (slide 3)

What goals would you set for yourself in today's lesson? (slide 4)

Student: We will learn to analyze text: determine the topic, main idea, styles and types of speech; find artistic images and visual means.

Teacher: That's right, guys, but before we analyze the text, we will remember its content. Who will remind you?

(Student answers)

Teacher: Now let's complete the tasks

Task 1 (slide 5)

Complete the sentence:

Behind the village......

Answer (slide 6)

Task 2 (slide 7)

Start a sentence:

… … … and tackled the old cat.

Answer (slide 8)

The predator abandoned the kitten and grabbed the old cat. Task 3 (slide 9) Complete the sentence:... wings, ... beak, ... paws with ..., ... claws gave the eagle a strong advantage.

Answer (slide 10)

Mighty wings, a strong beak, strong paws with long, curved claws gave the eagle a great advantage.

Summing up the completed task (slide 11)

  1. Practical work in pairs.

Teacher: Now let's complete the next task. On your tables in envelopes there is the text of the story, which is divided into parts. You must collect it. Let's remember what text is?

Student: A text is a group of sentences united by a theme and main idea. Sentences in the text are interconnected in meaning and using linguistic means.

Teacher: So, we connect the text fragments into a single whole. Who will do it faster?

(Students collect the text and read it)

Vocabulary work(slide 12)

Teacher: Guys, the meaning of which word is not entirely clear to you? (The word “advantage” has multiple meanings; in the text it is used in the meaning of “superiority”).

  1. Frontal conversation over text.

(During the conversation, students make notes on their worksheets)

Teacher: What is the story about? Decide on a theme.

Student: The story is about a fight between an eagle and a cat.

Teacher: What is the style of this text? Look at the “Speech Styles” memo (Appendix 3).

Student: Artistic style.

Teacher: What is the purpose of the art style?

Student: Influencing the reader with the help of artistic images and artistic and visual means.

Teacher: Name the artistic images that we encounter in Ushinsky’s story.

Student: Images of a cat, eagle, kitten. Teacher: Children, what surprised you in this story? Student: The cat, a small animal, defeated the mighty eagle.

Teacher: How would you title the text?

Student: “Cat”, “Cat and Eagle”, “Fight”.

Teacher: So the cat is stronger? What made her stronger than the eagle?

Student: She loves her kittens. She's a mother.

Teacher: Indeed, her mother's love made her strong in spirit. And how would you formulate the main idea of ​​the story?

Student: Spiritual strength is more powerful than physical strength.

Teacher: I think that the story could have been given other titles: “Mother” or “Fortitude.

Teacher: So, we have determined the topic, the main idea, the style of the text, and found artistic images. This is a cat, an eagle, and a kitten.

Student: Epithets, metaphors, comparisons, personifications.

Teacher: In a word, these are artistic and visual means.

  1. Practical work in groups.

Teacher: Find vivid expressions in the text and correlate them with the main types of visual media.

(The first group is looking for epithets, the second - metaphors, the third - comparisons)

Student answers.

Verification of the completed task (slide 13)

1st group:

Mighty wings, strong beak, strong paws. These are epithets.

Group 2:

"A battle to the death has begun", "The cat has not lost courage""The eagle has left the battlefield". These are metaphors.

Group 3: “Like lightning , he came down from a height and grabbed one kitten.”

"Like lightning ..." is a comparison.

General conclusions of this stage.

Teacher : So, what purpose do artistic and visual media serve?

Student : Artistic and visual means serve to create vivid artistic images.

Teacher : What is the type of speech of this text? Justify.

Student : The type of speech is narrative, as it lists the actions of the eagle and the cat. Events happen sequentially.

Teacher : Name the actions of the eagle and the cat.

Student: The cat played, grabbed it, and had a snack.

The eagle descended, grabbed, grabbed, pecked, abandoned.

Teacher : So, we have proven that this text is a narrative by type of speech, and a story by genre. Name the elements of the story.

Student : Introduction, plot, development of action, climax, denouement, conclusion (slide 14)

Practical work in pairs.

Teacher: Correlate the structural elements with this story (slide 15-20).

Drawing up a quotation plan by students.

Quotation plan (slide 21)

  1. Conclusions from the lesson (slide 22)

Teacher: So, guys, after analyzing the text, we determined that

The theme of the text is the fight between an eagle and a cat

The style of speech of the text is artistic

Type of speech - narration

Artistic images – cat, eagle, kitten

The main idea is that spiritual strength is more powerful than physical strength.

Artistic and visual means - epithets, metaphors, comparisons

Teacher : I return to the epigraph of the lesson, I repeat my question: “Do you agree that the natural world is a mystery to us?”

(Students answer in the affirmative)

Teacher : Yes, guys, for us this amazing and beautiful world is a mystery. This is a miracle that is always nearby. Animals and birds live according to their own laws, which are unusual for us, and sometimes are completely incomprehensible. But this world is structured in such a way that there is nothing superfluous, incorrect or inexplicable in it. And we were convinced of this by reading and analyzing the story of K.D. Ushinsky. You and I can explain and understand why the cat saved its offspring, what made it do it. This is the power of mother's love.

How did this story make you guys feel? (slide 23)

(Students' answers)

  1. Lesson summary:

Teacher: Let's summarize:

What did we learn in the lesson?

Which part of the lesson did you like?

What caused the difficulty?

Finish the phrase: “The lesson gave me the opportunity...” (slide 24)

X. Homework: ( slide 25)

Write, following the structural elements of the story, an interesting story from the life of animals.


Appendix 2.

Types of speech and their structure (construction)

narration (what happened first, what then... and finally)

1. introduction (the place and time of the event that will be told is reported, the characters are introduced)

2. main part (action development):

a) beginning (the moment from which the event begins)

b) action development

c) climax (the moment of the highest intensity of events)

d) denouement (end in development of events)

3. conclusion

  1. description – image of people, objects, animals, nature.

1. beginning (general idea of ​​what is being described)

2. middle part (description of details, parts)

3. ending (relation to what is being described)


Topic of the text: what is the text about?

Main idea (idea of ​​the text): What the author strives to tell the reader, what wants to convince the reader.

The problem is the question , which the author puts in the text.


Epithet – a figurative definition expressed by an adjective in a figurative meaning. For example: golden hands, silver voice, sapphire shadows on the snow, pearl birches, etc.

Personification –attributing living properties to inanimate objects. For example: " the wind has fallen asleep,” “The bird cherry tree is pouring snow,” “The trees are singing, the waters are shining.”

Metaphor – hidden figurative comparison, expressed in the form of a noun, adjective, verb. For example: "The bird cherry tree is pouring snow"“heartbroken”, “blood and milk”, “burning eyes” and etc.

Comparison – a figurative expression built on the comparison of two objects using conjunctions: as, as if, as if, exactly or without conjunctions. For example: " Dawn is like blood on the snow", "Anchar, like a menacing sentry, stands - alone in the whole universe"


Appendix 4

Eagle and cat

Outside the village, a cat was playing happily with her kittens.

Suddenly, out of nowhere - a huge steppe eagle. Like lightning, he descended from above and grabbed one kitten.

But before he could even get up, his mother grabbed him. The predator abandoned the kitten and grabbed the old cat.

A battle to the death began.

Mighty wings, a strong beak, strong paws with long curved claws gave the eagle a great advantage: he tore the skin of the cat and pecked out one of her eyes.

But the cat did not lose courage, grabbed the eagle tightly with its claws and bit off its right wing.

The eagle left the battlefield, and the cat, forgetting her own wounds, began to lick the wounded kitten. (According to K.D. Ushinsky)

Comprehensive test work for the first quarter

studies____2 "a" class__________________________________________

Read an excerpt from Romanovsky’s story “Rus”. What is Rus'? Find and underline the answers. (green)
My landlady Anna Ivanovna once brought a pot of red flowers into the hut. He says, and his voice trembles with joy:
- The flower was dying. I brought it to Rus' - and it bloomed!
- To Rus'? – I gasped.
“To Rus',” the hostess confirmed.
- To Rus'?!
- To Rus'.
- What is Rus'?
- We call Russia a bright place. Where is the sun? Yes, everything is bright, read it, that’s what we call it. Brown guy. Brown girl. Brown rye is ripe. It's time to clean up. Have you ever heard of it?
I can't say a word.
I have tears in my eyes from joy.
Rus' is a bright place!
Rus' is a country of light.
My dear luminous Rus', my Motherland, my Mother!

3.Remember the works of folklore. Fill out the chart.

a) Not a rider, but with spurs, not a watchman, but wakes everyone up.
nursery rhyme

b) The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man.
counting rhyme

5.Read. What work is the excerpt from? Fill in the missing words.
He came home and said to his mother:
- I won't go to school again!
- What will you do?
- Like what? Well, I’ll work as you do.
- By whom?
- By whom? Well, how about you, for example...
And Alyosha’s mother worked as a doctor.

This___________ is from the story of Sergei Alekseevich __________________ “How Alyosha got tired of studying.”

6. Read the titles of the works and the names of the authors. Indicate who wrote what.

“Currant” M. Zoshchenko
“Patch” E. Permyak
“The most important thing” N. Nosov

7. Determine which work the excerpt is from. Mark the answer.
He took a knife and tore off the patch. Then he straightened it and put it on his pants. I traced around the patch with an ink pencil and began to sew it on again. Now he sewed slowly, carefully, and always made sure that the patch did not get out of line.

E. Permyak “Currant”
M. Zoshchenko “The most important thing”
N. Nosov “Patch”

8.Read. Who said this? Mark the answer.
- I will not go with you...
And so that no one would hear, she added to herself: “I will sculpt a bunny.”

Tanyusha from E. Permyak’s story “Currant”.
Katya from the story “Snow Bunny” by V. Suteev

“Little Men” E. Permyak
"Five from One Chest" Brothers Grimm
“Two Proverbs” by H. C. Andersen

10.Read the quatrain from F. Savinov’s poem “Motherland.” Match the rhyming words.

I hear the lark's songs,
I hear the trill of a nightingale -
This is the Russian side,
This is my homeland!

11. Read, underline the names of the heroes of I. Krylov’s fable. Write down the title of the fable.

The luggage would seem light to them:
Yes, the Swan rushes into the clouds,
The cancer moves back, and the Pike pulls into the water.
Who is to blame and who is right is not for us to judge;
Yes, but things are still there.

12. Read the titles of the works. Indicate the work of V. Suteev.

V. Suteev “The most important thing”
"Snow Bunny"
"Fear has big eyes"
"Who is better"

13. Read the works. What is this? Please indicate your answer.

a) The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats;
Whoever undresses him sheds tears.
nursery rhyme
b) There is a riddle at Ivanov’s yard
The water caught fire. fable
The whole village put out the fire,
But the fire was not extinguished.

14. Remember Tolstoy’s name and patronymic. Mark the answer.

Ivan Sergeevich
Nikolai Nikolaevich
Lev Nikolaevich

15. Answer the questions:
Author of the poem “Rus”________________________________________________
Author of the story “Patch”________________________________________________________________
A work of folklore about bogatyrs-heroes is ______________________________
Last name of the fabulist ______________________________________________________________
Author of the fairy tale “Who is better?”_________________________________________________


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